Message from the CM


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    The thing I don't understand is if the CG is really wanting profits, why not string the release out in phases and they would make so much more $$ I. The long run ?
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    I feel like we are inside an experiment to see how many times Star Wars fans will allow themselves to get kicked in the avocados
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    What Jesse, and likely some others from EA/CG are doing in London right now: Star Wars Celebration 2016.

    Expect little to no communication or change before next week. But if you'd like to participate too, here's a live stream.
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    I do like the idea of mods. But think it maybe shud have been rolled out in small slower stages. Maybe mod lvl 1-3 for first few months let people get used to them. Dropping a nucleur bomb on game and hope we can adjust is not what shud have happened.

    Its a nice idea since having super powerful toons is cool. But just way too fast on the levels.
    Yes Yoda is worth farming
  • Doga
    808 posts Member
    edited July 2016
    Trying to be helpful, removed comment; please fix the game
    Post edited by Doga on
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    First Post so don't shoot me.

    I have read through all the arguments and problems. I will be upfront I am a pay to play player and have been from the start. I wanted strength and ofc that is the quickest way possible to get it. A friend of mine and myself started a legion that is full of moderate payers and mostly free to play. Of course he and I paid for our gear (now useless) which we used for the benefit of the guild. We paid for mod upgrades (benefited the guild members again). We were stronger completing higher raids which everyone benefited from. Then this lastest update to correct mods was handled all wrong.

    1.) They should not have updated the new mod system to accomodate the rest of the game.
    2.) They should not have updated GW so that everyone should face modded teams. (GW should be set up to be competitive to the build of your team. i.e. 5 man teams with no mods and geared out should only have to face a similiar team.
    3.) OMG people can now solo raids cuz they are so strong. How do we fix this PUNISH EVERYONE by dropping power ratings and such. A more feasible fix would have been to create more raids that required mods to finish them at a much higher damage/resist ratio.
    4.)Mod drops should remain at 100% and yes ofc there will be people that complain that p2p players reap the mass rewards. Let's put this is perspective. P2p players keep this game functioning. No Money = End of Game. Should those that pay be as strong as though that choose f2p?

    All in all they dropped in the mod update and what came about was SUPER POWERS. Yup knew this was going to happen. Then they tried to fix it by rearranging the whole game around these mods.

    What they should have done in my honest opinion was to create a whole different phase of the game that didn't effect f2p players by requiring mods and such to face these new challenges. F2p would have still had a fighting chance to get super modded toons and all these other problems would not have been major problems.

    I hope that I have not offended anyone but this being the day and time that it is I am sure that someone was rubbed the wrong way, of which, is no concern of mine. Maybe they should engage a different solution instead of trying to make the game a different environment.

    My 2 cents for the day. May the force be with everyone!
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    What Jesse, and likely some others from EA/CG are doing in London right now: Star Wars Celebration 2016.

    Expect little to no communication or change before next week. But if you'd like to participate too, here's a live stream.

    And we all know, what our Dev-Team is celebrating, the fact, they managed to scam so many people, that will still keep playing after this torturous week...have a nice weekend, then, c u never
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    Bill wrote: »
    All of you people who are defending this money hungry company are whales and your comments mean nothing to free to play players.

    This isn't about PVP or FTP. even TI got involved complaining about it. This is just really really bad planning
  • aloomis16
    66 posts Member
    edited July 2016
    Hi Jesse,

    I've been plaything the game for several months (since April) and REALLY loved it. Do you have any detail on why mods were introduced to the game? I'd just like to understand some of the thought process. I don't recall a feature like this being in demand by anyone playing the game (I read these forums and reddit).

    As for why it's made the game less enjoyable - at least for me personally, it's that it so overwhelmingly effects the character that the other things you could be focusing on to improve the character are moot (stars, gears, level). Also, this creates just another barrier to actually be able to start using a new character you unlocked. I like the idea of trying out new characters, but there's really no place for me to use the character until they are fully maxed out which could take months given the state of credits and number of things you have to do now. Anyway, figured I'd give you what's going on in my mind.

    Is one of the options being looked at a full revert of the mod system and just giving players back whatever they had spent (credits/crystals/etc.)? That would make me extremely happy (as I'm sure quite a few other people). If enhancing characters beyond the current scope of the game is something people are asking for (and I'm not against this, just how it was implemented here) - perhaps it could be re-rolled out in proper form in the future?

    I'm hoping this was constructive, I'd really appreciate a response - and if the majority disagree with my sentiment so be it, listen to the masses, not just to me.

    Thanks so much!

    Join the official Grand Arena Discord Server
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    Revert, Reimburse, Reinvest, Recover..Star Wars Galaxies??

    Dev team,

    16 years ago I started playing Star Wars Games and was one of many that was heart broken when Star War Galaxies fell apart. Since then, many companies have used this experience as a “what not to do” sort of bench mark. There are many articles outlining the mistakes made between developer and community and while i'd like to point out that this is merely my attempt to motivate and encourage you guys to do the “right thing”. Please don't be offended when I say just revert and salvage what you can, please!

    Im sure you know how Star Wars Galaxies fell apart overnight. Is was tragic. I can honestly say in all my years of playing vids that I never thought I would ever feel the way I did that day ever again. Until now.

    Sony Online Entertainment destroyed the game in an effort to expand the player base. They alienated most their player base and produced content that was in no way actually what the subscribers wanted. They had an agenda that “back fired” and it would be wise to really listen to what the community is asking. Or you can censor this post for not technically doing what YOU asked.

    A legend!

    Raph Koster is an American entrepreneur, game designer. creative director behind Star Wars Galaxies

    Here's what he had to say about SWG that I think will help put things in perspective here:

    Some have since decided that it was listening to the players too much that caused some of the design problems with SWG. I am not sure I agree. If anything, I think that many subsequent problems came from not listening enough, or not asking questions in advance of changes. Walking a mile in the players’ shoes is a difficult trick to pull off even if you have the best of intentions.

    The tensest and most difficult moments in SWG’s development — and they came often — were when we had to remove something that players really liked. Usually, it was against our own wishes, because of time constraints or (rarely) orders from on high. But we couldn’t tell the players the real reasons sometimes. That ****, frankly, because the open relationship really did matter. As often as we could, we laid everything bare.

    These days, it’s accepted wisdom that you don’t reveal a feature until it’s done, so as to guarantee that you never let the players down. Of course, even finished features sometimes fall out for one reason or another…

    In any case, I think I don’t agree with that philosophy. I’d rather have prospective players on a journey with the team, than have them be a passive group marketed to. Yes, they will suffer the ups and downs, and see the making of the sausage… but these days, that’s getting to be an accepted thing in creative fields. There’s not much to gain, to my mind, in having the creators sitting off on a pedestal somewhere — people fall from pedestals, and pedestals certainly will not survive contact with Live operation of a virtual world. Instead, I’d rather the customers know the creators as people who make mistakes, so that when one happens, they are more likely to be forgiven or understood.


    “When you alienate your most active and creative fans, then you severely damage the franchise as a whole. These people play valuable roles as grassroots intermediaries helping to build up interest in your property and as performers helping to shape the experience of other players.

    I suspect the rise and fall of Star Wars Galaxies will be studied for years to come as a textbook example of good and bad ways to deal with fan communities. Certainly our member companies should draw on it as a reference in framing and evaluating their own fan relations policies.”

    It should be obvious what step to take is. Please Revert, Reimburse, Reinvest, and Recover from this.

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    Kellan wrote: »
    Revert, Reimburse, Reinvest, Recover..Star Wars Galaxies??

    Dev team,

    16 years ago I started playing Star Wars Games and was one of many that was heart broken when Star War Galaxies fell apart. Since then, many companies have used this experience as a “what not to do” sort of bench mark. There are many articles outlining the mistakes made between developer and community and while i'd like to point out that this is merely my attempt to motivate and encourage you guys to do the “right thing”. Please don't be offended when I say just revert and salvage what you can, please!

    Im sure you know how Star Wars Galaxies fell apart overnight. Is was tragic. I can honestly say in all my years of playing vids that I never thought I would ever feel the way I did that day ever again. Until now.

    Sony Online Entertainment destroyed the game in an effort to expand the player base. They alienated most their player base and produced content that was in no way actually what the subscribers wanted. They had an agenda that “back fired” and it would be wise to really listen to what the community is asking. Or you can censor this post for not technically doing what YOU asked.

    A legend!

    Raph Koster is an American entrepreneur, game designer. creative director behind Star Wars Galaxies

    Here's what he had to say about SWG that I think will help put things in perspective here:

    Some have since decided that it was listening to the players too much that caused some of the design problems with SWG. I am not sure I agree. If anything, I think that many subsequent problems came from not listening enough, or not asking questions in advance of changes. Walking a mile in the players’ shoes is a difficult trick to pull off even if you have the best of intentions.

    The tensest and most difficult moments in SWG’s development — and they came often — were when we had to remove something that players really liked. Usually, it was against our own wishes, because of time constraints or (rarely) orders from on high. But we couldn’t tell the players the real reasons sometimes. That ****, frankly, because the open relationship really did matter. As often as we could, we laid everything bare.

    These days, it’s accepted wisdom that you don’t reveal a feature until it’s done, so as to guarantee that you never let the players down. Of course, even finished features sometimes fall out for one reason or another…

    In any case, I think I don’t agree with that philosophy. I’d rather have prospective players on a journey with the team, than have them be a passive group marketed to. Yes, they will suffer the ups and downs, and see the making of the sausage… but these days, that’s getting to be an accepted thing in creative fields. There’s not much to gain, to my mind, in having the creators sitting off on a pedestal somewhere — people fall from pedestals, and pedestals certainly will not survive contact with Live operation of a virtual world. Instead, I’d rather the customers know the creators as people who make mistakes, so that when one happens, they are more likely to be forgiven or understood.


    “When you alienate your most active and creative fans, then you severely damage the franchise as a whole. These people play valuable roles as grassroots intermediaries helping to build up interest in your property and as performers helping to shape the experience of other players.

    I suspect the rise and fall of Star Wars Galaxies will be studied for years to come as a textbook example of good and bad ways to deal with fan communities. Certainly our member companies should draw on it as a reference in framing and evaluating their own fan relations policies.”

    It should be obvious what step to take is. Please Revert, Reimburse, Reinvest, and Recover from this.

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    I have a question, when the recent changes were planned, was all this upset expected? Pardon this analogy but, did you (CG and by extension EA) feel the end results warranted the changes? Was the game so in need of the changes that risking the fallout, loss of trust, really worth it? I am really curious, how far the bottom line can motivate change regardless of the consequences.

    I'm not naive enough to think a roll back could happen, in my experience with online games they only happen when changes cause the game to be technically unstable. I accept the changes have been made, and now your teams must make them work. I just have to wonder, was it all worth it. Could you (CG) explain the big picture, perhaps knowing the reasons would at least put rumor and speculation to rest. The popular thought now is this was all motivated by a desire to increase revenues. Many feel like our needs/wants are unimportant and if we stay or go, the changes will stand. Another thought going around is that this is a purge, aimed at jump starting a failing game. The desired effect is to clear out all existing players, and attract new ones. Yet another very rampant thought is those willing to spend huge amounts are all that matters. Admittedly I tend to feel revenue was the motive.

    It doesn't help your position that players openly distrust EA, it must make it more difficult to try an convey concern, when their reputation (imagined or earned) colors your customers opinions. It is my hope the CEO's mission of rebuilding EA's reputation is genuine. It is also my hope that a fair an acceptable compromise can be achieved.

    I don't envy you.. the forums are not a fun place lately.
  • pac0naut
    3236 posts Member
    @Kellan that was incredibly awesome to read.
    Meanwhile, down on the farm....
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    Idea: Implement in-game polls for the director of the game, tweaks, changes, etc.

    You can get feedback from everyone who isn't even taking part in the forums and get a more accurate headcount of how many people are where and on what issues.
  • Rumpelstilzchen
    1754 posts Member
    edited July 2016

    ./SwordSalute Ahazi Elder Jedi. I remember vividly the night the NGE hit. History seems to be repeating itself.
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    I understand as a company that when you have a free to play game that you need micro transactions and some payers exclusive stuff ... That being said this game has always done a good job of not making it too much pay oriented and more about the players and the game ... Then because of this it got popular and turned it into a money grab ... YET AGAIN... EA I am so over this... How many games now can you obliterate because of greed?? Please stop

    Next mods ... Most players don't have the amount of characters you need to get high lvl mods ... Therefore whales and super players have such an advantage on like 80% of the community ... Also I am a casual spender who has been playing for about 6 months.. And I have a few good teams... But not enough to get these ridiculous mods that basically throw away gear lvl and everything else ... mods should only have 2 slots that way you can't boost a stat to super level
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    The mods was a good idea but executed poorly. It does negate all of the months of farming and spending for gear and training. It totally favors the whales. I consider myself a baby whale and even I can't compete with the BIG spenders. Fighting teams that are maxed out top mods is not fun because I know going in I'm going to get slaughtered. I can't afford to pay the hordes of crystals to refresh for cantina energy to get the mods, then the hordes of credits to upgrade them, and still spend hordes of crystals for new characters in chromium packs and still gear and train the old school way even though mods makes that seem pointless. And now when I go to get the mods I spend all of my energy and only get a mod 1/4 of the time...if that.

    Some suggestions:
    1. Make the mods equally available to all, like the omegas. That way we all have to slowly build up and there won't be an unfair advantage. You get one at random, you can put it where you want, build it up. The chance and variance is still there but the slaughter is removed.
    2. Use different energy from the cantina. Don't make us choose between one or the other. Or make it generate at a faster rate and cheaper buy rate like the other energy.
    3. Have the mods be a gentle boost. As it is some characters are like fighting the hulk on pcp.
    4. The variance between a lvl 1 mod and a lvl 6 mod is too big. Those of us stuck with the lvl 1 and 2 mods, even maxed out, can't even compete with those lucky enough or rich enough to have lvl 5 or 6 mods. We shouldn't even be in the same fighting universe.

    Just some suggestions.
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    Constructive comment here. You constantly add and change the game yet you haven't gone back to fix any of the issues that were existent before. In 3 months you couldn't fix Teebo? Something many complained about. Ventress is still useless when controlled by Ai and that's been an 8 month problem.
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    Can't just revert everything. But they can balance it better. And maybe if they were more forthcoming about things we wouldn't spazz out.
  • Suikoden
    111 posts Member
    People need to be blaming the management at CG. EA just grabs whatever reports are handed to then from CG division. "Oh, everything looks good, still making money, good job CG division".

    If...and a big if...people stopped spending due to this patch (I'm not saying don't spend I'm just throwing out a scenario), I would love to be a fly on a wall when EA mgt reems CG division management.

    People need to realize a company such as EA is a huge entity. You have multiple VPS, AVPS, Directors etc....

    Blame CG division and not all of EA for completely poor management and direction
  • J0K3R
    2286 posts Member
    As a player, i ask that a revert not be considered. Better to bring it back to the way you introduced it, and just shift the decimal over to the left one spot. I think ppl will love it then.
    May the force be with you. It shall free you.
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    I found the mods an Un-needed update to a game that was working well. When I saw their change in power I realized it was going to change my gaming experience and many of the strategies I was implementing. One of my guild members was saying things like are posted in this thread. I took a deep breath, doubled down on the game and decided it was time to spend the small amount of money I reserve for gaming. I was able to unlock the challenges and get six 5* mods. That is just enough for me to stay about my same rank in the arena. Now that I have had more time to see what they can do and the benefits they have to the game overall, I like them. It was a steep learning curve for sure. I could have complained but instead I went to work.

    I think a simple solution would be to go back to the higher drop rate for an "event" period and let more people catch up. This game is an arms race and the spenders will always be able to stay ahead. This is just the business model of games like this.

    Today I am left wondering if my foresight and work will be nerfed or if the 100% drop rate will simply be extended.
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    What Jesse, and likely some others from EA/CG are doing in London right now: Star Wars Celebration 2016.

    Expect little to no communication or change before next week. But if you'd like to participate too, here's a live stream.

    their should be a lynch mob for ea/cg at the celebration. ea/cg has done more to hurt star wars than anything else. right now this game to me is a disgrace to even be associated with star wars.

  • Bon_El
    435 posts Member
    edited July 2016
    J0K3R wrote: »
    As a player, i ask that a revert not be considered. Better to bring it back to the way you introduced it, and just shift the decimal over to the left one spot. I think ppl will love it then.

    The money grab has to be eliminated. Our guild's whaliest of whales quit last night. I agree with your 'decimal' comment but that, by itself, is not enough.
    Edit: more credits and reverting GW to June 15 winnability are paramount. If GW takes more than 20 minutes, I'm out.
    ~ There is a great disturbance in the forum. ~
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    Crisis management: take responsibility; tell your whole story; tell it first before the rumor mongers make it worse.
  • senkoujin
    187 posts Member
    edited July 2016
    What Jesse, and likely some others from EA/CG are doing in London right now: Star Wars Celebration 2016.

    Expect little to no communication or change before next week. But if you'd like to participate too, here's a live stream.
    Good point, there's a video on YouTube about this celebration, and they mention EA's development team for a Star Wars games (also mentioned is Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes):

    So this is how the development team's room at CG would look like? LOL!
    Can anyone spot EA_Jesse? xD

  • warmonkey
    1314 posts Member
    Did someone forget to code diminishing returns into the mods? Every other game that has a feature like mods has diminishing returns so the more you stack bonuses the smaller they become. This way the toons stay balanced and a tank can't one shot someone or an attacker can't be a tank.

    Unless balance is not intended in this game? And people were right that mods was a lazy way for the player base to balance them. Which may have actually worked IF everyone was given 50 free mods to start with (just made up a #). Then everyone could have balanced their own toons the way they wanted to and still keep all the progress made so far. No one would be so far ahead of anyone else. You wouldn't see GW teams that are literally impossible for a roster of 30 7 star toons to beat. Etc, etc.

    The 2nd update though was just awful, nuff said about that.
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    shampoo wrote: »
    If devs are reading our concerns. For the love of God, can we please have detonators reworked? Tenacity up rendering Jawa engineer useless for 2-3 turns is silly. The low damage for the amount of prime they take is silly. Overall they are just plain bad. Everyone knows they're bad but devs never comment about their situation, even though more detonator using characters have arrived. @EA_Jesse

    there was a new Jawa character added that addresses this... In a squad synergy he detonates allllll detonators at the push of a button. Kinda cool if you ask me.
  • JPBrunel
    821 posts Member
    edited July 2016
    I'll keep it short and sweet. If you guys are wondering what the best and easiest way to fix this situation is, it can be described in one word: ROLLBACK! Cut your losses now, admit you were wrong and make peace with everyone! ✌
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    EA_Jesse wrote: »
    I don't know what the Chewie shards are about, that's not a compensation for anything, will find out more about that tomorrow as well.

    @EA_Jesse , from one manager to another, I at least appreciate you engaging with us and trying to answer questions to the best of your ability.

    I've kept my mouth shut and that probably was a mistake, until now. We are all exposed nerves. I'm sure some of the mods are as well; I know what it's like to take a beating.

    We don't want to stop playing, trust me. We love the game. If we didn't, our emotions wouldn't be runningn so high.

    My guild, the force United, has been torn to pieces, and it's depressing.

This discussion has been closed.