Message from the CM


  • five2zero
    512 posts Member
    edited July 2016
    EA_Jesse wrote: »
    @Bytra and this is the type of post that needs to stop...the joking about being banned or moderated has nothing to do with discussion of the game or feedback.

    Sorry, but thats your fault, you totally ignore the community. Nearly no bugfixing, with each update more and more bugs. A totally unbalanced gameplay, a totally rigged AI.
    What do you expect?
    Now you gave the whales all the mod they wanted and all other get a kick in the balls.
    What is the next idea you have? I know, millions of credits, crystals and energy spending on Mods will be worthless.

  • BlazeSA
    134 posts Member
    Do not go gentle into that good night,
    Old age should burn and rave at close of day;
    Rage, rage against the dying of the light.

    Though wise men at their end know dark is right,
    Because their words had forked no lightning they
    Do not go gentle into that good night.

    Good men, the last wave by, crying how bright
    Their frail deeds might have danced in a green bay,
    Rage, rage against the dying of the light.

    Wild men who caught and sang the sun in flight,
    And learn, too late, they grieved it on its way,
    Do not go gentle into that good night.

    Grave men, near death, who see with blinding sight
    Blind eyes could blaze like meteors and be gay,
    Rage, rage against the dying of the light.

    And you, my father, there on the sad height,
    Curse, bless, me now with your fierce tears, I pray.
    Do not go gentle into that good night.
    Rage, rage against the dying of the light.

    This ")
  • ictoanen
    7 posts Member
    edited July 2016
    From reddit:
    [–]ResidentExpert2 2 điểm 3 giờ trước*
    How the last day has gone so far:
    CG: We've heard you have some problems with this update. We are aware of your concerns of being left behind. Don't worry, we're working on something that will help...[10 seconds later]...Alright, we've heard your problems, and we're listening. So here's what we're going to implement. Once the whales have 2 days to farm these mods like crazy, and you've had the chance to maybe get one or two, we're going to reduce the drop rate.
    CG: Oh we're sorry you're having troubles. To make it up to you, now the T5 mod battle will drop T3 and T4 mods too, so you probably won't even get T5 when you get a mod.
    CG: By the way, the way credits were being used was inconsistent for leveling mods, so we're going to fix that too.
    Players: That sounds like a good change actually, than.....OH **** OFF. YOU JUST DOUBLED THE CREDIT COST TO LEVEL A MOD UP. WHAT THE ACTUAL LIVING **** ARE YOU DOING?
    CG: Hey, don't worry about it, we're totally going to increase the amount of credits you get from GW. It will totally help...[increases credits by 20%]
    CG: We have a new system in place where you can mod your character to improve their strength by orders of magnitude, you should try that.
    CG: Oh, I should mention that it uses Cantina energy, so at most you can get 7 battles a day in. Good luck! You can get more by spending crystals to refresh.
    CG: Well naturally, the battles are hard, so they count as hard mode battles, not cantina battles. This is working as intended.
    CG: Please enjoy these 20 Chewie shards!

    I literally bursted out laughing reading this ol

    This, 100%!

    Here are a couple of things keeping me from enjoying the game these days:
    - Challenges and daily activity rewards include credit rewards which are like 300 or so credits. This is completely useless.
    - Credit rewards in GW have increased but not proportionally to the increased costs of leveling mods.
    - Mods have tiers and a quality grade. It is overly complicated, was just having 7 tiers not enough?
    - Precraft 2.0, how anyone thought it was a good idea to decrease the drop rate and increase the costs of leveling mods up after 2 days is beyond me. It seems like common sense that this is a very, very bad idea.
    - GW is impossible to complete due to mods not counting towards squad rating and thus a huge mismatch in power between GW teams and the player. This making the credit crunch worse as it has become nearly impossible to finish GW.
    - Cantina energy regenerates too slow, why not at the same speed as the regular energy? Or at least give some cantina energy throughout the day.
    - You say you're testing changes to mods. This only increases the uncertainty of what will happen. Is all the effort and resources I put into mods now going to be invalidated once you guys think you have a solution to this royal cluster***k?
    I have a bad feeling about this - Han Solo
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    Did I mention, please bring back the original potency. Players paid money for the scanners, that are now useless compared to mods. Revert to old potency.
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    The game isn't fun anymore. I can no longer play the entire game with the resources you have given us. Galactic war is unbeatable. Squad cantina is played 3 times to get the daily reward. I have no idea why i should work on gear because mods do the same thing. I don't care about new characters because i can just make the ones i have powerful, so abilities mean less for all damage abilities. The game no longer has a structure. Each piece helped build the characters, now none of them matter as much. I've been on since the start, nearly every day, but I'm leaving soon if this isn't corrected.
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    ChrisZovy wrote: »
    Here is a vote and I think there is many of us who like the mods and it is a way for new players to catch the people that have been playing for months. For EA to give in because some of the original players get upset shows short sightedness. This type of anger is not new for enhancements. Supercell made major changes to Clash of Clans. For months everyone said they would leave the game and never come back. They introduced new characters, new levels, completely changed the balance of characters.

    But then guess what... New players came, old players came back, and today they are even bigger than before.

    I am in the software development space. Many times we have to change our products and the customer doesn't like it. But we have a plan and a reason and people come around. The absolute worst thing to do is try to undo what you have developed. You don't empower you user base you make it a mob.

    1. New players will not join
    2. Although they have "won" old players will want compensation and will not spend anymore
    3. Future development will need the user stamp of approval or you will get this same response again
    4. Current players who invested heavily in mods will not be happy when they are nerfed and they will have an actual cause for refund

    Have some courage. Weather the storm. From a revenue perspective this game is a minor blink on your P/L but the precedent you are setting letting your product be run by the mob is really going to be what kills your game.

    Everyone will be happy for 3-6 months then it will be over.

    Even if you are correct - from my experience you are not the players leave and move on, often as a group, and if they do return they don't aim to be top or spend...

    The worst time to anger your entire user base would be when an even more popular franchise releases a mobile game the world has been desperate for. Those who leave now will never return.

    And you're right. On it's current trajectory the game will be over in 3-6 months.

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    I had a fully modded arena team with health and defense mods ranging from1 to 5 stars and managed to take #1 then 24 hrs later people have all 5 star mods across all mod types and I last like 30 seconds in arena. After the first match the first thing I did was uninstall. The way mods have been done is beyond wrong and just seems a blatant money grab. Goodbye and thanks for the fish.
  • Options
    Do not go gentle into that good night,
    Old age should burn and rave at close of day;
    Rage, rage against the dying of the light.

    Though wise men at their end know dark is right,
    Because their words had forked no lightning they
    Do not go gentle into that good night.

    Good men, the last wave by, crying how bright
    Their frail deeds might have danced in a green bay,
    Rage, rage against the dying of the light.

    Wild men who caught and sang the sun in flight,
    And learn, too late, they grieved it on its way,
    Do not go gentle into that good night.

    Grave men, near death, who see with blinding sight
    Blind eyes could blaze like meteors and be gay,
    Rage, rage against the dying of the light.

    And you, my father, there on the sad height,
    Curse, bless, me now with your fierce tears, I pray.
    Do not go gentle into that good night.
    Rage, rage against the dying of the light.

    Got to love a bit of Elegy by Dylan Thomas.
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    The problem behind all the trouble (GW, mods, etc.) is that the devs have lacked communication between the users.

    They should have addressed how much credit could be earned, how nodes will transition in GW in ball park figures, or using multiple screenshots, instead of explaning vaguely by just words.

    As for mods, a screenshot was posted less than a week before its introduction, giving users very little time to discuss and adapt. Sudden changes such as these should have been presented step by step, say like in about a month, in order to avoid the certain amount of shock and rejection that we're experiencing right now.

    Another problem is that, every new thing that's coming out is posted only in English. Devs' mesages are translated across the globe among communities very fast so no official translation is neede, but some things are lost in translation; and it does take a while to digest what will happen in the future. So the Devs should take more time for their messages to spread around, which should make their actions more cautious.

    Presentation of a roadmap of what will be introduced in the next few months will also be helpful, because lack of it just causes anxiety. I mean, most game developers have done this sort of thing in a breeze, and what I have addressed is merely common sense.

  • BlazeSA
    134 posts Member
    Do not go gentle into that good night,
    Old age should burn and rave at close of day;
    Rage, rage against the dying of the light.

    Though wise men at their end know dark is right,
    Because their words had forked no lightning they
    Do not go gentle into that good night.

    Good men, the last wave by, crying how bright
    Their frail deeds might have danced in a green bay,
    Rage, rage against the dying of the light.

    Wild men who caught and sang the sun in flight,
    And learn, too late, they grieved it on its way,
    Do not go gentle into that good night.

    Grave men, near death, who see with blinding sight
    Blind eyes could blaze like meteors and be gay,
    Rage, rage against the dying of the light.

    And you, my father, there on the sad height,
    Curse, bless, me now with your fierce tears, I pray.
    Do not go gentle into that good night.
    Rage, rage against the dying of the light.

    This ")
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    What **** came up with the brilliant idea of mods being more powerful than the gear it's supposed to be modding?
  • Go_Blue
    95 posts Member
    edited July 2016
    I really hope @EA_Jesse, @CG_JohnSalera, @CG_NotReallyAJedi have read this thread and really taken it to heart. Yes, there are some angry (and perhaps inappropriate) posts, but largely it is made up of very lengthy, very constructive, and very passionate suggestions from people who love this game.

    Hopefully, when changes are announced today, they will address many of the points raised in this thread. And most importantly, hopefully they will be player friendly. The changes first announced and implemented yesterday were not player friendly. They increased the costs of upgrading mods by double, made mods much more difficult to acquire, and did not address the cantina energy and pre crafting concerns at all (and in fact made both problems worse).

    You have a loyal, passionate, and willing-to-spend player base here. But what you don't have are fools. And we're tired of investing in gear that suddenly and without warning loses more than half of its effectiveness like what happened with the potency/scanner nerf yesterday. Or what I fear may happen with the millions spent upgrading mods over the last 72 hours.

    So please, be responsive to these concerns (i.e., the opposite of how you've been to date with the GW concerns for example or the problem of credits) and give the players (and paying customers) what they want. This is a tipping point for the game. The changes and responses over the coming days from you will decide whether the passionate players and spenders keep going, or whether the droves of players who have quit and moved on do so with more speed and permanently. Do the right thing guys.
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    Tisikotka wrote: »
    EA_Jesse wrote: »
    please stop with the troll posts

    Is this guy for real!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?!

    You roll untested update (clearly seen from the tests and adjustment coming after its live... not on the test phase, but on the mandataroy update phase.

    You add, items, that efectivly upgrade the strenght of a toon to 300% (in our guild we did the math, a full 5x15 mods toon = 10*, g17 toon.

    Like seriously, not a single one of the dev or QA team, havent noticed that you can go full Offens/Crit mod build on a character (lets say RAY) Increasing her dmg on basic from 4-5k, on 30k allways crit, with ~50k prot/health combined and 30 increase on speed? And she wold 45-50k one shot anything on her specials? Or a 120k hp/prot 5555 Fives, who would wipe single handedly 7*, g 10 unmodded teams, hitting twice for 10k/hit ?!?!?!? If no one saw that - fire your entire QA and game design teams, really. If you knew about it and roll it - fire everyone.

    Same stuff with hero power ratings - mods increase actual power by huge percentage (rougly 30 for a single mod, before all possible set bonuses) yet the actual increase in power for the toon, in terms of how game will rate it in Arena and GW is mere 2-3% !?????????????????

    You didnt made it so those mods will acurately reflect the strenght of a toon, making the power rating of a team false and ruining the GW and arena as well (a 30k team can range in real power, provided by mods from 32k to 80k ffs) producing 60 lvls modded Rays one-shoting for 50k dmg a 7*, g10 STH?!?! (yeah that is real)

    Your crysis managment concluded to crating "precraft v2", actually hindering the chance for not whales to catch up on the mods?!?!?!?!?!?!?! Like - whoever got the mods - good for him, now we will hinder all ways to actually catch them up, and praise them the kings of everything for the next half of year.

    20% of my guild insta quited, most of the others are on the verge of quiting.

    The jawa challenge is actually trolling, and only shows how little to none basic cognitive functions your marketing team has.

    And you come here asking to self censure us, and not saying the truth?





    As a part of the gaming industry, working for CryTek and UBISOFT for the last 8 years I can share one more thing.

    What you did to the game with the last patch shows nothing but ignorance and lack of comunication, long term planing and strategy between your game designer, PR, dev and marketing teams.

    Telling people who are furious, to how you diminished all of theri funds in the game to tone down and stop the critics is the wors thing you can do to settle things down. If our community manager did that, we would be our EX whatever manager by the end of the week.

    I agree with everything you said
  • Thagar
    50 posts Member
    Seeing the player base is getting scolded for being upset about this I will do this in the format @EA_Jesse wants.

    What's broken

    (1) GW is mess. There is a huge credit shortage in this game (by design or not). Credits are needed to do everything. The changes to GW have made obtaining these credits nearly impossible for what seems like just about everyone. I used to run through GW and take my ~ 500k/day and accept that as is. I can not do anything close to that anymore. Running into the full Protection G10/11 super teams killed that before this mod disaster. After mods? Can barely get through 6 nodes.

    2. Scoundrel event. This was supposed to be our main credit source. Why do we need 5 to even take a shot at the tier 1 try? Your devs should l know most/all scoundrels are underpowered and just about no one has any leveled. You want to keep the tier 2 with the bigger rewards for a full team? Fine. But why can I not take my 1 semi-geared Lando and steam roll the T1 for my 350k? I would be happy with that while I slowly build a team to work on T2. On top of it, the event was advertised as weekly yet it took about 3 weeks to come back this last time?? Please explain that

    3. I (like many other players) have spent countless refreshes farming gear working towards G10/11. With one wave of the hand that has all been flushed down the toilet (mods if you need clarification). And please don't try to say otherwise. Mods have made gear and toon kits totally irrelevant.

    4. Cantina energy/mods. Why do I need to make a choice between having mods or having toons i like? And if - from a programming standpoint adding a 3rd energy type was not feasible - why was the refresh rate/cost not mirrored to regular energy? At least then I could have spent 50/50/100/100 refreshes and maybe gone 50/50 between mods and shards. But now? I have to choose between expanding my roster or mods. Ridiculous. If this is how it's gotta be the at least make all toons (except chromium/Aurodium exclusive available in GW).....' Oh wait no one can finish that anymore so nix that idea.

    I tried to give constructive feedback but if you want to delete/ban me for this next line so be it.

    IMHO this game is now ruined. It is unplayable and all my progress I have made leveling/gearing toons has been flushed. I am not a whale by any means but I have spent about 500 USD on this game. Not spending a penny more. I am not trolling or anything.... Just stating a fact. I am a consumer. In the past I have chosen to spend some disposable income on your product. Your product is now dysfunctional. I can not in good conscience continue to dump resources into it until it is drastically fixed. If the devs/CM/mods have such thin skin they can not take much warranted criticism then this game has already failed.

    Reworking mods on the fly will not cut it. Your community from the top whales on down to F2P is calling for a roll back. Nothing short of that will be acceptable. A little 350 crystal Opps we messed up mailing is also not going to cut it on this one. The player base needs a big present to placate....reparations if you want to call it back. 1 time choose a 7*/level 80 toon per acct? HUGE crystal and credit pack? Something big to say sorry on top of the changes. 350 crystals and 10 chewie shards will not cut it this time
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    growlkin wrote: »
    Trying so hard to hang on to a shred of optimism here, but I just don't see a way back from this.
    So true. And arrogant 'dont you dare talk bad about us' posts aren't the answer.
    You guys jumped the shark. And you did so gloriously with fireworks and a parade. Every semblence of 'balance' you claimed to strive for over the course of this once-awesome game was detonated in one huge sweep.. The dollar signs made the powers that be do what always happens.. Overdo it.
    So as you scramble to try and un-do what you have done in a way that won't LOOK like you are scrambling to save face ( which will lead to MORE bad ideas.. Always does..) maybe try and eat some of the crow you have cooked up and admit this isnt going well.
    This may be my first ever post on here. I'm not a forums guy. But I stopped in to see if I was the only one upset and maybe it was just me..... It took just a few seconds to realize exactly how bad and how upset people are.
    So when the income drops dramatically and the head count of players claiming they are done shows up on the desktop of an EA executive... Heads will roll on your end.
    Telling your customers to shut up and like it until you dream up a way to fix it... Well... Thats not a principle they teach in business school. Good luck with that.
    I gave you a decent amount of cash over the last 8 months or so. So I suppose you won. But this.. This kind of 'don't you talk back to me young man!' thread... Nah. No more.
    The shame of it is... It was a fun, fun game. It was a pleasant distraction over a time that I needed one.

    I wish you all well. Thanks and good luck.

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    Credits are making this game frustrating now. Mods are not cheap.
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    Team Rollback.

    Nothing less than a complete rollback and payback to bring me back.

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    For the love of all that is holy, roll back the second update! Mods are workable but need tweaking. You didn't give us a chance to get used to them before bringing this ridiculous second update in. ROLL IT BACK PLEEAAASSEEE
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    Congratulation! With only one Update EA killed a once great Game.

    Former Player

  • warmonkey
    1314 posts Member
    Ixias0 wrote: »
    First off, thanks for posting @EA_Jesse. I honestly think you care about the game and want to make people happy, despite what a lot of people here apparently seem to think. I think communication is key, especially when there is a massive update like Mods so keep it up!

    I'm legitimately at a bit of a loss for what to do to fix this on a macro level. I think there are a few things regarding this update would certainly help to calm people, so I'll start with those. I also apologize for the long post, but I'm trying to be constructive and offer legitimate feedback.
    • Credits. Credits are used for leveling, crafting gear, promoting characters, and now building and upgrading Mods. The recent slight increase to GW was something, but not nearly enough to make a dent in modding one character, let alone the 5 required for Arena. Adding more credits to Daily Activities, increasing the frequency of events (such as the current Scoundrel event or a modified Force Champion event), boosting the GW credits (there are still not much higher than they were when tuned for level 60), and slightly decreasing the cost to upgrade mods will certainly ease some concerns over the revitalized Credit Crunch.
    • Galactic War. This has been a concern in the forums and in my Guild for the last few weeks and has really come to a head with this update. Having fully geared teams with Protection starting halfway through was rough enough, but now those teams are all Modded. The Credit payout per battle has only slightly increase (very recently) and the battles have gotten substantially more difficult. Adding a larger boost to Health/Protection regeneration after the battle, as well as allowing Protection to regenerate when your Health is maxed at the end of the battle, will make it much more bearable to complete. Also, I've always been a proponent of having your characters recharge Health/Protection and reduce Cooldowns while benched since, realistically, it makes complete sense - when you rest, you recharge. Finally, I totally understand that it's meant to be difficult, but it is very time consuming and boring to fight roughly the same teams on each node. I understand that major changes like this would take time, but just throwing a suggestion out there: decrease the amount of nodes and have each node be a different faction. This would break up the monotony of having all Meta teams and make it a bit more enjoyable. Echoing what I said above, increasing the Credit payout would also help.
    • Cantina Energy. Prior to this update, Cantina Energy was a great way to farm new characters, which allowed for more experimentation and potentially new Arena comps and meta shifts. Requiring Mods to use that same energy, all while making Mods more powerful than even Gear, makes it virtually impossible to rationalize shard farming through Cantina over Mod farming. This also means that getting characters for the Mod Challenge Battles is near impossible for F2P and a pain for moderate spenders (see below). I really see two main ways to fix this: 1. Model Cantina Energy after normal Energy: Increase the refresh time to 6 minutes, give bonus Cantina Energy, and decrease the cost of Crystal refreshes; 2. Create a separate "Mod Energy" unique for farming Mods and leave Cantina energy as it is now. There are pros and cons to each, but I like option 2 as unlocking new characters is integral to the game and is what a majority of the players enjoy most.
    • Mod Challenge Battles. Right now, only mega-whales will be able to complete all of these, thus creating an even greater divide between F2P/dolphins and whales. Optimizing the battles for a team of 3 characters (albeit leveled, geared, etc.) would make them more accessible for wider range of the player base, while still giving people a challenge and encouraging the development of more characters. The Omega battles were a great example of this, though I would imagine the Mod Battles would be a bit more difficult.
    • Mod Balance. I love the ability to customize characters to try to cover their weaknesses or enhance their strengths, but there needs to either be a cap to how much a stat can be increased or have some sort of drawback to using a more powerful mod. Having characters like Rey with more Health/Protection than Royal Guard, plus more Speed and Strength than she had without mods doesn't make much sense.
    • Mod Preview. I would love to get some insight on what the secondary stats may be for a mod before we pay to upgrade it. Dumping 400+ thousand credits into a mod, only to find that it's not great is extremely disheartening. I'm not even suggestion you display everything, but at least some sort of teaser of what stats may be affected.
    • Daily Challenges. I think with the new and robust "grind" the we now have in Mods, decreasing some of the stress/frustration of farming gear would go a long way. Add a new tier to the Daily Challenges which slightly increases drop rates and includes all gear from previous tiers would be awesome. The AGI Challenge is a prime exmaple with the Mk3 Droid Callers and Mk 6 Syringes being locked to two different tiers, while both being required in large quantities for high level gear upgrades.

    I know that was an extremely long list, but I think I offered constructive feedback with feasible solutions. There are a lot of things this update did right, including things the community has asked for. Using Sim tickets for Challenges, mass Sim battling, better Gear search-ability, and the overall UI modifications are all fantastic and show that you do listing to at least some feedback.

    In all honesty, I'm strongly considering calling it quits. I love this game and have played since mid December, spending a moderate amount of money along the way. I've met great people in my guild and have enjoyed a lot of the features the game has; but at this point, I'm nervous that nearly everything I've worked towards over the last 7-8 months is rapidly being devalued by the Mods and frankly, I'm not really interested in a steep uphill grind for them. I know that I'm a mere forum poster and have no sway in this, but I hope you at least read some of my suggestions. I'm not throwing in the towel yet, but there are a lot of things this update has done to make this game far less enjoyable and I look forward to seeing what will be done to address our concerns.

    Thanks to those who took the time to read this! :smile:

    Well said my friend!
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    on the plus side, ive now 3*'d light side hard 8A.

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    I just posted on twitter @easter wars and @ea_capitalgames my opinion on this update and no one can stop me what I think. It's time the world's knows about the screw up. Let's make it trend on twitter.
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    Lol you people think the devs are going to read any of your drivel.

    Be short and concise, just make every word count.
  • Mofojokers1992
    1975 posts Member
    edited July 2016
    EA_Jesse wrote: »
    Ok, I'm going to ask one more time, please stop with the troll posts, I'm sitting here wanting to talk with you all, but instead many of you are just writing posts that aren't helping things.

    And I cannot answer the question yet on exactly how Mods will be adjusted because I don't have the full details, that will come tomorrow.


    Have i not always helped with ideas and feedback?, i know you listen because things like multi sim was brought in. Heck I've spent over 10 bloody grand on this game i love it that much......

    But you guys royally messed up twice and worse is alot of this is common sense man. You can't make mods that out shine gear and stars that people spent money and time on. You pretty much just wiped the tables clean.

    Worse is you are putting tier 6 and 7 mods in raids... making the mod table and faction challenges pointless. Because we have to spend so much per mod so the 6-9 a week from raids is more than enough.

    Mod challenges should go up to tier 7 mods

    Remove the idea of mods in raids

    Ither speed up cantina energy and drop the cost or make the table normal energy.

    Speaking as someone who has precrafted 100s of 5* mods. Put the dang drop rate back to 100%..

    Again the cost increase drop it down big time.... you should never of raised it bloody salt in the wounds man....

    Seriously get your act together and balance these mods...

    But that's not enough you need to stop pushing new heroes and content and fix the bloody bugs and balance the heroes both AI and abilities like Kit Fisto.

    This isn't rocket science and you guys should know better. Stop with the greed it's a Star Wars game we will hand over bucket loads of money.....

  • thecr0w
    21 posts Member
    edited July 2016
    My 5$ total spending means nothing to devs (might as well be totally F2P is player - can be safely ignored).

    Situation like this reminds me of another EA game I used to play - Battlefield Play4free.

    1. I have enterred as Open Beta (or was it already out of that stage ?)
    2. Game was OK-ish (a little on PTW note, but I could manage)
    3. After some long time they decided to add mods to the game (community asked for them)
    - being FPS game mods were: different barrel, bigger ammo clip, different optics, diffrent stock ...
    (community asked for silencers, granade launcher attachments, etc)

    4. Implementation created mess similar to what we have here
    - guns were nerfed to like half their value of pre-mod era.
    - Initially mods were only available as rented parts (pay on daily / weekly basis - with real money currency only)
    - whoever had premium guns received mods that were supposed to bring the gun close to original (called LEGACY mod - forever)
    - Paying players complaied it werent guns they paid for, free players complained they are forced to pay constantly or ****
    - Dev solution - nerf legacy mods (created more rage on paying players)

    - after like 3 weeks of constant bashing Devs decided to allow buying mods (forever) in addition to renting them

    - based on forum entries date of nerfing legacy mods was when they have lost like 30% playerbase - me included
    - after like a year (me lurking on forums like once a month out of curiosity at this point, I guess some others who said they quit did the same) posts like "Remember, remember 20th of December ... treason and plot" were still showing up (date of said nerf).

    Rigt now game is dead (as in servers shutdown)

    I am not sure if "Vote with your wallet" statement would be treated as bannable offense as stated in OP but it makes no difference for me.

    TLDR: latest mod release can be described as - simply EA ... (p4f was main reason for me not spending more in here - trust issues)
  • JPBrunel
    821 posts Member
    edited July 2016
    @EA_Jesse the more I play since this latest update, the more I believe it was a huge mistake. I'm getting more and more disinterested. I think it would be best to do away with it and the mods and refund everybody. Without counting that it has brought a number of bugs, especially in raids (there is no switch right now in our Phase 2 of a Tier 6, Elder resurrect doesn't seem to work also), and nerfing the potency of our toons feels like a low blow. And please fix GW while you're at it...
    Thank you
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    From a game design perspective, mods are a good thing. They are helping non November players access the end game quicker, thus allowing the Dev team to focus their efforts in creating more end game content, which benefits up all.

    With mods, the credit heist event is now trivial, but is should be locked down to once each calendar week,

    However, this does not address the genuine lack of credits available in the market. Any "freemium" model should be based on a linear advancement, and having made it to L73 so far, this seems to have historically been the case.

    It is important to note that I mean linear in as much that whilst XP to level up increases and credits and droids required to level up increase, so to does the number of real world days, but they stay in tune. 5 days to L74, no probs, I can get the droids and creds necessary in those 5 days. I can even save the bonus creds to star up my main squad.

    This is important, until LCap, really the freemium model only permits you to develop a core squad. Lower than LCap, diversity is the domain of micro-transactions.

    That said, nothing in this game is truely a micro-transaction - 595 xtal for 525K Credits (£3.99)

    Having run several upgrades to mods last night (Mk-VB Types), these are the numbers I am seeing back (average over 4 upgrades)

    (per 22.5K "click")

    1 - L4.3
    2 - L6.8
    3 - L8.6
    4 - L9.8
    5 - L10.8
    6 - L11.4
    7 - L11.8
    8 - L12.2
    9 - L12.4

    I stopped at L12 on all mods due to the diminishing returns and lack of credits.

    Now, these Mk-VA upgraded mods are worth, resale, 33.8K , a mere 16% of the 202500 credits invested.

    Pre / post patch analysis shows a Mk1 at L15 was resale of 5300c, now 5800c, however a Mk5 at L1 dropped from 9700c to 9500c

    I guess that, as the set bonuses are at L12 and 15 and the severe diminishing returns starting approaching L12, the design of these is that L12 is "standard" and L15 is "overclocked" as it where. L12 for us normals and L15 for whales.

    I also understand, as you seem to have realised, that the player behaviour on the acquisition of these mods is not up to your expectations. I perceive that you expected a slow steady grind to take place, you forgot that we are all weapons of mass consumption and no doubt your server data showed massive saturation at the upper tiers, hence you pulling the emergency brake.

    I feel that the major issue here is that you introduced a massive credit sink (peak sink at ca 3 million credits a day) and gave just 60K back. Couple this with the "levelling in the blind" aspect and the low payout if you levelled a mod you don't wish to use. Payout should be less than investment, but not punitive, maybe ca 66%

    A reasonable credit adjustment, would be enough extra credits throughout the game to get a MK4 mod to L12 PER DAY, or about 175000c to put a number on it. I think the number you were working with was a Mk1 mod to L12 per day.

    You have a separate issue now of locking the stable door once the horse has bolted, the top tiers, most able to afford it have sat and eaten their fill, meanwhile you are denying those still grinding through the game.

    Personally, I would move mod challenges into the challenge framework, 3 daily lockouts per branch / tier i.e 3 lockouts for FFA / health, 3 for Jedi, 3 for Jawa etc. and restore the 100% drop rate. If you wanted to add a chance to ADDITIONALLY drop a lower mod, that would be welcome. More like the AGI / STR / INT challenges.

    At the moment all you have is people wanting to burn all their cantina energy in Mk5 health battles.


    200k credits a day increase
    Limit attempts on mod challenges, like regular challenges, but restore 100% drop rate
    Increase sale price of upgraded mods to 66% of invested creds

  • fudgra
    982 posts Member
    EA_Jesse wrote: »
    @scuba we're looking at Mods, testing them, how is that not addressing a concern? I refrained from posting exact details because they aren't locked in yet.

    So, you rolled out the biggest update we've seen in this game to date, getting a lot of people to drop hard cash on crystals to mod-farm like mad, without testing it first?

    Maybe take some of the whale money and hire professional testers before releasing potential game-breaking updates to the public? That's what I'd do, but I'm not a game developer; just a layman's opinion.

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    I am player which sometimes spend real money, i am not whealer, so i have only 3 person at tier 9 and 1 at tier 10.
    I like game, but is frustrating meat at node 12 GW squad which is not for me to beat with whole squad, becouse my all units will be beaten maybe with guard which have 50k health and 90k protection.
    It is not playeable, i have not good fealing from game. It is same at arena.
    And fealing from spendig curency at gaing mods now it bad too, it is really expenzive to gain some now and player which have time to get all of them, for every unit which they have are at advantage, which is not posibble to catch.

    It is not good now.

  • Nikoms565
    14242 posts Member
    EA_Jesse wrote: »
    What helps us is seeing feedback on why you don’t like a certain feature and how it affects your enjoyment of the game.
    @EA_Jesse Helps in what way exactly? I am not trying to be flippant, but I don't see how posting feedback on these forums has helped at all recently.

    1) Galactic War - people have repeatedly asked that it take less time. It was fixed - for two weeks. Then quickly reverted back to taking much longer. Now, with the mod update, most people in my guild cannot even finish it and have resorted back to the "retreat and retry" methods just to get to node 9.

    2) The Credit Crunch - similarly, the problem of credit shortage has been bemoaned for months on these forums. Mods require between 500k and 1 million+ to level up. 6 per hero. Multiplied by dozens of heroes. Now add in the additional credit cost of removing them to experiment/try new things. The promised GW boost is just over 100k - which in itself is a rather feeble and insignificant amount. Added to the fact that the total for GW is unobtainable by most due to the fact that it is now impossible for most to even complete (and it is the final stages that release the most rewards, of course). No, the credit crunch has not been helped at all. It has been made FAR worse.

    3) Time - many have complained that this game simply eats up too much time on a daily basis for a mobile game. Having to "scout" arena teams for mods (since "power" is fairly meaningless now, given the fact that it rarely has refelected any true sense of power since the update), studying mods, etc. While the multi-sim button is great, it hardly makes up for all the time spent in other areas.

    4) Diversity in Arena - mods, contrary to what some people think, will LESSEN diversity, not improve it. The high cost of leveling mods (and the added cost of moving them between characters) will mean most people will simply "mod up" their 5 with few mods (especially now that the drop rate has been reduced) and little credits left to spare. The only "diversity" will be in the pre-crafted whale rosters.

    5) Balance Between Heroes - Most non-modded heroes are now fairly useless. Mods have made balance a thing of the past. Balance is now further away than it has been since I started playing in early December. A 7*, G9 unmodded anything gets one-shotted by a modded Rey.

    6) Bug Fixes Players have simply asked that the heroes they play actually work as intended. They don't and some haven't for months. Teebo's stealth ability still doesn't work correctly (I played in a raid yesterday - it's still very much broken). Every new release, while fixing one or two bugs, introduces at least that many new ones. See "Rey now being hit through foresight" as an example. Honestly, I would not be surprised if EA didn't mandate signs in the Devs offices saying "Fixing bugs doesn't make money" - as that seems to the pretense, but I digress.

    7) Guilds Where People Can Work/Play Together And Accomplish Fun Things! - instead we got guilds where the reward structure is competitive, a raid system that is now terribly broken, and even the highest rewards can't level up a single t5 mod. Oh - and guilds don't have to work together anymore. The recent update allows a single guild member to solo the highest level raid.

    8) A Level Playing Field - See "Precrafting" and now "Mod Precrafting". I realize whales should have an advantage. Whether it's permanent or temporary is up to the game. But when certain players have an advantage due to when they happened to be online, their time zone or when they found about something, hardly contributes to fun.

    In summary, I am forced to come to one of two conclusions about posting feedback on these forums:

    1) It is fairly largely ignored, as the developers want to/are forced to take the game in certain directions, regardless of player enjoyment. The forum (and your requests for feedback) maintains the appearance of caring, but money dictates the opposite.

    2) It is heard - but cannot be implemented due to the fact that the developers are simply inept and can't work out bugs or can't seem to get Aayla in the cantina node until 3 days after the initial update.

    I honestly think that 2 is NOT the case - otherwise they wouldn't have jobs. As such, I am forced to conclude that most feedback is simply ignored...which honestly makes me feel as though I have wasted the last 30 minutes posting this. And wasted the last 6 months playing a game that was drastically changed into a different game 48 hours ago.

    In game name: Lucas Gregory FORMER PLAYER - - - -"Whale blah grump poooop." - Ouchie

    In game guild: TNR Uprising
    I beat the REAL T7 Yoda (not the nerfed one) and did so before mods were there to help
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