Message from the CM


  • Klocko
    1017 posts Member
    @EA_Jesse Please just remove the mods altogether. If I wanted to play Summoners War, or any one of its clones, I would.

    This game was a bit like chess, in that you could look at a team and know exactly what a certain toon could and couldn't do, and how to take it down, in what order, and who to use to do it. And could assess the risk vs reward of engaging that team. Mods have made those same chess pieces into "sure, that's my knight, but see that mod? It can now do everything the Queen can do, so haha good luck. Oh yeah, I did the same to my bishop, rook, and pawns...Sucka!"

    Aside from the insane difficulty mods have added to gw, now I need to individually click on all 5 toons in all 12 nodes to see what, if any, mods have been added. An already long and difficult mode has been made way harder (so far, impossible to actually finish) and way longer (like double the time. Back to being a 2 hour chore)

    I know you don't personally do the coding or anything, so when I refer to you, I mean the devs.

    Enjoy SW Celebration (if that's still possible after this whole debacle). I'll be there next year. Good thing I'm done spending on this game, I'll be able to spend more there instead. Way more...
  • Baal
    602 posts Member
    Loving mods preupdate
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    Aniema wrote: »
    We love everything but mods. Just roll them back. Seriously. We love all of the updates except mods and today's potency nerf.

    Well that's it, there's the answer. Letssssssssssss just roll back the the server to before the mod update went live. WoW how come nobody thought about that? Wait...what about all the people who spent real money buying crystals to refresh Catina energy to get mods then spent millions to max them out? To heck with them right? Because the RealHanSolo and the people like him don't like mods lets just screw over the people who do and the money they spent. Screw them right? MODS are the update!!

    News flash, it isn't that easy. I have a question for you. Do you like to eat steak? How would you like it if someone fixed you the best steak ever. You take a bite and to your amazement it's the best steak you ever ate. As you go to take another bite the waiter comes an takes your plate away with your steak that you payed for and throws it in the trash. bet you would be seeing red.

    Dumb analogy.

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    the only reason these 'concerns' are being addressed is from the furor you've created. How would you know about it if not for the forums? And now you want people to stop talking about it?
    People vent. And when its a mistake of this magnitude, you have to accept it.
  • Ybeler
    95 posts Member


    We give you hundreds of feedbacks and nothing happen.

    Here once again the actual problem and my suggestions for a better balance.
    The mod system is much too powerful. Example, for a Char with 7 Stars, LvL 80 and Gear 9-10 I need a couple weeks to complete this (included a little bit money). With the new mods I can easily overpowered the Char in a few minutes! That give me much more power as I level the char up. I estimate 6x 5 Star Mods at Level 15 give the Char 50%-60% more Power/Strength… It make no sense, when Ray is now a Tank with over 30k health, 40k Damage and over 200 Speed.

    Solution Balance:
    100 % Strength
    60% by Leveling (1-80)
    30% Gear Sets
    10% Mods


    PS: to reduce the droprate doesn’t help! The most of the player have already good mod

    PS2: with this huge power the T7 Raids are so easy
  • Naso
    170 posts Member
    Over 20+ battles of "new" mod challenges = 0 FRIKKING 5* MOD!!! This is madness!
    line id: naso_fin
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    I guess one of the major problems I have today is I was super excited to get new characters that I dropped 200 dollars on trying to get some cool new characters to play with and what I should have been doing was buying cantina energy to spend millions on mod leveling to compete in arena and GW? I don't know what most were in it for, but I liked the idea of challenges and playing "army men" with Star Wars figures, like your E3 commercial talked about, not having to spend hundreds on energy just be able to compete anymore. Gear is useless now compared to the mod stats. The only good thing I hope I can still enjoy is the Raid, but we will see how that has changed tomorrow I when my guild attempts a t7 after this Charlie Foxtrot.
  • Baal
    602 posts Member
    Aniema wrote: »
    We love everything but mods. Just roll them back. Seriously. We love all of the updates except mods and today's potency nerf.

    Well that's it, there's the answer. Letssssssssssss just roll back the the server to before the mod update went live. WoW how come nobody thought about that? Wait...what about all the people who spent real money buying crystals to refresh Catina energy to get mods then spent millions to max them out? To heck with them right? Because the RealHanSolo and the people like him don't like mods lets just screw over the people who do and the money they spent. Screw them right? MODS are the update!!

    News flash, it isn't that easy. I have a question for you. Do you like to eat steak? How would you like it if someone fixed you the best steak ever. You take a bite and to your amazement it's the best steak you ever ate. As you go to take another bite the waiter comes an takes your plate away with your steak that you payed for and throws it in the trash. bet you would be seeing red.

    Dumb analogy.

    Dumb analysis of an analogy. Dumb. I drive for the uber and that's dumb. And I haven't even stardedd yet.
  • andrea
    23 posts Member
    Sorry, only way to fix is to revert mods, if it's not possible to me this game is dead and I have the rights to give a bad review score in the market and also tell other people this game is bad.
  • scootle
    237 posts Member
    EA_Jesse wrote: »
    I don't have all the details, but, any Mods you have should be fine, they won't be vanishing or anything. The changes we do will apply to all Mods across the board most likely.

    Oh great... maybe they will "normalize" mods for us! Just like they "normalized" potency, amirite?

    I have lost all faith that anyone working on this project has any understanding or vision of the concept of cause and effect.

    I have seen many games come and go... but the tuning and balance of prior games has never been handled so badly that a Community Manager sees fit to basically post "personally" and ask people to stop saying bad things about their product. It's very hard to take anything seriously at this point.

    The only thing keeping me here at this point is a loyalty to the guild that I manage and the guys in it... we'll keep the lights on for now, but it's hard to stomach what has happened in the span of the past few days and feel like my time is well-spent or valued by the devs at this point. This entire debacle is downright insulting to the playerbase... whether that is due to happenstance or sheer stupidity on the part of the dev team, I leave that for the community to decide.

    It really doesn't matter if you have spent $$$ or just time on this game. The devs are not showing the players, their most valuable asset, any respect at all with the handling of this new content.

    Again, if it wasn't for the community of players that came together in our guild, quitting the game at this juncture would be a complete no-brainer.

    SWGoH Ally Code: 988-869-147 GM of [Elite Casual]
    May the Force be with you.
  • Baal
    602 posts Member
    Dont quit. Your something or other means something or something.
  • slothe
    221 posts Member
    edited July 2016
    I love how they talked about improving Anakin for us, two hours after they just nerfed him. Anyone else catch that?
    Post edited by slothe on
  • Nickielll
    195 posts Member
    edited July 2016
    Basically, its no more a toon game, its a mod game, we will collect mods. So all investment made in toons and gears became garbage overnight! Its like buying a car and next it become a trycicle!
  • Bovda_Yevoba
    153 posts Member
    edited July 2016
    Censorship isn't going to help the cause. You put out a product and treat paying customers like beta testing Guinea Pigs and a massive amount of dissatisfaction will ensue. It's not avoidable. It happens over and over again with this game and until the way the general methodology of how game updates happen changes, people will seek public options to vent their anger. Censorship will only add fuel to the fire.
  • Baal
    602 posts Member
    Anikin? Really? If you picked a well known parade spokesman from san francisco, he would probably be less "well known" than mispelling anakin, who himself, is quite "well known"
  • Options
    Censorship isn't going to help the cause. You put out a product and treat paying customers like beta testing Guinea Pigs and a massive amount of dissatisfaction will ensue. It's not avoidable. It happens over and over again with this game and until the way the general methodology of how game updates happen, people will seek public options to vent their anger. Censorship will only add fuel to the fire.

    Well, what theyve being doing last few days?? The only good thing was the trade system, the rest was total garbage, just ruined the game for me!
  • Hellcat
    319 posts Member
    edited July 2016
    Complaining "does nothing to help the state of the game" huh?
    What about releasing an update so bad that it required another update within 48 hours and resulted in the hilarious statement of "the team is doing quite a bit of work on Mods to change them"? Does that help the state of the game?
    And some of you even attempted to throw us the ''sticker shock'' non-sense as explanation. Let's look at it this way: You yourselves know the update is problematic. Otherwise your whole team won't rush to change it now. Isn't that the obvious fact? What I truly wonder is this: Is your company aware of something called ''testing"? If testings have been done, who on earth would think this update is a good idea? Because to say the implementation of mod is ''not carefully thought through'' is probably the understatement of the decade. Anyone who spends even 15 mins on the game can tell you that mod doesn't integrate with ANY part of the game. It breaks GW by making it too hard. It breaks raids by making it too easy. It breaks Arena for f2p. It breaks the economy of the game. It breaks the star/gear/omega system and arguably even the missions and events. And if you still claim to have done your job, why all these haste changes to mod drop rate, credits to equip mod, tuning of potency etc.?? You are telling me you people have really planned this through? You know I believe the game is a product that your company sells; people are paying real money for it. You are not in a bar playing drinking game where you just say ''oops I messed up the rules! Let's start over again!''.
    And about players voicing their dissatisfaction. If you go to a restaurant and its food sucks, how would you feel if the owner comes around and tell you not to 1 star his joint on because it ''does nothing to help''? It's ridiculous right?

    Post edited by Hellcat on
  • Baal
    602 posts Member
  • Drexnaw
    152 posts Member
    Lol all I hear is "we f'ed up big time and it's falling apart but please don't talk about it or well punish you!"

    As a guild leader all the recent updates and such have had terrible outcomes. I've had some of my top members quit permanently. In a recent dev update they said something along the lines of " at the end of the day what matters is that the game is enjoyable" well that enjoyment is gone. The last two weeks I've had next to no fun and the biggest reason I'm still around is my guild. The raid is a joke, it operates off of terrible mechanics and leaves no real options for strategy except turn meter manipulation (which is valid but shouldn't be the only real strategy), also the way the rewards are set up kinda make you have to **** over your own guild mates to make progress, were supposed to be a team not competing against each other for resources. GW is a nightmare and has a tendency to pit you up against near insurmountable whale teams, I'm fine with a challenge but when someone can just buy their way to tons of high level mods and screw me over in a section of the game that's unrelated to direct 1v1 play it ruins any "fun" possible.

    You want suggestions on things to fix
    GW: drop the number of fights from 12 to 6, redistribute the same rewards for 12 to the 6 fights. Time management is important and 12 fights is pointless waste of time. Fight 1-3 will net the first 400 tokens and go from easy to medium difficulty. Fight 4-5 will each net 200 tokens and be normal and hard. Fight 6 will be very hard and net the normal 400 tokens. After that retreat is disabled and you can burn out the rest of your roster fighting random teams from normal to very hard difficulty and receive mid level rewards like credits, ability materials, and training droids. The fights stop when your last toon dies. 6 battles is more in line with the other game activities, arena being 5 fights, raid is 5 fights, events are between 3 and 6 fights, daily challenge being 8 fights. Also the difficulty of the teams you face should be based on your overall level and the power level of your top 5 toons, i.e. If you're level 80 and your top 5 toons power level is 35k your gw lineup would look like this.
    node 1: level 65, 25k max,
    node 2: level 67, 26k max,
    node 3: level 70, 27k max,
    node 4: level 75, 30k max,
    node 5: level 80, 35k max,
    node 6: level 80, 37k max.
    Maybe not the final numbers but you get the point, reliability of the teams you would face and less chance for free to play or minors and guppies facing killer whales all the time, let the whales fight the whales.

    First get rid of the cheeses no dodge no revive stuff, it ruins any chance of forming real strategies. Devour for example should be more like the mark of death where there is a way to tactically avoid the cheese attack. It's only there to ensure people don't live forever and that's what enrage is for.
    Also the immunity to stun and some other status effects essentially can make certain toons completely useless, like Daka, almost no point in her since her main use is revive and stun. Maybe if we could stun the rancor he would only attack once that turn instead of twice.

    Also raid rewards should be put into damage brackets so multiple people can be first based off of the damage they both did being so close. I've literally screwed a guild member out of the top three by 100 damage. It's not cool having to compete with team members. For a t5 maybe first would be anyone that does over 1.2 million and 2nd would be 1mil-1.199mil and so on.

    Other minor things that would be nice is moving the auto button to right above the attack buttons on the right, this is mostly a problem for me in gw. A few times I've gone to hit the settings button to retreat in gw and accidentally hit the auto and lost that team.It hasn't happened often but it's happened enough to make me nervous.
    Another would be to put in a list of all the gear, it would show all gear top to bottom on the left, showing how much of that gear you own and to the right of it all the toons that need the piece and how many they need, this would help you not use a gear piece on a lower toon when you still need to farm more of it for a stronger toon.
    The last thing that would be nice is to rearrange the toons in galactic war, arena, and cantina shipments based on shards. For example if I have 90/100 shards for Leia, 30/85 for admiral ackbar, 25/65 for storm trooper Han, 0 shards for Nebit, Nute Gunray, Greedo, and the rest are all maxed out 7* they would show up in that order with Leia, Ackbar, and Han at the top and the rest in order of highest shards down the the already finished toons at the bottom. This system is kinda already in place in your personal roster screen with the toons that you haven't unlocked yet at the bottom with closest to unlock at top and toons with 0 shards at the bottom.

  • Baal
    602 posts Member
    You type alot.
  • Turukano
    170 posts Member
    EA_Jesse wrote: »
    Hey Everyone,

    It’s been a while since I’ve posted a message to you all that is directly from me, one that isn’t patch notes :)

    I know that a number of you are upset with the latest series of updates, but know that we have heard you. As many of you saw, CG_NotReallyAJedi made a couple of posts recently addressing some of the concerns with Mods. We should have more to discuss tomorrow, but know that the team is doing quite a bit of work on Mods to change them. I want to avoid giving any specifics since all of the changes we’re looking at are being tested still, but know that adjustments will be made to Mods. There are also some other concerns you all have that I won’t list out here, but know that I’m talking to the development team about them as well.

    Now, in regards to all of the posts on the forums, we need to adjust the approach being taken by a number of posters. I’m going to ask that you please stop posting threads that do nothing to help the state of the game, I don’t want to remove anyone because they keep breaking the TOS and Forum Guidelines.

    Here are a couple of things that I’d like to see stop:
    • Posting threads telling people to quit, to stop spending on the game or to lower their review scores. This does nothing to help the state of the game. What helps us is seeing feedback on why you don’t like a certain feature and how it affects your enjoyment of the game.
    • Do not create posts bashing EA, CG, the dev team or the moderators. Again, this does nothing to help the game.
    • Do not create posts on how the game is dead, or how it’s going to die, or anything along those lines.

    If any of the above is done after this posting action will be taken against your forum account, and we really don’t want to have to do that, so please, keep it civil and constructive so we can clearly see your feedback.


    I think this post needs to be looked at at length. In particular the last parts about what you would like to stop.

    Firstly I have lowered my review score, a pop up appeared when I logged on and said give us your feedback. I saw that in my previous review I had said it was a fun game but that customer support was awful and when I lost crystals they did nothing. I lowered my review and edited it to say that the most recent update has ruined the game. This was not done as a result of the forum but due to a request from the game for me to review it. So maybe turn off the "please review us" pop up when the game is nose diving? Perhaps?

    Point 2. What did not help the game is people seeing their friends quit. This update did not help the game. For you to make that point about us not helping the game is not only hypocritical but a slap in the face of everyone who plays this game. You have created the anger due to your poorly thought through and inept implementation of changes, do not put that back on the community. Your post has not helped anything.

    The third is the most key. The freemium model is not new. I doubt many of us are new to this model and style of game. We have all played and quit games before. We have all seen games die. We know what that looks like. For many of us you have squashed 3 years of updates and mistakes, that resulted in the death of a game, into 8 months. Do you think we are too lacking in intelligence to notice that? Would you like us to point this out to you? Or are you so arrogant that you think you have reinvented the genre and despite these style of updates killing games in the past that it will not happen again? If so I think you should farm off your great ideas to all the dead fremium games that have gone before....

    A quite furious and very insulted

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    I see you want that ppl stop to troll. Imho you could have dodged a lot of this posts, and lot of them are not troll posts, if you gave the mods fights a own energy source. And i'm wondering why you did not so? The company could still make lot of money.
    Btw maybe you should let Dooku develop the game, he would dodged this for sure ;)
  • Baal
    602 posts Member
    Dooku woukd have dodged things.
  • Calus_78
    504 posts Member
    edited July 2016

    Adding new content to this game has to happen or people will get distressed understandably and you know this better than anyone from the constent nagging.
    Raids was good cause it wasn't an update that effected the balance of the game.
    Applying mods to the characters in this game and to make them fair across the board is to have the characters even before you start throwing stats around randomly.
    Your team did talked about balancing the game, like alot. Remember slower toons were supposed to do more damage, faster less damage. Protection stat was instated, probably cause it was a hell of a lot easier, but it was a temporary fix.
    It's impossible to balance a game with mods when the base structure is already flawed.
    Min and max base stats:
    Min health - max health
    Min damage - max damage
    Min speed - max speed
    But don't make those margins so far apart like you have. Rey base damage, speed, health and Barriss base damage, speed, health are world's apart. So far apart that people won't use charcters that far off the spectrum. Tighten those margins and let their abilities make them the choice for the occasion.
    I understand this might mean a huge over haul, or maybe not. But if you guys could nail this. Then adding the mods and throwing around those stats wouldnt be as flagrant.
    This would mean yes toning down the Rey, QGJ, GS, some droids and clones, etc. Sure luminari cause she hits to hard for a healer.
    Controllers should have high potency
    Healers high defense
    Defense has been a no show since you launched and is still the most useless stat. Would be easier to implicate if you margins were closer together.
    World leader abilities should not give double rewards like forcing an opponent to blow a special ability, and then also reward the dodge with TM or offensive up (Dooku, Old Ben). It's too strong to not be faction only. Give those double rewards to a faction team to help the lesser toons become a bit more relevant.
    There is a ton of work here i know but the reward will be something amazing in the end.

    Unfortunately, I have put the game down for reasons listed above. And for the record you guys have done some Amazing things here that I am proud of. Mods i dont think would have hurt the game as much if a balance was reached before hand and could/will be a great thing for this game.

    May the force be with you, always :smile:

    Post edited by Calus_78 on
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    I've been thinking about this whole thing for a while this evening and it finally occurred to me the core of the whole problem.

    Unfortunately the way this has all been handled (as well as the historical record from past episodes similar--but not as egregious) has made all the people that have cared so much about this game realize that the developers really don't care at all, except in the bottom ($) line. This is ultimately understandable as everyone here needs to make a living, but the starkness of the reality has hit people hard. This disillusionment has expressed itself in many different ways in the Forum over the last couple days, and the bottom line is it has made lots of players that have spent loads of money simply walk away. Once the trust is gone so completely it's almost impossible to get back. It's a sad thing to watch, and really didn't have to happen I don't believe.
  • Drexnaw
    152 posts Member
    I see you want that ppl stop to troll. Imho you could have dodged a lot of this posts, and lot of them are not troll posts, if you gave the mods fights a own energy source. And i'm wondering why you did not so? The company could still make lot of money.
    Btw maybe you should let Dooku develop the game, he would dodged this for sure ;)
    I wish there was a like button. :)
  • Baal
    602 posts Member
    Buy stuuff=like
  • Options

    Hi Jesse,

    my main concerns are:

    1. The credit problem. It was always a fight, but now its even worse. Cannot star and level up my chars because mod leveling costs insane amounts of credits. This is my main concern, as I like to farm slowly but surely the shards for the characters I like and would like to test them. Right now its impossible to level anyone up until I got my A and B team fully modded which will take 3-5 months. Thats aboslutely demotivating.
    2. The precraft 2.0 issue. As I said I always spended my credits on leveling chars; as the mod update went live I had very few credits so couldnt level up many mods. After the "fix" yesterday its impossible for me to hold my arena rank because the whole top20 is fully modded. Just catching up would take months.
    3. GW is a nightmare. Want to level up mods, dont have enough credits? Go for the GW..... meeep, not possible because, guess what... GW is full of completely modded teams.

    Please fix the "fix"... :-)


  • AlexB
    40 posts Member
    I quite like the mods. I see great opportunity for unique strategies, which wasn't possible before. Toons that were useless before can be modded to explore their advantages and fix their weaknesses.
  • icyhot090608
    173 posts Member
    edited July 2016
    Still hopeful that this mod roll out works for the best. Lot of chat in my guild on discord. Many players there honestly thinking about leaving. One was our guild leader. Good luck making the fixes.
This discussion has been closed.