***TOURNAMENT MEGATHREAD*** (All related posts here)


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    Way to screw this one up CG and EA. You take a great idea and poison it with your bottomless greed. I hope people end up never spending anymore because of this. Proud to say that since your mod fiasco I haven't spent a dime on this game and couldn't be happier. And for any trolls out there, yes I would like a cookie
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    Agree with the locking of the defensive team. What was the purpose of being able to change it as much as possible if not to allow collusion? If you could only pick one team, most would pick their arena team to ensure others had as hard a time as possible leapfrogging them.

    Incredibly disappointed in that aspect of this event...
  • tRRRey
    2782 posts Member
    edited October 2016
    Dhoey321 wrote: »
    4. Test this tournament thoroughly.

    Your post was reasonable until this.
    WE are the beta testers :smile:
    Post edited by ShaolinPunk on
    https://swgoh.gg/u/trey 66/
    Make Zader Great Again!
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    They never do anything to people bending the rules even putting in shards together would be a good step

  • UltimateZeus
    1221 posts Member
    edited October 2016
    For (3), why can't you use any defensive toons for offense? It seems a bit counter-intuitive that you can't use your best toons for offense?
    Post edited by ShaolinPunk on
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    i put a complaint in for the changed refresh time and the disadvantage i have because of it. got a generic polite GET LOST response.

    tournament is only for rich fools or CHEATS "not encouraged or invited" but CG & EA will allow it
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    My final thoughts...

    The concept of this tournament is good and I like the ability to both gain and lose rank. I do not like the fact that a premium character is the main prize for this event and a 7-star version is limited to very few despite that other's have paid almost as much as the winner. Not to mention, the crystal refreshes are just obscene and it's not like you can just rotate through your whole roster when you're at the top of the charts. There are only so many combinations that can beat a high-speed Wiggs squad, so you have to refresh your "A" and maybe a "B" squad and those refreshes are just ridiculous at approximately $5 / refresh. I've always hated the negative / conspiracy talk about EA just going for a "money-grab" or not caring but this even truly feels like a pure money grab and nothing else. The cost of this character is considerably more than your average Aurodium character.

    In my opinion they should've left Shoretrooper as an Aurodium character and let players that want that character to just buy it straight-out. Then use the tournament for players to unlock the monthly character (TFP currently) and have considerably reduced crystal refreshes.

    For individual match-ups, don't let us see or choose who we attack. Instead, rather assemble your team, tap a "battle" button, and you fight whoever you draw, make it completely random.

    In-short, good format that needs some tweaks, but far too GREEDY. This event was truly for maybe the top-2% of the player base.
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    at least let your defense team earn points if it defended or at least killed any of the oppossing team
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    Why are these the "final" thoughts? What if I have thoughts after you do? =)
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    How come my characters never refreshed on the shores of scarf event? You shouldn't have to pay to refresh your characters unless they die. To get anywhere in the event you have to buy a ton of cystals.
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    I will say this event and the ridiculousness surrounding it have convinced me to never spend any more cash on the game. I was really enjoying the game the last three months but I genuinely feel robbed of all the cash I spent on crystals for refreshes the past 48 hours. Only to discover the news about cheating AFTER I wasted $40. I couldn't figure out why I was suddenly facing opponents who waaaayyyy out geared me.

    Not sure who to feel robbed me though, the devs or my fellow players....

    I think refunding crystals spent on refreshes would be fair.
  • Paule
    39 posts Member
    edited October 2016
    XJStryker wrote: »
    I have three guild mates close to me in ranking and we STILL have not band together and cheated the system. So my final thoughts are devs shud have put an END to that the first time it was seen and locked Defenses

    I'm a whale who is the GM of a casual guild mostly F2P. I am currently 16 on my shard but noticed that almost all of those above me belong to the same few guilds.

    I have evidence (screen shots) of the collusion everyone is talking about as two members from the primary whale guild were using level 46 squads using eeth koth, tusken shaman, talia, ect... to "trade" wins. Their point totals are almost identical as well.

    As a whale this makes the previous fiascos look like nothing! They are exploiting the system, sure they are spending some crystals but not the max 750 as they are literally gaming the system. EA is losing money due to the collusion.
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    As long as I get my 20 Chewie shards, I'm a happy camper.
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    Just be ready for the emperor event to return soon. Gotta give back every time they mess up.

    ooooooooh I hope so. I'm 100 Wedge shards away .
  • SmokeyJoe320
    931 posts Member
    edited October 2016
    Just wanted to mention that 9 of the top 20 on my leaderboard are from the same guild... if I went down lower, probably even more. Just a wee bit absurd.
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    What's more annoying is that this will make more people quit. Making guilds harder to fill.
    Making it less enjoyable for the rest.
    Don't they realise they are killing this game all in the name of greed and stupidity.
  • scuba
    14185 posts Member
    edited October 2016
    As some one else told me... This is the most "team work" by guilds since intial raid release.
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    Pay to compete with cheaters. Happen in my other game and over time, its to late to fix the lost of paying customers.
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    yup don't know how they wouldn't think that would happen had to be expected SmokeyJoe320
  • EventineElessedil
    6171 posts Member
    edited October 2016
    Ma1117tt wrote: »
    How come my characters never refreshed on the shores of scarf event? You shouldn't have to pay to refresh your characters unless they die. To get anywhere in the event you have to buy a ton of cystals.

    @Ma1117tt Because that's the way this "tournament" works. Each character gets one use only unless you decide to spend some crystals to refresh them.

    Edit: It doesn't matter if they survived the battle or not. You put them in one battle, that's all you get unless you spend.
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    scuba wrote: »
    As some one else told me... This is the most "team work" by guilds since intial raid release.
    lol good point
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    I've endured a lot of crap in this game. So far none of the dev blunders have pushed me into the "seriously contemplating to quit"-teritory. I'm there now.

    Please: Give us an authoritative promise that this abomination will not see the light of day again. If this is the shape of of things to come, I can't take it any more.
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    When they announced this tournament I was instantly reminded of pvp events in Heroes of Dragon Age. I thought maybe things changed since way back then. I was right they did change they made it worse, this is an even bigger cash grab than any Hoda event. I knew this event was going to be terrible before it even started and decided to go in with a f2p attitude and I am very glad I didn't spend anything on this event.

    For the record I spent a lot of money in Hoda and even won top prize on a few of these events (top prize awards to top 100 players, not just 1 player) but it was these types of events that drove me to quit playing that game all together.
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    Paule wrote: »
    XJStryker wrote: »
    I have three guild mates close to me in ranking and we STILL have not band together and cheated the system. So my final thoughts are devs shud have put an END to that the first time it was seen and locked Defenses

    I'm a whale who is the GM of a casual guild mostly F2P. I am currently 16 on my shard but noticed that almost all of those above me belong to the same few guilds.

    I have evidence (screen shots) of the collusion everyone is talking about as two members from the primary whale guild were using level 46 squads using eeth koth, tusken shaman, talia, ect... to "trade" wins. Their point totals are almost identical as well.

    As a whale this makes the previous fiascos look like nothing! They are exploiting the system, sure they are spending some crystals but not the max 750 as they are literally gaming the system. EA is losing money due to the collusion.

    No they are not losing money. Those cheaters would not spend more anyway, but whales that could not benefit from collusion did. The con artist trap worked just as expected and Salera probably has a big banana smile and is ready to receive a nice Xmas bonus.
    The cheaters are about to get rewarded despite the many people who sent screen shots and reported them. The F2P got shafted as usual. The whales got milked like no tomorrow but they love it. And EA made big revenue on minimal giveaway. The despicable auction called PvP tournament did exactly what it was intended to do, collect $$$$zzzzz
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    Maintaining rank 50 throughout the tourney cost around 500 crystals so far. Can't imagine what 1-10 cost.
  • ShaolinPunk
    3486 posts Moderator
    edited October 2016
    These voices were promptly merged into the abyss of the megathread (as this is sure to be) to be lost and never heard from again.
    Palanthian wrote: »
    It's called "merge and bury".

    It's hard to believe sometimes, but we actually read they megathread, and the posts that get merged before we merge them. I don't expect any user to read more than they want to, but the megathread is the place to go to share feedback when it's a feedback megathread. Post at will, but since forum guidelines ask us all to use the search feature and post on similar topics before making new threads, it's not like we should be surprised. It's a good tradition. :)

    If you don't feel heard, send me a PM.

    EDIT: Because typos. (Don't tell me if there's more that I missed.)
    **Please tag me (@ShaolinPunk) if you need assistance.** My Collection. . My Poll.. Ally Code: 332-622-913 Discord: shaolin_punk#2107
  • GrampaSimpson
    355 posts Member
    edited October 2016
    All I really want is for someone from the company to admit this was a disaster. "Sorry folks, we really messed this up.

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    DarthGozu wrote: »

    No they are not losing money. Those cheaters would not spend more anyway, but whales that could not benefit from collusion did. The con artist trap worked just as expected and Salera probably has a big banana smile and is ready to receive a nice Xmas bonus.
    The cheaters are about to get rewarded despite the many people who sent screen shots and reported them. The F2P got shafted as usual. The whales got milked like no tomorrow but they love it. And EA made big revenue on minimal giveaway. The despicable auction called PvP tournament did exactly what it was intended to do, collect $$$$zzzzz

    I caught what they were doing during the first few hours of the tournament and after the refresh never went back to 750. So I guess unlike most whales who got hurt from the collusion I was one of the luckier ones.

    As I said I am the GM of a mostly F2P guid. I'm 25 on the rankings at swgoh website and none of the people ahead of me in my tournament bracket are higher than me in that respect. It just shows that their colluding is limiting their amount of refreshes.

    The opinion of the rest of my guild is the same as me. They know that this is an unfair exploit. We were one of the guilds affected by the raid rewards exploit and several members were permanently banned. Why is one exploit different than another? IMO, this one is far more damaging as well as unethical.
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    I would agree that it's working exactly as they intended, if it wasn't for Jesse posting that they are aware of the exploit and it will be fixed for next time. I can't even imagine how there's going to be a "next time".
    Evil will always triumph, because good is dumb!
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