The Galactic Clone Players discussion


  • Poxx
    2288 posts Member
    I wish I knew how to post a pic. I can tell u that there is a speed mod set on everyone except Rex. He has a +30 speed primary arrow, a diamond w/ 15 speed secondary, a square w/ 17 speed secondary and the other 3 have 5 or 6 speed secondary. My best ones r in the Emp to push him to 222.
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    Hey Kozi, I wasn't sure where else to post since the other thread was closed. There's more considerations for Rex's Squad Discipline going first. First and most importantly, the Clones get 60% Turn Meter from that ability. It's no different than Jawa Engineer using Recalibrate 1st turn. The Clones don't have the firepower, aside from Sarge, so they need speed from Rex's SD to get them going. Cody is barely a consideration for firepower because he gets murdered if he's not the leader so his spot will likely go to somebody that can taunt and Cody rides the bench in his current state; Rex is the best Clone leader by far. Not that Rex is a bad character because he's definitely one of the best characters in the game, but within the context of a Clone-oriented squad (4 to 5 Clones), the AI is sub-optimal at best. Unless some Clone updates are coming that we don't know about that change things around, but we'd like to know what's going on with the squad that we've invested a fair amount of money in (Echo, Rex, Cody). Thanks - J

  • Kozispoon
    3245 posts EA Staff (retired)
    edited September 2016
    While I agree what you describe is the best tactical choice by way of turn/ability order for defense, the AI's focus is what abilities will benefit the current situation. And more often than not the first turn with no negative status effects = Squad Discipline is not needed.

    Besides, I'm of the opinion the ideal tactical choices are and should be made by the players themselves-which is evidenced by these supah rad clone discussion threads. Your best bet is to simply play manually in order to execute the ability order as you deem tactically fit to your playstyle.

    Thank you for your patience 8D Forum Guidelines
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    While I agree what you describe is the best tactical choice by way of turn/ability order for defense, the AI's focus is what abilities will benefit the current situation. And more often than not the first turn with no negative status effects = Squad Discipline is not needed.

    Besides, I'm of the opinion the ideal tactical choices are and should be made by the players themselves-which is evidenced by these supah rad clone discussion threads. Your best bet is to simply play manually in order to execute the ability order as you deem tactically fit to your playstyle.

    Hey @CG_Kozispoon

    You're right, when we're on offense we should be manually using their abilities; I totally agree. The problem is what happens when our squads are on defense? Higher-level arena is more about what happens on defense rather than offense because winning on offense isn't all that hard. Clone squads just can't maintain a reasonable rank overnight like other squads can. Rex not using SD first is part of the problem. Imagine what a Droid squad would look like if Engineer tossed his grenade first? Droids would be a joke on defense too. On offense it's almost a no-brainer to use SD first especially if you have an Omega in the ability. The 60% TM for Clones is too good to not use first and if you have the ability Omega'd, then nobody is getting a negative status effect unless Ventress is on the field and let's be honest; that's not happening in top-5 arena or even top-20. Her and Darth Maul are hanging out on the bench thinking about "hooking-up."

    I'm sure you're busy with the "Tank Raid" but we're all still curious about anything that's happening with Cody from an update perspective. Best regards, thanks for replying to us on a Friday evening! - J
  • Durrun
    1019 posts Member
    edited September 2016
    @Darth_Jay77 and @CG_Kozispoon
    I've been running clones a good while and everything said has its own place and valid point. Thank you very much for your response and opinion Kozi it's great to hear. Cody is performing drastically better with his leader rework. In fact with the correct mods @LastJedi has even described him as "survivable" but I believe the current issue is that this shuts him down as even being in the squad if he's not leader. In the character strategy post he's introduced as "users will have a choice of 3 clone leaders, 5555, Rex, or Cody." I would now add Anakin to this as well. Then problem is to include him on the squad as other than leader he will be killed turn 1 as there are a good many abilities that deal more damage than his max hp and protection. Would it be possible to Seperate this survival from his leader? It would still set him up as a strong clone unit but not require him to lead to survive. Perhaps adding a secondary effect to his leader based on crit instead? (All other clones gain 10% TM on crit) something to boost the team and set him up as a rival to Rex for leader. Secondly his secondary is simply not worth the turn use in 95% of situations. A stun based off team crits isn't worth modding potency etc when I could basic and gain TM to get closer to my next 212th. Perhaps something like TM reduction to crit targets would fit with the TM theme of clones in general. His 212th is quite well balanced at current time thank you for the changes to that.

    I do NOT mean to tell you your job and I know you guys are busy with raid but I feel like I can't put Cody in arena especially on defense without him leader, and without him having a more powerful team oriented effect on special. Thank you for reading this far and for the "light" update we receive for him already.

    As far as Rex SD it would be a little unfair to EP users if he autos it first to be honest. Thanks again for reading and feedback
  • Darth_Jay77
    3163 posts Member
    edited September 2016
    Lets be fair though, we were asking for this change to Rex long before we knew EP was coming out.

    It's just really disappointing to not have the ability to use these guys competitvely. Well, you might be able to if you win the "seconday speed stat lottery" but thats a big "if."
  • CookieCrispp
    555 posts Member
    edited September 2016
    Hello. I have played and advocated for clone teams for a while. I don't think that what I have to say is anything more than my own musings, observations, and conclusions. However, I would assume that some of these ideas may be very relevant to this discussion.

    I love clone teams. I look forward to GW because it is the one time each day j get to run a full clone squad. It is awesome. Which leads to the first point:

    1) The clones lack direction
    The clone tag is very bloated and lacks direction. As has been noted (by many in this thread), there exist three clone leaderships, but only one (Rex) holds up to any competitive (similar mod and gear levels) arena. This is problematic as he best leadership for clones is NOT the games only clone commander. This would be like FOTP having a better FO leadership than Phasma.

    The clone tag has three supports, one attacker, and one tank (who lacks a taunt). This itself does not lend itself to any arena matches, and has no potential work around for the lack of a taunt (for a full clone squad). The clones feel disjointed, as three of them focus on TM gains for allies, two emphasize critical hits, one focused on debuffs (two with the Cody stun), and two when emphasize turn meter removal. This is in stark contrast to almost all other factions, who at this point have unique focuses (droids are crit, first order are assist and advantage, rebels have assists and duos).

    2) Clones are based on outdated game concepts and mechanics.
    The primary culprit for this claim is Echo, however both Fives and Rex have small issues with this. Echo is built to emphasize health (falling behind the curve with all health healers). Echo (as the first aoe dispel) is worse than B2s dispel, at 5 turns instead of 3. These two issues, when combined with the clone lack of a taunting tank make Echo almost a default drop for Sun Fac.

    Fives is the only assist toon who, with an omega, has a 3 turn assist. That in and of itself would be fine, however I would argue that this weakness has shown itself to be more problematic at 80 than it was at 70. Rex is in a similar boat, with Subdue focusing on health. As this ability tends to do obscene damage at this point, I cannot complain, however I caution that if any additional protection mechanics are added or are changed that this ability must not be forgotten.

    3) Some suggestions
    I sense that I have written quite a few blobs of text, so I'll list my suggestions for easier reading.
    - Cody should be the clone leader. His survival should be tied into that leadership (he should be emphasized to be the leader).
    - To this, Cody leadership should be to grant all clones the leadership bonuses of all active squad clones, and 10% crit chance.
    - Echo probably needs to be reworked on his emp grenade. I suggest a cooldown reduction based on his basic attack. This would emphasize, but not force clone synergy to encourage his throwing of many dispels.
    - Echos heal should probably be reworked. I'd suggest changing this to protection or granting tm instead of a heal if that clone is at full hp. I'd also consider giving this a duo effect with Fives such that this ability does not shut off until Fives is dead as well. This would be the clone pseudo taunt.
    - Clone Sergeant P1 should probably have the tm gain from his basic lowered.
    - Rex leadership should be changed to apply only to clones and Jedi (IMO). It is detrimental to arena meta development and overall game progression.
    - Both Echo and CSP1 could do with a look at their hp/protection numbers. I would suggest CSP1 and Echo see minor (5-10%) increases in both stats. Potentially no change to csp1 if Wcho gave protection.

    - Clones are a faction without focus
    - Clones probably need some updating
    - Here are some buffs and nerfs to consider
    Post edited by CookieCrispp on
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    I finally got Anakin online this week. I got his speed just above Rex's to hopefully "trick" the AI into doing what we are all wishing Rex would do on defense lol. Dropping Cody from the team in favor of Anakin definitely seemed to help the last couple days (squeaked out 5th finish tonight).

    Working on Sun Fac, who as mentioned above, is the obvious replacement for Echo next. It is definitely unfortunate considering the investment both Cody and Echo represent >.> . The full squad is still a blast in other game modes aside from arena at least. I just wish Cody could be played outside the leader role. For both PVE and PVP, I either play Cody as leader or not at all (and anakin is just flat out better than Cody, leader or not for pvp). I'd love for this to not be the case!
  • Poxx
    2288 posts Member
    edited September 2016
    The trick I use is to have Anakin, not lead, move faster than Rex, with no extra crit, but add crit damage triangle. It increases his chance of becoming exposed forcing Rex on defense to Tenacity Up / Cleanse
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    Mewingloki wrote: »
    I finally got Anakin online this week. I got his speed just above Rex's to hopefully "trick" the AI into doing what we are all wishing Rex would do on defense lol. Dropping Cody from the team in favor of Anakin definitely seemed to help the last couple days (squeaked out 5th finish tonight).

    Working on Sun Fac, who as mentioned above, is the obvious replacement for Echo next. It is definitely unfortunate considering the investment both Cody and Echo represent >.> . The full squad is still a blast in other game modes aside from arena at least. I just wish Cody could be played outside the leader role. For both PVE and PVP, I either play Cody as leader or not at all (and anakin is just flat out better than Cody, leader or not for pvp). I'd love for this to not be the case!
    Mewingloki wrote: »
    I finally got Anakin online this week. I got his speed just above Rex's to hopefully "trick" the AI into doing what we are all wishing Rex would do on defense lol. Dropping Cody from the team in favor of Anakin definitely seemed to help the last couple days (squeaked out 5th finish tonight).

    Working on Sun Fac, who as mentioned above, is the obvious replacement for Echo next. It is definitely unfortunate considering the investment both Cody and Echo represent >.> . The full squad is still a blast in other game modes aside from arena at least. I just wish Cody could be played outside the leader role. For both PVE and PVP, I either play Cody as leader or not at all (and anakin is just flat out better than Cody, leader or not for pvp). I'd love for this to not be the case!

    Problem is that at least for me, most of the game time is spent in Arena and its the most enjoyable. I would never buy a character for a PVE game mode.

    @Poxx Im doing the same which sucks because we're playing JKA the wrong way to get the correct result.
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    Love your thoughts and ideas. Completely agree with them and the direction , I think that echo did really take a hit with that nerf, especially as he no longer follows up fives when he counters or assists. His emp is so slow as well.

    It's a shame because the concept of the character is fantastic, but you're right he is outdated.

    Hope devs still have clone tweaks on their list of todo - like they said in the Cody thread.

    I also think that codys ability where he does aoe and stun is a bit of s dead skill. His primary is often better.
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    Thanks for the input and words of encouragement. I also realized something I should have added about the outdatedness of clones. Clone AoE is at the old levels of aoe (that is, closer to ugnaught than to Anakin or Wedge).

    Also, I want to address the idea that clones could be awesome as duos (Echo and Fives, Cody and Rex) or, and this is the dream, as a sliver-esque design. Imagine if clones and their abilities got Cody or Wedge style boosts for each clone or had greater effects based on the number of clones.

    Echos dispel does all targets if 1 clone is present (and alive?). -1 CD for 2 clones. Buff immunity at 3 clones.
    Maybe Clone Sgt can add a dot to his aoe, or even add a random ally gets O up.
    Just some fun thoughts.

    I'm not sure if it would be cooler with living clones (because then you could do something crazy like have an ability that gets stronger for each dead clone) or just all clones.
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    Nice write-up, agree with much of it. I think they do have some focus with TM contol as the main 4 (not 5s) have TM increase but they need more to be relevant. Codys kit is good but the damage penalty on 212th attack is crazy when you think about what Rey, Biggs&Wedge, Lando can do but Cody is seriously penalized. 212th is good otherwise becausr it gets Sarges and Codys TM refilled. But yeah, Id like to see other synergies created. 5s as a tank should be able to mitigate damage somehow as a tank. Echo... too big of a damge penalty, heal not enough, EMP cooldown too long.
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    I'm running
    Sun Fac

    Slipping to 20+ overnight :/
    Thoughts guys?
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    Throw B2 into the mix some where?
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    Durrun wrote: »
    I'm running
    Sun Fac

    Slipping to 20+ overnight :/
    Thoughts guys?

    I would try Rex as lead and replace 5's with somebody else. Even if your EP is only 6-star that wouldn't be bad unless you have a heavy Rex meta now on your server.
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    My server looks like the **** kamino clone lab. But instead of clones it's all EPs. And I'm the only clone lol. It's all backwards XD. Speed Rex is helping but it's not enough to deal with EP, Han, Rey
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    Ya everyone on my shard in Top 20 is
    Pretty much EP lead STHan And three other very good toons Rey Lando ect. I feel like if Rex's AI would use Squad discipline on opening. We wouldn't even be having this convo. But that's not the case, but I too have been Fallon into 30's some night these days as well @Durrun. I have high hopes for what B2 can do for my clones both offensively and defensively. Who's has B2 maxed and runs them with clone anyone right now?
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    Also @Darth_Jay77 are you running your EP with clones right now?
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    @TrevorTheWookie In GW I have been using EP and its been great, but not too confident about it in Arena. Rex has to be lead and Cody wont live long enough to do anything. B2 for arena is a consideration I think but again not sure what to do about Cody. Anymore than Rex and Sarge is just not possible. Ive given up on the Clones. Rex needs to SD first regardless of what EA thinks, and the squad as a whole needs a re-work.
  • Aero
    2972 posts Member
    So I'm a bit bored of Empire at the moment and deciding to return to my original love, the clones. Just took Plo Koon to gear 10 and did a great purge on all mods to reassign them with Clone priority. My team is now:
    Rex (L) 195 speed
    Clone Sarge
    Plo Koon
    Royal Guard

    I also went ahead and attempted the raid with my clones now that they have better mods. I entered with a 100% Captain. My team was
    Phasma (L)
    Clone Sarge

    We are doing a sacrificial stage right now so I can't record any damage and had to retreat, but this is the result.

    That is nearly a solo victory on phase 1 without using Teebo.
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    Aero wrote: »
    So I'm a bit bored of Empire at the moment and deciding to return to my original love, the clones. Just took Plo Koon to gear 10 and did a great purge on all mods to reassign them with Clone priority. My team is now:
    Rex (L) 195 speed
    Clone Sarge
    Plo Koon
    Royal Guard

    I also went ahead and attempted the raid with my clones now that they have better mods. I entered with a 100% Captain. My team was
    Phasma (L)
    Clone Sarge

    We are doing a sacrificial stage right now so I can't record any damage and had to retreat, but this is the result.

    That is nearly a solo victory on phase 1 without using Teebo.

    @Durrun and I were talking about Clone / Empire hybrids at one point. Theres so much TM control available but finding the mix between damage and control is the issue.
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    I fully agree that an Emp clone hybrid would be highly competitive. I mentioned it in Emp discussion a while ago. But welcome to the light side @Aero WE have the cookies you've been looking for. XD

    My idea for a hybrid is
    EP lead
    Clone sarge
    And magmatrooper or RG

    Rex provides TM gain, tenacity and TM remove.

    Sarge has team TM remove and huge dmg and TM gain

    Tarkin brings defensive capability with offense down and also has huge TM removal

    EP cause damage, stun, TM gain, stun, offense up and stun

    And last we could toss in a tank with RG
    Or go for even more TM removal with magma.

    It's possible with so much removal to possibly do the full round with 2-3 of the enemy dead before they take a turn.
    Figure EP opening stun. Followed by Tarkin combo. Figure 2-3 drop to 25% TM roughly.
    Sarge goes and everyone who resisted Tarkin drops to half and everyone else is at 0 and stunned. Then magma goes and takes any remaining from anyone who has any lol
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    Possibly solved my rank sloping issue.
    Tossed in tie pilot

    Raw damage seems to be holding me
  • Aero
    2972 posts Member
    Durrun wrote: »
    Possibly solved my rank sloping issue.
    Tossed in tie pilot

    Raw damage seems to be holding me

    I have a 6 star gear 10 tie pilot, may consider using him. My only true damage output is Sarge and he can die fast.
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    Pilot isn't much tankier but I'm using both sarge and pilot. I have the speeds of my team perfect.

    Rex L

    Ani is fastest and goes first, granting offense up and probably exposing himself. Pilot goes next giving a whopping 16-18k crit to somone. Then Rex goes and uses special if Ani exposed, granting the tenacity and TM to Ani and tie who just went. Then sarge aoes dropping enemy TM. And sun taunts. I dropped to 10 last night when I've been dropping to 22 or above
  • Aero
    2972 posts Member
    That sounds amazing. I'll have to get to work in Ani. I love how you are kinda using Ani to trigger Rex to perform squad discipline instead of subdue.
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    I built my team like a droid squad lol.
    Here's how they look after taking out a
    RG squad


    I took most of the turns and wrecked them in just over a minute
    Check out the protection left one everyone lol
  • Aero
    2972 posts Member
    I thought Rex was lead? There you have Ani lead.
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    In testing it back and forth. Seeing which drops harder
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