Message from the CM


  • marydare
    117 posts Member
    edited July 2016
    As a general note, I don't think it is unreasonable to expect the community manager for a game to be available and active in the game community for the days surrounding a major game update. If the CM expects to be unavailable, they should have someone else as their proxy. We shouldn't have to make a special effort to get a response from the CM, nor give special thanks when the bare minimum of communication is given.

    I work in IT and say this only as a matter of customer service standards. And now would be a good time for CG to impress its player base with its dedication to us, not just to Star Wars in general.

    Edit: removed second person pronouns
    Post edited by marydare on
  • SSB
    72 posts Member
    @EA_Jesse I feel bad for you, it must be hard sifting through all the comments. I appreciate you posting here and taking the time to answer some posts.

    But be honest, would you have made these quick changes after the update and would you have posted this if people were not encouraging other players to leave, or stop spending money or leave a lower rating? Of course not. This is the only way that you guys really listen. And buffing JKA is nothing compared to the real issues like the credit crunch that we have been waiting for months
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    I feel like someone on the top of the Red Keep is sipping his chalice filled with fine wine looking at a building (two letters/two letters gaming company that made this game) and waiting to burn their whole company with Wildfire!
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    I forgot one thing. A huge QoL change would be to let mod battles count for the 3 cantina battles daily and the guild weekly
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    I liked the idea of investing in testing.
  • Paxus
    60 posts Member
    NinjaMime wrote: »

    Its OK guys, our voices have been heard. Lets see what happens next.

    Off the topic, but how dark is that final scene now where Luke drags Vaders body off the Death Star? If he has left it then Ben Solo would never have gotten that mask....
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    Please hear us out, the Majority of the community has not been asking for new content as much as fix's to the existing content. Let me name a few examples

    Teebo (broken from day 1)
    Boba Fett's pitiful kit (All the Scoundrel's really,but Boba is an Icon, he deserves better)
    Anikin (which you have done something about)
    Synergy and Classifications (Humans? If there's no synergy, why even list it? Scoundrel's don't work with anybody even though they work for whoever is paying them)
    GW (I personally have t been having a problem but many have)
    Credit Crunch ( we're constantly lied to about there being more credits coming)
    Raid Gear Grind (as if 11 level's of gear was 't enough of a wall, how about pick A wall (singular,1) not multiple layers of walls with mods, credits, gear, etc... I'm ok with increasing the level cap to 100. I've played game where the cap was 150-200!)
    R N G (nuff said)

    I my line of work, I have to fix everything, and as the manager, I have to delegate. I know there are enough people to go around to have some people working on the lingering bugs and problems while still having some working on new content. And it's easy to shift some manpower from one area to the other. Maybe change up things and take a few from group A and a few from group B and make the new group C an In-House beta test team that uses the same kind of teams that NORMALplayers will have(not max everything), then give it a good shake down before releasing it to us. We're ok with doing final Beta and giving you feedback.

    Not saying that the game shouldn't be challenging, but it relies TOO much on terrible RNG and not enough stratgey (the rebels didn't destroy the Death Star with RNG, there was quite a bit of strategy involved, and Luke had the force(RNG) to help him). There needs to be a better balance found between the two. I'd hoped mods would somewhat alleviate that, but alas, NO! It has only amplified and exaggerated the situation to the extent of driving the players (customers) AWAY. I'm no whale, somewhere between guppy and dolphin maybe... I don't want to be driven away, but the state of the game is about to.

    Please, roll it back temporarily, PLEASE! FIX the EXISTING problems that have been repeatedly pointed out. Keep a few people working on new content for a later date, that'll allow for better testing and less glitchy/buggy update's resulting in less complaining when it drops cause you'll have found most of them.
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    The best way to address the state of the game is to remove the mod update completely. It really did break the game.
  • Azgadil
    226 posts Member
    Thank you Jesse for looking into these issues. Please filter out the noise and execute the game plan.

    I am writing as one who has all 3* speed mods and 5* health mods on my 5 arena characters and a couple of raid toons. I love them Very fun! But my opponents and my guildmea mates can't access them any more (credit energy and drop rate barriers) and that is honestly the sour point here.

    Mods can be OP as long as people can access them. But it is really unfair that some folks (me) had access to it over three days and others planned to take a slower approach will never get that opportunity.

    If you want a suggested solution;
    Mods are cool mods are fun. Just let everyone have them at the rate & cost when they first came out. Undo today's update please. Let the dust settle on the mods; if people have acces to mods then they can beat the GW.
  • Serya
    334 posts Member
    @EA_Jesse thank you very much for the open chatting with us tonight. It is really nice to get instant feed back to posts.

    Unlike most on here I really like the mod update. Being able to customize characters is huge and a very nice addition to the game.

    The only issue I have really have had with this game was the pre-crafting. You are in a similar position here with mods. I invested a lot in the past few days and feel like I'm ahead of most. I was on the other side of the pre-crafting this time :)

    I would like to see the mod drop rate put back to 100 percent. Since the update I have done 13 mod challenges and only gotten 4 mods. That's a low drop rate and none were usable mods. Since most mods are not going to have the best stats even at 100% drop rates people are going to sell most of them.

    Thanks again for the hard work, I'm sure the past few days have been crazy for you guys.
  • Fid
    121 posts Member
    medetec wrote: »
    @EA_Jesse I generally don't like to tag you in posts as I know you are busy and there are plenty of other posts to deal with, but personally at least I think this is incredibly important to relay on to the team.

    The lesson I would really, really want you guys at CG/EA to take form this is do not release content until you can provide full patch notes for it. If you do not have enough information to give detailed patch notes a bare minimum of a week prior to the patch, the patch is not ready to launch.

    Patch notes should include every change to be made in the patch no matter how seemingly insignificant. A weeks worth of player feedback based on a detailed description of the upcoming patch, plus the extra week for internal QA... It's honestly invaluable.

    Hotfixes to address bugs and glitches can be posted about after the fact, but actual content changing patches need to have full details posted well in advance of deployment.


    @medetec just saved me a bunch of typing and said it very well.
  • RealHanSolo
    447 posts Member
    edited July 2016
    Sporkspam wrote: »

    Please hear us out, the Majority of the community has not been asking for new content as much as fix's to the existing content. Let me name a few examples

    Teebo (broken from day 1)
    Boba Fett's pitiful kit (All the Scoundrel's really,but Boba is an Icon, he deserves better)
    Anikin (which you have done something about)
    Synergy and Classifications (Humans? If there's no synergy, why even list it? Scoundrel's don't work with anybody even though they work for whoever is paying them)
    GW (I personally have t been having a problem but many have)
    Credit Crunch ( we're constantly lied to about there being more credits coming)
    Raid Gear Grind (as if 11 level's of gear was 't enough of a wall, how about pick A wall (singular,1) not multiple layers of walls with mods, credits, gear, etc... I'm ok with increasing the level cap to 100. I've played game where the cap was 150-200!)
    R N G (nuff said)

    I my line of work, I have to fix everything, and as the manager, I have to delegate. I know there are enough people to go around to have some people working on the lingering bugs and problems while still having some working on new content. And it's easy to shift some manpower from one area to the other. Maybe change up things and take a few from group A and a few from group B and make the new group C an In-House beta test team that uses the same kind of teams that NORMALplayers will have(not max everything), then give it a good shake down before releasing it to us. We're ok with doing final Beta and giving you feedback.

    Not saying that the game shouldn't be challenging, but it relies TOO much on terrible RNG and not enough stratgey (the rebels didn't destroy the Death Star with RNG, there was quite a bit of strategy involved, and Luke had the force(RNG) to help him). There needs to be a better balance found between the two. I'd hoped mods would somewhat alleviate that, but alas, NO! It has only amplified and exaggerated the situation to the extent of driving the players (customers) AWAY. I'm no whale, somewhere between guppy and dolphin maybe... I don't want to be driven away, but the state of the game is about to.

    Please, roll it back temporarily, PLEASE! FIX the EXISTING problems that have been repeatedly pointed out. Keep a few people working on new content for a later date, that'll allow for better testing and less glitchy/buggy update's resulting in less complaining when it drops cause you'll have found most of them.

    + 1

    There's no shame in rolling-back an update until you fix it. That's usually the best approach.

    There's no fixing mods though, that's code that needs to be deleted.
  • Krey
    341 posts Member
    This is not about mods, but a couple of suggestions to improve the game.

    Please, if you are going to put out a change to the game, especially a massive change like mods, let is know way, way, way in advance with details about exactly what you are about to unleash on us instead of 4 days in advance out of no where without the most important details of all (like we are about to turn your RG into a 130k/80k monster and overturn the entire balance of the had to know that was going to happen or you didn't even look or think about it).

    Test. There is no reason why obvious bugs like junk gear, 3 star teams on node 12 should ever make it into the game if they were properly tested. This is jist one example. These point to a large hole in your testing procedures. Find and plug the holes.

    Don't send mixed messages. One week, you say you understand the GW is a long and boring chore. You tell us change is coming. You make it easier and better so it takes up less time and isn't a chore. Then less than two weeks later you change it back to a long and boring chore without telling us it was coming. What happened there?

    You see on the forums the reaction to mods. You tell us an update is coming. You see on the forums everyone worried about pre-crafting 2.0. Then you release pre-crafting 2.0. This points to a massive disconnect between the company and the customers.

    No more stealth changes. The piggies in phase 1 of the raid have abviously had their tenacity buffed in some way, but I never saw anywhere thst it was coming or, in fact, had happened.
  • M31Andro
    253 posts Member
    edited July 2016
    I'll end with this. @EA_Jesse it's the bottom of the ninth inning. Your team is down 3-0 with the bases loaded 2 outs, and 3 balls & 2 strikes. What you do next will ultimately seal the fate of this game. Do you strike out and everyone leaves the ballpark with a huge loss, or do you hit a grand slam and fix the game and walk off a hero? Please think hard about this and truly "listen" to this community tonight rather than just hearing them. The game is literally in your hands, and I hope you are able to put the ball over the wall in center field for the win. Please do the right thing...
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    So the solution was to reduce the drop rate to ~20% and out of those mods that would drop maybe 20% would be really useful. And in the process consume all the cantina energy and one round with crystals. How is that better?

    Btw, if you nerf the mods I hope I will get back the credits I used to upgrade them. Around 3-4mil credits.
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    Just a constructive feedback and my personal view on the whole issue - @EA_Jesse

    The underlying problem of MODS is how easily you are able to get it compared to RAID gear or staring a character. I did grind over months to get some better stats for the toons I like, and it was a slow and gradual process. The introduction of MODS changed the scenario completely.

    I would say:
    1. The timing of MODS addition in the game was not quite right. Once everyone catch up on the gear, it would have made more sense.
    2. Another Raid type of system should have been introduced to get mod items, which would have given team to slowly acquire the right piece

    Now what we can do:
    1. Revert all the mod changes and refund to those who spent crystals in catina refresh and mod shipment.
    2. Work on better strategy to get this introduced
    3. Regarding Galactic War: add new good toons in the shipment. People will love to grind that for
    4. Credit crunch- I don't see much issue, if mods are taken out. GW and Raids gives enough credit

    Thanks for reading
  • slothe
    221 posts Member
    edited July 2016
    Ok then, I'll try to stay positive and hope that you actually listen. Today's update effectively nerfed every toon in the game by destroying their potency and tenacity, this can only be countered with mods that are now extremely expensive to level and even harder to get. You've set some of us back in the Stone Age. You're effectively saying that you only care for the people that mined and leveled mods within the 24hr window. This nullified all the gear and toons we've been investing our time and money in for months. People are feeling swindled due to that. Also, GW doesn't match based on mods and some people like myself are facing teams with HP over double our best teams, plus their attacks hit for triple our damage. I spent 3 months on the ewoks and now Teebo rarely drops ops tm and Ewok Elder wouldn't revive even once out of 4 tries against the pigs in t7.

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    How about this.

    Your mods don't scale properly with toon power so while node 12 of GW should be 15% higher than my team. That team has double my power so there is no way I can't even take out 2 characters with my team of 20 7* toons. However I can beat an arena team that is 20% higher than me before mods
  • Nobody
    225 posts Member
    M31Andro wrote: »
    I'll end with this. @EA_Jesse it's the bottom of the ninth inning. Your team is down 3-0 with the bases loaded 2 outs, and 3 balls & 2 strikes. What you do next will ultimately seal the fate of this game. Do you strike out and everyone leaves the ballpark with a huge loss, or do you hit a grand slam and fix the game and walk off a hero? Please think hard about this and truly "listen" to this community tonight rather than just hearing them. The game is literally in your hands, and I hope you are able to put the ball over the wall in center field for the win. Please do the right thing...

    I like this, I so badly want to get back to enjoy playing this game. I only come to the forum when I get really stressed out with the game play. The last time was the Yoda fiasco... I uninstalled the game that day. They repaired that mess, hope they come through again this time.
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    Nobody wrote: »
    M31Andro wrote: »
    I'll end with this. @EA_Jesse it's the bottom of the ninth inning. Your team is down 3-0 with the bases loaded 2 outs, and 3 balls & 2 strikes. What you do next will ultimately seal the fate of this game. Do you strike out and everyone leaves the ballpark with a huge loss, or do you hit a grand slam and fix the game and walk off a hero? Please think hard about this and truly "listen" to this community tonight rather than just hearing them. The game is literally in your hands, and I hope you are able to put the ball over the wall in center field for the win. Please do the right thing...

    I like this, I so badly want to get back to enjoy playing this game. I only come to the forum when I get really stressed out with the game play. The last time was the Yoda fiasco... I uninstalled the game that day. They repaired that mess, hope they come through again this time.

    The grand slam is deleting Mods and today's disaster of an update (in case you were wondering).

  • Aniema
    602 posts Member
    We love everything but mods. Just roll them back. Seriously. We love all of the updates except mods and today's potency nerf.

    Well that's it, there's the answer. Letssssssssssss just roll back the the server to before the mod update went live. WoW how come nobody thought about that? Wait...what about all the people who spent real money buying crystals to refresh Catina energy to get mods then spent millions to max them out? To heck with them right? Because the RealHanSolo and the people like him don't like mods lets just screw over the people who do and the money they spent. Screw them right? MODS are the update!!

    News flash, it isn't that easy. I have a question for you. Do you like to eat steak? How would you like it if someone fixed you the best steak ever. You take a bite and to your amazement it's the best steak you ever ate. As you go to take another bite the waiter comes an takes your plate away with your steak that you payed for and throws it in the trash. bet you would be seeing red.
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    Please fix Galactic War. It was bad before; it's painful now. Please. Thank you.
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    EA_Jesse wrote: »
    @C3POwn community asked for Jedi Knight Anakin to be adjusted, so we did. There's the 1 you asked for!

    How truly insulting is this post to everyone here, that was a straight kick to the balls of us your paying customers. Let me ask you a question. You guys were able to tell how many players did the precrafting, you were able to tell us how many people did the extra raid reward claim. So my question is how many post on this forum were requesting the anakin rework as to how many asking you to 1. Fix the credit crunch, 2. Fix broken toons (teebo alone would surely surpass anakin), 3. Fix GW 4. Asking for ships. Do you think you guys could crunch the numbers on this? Then you guys go and stealth nerf potency and basically kill all the raids, along with Mods that unbalanced raids, arena, GW after you said you did testing on it prior to releasing. Then you say your listening to us, What a joke! Again I say to you this was truly insulting to every player here.

  • SorcererHex
    83 posts Member
    edited July 2016
    You know what here's your feedback

    Problem one credit crunch: this is the most simple one to solve. First make it so training droids take 0 credits next lower the price of rank ups it's as easy as that.

    Problem two mods: one of the biggest mistakes you did was make it so it's only a chance to get mods. Pay to play players already have mods maxed out making there characters op yet normal players can't have any of that. I did 6 battles of the health challenge hardest difficulty and got NOTHING! This is just down right stupid if just make it a 100% chance to get a mod like before. Now for people not liking mods all you have to do is make a separate arena and gw for mods as it can be stupid sometimes. It's terrible for me a level 79 character with only a few 7 stars to fight a fully maxed team with mods that destroy me in 5 seconds.

    Problem 3 energy: people are really **** at energy as well because most of us want to spend cantina energy on characters not on mods. If we do not use energy on mods when our rank will fall fast so everyone has to stop what they are doing and go farm mods. Best way to solve this is to make different energy for mod battles or change refresh on cantina to refresh on normal energy 50/100/200 and so on.

    Problem 4 not being able to express feedback: you say that we the community are just hating just because and saying things like you should just quit yet most of us never said anything like this yet our post are still deleted. I want to express my opinion and feedback but you won't let us you just keep removing our post.

    We are all getting tired of your crepes so start listening or even more people will leave that's all.

    Edit: Also a lot of us really hated your apology items you gave. Really Chewy shards? Almost everyone has him maxed and he is pretty bad kinda like this update. But seriously give us crystals or something good instead of this spit in the face.
    Post edited by ShaolinPunk on
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    Like how you guys addressed our GW concern? Yeah... not holding my breath.
    31 posts Member
    edited July 2016
    Here are a couple of things that I’d like to see stop:
    • Posting threads telling people to quit, to stop spending on the game or to lower their review scores. This does nothing to help the state of the game. What helps us is seeing feedback on why you don’t like a certain feature and how it affects your enjoyment of the game.
    • Do not create posts bashing EA, CG, the dev team or the moderators. Again, this does nothing to help the game.
    • Do not create posts on how the game is dead, or how it’s going to die, or anything along those lines.

    Let's be honest here, you address NO concern of the mess that has been made of this game. But address THE ONLY thing that gets any horrible business entities attention...LOSS OF REVENUE and BAD PR. The product your trying to sell is broken, try fixing it instead trying to step on your customers throats to shut them up. Someone else did that before.....

    Post edited by ShaolinPunk on
  • Inke
    32 posts Member
    edited July 2016
    I would like to offer my feedback and what would make me feel satisfied as a remedy to the ugly situation we all have endured this past week @EA_Jesse

    First, I should say that while I monitor these forums regularly, I have never made a post. I felt so strongly about this situation I felt compelled to create an account and attempt for my voice to be heard.

    I like so much about the last update, but the biggest parts have managed to sweep all those positive feeling aside.

    The mod power was entirely too strong and introduced much too quickly. That was the first and biggest problem of the last update.
    The decision to reduce mod drop rates and slow there power by making them more expensive to level was the correct one. But making that change after releasing the mods with no limits was an incredible blunder. It left many feeling cheated because some players were able to acquire 5* lvl 15 mods for one price and the next day the price for those same items became much more expensive. This feeling of being treated unfairly makes the consumers to have a feeling of distrust and weariness as to what their resources will be valued in the days to come.

    For me to be completely satisfied, I would propose a rollback to prior to the July 12th manual update. Take back all the mods in game and give back everyone the crystals, credits and cantina energy spent acquiring and leveling the mods.

    In the future please spend more time testing changes to the game that will be so drastic. Provide an update release well ahead of the update with hard and specific facts about the update. Then take time to listen to the customer's feedback and make the changes that seem most appropriate. I really hope my feedback will be considered and I hope the game I used to enjoy so much can return to that same place Inonce held it in.
  • NickquickSilver
    58 posts Member
    edited July 2016
    Hey @EA_Jesse I do appreciate your post and thanks for all the hard work you all do. I understand everyone's frustration, but I am disappointed with all the negatively i see here after you posted. Really folks, it's sad, you would not act or say this if you were in a room with someone. Anyways, CA has been listening and has been trying to improve quite a few things. Prices were high on items, community spoke, they brought the costs down. People complained when it first came out it was too simple, they added more strategy. People abused the raid standards they made it fair for all that played. There is a ton going on and they are a small team. Don't confuse Capital Games with the the studio that builds battlefront.

    While its easy to be a ****, voice your opinion and then provide a solution. Don't just be a **** because you can. Help give ideas and solutions to make things better. That's what me and all of our guild does. Sure we are not thrilled with changes of late but we are working through it. Yes, I have guild members raising their pitchforks, but "unless someone like you cares a whole lot nothing will ever change. It's Not" - the Lorax. So think about it before you post here like a 12 year old without a filter. Let's help make this game better together! I know I am willing to help. Are you SWGOH community?

    With that being said as the leader of The Mighty Psi from Rebel Base we too are willing to help the Devs, we are more than happy to provide feedback. We also have a small stream that we have been sharing our communities opinions both good and bad. We even have Kotaku looking to us for information and our thoughts. We love that you all have a love and passion for the game just like us and we want to play this for years to come. Thank you for listening and here's to making SWGOH great again. - Dark Lord Lampshade
    Post edited by NickquickSilver on
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    EA_Jesse wrote: »
    @scuba we're looking at Mods, testing them, how is that not addressing a concern? I refrained from posting exact details because they aren't locked in yet.

    Weren't they tested prior to release and deemed to be, and I'm hopefully not misquoting a dev here, "shell shocking?"
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    Fid wrote: »
    If mods are being obtained too quickly, don't lower the drop rate, cap the opportunities to get them, then raise the cap incrementally, as circumstances dictate.
    The Cantina Energy cost is already the cap to the opportunities to obtain mods, especially for F2P. Most of us only do 1~2 (100-300 crystals used) crystal refreshes for this energy per day. At the current state of things, it's either farm characters OR farm mods.

    Now don't get me wrong, with proper management, we could evenly distribute our Cantina Energy to do both under the same constraints, but progression time would be reduced by 1/2. With mods becoming more and more mainstream, the pressure to acquire them will increase, so overall crystal refresh rates will increase two-fold across the boards.

    So, all in all, us F2P players will need double the patience to survive the mod meta.
This discussion has been closed.