Message from the CM


  • Keyper
    245 posts Member
    My question is who is the the head honcho that rushed out this massive update that didn't encourage or listen to feedback from his own staff? The person responsible must be arrogant, as I'm sure the majority of the development team working on it would have told him it wasn't ready and some poor choices had been made.
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    EA_Jesse wrote: »
    ...we need to adjust the approach being taken by a number of developers. I’m going to ask that you please stop pushing updates that do nothing to help the state of the game...

    There. Fixed it for you.
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    Crusader wrote: »
    Pretty much ALL of this would have been avoided if you guys had an actual quality assurance team. You absolutely cannot tell me with a straight face that you have such a team and they tested these 2 last patches. If you do - they should immediately all be fired.

    You have a HUGE, HUGE, HUGE community that is willing to give you feedback FOR FREE. Seriously, the amount of people who'd test this game a) for the fun of it, or b) to help make the game better for themselves, c) whatever else is huge. If you have SWGOH, and SWGOH Beta and push things to beta for a week and LISTEN to feedback, before you push it to SWGOH live - you'd be in such a better shape.

    I'm in a top ranked guild - we've had over the last 2 days about a quarter of the players leave. Those are whales and dolphins who won't be spending any more.

    What's broken:

    1. (by a huge margin) GW. Oh my god, GW. You can't tell me you've tested this for more than 5 minutes with actual real world, middle of the road characters. No way. Nobody plays a game and gears up characters thinking "boy oh boy, I hope this gets SO much harder after I've done this work". You can't complete GW without being modded up the wazoo.
    2. Lack of credits. Piggy backing on the above - GW is pretty much the only way to make any credits in this game. You need credits to gear up mods (about 1.5 million credits are needed now to get a 6 mod up to lvl 15). You absolutely need mods to beat GW. You can't get credits because you can't beat GW. See a problem with this? My 5 year old nephew can. Let's not embarrass ourselves.
    3. Insane ... INSANE power of mods. Don't get me wrong I giggle when my maxed our Rey wipes out a fully heared 7* Gear 11 character that has no mods with a single hit from her BASIC attack. However this is SO broken it's not even funny.
    4. INSANE cost to upgrade mods. 1.5 million credits for one 6 mod. Times 6 slots. That's 9 million credits for one character. You need at least 10 characters modded to even stand a chance to do anything. That's 90 million credits. IF (a giant IF) you beat GW that's 500K credits. So it would take 180 days of beating GW every single day (AND NOT spending on anytihng else) to get to that point. Again anyone done math on this?
    5. Mods costing cantina. That's just .. I don't know who thought that was a good idea. One of two things needs to happen - Mods use a different energy, or Cantina fills up at least 3 times faster than current rate.
    6. So many other things! Secret nerfs, precrafting 2.0, not testing anything before it's released, etc. etc.

    Quoting this for so much truth. GW was the point that I asked for a refund and basically gave up. There's a fun game in there somewhere, it's just being compromised by so many poor decisions.
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    I know this may be a bit off topic, but I know this issue will be read on this thread (hopefully). When a character is stunned they no longer can dodge, but when they dodge an attack, why do the negative status effects still stick? I.E. DOT and Ability Block
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    Noted. The game in its essence is great, the delivery of the updates is the main issue. Perhaps look into this for a start
  • OmarFPG
    458 posts Member
    Ixias0 wrote: »
    First off, thanks for posting @EA_Jesse. I honestly think you care about the game and want to make people happy, despite what a lot of people here apparently seem to think. I think communication is key, especially when there is a massive update like Mods so keep it up!

    I'm legitimately at a bit of a loss for what to do to fix this on a macro level. I think there are a few things regarding this update would certainly help to calm people, so I'll start with those. I also apologize for the long post, but I'm trying to be constructive and offer legitimate feedback.
    • Credits. Credits are used for leveling, crafting gear, promoting characters, and now building and upgrading Mods. The recent slight increase to GW was something, but not nearly enough to make a dent in modding one character, let alone the 5 required for Arena. Adding more credits to Daily Activities, increasing the frequency of events (such as the current Scoundrel event or a modified Force Champion event), boosting the GW credits (there are still not much higher than they were when tuned for level 60), and slightly decreasing the cost to upgrade mods will certainly ease some concerns over the revitalized Credit Crunch.
    • Galactic War. This has been a concern in the forums and in my Guild for the last few weeks and has really come to a head with this update. Having fully geared teams with Protection starting halfway through was rough enough, but now those teams are all Modded. The Credit payout per battle has only slightly increase (very recently) and the battles have gotten substantially more difficult. Adding a larger boost to Health/Protection regeneration after the battle, as well as allowing Protection to regenerate when your Health is maxed at the end of the battle, will make it much more bearable to complete. Also, I've always been a proponent of having your characters recharge Health/Protection and reduce Cooldowns while benched since, realistically, it makes complete sense - when you rest, you recharge. Finally, I totally understand that it's meant to be difficult, but it is very time consuming and boring to fight roughly the same teams on each node. I understand that major changes like this would take time, but just throwing a suggestion out there: decrease the amount of nodes and have each node be a different faction. This would break up the monotony of having all Meta teams and make it a bit more enjoyable. Echoing what I said above, increasing the Credit payout would also help.
    • Cantina Energy. Prior to this update, Cantina Energy was a great way to farm new characters, which allowed for more experimentation and potentially new Arena comps and meta shifts. Requiring Mods to use that same energy, all while making Mods more powerful than even Gear, makes it virtually impossible to rationalize shard farming through Cantina over Mod farming. This also means that getting characters for the Mod Challenge Battles is near impossible for F2P and a pain for moderate spenders (see below). I really see two main ways to fix this: 1. Model Cantina Energy after normal Energy: Increase the refresh time to 6 minutes, give bonus Cantina Energy, and decrease the cost of Crystal refreshes; 2. Create a separate "Mod Energy" unique for farming Mods and leave Cantina energy as it is now. There are pros and cons to each, but I like option 2 as unlocking new characters is integral to the game and is what a majority of the players enjoy most.
    • Mod Challenge Battles. Right now, only mega-whales will be able to complete all of these, thus creating an even greater divide between F2P/dolphins and whales. Optimizing the battles for a team of 3 characters (albeit leveled, geared, etc.) would make them more accessible for wider range of the player base, while still giving people a challenge and encouraging the development of more characters. The Omega battles were a great example of this, though I would imagine the Mod Battles would be a bit more difficult.
    • Mod Balance. I love the ability to customize characters to try to cover their weaknesses or enhance their strengths, but there needs to either be a cap to how much a stat can be increased or have some sort of drawback to using a more powerful mod. Having characters like Rey with more Health/Protection than Royal Guard, plus more Speed and Strength than she had without mods doesn't make much sense.
    • Mod Preview. I would love to get some insight on what the secondary stats may be for a mod before we pay to upgrade it. Dumping 400+ thousand credits into a mod, only to find that it's not great is extremely disheartening. I'm not even suggestion you display everything, but at least some sort of teaser of what stats may be affected.
    • Daily Challenges. I think with the new and robust "grind" the we now have in Mods, decreasing some of the stress/frustration of farming gear would go a long way. Add a new tier to the Daily Challenges which slightly increases drop rates and includes all gear from previous tiers would be awesome. The AGI Challenge is a prime exmaple with the Mk3 Droid Callers and Mk 6 Syringes being locked to two different tiers, while both being required in large quantities for high level gear upgrades.

    I know that was an extremely long list, but I think I offered constructive feedback with feasible solutions. There are a lot of things this update did right, including things the community has asked for. Using Sim tickets for Challenges, mass Sim battling, better Gear search-ability, and the overall UI modifications are all fantastic and show that you do listing to at least some feedback.

    In all honesty, I'm strongly considering calling it quits. I love this game and have played since mid December, spending a moderate amount of money along the way. I've met great people in my guild and have enjoyed a lot of the features the game has; but at this point, I'm nervous that nearly everything I've worked towards over the last 7-8 months is rapidly being devalued by the Mods and frankly, I'm not really interested in a steep uphill grind for them. I know that I'm a mere forum poster and have no sway in this, but I hope you at least read some of my suggestions. I'm not throwing in the towel yet, but there are a lot of things this update has done to make this game far less enjoyable and I look forward to seeing what will be done to address our concerns.

    Thanks to those who took the time to read this! :smile:

    548-145-651 | Playing since Dec 28th (:
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    The game will balance out so chill out. Whales have always and will always kick my butt. I am ok with that, they have paid for the privilege. It's a game so play it and have fun, save the stress for something that needs all that negative energy. That's what I reckon
  • Paxus
    60 posts Member
    edited July 2016
    Mk VII Nubian Scanners: just had their potency reduced from 40% to 10%. Any chance you could buff some other stats it gives?
  • OmarFPG
    458 posts Member
    Crusader wrote: »
    Pretty much ALL of this would have been avoided if you guys had an actual quality assurance team. You absolutely cannot tell me with a straight face that you have such a team and they tested these 2 last patches. If you do - they should immediately all be fired.

    You have a HUGE, HUGE, HUGE community that is willing to give you feedback FOR FREE. Seriously, the amount of people who'd test this game a) for the fun of it, or b) to help make the game better for themselves, c) whatever else is huge. If you have SWGOH, and SWGOH Beta and push things to beta for a week and LISTEN to feedback, before you push it to SWGOH live - you'd be in such a better shape.

    I'm in a top ranked guild - we've had over the last 2 days about a quarter of the players leave. Those are whales and dolphins who won't be spending any more.

    What's broken:

    1. (by a huge margin) GW. Oh my god, GW. You can't tell me you've tested this for more than 5 minutes with actual real world, middle of the road characters. No way. Nobody plays a game and gears up characters thinking "boy oh boy, I hope this gets SO much harder after I've done this work". You can't complete GW without being modded up the wazoo.
    2. Lack of credits. Piggy backing on the above - GW is pretty much the only way to make any credits in this game. You need credits to gear up mods (about 1.5 million credits are needed now to get a 6 mod up to lvl 15). You absolutely need mods to beat GW. You can't get credits because you can't beat GW. See a problem with this? My 5 year old nephew can. Let's not embarrass ourselves.
    3. Insane ... INSANE power of mods. Don't get me wrong I giggle when my maxed our Rey wipes out a fully heared 7* Gear 11 character that has no mods with a single hit from her BASIC attack. However this is SO broken it's not even funny.
    4. INSANE cost to upgrade mods. 1.5 million credits for one 6 mod. Times 6 slots. That's 9 million credits for one character. You need at least 10 characters modded to even stand a chance to do anything. That's 90 million credits. IF (a giant IF) you beat GW that's 500K credits. So it would take 180 days of beating GW every single day (AND NOT spending on anytihng else) to get to that point. Again anyone done math on this?
    5. Mods costing cantina. That's just .. I don't know who thought that was a good idea. One of two things needs to happen - Mods use a different energy, or Cantina fills up at least 3 times faster than current rate.
    6. So many other things! Secret nerfs, precrafting 2.0, not testing anything before it's released, etc. etc.

    548-145-651 | Playing since Dec 28th (:
  • Daryth
    93 posts Member
    Constructive criticism:
    I'm one of the people with lots of 5* mods, including 10 of the really good ones. They're too powerful, I agree they need to be massively reduced in power. Make the mods make sense, why do speed mods not provide speed? The 90% reduction would be about right to balance level, star, gear, and mods at 25% of character balance.
  • Wootus
    85 posts Member
    Go_Blue wrote: »
    Jesse -

    I think the concern is that when people complained about mods, your first step as a team was to make things much, much worse. You created a precraft 2.0 problem, made mods harder to get, and made all sorts of other unannounced changes to the game. So, when you say "we're making massive changes to mods" that reads as "the millions of credits and thousands of crystals you've spent over the past few days" were for nothing. The changes that were made "in response to the customer base" we're changes none of the customers asked for or wanted. It's a very scary position for all of us who have spent lots of time and money on the game.

  • Mynd
    233 posts Member
    Don't adjust the mods, remove the mods and offer crystal refunds as appropriate to what people spent. Mods completely turned off my enjoyment for the game. I don't want them, I hate this game with them. Thank you.
  • ATSpain
    152 posts Member
    Ixias0 wrote: »
    First off, thanks for posting @EA_Jesse. I honestly think you care about the game and want to make people happy, despite what a lot of people here apparently seem to think. I think communication is key, especially when there is a massive update like Mods so keep it up!

    I'm legitimately at a bit of a loss for what to do to fix this on a macro level. I think there are a few things regarding this update would certainly help to calm people, so I'll start with those. I also apologize for the long post, but I'm trying to be constructive and offer legitimate feedback.
    • Credits. Credits are used for leveling, crafting gear, promoting characters, and now building and upgrading Mods. The recent slight increase to GW was something, but not nearly enough to make a dent in modding one character, let alone the 5 required for Arena. Adding more credits to Daily Activities, increasing the frequency of events (such as the current Scoundrel event or a modified Force Champion event), boosting the GW credits (there are still not much higher than they were when tuned for level 60), and slightly decreasing the cost to upgrade mods will certainly ease some concerns over the revitalized Credit Crunch.
    • Galactic War. This has been a concern in the forums and in my Guild for the last few weeks and has really come to a head with this update. Having fully geared teams with Protection starting halfway through was rough enough, but now those teams are all Modded. The Credit payout per battle has only slightly increase (very recently) and the battles have gotten substantially more difficult. Adding a larger boost to Health/Protection regeneration after the battle, as well as allowing Protection to regenerate when your Health is maxed at the end of the battle, will make it much more bearable to complete. Also, I've always been a proponent of having your characters recharge Health/Protection and reduce Cooldowns while benched since, realistically, it makes complete sense - when you rest, you recharge. Finally, I totally understand that it's meant to be difficult, but it is very time consuming and boring to fight roughly the same teams on each node. I understand that major changes like this would take time, but just throwing a suggestion out there: decrease the amount of nodes and have each node be a different faction. This would break up the monotony of having all Meta teams and make it a bit more enjoyable. Echoing what I said above, increasing the Credit payout would also help.
    • Cantina Energy. Prior to this update, Cantina Energy was a great way to farm new characters, which allowed for more experimentation and potentially new Arena comps and meta shifts. Requiring Mods to use that same energy, all while making Mods more powerful than even Gear, makes it virtually impossible to rationalize shard farming through Cantina over Mod farming. This also means that getting characters for the Mod Challenge Battles is near impossible for F2P and a pain for moderate spenders (see below). I really see two main ways to fix this: 1. Model Cantina Energy after normal Energy: Increase the refresh time to 6 minutes, give bonus Cantina Energy, and decrease the cost of Crystal refreshes; 2. Create a separate "Mod Energy" unique for farming Mods and leave Cantina energy as it is now. There are pros and cons to each, but I like option 2 as unlocking new characters is integral to the game and is what a majority of the players enjoy most.
    • Mod Challenge Battles. Right now, only mega-whales will be able to complete all of these, thus creating an even greater divide between F2P/dolphins and whales. Optimizing the battles for a team of 3 characters (albeit leveled, geared, etc.) would make them more accessible for wider range of the player base, while still giving people a challenge and encouraging the development of more characters. The Omega battles were a great example of this, though I would imagine the Mod Battles would be a bit more difficult.
    • Mod Balance. I love the ability to customize characters to try to cover their weaknesses or enhance their strengths, but there needs to either be a cap to how much a stat can be increased or have some sort of drawback to using a more powerful mod. Having characters like Rey with more Health/Protection than Royal Guard, plus more Speed and Strength than she had without mods doesn't make much sense.
    • Mod Preview. I would love to get some insight on what the secondary stats may be for a mod before we pay to upgrade it. Dumping 400+ thousand credits into a mod, only to find that it's not great is extremely disheartening. I'm not even suggestion you display everything, but at least some sort of teaser of what stats may be affected.
    • Daily Challenges. I think with the new and robust "grind" the we now have in Mods, decreasing some of the stress/frustration of farming gear would go a long way. Add a new tier to the Daily Challenges which slightly increases drop rates and includes all gear from previous tiers would be awesome. The AGI Challenge is a prime exmaple with the Mk3 Droid Callers and Mk 6 Syringes being locked to two different tiers, while both being required in large quantities for high level gear upgrades.

    I know that was an extremely long list, but I think I offered constructive feedback with feasible solutions. There are a lot of things this update did right, including things the community has asked for. Using Sim tickets for Challenges, mass Sim battling, better Gear search-ability, and the overall UI modifications are all fantastic and show that you do listing to at least some feedback.

    In all honesty, I'm strongly considering calling it quits. I love this game and have played since mid December, spending a moderate amount of money along the way. I've met great people in my guild and have enjoyed a lot of the features the game has; but at this point, I'm nervous that nearly everything I've worked towards over the last 7-8 months is rapidly being devalued by the Mods and frankly, I'm not really interested in a steep uphill grind for them. I know that I'm a mere forum poster and have no sway in this, but I hope you at least read some of my suggestions. I'm not throwing in the towel yet, but there are a lot of things this update has done to make this game far less enjoyable and I look forward to seeing what will be done to address our concerns.

    Thanks to those who took the time to read this! :smile:

    This is perfect. Do this and we will all be happy campers.
  • Phlebotomy_Jones
    439 posts Member
    edited July 2016
    One more question:

    What's up with the in-game survey?

    Claimed it was anonymous, but collected player ID's, and had an NDA attached to it.

    That doesn't sound anonymous, that sounds ominous.

    And what did you learn? Did that influence anyone in anyway?
  • Thraken_Vih_Torr
    17 posts Member
    edited July 2016

    I am not very active in the forum, but the issues created with the mod updates have compelled me to voice my opinion and provide feedback.

    The introduction of mods was too much too fast. Mods should have followed the precedent of omegas. Omegas were the carrot that lured players to level 80 as quickly as their crystals allowed, but it still took weeks to give omegas to all of the characters you initially wanted to, and the significant improvements were gradual. Pre-crafting did create avoidable issues during this same timeframe, but omegas were a perfect example of how to roll out a new upgrade.

    Mods could have been the carrot that lured players to level 90, but anything that would have prevented people going from regular Rey to Super Tank Rey within the first hours of the update would have been preferred. I don't know how you will rework mods, but I'm extremely unhappy with the current state.

    Mods became more important than everything else in the game. Characters I was farming/upgrading have been abandoned. Every credit I earn goes directly into mods. CG has put a knife to my throat and commanded me to maximize my mods or lose my ability to compete in arena, raids, and GW.

    This resulted in GW becoming much more difficult than it has every been. I can't understand why arena power is used to calculate GW difficulty. Roster depth should be used to determine GW difficulty with an algorithm based on the number of characters at each gear tier, star rating, and training level.

    I play this game because of Star Wars, and many others do as well. We are a passionate group and want to support this game, but we have to be able to feel like we making progress toward our own goals. Collecting my favorite characters is a major aspect of the gameplay for me. I can't develop the characters I want if I don't have resources. The mods update feels like a discriminatory dictator just took over my game. You will farm mods, you will spend all your credits on mods, you will get all 5 Jawas, you will get all 5 Resistance, you will get all 5 First Order, You will stop doing what you want and only what CG wants. My freedom to choose is gone, and my fun is fading fast.

    I will keep playing because I have jumped through the necessary hoops to stay competitive in arena, and I've been able to complete GW so far. However, I want the game to be fun again, I want to finish my Ewok team just because it's fun. I want to promote Vader to 6* because it's a rewarding achievement, but I don't have the credits. I want to get Aalya and Anakin and not feel like it's at the expense of something else. I want to use Biggs' "built in ship synergies". I want to play more recurring events (I don't care if I can't complete them the first time, I'll build the right squads eventually). I want new raids that are designed for modded characters. I want more characters like Emperor Palpatine, Jedi Luke, CC-5576-39 "Gregor", Embo, Aurra Sing, Bossk, C-21 Highsinger, Clone Wars Obi-Wan Kenobi, and more. I want a major updates for Rebels and Rogue One characters. I want to stop competing within my guild and start competing against other guilds. But above all, I want the game to feel fun again and stop feeling like a grind. I can only grind so much.

    Unfortunately there were many improvements with last update that are being overshadowed by colossal failure. It's getting more and more difficult to understand how these things make it through "testing" before going live. I know that public beta testing has been mentioned in previous posts, and I think the game would benefit greatly from it.

    That's all I have for now. Hopefully improvements are coming soon.
    Post edited by ShaolinPunk on
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    OmarFPG wrote: »
    Crusader wrote: »
    Pretty much ALL of this would have been avoided if you guys had an actual quality assurance team. You absolutely cannot tell me with a straight face that you have such a team and they tested these 2 last patches. If you do - they should immediately all be fired.

    You have a HUGE, HUGE, HUGE community that is willing to give you feedback FOR FREE. Seriously, the amount of people who'd test this game a) for the fun of it, or b) to help make the game better for themselves, c) whatever else is huge. If you have SWGOH, and SWGOH Beta and push things to beta for a week and LISTEN to feedback, before you push it to SWGOH live - you'd be in such a better shape.

    I'm in a top ranked guild - we've had over the last 2 days about a quarter of the players leave. Those are whales and dolphins who won't be spending any more.

    What's broken:

    1. (by a huge margin) GW. Oh my god, GW. You can't tell me you've tested this for more than 5 minutes with actual real world, middle of the road characters. No way. Nobody plays a game and gears up characters thinking "boy oh boy, I hope this gets SO much harder after I've done this work". You can't complete GW without being modded up the wazoo.
    2. Lack of credits. Piggy backing on the above - GW is pretty much the only way to make any credits in this game. You need credits to gear up mods (about 1.5 million credits are needed now to get a 6 mod up to lvl 15). You absolutely need mods to beat GW. You can't get credits because you can't beat GW. See a problem with this? My 5 year old nephew can. Let's not embarrass ourselves.
    3. Insane ... INSANE power of mods. Don't get me wrong I giggle when my maxed our Rey wipes out a fully heared 7* Gear 11 character that has no mods with a single hit from her BASIC attack. However this is SO broken it's not even funny.
    4. INSANE cost to upgrade mods. 1.5 million credits for one 6 mod. Times 6 slots. That's 9 million credits for one character. You need at least 10 characters modded to even stand a chance to do anything. That's 90 million credits. IF (a giant IF) you beat GW that's 500K credits. So it would take 180 days of beating GW every single day (AND NOT spending on anytihng else) to get to that point. Again anyone done math on this?
    5. Mods costing cantina. That's just .. I don't know who thought that was a good idea. One of two things needs to happen - Mods use a different energy, or Cantina fills up at least 3 times faster than current rate.
    6. So many other things! Secret nerfs, precrafting 2.0, not testing anything before it's released, etc. etc.


    well said
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    @EA_Jesse I have been very unhappy with the lack of communication today in regards to the update. I thank you for actually sticking around and answers some questions and try to give information. I'm sorry I missed it, but thank you for at least taking a step. Please, Please, Please don't clam up tomorrow and not post.
  • Toben
    68 posts Member
    edited July 2016
    @EA_Jesse Hi! I'm one of the people who pretty much immediately saw the fun/strategy potential of mods; much like your testers, once the sticker shock wore off I very quickly thought the customization options could be a lot of fun. But even as positive as I've tried to be about the last couple of updates, I have a lot of concerns. Here's my feedback:
    • Seriously address the credit crunch. To the tune of making Credit Heist a 2x-3x weekly occurrence, or similar, and frankly you'll do even more than that if you're going to leave mods as pricey-to-level as the latest update has made them.
    • In addition to the credit crunch, you've added a Cantina Energy crunch. It's a pretty rare resource and now it's stretched very thin between mod battles, mod challenges and cantina itself. There should be some kind of a concession made to this major shift, whether it's separate mod energy, faster regen rate for cantina energy, cheaper refreshes, or bonus cantina energy throughout the day, or some combination of the above.
    • Fix GW. This is, I think, a bug, in that the power of mods is not accurately reflected in the GW opponent-picking algorithm, but yeah, the combination of the recent re-tuning of GW along with the introduction of mods has made GW virtually impossible for many, many people. Today broke my streak of 100-plus consecutive GW wins, and the reason is a final team that was grossly beyond my power range due to their mods. My experience is not rare, and I'll be honest, if I end up quitting over this patch, this, more than anything else, will be the reason why.
    • Tune GW. If you really expect GW to be a game mode that players don't complete every day, then you need to recognize that GW is the main source of credits in the game and is therefore absolutely necessary to player progression. If we're truly not intended to complete it every day, then GW rewards should be shifted elsewhere, or at a bare minimum, the rewards (credit rewards in particular) should be flattened out so they aren't disproportionately lumped at the end of the war. And if you really want GW to be a game mode that rewards having a deep roster, then GW shouldn't carry over turn meter between fights (this encourages using the same characters from fight to fight, and drastically discourages the use of "suicide squads") and characters should heal up a significant percentage of health and protection when they "sit out" for a fight or two (which would encourage using multiple squads in rotation). Just making it harder, with increased credit rewards still mostly slanted towards the end, doesn't achieve your stated goals for GW, it just makes it an exercise in mandatory frustration.
    • Put the drop rates on mods back to 100%. Seriously, in your first update to the outraged response over mods, you guys decided to do....something that absolutely nobody was asking for, except maybe your accountants? Don't be like that.
    • Fix mods. I like mods, I do! But one of the stated goals of the protection update was to slow down the tempo of the game and ensure characters got to take turns. Things like that are, well, if not completely gone out the window now, they are mostly out of your (the devs') control, with mods as they are. Plus PvE content is a mess, with the huge surge in power levels of characters. The gap between whales and casual f2pers is bigger than ever. All these are results of the sheer magnitude of the power boost on offer to characters via modding. TBH, if characters had maybe four mod slots and the "top end" of mod power was about what a level 15, 1-star mod provides now, I think there would still be a lot of room for customization of characters without things being so outrageously game-breaking. (My ideal for mods would be: primary bonuses similar to max-level 1* mods now; mods don't have levels and don't need to be leveled up [eliminating the increased credit crunch]; the star-rating of a mod determines the number of secondary bonuses it has; and mod color improves the strength of those secondary bonuses. Still leaves plenty of room for us players to suffer through RNG trying to get that perfect mod.) In any case: tone down mods, adjust PvE content, but, and this is important: Give us advance notice of what you're going to do, and be completely honest, open and transparent about it. No stealth-buffing the Rancor. Which leads into my final point:
    • Communicate better. To take the potency/scanner nerf: I get that @EA_Jesse is talking to the team, trying to find out what's up with this, and that's great, but Jesse shouldn't have to do that. Stuff like that should've been communicated to us, in clear straightforward terms, before the patch happened. Same with the 6*/7* mods getting added to raid rewards, heck even the outrage about mods themselves could've been significantly mitigated if you guys had done a better job of setting player expectations about mods before they were implemented. A simple "they're going to seem crazy powerful at first, brace for sticker shock" BEFORE the fact would've saved you so much outrage. Instead you keep piling miscommunications on top of bad communication on top of radio silence, with the end result that you've burned a lot of player trust and it's going to take a long uninterrupted period of solid, open, transparent communication with us to regain it.

    And last I'll finish with some positive feedback: I love multi-sim, I love being able to sim daily challenges, the new Kamino landing pad battlefield is truly gorgeous, and now having gotten to fight General Grievous in some PvE stuff (having never encountered him before in PvP or anywhere), I have to say his model and animations are spectacular. The new characters all look interesting, if totally overshadowed by this Mods debacle. I even liked the gift of Chewie shards, it saves me some Cantina farming once I ever finish Lando.

    I am on your side as much as basically anyone here. I want to see this game last for years, at least through all the rest of the newest Star Wars Trilogy. But you guys have a lot of work you need to do, quickly, and the last couple updates did a lot more to make things worse than better.
  • Geddre
    224 posts Member
    Ok, @EA_Jesse I'm summarizing the issues I see most frequently mentioned here, in guild, and elsewhere:

    Number 1 by far: mods have marginalized 7 months of work.

    Create a better barrier to acquisition... one not based on luck or unfair raid positioning. It MUST be based on all the work we've already done. ESPECIALLY making the raid gear we just killed ourselves for not marginalized. A more common suggestion is to make gear level and character levels a prerequisite for better mods. It's absurd to allow tier 5 or 6 mods on a character that's gear level 6. Or level 60 for that matter.

    2: Galactic War is rendered literally impossible for many players

    All it takes is one fully modded team with 5-dot mods and most players are stopped in their tracks. GW is done for the day. The most common suggestion is to have mods shiw an amount of "power" that more accurately reflects their true power. A Rey hitting for 50k should very clearly be marked as having a ton more power than a Rey who hits for a third of that. I however, believe you guys are going to have problems like this until you give up on pulling arena teams for GW matches. Just generate them randomly.

    3: Credit crunch has been drastically worsened

    So now not only did you add ANOTHER mechanism that costs us credits which we have been telling you are earned far too slowly at least since the level cap was increased... you broke the best way we have to get them... that being GW.

    4: Cantina energy used for both mods and shards comes FAR too slowly.

    Cantina energy was annoying slow and expensive to get as it is. But forcing us to farm the shards we want and the mods we need with this same tiny energy pool is not cool.
  • Mezmo
    117 posts Member

    In all seriousness and without hyperbole, this last set of updates has been a gigantic mess. The Mods themselves may turn out to be workable in the long run. I don't mind giving some time to work out the kinks. However, I think it's fair to point out, for the good of the game, that the implementation of these changes has been mishandled and this needs to be addressed.

    The first reaction to the big update was negative once people saw just how drastically Mods could change the game. Some folks overreacted a bit, sure, but I think that's somewhat understandable since one of your own even mentioned initial "sticker shock" upon testing the Mods. It was still fixable, though.

    Then, unfortunately, you guys doubled down. You dropped the Mod drop rate and didn't respond at all to repeated concerns about using cantina energy and lack of player balancing. I don't expect you to give us all the details, but when the immediate response to the player outcry was to make things even harder on everyone, that's when things really took an ugly turn. And then there is the repeated badgering about the TOS on the site, which comes across poorly, since it looks like you won't respond to requests but are quick to punish fairly minor infractions on the forum. That should not be your priority right now.

    I'm not going to threaten anyone or use harsh words, but I seldom post here at all and I logged in tonight to say this: the changes you have implemented since introducing Mods have been, almost completely, a step backward. Making drops less frequent is the wrong move. Nerfing toons (without saying you have) is a horrible idea right now. Refusing to budge on the concerns with Galactic War and not even commenting much other than to say, effectively, "this is how it's going to be" is a bad idea. All of these things at once have really upset your player base.

    For the good of the game, perhaps even its long term survival, you as a team MUST address these concerns directly, honestly, and without defensiveness. I understand that you guys have been called out here, and that's no fun. But please respond with kind words and show understanding to the players (consumers of this product.) It really will help everyone in the long run. It's still not too late to fix this. But more missteps carry a large risk of irreparable harm. And I don't think anyone really wants that. This is a good game with great potential. Let's work together to make it better.

    This is well put, and I think that an open and honest engagement on each of these points is really a bare minimum.

    More wholistically, and I will speak only for myself, my reservoir of trust and good will is just spent. I would like to think there are explanations for many of the recent decisions other than spiteful or punitive motivations, but am all-too-often mystified what those may be. More so than "fixing" these concerns, an open and honest engagement on these issues would go a long way to generating some good will. Ideally, that wouldn't look like a hasty patch crammed down our throats tomorrow, but perhaps we're beyond that.

    I know I'm at a distinct tipping point, though. Time to make your customers feel they're a part of something rather than victims of it. Hope that unifying vector of people's discontent is clear and conveyed. And that it's not too late to do something about it (or that the current player base isn't an acceptable write-off).
  • Balo
    18 posts Member
    I know you're asleep by now, but figured I would give some feedback in hopes you might read it in the morning. I haven't really posted much on the forums, but this latest change has really decreased my enjoyment in the game and I felt I had to speak up.

    I really like the idea of mods. I was looking forward to stacking the +25% speed mod bonus on my HK47 to give it just enough speed to go before IG-88, land some debuffs so IG-88 can take advantage of all the debuffed characters for a large damage increase. I was looking forward to farming +crit % mods for my GS to give him a higher chance to get that +50% turn meter on crit.

    However, the scale they have been implemented is WAY too extreme. I currently have some tier 5 mods that give me +59 speed, +6000 health and +47% offense. The scale these increase the stats of my toons basically invalidates the past 6 months I have spent farming gear and starring up my characters. Why bother farming 100 pieces of purple gear that gives my +100 offense, when 1 mod that took me 2 minutes to farm gives me +700.

    My suggestion is to scale down the stats on the mods by a factor of 10 (both primary and secondary) but leave the set bonuses as is. This would scale back the stats to be about 1% increase per tier (for the percent increase mods), instead of 10%. Set bonuses become more rewarding than the individual stats, but there is still differentiation between tiers. Using health as an example, the level 15 set bonuses provides +15% health, whereas the individual stats would provide +1% for tier 1 to +7% for tier 7 (or 2% to 14% on the 2 pieces needed to get the set bonus).

    Players who may not have the toons to unlock the higher tiers in the mod challenges, still can access the set bonus, but players who have a deeper or higher level roster will still be rewarded by being able to get better gear right off the bat. If someone outfits all 6 mod spots with tier 5 gear instead of tier 1 gear, they will have a 24% higher increase in their stats (6 x (5% -1%)) than someone who uses all tier 1. This would jump up to 36% at tier 7. People, like me, who may not have a deep roster yet can focus on farming certain character to unlock the higher tiers of a certain mod they want (for example farm Resistance characters to get better stats on the speed mods). But someone who already has a deep roster is rewarded by being able to farm the tier 5 mods immediately.

    In addition, this smaller increase don't invalidate the gear and stars that have already been earned, but still provide a good increase to stats and a high level of customization.

    Right now, the increase is so large, there really isn't much strategy; it's just an arms race to max out the highest level mod possible. If they are toned down, a lot more strategy and customization can come into place. Do I want to give my character more speed so it can attack first? Or do I want to add tenacity so it can't be stunned? Or maybe I can add + crit damage for big burst potential?

    I can see a lot of potential with mods, and am really curious to see what you decide to do.

  • Options
    Here's how it looks like:

    How we think the game could be fixed:

    How the devs think the game could be fixed:

    I believe that's how their logic works. Seriously, show us one feedback that said mods shouldnt drop 100% of the time. Just increase the level cap to 90 so all of us will get the push to quit this game.
  • SamoBudo
    223 posts Member
    gitts411 wrote: »
    Here's how it looks like:

    How we think the game could be fixed:

    How the devs think the game could be fixed:

    I believe that's how their logic works. Seriously, show us one feedback that said mods shouldnt drop 100% of the time. Just increase the level cap to 90 so all of us will get the push to quit this game.

    Laughed till I cried....

  • Options
    SamoBudo wrote: »
    gitts411 wrote: »
    Here's how it looks like:

    How we think the game could be fixed:

    How the devs think the game could be fixed:

    I believe that's how their logic works. Seriously, show us one feedback that said mods shouldnt drop 100% of the time. Just increase the level cap to 90 so all of us will get the push to quit this game.

    Laughed till I cried....

    More like: Hey we heard your feedback so we brought back the Yoda event and are giving you 5 Ugnaught shards!
  • Gandy
    9 posts Member
    edited July 2016
    I thank the community for its support. I don't think mods were well thought out and the rapid fire updates making changes to crucial gear (read scanners) across the board altering so many characters (potency down from 40% to 10% per scanner) throwing entire teams off that people worked hard to tune and at the same time you did not fix the Teebo bug that you stated needed a client update to fix, we get a client update and it is still not fixed. This is not longer for me. I wish everyone well.

    #Gandy off to Valinor
  • Burrito_Man
    63 posts Member
    edited July 2016
    I just want to say job well done to the developers, please pass along my compliments. While they have effectively trolled the player-base in the past (making everyone think you listen to them by reducing the difficulty of gw, only to make it even harder than it previously was two weeks later was a stroke of genious...I hope someone got a raise for that), the recent updates over the last two days are on a completely different level. You truly upped your game and the resulting reaction in game and on the forums the last two days has provided me more entertainment than the game has in months. Don't listen to all the naysayers, keep on deleting and banning anyone that dares speak their mind, and keep up the fantastic trolling, it is A+++++.
  • papnwors
    749 posts Member
    You shouldn't have to listen to our feedback and make adjustments.
    You should be properly testing and as a massive long standing gaming company you should know more than we do about what people want and what the game should be.
    But you don't test and you seem oblivious to the problems and now want us to have faith that things will be fixed when you guys clearly have no clue what the problems are, nevermins how to fix them.
    You should be telling us what to do, not the other way round. We don't pay you guys to run your company and make your decisions for you, we don't pay you to beta test and be your bosses.

    You are suppose to be experienced and have tons of data and yet the players are now relied on to explain to you how to do your jobs.

    Don't you see how pathetic this is?
  • Options
    Wow. I can't even read this anymore, and I don't feel like being banned for typing. Nothing you do will make everyone happy, but everything you do seems to make a larger percentage of the people unhappy.
  • kejmo
    213 posts Member

    First i'd like to thank You for coming here and writing at least something. We all do know that You have the worst job, being a link from players to developers and/or management (less likely). We rarely do see some EA/CG answers, so You need to understand people here as well. Just for notice, "You" in further text is reffered to EA/CG. By mentioning people, let's give few of mine thoughts :

    1. People - I don't know how old You are Jesse, but keep in mind (and feel free to share it with the developers) that the playerbase here, at least Your targeted ones (paying customers) is minimum 35 years old. In my guild for example, the youngest member has 29 years. These are people that give You money. And these are people that You are screwing up. I hope that You do realize that the targeted playerbase are actually grown ups who have tons of daily problems anyway, and have learned how to reduce the problem list (which You probably felt on Your account these days). Don't let Your greed drive away the hand that feeds You.

    2. Ignorance - By looking at the MegaThreads with 50k wiews, 80+ pages and not a single EA/CG response - what does that tell You ? This is not the way of communication.

    3. Absurd AI RNG - connects with Ignorance - just look at the Dodge MegaThread. People are reporting absurd AI RNG behaviour which is obviously boosted. Even I am running my own statistic which I posted several times on the forums, showing AI RNG advantage of over 70%. That is not normal.

    4. PreCraft v1.0 & v2.0 - i really don't think i need to comment here. This is an Epic Fail.

    5. We all know You can create things, that is Your job afterall. But people don't want new things. People want fixed things. Fix things. Then create new.

    6. Mods - even if the idea is actually interesting, the iplementation is a total failure. Mods aren't supposed to completely remake the charachter. Their role should be to fine boost that little stat you miss so you can hit that Rancor which will dodge anyway. But i hope You get the idea.

    7. Guild competition - guildmates should be rewarded as a team, as a whole, as one. Not to make the competition even deeper between guildies.

    Just look at WoW. From 12m subs, to less than 5m subs. I was a Wow player once. The fantastic "updates" that were coming, and the culmination was the best update of them all "Mists of Pandaria" caused that i never played WoW again. Same is happening here. Only the update is called "Mods are here".

    I will mention again - there are probably people that are way, WAY more experienced than You, as in life, so in business. Listen to them.

    TLDR : There is no game that works on long term while player base is ignored.


  • Amnor
    116 posts Member
    edited July 2016
    EA_Jesse wrote: »
    Hey Everyone,

    It’s been a while since I’ve posted a message to you all that is directly from me, one that isn’t patch notes :)

    I know that a number of you are upset with the latest series of updates, but know that we have heard you. As many of you saw, CG_NotReallyAJedi made a couple of posts recently addressing some of the concerns with Mods. We should have more to discuss tomorrow, but know that the team is doing quite a bit of work on Mods to change them. I want to avoid giving any specifics since all of the changes we’re looking at are being tested still, but know that adjustments will be made to Mods. There are also some other concerns you all have that I won’t list out here, but know that I’m talking to the development team about them as well.

    Now, in regards to all of the posts on the forums, we need to adjust the approach being taken by a number of posters. I’m going to ask that you please stop posting threads that do nothing to help the state of the game, I don’t want to remove anyone because they keep breaking the TOS and Forum Guidelines.

    Here are a couple of things that I’d like to see stop:
    • Posting threads telling people to quit, to stop spending on the game or to lower their review scores. This does nothing to help the state of the game. What helps us is seeing feedback on why you don’t like a certain feature and how it affects your enjoyment of the game.
    • Do not create posts bashing EA, CG, the dev team or the moderators. Again, this does nothing to help the game.
    • Do not create posts on how the game is dead, or how it’s going to die, or anything along those lines.

    If any of the above is done after this posting action will be taken against your forum account, and we really don’t want to have to do that, so please, keep it civil and constructive so we can clearly see your feedback.


    I just dont believe what Im reading.
    I play this game since the early December and I was never complaining about the game mechanics nor the changes made by dev team. If I was ever writing anything on the forum it was usually to take the side of the dev team.

    Right now I just cant pretend that nothing has happened and adapt to the new mechanics like I used to do. Its not even the mod system that bothers me, but your attitude.

    Why do you expect players to help the game if you do your best to ruin it?
    You repeat your mistakes and dont learn from them. You dont listen to players. You dont test the content you are going to implement. You dont even know the game you are creating, coz if you knew basic mechanics you would never implement MOD system in its current state.

    And above all, you dare to tell the players to not vocal their dissatisfaction???

    Thats our right to quit, to stop spending on the game or to lower our review scores. Its our right to bash EA, CG, the dev team or the moderators for doing such a lousy work.

    What do you think you are? Some Holy Cow? We are not in China, where people cant complain or demand their rigts.

    In fact we are paying customers, who pay for your and the whole dev team salary. And as such we have all the right to vocal our opinion and if it is not listened, we have the right to take all the steps you said we shouldnt.

    Your post pushed the line. Just right now Im going to lower my game score, to write for refund and to stop spending. Or to quit actually

    If the player base wont use their rights, youll never learn to listen to them.

This discussion has been closed.