Message from the CM


  • Nyaulas
    16 posts Member
    Hola buenos días @EA_Jesse, escribo en castellano porque mi dominio del inglés nos es suficiente para expresar lo que quiero decir :

    1 - We're looking at Mods, testing them.
    En mi mundo, las pruebas y los test se hacen ANTES de sacar un producto, no después.
    En mi mundo, si un trabajador saca un producto defectuoso al mercado, lo normal es que acabe despedido.
    En mi mundo, si un trabajador comete el mismo error 2 veces seguidas (precaft), lo normal es que acabe despedido
    En mi mundo, no se usa a los clientes como “testers” para que estos gasten su dinero en los “test”
    En mi mundo, no se lanza un producto al mercado para cambiarlo 24 horas después
     En mi mundo, si eso ocurre se rembolsa a los clientes o se les cambia el producto viejo por el nuevo

    2 - If any of the above is done after this posting action will be taken against your forum account
    En mi mundo, no se prohíbe a los clientes quejarse por un producto defectuoso
    En mi mundo, una empresa acepta las críticas para mejorar el producto
    En mi mundo, las empresas no amenazan a sus clientes por quejarse de la mala calidad de un producto
    En mi mundo, cuando una empresa saca un producto defectuoso, lo primero que hace es disculparse y no amenazar
    En mi mundo, la libertad de expresión es respetada (siempre que sea con educación)

    Está claro que EA no es de este mundo,
    No entiendo cómo se puede tener la desfachatez de cometer errores con los que se ha ganado dinero y aprovechar esos errores para ganar más dinero aun.
    No entiendo sr Jesse como puede ser que no haya una disculpa en todo su post

    Espero que aprendan de sus errores porque el KARMA le llega a todo el mundo, tanto personal como profesionalmente.

    Atentamente un cliente enfado y decepcionado que intentara con todas sus fuerzas superar su ludopatía y dejar de dar dinero a una empresa que le maltrata y menosprecia cada día, cada update

    Saludos cordiales

    Google translate :

    Hi good morning @EA_Jesse, I write in Castilian because my English is us enough to express what I mean:

    1 - We're looking at Mods, testing them.
    In my world, the trials and tests are done before bringing a product, not after.
    In my world, if a worker takes a defective product to market, you will usually end up fired.
    In my world, if a worker makes the same mistake two times in a row (precaft), it is normal that end fired
    In my world, it is not used to customers as "testers" so that they spend their money in the "test"
    In my world, it is not a product launches to change 24 hours after
     In my world, if that happens it reimburses customers or they change the old product by the new

    2 - If any of the above is done after posting esta action will be taken Against your forum account
    In my world, not prohibits customers complaining about a defective product
    In my world, a company accepts the criticism to improve the product
    In my world, companies do not threaten their clients complain about the poor quality of a product
    In my world, when a company takes out a defective product, the first thing you do is apologize and not threaten
    In my world, freedom of expression is respected (whenever politely)

    It is clear that EA is not of this world,
    I do not understand how you can have the effrontery to commit errors that has earned money and make those mistakes to win even more money.
    Mr. Jesse, I do not understand how it can be that there is no apology at all in your post

    I hope EA will learn from their mistakes because the KARMA reaches it to everyone, both personally and professionally.

    Sincerely a customer angry and disappointed that tried with all his might overcome his gambling addiction and stop giving money to a company that mistreats and belittles every day, every update

    Best regards
    Traductor de Google per a empreses:Translator ToolkitTraductor de llocs web
  • ukdfink
    148 posts Member
    EA_Jesse wrote: »
    @Bytra and this is the type of post that needs to stop...the joking about being banned or moderated has nothing to do with discussion of the game or feedback.
    Comical ali
  • Options
    @EA_Jesse The only smart thing to do at this point is either

    A) Revert the changes. Get rid of mods and refund everything we spent to upgrade and get them. Then at a way later date reintroduce them after you've actually tested and used them.


    B )Do as above but scrap the whole idea in general... Something like this shouldnt happen until the game is **** near completed. You should have everything tested out, know everything is working accordingly and know that its not going to **** people off because they make something "overpowered."

    Ive played a ton of online games but i've never seen something that could ruin a game overnight and cause people to quit so easily. Everyone who plays this loves Star Wars but you keep pushing people away by not listening to anything anyone says. I mean the biggest issue of credits and GW hasnt been answered in the slightest along side costs and all that.

    This is coming from a HUGE Star Wars fan who loves this game. Fix your money grabbing problems and make this game what it should be and you'll see a ton more happy people along with more players.

    Agree. Get rid of Mods and bring them back MUCH simpler. Like three slots per toon with simple ways of improving their power. Waaaaay to complex now and I've not a frigging clue anymore what is happening with this game. If it wasn't for the Star Wars skin on this we wouldn't even still be here talking about this game but Star Wars branding doesn't guarantee you endless goodwill.
  • Jabba
    1033 posts Member
    Balance in all games is unobtainable but it needs to be as close as you can get it . theres no way your team can be as forgive me for saying this but this stupid . I know that writing all that code takes brain power. So the problem has to be in your testing. I was invited play on test server last game I played and know that there's a endless amount of resources . All test are done with maxed out maxed gear characters which on a test server with un limited supply can obtain in a very short time hours really . Well us players can't do that only the small percentage can get there but even at that takes whales weeks not hours. This update is very good and I'm sure maxed out modded comps against maxed out modded comps works again you guys write all that code you have to be intelligent so I believe that. Problem with this update is you implemented it at the speed of light should have been over months of game play not days . Mods should have been in game at day one by adding in month 9 you negate everything we have worked on since day one. You devalue our gear purchases by stealth nerfing scanners those were just added in shipments just a short time ago how do you expect community to except this. My guild lost 6 people in last 2 days . Discord is lit up with people walking the fine line between staying and quitting as I'm typing this. Mods broke this game response from community in this forum should let you know your testing gave bad results. Guild mate solo heroic today from pigs to the end in 45 minutes that's how broken game is at this point. When testing new content in future need to make sure you don't negate rest of games content . How do we move forward . Mods need to be easier to obtain code a new currency or just use regular energy. By using Cantina energy you broke cantina. Make even easier for u to code make cantina refreshes 50 50 100 100 200 200 like regular energy that would work: credit crunch we need millions upgrade rewards in gw to match level 80 requirements right now it's coded for level 40 . GW would not be a issue if rewards were adjusted with level cap requirements. More credits more toons upgrade equals no problem. Now it's so broken it's not even funny. Fixxing now is so complicated . If was me deciding how to
    Move forward I would just give community resources to mod out 1 squad completely . Have Devs code a new raid tuned to mods . Boost reward system to reflect needs . Doing this addresses gw issue plus precraft 2.0 issue since all will be able compete . Eat the revenue for this you need to regain communities trust . No more new content after this fix bugs on everything else first when that's done let the creativity side open up again on new content. Except mistakes for what they are mistakes were all human and make many . It's respectable facing the crowd with pitchforks in hand my hats off to you just hope that you listened this time . This is a awesome united front from community whales to FTP shows how much this game really means to them don't disrespect that with chewbacca shards .
  • CronozNL
    2869 posts Member
    Can't believe this is the response we get. You guys over their got some serious issues and big cohones threatening us.

    Well f you and your threats. I'm sure Google agrees with me when I phone them explaining your fraudulous practises. It's fraud over and over again. Artificial gaps being created over and over again.
    Product is broken, I don't pay for a microwave to be turned into a refridgerator after 8 months. Deal with it EA or be worst company in 2016 again..
    439-259-888 I have a bad habit of editing my typo's after posting
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    This. Simply this.

    In my very cool guild (DTA), we had 3 quits today due to the mods and I understand them. They where our top players and invested quite some real money in their favorite passtime, and well, you know the rest of the story.

    With all this, I couldn't help but think that a simple 'sorry guys, we goofed up and should have thought longer and harder about the mods before releasing them', would have taken the fire out of the burn inmediately. Just a simple mea culpa and we'll fix it would have kept my guild and many others intact, I'm sure of that.


    @EA_Jesse The only smart thing to do at this point is either

    A) Revert the changes. Get rid of mods and refund everything we spent to upgrade and get them. Then at a way later date reintroduce them after you've actually tested and used them.


    B )Do as above but scrap the whole idea in general... Something like this shouldnt happen until the game is **** near completed. You should have everything tested out, know everything is working accordingly and know that its not going to **** people off because they make something "overpowered."

    Ive played a ton of online games but i've never seen something that could ruin a game overnight and cause people to quit so easily. Everyone who plays this loves Star Wars but you keep pushing people away by not listening to anything anyone says. I mean the biggest issue of credits and GW hasnt been answered in the slightest along side costs and all that.

    This is coming from a HUGE Star Wars fan who loves this game. Fix your money grabbing problems and make this game what it should be and you'll see a ton more happy people along with more players.

    Proud member of BIER DTA.
    DTA_Ovi, ovi/
  • Glory
    23 posts Member
    jerrydough wrote: »
    OK Jesse, constructive criticism for you directly, and not for the dev team:

    You admitted on top that it's been a long time since you've addressed us all without it being a patch note. Isn't that a problem? How about not letting anger fester? When an issue comes up and you get megathreads, how about talking to the community of which you manage? Aren't you getting paid for that? If you aren't, then my bad. But if you are, then you're not doing your job very well.

    Keeping quiet, even if it's your directive from superiors, is not going to make the problem go away. All it does is make people even more upset. For example, saying there are no plans to fix GW as a final decision doesn't sit well with your audience. How about explaining the reasons why you don't think it needs to be fixed? "It's supposed to be hard" isn't an explaination. Besides, if you were really listening to the community, you'd see that it's not just "hard", but rather impossible for a lot of people. Tell us why it's supposed to be impossible.

    Games are supposed to be entertainment, not aggravation. If I dread pushing the icon on my iPad, but do so just to grind out another omega, it's only going to last until I find another game I will actually look forward to playing. You guys have done some really shady and unwise things in the past few weeks (unplayable GW, Mods OP, Mods drop rate nerf after a large group had 100% drop rate, potency nerf), worst of which is this message telling people to shut up. Be careful what you wish for; If you got your way, it means people stopped caring about playing this game and moved on.

    This! Where the heck have you been Jesse?!? Possibly doing the worst job of community manager I've seen on a game forum anywhere. You're never around. The only things we EVER hear from you are (very poor) patch notes, and the occasional reprimand. That's not all that a Community Manager does.

    ...and yes, this update is terrible. It destroyed all balancing. The 'knee-**** reaction fix' 24 hours later made everything much worse. I've lost so many guild members already... Sad...
  • Saetet
    212 posts Member
    Ugh. What a nightmare. My allies are dropping like flies. So, you take the mods out, I precrafted millions and millions worth of credits worth of mods before you nerfed the drop rate. You reset and you dont refund every credit to every single person youre going to have a virtual riot, oh wait, you already are. 500 crystals wont cover this mess up. I stuck with you even though you all ripped me off numerous times on chars that you release then insta nerf, the double transactions on my credit card... all of it.. Pull your bloody head out and do better ffs. I loved this game... sigh.
    And then there were pants...
  • ukdfink
    148 posts Member
    Give me your money.
    Glory wrote: »
    jerrydough wrote: »
    OK Jesse, constructive criticism for you directly, and not for the dev team:

    You admitted on top that it's been a long time since you've addressed us all without it being a patch note. Isn't that a problem? How about not letting anger fester? When an issue comes up and you get megathreads, how about talking to the community of which you manage? Aren't you getting paid for that? If you aren't, then my bad. But if you are, then you're not doing your job very well.

    Keeping quiet, even if it's your directive from superiors, is not going to make the problem go away. All it does is make people even more upset. For example, saying there are no plans to fix GW as a final decision doesn't sit well with your audience. How about explaining the reasons why you don't think it needs to be fixed? "It's supposed to be hard" isn't an explaination. Besides, if you were really listening to the community, you'd see that it's not just "hard", but rather impossible for a lot of people. Tell us why it's supposed to be impossible.

    Games are supposed to be entertainment, not aggravation. If I dread pushing the icon on my iPad, but do so just to grind out another omega, it's only going to last until I find another game I will actually look forward to playing. You guys have done some really shady and unwise things in the past few weeks (unplayable GW, Mods OP, Mods drop rate nerf after a large group had 100% drop rate, potency nerf), worst of which is this message telling people to shut up. Be careful what you wish for; If you got your way, it means people stopped caring about playing this game and moved on.

    This! Where the heck have you been Jesse?!? Possibly doing the worst job of community manager I've seen on a game forum anywhere. You're never around. The only things we EVER hear from you are (very poor) patch notes, and the occasional reprimand. That's not all that a Community Manager does.

    ...and yes, this update is terrible. It destroyed all balancing. The 'knee-**** reaction fix' 24 hours later made everything much worse. I've lost so many guild members already... Sad...
    Glory wrote: »
    jerrydough wrote: »
    OK Jesse, constructive criticism for you directly, and not for the dev team:

    You admitted on top that it's been a long time since you've addressed us all without it being a patch note. Isn't that a problem? How about not letting anger fester? When an issue comes up and you get megathreads, how about talking to the community of which you manage? Aren't you getting paid for that? If you aren't, then my bad. But if you are, then you're not doing your job very well.

    Keeping quiet, even if it's your directive from superiors, is not going to make the problem go away. All it does is make people even more upset. For example, saying there are no plans to fix GW as a final decision doesn't sit well with your audience. How about explaining the reasons why you don't think it needs to be fixed? "It's supposed to be hard" isn't an explaination. Besides, if you were really listening to the community, you'd see that it's not just "hard", but rather impossible for a lot of people. Tell us why it's supposed to be impossible.

    Games are supposed to be entertainment, not aggravation. If I dread pushing the icon on my iPad, but do so just to grind out another omega, it's only going to last until I find another game I will actually look forward to playing. You guys have done some really shady and unwise things in the past few weeks (unplayable GW, Mods OP, Mods drop rate nerf after a large group had 100% drop rate, potency nerf), worst of which is this message telling people to shut up. Be careful what you wish for; If you got your way, it means people stopped caring about playing this game and moved on.

    This! Where the heck have you been Jesse?!? Possibly doing the worst job of community manager I've seen on a game forum anywhere. You're never around. The only things we EVER hear from you are (very poor) patch notes, and the occasional reprimand. That's not all that a Community Manager does.

    ...and yes, this update is terrible. It destroyed all balancing. The 'knee-**** reaction fix' 24 hours later made everything much worse. I've lost so many guild members already... Sad...

    Been on a work jolly in London
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    I am speechless.. Still no Update notes about the "Let's make everything about the mods 100 times worse update".. instead our beloved CM dares to post such a message.

    If you would tell somebody outside the game what EA managed to do the last few days nobody would ever believe you. They should make a movie about it.
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    Just revert the changes from yesterday. Giving back potency, especially for raids, and 100% drop rates on mods. That would be a sign that you actually listen to the players of the game. No one is happy with yesterday's changes!
  • BlazeSA
    134 posts Member
    The drop rates should never had been 100% in the first place, some where lucky enough to get this benifit while others are sadly lacking behind now.
  • KingPin
    522 posts Member
    edited July 2016
    Hi @EA_Jesse

    The community called out all the problems prior to the actual update because we could see them coming, ok some in jest but nobody every expected the extreme nature of what they would do, and worse the problems further created after the update

    people who have experienced such things in other games also said this is the wrong direction to take. You don't need thing like this to add longevity there are other ways such as team synergies, balancing (that anakin buff was needed in a few more toons too, but it was gratefully received), add new modes, a new raid etc

    What made this game great was the simple nature of it...I got players from the Star Wars lore I loved and they had their own base stats and one type of upgrade through gear which for all the modes and playing we worked to unlock as a community that was great.

    MODs have added an element of complexity that didn't need to be there it won't change anything, people with still naturally follow as sheep someone who has found the best set of mods to place on a character, next everyone has those set of mods (even if slightly different through RnG

    I went through the acceptance curve once before on your protection update, but I'm afraid to say on this one I can't accept it not even a little...I can't even be bothered to log in and collect my raid reward all enjoyment has gone a December player who has loyally given you guys money and played daily since December 2015
  • Asic
    1146 posts Member
    Credits- you made them easier to get but increased demand aignificantly with cost to level mods. Fail.

    GW- still takes too long. Fail.

    Anakin- updated one toon after over four months (thinking ahsoka and mace were ones precious). Fail.

    Guilds- still internally competitive. Fail.

    Alt accounts / guild hopping - still encouraged even more so via gear donations. Fail.

    Raids - you made them easier with mods. Fail.

    Mod introduction- created precraft 2.0 with changing drop rates and increasing cost to level. Fail.

    Bugs - finally stunned toons can't dodge. Teebo still broke. Still going Fail.

    Thats a flavor of how recent studies show that the player base has NOT been listened too. Good effort trying to communicate now, though.
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    I'm not going to come on here and bash y'all for trying to improve your game. But like Ian Malcom once said, "you only thought about if you could. You never thought about if you should."

    The intent for the mods is a good idea. Allow players to modify and customize their roster to tweak and make enhancements to their roster. But what you gave us is a steroid filled rage fest of epic proportions. Normally, I just keep on plugging on, but this change made me create an account to voice my opinion. I've been playing since November and have only spent about 40$ on this game. I'm in a guild that has hemorrhaged good players simce this last update at an epic pace.

    If you want this game to wither and die, just keep doing what you are doing. If you want it to succeed, heed my advice.

    1. Mods should give a slight modification to a player, not a total overhaul. As it stands, mods have negated 8 months of effort in one fell swoop. Omegas no longer matter, raid gear is next to worthless, all that matters is your mods. Think you're well off with 6x lvl 15 1 dot mods? Go up against one with 6 maxxed five dots and tell me if you feel the same. A mod should be the equivalent of giving someone an extra star. A 6* fully modded Rey should be able to hold he own against a 7* unmodded Rey. That 6* Rey shouldn't be able to kill 5 unmodded player without any assistance. But how it exists today, that is the case.

    You made the mods 10x stronger than you should have, so divide the power by a factor of 10, and the mods will have the desired effect. I saw a Barriss with +50,000 extra protection today. I don't have that, so I'm screwed. But if it is 5,000 protection, I may take on that player and think I have a chance with proper strategy. By making them 10x stronger than necessary, you've taken out the strategy and turned it into a game most people cannot compete.

    2. Make the cost of the mods more understandable. How many 10x purchases will it take to upgrade a mod piece? Just change it to where training droids upgrade the mods. That's an understandable function. And for God's sake, make it reasonable to upgrade. It should not take upwards of 300k or more to upgrade a mod.

    3. Return the potency to before. You promised us certain stats for months if we worked hard to achieving those goals. Then you change it suddnely without warning? Thanks. I may have spent up to 45 days trying to farm one 50x item....

    4. Change the reward system to something we can select. Random unfarmable gear is extremely frustrating. I haven't gotten a furnace or droid caller since mid-june. I had over a hundred of something else i couldn't even use. Let us pick from a shop with credits ONLY found from rewards from raids. Not the coins, but something specifically for gear.

    5. Gw is supposed to be a challenge. I get it. But it is not supposed to be impossible. After fighting through 11 stages, my entire roster might be off protection and I'm expected to kill a behemoth with 250,000 cumulative hp with each of their players capable of one-shotting my toons? I call **** on that. I think my first suggestion would go a long way to fix that...

    6. You've given us more credits in GW, but you've negated the final stage which is impossible to get. Now we have a new credit problem in mods that cost a fortune to build. Before we had to chose between levels, stars, or gear. Now you've added mods to that credit crunch. See the problem? Every GW node should give at least 15% more each node and there should be more events like the scoundrel event. Not everyone has enough scoundrels to get there, and now they can't farm them because they have to do mod fights, and they can't upgrade them to get the rewards because they have to spend all that money on the mods they get. See the catch-22 now? I hope so, because that's why one of my friends left.

    7. Give more cantina energy. This can be done in 4 ways.
    A. Make the refreshes cost the same as the normal energy. 50-50-100-200 ect.
    B. Make the refresh rate faster. Every 6 or 8 minutes would be nice. Final fantasy does energy refreshes every 6 mins, why can't Star Wars?
    C. Give us 25 bonus cantina energy the same time you give us 45 normal energy.
    D. Make the mod energy come from a separate pool of energy with its own refresh rate and cost.

    8. Mods primary benefit should be derived from it's classification. If it is a speed node, speed should be it's first and primary benefit, health should be health and so on. Like with the mods themselves, the bonuses should be decimated as well (1/10th of what it is now) into the single decimal bonuses. Its fine for secondary bonuses to be random, but the primaries should be the type if mod it is derived from.

    9. For God's sake, do something with the rewards from the daily challenges. Change them up. Everyone has more than 1000 useless items from every daily fight. Maybe it's time to put some raid gear in there since just about everyone needs a V Droid caller or Fusion Furnace. If not them, then how bout some holo projectors or bacta gels.

    And for the gear we already have more than we've ever needed, how about giving us an exchange system. Perhaps for every 10 or 15 purple items you trade in, you can select 1 of another purple item. You did it for shards. Why not items?

    If not that, then just let us sell the buggers. Even at 250 a pop, its still 250k in out pocket, helping with the credit problems.

    10. Return the Rancor Raid back to what it was before. Make a hard version of the Raid with better rewards if you want, but many people in my guild don't have the power to handle the boost the Rancor got. We've spent months on building characters to fit a strategy and in one fell swoop, you changed the strategy.

    If you want to prevent one person from finishing a raid solo, let the guild leader set a raid damage limit. Once they reach that limit, all players remaining alive automatically retreat. This lets the guild leader keep control of how much damage everyone does.

    Believe me when I saw this, you've done a LOT RIGHT with the new update, but you were too amitious and didn't stop to think if things should go that far.

    I'm gonna give you at least August

    If you don't fix this by then, I'll sadly follow everyone else to Pokemon.
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    Acknowledging problems with a new update. In my experiences with developers/promoters that's a definite positive. Guys problems,bugs,etc will always occur in new software/updates. I would like to see more feedback on existing bugs(stealth and GW being the primary for my squads) but I'm willing to give the benefit to the developer as long as we receive acknowledgement of the problems and timely responses to our feedback. This thread is a starting point that could lead to a great game. Now before I get bashed I'm not affiliated with the promoters/developers, I do and have spent money on the game but wouldn't consider myself a whale by any means. I play A) It's Star Wars! B) There is actually some depth to the game it's not completely dependent on the name.It's a game enjoy it or move on.

  • ElleAndomar
    117 posts Member
    edited July 2016
    Don't speak your mind. We created a game expressly intended to milk thousands of dollars from the rich or possibly stoopid. And then we yanked the rug. But don't speak your mind.

    You have been warned.
  • Mokkal
    21 posts Member
    Alalalalala Jesse !!

    Il ne faut pas agresser la communauté en tentant de les censurer car ils ne font que rapporter les choses avec leurs ressentis.
    Pour vous féliciter, vous êtes content mais quand il s'agit d'un réel soucis, vous tentez de censurer. Grossière erreur de ne pas laisser les gens s'exprimer afin de vous tourner les pouces en sirotant un Malibu Ananas !!
  • Zelrish
    7 posts Member
    edited July 2016
    Here is a constructive answer if anyone reads it :

    The mods should have been and should still be a TWEAK for characters.
    In the current situation the mods are representing 80% of a toon power. Which, by the way is not at all represented in the toon actual power value.

    The set effects of mods were a good idea and are probably still.
    The huge problem are the stats that are given by them. it's WAY TOO MUCH. We wanna be able to tweak a char by making them focus on potency or speed, or crit hit rate / crit dmg.
    We wanna take what lacks to a toon and boost it with mods (like the devs cannot apparently balance the game themselves). We wanna be able to make a toon focus on something specific.

    But that's not what is happening, instead they get huge boosts on every stats possible. I feel like like specific gain was nonetheless the original idea. But someone with a really **** idea and apparently high in the chain of command, decided to add **** tons of stats and PERCENTAGES... Whyyy ??? Percentages are game breaking. Point.
    Percentages on set effects, ok why not, maybe, gotta see how it works out. But not on the mods themselves !!

    So here you have it : Dramatically reduce the amount of stat generated by mods and suppress or devide by 10 at least percentages effects. (I mean, come on, just look at the stats gained when gaining 1 lvl on a char, and the amount given by a mod)

    PS : On another note, please fix someday the damages formulaes between a char stats and his dmg output.
    Best example at same stats : Rey and the Magma Trooper.
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    It's just that simple.
    Zelrish wrote: »
    Here is a constructive answer if anyone reads it :

    Proud member of BIER DTA.
    DTA_Ovi, ovi/
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    Not everyone dislikes the mods but the majority rule so it is what it is but I would just like to say that there is essays on this page full of how people what the game to be and what they want added and I think that is the problem because its just overbearing and the real issues get missed.

    I think people need to understand this is not our game the developers already have a plan and we need to be telling them what is wrong with the game now so we can have an enjoyable game but that's just my opinion.
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    Tisikotka wrote: »
    EA_Jesse wrote: »
    please stop with the troll posts

    Is this guy for real!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?!

    You roll untested update (clearly seen from the tests and adjustment coming after its live... not on the test phase, but on the mandataroy update phase.

    You add, items, that efectivly upgrade the strenght of a toon to 300% (in our guild we did the math, a full 5x15 mods toon = 10*, g17 toon.

    Like seriously, not a single one of the dev or QA team, havent noticed that you can go full Offens/Crit mod build on a character (lets say RAY) Increasing her dmg on basic from 4-5k, on 30k allways crit, with ~50k prot/health combined and 30 increase on speed? And she wold 45-50k one shot anything on her specials? Or a 120k hp/prot 5555 Fives, who would wipe single handedly 7*, g 10 unmodded teams, hitting twice for 10k/hit ?!?!?!? If no one saw that - fire your entire QA and game design teams, really. If you knew about it and roll it - fire everyone.

    Same stuff with hero power ratings - mods increase actual power by huge percentage (rougly 30 for a single mod, before all possible set bonuses) yet the actual increase in power for the toon, in terms of how game will rate it in Arena and GW is mere 2-3% !?????????????????

    You didnt made it so those mods will acurately reflect the strenght of a toon, making the power rating of a team false and ruining the GW and arena as well (a 30k team can range in real power, provided by mods from 32k to 80k ffs) producing 60 lvls modded Rays one-shoting for 50k dmg a 7*, g10 STH?!?! (yeah that is real)

    Your crysis managment concluded to crating "precraft v2", actually hindering the chance for not whales to catch up on the mods?!?!?!?!?!?!?! Like - whoever got the mods - good for him, now we will hinder all ways to actually catch them up, and praise them the kings of everything for the next half of year.

    20% of my guild insta quited, most of the others are on the verge of quiting.

    The jawa challenge is actually trolling, and only shows how little to none basic cognitive functions your marketing team has.

    And you come here asking to self censure us, and not saying the truth?





    As a part of the gaming industry, working for CryTek and UBISOFT for the last 8 years I can share one more thing.

    What you did to the game with the last patch shows nothing but ignorance and lack of comunication, long term planing and strategy between your game designer, PR, dev and marketing teams.

    Telling people who are furious, to how you diminished all of theri funds in the game to tone down and stop the critics is the wors thing you can do to settle things down. If our community manager did that, we would be our EX whatever manager by the end of the week.

    Bravo good sir. Bravo.

    The arrogance by Jesses post, even if he is just the messenger, is AMAZING to see. I am beyond baffled.
  • Saraleb
    2070 posts Member

    Wow lots of posts, cant say ive read them all and I wont go on for long as I'm sure its all been said... so just a few bullet points from a ftp/dolphin playing since January

    1. The first thing that grabbed me about this game and the pure enjoyment was collecting new chars.. current state of the game it is IMPOSSIBLE to start a new char from scratch

    2. Credit Crunch... these latest updates only made it worse but this has been around for a long time now. Wont bother giving the potential reward figures in everything VS what it costs to lvl/promote/mod a player as has been stated before.. this argueably is the biggest issue in the game

    3. GW... Again been around as an issue for a long time now, I actually thought it got fixed a few weeks ago.. hard, a challenge but not impossible.. this was effectively reversed with these updates. And of course the rewards terrible seeing its main source of credits

    4. Mods... tbh after the first update I was starting to enjoy them.. Im not sure how sustainable they could have been as any new raid/event brought to the game would have had to of been ridiculous hard level as every char would have a cape and big S on there chest. Update 2 compunded the issue and I really fail to understand the logic.

    5. Transparency... Its all very well getting patch notes but there isnt one player that notices something else has changed after.. this is either a stealth patch or very bad coding of adding one thing and breaking something else

    There is lots more but as I started with im sure its all been said by now but wanted to throw in my thoughts.

    Truly hope the game gets fixed, I have been addicted to it since I started (constant "Get of your phone" from my wife will testify to that) and would really like to continue by swgoh adventure

  • Options
    EA_Jesse wrote: »
    @C3POwn community asked for Jedi Knight Anakin to be adjusted, so we did. There's the 1 you asked for!
    Sure and by doing so increased your income by players who will gear him up or try unlocking him, that post Jesse is you pretty much laughing at our faces.

    We never asked for Mods and if so not so unbalanced ones, we asked GvG we asked new features like starship or better GW, we asked to fix the current problems not creat new ones = new way to grab cash

    At least be honest man.
  • Options
    Here is a vote and I think there is many of us who like the mods and it is a way for new players to catch the people that have been playing for months. For EA to give in because some of the original players get upset shows short sightedness. This type of anger is not new for enhancements. Supercell made major changes to Clash of Clans. For months everyone said they would leave the game and never come back. They introduced new characters, new levels, completely changed the balance of characters.

    But then guess what... New players came, old players came back, and today they are even bigger than before.

    I am in the software development space. Many times we have to change our products and the customer doesn't like it. But we have a plan and a reason and people come around. The absolute worst thing to do is try to undo what you have developed. You don't empower you user base you make it a mob.

    1. New players will not join
    2. Although they have "won" old players will want compensation and will not spend anymore
    3. Future development will need the user stamp of approval or you will get this same response again
    4. Current players who invested heavily in mods will not be happy when they are nerfed and they will have an actual cause for refund

    Have some courage. Weather the storm. From a revenue perspective this game is a minor blink on your P/L but the precedent you are setting letting your product be run by the mob is really going to be what kills your game.

    Everyone will be happy for 3-6 months then it will be over.
  • Options
    ChrisZovy wrote: »
    Here is a vote and I think there is many of us who like the mods and it is a way for new players to catch the people that have been playing for months. For EA to give in because some of the original players get upset shows short sightedness. This type of anger is not new for enhancements. Supercell made major changes to Clash of Clans. For months everyone said they would leave the game and never come back. They introduced new characters, new levels, completely changed the balance of characters.

    But then guess what... New players came, old players came back, and today they are even bigger than before.

    I am in the software development space. Many times we have to change our products and the customer doesn't like it. But we have a plan and a reason and people come around. The absolute worst thing to do is try to undo what you have developed. You don't empower you user base you make it a mob.

    1. New players will not join
    2. Although they have "won" old players will want compensation and will not spend anymore
    3. Future development will need the user stamp of approval or you will get this same response again
    4. Current players who invested heavily in mods will not be happy when they are nerfed and they will have an actual cause for refund

    Have some courage. Weather the storm. From a revenue perspective this game is a minor blink on your P/L but the precedent you are setting letting your product be run by the mob is really going to be what kills your game.

    Everyone will be happy for 3-6 months then it will be over.

    Does EA pays u well to type this posts my friend(with 3 posts only that cries "im a CG employee")?
  • Asic
    1146 posts Member
    ChrisZovy wrote: »
    Here is a vote and I think there is many of us who like the mods and it is a way for new players to catch the people that have been playing for months. For EA to give in because some of the original players get upset shows short sightedness. This type of anger is not new for enhancements. Supercell made major changes to Clash of Clans. For months everyone said they would leave the game and never come back. They introduced new characters, new levels, completely changed the balance of characters.

    But then guess what... New players came, old players came back, and today they are even bigger than before.

    I am in the software development space. Many times we have to change our products and the customer doesn't like it. But we have a plan and a reason and people come around. The absolute worst thing to do is try to undo what you have developed. You don't empower you user base you make it a mob.

    1. New players will not join
    2. Although they have "won" old players will want compensation and will not spend anymore
    3. Future development will need the user stamp of approval or you will get this same response again
    4. Current players who invested heavily in mods will not be happy when they are nerfed and they will have an actual cause for refund

    Have some courage. Weather the storm. From a revenue perspective this game is a minor blink on your P/L but the precedent you are setting letting your product be run by the mob is really going to be what kills your game.

    Everyone will be happy for 3-6 months then it will be over.

    I respect your point of view and I believe that's how CG/EA is thinking.... The think they can give it time and let it blow over. But all these cash grabs look desperate to me, and they are going to see a large drop in revenues in next 2 months. Then it's highly likely they just hit the off switch in 3-6 months.
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    I know this is flooded with posts and hat you have to get answers. As someone who has paid much more than I ever should have or intended to I would appreciate an answer or an update note to yesterday's update.

    I understand that you are out of pocket but 16pages in one thread and minimal developer feedback tells me exactly how much the developers care. Now I know that you guys are pulling late hours but I ask that someone even an intern come to the forums and help enhance our understanding as to what is unfolding and has unfolded.

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    EA_Jesse wrote: »
    I am speaking with the dev team about all of your concerns, including the 100% drop rate on the 5* Mods. I can't give additional details if I don't have them, I'm waiting on more that I can share with you all.

    All you really have to do is to START Listening.
    The real investors in this game are the players. Not the ones owning shares of EA.
    How would you feel if i gave you 100 $ for a job when next day you wake up and those 100 dollars are worth 50$ because i feel like it? Ok it might be even allright if you told me abaut it.
  • Options
    EA_Jesse wrote: »
    @C3POwn community asked for Jedi Knight Anakin to be adjusted, so we did. There's the 1 you asked for!

    Thank you for this by the way!!
    Still waiting on that edit forum profile setting so I can change my name...
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