Message from the CM


  • Drexnaw
    152 posts Member
    Baal wrote: »
    You type alot.

    Yeah, I probably shouldn't have seeing as they wont read it anyways.
  • Baal
    602 posts Member
    Drexnaw wrote: »
    Baal wrote: »
    You type alot.

    Yeah, I probably shouldn't have seeing as they wont read it anyways.

    Well, according to them im doing things and stuff and since I quoted, theyll see it. But I didnt do things or stuff and theyrr wrong.
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    SamoBudo wrote: »
    gitts411 wrote: »
    Here's how it looks like:

    How we think the game could be fixed:

    How the devs think the game could be fixed:

    I believe that's how their logic works. Seriously, show us one feedback that said mods shouldnt drop 100% of the time. Just increase the level cap to 90 so all of us will get the push to quit this game.

    Laughed till I cried....

    More like: Hey we heard your feedback so we brought back the Yoda event and are giving you 5 Ugnaught shards!
  • Phaq
    25 posts Member

    first i want to say THANK YOU for talking with us. And i want to thank you for a really good work. Yes i mean the update. In my eyes the update itself is really amazing but there are the small easy things which ruined it.

    In my opinion as a player who invested a lot in this game (you can check) the problems are:

    - mods are way too powerful. you sould either remove them until you fixed it or you should reduce all mods by 90% of their stats until you fixed it.

    - CREDITS... you said you adress the credit problem by raising the gaining. Well, you did by GW but the other side is, you also raised the mod costs extremely and at the end we are at this point where i have even less credits than before. How should i lvl my toons now? i need all my credits for mods.

    - Gear. Why nerfing gear without any feedback out of the community?

    - Cantina energy.. imo this is a big fail. Cantina energy should be cantina energy. Bring some new energy if u want to extra for mod challenges but make that energy raise faster or make the refreshes as it is with normal 50/50/100 etc ....

    - GW... last node still bugged. Rest is ok in my opinion.

    - mod shop. Come on, First, there are weak mods to buy and the prices are outta universe. Nobody buys that right? sell some high end stuff here if u want me to spend that 3k crystals, lol. 3K crystals are 25€ for me, and for me this is much!!

    - Prices general. I think prices for this game are really way too high. That crystals bring so much advantages, either reduce the cost for them or reduce the cost for that gear and mods and refreshes.

    - Toons. You brought some really cool toons. Zam, Spy, Cody... i love them but they suck. Why? Why cant you simply wait with releasing something new until you are sure they dont suck? Well you need testers? Make toons testable for 5 battles and then deactivate them until players have enough shards for unlocking.
    I bought tons of crystals to buy chromiums and then that cool toons... SUCK!!

    - balance the toons. many toons need some big love and other could easily take some hate.
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    OK Jesse, constructive criticism for you directly, and not for the dev team:

    You admitted on top that it's been a long time since you've addressed us all without it being a patch note. Isn't that a problem? How about not letting anger fester? When an issue comes up and you get megathreads, how about talking to the community of which you manage? Aren't you getting paid for that? If you aren't, then my bad. But if you are, then you're not doing your job very well.

    Keeping quiet, even if it's your directive from superiors, is not going to make the problem go away. All it does is make people even more upset. For example, saying there are no plans to fix GW as a final decision doesn't sit well with your audience. How about explaining the reasons why you don't think it needs to be fixed? "It's supposed to be hard" isn't an explaination. Besides, if you were really listening to the community, you'd see that it's not just "hard", but rather impossible for a lot of people. Tell us why it's supposed to be impossible.

    Games are supposed to be entertainment, not aggravation. If I dread pushing the icon on my iPad, but do so just to grind out another omega, it's only going to last until I find another game I will actually look forward to playing. You guys have done some really shady and unwise things in the past few weeks (unplayable GW, Mods OP, Mods drop rate nerf after a large group had 100% drop rate, potency nerf), worst of which is this message telling people to shut up. Be careful what you wish for; If you got your way, it means people stopped caring about playing this game and moved on.
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    @EA_Jesse people seemed to be adjusting better to the mods before the 7/14 update.

    Characters people invested actual money in, buying crystals for gear and energy for farming, no longer work as they did when we made said purchases. The potency changes affected our expected raiding experience.

    That's a huge thing right now and I hope it's reversed sooner than later. That and how mods are obtained after the update where we're no longer guaranteed drops, including the proper rarity level for the tier we're farming.

    People are actually quitting over this. Leaving guilds, leaving Line groups. It has to be fixed soon.
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    Naso wrote: »
    Over 20+ battles of "new" mod challenges = 0 FRIKKING 5* MOD!!! This is madness!

    Hey, nice to finally meet you, even if during these sad times, Im Consular Cheecha. They do drop but at an extremely low rate now, and you can also get 3* and 4* now for some reason (its like farming Anakins cantina node and having a 33% chance to get Ugnaught shards instead lol), so I suggest you to no waste your energy for now on those, and just use the mods you get from raids. After all you managed to make a pretty decent team by now, most are far behind :)
    Btw we have our shard thread in the PvP section you should swing by some time!
  • Baal
    602 posts Member
    Hurtted in the butt much?
  • andrea
    23 posts Member
    there's no hope to recover, make this game open source and give it to the community :-)
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    You rolled out an ill conceived and poorly executed game updated, then in response to the mountain of complaints you pushed through an even more poorly conceived "fix" that did not do a single thing to address any of the problems of the update, and in fact only served to create more, and worse, problems. Scolding us for our anger, and asking that we only give contructive criticism is somewhat rich considering that you've given no indication that you listen to our complaints. The people here have every right to their anger. Most of us have spent months, and some of us have spent thousands of dollars, building our teams, and in one moment you wiped all that work away by adding a new element so powerful that it rendered everything we'd been working on meaningless. But here's some constructive criticism for you; the only way to fix this is to roll it back. I know you don't want to do that, but the game is broken as is, and any new "fix" is going to hurt one group or another. Rethink the mods, they should give a slight edge, not completely override every other leveling aspect of the game. And please just stop squeezing us.
  • Naso
    170 posts Member
    doncheecha wrote: »
    Naso wrote: »
    Over 20+ battles of "new" mod challenges = 0 FRIKKING 5* MOD!!! This is madness!

    Hey, nice to finally meet you, even if during these sad times, Im Consular Cheecha. They do drop but at an extremely low rate now, and you can also get 3* and 4* now for some reason (its like farming Anakins cantina node and having a 33% chance to get Ugnaught shards instead lol), so I suggest you to no waste your energy for now on those, and just use the mods you get from raids. After all you managed to make a pretty decent team by now, most are far behind :)
    Btw we have our shard thread in the PvP section you should swing by some time!

    Oh nice to see someone from same shard! Sad times indeed. See you in shard thread! :)

    line id: naso_fin
  • himobi
    63 posts Member
    Jesse, I understand you needing to put out your post and agree that bashing you guys doesn't help but its how we feel and with the drip feed of communication, lack of thorough testing, limited foresight into how changes impact the game and saying 'Do Not...' in your sentences you will just anger players even more. My guild hasn't lost anyone yet but I can tell you the amount of angry swearing players is worrying.

    Why rush out changes so dramatic as mods without knowing the impact? I have 40 5 dot mods and 2 6 dot mods (through raid), l farmed them before the drop rate was cut, others in my server shard who I regularly fought for top 10 dont and they have dropped outside of 50 and have no hope of going up without spending considerable amounts of money over what they do now. Is this fair? Fair is giving everyone a shot at the same pot at the same time in a gradual controlled way. Allowing players to upgrade 5 dot mods to 15 and the next day doubling the price is not fair in any way. Upping the GW credits by a few thousand and giving some Chewie shards is not a way to fix the issues. Oh did you change the potency of potency or change the raid in a way where a QGJ with potency of 240%+ cannot hit his basic at all? I read the notes and it says the scaling has changed, but this is not true or there is some other mechanic at work where a T7 rancor resists every turn meter down hit.

    I dont have a solution to your problems but please improve your communication and give us players a stable, enjoyable game where we want to spend and keep playing. We are not kids, please dont treat us like them.
  • Phaq
    25 posts Member
    What about the raid system?
    I still feel like i play versus my guildies and not WITH them.
    We have to play against each other for the first 3 places instead of playing together and get some equal cool stuff....
    bring more possibilities to get that raid gear and that 6* mod ****...

    PLUS read my post above
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    One of the biggest issues the player base needs if mods are to stay is faster energy replenish or separate energy for mods all together, more ways to earn credits cause the credit crunch is so horrible many have issues doing anything really. And no alienation of the player base with anymore of these darned stealth updates. We already lost all faith we got in the company. Least the company employees can do is try to earn it back and not lie to us further. We have multiple lies at this point it's rather leaving things out which results in people quitting. Example: GW stealth update and current tenacity and potency fiasco. People lose faith. The difficulty on GW is a whole another story. Which also needs to be addressed. Which of course was another flip flop issue. One week the message was, since this was too hard we will make it easier for you so that it's not too time consuming! Then little while goes bye majority of the people are happy because it's a mobile game and all the people get wrecked. We at first are told there was nothing done to it. Which is obviously a lie and it isn't til two dayz after the update is released that we are finally told that, "in that was an update, and it's meant to be hard! It's meant to be a challenge! And it's meant to take time!" Wow complete 360 like that and the entire player base thinks what the heck just happened right? So the anger is justified and nothing was done to address that. Majority of the player base also kept asking for fixes on characters that are already around but not playable since the protection update made majority of them unplayable. Contrary to the post made by you EA Jesse. Saying that it would buff all slow characters and nerf fast characters. Yet to date Leia and Rey remain the fastest and most powerful characters by far and Rey retains the ability to one shot many of the characters that the protection update was created to solve. So what was it's purpose exactly? Just to send out a bunch of nerfs and scale HP different by the looks of it, also in order to make everyone be forced to farm different characters which I understand is alright. Still fixing existing characters and broken synergies could have worked to your advantage. To date this is a star wars game that has a broke Jedi synergy. Yes JEDI synergy is broke. And is weak. Not VIABLE in Arena. many players play for nostalgia and to play their favorite charactera or teams a lot of which are in Jedi or even Sith both of which are not usable. Never capitalized on that, never made player base happy with that. And could have easily used that to balance the game. But instead used tactics other means to do diff things. This method would not have been underhanded. And would have been one people welcomed because they get what they want and you get what you want, we work towards progression, plus diversity of skills goes up. Their is no dominant team in the arena any longer. So all od this overlooked and much of this was mentioned in the forums before. Anyways those are my thoughts as to why this game is crashing and burning right now.
  • Baal
    602 posts Member
    What if it's not crashing and burning?
    What if it is ripping and tearing?
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    Lets not forget the nerfing of Potency.

    Nubian Scanners used to give 40% boost in Potency, now it's only 10% - not only is this gear super hard to get, but now it's biggest advantage has been taken away.

    Re-iterating the credit problem - it is worse now, not better. Credits given out should be about 10x of what it used to be given all the things that need credits.
    > An alternative to not giving more credits - make leveling, gearing, starring and increasing abilities all FREE so credits can all be spent on Mods.

    My biggest complaint to the Mods is how it makes the strong, stronger (Rey - an already outrageously OPed toon - c'mon - she hits harder than Sidious and Vader combined? Absolutely absurd) - as she can now one shot many of the already tanked out toons if her offense is moded-up enough.

    And the weak get weaker, its not like Barriss will start hitting harder as her offense is already weak to begin with - how many hits would she have to do on someone w/ 40k protection & 40k health. Even if her offense was pumped all the way up - it's not like she does the 2 & 3 hits Rey does so she'd still probably max hit around 5k.

    If anything bring back the Potency, nerf the mods.
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    Baal wrote: »
    What if it's not crashing and burning?
    What if it is ripping and tearing?

    What if you say something constructive instead of spamming threads with nonsense?
  • Baal
    602 posts Member
    Baal wrote: »
    What if it's not crashing and burning?
    What if it is ripping and tearing?

    What if you say something constructive instead of spamming threads with nonsense?

    What if YOU say something constructive?
  • Yadda_123
    187 posts Member
    edited July 2016
    AlexB wrote: »
    I quite like the mods. I see great opportunity for unique strategies, which wasn't possible before. Toons that were useless before can be modded to explore their advantages and fix their weaknesses.

    You would think but people have already proved that assumption false. The mods are going into already broken characters like Rey and breaking them even further. I haven't won a GW in the last two days and don't expect to again unless they balance it out. Tonight it was a max gear, max level, max mod Teebo team that I threw my last four big squads at and only killed the Ewok Elder. The new wall of unbeatable mod teams blocking advancement in the Arena also a serious bummer. What's the point of playing if it's going to be like this going forward?
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    EA Jesse, con ese comportamiento lo que estáis haciendo es quedar como el pu_to culo, un foro está hecho para quejarse y la gente tiene derecho a la queja aunque no sea constructiva por vuestras cagadas continuas. Ahí os quedáis con vuestro juego, podéis banear mi cuenta tranquilamente. Entre este juego y el Battlefront os habéis cubierto de gloria, suerte tenéis que haya tanto ton_to en este mundo que os de dinero.
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    galactic war is broken at the moment. cg/ea you made it to scale. that should mean it should be doable for anyone if he just plays clever, but thats not the case. there is an achievement attached to galactic war, may as well take that away since I don't see me completing it all. it's not like "oh this day I had bad luck and won't win galactic war. it's everyday invest a lot of time (!!!!!) and still no chance of winning.
  • senkoujin
    187 posts Member
    edited July 2016
    Regarding the Potency and Tenacity "normalizations":

    CG, we need for you to be CLEAR on exactly how effective Potency is against Tenacity; you could explain these things more in-depth? Also, I heard from the devs that the default chance for resisting detrimental effects is set to 15% for each toon.

    If the scale ranges from 1% to 100%, then what could be expected from this example:

    Toon A: 20% Potency
    Toon B: 20% Tenacity

    Toon A hits Toon B with detrimental effect attack.


    Toon A: 50% Potency
    Toon B: 35% Tenacity

    Toon A hits Toon B with detrimental effect attack.


    I'd like to know because due to the inclusion of mods, most of our HARD EARNED Potency has been GREATLY reduced to fit this new "normalization", and let me tell you, this reduction has rendered our detrimental attacks FAR less effective. Potency mods don't require the sweat and blood needed to obtain potency that Raid Gear like Mk VII Nubian Security Scanners used to provide! It takes soooooooooo much more time and effort just to get these things; The 40% -> 10% Potency reduction was just plain wrong!

    It's like your boss telling you to do clerical work for a week and get paid $5,000 VERSUS your boss telling you to do hard labor construction work on the Eiffel Tower for a month to get paid the same amount.

    If you didn't read anything else I posted, then read this suggestion:

    Post edited by senkoujin on
  • Cor
    124 posts Member
    @EA_Jesse I understand why you want to restrain people from writing specific comments, but when you do so, please reconsider also your communication strategy. If there is no feedback from devs after update, which is considered by community as a problem (for example long silence about precrafting, despite tons of mails and feedback from community), it looks that devs react only if there is plenty of negative comments. I am not saying it is the fact, but it LOOKS like anything is done only if people start writing about leaving or not paying anymore. Maybe short comments in weekly update on top ten (based on number of posts) subjects discussed on the forum last week? Even short "we are looking into this" or "not considered atm" will do, but on all hot subjects - not only ones convenient to reply ;-)
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    Translation here. We screwed this game up really bad and we don't want you to talk about it or organize against us because your money is all we really care about. Yea good luck with because treating your paying community like crap is really gonna go over well
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    Despite clear feedback about major issues in the game, issues, gw, purchasing, constantly changing rules if the game, etc, the only example of a time when EA actually addressed a community issue was on the rework of JKA, which took many months and is just one of Nanny more broken or useless toons. Yeah, ok, Jesse. Consider my faith restored.
  • Tisikotka
    20 posts Member
    edited July 2016
    EA_Jesse wrote: »
    please stop with the troll posts

    Is this guy for real!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?!

    You roll untested update (clearly seen from the tests and adjustment coming after its live... not on the test phase, but on the mandataroy update phase.

    You add, items, that efectivly upgrade the strenght of a toon to 300% (in our guild we did the math, a full 5x15 mods toon = 10*, g17 toon.

    Like seriously, not a single one of the dev or QA team, havent noticed that you can go full Offens/Crit mod build on a character (lets say RAY) Increasing her dmg on basic from 4-5k, on 30k allways crit, with ~50k prot/health combined and 30 increase on speed? And she wold 45-50k one shot anything on her specials? Or a 120k hp/prot 5555 Fives, who would wipe single handedly 7*, g 10 unmodded teams, hitting twice for 10k/hit ?!?!?!? If no one saw that - fire your entire QA and game design teams, really. If you knew about it and roll it - fire everyone.

    Same stuff with hero power ratings - mods increase actual power by huge percentage (rougly 30 for a single mod, before all possible set bonuses) yet the actual increase in power for the toon, in terms of how game will rate it in Arena and GW is mere 2-3% !?????????????????

    You didnt made it so those mods will acurately reflect the strenght of a toon, making the power rating of a team false and ruining the GW and arena as well (a 30k team can range in real power, provided by mods from 32k to 80k ffs) producing 60 lvls modded Rays one-shoting for 50k dmg a 7*, g10 STH?!?! (yeah that is real)

    Your crysis managment concluded to crating "precraft v2", actually hindering the chance for not whales to catch up on the mods?!?!?!?!?!?!?! Like - whoever got the mods - good for him, now we will hinder all ways to actually catch them up, and praise them the kings of everything for the next half of year.

    20% of my guild insta quited, most of the others are on the verge of quiting.

    The jawa challenge is actually trolling, and only shows how little to none basic cognitive functions your marketing team has.

    And you come here asking to self censure us, and not saying the truth?





    As a part of the gaming industry, working for CryTek and UBISOFT for the last 8 years I can share one more thing.

    What you did to the game with the last patch shows nothing but ignorance and lack of comunication, long term planing and strategy between your game designer, PR, dev and marketing teams.

    Telling people who are furious, to how you diminished all of theri funds in the game to tone down and stop the critics is the wors thing you can do to settle things down. If our community manager did that, we would be our EX whatever manager by the end of the week.
    Post edited by Tisikotka on
  • Hotsdontfall
    12 posts Member
    edited July 2016
    @EA_Jesse The only smart thing to do at this point is either

    A) Revert the changes. Get rid of mods and refund everything we spent to upgrade and get them. Then at a way later date reintroduce them after you've actually tested and used them.


    B )Do as above but scrap the whole idea in general... Something like this shouldnt happen until the game is **** near completed. You should have everything tested out, know everything is working accordingly and know that its not going to **** people off because they make something "overpowered."

    Ive played a ton of online games but i've never seen something that could ruin a game overnight and cause people to quit so easily. Everyone who plays this loves Star Wars but you keep pushing people away by not listening to anything anyone says. I mean the biggest issue of credits and GW hasnt been answered in the slightest along side costs and all that.

    This is coming from a HUGE Star Wars fan who loves this game. Fix your money grabbing problems and make this game what it should be and you'll see a ton more happy people along with more players.
  • Zazoo
    8 posts Member
    After this change with Mods I can tell you that GW is ridiculous.

    Yesterdays run I did really well and managed to get to the final node with no casualties. but then I face a fully modded Clone Synergy team.
    My A team that can get top 10 in Arena took out 1 character and it took another 4 sets of G8 characters to take out the rest 1 character per 5 and the last one was Fives who had 30% protection and had to face a full team with protection and the only reason I managed to take him out was because my last toon dodged his last attack otherwise he would have taken out a full team of G8 characters by himself.

    I was laughing the entire time because it was so ridiculous....
    GW was difficult before this is something else and I know for certain that I will not bother with GW most days from now because I have no interested in getting frustrated.
  • Gundam_Raizer
    171 posts Member
    edited July 2016
    They copied summoners war the aspect of runes and figured "hey what it works as a big cash grab for them why not us?" Except what they don't realize is Summoners War lost a good deal of its player base by doing so. And even still that game is developed differently than this one and has more aspects to deal with. This game however is still limited. In the sense we need shards to unlock characters, in summoners war you simply summon them. Two different methods entirely.
This discussion has been closed.