***TOURNAMENT MEGATHREAD*** (All related posts here)


  • Entity
    44 posts Member
    edited October 2016
    Suggestion: introduce max time per match, so defensive squads are actually defending. Consider a team of Chewie, rg, NI, barriss and Daka. It would be time consuming to beat, although not hitting that hard. Right now it's just speed and power like everywhere else... Defense toons shouldn't be available to use in offense. Only one change in defense available per refresh...
  • Nikoms565
    14242 posts Member
    Entity wrote: »
    Suggestion: introduce max time per match, so defensive squads are actually defending. Consider a team of Chewie, rg, NI, barriss and Daka. It would be time consuming to beat, although not hitting that hard. Right now it's just speed and power like everywhere else... Defense toons shouldn't be available to use in offense. Only one change in defense available per refresh...

    Can I add one?

    Play test stuff.
    In game name: Lucas Gregory FORMER PLAYER - - - -"Whale blah grump poooop." - Ouchie

    In game guild: TNR Uprising
    I beat the REAL T7 Yoda (not the nerfed one) and did so before mods were there to help
    *This space left intentionally blank*
  • Mále
    24 posts Member
    Just implement it NOW and let whoever is exploiting the "buddy system" get caught out with a weak defense team for the remainder of the tournament.
  • Kyno
    32087 posts Moderator
    wondering why it's not beta tournament first, giving flat reward for tester or so
    to each new content to their own exploit, i guess.

    This isn't bad, but if they released details of how the event would operate first I bet someone would have pointed this out.

    They do this every time, they keep all the info and don't realize that some ppl that play the game know more about games then some of them and have valuable insight.

    Within an hour of every event release, someone points out an exploit and it's just getting rediculous. They are not reinventing the wheel, they are using "tested" mechanics from existing games and don't look at how they played out in other games.
  • Kyno
    32087 posts Moderator
    Let them change but never increase defensive teams power so that everyone doing it will bring in the scrubs and never get to put the A team back in.
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    Prices will reset in about 1hr20min, 16hrs before next reset. It's in the Dev Updates. Apparently a minor bug, but they are not trying to fix it right now, so we'll just live with it for the next two days.

    Again, and I'm beating a dead horse here, but not EVERYONE got a reset yesterday.

    Which means - most people have played twice. Some people haven't gotten any reset at all (which means they've played once).

    So many people are brushing off the complaint here when it's not the same thing as people having played twice and thinking they would get an early morning refresh and then it not happening.
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    No reset on first day, cool down timer hit zero and restarted without a reset today. looking at 6 AM tomorrow. This is a rip-off.
  • tj5270
    177 posts Member
    still no developer response to all of this?? Are there any plans to at least comment about what is being done?
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    @tj5270 just that they will make fixes for the next tournamnent

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    There are some epic whiners on this forum. "Me, me, me! I want it all now! Everything is terrible and I deserve to have everything handed to me because I **** the most!"

    Take a deep breath, put down the Doritos, step into the sunlight, and repeat "It's just a game. There is life outside of my phone."

    Even those who do literally nothing in this tourney receive rewards. Just shut up already.
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    15min till refresh of toons in north and south america...rank 1 here i come
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    There are some epic whiners on this forum. "Me, me, me! I want it all now! Everything is terrible and I deserve to have everything handed to me because I **** the most!"

    Take a deep breath, put down the Doritos, step into the sunlight, and repeat "It's just a game. There is life outside of my phone."

    Even those who do literally nothing in this tourney receive rewards. Just shut up already.

    So your making your point by whining about whinners. Hmmm angry you are huh,Mad at option people have Hmmm.

    Thanks for taking the time to put down your Doritos. Cheers!
  • DemocracyIsaLie
    32 posts Member
    edited October 2016
    Im more of a chip guy personally also im getting paid while i do this so booya $$$$...Hail Hydra!
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    15min till refresh of toons in north and south america...rank 1 here i come

    Will there be a final refresh around this time tomorrow? Should be, right?
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    KyloRey wrote: »
    15min till refresh of toons in north and south america...rank 1 here i come

    Will there be a final refresh around this time tomorrow? Should be, right?

    Yes... times will be fixed next tournament
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    Hail to the Mighty Chlorians! They have rank 2 - 23 filled with their guild on this shard. One Team Instinct is still at the top however.

    Chondrosarcoma- Chondro3150#0907
  • Vega
    94 posts Member
    Is the tournament still ending when it says or 8 hours after so people get the full 24 hours after refresh?
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    Vega wrote: »
    Is the tournament still ending when it says or 8 hours after so people get the full 24 hours after refresh?

    That's a good question. My gut says they will end the raid on time. So we will basically get 16 hrs after the last refresh.

    But that's just my guess.
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    Hail to the Mighty Chlorians! They have rank 2 - 23 filled with their guild on this shard. One Team Instinct is still at the top however.

    He wasn't for half of the day ;)
    FN 2187, Mighty Chlorians (spelt with a lowercase l not a capital I): Heroic AAT Guide, The Gear Grind
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    16 hour refresh is here
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    Bag of weed sounds perfect

    Everything is better with a bag of weed!
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    Brendose wrote: »
    Ok, seriously I am laughing so hard at all the comments here. You mean to tell me you would ACTUALLY spend $300+ on this game? Really????

    Let's put that into perspective $300 buys you:

    a month's worth of groceries
    XBox or Playstation
    5 $60 games that are way better than this time waster
    30 older games that have better graphics than this game
    20 minutes with a super hot stripper
    2 months cell phone bill
    5 months high speed internet
    a back alley wet whistle
    2 tickets to a NFL game
    4 tickets to a MLB game
    a large bag of weed

    and the list could go on and on............

    I wouldn't pay more than $10 MAX on this silly time waster. As for this tournament.....ya'll a bunch of **** to think this was anything else but an EA fundraiser. One toon for all this drama? Time to re-evaluate your life. Haha!

    Seems like a great guy. You dont spend money on games, fine. To be honest I dont think you are EA'so concern.

    I tend to spend money on games I like rather than strippers. I do this because I want good modern games produced, because I can, and because I like supporting companies. A thank you might be more appropriate than your rant.

    The point is: this type of greed has the opposite effect. It ruins good games. It'seems lost my support, and wanted EA to know.
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    Team Instinct Guild sure exploit good as a guild.
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    My guess is that this tournament is a beta test for replacing Aurodium in terms of introducing new paid toons. Note the absence of Aurodium since the failed GSpy (I got him, I benched him).

    In the past I bought vaults back to back to get Aurodium or Chromium exclusive toons. But I won't get involved in a bidding war with other players. I don't know how far the top player in my tournament is willing to go, and I'm not willing to waste hundreds or thousands to find out.

    The question is whether these few top spenders will spend enough to make up for the money EA could have made from selling Shoretrooper in a pack, as they have previously. The majority of previous pack buyers will be looking at this "tournament" and putting their credit cards away.

    There is also a cost to EA in terms of the bad feeling this event has generated, it is likely to impact future spending by "winners" and "losers" alike.
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    The guy at the top of the tournament in my server is with 15,371k points, followed by the second guy with 13,130k .... Is this already a common number in everyone's server? Those cheaters!
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    Probably a week of the silent treatment while they wait for the fallout to blow over.

    This lol, dang it mom!
    I am the Reaper
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    BigShoots wrote: »
    What a terrible tournament.... My roster won't refresh ever, giving me no chance to compete. I was burning crystals the first day for no reason. Thanks EA, good job screwing up again. what a waste of time and money

    That's really sad, i have spent something like 200 crystals untill i finally noticed the tournament scam... Filled with ppl exploiting the system and cheating to get the rewards... Sorry for you bro...
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    So the creators of this game and tournament made a critical error when describing how to play the tournament. They said use "defensive" squads. This has lead to evidence that the tournament is fixed and literally everyone will drop a certain amount regardless of how good their squad is, in order to get them to buy more crystals.

    Because of the poor phrasing on their part I would say at least 75 percent of the teams I am facing are absolute garbage. Because they used word "defensive" people are using teams with all high health like Kylo Ren, RG,5's, Vader, Old Ben with no damage at all. The tournament is littered with horrendous teams.

    First of all you should use your arena team period! So I find it odd that despite the fact I started the tournament like 10 hours deep, after 2 battles I was top 100. Is that not odd to anyone? Maybe to make people think oh I can be top 100.

    So my arena team is in the top 20, I always finish top 3 in raids, and I don't really care that I'm not even in the top 1000 of the tournament. But when almost everyone in the tournament is using gimped defensive squads because they were confused by the directions and when I am using my really good top 20 arena squad, there should be no possible scenario where I am at the very bottom reward tier.

    I wouldn't be surprised if every tournament ranking is unique to each person and there is an actual pay scale someone must spend on crystals to determine rank.
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    They are spending crystals.. lots and lots and lots of crystals. They are only getting 60 or less max points per battle and no roster is that deep that you can get to those numbers without an insane number of refreshes.
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