Galactic War - Post ALL Comments Here ***MEGATHREAD*** (GW Threads all Merged here)


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    difficult is one thing, but i am constantly facing impossible teams at gear levels unreachable in the game, i can throw 3 fully geared suicide teams at them and not get an attack off. given how much credits are used for everything and necessary to advance your heroes, more now than ever with mods, this has to be fixed. either reduce the amount of credits needed and keep the completely impossible to beat GWs or drastically increase the amount of credits awarded from every other aspect of the game. its truly disgusting.
  • Hambone
    79 posts Member
    Node 11 beat my entire roster while only being able to take out one of them. That's 5 folks at 7*, level 80, gear 10-11 and a full set of max mk 5 mods; 15 more level 7*, level 80, gear 8+, (with very limited modding), and everyone else.

    So, kill ratio was a total of 46 to 1.

    Clearly, this is working as intended.

    After the last few days, it has become inescapably clear that I have better things to do than be subjected to this under the ruse of "fun."

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    Well it looks like ea doubled down on the challenging GW. When mods came out I thought.. Ok this is fun again. I should be able to start beating GW again. Well that didn't work out but I was having fun again atleast. However now this game is a bigger grind than ever with mods getting nerfed.

    And with me consistently getting hammered at node 6 9 and 12 I am making not enough credits to stay interested. So I am definitely deleting this game.

    I don't think that will impact anyone but this game just got too boring.
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    Nerf rey please hitting for 17-18 k per hit is beyond OP. She destroyed all my characters in stage 12.. All of them..
    With her and the RG.. Could not even come close to winning..
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    So, I had to come here to let you all know, I have invested what I consider to be a reasonable amount of money into your game, and spent a moderate amount of time playing it. I have 15-16 heroes leveled to 7 stars and they're mostly all Jedi/named heroes. I have numerous others that are six and five stars...etc. That being said...The GW is now ridiculously hard...I can't even get past node nine because the team there wipes my teams. ALL my teams. Can we please not be so obvious that we're catering to the elephant spenders and actually keep this enjoyable for myself and the others who play this responsibly? I mean, seriously, this is out of hand...I can't compete at all because I don't have a Rey, a Geonosian Soldier, a Royal Guard, a Leia, and a Teebo all maxed out...because clearly all of these relatively unnamed people could beat the living crap out of my maxed Jedi...let's get real here...Jedi would wreck 3 of these folks one on one, and in a team of Jedi, even worse. Rey might have abilities, but even at 7 stars wouldn't even come close to a maxed out Jedi in combat...then Leia, sure she can fire a pistol and obviously has some force potential, but give me a break...she's untrained in the force too...This team combo wrecks my moderately decent geared Jedi teams--and they will wipe out my entire's ridiculous. I want to like this game still but this is seriously killing it for me. Rey needs a nerf, GW needs a fix. I get you want it hard, but believe me, it was hard enough...I have a ton of heroes leveled and I had to work at it each night...Notice I don't mention gear--because I have reasonable gear. None of my heroes have level 10 gear, but it's way too hard to get gear in this game if you're a reasonable player, with reasonable spending and goals...please balance this a bit...I mean what's going on in your heads? Can you seriously be so about the money you have no heart? This game had some heart to start, that's what attracted me...where did it go? You're losing players like me fast...
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    sorry, but the "tweak" mentioned, isn't accurately reflected in the "new" Galactic War. It ramps up to node 6, then drops a bit for the next few nodes, then is all top arena teams for over 4 nodes, finally ending at un-geared, lv80 characters.

    This is a "mobile" game. I was actually enjoying the 6/15 GW update, as I believe I had developed powerful characters through 8+ months of playing this game, to be able to run through it in a reasonable amount of time.

    It is not fun to fight arena teams over and over. Why couldn't you have each node offer "synergy" teams, or teams from the same race / type? That would have been a great way for players to see how each character functions? There is no "strategy" here that can be developed from a deep roster when all you fight is top teams that were created just for that - Top ranking in Arena.

    There is no "Galactic" in this war - just ridiculous double taunt arena teams.

    How do I upvote?
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    I think if we all decide not to spend any money until they fix GW. Things will change really fast
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    i dont think they are money hungry i think they are just plain stupid. people are just going to quit so the money will stop on it own. the so much neg feedback on this fourm about the game i dont think to many new playrs will join
  • ShawDou
    297 posts Member
    I agree this is ridiculous. My arena power is around 28k and i am 77 lvl. Today i got 80lvl, 34k fully modded gear 9 team. That have maxed skills with omegas (which i cant get yet). How the hell i am supposed to beat that? Noone on my shard even have this kind of team.

    I am actually not looking forward to max level, (something i have never felt in any game so far) because i know it will only get worse.
  • MacKenzie
    31 posts Member
    edited July 2016
    So, in a very early node, what do I get this morning in GW? A lv 80, gear 10, five dot lv 15 mods droid team, hk lead, with engineer... HK was the only one gear 9, and one of his mods was a lowly four dot....

    If that was on nodes 10, 11 or 12, yeah, sure....

    But not even half way through gw? Are you joking?

    This is is also after three teams so stupidly underpowered the BOTTOM of my roster was steam rolling.... toons not even level 40, gear level 7 or less, no ability beyond lv 3, no mods.... steam rolling the competition...

    Whatever recent tweak was made to GW has been incredibly stupid. The last couple days its been like this, three or four incredibly OP teams sandwiched between incredibly weak squads...

    Its not "challenging" to hit stupidly high powered teams in the first half of gw, and likely two or three more in the second half, its frustration and rng shenanigans and most of the top of the roster burned out before node 6... and thats a roster of level 80s, gear 8 or higher, lv 7 on most abilities, many omegas, multiple full maxed mod sets....

    Nor is it challenging to have those powerhouses sandwiched between teams under level 50 that die from a stern glare or harsh word.

    The first half of gw should not have teams far more powerful than your own... nor should they be so far under you that they arent half your levels and gear... Those hard teams should be towards the end, and the easy teams should not be in there at all.

    Is it really this **** difficult to line up just 12 matches somewhere remotely close to our top five toons' or our last arena team's power rating?

  • dough
    641 posts Member
    if 79 pages isn't a megaphone and a direct enough pulse of where 98% of the player base is then nothing is or will be.

    @CG_JohnSalera @CG_Jesse
  • Alexone
    3646 posts Member
    GW is back to hard and tedious after mod nerf just like i suspected. Should've left mods the same.
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    Alexone wrote: »
    GW is back to hard and tedious after mod nerf just like i suspected. Should've left mods the same.

    No, mods were too powerful before the nerf. Even now some of them are too OP like speed one. Secondary speed statuses are enough, primary speed should be removed.
  • Alexone
    3646 posts Member
    Martianski wrote: »
    Alexone wrote: »
    GW is back to hard and tedious after mod nerf just like i suspected. Should've left mods the same.

    No, mods were too powerful before the nerf. Even now some of them are too OP like speed one. Secondary speed statuses are enough, primary speed should be removed.

    Lol. No, mods should be revert to what they were. Not only they were tons of fun, but also they made gw a lot easier. Now it's back to being hard and tedious.
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    Another day, and GW is not being addressed. Players are being ignored deliberately.
    Another day of not putting money, and leaving game rate at 1*.
    Another day closer to leave the game and never play any EA game again.
    Another day suffering the constant lies and mistreat from the company.
    GW is not fun, and despite EA_Jesse stated that making the game fun is the priority, GW is just an painful chore, frustrating, boring and unbalanced, only designed for people with large roosters, not to prove how good people is at strategy.
  • Gankak
    226 posts Member
    Alexone wrote: »
    Martianski wrote: »
    Alexone wrote: »
    GW is back to hard and tedious after mod nerf just like i suspected. Should've left mods the same.

    No, mods were too powerful before the nerf. Even now some of them are too OP like speed one. Secondary speed statuses are enough, primary speed should be removed.

    Lol. No, mods should be revert to what they were. Not only they were tons of fun, but also they made gw a lot easier. Now it's back to being hard and tedious.

    So without your super mods you feel the pain everyone else is feeling. What a pity.
  • Alexone
    3646 posts Member
    edited July 2016
    Gankak wrote: »
    Alexone wrote: »
    Martianski wrote: »
    Alexone wrote: »
    GW is back to hard and tedious after mod nerf just like i suspected. Should've left mods the same.

    No, mods were too powerful before the nerf. Even now some of them are too OP like speed one. Secondary speed statuses are enough, primary speed should be removed.

    Lol. No, mods should be revert to what they were. Not only they were tons of fun, but also they made gw a lot easier. Now it's back to being hard and tedious.

    So without your super mods you feel the pain everyone else is feeling. What a pity.

    I don't feel the pain. I will still be completing gw's everytime, would just be more tedious. What you noobs don't understand is that it took me 3 days to farm mods and i am f2p. So literally everyone could've done the same. Instead of whining and complaining about it on the forums. 3 days of farming to make easier gw's forever is too much? Now that is over with because they nerfed the mods and the droprate.
  • Divona
    117 posts Member
    Today in node 11 I ran into a clone team with B2. I lost 64 toons (44 at 7 stars) and killed 2 of them. Are you freaking kidding me! It isn't supposed to be easy? Is it supposed to suck the life out of me? This update stinks and I hope you get fired for putting out such a **** release.

    Yup thats the hardest team i currently know of. It is P2W team and i see one of them in my server. Cant debuff it, cant speed boost through it while is has also phasma. And they counter with TM gains are insane.
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    2,400 posts totally ignored by EA. And counting.
  • Ybeler
    95 posts Member
    edited July 2016
    .....good bye
  • Gankak
    226 posts Member
    edited July 2016
    Alexone wrote: »
    Gankak wrote: »
    Alexone wrote: »
    Martianski wrote: »
    Alexone wrote: »
    GW is back to hard and tedious after mod nerf just like i suspected. Should've left mods the same.

    No, mods were too powerful before the nerf. Even now some of them are too OP like speed one. Secondary speed statuses are enough, primary speed should be removed.

    Lol. No, mods should be revert to what they were. Not only they were tons of fun, but also they made gw a lot easier. Now it's back to being hard and tedious.

    So without your super mods you feel the pain everyone else is feeling. What a pity.

    I don't feel the pain. I will still be completing gw's everytime, would just be more tedious. What you noobs don't understand is that it took me 3 days to farm mods and i am f2p. So literally everyone could've done the same. Instead of whining and complaining about it on the forums. 3 days of farming to make easier gw's forever is too much? Now that is over with because they nerfed the mods and the droprate.

    I am completing them also I just hated wasting an hour a day for one mode on a crazy mobile game that is supposed to be fun but no longer is!

    Once everyone got mods your GW would have increased and become tedious again. You just enjoyed what the pre-crafters did on gear.

    Doesn't make either right and it is sad that this developer is in over their heads.
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    Add me to the list of about to quit. Gw is joke. Got to last battle. I have around 20 lvl 80 toons. Lost them all and couldnt defeat it. I all for making it hard, but they have made it impossible.
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    I just burned through my entire roster and couldn't even get past Royal Guards protection meter.

    Read that again. I have 25 characters that are gear 7 or higher.
  • leef
    13458 posts Member
    anyone else still getting g4 teams at node 12 ?

    Save water, drink champagne!
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    Add me to the list of not satisfied. This is a mobile game, it should be able to be relaxing and played in chunks of time. GW was fun and hit that mark last week but this week the difficulty is taking it too long. Add to that I have not been able to complete it while spending vast amounts of time trying.

    I am all for a little difficulty but I find that in arena. GW as it is right now is impossible for me to complete. The 12th node is eating through my entire roster before I can even kill 2. Mainly cause RG and Rey..........whole different topic.

    Let's keep GW challenging and fun, not frustrating and impossible.
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    Since you can't out gear, out level, out mod, or out omega galactic war i see no way this will get better unless a huge change is made. Makes no sense to have to have a part of the game that no matter what you do it just gets harder and harder.
  • Alexone
    3646 posts Member
    Urgedgrunt wrote: »
    Since you can't out gear, out level, out mod, or out omega galactic war i see no way this will get better unless a huge change is made. Makes no sense to have to have a part of the game that no matter what you do it just gets harder and harder.

    GW is made this way to slow you down. Part of teh grand scheme!
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    I dont get it... I am level 53, i took every shipment, was top 3 of arena since day 1. I met a level 68 team on the last note today. There is no way i could have played this game differently from day 1 to win this. Even if i had spend 10 bucks a day! I would not have been able to beat this team.
  • Leefx
    12 posts Member
    Meant to be hard? Last 30 GW's I've met teams that kill all my 18 gear 10-11 80's and then 7 of my 70-75's... Their Rey does 56k dmg and I can't even get through ONE of their protection before I'm dead.. This game is dead to me
  • Frank
    5 posts Member
    How is spending hours doing galactic war fun. You all need to figure something out
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