Possible solution to Poe.


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    Xceptor wrote: »
    Poe and phasma and FOTP or LEIA or both. When you fight that team (max everything ofc) If you POE doesnt play first, YOU LOSE
    If your POE plays first, YOU WIN

    This isnt pvp, its a coin toss that makes no sense for a tactical game

    Ofc the base of the problem, isnt poe himself. Its the fact that as of right now, SPEED is a ridiculous advantage because of one shots.

    So , If you do something about one-shot-kills it will automatically balance Speed, and in turn it will indirectly make POE not needing a nerf.

    So ye, nerf POE OR fix your game balance with the one shot heroes and speed advantage.

    Please ...

    with cherries on top
    and cream

    /we love this game!

    If they are nerfed, then who would be nerfed after them. The game would be ruined by consistently nerfing characters. It doesn't seem that you love this game, it is you were frustrated in losing battles.
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    Omg people cry so bad even on mobile games it's embarrassing.
  • Darivon
    134 posts Member
    edited January 2016
    CronozNL wrote: »
    When I started this game end november, my first impression was that the "hero" classes would be better than the non hero classes (geo, fotp, ewok etc). They looked more like filler or progress toons where the main stage was endgame (sidenote and bit off topic).
    Heh @CronozNL this here is a gem btw!
    I thought so too! And probably a lot of others as well!
    Naturally the "cool" looking guys/stuff should be considered "more powerful" than the rather generic looking toons right?
    In this game that means, all the Jedi and Sith and whatnot "should logically" be more usefull and far superior to all the Stormtroopers out there. I mean come on, we've seen it in a lot of movies how a single Jedi mops the floor with a dozen of Stromtroopers ALL AT ONCE!
    So how the heck is some random First Order Tie Pilot blowing up all of my fancied Jedi?!
    That doesn't make any sense! Nerf him! Hit him! This can't be! This is a Star Wars game after all! Not some random Strormtrooper action here. ;)
    Well .. the reason for this design approach was stated by @CG_AaronNemoyten some time ago in a thread regarding Characters. I hope it's okay that i quote him here.

    One of our goals with the game is for it to be interesting and strategic, not just about collecting all of the obviously awesome characters. Thinking to non-mobile collectible card games, there's often value in the "common" cards, including synergies and unusual mechanics. We think that's really cool.

    I think this is a rather valuable information for people to have in mind. Considering the amount of resources and /or time needed to fully build a toon.
    So there "might be" some (more) gems amongst all the generic stuff out there. They re simply not yet "discovered" in that their potential to shine is not obvious and requires certain strategies aside from the resources put into them. Or maybe they will introduce more of them in the future.
    Considering the performance of FOTP and all the fuss around him, i bet a lot of people won't be looking the same way - on ANY new toon added to the game - like they did on Ewok Scout!
    I know i won't! :wink:
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    Absolutely and terribly and unmistakenly broken Poe and game in general.

    But instead of explaining one again the same iver and iver, just a pic. I fired Sid, and when I got my next turn - and I was amazingly lucky to get a turn after Sid actually, things looked like this:


    If you back 4 seconds it looked like this...


    Any advice on who my FOTP should focus?

    My team was all 7* (except FOTP) max gear, max health, max abilities chars all at level 64.

    Why is this game called turn-based...?
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    Here we go with another complaint against Poe
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    CronozNL wrote: »
    Well that's nice of you to say, thanks :d
    Ohw and that typo in my first sentence.. "I expect your opinion" had to be "respect" your opinion.
    I've invested a bit too much atm so time to take a break as well ;)
    Thanks. Glad we are on the same page. :)
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    Did you read the post? I got 1 attack and was dead.
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    Darivon wrote: »
    Hey OP, i'm goin to repost something i wrote just a couple of minutes ago in another thread https://forums.galaxy-of-heroes.starwars.ea.com/discussion/7422/if-you-think-poe-and-fotp-dont-need-nerfs/p4
    regarding the same/similar issue, if you don't mind. Might help/be usefull for some folks.
    CronozNL wrote: »
    Since I was so honest to post 3 consecutive vids you picked out the one that might have been played different. My 6* Ventress aoe deals around 2.5k non crit. Wouldn't be enough to kill Leia and FotP. Fact still remains battle is lost after 30 seconds where I was lucky enough that there wasn't much crit.
    If you look at vid 3, 80% of the fights go this way, I'm destroyed in 30 secs.
    I'll post more since you still can't seem to see the problem.

    11 attacks and I could only do sid AoE:

    CronozNL wrote: »

    Hey @CronozNL , thank you for making an effort posting those videos. What follows is not an attack or something but rather somewhat of a clarification of the issue.
    Frist of all you, and a lot of other people, need to understand/realize that there are two different things going on. Your videos are appreciated in that they highlight ONE aspect of the fuss made around Poe/FOTP.
    1. The reason why some people suggest a TWEAK for Poe - reducing Poe's speed by ONE digit so that he falls out of the pool for "first possible actions taken" - is cause on an even field with both sides having strong and maxed stuff, 7* max gear huge dps, it becomes a COIN FLIP scenario of whose Poe goes first -->reducing the meter of the other team and thus allowing them to wipe the floor with the aforementioned HUGE DPS toons like QGJ, FOTP, GEO, Leia, Rey etc. This IS an issue. At THAT level. Concerning probably 1% of the player base.
    2. Your videos point out the "issue" for the other 99% of the player base.
      Which clearly is - and as much as i dislike the term it does make kinda sense here - simply a "Learn to play" issue. Which in this game is conditioned by the resources you allocated to build and field certain toons. And to a lesser extent the proper usage of their skills.

    Those two are totally independent to on another. The 1% knows/realizes this. Most of the other 99% do not. They tend to mix those two up and just jump on the bandwagon to NERF the toons in question. For whatever reasons they may have. Reasons like:
    • Poe/FOTP poses a problem to their personal success in arena
    • They don't have / didn't build those (strong) toons
    • They can't seem to find a valid strategy to reliably beat those teams with the options available to them
    • etc.
    come to mind. No judgement here. Cause to those people Poe / FOTP DOES indeed seem "overpowered" and in dire need for a nerf. It's a totally legitimate claim. From THEIR perspective!
    On top of that you actually posted videos with PROOF of how the 99% can STILL overcome those obstacles with resources already available to them. ---> Working as intended ?
    Regarding your videos: You are already starting the match with less potent toons to begin with - 4* Barriss / 4* FOTP / 6* Asajj - with close to NO SYNERGY whatsoever against a very strong/expenssive/synergistic team with toons far superior to your own. Which took a lot of resources like time/money/"strategy" to build. So, the imminent question arises : What do you expect ? What kind of result do you expect to happen alone from that perspective. Do you think you SHOULD be able to win ?
    Though the best part of those videos is yet to come. In that, as pointed out by @JohnnySteelAlpha , you STILL could have won that/those matches with whatever you have at hand. Simply by using another "strategy"/approach - like using your Offense Up buffed Asajj, who SURVIVED, for an AoE rather than tryn to purge unimportant stuff - for example.
    In this case, as you yourself mentioned:
    CronozNL wrote: »
    My 6* Ventress aoe deals around 2.5k non crit.
    --> With Sid lead that's round about ~ 4,2k AoE damage.
    The single slowest toon in the game right now, bugged like theres no tomorow, considered probably C-Tier, COULD STILL allow you to win that matchup. THAT is indeed interessting and worth considering pouring resources into. Not the fact that you couldn't beat a strong team with weak toons while using a "wrong" approach over and over again. --> Working as intended ?

    You are trying to win/get the desired results by simply using a "wrong" approach. E.G:
    CronozNL wrote: »

    I took Bariss as lead to try and increase the hp to soak more dmg in.
    As you experienced yourself, this seems like it's NOT the way to go.
    So, what other approaches are there to try and overcome those obstacles with resources avaible to you? --> This SHOULD be the question you ought to ask yourself. Instead of hitting a wall over and over again till you realize it's no point and come to conclusion that it MUST BE THE WALLS fault! Not yours.

    With all that in mind: From a developer perspective - the monetary aspect aside - what would you do?
    Balance the toons in question according to the 1% or the other 99% ?

    Edit: I'm not against reducing Poe's speed by ONE digit btw. FOTP should have his bugs, 7* Agi--> Str swap + Triple Tap, fixed.
    Edit2: I just read the words nerf Poe in capitals (again) - and the rest of course - and thought it might be usefull to raise awareness as there are different reasons for a Poe adjustment. And the above still applies although you have a different perspective from ChronozNL. No offense. Thank you.

    One of the best/ insightful posts I've read.

    I've been saying for a while that no one really has enough 7* lvl 70, fully geared toons to decide which ones need a nerf.

    Let's play around with the game for another 6 months and then decide who's still out of balance.
  • Rogan_Ban84
    1415 posts Member
    edited January 2016
    That team is deadly but not hard to beat and he flat out has a better team than you. It is high damage and synergized. You can't beat that team bringing sid, lumi...etc.
    He has three characters that will manipulate turn meter with high damage, ask yourself what do you got to counter that with, build a new team around fotp is my advice
  • Michajam
    133 posts Member
    edited January 2016
    I faced this team before and this is by far the strongest team I've faced. The offensive up with the firepower is killer. It is impossible to stop the onslaught with Poe taunting
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    l3end3r wrote: »
    Darivon wrote: »
    Hey OP, i'm goin to repost something i wrote just a couple of minutes ago in another thread https://forums.galaxy-of-heroes.starwars.ea.com/discussion/7422/if-you-think-poe-and-fotp-dont-need-nerfs/p4
    regarding the same/similar issue, if you don't mind. Might help/be usefull for some folks.
    CronozNL wrote: »
    Since I was so honest to post 3 consecutive vids you picked out the one that might have been played different. My 6* Ventress aoe deals around 2.5k non crit. Wouldn't be enough to kill Leia and FotP. Fact still remains battle is lost after 30 seconds where I was lucky enough that there wasn't much crit.
    If you look at vid 3, 80% of the fights go this way, I'm destroyed in 30 secs.
    I'll post more since you still can't seem to see the problem.

    11 attacks and I could only do sid AoE:

    CronozNL wrote: »

    Hey @CronozNL , thank you for making an effort posting those videos. What follows is not an attack or something but rather somewhat of a clarification of the issue.
    Frist of all you, and a lot of other people, need to understand/realize that there are two different things going on. Your videos are appreciated in that they highlight ONE aspect of the fuss made around Poe/FOTP.
    1. The reason why some people suggest a TWEAK for Poe - reducing Poe's speed by ONE digit so that he falls out of the pool for "first possible actions taken" - is cause on an even field with both sides having strong and maxed stuff, 7* max gear huge dps, it becomes a COIN FLIP scenario of whose Poe goes first -->reducing the meter of the other team and thus allowing them to wipe the floor with the aforementioned HUGE DPS toons like QGJ, FOTP, GEO, Leia, Rey etc. This IS an issue. At THAT level. Concerning probably 1% of the player base.
    2. Your videos point out the "issue" for the other 99% of the player base.
      Which clearly is - and as much as i dislike the term it does make kinda sense here - simply a "Learn to play" issue. Which in this game is conditioned by the resources you allocated to build and field certain toons. And to a lesser extent the proper usage of their skills.

    Those two are totally independent to on another. The 1% knows/realizes this. Most of the other 99% do not. They tend to mix those two up and just jump on the bandwagon to NERF the toons in question. For whatever reasons they may have. Reasons like:
    • Poe/FOTP poses a problem to their personal success in arena
    • They don't have / didn't build those (strong) toons
    • They can't seem to find a valid strategy to reliably beat those teams with the options available to them
    • etc.
    come to mind. No judgement here. Cause to those people Poe / FOTP DOES indeed seem "overpowered" and in dire need for a nerf. It's a totally legitimate claim. From THEIR perspective!
    On top of that you actually posted videos with PROOF of how the 99% can STILL overcome those obstacles with resources already available to them. ---> Working as intended ?
    Regarding your videos: You are already starting the match with less potent toons to begin with - 4* Barriss / 4* FOTP / 6* Asajj - with close to NO SYNERGY whatsoever against a very strong/expenssive/synergistic team with toons far superior to your own. Which took a lot of resources like time/money/"strategy" to build. So, the imminent question arises : What do you expect ? What kind of result do you expect to happen alone from that perspective. Do you think you SHOULD be able to win ?
    Though the best part of those videos is yet to come. In that, as pointed out by @JohnnySteelAlpha , you STILL could have won that/those matches with whatever you have at hand. Simply by using another "strategy"/approach - like using your Offense Up buffed Asajj, who SURVIVED, for an AoE rather than tryn to purge unimportant stuff - for example.
    In this case, as you yourself mentioned:
    CronozNL wrote: »
    My 6* Ventress aoe deals around 2.5k non crit.
    --> With Sid lead that's round about ~ 4,2k AoE damage.
    The single slowest toon in the game right now, bugged like theres no tomorow, considered probably C-Tier, COULD STILL allow you to win that matchup. THAT is indeed interessting and worth considering pouring resources into. Not the fact that you couldn't beat a strong team with weak toons while using a "wrong" approach over and over again. --> Working as intended ?

    You are trying to win/get the desired results by simply using a "wrong" approach. E.G:
    CronozNL wrote: »

    I took Bariss as lead to try and increase the hp to soak more dmg in.
    As you experienced yourself, this seems like it's NOT the way to go.
    So, what other approaches are there to try and overcome those obstacles with resources avaible to you? --> This SHOULD be the question you ought to ask yourself. Instead of hitting a wall over and over again till you realize it's no point and come to conclusion that it MUST BE THE WALLS fault! Not yours.

    With all that in mind: From a developer perspective - the monetary aspect aside - what would you do?
    Balance the toons in question according to the 1% or the other 99% ?

    Edit: I'm not against reducing Poe's speed by ONE digit btw. FOTP should have his bugs, 7* Agi--> Str swap + Triple Tap, fixed.
    Edit2: I just read the words nerf Poe in capitals (again) - and the rest of course - and thought it might be usefull to raise awareness as there are different reasons for a Poe adjustment. And the above still applies although you have a different perspective from ChronozNL. No offense. Thank you.

    One of the best/ insightful posts I've read.

    I've been saying for a while that no one really has enough 7* lvl 70, fully geared toons to decide which ones need a nerf.

    Let's play around with the game for another 6 months and then decide who's still out of balance.

    This 1000000x
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    He has three characters that will manipulate turn meter with high damage, ask yourself what do you got to counter that with, build a new team around fotp is my advice
    How do you counter a strategy that has the random chance of working in the very first turn? If he goes first then your team is reduced by a minimum of 2 characters before you get one move, and that's with all toons maxed out. The strategy of "having higher level characters" isn't horribly strategic. Eventually you'll hit the cap and that won't be an option anymore. It's just, who's Poe the RNG decided gets to go first wins.
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    What's the fun in playing another 6 months to see this be repeated all the time. My 4th battle after the first 3 I posted. Same opponent, my Asajj didn't survive to do the AoE. Would love her survive at least 1 round:

    439-259-888 I have a bad habit of editing my typo's after posting
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    Or battle #5:


    I can squeeze in 1 more before reset, I have high hopes Asajj will survive 1 round.
    439-259-888 I have a bad habit of editing my typo's after posting
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    Sparsile's droid team is rough Preemo, I feel your pain. (This is Deloril)
  • JoshG
    908 posts Member
    edited January 2016
    Anyone else tired of this topic??
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    garublador wrote: »
    He has three characters that will manipulate turn meter with high damage, ask yourself what do you got to counter that with, build a new team around fotp is my advice
    How do you counter a strategy that has the random chance of working in the very first turn? If he goes first then your team is reduced by a minimum of 2 characters before you get one move, and that's with all toons maxed out. The strategy of "having higher level characters" isn't horribly strategic. Eventually you'll hit the cap and that won't be an option anymore. It's just, who's Poe the RNG decided gets to go first wins.

    Let me explain, yes at first that was the case for me as well. It seemed like if enemy poe went first it would be an automatic loss. As I lvled, only three more lvls, mind you. I've been consistently winning when my poe goes second and holy crap it seems like enemy poe always go first. But I believe the reason why I'm able to still win consistently is nothing more than gearing ( lvl 8 gear) and lvling. People need to learn to first get away from cookie cutter teams as that will not work if you want to be competitive and believe me, if you want to be competitive and not spend much doing it then at least bring synergy and gear your heroes, it will make all the difference . So underlying message is plan and patience.
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    garublador wrote: »
    He has three characters that will manipulate turn meter with high damage, ask yourself what do you got to counter that with, build a new team around fotp is my advice
    How do you counter a strategy that has the random chance of working in the very first turn? If he goes first then your team is reduced by a minimum of 2 characters before you get one move, and that's with all toons maxed out. The strategy of "having higher level characters" isn't horribly strategic. Eventually you'll hit the cap and that won't be an option anymore. It's just, who's Poe the RNG decided gets to go first wins.

    Let me explain, yes at first that was the case for me as well. It seemed like if enemy poe went first it would be an automatic loss. As I lvled, only three more lvls, mind you. I've been consistently winning when my poe goes second and holy crap it seems like enemy poe always go first. But I believe the reason why I'm able to still win consistently is nothing more than gearing ( lvl 8 gear) and lvling. People need to learn to first get away from cookie cutter teams as that will not work if you want to be competitive and believe me, if you want to be competitive and not spend much doing it then at least bring synergy and gear your heroes, it will make all the difference . So underlying message is plan and patience.

    Edit: I face that team everyday in my bracket, yesterday I went 2 for 2 with phasma, fotp, kylo, poggle and poe. And yes my poe taunted second after his both times.
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  • Preemo_Magin
    1826 posts Member
    edited January 2016
    garublador wrote: »
    He has three characters that will manipulate turn meter with high damage, ask yourself what do you got to counter that with, build a new team around fotp is my advice
    How do you counter a strategy that has the random chance of working in the very first turn? If he goes first then your team is reduced by a minimum of 2 characters before you get one move, and that's with all toons maxed out. The strategy of "having higher level characters" isn't horribly strategic. Eventually you'll hit the cap and that won't be an option anymore. It's just, who's Poe the RNG decided gets to go first wins.

    Let me explain, yes at first that was the case for me as well. It seemed like if enemy poe went first it would be an automatic loss. As I lvled, only three more lvls, mind you. I've been consistently winning when my poe goes second and holy crap it seems like enemy poe always go first. But I believe the reason why I'm able to still win consistently is nothing more than gearing ( lvl 8 gear) and lvling. People need to learn to first get away from cookie cutter teams as that will not work if you want to be competitive and believe me, if you want to be competitive and not spend much doing it then at least bring synergy and gear your heroes, it will make all the difference . So underlying message is plan and patience.

    Nobody argued I should win. I am arguing a turn based game should not end after 10 seconds.

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    I don't see how anyone can say that this is how the game is intended to work with a straight face. Having one character left 20 seconds into the game after you have taken 1/5th of a turn is absurd.
  • Tak
    352 posts Member
    edited January 2016
    garublador wrote: »
    He has three characters that will manipulate turn meter with high damage, ask yourself what do you got to counter that with, build a new team around fotp is my advice
    How do you counter a strategy that has the random chance of working in the very first turn? If he goes first then your team is reduced by a minimum of 2 characters before you get one move, and that's with all toons maxed out. The strategy of "having higher level characters" isn't horribly strategic. Eventually you'll hit the cap and that won't be an option anymore. It's just, who's Poe the RNG decided gets to go first wins.

    Let me explain, yes at first that was the case for me as well. It seemed like if enemy poe went first it would be an automatic loss. As I lvled, only three more lvls, mind you. I've been consistently winning when my poe goes second and holy crap it seems like enemy poe always go first. But I believe the reason why I'm able to still win consistently is nothing more than gearing ( lvl 8 gear) and lvling. People need to learn to first get away from cookie cutter teams as that will not work if you want to be competitive and believe me, if you want to be competitive and not spend much doing it then at least bring synergy and gear your heroes, it will make all the difference . So underlying message is plan and patience.

    Really bud? Really? You got to be joking. You counter Poe with Poe? Lol.

    The reason why you are defending Poe so hard is you got one and like the advantage he brings.

    In reality Poe is terribly unbalanced with too many tools in his kit and needs to be brought in line less game start coming apart at the seams.

    Let me put it this way the whales will start getting really bored that every team needs a Poe and they need another Poe to counter. Strategy comes to a minimum as every team needs to be built on the back of Poe. Soon enough everyone gets bored of the coinflip arena game and the game starts hemorraging players left and right.

    Wouldn't it be nice to fight a night sister team that was competitive in top ten arena or a full Jedi squad. Hey what about a rebel ackbar led team? Or even a sith all stars team with all sith.

    It's best for the game if Poe gets put down sooner rather than later and you all know it. Should he still be viable sure, what he cannot be is the best at everything a tank can do and make any team better in everyway regardless of any synergy.
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    Anubis wrote: »
    I don't see how anyone can say that this is how the game is intended to work with a straight face. Having one character left 20 seconds into the game after you have taken 1/5th of a turn is absurd.

    20 seconds where as follows. 4 seconds was me assessing enemy composition. 2 seconds was Sid AoE animation. 8 seconds was enemy turns. 4 seconds was realizing what had just happed and 2 seconds taking the shot.

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    2 things , if u cant beat them join them and 2 pray to RNGesus to make ur poe goes first
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    The Droid team is deadly, and requires a tank to operate at full strength. Poe just happens to be the best tank. Build a first order team or something. Figure out a counter synergy. Keep experimenting

    I have a Droid team too so I know how tough it is :). Hk special has all Droid filling turn meter on critical hits. Poggle also speed boosts the droids. And of course you want a tank to soak damage while your droids put a beat down. Arena battles are a single match, so high damage teams are the powerhouses for a reason right now. Start to work on new teams
  • Options
    Tak wrote: »
    garublador wrote: »
    He has three characters that will manipulate turn meter with high damage, ask yourself what do you got to counter that with, build a new team around fotp is my advice
    How do you counter a strategy that has the random chance of working in the very first turn? If he goes first then your team is reduced by a minimum of 2 characters before you get one move, and that's with all toons maxed out. The strategy of "having higher level characters" isn't horribly strategic. Eventually you'll hit the cap and that won't be an option anymore. It's just, who's Poe the RNG decided gets to go first wins.

    Let me explain, yes at first that was the case for me as well. It seemed like if enemy poe went first it would be an automatic loss. As I lvled, only three more lvls, mind you. I've been consistently winning when my poe goes second and holy crap it seems like enemy poe always go first. But I believe the reason why I'm able to still win consistently is nothing more than gearing ( lvl 8 gear) and lvling. People need to learn to first get away from cookie cutter teams as that will not work if you want to be competitive and believe me, if you want to be competitive and not spend much doing it then at least bring synergy and gear your heroes, it will make all the difference . So underlying message is plan and patience.

    Really bud? Really? You got to be joking. You counter Poe with Poe? Lol.

    The reason why you are defending Poe so hard is you got one and like the advantage he brings.

    In reality Poe is terribly unbalanced with too many tools in his kit and needs to be brought in line less game start coming apart at the seams.

    Let me put it this way the whales will start getting really bored that every team needs a Poe and they need another Poe to counter. Strategy comes to a minimum as every team needs to be built on the back of Poe. Soon enough everyone gets bored of the coinflip arena game and the game starts hemorraging players left and right.

    Wouldn't it be nice to fight a night sister team that was competitive in top ten arena or a full Jedi squad. Hey what about a rebel ackbar led team? Or even a sith all stars team with all sith.

    It's best for the game if Poe gets put down sooner rather than later and you all know it. Should he still be viable sure, what he cannot be is the best at everything a tank can do and make any team better in everyway regardless of any synergy.

    This post isn't about how to counter a poe team without using poe, it's about the op thinking the game is broken due to him having lack of turns. I'm simply trying to find a solution. I have not suggested using poe, please quote me. I'm using poe because he betters my team and I liked his character in the movie.
  • MousseTampi
    88 posts Member
    edited January 2016
    Just nerf poe EA
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    TommySitt wrote: »
    Absolutely and terribly and unmistakenly broken Poe and game in general.

    But instead of explaining one again the same iver and iver, just a pic. I fired Sid, and when I got my next turn - and I was amazingly lucky to get a turn after Sid actually, things looked like this:


    If you back 4 seconds it looked like this...


    Any advice on who my FOTP should focus?

    My team was all 7* (except FOTP) max gear, max health, max abilities chars all at level 64.

    Why is this game called turn-based...?

    Was the opponent's team also lvl 64, or were they ahead of you?

    One level below actually, 63.

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