Message from the CM


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    EA_Jesse wrote: »
    Ok, I'm going to ask one more time, please stop with the troll posts, I'm sitting here wanting to talk with you all, but instead many of you are just writing posts that aren't helping things.

    And I cannot answer the question yet on exactly how Mods will be adjusted because I don't have the full details, that will come tomorrow.

    I'm hoping that if you guys decide to go the complete opposite direction, which pardon my pessimism because it has happened before, those of us that invested heavily will get our investments back (crystals/credits).

    Those of us that pay, do so for an advantage. Time after time our "advantage" and our investments have been devalued to zero. This is what makes this difficult. I spent probably 8000+ crystals and 8 - 10 million credits to obtain, level, and equip my current mods. This is no small investment. This is a slippery slope you guys are on. F2P players are upset (rightfully so) because P2P players have a very distinct advantage currently, and P2P players are upset (rightfully so) because well.. we don't want history to repeat itself as far as our purchases being nullified.

    Hopefully you guys think this out, test it fully, and come to a popular decision, rather than rush something out to appease the frothing mouth masses that skews things in the other direction.

    I don't envy you guys at all right now. You have a long couple of days ahead of you and damage control has to be at an all time high.

    All we ask is that you guys do the RIGHT thing and please make sure that the next "fix" doesn't involve your playerbase paying for it (ex: pre-crafting, guild hopping, etc.). All of the solutions to previous issues have involved he playerbase having to rectify it by spending premium currency. Not only that, we were slaves to RNG. To get this one right, the onus shouldn't be on us to "fix it ourselves" by spending crystals.

    Good luck. You're going to need it.
  • OmarFPG
    458 posts Member
    Viperish wrote: »

    First I appreciate you posting.

    Concern: This costs Cantina energy that is also the best place to farm characters, not given in bonuses, and the most expensive to refresh. Cantina also holds most the Characters you need to complete Mod Challenges.

    Response: No longer a guaranteed drop on mods in battle or challenge. Challenges no longer give 3,4,5 stars based on Tier, but a chance at them, or either 2 lower.

    Concern: It costs creds to level Mods

    Response: Over double the leveling cost on mods, but add 100K to GW, roughly 1/3 the increase amount to level mods

    Concern: Raid gear was dwarfed/made lesser by Mods

    Response: Nerf raid gear. I'm sorry Jesse I play with all maxed characters. You nerfed the gear big time. My Rex, Teebo, Q, Daka, Dooku, Ani, Phasma(to name a few) do not perform anywhere near where they did before this update today.

    Concern: Mods are OP

    Response: We are looking into and testing adjusting what you are spending resources to get, but won't go into detail or even hint at the plan we have to diminish them.

    Jesse these are the concerns that were hugely talked about. Your responses to them were basically dumping lemon juice on the wound. This is why people are angry. This is why people are quitting. This is why people, myself included, are saying no more spending. We gave feedback, you "listened" then made changes that completely disregarded the concerns.

    Again thank you for standing up and posting here Jesse, but this was by far the worst move yet you guys did. I feel completely cheated out of every cent I spent since the update was manually done by me the other day.


    548-145-651 | Playing since Dec 28th (:
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    dustinb wrote: »
    I never come to the official forums, and now I remember why.

    This community is toxic. Were I you, I would have stopped reading responses after the first two or three trolls.

    So, as people are here complaining about the lack of communication, and the horrible job they think you're doing, just know that there are still people out here that appreciate the work you do.

    Thank you for communicating. Thank you for responding to the people. Thanks for still doing anything at all after reading anything on here. Thank you.

    Yes. Every time a new update comes out, rather than appreciate all the new content, all we seem to do is complain about it. No game comes without it's flaws, and I'm pretty sure every game with forums gets complainers. But what all game developers have to remember is they are serving the community, taking up their own time to create game for people to enjoy. And while no one seems to acknowledge it here, for a game that comes free they really have nothing to complain about.

    Keep up the great work- I'm loving the new mods!
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    What so many crybabies on these forums. Something new comes out and so many QQs. I love the mods. It's exactly same thing they gave on Summoner Wars and once everyone has geared characters, gameplay will be fine.

    I spent maybe 100$ on game so far so not a whale.

    What I really don't like is the changes to GW with fully modded characters and the stealth updates you guys do trying to fix things when all u are doing is making it worse. Mods don't need to changed, should have been rolled out more slowly and having the drops changed really was the worst thing u did solar.

    I just hope whatever changes are coming that you won't ruin mods anymore then what u have already done trying to fix something that wasn't broken, just made way to easy and fast to get after release.
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    Well, there's always Reddit and other venues for organizing halts of spending in protest until our concerns are addressed.
  • SorcererHex
    83 posts Member
    edited July 2016
    It's kinda funny I give general feed backs like how there are so many glitches and how to fix problems and most of my post get deleted. Credit crunch could be solved easily but they won't listen the glitches we report seem to be ignored and other things that generally shakes everyone off.
    Post edited by ShaolinPunk on
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    Base stats can be eclipsed almost three fold by modifiers from 5* stat "mods." What is the point in offering a set bonus requiring 4 of 6 mods to give you 25% more speed that equates to +41 speed max when a single 5* mod with speed as the primary stat offers +59 speed? What does it matter when planning your team what your base stat is to begin with? In my opinion the max, as in 7* primary stat bonus, should be 1/4 or 1/2 of the set bonus depending on the set. These things are just too outlandish in terms of how they change characters. Base stats don't mean what they should considering these are "mods."
  • medetec
    1571 posts Member
    @EA_Jesse I generally don't like to tag you in posts as I know you are busy and there are plenty of other posts to deal with, but personally at least I think this is incredibly important to relay on to the team.

    The lesson I would really, really want you guys at CG/EA to take form this is do not release content until you can provide full patch notes for it. If you do not have enough information to give detailed patch notes a bare minimum of a week prior to the patch, the patch is not ready to launch.

    Patch notes should include every change to be made in the patch no matter how seemingly insignificant. A weeks worth of player feedback based on a detailed description of the upcoming patch, plus the extra week for internal QA... It's honestly invaluable.

    Hotfixes to address bugs and glitches can be posted about after the fact, but actual content changing patches need to have full details posted well in advance of deployment.
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    Hi Jesse,
    I appreciate you have a tough Job right now. My concern is simple and a legal one.
    Money has been spent to purchase crystals to upgrade characters to achieve a certain goal. For instance teebo and his potency. This has now been taken away and his potency is down to 25% ie making the purpose of the money being spent worthless. A similar poor outcome would have been achieved by increasing the rancors tenacity. i.e making the purpose of the spend worthless. "The product is not fit for its intended purpose". Australia where I play and purchase crystals has quite strict laws about this. These rights can not be circumvented by terms of agreement.
    By reducing character stats, and at this point I am unsure if this is intentional or unintentional, to this extent would be a justifiable reason for a full refund under Australian consumer law.
    At this point I would prefer a different solution as I am assuming that the dramatic reduction in character stats was an unintentional consequence of trying to fix the problem of the mod release. However Australian consumer law is quite particular about this. Similarly if the tenacity of the rancor had been increased such that the upgrades purchased or obtained through purchase were rended essentially useless.
    Could you please let me know was the reduction of character stats intentional and if it will be rectified.
    Thank you.
  • marydare
    117 posts Member
    EA_Jesse wrote: »
    As many of you saw, CG_NotReallyAJedi made a couple of posts recently addressing some of the concerns with Mods. We should have more to discuss tomorrow, but know that the team is doing quite a bit of work on Mods to change them. I want to avoid giving any specifics since all of the changes we’re looking at are being tested still, but know that adjustments will be made to Mods.

    The posts on mods thus far have mainly announced they will be getting more expensive and will no longer drop as frequently as they did before the update today. Both of which just add more concerns about Mods rather than address the concerns we already had.

    Vague pseudo announcements such as this do nothing to reassure the player base, and in fact make me wonder if all the money and time I've already invested in mods will be reset by blanket unexplained changes like the one with tenacity/potency.

    Rolling out broad stroke changes without explanation is a bad idea in any community climate, but was especially ill timed today. You ask for a lot of consideration from your player base in this post, and I can only say that what goes around, comes around.
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    dustinb wrote: »
    I never come to the official forums, and now I remember why.

    This community is toxic. Were I you, I would have stopped reading responses after the first two or three trolls.

    So, as people are here complaining about the lack of communication, and the horrible job they think you're doing, just know that there are still people out here that appreciate the work you do.

    Thank you for communicating. Thank you for responding to the people. Thanks for still doing anything at all after reading anything on here. Thank you.

    Too bad you can't fit an apple into your Ethernet port...
  • Jazz66
    212 posts Member
    EA_Jesse wrote: »
    @scuba we're looking at Mods, testing them, how is that not addressing a concern? I refrained from posting exact details because they aren't locked in yet.

    Testing should happen prior to release!
    Sith Yoda:
  • Ravens1113
    5215 posts Member
    If this gets me banned from the forums then so be it. But I have a right to exercise my opinion.

    On a personal level I liked the mods with their small upgrades at the first and second tiers. Ashoka got a boost in crit chance and rate and it made her better and on par. I saw the possibilities at these tiers to make the game better for all, and it could have settled in to something good.
    However, when you get to higher tiers it becomes madness. With tier 5 mods, Rey has as much health as a fully geared RG pre mod update and crits on every hit for 30k...30K!!? And that's where the spenders gain an enormous advantage. No way that on node 6 of GW I should face a clone team with 5s, echo, Rex, Rey (fully geared and moded but level 78) and Lumi without being able to get my A squad to even take one character down. If you have money to burn, you become God in this game now with the mods.
    I regret every penny I've ever spent on this game. I wish I could get a full refund but I know it's a pipe dream for that to ever happen. The fact that I blew a couple hundred on this game over the last several months sickens me because I know if our voice continues to be ignored then this game will burn out and my money was lost All to nothing.
    @EA_Jesse I know you and the team may HEAR us, but unfortunately you guys aren't listening. You and the team do great work (guilds and guild donations) but it's things like this that make us so furious. We didn't want mods. We've wanted fixes to old characters and bugs. We've begged you to fix that before rolling out new content. You heard us, but didn't listen.
    I don't see anything in here that says that I've violated the ToS. Hopefully there isn't a fine print I've missed, but that's my two cents.
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    I will give a shout out to Ea in this one thing. My wallet has been fatter since they 'tweaked' the GW a few weeks back. I used to buy crystals for refreshes. I quit spending after that. There wasn't any incentive to do so since then. Now even more so.

    Gw is un-winnable And I've all but stopped doing it.

    Arena is the same. I could always stay in the top 50. Now I can't beat a modded team of 75's. This should not be the case. Now I can get one win a day when I used to get at least 4 or 5. And my rank has fallen to almost 100. This game hadn't been fun since the Tweak. Now it's absolutely maddening. Characters that I spent months leveling up are now completely worthless. Basically I am back to square on at a huge disadvantage.

    I'll never, ever spend another cent on this game.
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    EA_Jesse wrote: »
    @DarthMasterShawn your stats that were RNG will stay the same I believe, the Mods themselves shouldn't reset.

    As soon as I get more details from the game team I'll share them here, such as how exactly we're adjusting Mods and the Potency questions. Also, many of you are saying that I haven't passed along feedback to the dev team in the past, that is simply not true. Everything that is mentioned here on the forums gets back to the team, sometimes they take that feedback and make adjustments, and sometimes they don't. It might be because of a technical issue, or it could be because it's a change that doesn't align with the current plans for the game. Just know that your feedback does get back to the team.

    Again, thank you so much to those that posted feedback, I've read all of it and will be sharing it with the game team. I really want to keep chatting, but I need to sleep as I have to be up in about 4 hours. :)

    Thank you @EA_Jesse. A huge concern of mine was the fact I rolled so many times to get those big ones and they'd be reset to lesser value.
  • Silleck
    423 posts Member

    Thanks for taking the time to answer our questions.
    Why was teebo stealthed nerfed to uselessness?
    Leader and co-founder of BHG
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    So, when you guys nerf the mods, do I get my millions of credits back? Do I get the thousands of hard earned crystals back? Do I get my precious time back? Do I get a free maxed 7* toon of my choosing? Will you give us pertanent info for once? Why do I have to spend more credits to upgrade mods today than yesterday?Why can't all the mod challanges be with general characters so everyone has the same chance to get good mods and implement actual strategy into this game as opposed to everyone using the same 4 teams? Everyone has access to get all the mods and use them with a thinking, strategic brain. Make the game a little less plug and play. I finish on top of my arena on the reg and I worked hard for many months farming, gearing and doing all the necessities to enjoy this game. The hindrance this has caused is disturbing. I was very excited about the update and the changes to the game, but all the hoopla is annoying and many friends I have made in the game have since resigned and that saddens me. I hope that you can get it together and make some people happy!
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    @EA_Jesse - I joined the forum to post this. I've played nearly since launch. I've really enjoyed this game and starting playing it to collect and gear up star wars characters for battles. The guilds enhanced the game as they brought a human element to it, albeit they make me busier with the game than I'd like. For me, the mods update really ruined the direction of the game to the point where I am leaning toward investing any more money or time. They're unbalanced, they've made a joke of what I've invested in the game and frankly, mods are not fun or interesting at all. I don't like that I have to choose against farming characters I'd like to play in the game to farm mods and try to be half as competitive as I was just two days ago. Most importantly, there's nothing "Star Wars" about them. At least the tedious gear fits the theme. Even with a fix, if this game becomes about collecting mods, I can't see it holding many players' enthusiasm (or $$$) in the ways that it has in the past. Thanks for reading.
  • Jazz66
    212 posts Member
    OmarFPG wrote: »
    Viperish wrote: »

    First I appreciate you posting.

    Concern: This costs Cantina energy that is also the best place to farm characters, not given in bonuses, and the most expensive to refresh. Cantina also holds most the Characters you need to complete Mod Challenges.

    Response: No longer a guaranteed drop on mods in battle or challenge. Challenges no longer give 3,4,5 stars based on Tier, but a chance at them, or either 2 lower.

    Concern: It costs creds to level Mods

    Response: Over double the leveling cost on mods, but add 100K to GW, roughly 1/3 the increase amount to level mods

    Concern: Raid gear was dwarfed/made lesser by Mods

    Response: Nerf raid gear. I'm sorry Jesse I play with all maxed characters. You nerfed the gear big time. My Rex, Teebo, Q, Daka, Dooku, Ani, Phasma(to name a few) do not perform anywhere near where they did before this update today.

    Concern: Mods are OP

    Response: We are looking into and testing adjusting what you are spending resources to get, but won't go into detail or even hint at the plan we have to diminish them.

    Jesse these are the concerns that were hugely talked about. Your responses to them were basically dumping lemon juice on the wound. This is why people are angry. This is why people are quitting. This is why people, myself included, are saying no more spending. We gave feedback, you "listened" then made changes that completely disregarded the concerns.

    Again thank you for standing up and posting here Jesse, but this was by far the worst move yet you guys did. I feel completely cheated out of every cent I spent since the update was manually done by me the other day.



    Sith Yoda:
  • Jazz66
    212 posts Member
    dustinb wrote: »
    I never come to the official forums, and now I remember why.

    This community is toxic. Were I you, I would have stopped reading responses after the first two or three trolls.

    So, as people are here complaining about the lack of communication, and the horrible job they think you're doing, just know that there are still people out here that appreciate the work you do.

    Thank you for communicating. Thank you for responding to the people. Thanks for still doing anything at all after reading anything on here. Thank you.

    Too bad you can't fit an apple into your Ethernet port...

    Sith Yoda:
  • Jazz66
    212 posts Member
    Lowe_Key wrote: »
    Hi Jesse,
    I appreciate you have a tough Job right now. My concern is simple and a legal one.
    Money has been spent to purchase crystals to upgrade characters to achieve a certain goal. For instance teebo and his potency. This has now been taken away and his potency is down to 25% ie making the purpose of the money being spent worthless. A similar poor outcome would have been achieved by increasing the rancors tenacity. i.e making the purpose of the spend worthless. "The product is not fit for its intended purpose". Australia where I play and purchase crystals has quite strict laws about this. These rights can not be circumvented by terms of agreement.
    By reducing character stats, and at this point I am unsure if this is intentional or unintentional, to this extent would be a justifiable reason for a full refund under Australian consumer law.
    At this point I would prefer a different solution as I am assuming that the dramatic reduction in character stats was an unintentional consequence of trying to fix the problem of the mod release. However Australian consumer law is quite particular about this. Similarly if the tenacity of the rancor had been increased such that the upgrades purchased or obtained through purchase were rended essentially useless.
    Could you please let me know was the reduction of character stats intentional and if it will be rectified.
    Thank you.

    Well said
    Sith Yoda:
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    The best way to address the state of the game is to remove the mod update completely. It really did break the game.
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    Its OK guys, our voices have been heard. Lets see what happens next.
  • Daker
    109 posts Member
    In case you are still reading my suggestions are as follows:

    (1) To account for the fact that both mods and the cantina tables use cantina energy, add cantina energy to the periodic energy bonuses in the activities tab. This will give players a little extra cantina energy to run missions with. You might also consider lowering the cantina energy refresh time a little bit to let people earn more throughout the day since there are now two places that require cantina coins.
    (2) Increase mod sell-back prices at least 2 to 5 times the current payouts. The reality is that because mod stats are random, players are likely not getting the mods they really want on any given drop. However, I personally am not selling back any of my mods because (a) the prices are so low that I don't feel any incentive to do so, (b) I am still figuring things out and don't really know yet which mods I want and need (the stats are so confusing it is impossible to tell what some even do), and (c) I started with ALL of my characters being unmodded, so I can ultimately use every mod on someone to fill gaps. This makes the credit crunch worse, because players are not using your intended credit gain process.
    (3) Consider adding mods as a rare drop from the cantina table. This would help to take away a little of the pain for those that want to use cantina energy on the cantina table.
    (4) Temporarily give players an additional bonus of double the current credit awards from the mod battles and challenges. This would be just like double cantina shards and coins, but for mod credit awards. In fact, you might even consider doubling the mod drop rate so that people have more to sell back. You can roll it back in a week or two after everyone has time to adjust to the new system. This will give players a little help in getting the mods they need to balance some of the current inequities in the system.
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    It's clear to everyone that the launch of mods was rushed and not designed is a way that would be well received by the vast majority of the customer base. Given the level of money and time people have invested in this game, an explanation of changes to the development, testing and launch process that is intended to avoid these problems in the future would be appreciated. That would go a long way to give us a reasonable basis to conclude the future will be better
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    EA_Jesse wrote: »
    @C3POwn community asked for Jedi Knight Anakin to be adjusted, so we did. There's the 1 you asked for!

    Hello, I wanna give my opinión hoping it will be heard , I really like the game and hate watching it slowly dying.

    First of all this is Star Wars when I say that I dont expect a movíe or a game , I expect a complete experience. Thats the reason of this community.

    JK Anakin was not asked to be adjusted , was asked to be well represented canon-wise like so many other characters who fail to do so.

    The community hates the lack of formality and staight up lying.

    You create a system to give the game a more social approach only to make those a straight competition taking away the social experience.

    You make a certain kind of gear that takes huge amount of investment , hard work and time, to get absolute useless.

    You put out for only a Day a specific set of mods to be obtain , level up and invest only to release the next Day a complete new set of mods that makes the other one useless.

    The community only asks for crédits . You cant anticípate whats going to clearly happen to GW, the principal resource for crédits .

    You didnt learn from your past mistakes making a even worst pre crafting 2.0

    This community always express Clear feelings about every change made . Thats the worst part, it seems you guys never really care about the community and the thoughts of the community.

    Thanks with all respect and hoping that Im not currently aboard the Titanic you still can save this.

  • cby
    105 posts Member
    edited July 2016
    medetec wrote: »
    The lesson I would really, really want you guys at CG/EA to take form this is do not release content until you can provide full patch notes for it. If you do not have enough information to give detailed patch notes a bare minimum of a week prior to the patch, the patch is not ready to launch.

    Patch notes should include every change to be made in the patch no matter how seemingly insignificant. A weeks worth of player feedback based on a detailed description of the upcoming patch, plus the extra week for internal QA... It's honestly invaluable.

    Hotfixes to address bugs and glitches can be posted about after the fact, but actual content changing patches need to have full details posted well in advance of deployment.

    +1; I don't know if it was added last minute or not (and if it was - next time just wait) but it seems incredulous to me that the update notes did not mention anything about mk 6-7 mods being available as raid rewards. Was that intentional, supposed to be a happy surprise? Is it not logical for you to understand that players might want to know this before going bananas for mk5 mods?

    Not to mention precrafting 2.0 - AKA changing the upgrade costs and drop rates of mods midstream.

    And though there was a brief mention of scaling potency and tenacity from 0 /100% which makes more sense (would still someday love to understand and see the math here - maybe > 100% is useful because you do potency minus tenacity?), there was no mention of changes to raids such as increased pig captain tenacity that is being reported (thank you fellow beta testers).

    Even when patch notes are provided, they seem to lack common sense / any context of what is important to the players. Although I am disheartened that you have reduced the size of Gamorrean Guard before I could activate him and take a screenshot with jawas ewoks and yoda, this was included in the patch notes but raid changes weren't? Really?

    Very reminiscent, for those of you who have played long enough, of the very long 10+ page update notes that did not include the one huge change that nerfed Poe - change from speed tiers to absolute speed (which players also "beta tested" and discovered for you when some of your own devs did not think speed tiers were an active mechanism). This was the biggest change in that update that changed everything...and wasn't mentioned.

    As I've had to say so many times in my guild chat, SWGOH is like a box of never know what you're gonna get...
  • Lrrr
    172 posts Member
    So you release something that causes uneven playing field, then after people have spent time, in game resources, and real money, are going to 're-work' them?

    Hard to keep up with you guys. As a person who has for gone finishing 7*ing a character and invested raid reward and galactic war credits into my MOD's, if you make them worthless I'll be just as agitated as when you introduced the OP MOD's to begin with.

    Can't blame people for thinking about quiting
  • Fid
    121 posts Member
    edited July 2016
    Some suggestions @EA_Jesse to file with the rest :)

    The first part of this was originally posted in mods mega.

    Implementation fix: needs increased, consistent, credit supply, match cantina energy recovery to regular energy recovery, add daily 45 cantina energy award.

    Execution fix: 80-90% power reduction & lower tiers to start, then increase each every 45-60 days or so, give people time to adapt, adjust, and reprioritize.

    If mods are being obtained too quickly, don't lower the drop rate, cap the opportunities to get them, then raise the cap incrementally, as circumstances dictate.

    I love the team specific mod challenges but there needs to be an improved balance between farming mods, shards, and gear while being able to compete effectively in raids, GW, and arena. If the expectation is for players to have to sacrifice one thing for another, that's fine, but that expectation needs to be better communicated prior to changes so players can plan and adapt their rosters, not after the fact.

    Mods aren't correctly representing in whatever formula is being used to calculate GW opponents. With minimal changes to any single character and on only 2/5 to my top team node 11 was the same as yesterday except now it was fully t5 level 15 modded, defeating it yesterday was planning and a little strategy. Defeating it today wasn't an option. If that's intentional, I would love to discuss it with you, if it wasn't, well, it's broken.

    Speaking of GW... well, I'll leave that for another thread but my posts are somewhere in that 2.2k set of posts. But as a spoiler they involve using current-roster-state algorithm to generate each successive node's opponent.
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    i love mods, they add serious flair and turned the game upside down. I hate that the credit crunch is now 5x worse. kinda unfair to those that didn't blow their wad on mods when they were guaranteed 5* drops and cheap to level up. If you were out the last 2 days, your hosed. I look forward to the crazy combo's and ideas of teams that come out of mods. I feel bad for whales though, you guys seriously wasted some cash getting all those raid rewards and such from the shipments.
    seriously though, credit crunch from upping mods, seriously painful.
This discussion has been closed.