Heroic Tank Takedown Guilds Recruiting Players


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    A Jedi must have the deepest commitment, the most serious mind.

    Many have I watched as they looked away to the future, to the horizon. Never their mind on where their guildmates were, hmmph; what their guildmates were doing, hmm.

    You must unlearn what you have learned.

    Raid gear?, Kenobi shards? A Jedi craves not these things. Want, anger, fear, aggression the dark side of the Force are they. Easily they flow to join one in fight. But once you start down the dark path, forever will it dominate your destiny. Consume you it will. The easier more seductive.

    How will you know the good guilds from the bad?
    You will know when you are calm, at peace, passive.
    A Jedi's strength flows from the Force.
    Your insights will serve you well.

    You must feel the Force around you. Here between you, me, the screen, the world.
    In the bond between guildmates devoted to our common cause.
    Life creates, makes it grow. Its energy surrounds us and binds us.
    Luminous beings are we, not just level 64 8-5*, 8-4*, PTP, 3 gear level 8 etc.

    Serve honor, loyalty, dedication, valor, friendship.
    And reap rewards greater than shards and gear as they serve you.

    Allies of the Force 959-123-359
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    Have you found a guild yet? Driving Forces is a very strong guild looking for a few good players to help us move up to heroic AAT. We currently have a full roster. But, are looking to replace our lower ticket earning members. Here's a little more about us.

    1. We are an international guild in US est. Our Rancor raids run every 2 days and AAT raids every 3-4 days with start times for Rancor alternating by abour 12 hours. We try to make sure every member has a start time that works for them.
    2. We are currently doing T7 Rancor raids and normal level AAT with plans to go to heroic AAT sometime fairly soon. With the addition of a few more strong players, we would be doing heroic AAT very, very soon.
    3. We use line for chat and use in-game chat for important messages.
    4. We are laid back. No high pressure. Very limited rules. We only have one raid rule, 24 hour no damage. that ensures everyone can get rewards. Most of us are level 75+.
    5. We are very good with our gear exchange. This makes building up characters much easier.
    6. The only thing I ask of our new members is to do 600 raid tickets each day.

    Let me know if you are interested in joining us or if you want any more info. Thanks.
  • DrkHelm
    27 posts Member
    edited January 2017
    We came just short of finishing our raid on our last attempt. Less than 10% left.
    We had to send our rebels to finish P2 because we don't have enough Droids.

    We could use more Gear 10, Heroic-ready droids and Jawas. If you have them, we'd love to make a spot for you on our guild.

    Contact me on Discord.
    Dark Helmet#9562.
  • NothBaalder
    9 posts Member
    edited February 2017
    Make Alderaan Great Again (MAGA) is a collaboration of guilds and we are looking to recruit to fill 11 spaces across 6 guilds. (bracketed are current member counts):
    • - X-Wing Mafia (48)
    • - Knights of the Old Dragoons (49)
    • - New Blood (50)
    • - Rogue Squadron (46)
    • - Second Wave (46)
    • - Protectors V2 (50)

    All of our guilds run Heroic Rancor and Normal AAT independently but we will be moving on to the Heroic AAT raid following recruitment. We are a friendly group that communicates primarily through our Discord server so access to Discord would be a requirement.

    We will accept players of any level, we will be able to find a place for you.

    The guild is PST-based but all our guilds operate under different time zones to allow various options to our players:


    Don't hesitate to get in touch with me if you have any queries.
    Ally Code: Noth Baalder - 485-481-516
    Discord: NothBaalder#1292
    Post edited by NothBaalder on
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    House Clegane - LF Players for 2nd Heroic AAT Tank Team

    We are a guild of fun, friendly, but also passionate and dedicated players looking for active players to fill our 2nd Heroic AAT team. Last spots!.

    We don't require you to be a hard core player, dedicated players are more than enough. If you are looking for a supportive and friendly guild and if you are Heroic Tank ready (or almost ready), please get in touch with us :smile: (send me a PM). Looking forward to meet you.

    - Drogan Draconite, representative of House Clegane and KotNR
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    Check out cantina lords
    42/50 - going to attempt heroic tank in 2 weeks to gauge our new improved strength

    Join up if you want to be apart of the action.

    Talk to @Ghobis for applications.

    Regular T7 rancor 24hr no damage and normal tank (24hr no damage p2-4 on tank because we finish it too quick)
  • Smokeyekoms
    533 posts Member
    edited February 2017
    Post edited by Smokeyekoms on
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    Guildy McGuildstien III cordially Request's your droids in our push for heroic tank attempts

    Guildy McGuildstein III (The guildiest guild in the galaxy) is looking for your droids!
    We're a mostly f2p T7 Pit / Normal AAT guild of players at various levels. We have an active Line chat group and we share tips, strategy, and bad jokes.
    We have 5 open slots. We are getting closer toHeroic Tank everyday
    We need lv85, heroic-ready players - especially those with droid squads. We run 2-3 T7 Pit Raids per week, and normal AAT Raids 1-2 times per week. Guild time is Central time, but we have valuable members in several time zones, and we have a rotating Heroic Pit raid schedule with a 24hr 0 damage period to accommodate everyone.
    Line is required for all members. Reply here, or message LineID: benvanobi
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    -guild name: Galatasaray
    -time zone :UTC+3
    -Players and guilds: Everyday 600 energy.
    -Every player must have at least 20 wars(7stars)
    -We can finish Epic Tank.
    -third party chat apps you use : LİNE APP blacknewempire ally code:955-812-237

    -Lonca ismi:Galatasaray
    -saat dilimi:UTC +3
    -oyuncular:Günlük 600 enerji
    -Her oyuncuda enaz 20 7 yıldız karakter
    -Epik rancor ve tank baskını bitiriyoruz
    -Kullandığımız sohbet uygulamaları:LİNE APP blacknewempire ally code:955-812-237
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    House Clegane - LF Players for 2nd Heroic AAT Tank Team

    We are a guild of fun, friendly, but also passionate and dedicated players looking for active players to fill our 2nd Heroic AAT team. Last spots!.

    We don't require you to be a hard core player, dedicated players are more than enough. If you are looking for a supportive and friendly guild and if you are Heroic Tank ready (or think you're ready), please get in touch with us :smile: (send me a PM). Looking forward to meet you.

    - Drogan Draconite, representative of House Clegane and KotNR
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    Do you want to be a part of the best SWGOH community? Are you tired of normal tank raids? If so, join Team Skunk Rogue Three. We are currently heroic and have merged two guilds to build a solid foundation. Were Ranked 24th overall. What are we looking for:
    1. 20 Gear 10+ 7* Toons
    2. Signup and use Discord Chat App
    3. Hit 600 daily
    About Rogue Three:
    1. Guild Reset is 5:30PM EST
    2. Pit Raid is 0 Damage for 24 hours Launches at 8:00PM EST. 630pm Est (Tank) 24 hour 0 damage
    3. https://swgoh.gg/g/11753/teamskunk-roguethree
    4. Have 2 open spots but may have some more
    Don't hesitate to be part of the best SWGOH community and earn Kenobi Shards!!!
    If you have any questions, send me a message. Snake {R3 Leader}#0551 discord id
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    Hello! Terra is looking for two new active members to fill out the roster. We do heroic AAT and rancor raids, with an emphasis on ensuring that everybody can get an attack in.

    Line is a requirement, and the line chat is always buzzing with strategies and general Star Wars talk.  We have players from all over the U.S. and Europe, and a few from Asia.

    We prefer new members that are level 85, with a team that can contribute at least decent damage in each of the four phases of AAT raid, but no specific character requirements. 600 coins a day is a must.

    We are a laid back guild with a focus on fairness and making sure everyone gets in an attack regardless of your timezone.

    Check us out in swgoh!

    Add me to line or as an ally in-game if interested.
    Line: skaja83
    Ally code: 117-273-449
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    Spaceballs are here!! Gearing for Kenobi using the Schwartz!

    Love SWGOH but don't wanna take it too seriously? Are you one of the best players in your guild which has no hope of your guild completing an heroic AAT Raid, or a mid-range performer in a hardcore guild who fancies better rewards or a completely awesome player who fancies a more relaxed guild? Then we've got the guild for you! Join 'GUILD OF SPACEBALLS'
    We are a recently merged, committed but in no way hardcore guild. Accommodating for US and U.K. Time zones. We just attempted our first AAT heroic and stalled with 40% to go in P4...it stung, we cried a little bit, we drank, cried a little bit more and are now regrouping!

    We are looking for a few players to fill our slots, so to speak, and get us over our performance anxiety:

    1) sense of humour is required, sarcasm is encouraged

    2) We do need decent players especially guys or gals who are P2 and/or P3 ready who can put up approx 1M throughout the 4 phases and participation is required.

    3) Discord is a requirement as it aids out communication as the in game chat is **** (leaves a lot to be desired)

    4) we do enforce the raid rules but that's just to make it fair to the rest of the guild who raid within the rules (3 strikes and you're out)

    If you want to help us to get to finishing the tank eventually at ludicrous speed and don't mind being surrounded by a$$holes then PM our supreme leader @scottamaximus#1423 on Discord with your swgoh.gg profile so we can probe you with our Schwartz

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    Guild Name : Sand People
    Last Heroic Tank attempt : Halfway through phase 3 with ONLY 40+ members.
    Now you read on if for more details :)
    Welcome to the Sand People! We are a great community of chilled people having fun chatting about Star Wars and anything else that comes to mind.
    We are currently in a position when we need a few more people to be able to complete the heroic tank raid. Just to give you an idea of how close we are, we got half way through phase 3 with a fewer than 50 guild members.
    We do our raids at 9pm GMT
    Rancor has a 24 hour 0 damage rule and then using one team for the whole raid
    Tank is a one team per phase unless we're doing heroic then you do what suits your squads best.
    Add me Macca Ren : 675-247-794 for a guild invite
    Also we chat on Discord for easier communication so if you want to add me there my discord code is in the guild description.
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    One spot just came open. Heroic AAT contributors wanted. Resplendent Whispers is the guild name.

    You are: A daily player, ideally with a solid 7 star squad for each phase of Heroic AAT, g10+. A sense of humor helps too. Droids a big plus.

    Who we are: We are an original guild looking for a couple new members who play regularly (and want to raid regularly) to contribute to AAT Heroic. Lots of F2P with a handful of spenders. We've retained many of our original members since guilds began, which speaks to how solid and respectful our group is. There is no requirement to join an outside messaging service, but we do communicate via guild chat and have a FB group for those who are interested. https://swgoh.gg/g/194/resplendent-whispers/

    Raids!?! Heroic Rancor every other day, 2pmPST/5pmEST. 24 hr registration, 1 attack, 1mil dmg cap. We like for everyone to get a chance at rewards. Many of us have Solo, so there's rarely a same top 3 each time. We roll Heroic AAT as soon as we get the coins and win by everyone attacking with at least one team per phase.

    How do I join/ask ?s? PM me with your ally code is fastest, so I can see your awesome roster. I will respond and invite you! (Provided your best character isn't a G9 Talia. Zing!)
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    Acky649 wrote: »
    Hey everyone, my name is Acky649 and I am a recruiter for ANZGC we are a group of 8 elite Australian/New Zealand guilds with 5 doing HAAT raids.
    We are looking for recruits who are committed to gathering 600 tickets per day to join our great guild. We currently have a handful of spaces free across our HAAT guilds that need filling. If you are keen to earn some General Kenobi shards as soon as you join us please either pm me here on the forum or add one of our recruiters on discord

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    Welcome to the Sand People! We are a great community of chilled people having fun chatting about Star Wars and anything else that comes to mind.
    We are currently in a position when we need a few more people to be able to complete the heroic tank raid. Just to give you an idea of how close we are, we got half way through phase 3 with a fewer than 50 guild members.
    We do our raids at 9pm GMT
    Rancor has a 24 hour 0 damage rule and then using one team for the whole raid
    Tank is a one team per phase unless we're doing heroic then you do what suits your squads best.
    Add me Macca Ren : 675-247-794 for a guild invite
    Also we chat on Discord for easier communication so if you want to add me there my discord code is in the guild description.
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    SirWescott wrote: »
    Guild "Dont BBL8" Looking for Two More Active Daily Players

    We Play As A Team We Win As A Team.
    Must Have Atleast 35 7* Characters.We Now Have Two Spots Open For Very Active Heroic Tank Raid Focused Individuals.

    Must Contribute At Top Levels and Earn 600 Guild Tickets Daily,Set A Good Example And Offer Advice.

    We are a English Speaking Guild with a PST Event Reset.
    Heroic Rancor Raids Start At 7:00PM PST
    Heroic Tank Raid Focused
    Guild LineChat.
    Registered SWGOH.GG
    And A Great Group Of Friendly/Helpful People.

    To Apply

    PM Me Here

    Or Line Chat "Sirwescot"

    Can I join your guild
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    One spot just came open. Heroic AAT contributors wanted. Resplendent Whispers is the guild name.

    You are: A daily player, ideally with a solid 7 star squad for each phase of Heroic AAT, g10+. A sense of humor helps too. Droids a big plus.

    Who we are: We are an original guild looking for a couple new members who play regularly (and want to raid regularly) to contribute to AAT Heroic. Lots of F2P with a handful of spenders. We've retained many of our original members since guilds began, which speaks to how solid and respectful our group is. There is no requirement to join an outside messaging service, but we do communicate via guild chat and have a FB group for those who are interested. https://swgoh.gg/g/194/resplendent-whispers/

    Raids!?! Heroic Rancor every other day, 2pmPST/5pmEST. 24 hr registration, 1 attack, 1mil dmg cap. We like for everyone to get a chance at rewards. Many of us have Solo, so there's rarely a same top 3 each time. We roll Heroic AAT as soon as we get the coins and win by everyone attacking with at least one team per phase.

    How do I join/ask ?s? PM me with your ally code is fastest, so I can see your awesome roster. I will respond and invite you! (Provided your best character isn't a G9 Talia. Zing!)

    Hi bro can I join? My ally code is 627-519-852
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    Buenas amigos, el gremio batallón 66 está en busca de jugadores con ganas de hacer el AAT herocio, hacemos 3 rancors heroicos a veces 4 y 2 tanques normales a la semana, el único requisito que pedimos es aportar las 600 diarias, ser nivel 85 y que tengan por lo menos 1 team completo para poder hacer el tanque heroico, y un segundo team que este cerca de completarse, ya que en unas semanas estaremos dispuestos a probar el heroico, usamos telegram para poder comunicarnos, si crees que cumples los requisitos eres bienvenido.
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    check out cantina lords, we're going for heroic tank here In a few days.

    If interested or want to check it out
    Let me know

    Here's a link to look at some of our guys so you can examine if this would be the right guild for you or not:
    (Except a few that have yet to register)


    Have 2 guilds already doing heroic in alliance and going for a 3rd now
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    Welcome to the Sand People! We are a great community of chilled people having fun chatting about Star Wars and anything else that comes to mind.
    We are currently in a position when we need a few more people to be able to complete the heroic tank raid. Just to give you an idea of how close we are, we got half way through phase 3 with a fewer than 50 guild members.
    We do our raids at 9pm GMT
    Rancor has a 24 hour 0 damage rule and then using one team for the whole raid
    Tank is a one team per phase unless we're doing heroic then you do what suits your squads best.
    Add me Macca Ren : 675-247-794 for a guild invite
    Although it is not essential for you to download the app, we chat on Discord for easier communication so if you want to add me there my discord code is in the guild description. We still do chat in the game so you won't be at a disadvantage.
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    Line guild
    Top 25 leader board
    600 a day and have fun
    Casual but must be active player.
    Pm me for more details or a friend request on line app.
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    Guardians of the northen lights is a eu-based guild.
    Last time we did ATT heroic we cleard it with 42 ppl.
    We are now looking for 5 more ppl to our guild who want to do and are rdy for heroics.
    We want to fill up the guild so we can get more coins for raid and beat it faster.

    We are all social and active and use lineapp for communication.
    If u are intrested Contact me or Flammekastar here or on line app
    user id aquilla78
    user id flammekastar
    or on the forum.

    hope to hera from u.
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    *UPDATE* 44/50 Since we attempted the Heroic Tank last week we might be able to get to phase 4 with additional people

    Welcome to the Sand People! We are a great community of chilled people having fun chatting about Star Wars and anything else that comes to mind.
    We are currently in a position when we need a few more people to be able to complete the heroic tank raid. Just to give you an idea of how close we are, we got half way through phase 3 with a fewer than 50 guild members.
    We do our raids at 9pm GMT
    Rancor has a 24 hour 0 damage rule and then using one team for the whole raid
    Tank is a one team per phase unless we're doing heroic then you do what suits your squads best.
    Add me Macca Ren : 675-247-794 for a guild invite
    Although it is not essential for you to download the app, we chat on Discord for easier communication so if you want to add me there my discord code is in the guild description. We still do chat in the game so you won't be at a disadvantage.
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    Weve been around awhile and have a few spots open. We do upper level raids and have a great bunch of players. Few spots open so hit me up 317-718-873 . Myself I usually rank 50 or below in squad arena at the moment playing casually. Send me a friends request or email me at tanker913m1@yahoo.com Thanks! Strong 85 level immediately promoted officer! Leave your player number and I'll send invite
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    Hi bro can I join? My ally code is 627-519-852[/quote]

    Thx. I'll look at your squad and let you know today. If you have any ?s PM me.
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    "Too Old For This Sith" is looking to fill 2 open roster spots.

    Quick info about the Guild: Heroic Rancor x3 and Normal Tank x2-3 a week. We just tried our first Heroic tank last week and got 1/2 through P3. Currently building up more Droid Squads for P2 (which is where we stalled). Probably about a month away from Heroic Tank farm status. Raid times are between 7-8pm EST.

    Also we're pretty lax in terms of daily requirements. If you play the game regularly and enjoy a Guild full of players quoting movies, you'll do fine.

    If you can contribute to the Heroic Tank and are looking to get into a Guild prepping for Gen Ken farming, we'd love to have ya!

    (We are GMT -05:00.)

    Ally Code: 312-212-822
  • Riskos
    1 posts Member
    edited February 2017
    SW MX esta Reclutando gente activa para AAT Heroico

    Después de nuestra reestructura estamos en 25/50 tirando fase 1 de heroico con esos 25 miembros usando un max de dos equipos

    Rancor Heroico 2 a 3 veces por semana
    Telegram Obligatorio
    600 Tickets diarios
    por lo menos dos equipos para ATT Heroico
    Varios lugares disponibles
    Jugamos en hora del centro

    Manden mensaje por telegram @Riskos14 o MoistvagSWMX
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    I'm an officer with the guild "Spaceballs". We are a guild that has Heroic rancor on auto, we raid 3 times a week the day after we acquire enough tickets (unless its a special day like Christmas or New years and lots of people can't participate). We don't have a minimum ticket requirement; we haven't needed to have one since we get enough to raid 2-3 days as it is. Raids start at 5 PM EST and are a free for all, no damage cap. If you can score a 0, you will get shards.

    We're working towards Heroic AAT at the moment. Lots of good players, we are probably an older group of guys. There is no drama in this guild, so no need to worry about name calling or flaming.

    Let me know if you're interested.
    Salty Skroob
    - Ally code 249-323-219
    PM me on discord @ Salty Skroob

    Ask our guild questions @ https://discord.gg/FgmvJrD on Discord
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