***TOURNAMENT MEGATHREAD*** (All related posts here)


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    Nikoms565 wrote: »
    Nikoms565 wrote: »
    @Nikoms565 You seem mad. Did you not heat up your Hot Pockets enough and they were still cold in the middle? Did your mom forget your favorite Lunchables? Was the brownie missing in your chicken nuggets Kid Cuisine?

    All of this QQ. This has nothing to do with people taking advantage and everything to do with poor game design. You can't support some people's tactics and not support others.

    Lol - what? Why does asking a question about how scoring works "seem mad"

    Maybe mad was the wrong term.

    You're a serial complainer. Your posts give me cancer.

    :D - First off, a question as to how the points system works is not a complaint.

    Secondly, welcome to the forums, since you just joined this morning.

    Thirdly, if you have been on the forums, but simply created a new alias to troll me, I am deeply flattered. But you can go away now.

    It's not just this thread. Hence the term "serial complainer".

    413 posts per month average. 14 posts per day average. About a mobile game. Lol.

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    benacrow wrote: »
    Stormy wrote: »
    Taramel wrote: »
    @Stormy I dont even want to think about how many crystals these guys have spent.... and only one will win between the 2 of em.....


    Ive done 4 actual battles leading me into top 10 at start, since then, i just farm all the free teams. I just spam refresh, eat the bad teams- multiple groups of people around me doing it. Ive spent barely any actual money. Its a game of "who is online the longest to keep spamming refresh, and eat a farmer defense around them" - im sure other tournaments have less of it than this one, thats why i hate im paired here.

    Yup that's what's happening on our server as well. Just sit and farm easy defense battles while @warmonkey1024 tries to catch up :lol:

    But seriously, this has been terribly implemented. IMO they should have made it a point cap instead of placing to get rewards. So lets say instead of rank 1 per server, anyone who got above 10k points gets the first rank rewards, anyone above 5k gets top 5, etc...

    EDIT: I was referring to the easy d teams, not the endless money pits at the top of the leaderboard...

    "Tries" infer that I have a chance of not being able to catch up, but that's not the case :smile:
  • Julmay
    177 posts Member
    Like so many have said before me, trying to work with these refreshes is getting very annoying. You sit and watch your ranking drop thinking You will catch up shortly, only to not get a refresh that will allow you to catch up
  • Goldy
    254 posts Member
    Guess I'm lucky, I'm with a group who aren't 'nugging' and doing everything the way it's meant to, but I appreciate I'm likely in the minority.
  • Fid
    121 posts Member
    I'm sure this has been said but this "exploit" is seems like intentional design. I mean, you couldn't see this coming in planning? Much less dev and QA? "Fixing it next time", is more likely about judging user feedback and revenue comparisons than anything else.

    That said, I'm sort of enjoying the tournament (I like the new backdrop, nicely done!) but it suffers from the same flaw as arena and, to a slightly lesser extent, GW - once you reach a certain threshold only a few teams and their limited variations are fully viable which leads to tedious repetition with only 10-20% of the characters realistically usable. If they really want to make a change find a format that allows players to creatively utilize (somewhat) under powered squads and rewards varied approaches to completing (semi-randomized) challenges.
  • benacrow
    2700 posts Member
    benacrow wrote: »
    Stormy wrote: »
    Taramel wrote: »
    @Stormy I dont even want to think about how many crystals these guys have spent.... and only one will win between the 2 of em.....


    Ive done 4 actual battles leading me into top 10 at start, since then, i just farm all the free teams. I just spam refresh, eat the bad teams- multiple groups of people around me doing it. Ive spent barely any actual money. Its a game of "who is online the longest to keep spamming refresh, and eat a farmer defense around them" - im sure other tournaments have less of it than this one, thats why i hate im paired here.

    Yup that's what's happening on our server as well. Just sit and farm easy defense battles while @warmonkey1024 tries to catch up :lol:

    But seriously, this has been terribly implemented. IMO they should have made it a point cap instead of placing to get rewards. So lets say instead of rank 1 per server, anyone who got above 10k points gets the first rank rewards, anyone above 5k gets top 5, etc...

    EDIT: I was referring to the easy d teams, not the endless money pits at the top of the leaderboard...

    "Tries" infer that I have a chance of not being able to catch up, but that's not the case :smile:

    Hey if you want to buy some vaults to do so be my guest, I'm still using my saved arena crystals :wink:

    But you better keep on your toes...the Eye of Sauron is always watching :no_mouth:
    FN 2187, Mighty Chlorians (spelt with a lowercase l not a capital I): Heroic AAT Guide, The Gear Grind
  • Stormy
    951 posts Member
    benacrow wrote: »
    benacrow wrote: »
    Stormy wrote: »
    Taramel wrote: »
    @Stormy I dont even want to think about how many crystals these guys have spent.... and only one will win between the 2 of em.....


    Ive done 4 actual battles leading me into top 10 at start, since then, i just farm all the free teams. I just spam refresh, eat the bad teams- multiple groups of people around me doing it. Ive spent barely any actual money. Its a game of "who is online the longest to keep spamming refresh, and eat a farmer defense around them" - im sure other tournaments have less of it than this one, thats why i hate im paired here.

    Yup that's what's happening on our server as well. Just sit and farm easy defense battles while @warmonkey1024 tries to catch up :lol:

    But seriously, this has been terribly implemented. IMO they should have made it a point cap instead of placing to get rewards. So lets say instead of rank 1 per server, anyone who got above 10k points gets the first rank rewards, anyone above 5k gets top 5, etc...

    EDIT: I was referring to the easy d teams, not the endless money pits at the top of the leaderboard...

    "Tries" infer that I have a chance of not being able to catch up, but that's not the case :smile:

    Hey if you want to buy some vaults to do so be my guest, I'm still using my saved arena crystals :wink:

    But you better keep on your toes...the Eye of Sauron is always watching :no_mouth:

    we get it. you have power over ONE tournament sever..
  • Plokoon187
    158 posts Member
    edited October 2016
    Brownie wrote: »
    Brownie wrote: »
    Hopefully the banstick is out for the tournament exploiters. Or at the very least they should be removed from the tournament and their prizes go to others.

    In my tournament, the top 9 are the same guild and outpacing everyone else on the tourney by a significant margin. They blew by me the first day and I happened to notice that they all were using blue defenses so their entire qualifying roster could rack up wins, and then switching out. Obviously they are coordinating this abuse together.

    This is complete ****, and devalues the money/crystals I spend on the tournament. This is the kind of stuff that makes me want an R word.


    Do you also complain and want people banned when two people (same guild or not) work together to lock you out of the top arena spot?

    No. Completely different scenario. When people work together to lock others out of arena, they are not abusing game mechanics.

    I'd also love to hear how you determine what is considered abusing a game mechanic and what isn't. No one will EVER agree on what is abuse and what isn't. Personally, I do believe that anything in the game that any player can do without hacking the system is not abuse. It may not be right or working as intended but you cannot blame the players for taking advantage.

    Its a very fine line and again, we'll never agree, but thats why players should and likely will not face any consequences here. The blame falls entirely on the developers for not noticing this tactic.

    I think when the game designers admit there's a flaw and it is being abused by people and state they will correct it at the next possible interval that that by definition is abuse of game mechanics.

    Edit: that being said since they have allowed it to happen for the time being and will correct it later since it will negatively impact everything it is not going to result in a ban.
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    Is there one last refresh coming today? I believe it should be around 6pm EST.

    Is that correct?
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    KyloRey wrote: »
    Is there one last refresh coming today? I believe it should be around 6pm EST.

    Is that correct?

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    Plokoon187 wrote: »
    KyloRey wrote: »
    Is there one last refresh coming today? I believe it should be around 6pm EST.

    Is that correct?


    Thanks for the response. Also saw this confirmed on another message board. Thanks again.
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    Let me start by saying I want this to be a constructive and honest post for feedback. I don't mean any harm to EA or the Devs or CG.

    But that said, I really feel the way this tournament was handled was an abomination. Never once was it said that the cost of this would be astronomical. When people found ways to cheat the system, was it shut down? No. When people found out it would require a full time job to sit there and refresh and drop tons of crystals to stay at a reasonable rank, hey voiced on the forums. These voices were promptly merged into the abyss of the megathread (as this is sure to be) to be lost and never heard from again.

    This is not how you address your paying customers with concerns. Yes. We are customers.

    All I really want is for someone from the company to admit this was a disaster. "Sorry folks, we really messed this up. This wasn't how it was intended to work, and we didn't shut things down when exploits were going on. I'm sorry". Something like that will go a LONG way with your customers. The fact that it's basically being ignored until it's over is pitiful.

    Thanks for listening!
    Evil will always triumph, because good is dumb!
  • LaLiam
    1589 posts Member
    Stormy wrote: »
    benacrow wrote: »
    benacrow wrote: »
    Stormy wrote: »
    Taramel wrote: »
    @Stormy I dont even want to think about how many crystals these guys have spent.... and only one will win between the 2 of em.....


    Ive done 4 actual battles leading me into top 10 at start, since then, i just farm all the free teams. I just spam refresh, eat the bad teams- multiple groups of people around me doing it. Ive spent barely any actual money. Its a game of "who is online the longest to keep spamming refresh, and eat a farmer defense around them" - im sure other tournaments have less of it than this one, thats why i hate im paired here.

    Yup that's what's happening on our server as well. Just sit and farm easy defense battles while @warmonkey1024 tries to catch up :lol:

    But seriously, this has been terribly implemented. IMO they should have made it a point cap instead of placing to get rewards. So lets say instead of rank 1 per server, anyone who got above 10k points gets the first rank rewards, anyone above 5k gets top 5, etc...

    EDIT: I was referring to the easy d teams, not the endless money pits at the top of the leaderboard...

    "Tries" infer that I have a chance of not being able to catch up, but that's not the case :smile:

    Hey if you want to buy some vaults to do so be my guest, I'm still using my saved arena crystals :wink:

    But you better keep on your toes...the Eye of Sauron is always watching :no_mouth:

    we get it. you have power over ONE tournament sever..


    And its a lot cheaper when you switch mods so your buds can fight you easier!
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    +1 wonder how long until this post is deleted like the many before it
  • Kyno
    32087 posts Moderator

    What was it after mods 1-2 weeks of silence and then an "appreciation" event.

    I know they won't but it would be nice if they just said "fudge" it and put him in GW store. If they said nothing else at least that would feel like an apology.
  • Kyno
    32087 posts Moderator
    +1 wonder how long until this post is deleted like the many before it

    They would never do that.....

    Just get mixed into a mega thread somewhere in the middle so no one ever reads it.
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    I agree.
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    have to agree... spent a lot of resources to prep my toons for the tourney only to find out we didn't mods at all... just collusion (which I took no part in)
  • benacrow
    2700 posts Member
    Stormy wrote: »
    benacrow wrote: »
    benacrow wrote: »
    Stormy wrote: »
    Taramel wrote: »
    @Stormy I dont even want to think about how many crystals these guys have spent.... and only one will win between the 2 of em.....


    Ive done 4 actual battles leading me into top 10 at start, since then, i just farm all the free teams. I just spam refresh, eat the bad teams- multiple groups of people around me doing it. Ive spent barely any actual money. Its a game of "who is online the longest to keep spamming refresh, and eat a farmer defense around them" - im sure other tournaments have less of it than this one, thats why i hate im paired here.

    Yup that's what's happening on our server as well. Just sit and farm easy defense battles while @warmonkey1024 tries to catch up :lol:

    But seriously, this has been terribly implemented. IMO they should have made it a point cap instead of placing to get rewards. So lets say instead of rank 1 per server, anyone who got above 10k points gets the first rank rewards, anyone above 5k gets top 5, etc...

    EDIT: I was referring to the easy d teams, not the endless money pits at the top of the leaderboard...

    "Tries" infer that I have a chance of not being able to catch up, but that's not the case :smile:

    Hey if you want to buy some vaults to do so be my guest, I'm still using my saved arena crystals :wink:

    But you better keep on your toes...the Eye of Sauron is always watching :no_mouth:

    we get it. you have power over ONE tournament sever..

    Can we not have a friendly rivalry going?

    We're just over here happy we waited to log in until after all the big whales had started the tourney.
    FN 2187, Mighty Chlorians (spelt with a lowercase l not a capital I): Heroic AAT Guide, The Gear Grind
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    At this point I don't really care about the toon being auctioned in this event. He looks great! But not for that cost. I'm just frustrated that they continue to let the exploits go on as log as money is rolling in. They shot themselves in the foot by making it premium to compete.

    Maybe not all people feel this way. I'm sure some are having fun and playing by the rules at the expense of a good rank. More power to them!

    I'm sitting at #4896 with 200 points and have no desire to even do another battle. One was enough.
    Evil will always triumph, because good is dumb!
  • Dhoey321
    1629 posts Member
    I completely agree. Should have been a limited amount of attacks along with different defensive characters making it 20 characters total for the tournament.

    Should have been like this:

    Attack 1 - 5 characters
    Attack 2 - Different 5 characters
    Attack 3 - Different 5 characters
    DEFENSE - Different 5 characters.

    This way you would have to think about your squads, which synergy will help with the three attacks and how to keep a decent spot with your defense.

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    Just be ready for the emperor event to return soon. Gotta give back every time they mess up.
  • MaulResurected
    556 posts Member
    edited October 2016
    It would be nice to have them say anything but @EA Jesse dropped the mic and expect silence until this blows over.
  • tRRRey
    2782 posts Member
    Stormy wrote: »
    benacrow wrote: »
    benacrow wrote: »
    Stormy wrote: »
    Taramel wrote: »
    @Stormy I dont even want to think about how many crystals these guys have spent.... and only one will win between the 2 of em.....


    Ive done 4 actual battles leading me into top 10 at start, since then, i just farm all the free teams. I just spam refresh, eat the bad teams- multiple groups of people around me doing it. Ive spent barely any actual money. Its a game of "who is online the longest to keep spamming refresh, and eat a farmer defense around them" - im sure other tournaments have less of it than this one, thats why i hate im paired here.

    Yup that's what's happening on our server as well. Just sit and farm easy defense battles while @warmonkey1024 tries to catch up :lol:

    But seriously, this has been terribly implemented. IMO they should have made it a point cap instead of placing to get rewards. So lets say instead of rank 1 per server, anyone who got above 10k points gets the first rank rewards, anyone above 5k gets top 5, etc...

    EDIT: I was referring to the easy d teams, not the endless money pits at the top of the leaderboard...

    "Tries" infer that I have a chance of not being able to catch up, but that's not the case :smile:

    Hey if you want to buy some vaults to do so be my guest, I'm still using my saved arena crystals :wink:

    But you better keep on your toes...the Eye of Sauron is always watching :no_mouth:

    we get it. you have power over ONE tournament sever..

    Looks like someone caught feelings over friendly banter ahaha
    https://swgoh.gg/u/trey 66/
    Make Zader Great Again!
  • Dhoey321
    1629 posts Member
    edited October 2016
    These 5 things need to happen.

    1. Give us the new raid.
    2. Buff ALL useless characters to make them viable, whether it's with health, protection, damage, speed or adjusting abilities or complete overhauls.
    3. Change the tournament where you are only able to have 3 attacks TOTAL. (1 time use per character) AND make sure the Defensive team CANNOT be changed once set AND make sure the defensive team characters CANNOT be any of the offensive characters. (Requiring 20 characters total).
    4. Test this tournament thoroughly.
    5. Roll out the next tournament.

    Please and thank you.

    Post edited by ShaolinPunk on
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  • Valent_Antona
    1034 posts Member
    edited October 2016
    6. Think about and prevent possible exploits.
    Post edited by ShaolinPunk on
    Evil will always triumph, because good is dumb!
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