Game Update 10/11/2016 (Comments and Questions) ***MEGATHREAD***


  • Snake2
    1455 posts Member
    Yeah this is not a fun addition to the game. "Oh I guess I need to give tusken raider 2 more level to give him 1 grey piece today."

    It was fine in the beginning, but when it takes a week to farm 1 piece of real gear it's a pretty goofy daily
  • pargame
    989 posts Member
    edited October 2016
    Whatever - they already removed this daily activity when you reach level 80 - for sure then you had more toons to farm - now they turn it back. it is not a problem for me, but makes no sense. there will be different gaming experience for players just reach level 80 and players that is level 80 for a long time

    EDIT: otherwise they should've leave it all the time...
    EDIT2: Anyway I am sure we can handle this and it is not worth it to discuss it so long.. :smile:
  • evanbio
    1505 posts Member
    As long as it goes away at lvl 85, I'm fine with it. I've been granted several toons that I don't really want for anything. I have plenty of time to put excess gear on them. And some of them are actually toons I like, just don't have the resources to level them yet.
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    Icarus wrote: »
    But I'm wondering: When this daily activity first went away, I can't recall exactly what happened. I seem to recall that it disappeared when I reached level 80 (though this may have been incidental). I'm hoping that this is the case now, when we reach level 85, having to fill a gear slot every day to get an omega chit will go away.
    Any word from folks in the know on this last notion? Will this daily goal go away again when we re-reach max level?

    i m only level 78 and the daily gear activity has always been active. No change here. So i guess it does disappear when you hit level cap.
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    pargame wrote: »
    Whatever - they already removed this daily activity when you reach level 80 - for sure then you had more toons to farm - now they turn it back. it is not a problem for me, but makes no sense. there will be different gaming experience for players just reach level 80 and players that is level 80 for a long time

    Its only purpose is really to help you gain a little extra experience. I assume they added it back in since we are now leveling again. Maybe they can change it to something like adding a gear or mod to suit everyone.

    I just don't think there are that many players that this would really affect that heavily.
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    Brownie wrote: »
    Brownie wrote: »
    Brownie wrote: »
    I also dont understand why they put back the daily achievement for gearing a character

    all my characters are at least at gear 5 and dont need anymore easy gears, so this is super annoying, they took it out for a reason last time why bring it back? im assuming this is just a mistake of some sorts

    I don't understand the beef over this. There will be new toons coming out. There is a ton of new gear needed for toons (Yes, I know it won't be easy to collect it all quickly) and there are still plenty of easy gears at G5. You may just need to get to a new level to unlock them on some toons.

    Your reward - 40 XP 2 crystals and some credits. Not much, but barely any effort is required. And over the course of the 2 months its going to take people to level, thats approximately 2400 experience and 120 crystals. For ftp, likely more (since it will take them longer to hit the cap) and can save some people days in leveling.

    Bottom line, its free and a very simple task to complete. Just my two cents.

    What if they release a character that I want to gear up and use in arena right away? im supposed to give them one gear a day and get them to G11 in 2 months because of this lame daily? what about when I get to the point where my characters only need hard gears? (which will happen if I need to assign one gear a day) at these pitiful drop rates am I supposed to give characters a full stun gun or furnace each day? they removed it because it was dumb and knowing CG this is probably yet another oversight, im sure they dont want to punish people who payed to have a full roster at good gear levels by depriving them their daily XP and omegas, they are the ones that make the XP so important and tied to dailies, so why do this to players? if they dont remove this many people are going to have to spend a ton of energy every day to gear up some lame character they will never use, which deprives the characters they do want to use from getting geared up as quickly. Its not "free" as you say it costs energy which costs crystals which cost money, and its not "simple" to anyone who has all the characters at a semi-high gear level already

    Guess we agree to disagree here. I can maybe see a problem for massive whales that have every single toon done. Assuming this is you, , I dont see the issue. You have 19 toons at Gear 5. Im sure you can find 60 easy to semi easy gears in there somewhere. You're going to eventually gear them anyway and every single player has to do this, so its not like it leaves you disadvantaged in any way.

    New toons also take time to farm so they won't be arena ready immediately anyway. So slow gearing them from the beginning shouldn't be a problem.

    the very easiest gear piece I need on even my lowliest character is the 5 blue droid caller things, having to farm 5 of those a day is still me wasting almost a full refresh every day due to poor drop rates, so you think its reasonable I need to waste a refresh every day to gear some useless character? I only have so many spots left that even need just 5 blue gears, after that its minimum of 10 or 20 blue gears

    it does leave me disadvantaged because NOT every player has to do this like you say, other players that dont have all their characters geared can just assign a gear level 1 gear to their lowly character everyday, something they have 500 of already sitting around, something they dont need to waste a refresh farming every single day

    not all new toons take time to farm, a lot of people have tons of gw, arena, cantina credits stocked and can get a character to 7* in no time, so if I get a new character I should give them 1 gear a day just to meet this daily, thus taking 2+ months to gear them up for no reason other than this dumb daily?

    1 - You can ask your guild to help you with 10 blue gears every single day if necessary.

    2 - There are some toons with a few really easy requirements at G6. Like Asajj. So you won't have to waste a refresh every single day.

    3 - Most competitive whales on your shard should be in a similar situation as you thus you are not disadvantaged. And if you even say you are disadvantaged against the ftp, we will never agree on anything. You are going to refresh more, buy more, get to level 85 faster than, acquire more omegas, etc. than any ftp. So if your advantage is lessened slightly, I think thats fair.

    4 - You are right, not all toons take time to farm. But the new hard nodes and cantina nodes where the new toons will likely appear, will take time to farm.

    1 - again this is a waste, need to reroute resources including donations just for a daily that shouldnt be there when I need to start working on purple and gold gears thanks to new level cap that will need 200 of them just for one gear slot
    2 - a couple easy requirements at G6 is only a band-aid not a long term fix, all the characters I dont plan on using I wanted to keep at G5 anyway
    3 - I havent been a whale in a long time, I dont think I ever really was. I've been F2P since February, I only do the two regular refreshes a day and one (maybe 2) cantina refreshes, so I dont have as much of an advantage as you think as you seem to think im some ultra whale that spends hundreds a month on this game which is not true even if it might appear that way looking at my roster
    4 - we'll see who they release in hard nodes and cantina nodes, likely characters that were already available before which will not help me in any way shape or form

    either way this conversation is pointless, this is the only daily that is very hard or impossible for some players to get which is why it was removed in the first place, you wont convince me and I wont convince you so ill just leave it at this and wait for them to remove this daily again once they realize their mistake
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    Brownie wrote: »
    pargame wrote: »
    Whatever - they already removed this daily activity when you reach level 80 - for sure then you had more toons to farm - now they turn it back. it is not a problem for me, but makes no sense. there will be different gaming experience for players just reach level 80 and players that is level 80 for a long time

    Its only purpose is really to help you gain a little extra experience. I assume they added it back in since we are now leveling again. Maybe they can change it to something like adding a gear or mod to suit everyone.

    I just don't think there are that many players that this would really affect that heavily.

    Of course - at the end this game is about gearing toons right? :smile:
    I think that they just implemented this to hide when reach max level - so they will not change it - there is a risk to broke something else which is also rely on this
  • Reyalp
    738 posts Member
    edited October 2016
    I've never heard anyone complain about a Luke Skywalker crash - is it possible they are intending to drop the Jedi (Cloud City version currently in game) version as a playable character and him being on the player side was causing crashes?
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    I don't think this is as big a deal as people are making of it, but I simply suggest changing this to adding a gear or mod to a toon daily.

    This will solve the megawhale issue and still allow for the easy experience for the truly ftp out there. It is free experience and crystals after all.
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    OMG! Better call spock to travel back in time to save the whales! :p:Do:);)<3 I mean come on, after all you can afford it...
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    My inbox says we can start to level up to 85. But my characters are still locked @ maximum of 80. Is anyone else still locked
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    Don't complain, we get extra xp and crystals because of it
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    You gotta reach lv 81 to raise toons to lv 81. And so on and so on. :#
  • Quicksilver
    1175 posts Member
    edited October 2016
    this is not only a "whale" problem like many think, is it so far fetched to think that some people got all their characters to at least G5 so they'd be useable in some way shape or form in the game?

    they removed this before as it was obviously an issue for some players, its probably just an oversight that its back, but even "whales" need omegas, they cant be farmed or purchased, so even a mega whale with every character in the game geared up still needs to complete their dailies to get an omega that they actually need for their characters
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    Ahahahahahahahahahahaha. I'm literally crying right now. :D
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    Skeletor wrote: »
    My inbox says we can start to level up to 85. But my characters are still locked @ maximum of 80. Is anyone else still locked
    When you were level 1, you couldn't get all your characters to 80, could you?
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    I just noticed that they've added new achievements to complete LS stage 9 Normal - 5 crystals + 30 ally points + 14k energy. how sweet :smile:
    Almost the same like to complete tier1 of Mod Challenge - 10 cr + 30 ally p + 10k
    I hope difficulty will be the same :smile:
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    Don't complain, we get extra xp and crystals because of it

    not everyone can get that if they cant gear a character every day, and if you cant get that you cant get the daily for completing everything either which is an omega lost and tons of XP lost
  • djvita
    1684 posts Member
    i too stopped farming trash, my tokens keep piling up and the low toons are all green chritmas lights. one equip a day for stormtrooper and ugnaught it is!
  • Brownie
    298 posts Member
    edited October 2016
    Heres my issue with what everyone is saying here. You are asking the devs to remove something that is beneficial to probably 95% of the player base simply because it is not beneficial to you. Maybe something smaller for those level 80 and above. Maybe like 70-75%.

    And some are asking for the removal simply because you're OCD? Really?

    This is sort of like asking for a nerf because you don't have those toons or can't beat them. Or wanting an easier/harder GW because it doesn't suit your needs perfectly. Or wanting an event to be easier/harder because it was too hard/easy.

    I am sorry you didn't farm rebels, you'll just have to wait til next time to beat the event. I know its a bit extreme, but I still think its a fair comparison. I am sorry you geared all your toons up to G5+. You are just going to have to work harder to meet the requirements that everyone else has to.

    All that being said, I mentioned an easy fix above.

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    Exactly...that's why I kept a few toons at lv 1 and no gear because eventually lv cap will be 100 and it's called prudent planning... not whine like a baby that's lost its pacifier.

    I mean seriously the first several level caps behaved same way so why should this one be any different? Or the next one? If these whales have EVERY character unlocked and g4+ then I'd what the problem time I'm lv 85 they will still have more toons unlocked and at a higher lv than me.

    I mean seriously who has mob enforcer geared up that high? Or cup? Or jedi gaurdian? Which begs the question...why?
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    Doesn't anyone ever give a straight answer. It says we can level up to 85 WHY can't I level my characters that are @ 80. Makes no sense!
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    Yes I saw that in achievements but every time I try to open it, it does nothing.
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    I see it as more XP.
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    Skeletor wrote: »
    Doesn't anyone ever give a straight answer. It says we can level up to 85 WHY can't I level my characters that are @ 80. Makes no sense!

    @Skeletor You must reach player level 81 before you can move your characters up to 81 ... and all the way up to 85. How did you get to level 80 without understanding this? Are you the reincarnation of markusfive?
  • Thor_Odinson1
    1995 posts Member
    edited October 2016
    I see it as more XP.

    Same. And I have like 5 toons at level 1 that can easily be upgraded to put crap gear on.

    EDIT: 6 toons, Dooku, RP, Nebit, Chirpa, Koon, and Fett. All level 1. There is plenty of junk to put on them. If all else fails, I can unlock Ugnuaght and Mob Enforcer with a shipment a piece and gear them.
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    so its OK if some players cant get a daily omega or complete their daily tasks for XP because 95% of other players can do it? that doesnt make it right. its not like its some optional thing, everyone needs the XP and omegas.

    How about the devs dont implement things like this that prevent even 0.0001% of players from physically being able to complete their daily tasks? if its impossible even to 1 person to complete this within the paramaters they setup for the game then it should obviously be changed
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    @Skeletor I appreciate your trolling attempt.
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    this is not only a "whale" problem like many think, is it so far fetched to think that some people got all their characters to at least G5 so they'd be useable in some way shape or form in the game?

    they removed this before as it was obviously an issue for some players, its probably just an oversight that its back, but even "whales" need omegas, they cant be farmed or purchased, so even a mega whale with every character in the game geared up still needs to complete their dailies to get an omega that they actually need for their characters

    I may be wrong on this, but I believe they removed this once you hit level 80, because I do believe this would get a little out of hand having to do this everyday for 3-4 months in order to earn your omega (and I think the primary reason for it is XP). I don't know exact dates so I am making up the time frame a bit. They probably didn't know when the next level increase would be at the time, so removing it made sense.

    Now that we are leveling again, I imagine they added it back for the easy XP (I know, not easy for everyone). Once you hit 85, I guess it will be gone again.
This discussion has been closed.