***TOURNAMENT MEGATHREAD*** (All related posts here)


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    First: please don't megathread me....

    Thank you to the true "nuggers" that leave their easy team on defense. I'm talking finding the best christmas present forgotten under the tree kind of thing.

    This tournament can work. One little tweak on locking defense will help a ton. If people want to put out "nug" teams, I think they should. But they should be locked into that. That's their choice.

    I put in a "nug" team as defense on the first day out of spite. I'm sure people had a hayday and fun finding my team.

    By the way, "nug" is a term from another EA game, HoDA or Heroes of Dragon Age. In their PvP ladder, players would put in a nug team to help newer players who did not have the best cards. Generally there was only 1 leaderboard but in later iterations they came out with multi-leaderboard tournaments. So you can see if there is only a single leaderboard why a "nug" team would be so beneficial to new players. A nug is a rabbit looking creature that looks like this:

    Please keep your comments civil so we can keep this post alive and constructive.
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    Brownie wrote: »
    Brownie wrote: »
    Hopefully the banstick is out for the tournament exploiters. Or at the very least they should be removed from the tournament and their prizes go to others.

    In my tournament, the top 9 are the same guild and outpacing everyone else on the tourney by a significant margin. They blew by me the first day and I happened to notice that they all were using blue defenses so their entire qualifying roster could rack up wins, and then switching out. Obviously they are coordinating this abuse together.

    This is complete ****, and devalues the money/crystals I spend on the tournament. This is the kind of stuff that makes me want an R word.


    Do you also complain and want people banned when two people (same guild or not) work together to lock you out of the top arena spot?

    No. Completely different scenario. When people work together to lock others out of arena, they are not abusing game mechanics.

    No you are wrong because they are. People remove mods to let others attack and pass them when they can't otherwise be beaten. Or change their lineups to help their shardmates. Then collude with them to lock people out.

    If you are modifying your team to let people beat you on purpose, then yes that is abuse. However, that was not what you said in your original response to me. You merely asked if I would want people banned if they are working together to keep people locked out of top arena spot. I said "no" because you can work together to lock someone out without purposefully losing.
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    This event was poorly thought out. What needs to happen is for the event to be cancelled, say just kidding, bounce crystals spent back, then send 10 Chewie shards saying our bad. Close the colluding - pick one of the hundreds of solutions people on the forums have suggested.

    Things to improve is to make the event more strategic than a spend fest, allow people to reuse their toons until they're dead. Still can refresh, but make the refresh more expensive per toon since you can still reuse them. Timers need to match refreshes - I know this already addressed.

    What I would have liked to see from this was a crafted tournament instead of PVP 2.0. In actuality a GW 2.0 tournament would have been nicer. Teams should get progressively harder to fight and you gain more points the further you go. Until you hit a wall where refreshing can get you a little further. Then it becomes do you have the right teams to counter and do you have the strategic know how. Add a random bonus per round like "Rebels do 15% more crit damage" to encourage people to not use the same team and reward people with more toons. Right now the tournament is a meta fighting fest that I can get a daily dose of from PVP 1.0
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    Phew... that was dangerously close to being a baaaad thread title lol

    Now.... off to the megathread gulag with you!!
  • IDobaFett
    237 posts Member
    edited October 2016
    Yeah, looking back at the title, I was wondering if someone would say something about it.

    Edit: yep, buried in the megathread. Next time I want to say something positive I won't even try...
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    What I don't understand is this. Changes mid-event happen all the time: yoda's difficulty gets a nerf; the scheduled toon refresh gets blocked in favor of the unscheduled one; etc.

    So why aren't they simply blocking defensive team changes? Problem solved. No more exploiting, honest refresh crystals spent will no longer be devalued by cheap toon inflation. Fix it now, before it gets worse.

    As it is, this is basically a free toon event for guild hoppers & other exploity types who already had the best the game had to offer anyway. Thanks?
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    Brownie wrote: »
    Brownie wrote: »
    Hopefully the banstick is out for the tournament exploiters. Or at the very least they should be removed from the tournament and their prizes go to others.

    In my tournament, the top 9 are the same guild and outpacing everyone else on the tourney by a significant margin. They blew by me the first day and I happened to notice that they all were using blue defenses so their entire qualifying roster could rack up wins, and then switching out. Obviously they are coordinating this abuse together.

    This is complete ****, and devalues the money/crystals I spend on the tournament. This is the kind of stuff that makes me want an R word.


    Do you also complain and want people banned when two people (same guild or not) work together to lock you out of the top arena spot?

    No. Completely different scenario. When people work together to lock others out of arena, they are not abusing game mechanics.

    No you are wrong because they are. People remove mods to let others attack and pass them when they can't otherwise be beaten. Or change their lineups to help their shardmates. Then collude with them to lock people out.

    If you are modifying your team to let people beat you on purpose, then yes that is abuse. However, that was not what you said in your original response to me. You merely asked if I would want people banned if they are working together to keep people locked out of top arena spot. I said "no" because you can work together to lock someone out without purposefully losing.

    6 of one, half dozen of another.

    How is changing your lineup or removing mods abuse? These are things that are allowed in game. It's not like you're finding some way to miraculously change your arena team or add/remove mods.

    You're reaching. Hard.
  • Jared
    33 posts Member
    edited October 2016
    Just FYI, my roster was supposed to refresh at 0700 PST but didn't. I even got a push notification at 0700 saying that it had refreshed but when I went into the tournament none of the characters that I had previously used were "ready". They were all still showing the same amount of crystals to refresh as before the refresh.
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    Nikoms565 wrote: »
    @Nikoms565 You seem mad. Did you not heat up your Hot Pockets enough and they were still cold in the middle? Did your mom forget your favorite Lunchables? Was the brownie missing in your chicken nuggets Kid Cuisine?

    All of this QQ. This has nothing to do with people taking advantage and everything to do with poor game design. You can't support some people's tactics and not support others.

    Lol - what? Why does asking a question about how scoring works "seem mad"

    Maybe mad was the wrong term.

    You're a serial complainer. Your posts give me cancer.
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    If you are modifying your team to let people beat you on purpose, then yes that is abuse. However, that was not what you said in your original response to me. You merely asked if I would want people banned if they are working together to keep people locked out of top arena spot. I said "no" because you can work together to lock someone out without purposefully losing.

    So you can't just do something nice for someone to help them get better rewards in this scenario? Isn't that just being a good person? Helping your shard mate or guild mate?

    How do you know when you're crossing the line from being nice to abusing the system?

    See how this goes around and around? I could probably do this all day. Everyone's definition is going to be a little bit different than the next and without clear guidelines or definitions on what is wrong or right from the developer of this game, who are any of us to make the decision?
  • PapaTortuga
    100 posts Member
    edited October 2016
    IDobaFett wrote: »
    I put in a "nug" team as defense on the first day out of spite. I'm sure people had a hayday and fun finding my team.

    Hahaha!!! This is awesome I wish I thought of that. I haven't seen one blue team on my shard unfortunately I guess. Top sitting at 5869 points.

    Edit: #1 has 5.8k. I'm sitting at 3000's in rank
  • IDobaFett
    237 posts Member
    edited October 2016

    Hahaha!!! This is awesome I wish I thought of that. I haven't seen one blue team on my shard unfortunately I guess. Top sitting at 5869 points.

    Edit: #1 has 5.8k. I'm sitting at 3000's in rank

    I'm in SkyKrak's league, who is #1 at 25k points. I found some nuggers in the #400-500 range. Not someone changing out their team quickly. Someone leaving a nug team. Actually 2 of them.
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    How is changing your lineup or removing mods abuse? These are things that are allowed in game. It's not like you're finding some way to miraculously change your arena team or add/remove mods.

    You're reaching. Hard.

    If there is a competition, and you are purposefully losing to help others gain an edge, it is abuse because it invalidates the competition.

    That's not a reach. No way. No how.
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    I don't see what the "pitchfork and torch" rabble is all about. Is it just entitlement? I'm sitting just under top 100 and I'm around 20K points below the top 2. My bracket is loaded with goofball teams with 15 - 20K power. Gaining a full win isn't hard, but what's mind-blowing is that each win is only worth 50 points since after the first day. I've had problems with doing the math on how one gets to over 25K on this type of accumulation factor. Otherwise, I haven't seen a problem with the tournament. Having played Marvel Contest of Champions I've seen the other spectrum where winning anything isn't an option, ever. At least with this game, if you rank below 3500 you still get 5 shards. Yes it will take you a long time to get it, but honestly how many people have Han Solo unlocked from raids? First world problems amok!
  • Noe17
    148 posts Member
    Yeah this tournament was whack. I spent some good crystals thinking i could get somewhere but when you can just simply beat up on your buddies team repeatedly and then they do nothing about it is whack.
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    Can anyone explain how rank 883 with a 34.2k team belongs with teams no lower than 44k? I'm trying to wrap my head around this ..lol Its pointless for me to even try to win a single battle.
  • Nikoms565
    14242 posts Member
    Nikoms565 wrote: »
    @Nikoms565 You seem mad. Did you not heat up your Hot Pockets enough and they were still cold in the middle? Did your mom forget your favorite Lunchables? Was the brownie missing in your chicken nuggets Kid Cuisine?

    All of this QQ. This has nothing to do with people taking advantage and everything to do with poor game design. You can't support some people's tactics and not support others.

    Lol - what? Why does asking a question about how scoring works "seem mad"

    Maybe mad was the wrong term.

    You're a serial complainer. Your posts give me cancer.

    :D - First off, a question as to how the points system works is not a complaint.

    Secondly, welcome to the forums, since you just joined this morning.

    Thirdly, if you have been on the forums, but simply created a new alias to troll me, I am deeply flattered. But you can go away now.
    In game name: Lucas Gregory FORMER PLAYER - - - -"Whale blah grump poooop." - Ouchie

    In game guild: TNR Uprising
    I beat the REAL T7 Yoda (not the nerfed one) and did so before mods were there to help
    *This space left intentionally blank*
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    soneill73 wrote: »
    I don't see what the "pitchfork and torch" rabble is all about. Is it just entitlement? I'm sitting just under top 100 and I'm around 20K points below the top 2. My bracket is loaded with goofball teams with 15 - 20K power. Gaining a full win isn't hard, but what's mind-blowing is that each win is only worth 50 points since after the first day. I've had problems with doing the math on how one gets to over 25K on this type of accumulation factor. Otherwise, I haven't seen a problem with the tournament. Having played Marvel Contest of Champions I've seen the other spectrum where winning anything isn't an option, ever. At least with this game, if you rank below 3500 you still get 5 shards. Yes it will take you a long time to get it, but honestly how many people have Han Solo unlocked from raids? First world problems amok!

    They use 1 toon at a time to wipe out low defense team
  • benacrow
    2700 posts Member
    edited October 2016
    Stormy wrote: »
    Taramel wrote: »
    @Stormy I dont even want to think about how many crystals these guys have spent.... and only one will win between the 2 of em.....


    Ive done 4 actual battles leading me into top 10 at start, since then, i just farm all the free teams. I just spam refresh, eat the bad teams- multiple groups of people around me doing it. Ive spent barely any actual money. Its a game of "who is online the longest to keep spamming refresh, and eat a farmer defense around them" - im sure other tournaments have less of it than this one, thats why i hate im paired here.

    Yup that's what's happening on our server as well. Just sit and farm easy defense battles while @warmonkey1024 tries to catch up :lol:

    But seriously, this has been terribly implemented. IMO they should have made it a point cap instead of placing to get rewards. So lets say instead of rank 1 per server, anyone who got above 10k points gets the first rank rewards, anyone above 5k gets top 5, etc...

    EDIT: I was referring to the easy d teams, not the endless money pits at the top of the leaderboard...
    FN 2187, Mighty Chlorians (spelt with a lowercase l not a capital I): Heroic AAT Guide, The Gear Grind
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    There are some epic whiners on this forum. "Me, me, me! I want it all now! Everything is terrible and I deserve to have everything handed to me because I **** the most!"

    Take a deep breath, put down the Doritos, step into the sunlight, and repeat "It's just a game. There is life outside of my phone."

    Even those who do literally nothing in this tourney receive rewards. Just shut up already.

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    This "tournament" is not a real tournament, at least not a competition of arena teams. This is a competition of who has the largest credit line and willing to use it. Throw-in the cheating and this is one big mess and I'm so **** that I spent money and tried to win legitimately.
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    sarincloud wrote: »
    soneill73 wrote: »
    I don't see what the "pitchfork and torch" rabble is all about. Is it just entitlement? I'm sitting just under top 100 and I'm around 20K points below the top 2. My bracket is loaded with goofball teams with 15 - 20K power. Gaining a full win isn't hard, but what's mind-blowing is that each win is only worth 50 points since after the first day. I've had problems with doing the math on how one gets to over 25K on this type of accumulation factor. Otherwise, I haven't seen a problem with the tournament. Having played Marvel Contest of Champions I've seen the other spectrum where winning anything isn't an option, ever. At least with this game, if you rank below 3500 you still get 5 shards. Yes it will take you a long time to get it, but honestly how many people have Han Solo unlocked from raids? First world problems amok!

    They use 1 toon at a time to wipe out low defense team

    You can't use one toon you have to use 5 at least if you're over 80. And f2p should be thankful for low defense teams!
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    This "tournament" is not a real tournament, at least not a competition of arena teams. This is a competition of who has the largest credit line and willing to use it. Throw-in the cheating and this is one big mess and I'm so **** that I spent money and tried to win legitimately.

    It's a real tournament. A crystal spending tournament.

    Some would call it an auction, but auctions are rather fair in the way that if you bid on something, and someone else outbids you the seller doesn't keep your money and give you a crappier item instead.
  • Boo
    4134 posts Member
    edited October 2016
    Boo wrote: »
    This is EA's response to this "cheating" behaviour - which is summarized as - we'll figure out a way to stop this in future events, but as for this current event people can continue to cheat away.

    Also there is a refresh exploit in the game that will not be fixed either - if people haven't seen EA's post about this click the link below, as these unplanned refreshes will also not be fixed until the next tournament is running, so if you want any extra cracks and stay on top of your rank - pay attention to your refresh time zones stated in the following link - DO NOT TRUST THE IN-GAME REFRESH TIME!!!


    Also I am upset that I started a Tournament discussion under Events/Feedback - my discussion was moved into the mega thread.

    What is the point of providing any feedback if EA does not fix the issues and sweeps all related discussion under the umbrella of one mega thread where valid points and issues are lost amidst the many many player posts???

    Contrary to @EA_Jesse statement about refreshes - my game told me that my tournament teams refreshed today. They haven't.

    I used @EA_Jesse 's advice and used the "unplanned" refresh last night. My teams, according to my refresh (in-game) timer, were supposed to refresh, "planned", sometime last night or early hours of the morning.

    I got a message on my phone saying that my tournament teams have refreshed - no they haven't.

    Today is peak time in the tournament. Now my rank is plummeting downwards.

    For the love of God - Sort it out EA!!!![/
  • Boo
    4134 posts Member
    edited October 2016
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    @Boo What @EA_Jesse actually said was:
    The refresh for characters will actually happen when the in game refresh timer shows that there are 16 hours left. The exact times are 9am GMT for Asia/Pacific/Australia, 3pm GMT in Europe & Africa, and 10pm GMT in North/South America.

    So you have another hour before your refresh is supposed to happen.
  • Boo
    4134 posts Member
    Acrofales wrote: »
    @Boo What @EA_Jesse actually said was:
    The refresh for characters will actually happen when the in game refresh timer shows that there are 16 hours left. The exact times are 9am GMT for Asia/Pacific/Australia, 3pm GMT in Europe & Africa, and 10pm GMT in North/South America.

    So you have another hour before your refresh is supposed to happen.

    My in-game timer says it will refresh in 20 hours and 13 minutes!!!!
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    Interesting event. Doesn't feel much different than Arena though. I thought my defense would score points. I'm okay with delivery vs expectations - overall cool. What's so cool---

    now I can test all kinds of squads immediately instant gratification against so many other squads. Whales don't care of cost - this is A plus event for us spenders. Keep it running all the time so I can test squads. Non whales get prizes too what's not to love. Keep the event please so non whales get access to loot.
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    Boo wrote: »
    Acrofales wrote: »
    @Boo What @EA_Jesse actually said was:
    The refresh for characters will actually happen when the in game refresh timer shows that there are 16 hours left. The exact times are 9am GMT for Asia/Pacific/Australia, 3pm GMT in Europe & Africa, and 10pm GMT in North/South America.

    So you have another hour before your refresh is supposed to happen.

    My in-game timer says it will refresh in 20 hours and 13 minutes!!!!

    It's wrong.
  • Boo
    4134 posts Member
    Well that is just splendid.

    Whoever is responsible for this ****-up I think should be looking for another job.
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