***TOURNAMENT MEGATHREAD*** (All related posts here)


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    Nikoms565 wrote: »
    they will adress it after the rewards are passed out and make it harder to do for the next one but they will still find that loop hole

    Remember how long it took them to close the guild hopping loophole. Just saying.

    That's why I haven't spent a single crystal on this poorly designed shoretrooper auction.

    "Poorly designed shoretrooper auction" XD
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    These tournament shards need to be more evenly matched. Everyone I see has armor level 10+ when I am not even at 9 yet. The shards should not be based on level, which is virtually meaningless these days, but rather on arena power or gear level. This whole tournament is a joke and a slap in the face to virtually everyone. Everything about this crystal grab is broken. I don't even care that it's ptw event, there should be something like that for the players that keep this game going but this isn't it. And that's not even counting the rampant cheating that's been taking place. I'll definitely be requesting my crystals back.
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    benacrow wrote: »
    LV426 wrote: »
    Just curious what's good nna happen to all the people who spent money and played fair are they going to get their proper place or will it still be cheat to win because I have ally's in the tournament was can switch our teams to weakest toon defense so we can win 60 70 battles a day I have that many toons so I can do it tooooooo. I in need to know from EA CG time is ticking .

    Can I cheat to get up to #1 like everyone else?

    Or should I wait and see if they make it fair....

    I don't wanna sit around all day and swap my teams on my alt account and fight my weakest toon 60x but I'll do it for shore trooper!!!!

    I've just taken screenshots of everyone I know is cheating, I'll report them.

    Hate to break it to ya, but it's not cheating if everyone in the game has the 'capability' to do this. Cheats and exploits are only things available to a few players because of limitations from the game, not limitations in the form of not being with your guild.

    It is still a joke that this is able to be done, but it was just poor game design that allowed for guild cooperation.

    Probably not even that. I heard that the same happened to other CG games and they allowed it for a long period, because the revenue were big.
    I will not surprised if this loophole in design was intentional.
    The reset bug, that's another thing.
  • Nikoms565
    14242 posts Member
    I find it amusing how people that bemoaned guild hopping are now defending this exploit. Ironically, they are even using the same sad rationalizations that guild hoppers did.

    In game name: Lucas Gregory FORMER PLAYER - - - -"Whale blah grump poooop." - Ouchie

    In game guild: TNR Uprising
    I beat the REAL T7 Yoda (not the nerfed one) and did so before mods were there to help
    *This space left intentionally blank*
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    Seems like a huge money grab to me, or pay2win pretty much.
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    Not seen anyone praising the tournament Someone like?
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    A random question, but why hasn't CG pushed out a quick hotfix to the tune of removing the set defense squad button? Something that simple would have immediately made win trading impossible, and would probably be viewed by many of the detractors as an effective "band-aid" of sorts.
  • Nikoms565
    14242 posts Member
    edited October 2016
    Simple question really. Throughout the tournament, the values for points for surviving friendly heroes and defeated enemies changes.

    I realize that the CLOSER you get to rank 1, the lesser the point values. What else effects point values? Thanks.
    In game name: Lucas Gregory FORMER PLAYER - - - -"Whale blah grump poooop." - Ouchie

    In game guild: TNR Uprising
    I beat the REAL T7 Yoda (not the nerfed one) and did so before mods were there to help
    *This space left intentionally blank*
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    It seems the more points you have the less you can gain. I am receiving fewer points ranked 100ish today than I did ranked 100 or so 24 hours ago.
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    Can you please set a timer on resetting defense teams or make it extremely expensive to reset them? Too many guild mates colluding to surge ahead and leaving real rosters like mine in the dust and no chance at #1.

    I'm halfway through the first tournament and can't imagine how frustrated I will be in the final hours of this
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    Soo... am I understanding this correctly that the Scarif event is a gross whoever spends the most money wins?

    Like, why don't they just sell the toon as an Aurodium pack instead of tantalizing the vast majority of us?
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    Because they make more money if they instead auction it off and let players get in a bidding war over who wins Shoretrooper.
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    Yeah, I know. They could make their cash grabs less subtle. I guess they don't care anymore.
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    are you insinuating that this is a money grab?
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    lol, you replied faster than me, i'll just go now, this post is about to get deleted anyway
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    Im seriously **** about this tournament. Not only did EA make it expensive as hell but now cheaters can basically make your money spent worthless.
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    Just curious what's good nna happen to all the people who spent money and played fair are they going to get their proper place or will it still be cheat to win because I have ally's in the tournament was can switch our teams to weakest toon defense so we can win 60 70 battles a day I have that many toons so I can do it tooooooo. I in need to know from EA CG time is ticking .

    Can I cheat to get up to #1 like everyone else?

    Or should I wait and see if they make it fair....

    I don't wanna sit around all day and swap my teams on my alt account and fight my weakest toon 60x but I'll do it for shore trooper!!!!

    We're screwed, guarantee it. Buy a vault and a half for absolutley nothing in return.
  • Poxx
    2288 posts Member
    edited October 2016
    The only way to properly handle this mess is to cancel the tourney and restart it with your defensive team staying your defensive team from start to finish. I would lose about 500 crystals i spent on refreshes but so what. It's better than the collusion we face atm.

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    UgWeiChifu wrote: »
    Can you please set a timer on resetting defense teams or make it extremely expensive to reset them? Too many guild mates colluding to surge ahead and leaving real rosters like mine in the dust and no chance at #1.

    I'm halfway through the first tournament and can't imagine how frustrated I will be in the final hours of this

    You're only realizing this now?
    Your feeble skills are no match for the power of the Dark Side.
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    benacrow wrote: »
    I don't get large chunks of guilds can be on the same bracket I haven't seen any of mine.

    From experience, all wait to log into the game until the same time after the tourney 'starts'.

    How would they know to do that? Unless it's an inside job...
    Your feeble skills are no match for the power of the Dark Side.
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    Poxx wrote: »
    The only way to properly handle this mess is to cancel the tourney and restart it with your defensive team staying your defensive team from start to finish. I would lose about 500 crystals i spent on refreshes but so what. It's better than the collusion we face atm.


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    To the game makers: I don't mind so much if (when) you mess up. I can imagine the pressure that you must be under from the publisher to push out new content. But when you do mess up, FIX IT!

    Don't let the exploiters keep their unpaid for advantage. Either take it away or level the playing field by giving everyone what they unfairly gained. Let those who paid for refreshes keep what they deserve.

    I would like to give you my continued support, but if I suddenly can't compete in Arena anymore because of what you have allowed to happen, I'm going to have some choices to make
    Your feeble skills are no match for the power of the Dark Side.
  • Obsid
    108 posts Member
    I say kick the exploiters out of the tournament, no rewards should be given to them.
  • dough
    641 posts Member
    prediction: 24-hr cooldown on Defense teams will be implemented -- that is, soon as the _____ and _____ with guild affiliations get theirs. Same as it ever was... same as it ever was... pre-craft v. 1.0; Guild-hopping... now this.
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    The top two in my tournament are from the same guild and thousands of points ahead of everyone else.

    The only way to get the EXPLOITtrooper (top 1) is to use the defense exploit. EA silently allows it by not taking action.

    Total fail
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    I find the event rather boring after the second day. It's basically the same arena battle over and over. I already do that the hour before my payout every day.
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    Bug again ? No refresh allowed at the restart time (in France)... I have spend many crystals for many bugs.... Please CG, cancel the tournament and refund crystals. Rework the system, with a refresh cap and a refresh defensive squad only by 24 Hours. And without BUGs...
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    Oooohwee. I was ranked first in mine for the first 5 or so hours (before everyone was exploiting). The points drop as you accumulate more. It has nothing to do with rank I'm pretty sure. I've been at 3 for a kill and 7 for a survival since I ended at rank 1. I'm currently ranked in the 60s and it's exactly the same. It's a very misleading system. There is no reason points shouldn't be a flat rate throughout. At least then you really know how far you are from the top.
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    By the way, where is my character refresh? It said I would have one in 8 hours.... But until now, 16 hours later, there is none. What on earth is happening?
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