Heroic Tank Takedown Guilds Recruiting Players


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    "Guardians of Order" is a guild that is very social and friendly, and we are doing HAAT Tomorrow! Heroic Rancor raid starts at 8 PM GMT, and Tank raid starts at 7:30 GMT. If you do want to join us, I would prefer you to get on Line Chat, as that is where we will post notes on changes and also just talk about strategies/real life stuff and just have the most fun with the game! Thank you for your time, and Cheers!
    If you need anymore information or any questions, please hit me up, and I will respond ASAP!
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    Ace97302 wrote: »
    Who's the Bøssk - we have one opening in each raid group.

    Are you looking to complete Heroic AAT and Rancor raids in a low-stress but active and successful guild? Then look no further! We have one or two spots that just opened -- one in each of our two heroic AAT divisions. They'll go fast, so please contact us today if you're interested!

    About the Guild:
    We are a well organized and competitive guild comprised of both P2P and F2P members. We aren't a whale guild and managed to take down the heroic AAT without kicking newer or more casual players to the curb, but we do have a lot of very strong and dedicated players.

    Our membership spans the globe, but mostly resides in the United States and Europe. We treat each other respectfully, and make guild decisions as a group. We expect every player to play regularly and to do their part for the guild and activities -- we are strict in that sense -- but we are also here to have fun and learn/discuss new strategies.

    We use LINE to communicate, and have a vibrant, collegial strategy discussion going most times of the day. We also have a private sub-Reddit where we post schedules and raid strategies.

    We have two all-heroic raid groups with different raid times (detailed below). Both guilds are consistently in or tied with the top 10-20 guilds, and complete both heroic raids on a regular schedule. For those of you who are old-timers like me, our guilds used to be called Sinister Alliance, Fifty Shades of Rey, and Green Gravy at various time.

    Here are our swgoh.gg profiles: Who's the Bøssk (https://swgoh.gg/g/20/sinister-alliance/) and Whø's the Bøssk (https://swgoh.gg/g/10280/green-gravy/).

    Here's a fairly recent snap of our guilds on the overall leaderboards (poor Who's the Bøssk clearly lost the guild ID lottery used to break ties!):

    Both guilds exclusively run heroic AAT and Rancor raids on a regular basis (every other day for Rancor; every 2nd or 3rd day for AAT). Our raid systems are designed to give everyone a fighting chance without imposing excessive rules.

    Our Rancor raids are open for 24 hours for everyone to register a zero, and then each member is allowed one attack after a set time (detailed below). We let everyone attack once per phase in the AAT raid and have a set time for Phase 4 since it closes quickly.

    As noted above, one of our guilds (Who's the Bøssk) has a more EU-friendly / mid-day US schedule, while the other (Whø's the Bøssk) caters more to Asia and US players who prefer to raid at night.

    Who's the Bøssk (EU / mid-day US):
    • Heroic AAT Raid: Opens around 10:00 am PST / 1:00 pm EST / 6:00 pm GMT+0. Phases 1-3 proceed in order, taking about 1-2 hours each and generally finishing on the first day of the raid. Phase 4 occurs at 10:10 am PST / 1:10 pm EST / 6:10 pm GMT+0 on the second day of the raid. Players are limited to one attack per phase.
    • Heroic Pit Raid: Day 1 - players are encouraged to register a 0 to ensure raid rewards, but may not register actual damage. Day 2 - players are authorized to make one attack starting at 12:30 pm PST / 3:30 pm EST / 8:30 pm GMT+0.
    Whø's the Bøssk (Asia / evening US):
    • Heroic AAT Raid: Opens around 1:00 pm PST / 4:00 pm EST / 6:00 am JST. Phases 1-3 proceed in order, taking about 1-2 hours each. Phase 1 and 2 finish on the first day of the raid (US time); phase 3 sometimes stretches over to the second day depending on members' availability. Phase 4 occurs at 7:30 pm PST / 10:30 pm EST / 12:30 pm JST on the second day of the raid. Players are limited to one attack per phase.
    • Heroic Pit Raid: Day 1 - players are encouraged to register a 0 to ensure raid rewards, but may not register actual damage. Day 2 - players are authorized to make one attack starting at 6:30 pm PST / 9:30 pm EST / 11:30 am JST.

    Requirements to Apply:
    • First and foremost, we want dedicated daily players looking to grow as part of a team. Completing your 600/600 guild contribution daily is a requirement.
    • Ideal applicants will have 3-4 strong heroic AAT squads (lvl 10+ gear), at least 30 7* characters, and a decent arsenal of ships. But we have a long history of taking dedicated up-and-comers, so you should feel free to apply even if you're a newer player who only has one strong AAT squad, as long as you're working hard and progressing quickly.

    Contact Info:
    You can reach me on Line at Ace97302 if you are interested in joining our guild! I try to check my PMs here occasionally as well, but Line is the better option.

    Thanks for considering us, and may the Force be with you!

    Are u still looking for members? I love the guildname and im able to deal 300-450k in p2
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    The Wookiee Teebo Forcechoke/Strong With Force guild family is looking for two players who want to make the transition to heroic tank raids.

    Our two guilds span 9 time zones, and both have heroic tank on farm. We have a cool group of supportive players and a pretty fair raid system for all.

    If you can get your 600 tickets, play well with others, and want to come hang out with us, shoot me a message on Line. My Line ID is Edwahoo95.
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    Destroy all who oppose and Master Jedi Knights are a team guild looking for level 85 players.

    Master Jedi Knights runs heroic Pit raid and regular AAT, DAWO runs heroic pit and heroic AAT. Raid schedule is Pit raid Monday's at 11 am EST, Wednesday 9 PM EST, and Saturday 5 PM EST, also there is a 12 hour 0 damage rule on Pit. AAT is run Wednesday 6 PM EST and Saturday 2 PM EST. Both guilds maintain the same raid schedule. The top players for MJK are given the option on Every other Tuesday to move up to DAWO. Line is mandatory as well is daily 600 energy contributions. We are a fun group with lively conversations who openly share information for the betterment of all members of both guilds, both guilds communicate with a common line chat. For more information please feel free to message me here or on line, my line ID is jimsegrest
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    House Clegane - LF Players for 2nd Heroic AAT Tank Team

    We are a guild of fun, friendly, but also passionate and dedicated players looking for active players to fill our 2nd Heroic AAT team. Only a few spots left. Team 2 will start Heroic AAT later next week.

    We don't require you to be a hard core player, dedicated players are more than enough. If you are looking for a supportive and friendly guild and if you are Heroic Tank ready (or almost ready), please get in touch with us :smile: (send me a PM). Looking forward to meet you.

    - Drogan Draconite, representative of House Clegane and KotNR
  • Mol_Eliza_2
    71 posts Member
    edited January 2017
    Rebel Force is recruiting for 4 heroic AAT guilds:
    Rebel Force Endor - PST Based.
    Rebel Force Yavin IV - EST Based.
    Rebel Force Jedha - EST Based.
    Rebel Force Sullust - EST Based (Filling Now!)
    All Four guilds are farming heroic AATs.We just need members who will produce the required 600 tickets/day with close to HAAT rosters. We use Discord for communication. If you are interested, PM me your ally code!
    My Discord ID is Mol Eliza II#5883
    My Line ID is mol_eliza_ii
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    [48/50]'NOOOOOOOOOO' with 2 open spots:

    Hey there,
    are you still looking for a suitable guild?
    we are in preparation for our next TTD hero, so we prefer players with deeper rosters(p2&p3 damage would be awesome). It'll be the first raid on February. We have enough mercs to clear it in case we fail.
    Our last attempts ended in p3, but this was before the EP event. We should be able to do it on our own now.
    The mercs are just for backup.



    If your interested pm me on LINE or leave me a msg here
    May the force be with you, always! :)
    profile: https://swgoh.gg/u/sickagony/
    NOOOOOOOOOO: https://swgoh.gg/g/1507/noooooooooo/
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    Guide McGuildstein III (The guildiest guild in the galaxy) is looking for your droids!
    We're a mostly f2p T7 Pit / Normal AAT guild of players at various levels. We have an active Line chat group and we share tips, strategy, and bad jokes.
    We have 5 open slots. We are working towards Heroic Tank
    We need lv85, heroic-ready players - especially those with droid squads. We run 2-3 T7 Pit Raids per week, and normal AAT Raids 1-2 times per week. Guild time is Central time, but we have valuable members in several time zones, and we have a rotating Heroic Pit raid schedule with a 24hr 0 damage period to accommodate everyone.
    Line is required for all members. Reply here, or message LineID: benvanobi
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    PVP ELITE (heroic guild) needs two more players! Level 80-85, not casual, strong roster. Top 100 arena position and a top 10 ambition. Send a LINE message to Fernando, LINE id 12353111637
    For more information about us, please click the picture!

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    Dead Man Ewoking Recruiting! Get Your Kenobi Shards Here!

    Dead Man Ewoking, a heroic guild full of fun active people from all over the world is looking to recruit one active player who loves this game as much as we do.

    We run an active chat in Kik and have a forum for members that is chock full of useful information. We currently have 1 open spot. If you are interested in joining one of the most inclusive, well structured, and friendly guilds in the game, shoot me a pm and we will talk.

    About Us:

    We have low turnover. We accommodate the fact that people have lives, and do things like go on vacation -- we won't boot you or inflict a raid penalty for taking a day off.

    We run heroic tank at least twice a week. Raids start at 11 am EST and have simple rules: send your Jedi to Phase 1, your Droids and Clones to Phase 2, your Palpatine team to Phase 3, and your Rebels to Phase 4. Kitchen sink teams are used in Phase 2.

    We run T7 Rancor raids at least 3x a week. We do a 24 hour registration window, where you can send one toon (and yes, you can do damage) to get on the board and ensure rewards. At the end of those windows, it's free-for-all. Our raid times are 11 am and 5 pm EST -- we alternate between the two. FFAs are on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. We have a damage cap for those with 7* Raid Han, in order to allow everyone in our guild to progress.

    Our activity reset time is 9:30 pm EST.

    About you:

    We are looking for someone who has multiple heroic tank ready teams (i.e., at least g10 with solid mods), including at least one team for phase 2 or phase 4 (Clones, Droids, Resistance, Rebels).

    Any questions? Interested? Let us know!
  • Options
    Dead Man Ewoking Recruiting! Get Your Kenobi Shards Here!

    Dead Man Ewoking, a heroic guild full of fun active people from all over the world is looking to recruit one active player who loves this game as much as we do.

    We run an active chat in Kik and have a forum for members that is chock full of useful information. We currently have 1 open spot. If you are interested in joining one of the most inclusive, well structured, and friendly guilds in the game, shoot me a pm and we will talk.

    About Us:

    We have low turnover. We accommodate the fact that people have lives, and do things like go on vacation -- we won't boot you or inflict a raid penalty for taking a day off.

    We run heroic tank at least twice a week. Raids start at 11 am EST and have simple rules: send your Jedi to Phase 1, your Droids and Clones to Phase 2, your Palpatine team to Phase 3, and your Rebels to Phase 4. Kitchen sink teams are used in Phase 2.

    We run T7 Rancor raids at least 3x a week. We do a 24 hour registration window, where you can send one toon (and yes, you can do damage) to get on the board and ensure rewards. At the end of those windows, it's free-for-all. Our raid times are 11 am and 5 pm EST -- we alternate between the two. FFAs are on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. We have a damage cap for those with 7* Raid Han, in order to allow everyone in our guild to progress.

    Our activity reset time is 9:30 pm EST.

    About you:

    We are looking for someone who has multiple heroic tank ready teams (i.e., at least g10 with solid mods), including at least one team for phase 2 or phase 4 (Clones, Droids, Resistance, Rebels).

    Any questions? Interested? Let us know!

    Any spot open??
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    NuIl89 wrote: »

    Any spot open??

    Sent you a message!
  • Quim
    665 posts Member
    edited January 2017
    Post edited by Quim on
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    Language: Hungarian

    nyelv: magyar

    név: Light Side of Hungary

    időzóna: közép-európai (CET/CEST)

    kommunikáció: FB-csoport, Messenger, Discord


    The Pit Heroic: 12 óra "nullázás", majd este (21) hadd el hadd ;-)

    Tank Takedown Heroic este 19-től

    Tickets: 600 / nap

    Searching for Hungarian Top Players for TTR
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    We are a guild of 42 very active player who average over 2k raid tickets per day. We are ready to focus on building towards Heroic Tank and we are looking for like-minded players or groups. This group can handle the Heroic Rancor easily, but we make sure everyone gets rewards. For Rancor Raids everyone logs zero damage in the first 24 hours and we finish it up on day 2. We are targeting March 1st for our first HAAT.

    We use Line to communicate and coordinate. It makes discussions much easier.

    Payout is 6:30 CST. Most of us are in Central and Eastern Time zones, but we do have some further out west. Most of us are married and several have kids, so we understand that family comes first. We don't hold anyone to the 600 tickets per day standard, but most of us get that done anyway. We just ask that you do as much as you can.

    We are a relaxed guild willing to let active players grow with us. Looking to add teams from 80 on up. If you are active, we'll help you out.

    We are open to individuals or taking on a group from another guild. DM me with any questions. If you want to join our guild you can also send me an ally invite and I'll add you.

    Ally Code is 518-268-399
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    Wookiee Monsterz are looking for HAAT ready players! We have one spot open and are looking for a strong player that can help us complete the HAAT. PM me if you're interested! Details on our guild are in the thread linked below.

  • Ren_Gundo
    100 posts Member
    edited January 2017
    Guildy McGuildstien III cordially Request's your droids in our push for heroic tank attempts

    Guildy McGuildstein III (The guildiest guild in the galaxy) is looking for your droids!
    We're a mostly f2p T7 Pit / Normal AAT guild of players at various levels. We have an active Line chat group and we share tips, strategy, and bad jokes.
    We have 5 open slots. We are getting closer toHeroic Tank everyday
    We need lv85, heroic-ready players - especially those with droid squads. We run 2-3 T7 Pit Raids per week, and normal AAT Raids 1-2 times per week. Guild time is Central time, but we have valuable members in several time zones, and we have a rotating Heroic Pit raid schedule with a 24hr 0 damage period to accommodate everyone.
    Line is required for all members. Reply here, or message LineID: benvanobi
    Post edited by Ren_Gundo on
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    Hey Guys, we are Central European based guild called Malachor V Clan Slovenia and we are looking for new members! Our next objective is completing the dreaded Heroic AAT raid but unfortunately we lack some serious, communicative members. Heroic Rancor raids take place 2/3 times a week and on special occasions top 10 players do not participate to enable weaker members to gear up and get better rewards which is pretty cool! I also should mention that we love to talk and discuss things, share tips and in general interact alot so support and good vibes are guaranteed.
    Other than that our requirements are:
    - Discord Account & active communication are the most important requirements!
    -600/600 daily raid ticket contribution
    - level 75 or more
    - at least 1 team capable of doing 2% per phase on Heroic AAT
    - bonus: če razumete slovensko oziroma jezik bivše Jugoslavije dobite mogoče malo popusta

    Here is our swgog.gg webside: https://swgoh.gg/g/696/malachor-v-clan-slovenia/

    Comment on this post or send me a private message on my discord acc ( KenixKil#3603 ) if you are interested and help us bring that big boy down!

    Have a nice day & may the force be with you
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    Guild "Dont BBL8" Looking for One More Active Daily Player

    We Play As A Team We Win As A Team.
    Must Have Atleast 7 Gear 11 Characters.We Now Have One Spot Open For Very Active Heroic Tank Raid Focused Individuals.

    Must Contribute At Top Levels and Earn 600 Guild Tickets Daily,Set A Good Example And Offer Advice.

    We are a English Speaking Guild with a PST Event Reset.
    Heroic Rancor Raids Start At 6:00PM PST
    Heroic Tank Raid Starts At 7:00PM PST
    Guild LineChat.
    Registered SWGOH.GG
    And A Great Group Of Friendly/Helpful People.

    To Apply

    PM Me Here

    Or Line Chat "Sirwescot"
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    House Clegane - LF Players for 2nd Heroic AAT Tank Team

    We are a guild of fun, friendly, but also passionate and dedicated players looking for active players to fill our 2nd Heroic AAT team. Only a few spots left. Team 2 will start Heroic AAT later next week.

    We don't require you to be a hard core player, dedicated players are more than enough. If you are looking for a supportive and friendly guild and if you are Heroic Tank ready (or almost ready), please get in touch with us :smile: (send me a PM). Looking forward to meet you.

    - Drogan Draconite, representative of House Clegane and KotNR
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    Our guild has recently expanded to three guilds; (USA and U.K. based)
    - Heroic tank guild is looking for L85 players with 30 or more 7* toons ready to take down heroic tank.
    - Our development guild is looking for over L70 players with at least 1 x 7* toon preferably 5 x 7* toons. heroic rancor and normal tank
    - Our third guild is designed for any level player looking to progress in a friendly informative active guild that will share knowledge and best practise t3-6 rancor
    We don't have lots of rules
    1. 600 daily
    2. Line app
    3. Pitt raid - 0 score for 24 hrs then send in 1 full team
    4. Tank raid - nothing in place yet (FFA)

    Small Merges into any of our guilds will b considered, either a merge into one of the guilds or we can arrange merging the guild into our different guilds depending on there level and number of toons
    If you're interested in joining please private message me with your details and what guild u wud like to join. come on don't b shy we are a great guild and would love to hear from u.
    Thanks for taking the time to read this post.
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    Love SWGOH but don't wanna take it too seriously? Are you one of the best players in your guild which has no hope of your guild completing an heroic AAT Raid, or a mid-range performer in a hardcore guild who fancies better rewards or a completely awesome player who fancies a more relaxed guild? Then we've got the guild for you! Join 'GUILD OF SPACEBALLS' We are a recently merged, committed but in no way hardcore guild. Accommodating for US and U.K. Time zones. We just attempted our first AAT heroic and stalled with 40% to go in P4...it stung, we cried a little bit, we drank, cried a little bit more and are now regrouping!

    We are looking for a few players to fill our slots, so to speak, and get us over our performance anxiety:

    1) sense of humour is required, sarcasm is encouraged

    2) We do need decent players especially guys or gals who are P2 and/or P3 ready who can put up approx 1M throughout the 4 phases and participation is required.

    3) Discord is a requirement as it aids out communication as the in game chat is **** (leaves a lot to be desired)

    4) we do enforce the raid rules but that's just to make it fair to the rest of the guild who raid within the rules (3 strikes and your out)

    If you want to help us to get to finishing the tank eventually at ludicrous speed and don't mind being surrounded by a$$holes then PM our supreme leader @scottamaximus#1423 on Discord with your swgoh.gg profile so we can probe you with our Schwartz

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    Hey Guys, we are Central European based guild called Malachor V Clan Slovenia and we are looking for new members! Our next objective is completing the dreaded Heroic AAT raid but unfortunately we lack some serious, communicative members. Heroic Rancor raids take place 2/3 times a week and on special occasions top 10 players do not participate to enable weaker members to gear up and get better rewards which is pretty cool! I also should mention that we love to talk and discuss things, share tips and in general interact alot so support and good vibes are guaranteed.
    Other than that our requirements are:
    - Discord Account & active communication
    -600/600 daily raid ticket contribution
    - level 85
    - at least 15 7* characters
    - bonus: če razumete slovensko oziroma jezik bivše Jugoslavije dobite mogoče malo popusta

    Here is our swgog.gg webside: https://swgoh.gg/g/696/malachor-v-clan-slovenia/

    Comment on this post or send me a private message on my discord acc ( KenixKil#3603 ) if you are interested and help us bring that big boy down!

    Have a nice day & may the force be with you
  • Options
    Hey Guys, we are Central European based guild called Malachor V Clan Slovenia and we are looking for new members! Our next objective is completing the dreaded Heroic AAT raid but unfortunately we lack some serious, communicative members. Heroic Rancor raids take place 2/3 times a week and on special occasions top 10 players do not participate to enable weaker members to gear up and get better rewards which is pretty cool! I also should mention that we love to talk and discuss things, share tips and in general interact alot so support and good vibes are guaranteed.
    Other than that our requirements are:
    - Discord Account & active communication
    -600/600 daily raid ticket contribution
    - level 85
    - at least 15 7* characters
    - bonus: če razumete slovensko oziroma jezik bivše Jugoslavije dobite mogoče malo popusta

    Here is our swgog.gg webside: https://swgoh.gg/g/696/malachor-v-clan-slovenia/

    Comment on this post or send me a private message on my discord acc ( KenixKil#3603 ) if you are interested and help us bring that big boy down!

    Have a nice day & may the force be with you
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    ^ That is a timer, a timer showing when we kick off our next HAAT raid attempt.


    ^ That is all the info you need. 1 spot open for the right player.
  • JJ18
    26 posts Member
    Welcome to SameS1thDifferentDay
    We will be kicking off our monthly Heroic AAT test on February 1st. come be part of our guild to make this a success. this is all our guild is going after. Also interested in your 10-15 in your guild to come to our guild. we can make that happen.
    Anyone willing to merge we can talk on Discord or here. Lets not waste any more weeks of not doing heroic AAT. Lets get a good solid merger, to make it happen for real.
    Are you a daily player? Do you have 10-15 Gear 10 Characters? Do you want to do AAT heroic?
    Plan on Making your Rebels or Droids gear 10? Are you level 85?
    Then you have found the right place.
    We have been a guild since the beginning with established leadership and a committed guild. We have a solid group of veterans.
    We are in discord and are gearing our characters towards AAT heroic. Many of us have enough teams to start heroic AAT however we need to fill out our great guild with people just like you.
    Our Heroic AAT goals. To launch it at guild reset then whenever each phase happens, if you have the team for that phase then you send it in. We have two days to complete the raid. We don't plan on micromanaging each raid.
    Have your Swgoh.gg link ready
    Our Guild: SameS1thDifferentDay https://swgoh.gg/g/1071/same-s1th-different-day/
    Guild Time Zone Reset: 7:30 CST.
    Normal AAT Launched when we have coins at reset.
    Heroic Rancor Raid: 24 hour 0 damage policy then hit it hard at guild reset
    Requirements: 600/600, Discord, Willing to Gear 10 a Phase 2, Droids, clones team, or P4 rebels team.
    Message me here or on Discord at RockOnFire18#1905
  • Kumquatinator
    37 posts Member
    edited February 2017
    February 2017 >> Almost there, almost there! This is a one-month old guild (36/50) that treats everyone like friends and would like to have you grow with us. We started w just over a dozen strong squads, grew to 20, then 30, now looking to surpass 40. Feel free to just play, play, play or join chats about life, dogs, movies, travel, cars, music, bourbon, Star Wars of course, anything. We have lots of parents whose kids love Star Wars just as much as they do. We have a DJ, a coach, an Inn owner, a soon to be college student, mechanics, musicians, men and women from all over the US. We use the Line app to communicate.

    My roster is in the middle pack w 40 7* toons, 40 L85 toons, 9 @ G11, 13 @ G10, and 11 @ G9. We think we'll be close to attempting the heroic tank once we pass 40 strong. We're looking for a handful of individuals or a small group of friends to join and get settled in before we go for that. Sorry, not interested in a large group merge.

    Our members manage very busy lives and use this game to just have fun, but understand their daily contributions are important to the guild and continually do their best. Perfection isn't expected but participation is. We try to keep rules to a bare minimum. Pit raids allow you to take one turn and go as far as you like with that attack, but keeps phase 4 closed to those that need to get on the board. Everybody gets a full day to log a hit and no 24-hr log-a-zero rule needed. Most launch at 7pm cst weekdays and 12pm cst on weekends. No restrictions on current normal tank raid but recommended to practice using your designated heroic tank squads on appropriate phases.

    Any questions, please PM me or join our Line app to ask questions and get to know the fun guildmates. Join the guild (GoingRogue) if you like, take a look at everyone's squads, see if it's for you. Ally code is 933-921-496. PM your ally code or add me as an ally. Line app ID: PuPu Platter
    Post edited by Kumquatinator on
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    House Clegane - LF Players for 2nd Heroic AAT Tank Team

    We are a guild of fun, friendly, but also passionate and dedicated players looking for active players to fill our 2nd Heroic AAT team. Last spots!.

    We don't require you to be a hard core player, dedicated players are more than enough. If you are looking for a supportive and friendly guild and if you are Heroic Tank ready (or almost ready), please get in touch with us :smile: (send me a PM). Looking forward to meet you.

    - Drogan Draconite, representative of House Clegane and KotNR
  • JPBrunel
    821 posts Member
    edited January 2017
    If so, and if your current guild isn't as close as you'd like, then maybe you should think about joining Spacetime Elite Guild! Spacetime Elite is right on the cusp of being a Heroic AAT guild, we feel like we're 2-3 solid players away. We're a Free-To-Play, friendly guild of grown-ups, mostly from the US and the UK. Must be able to contribute 600 daily, contribute during raids and join our Discord channel. Our plan is to attempt Heroic AAT within the next two weeks... If interested, send me an ally request @ ally code: 712-794-119. Give me a little bit to get to your request, but normally, it shouldn't take long...
    Hope to see you soon!
  • ShatterlingPurslane
    493 posts Member
    edited February 2017
    We're 50/50.
    Post edited by ShatterlingPurslane on
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