Heroic Tank Takedown Guilds Recruiting Players


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    House Clegane (47/50) Looking for players who are ready for Heroic Tank raid!

    House Clegane has partnered with KOTNR to hit Heroic right Now! we filter our AAT heroic ready members into there guild, while they send members to ours as replacements in a rotation. This is done in an effort to get both guilds to AAT ready status independently. If you think you are ready to do heavy tank damage, we have 3 open spots for players. So if you are a new player who is already tank ready, or if you are established, with a huge well geared roster, you might even score better rewards with us then a well established Heroic guild with stronger teams. Consider joining us if:

    You ready for Heroic Tank, but your guild isn't

    You are just looking for a new, strong, guild full of fun nice players.

    You want a better chance at higher Rewards away from a guild full of whales already completing Heroic Tank.

    You just want to get in on the ground floor of a group just starting into Heroic Tank.

    Tank aside, we run Heroic rancor consistently, waiting 24hours to allow everyone to contribute before opening it for FFA, and while your not on rotation for Heroic we run Normal tank raids on the other side. We have a VERY loyal, extremely knowledgeable, and most importantly, fun group ready to assist in any way we can. Discord is required for coordinating raids.

    Lets take down the tank, together :)

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    Darthh Tatertot is recruiting heroic tank ready players. We are part of the KoR alliance, and a major part of the team that helped get KoR Resurgence to the top of the tank leaderboard. Now its our turn. We just need a few more players to put us over the top on heroic so we can be independently successful.

    We are a fairly casual guild from around the world, but we do require that everyone get their daily 600 and use LINE for communication. If you are interested or have any questions, send me a message on LINE @ Pixman83.

    Guild info: https://forums.galaxy-of-heroes.starwars.ea.com/discussion/51886/darthh-tatertot-guild-looking-for-members-lvl-80-20-t7-toons/p1?new=1

    Profile: https://swgoh.gg/u/pixman83/
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    We are a guild community looking for 2 new members for our heroic tank guild. We lost a player due to the impending death of a family member and another for losing interest in heroic tank raids.
    We run our heroic raids on Monday and Thursdays starting at 1:30pm CST. Raids last over 24 hours so all time zones will be able to hit the raids. Due to raid ticket build up, we do have bonus raids periodically.
    We use Line for all guild and raid communication.
    If you have a heroic tank raid inventory and looking for a place to collect GK shards, please send me a PM.
  • Theophany
    865 posts Member
    edited January 2017
    Errant Knights Recruiting

    Hey guys we currently have 3 spots open in our guild and we're looking to fill them with the right players as soon as possible. Guild refresh is 6:30 pm eastern standard time.

    Currently doing T7 Rancor every 2 to 3 days, and Normal Tank every 3 days. We are currently planning Herioc Tank within the next few weeks (possibly Sooner with the right new recruits)

    Our main focus is to get started on heroic tank as soon as possible so applicants must be a minimum level of 80 containing a decent sized roster and good team composition for Tank raids (Jedi/Jawa) applicants running zeta characters will take priority.

    (Please message me your SWGOH profile so we can see your roster)

    We are laid back guild and don't have too many rules, but here is what we do have.

    - 0 damage for 24 hours on T7 Rancor Raid
    - Inactivity for 5 days is an automatic kick
    - Minimum 100 daily energy contribution for raid tickets

    We are currently in the process of getting most of our members on discord as of now it's not required, but it will help organization for raids among other things. Applicants with discord will also take priority.

    Thank you for taking the time to read this please message me if interested.
    Some of the brightest ideas are the hardest to see
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    "Too Old For This Sith" is looking to fill 3 open roster spots.

    Quick info about the Guild: Heroic Rancor x3 a week. We're moving on to Heroic Tank this Sunday since we're obliterating Normal mode. Raid times will be somewhere around 6pm EST.

    Also we're pretty lax in terms of daily requirements. If you play the game regularly and enjoy a Guild full of players quoting movies, you'll do fine.

    If you can contribute to the Heroic Tank and are looking to get into a Guild about to farm Gen Ken, we'd love to have ya!

    (We are GMT -05:00.)

    Ally Code: 312-212-822
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    We are a new guild that just formed from a smaller group within another guild. After less than a week we are already at 30 teams and growing fast. We are ready to focus on building towards Heroic Tank and we are looking for like-minded players or groups. This group can handle the Heroic Rancor easily, but we make sure everyone gets rewards. For Rancor Raids everyone logs zero damage in the first 24 hours and we finish it up on day 2.

    We use Line to communicate and coordinate. It makes discussions much easier.

    Payout is 6:30 CST. Most of us are in Central and Eastern Time zones, but we do have some further out west. Most of us are married and several have kids, so we understand that family comes first. We don't hold anyone to the 600 tickets per day standard, but most of us get that done anyway. We just ask that you do as much as you can.

    We are a relaxed guild willing to let active players grow with us. Looking to add teams from 70 on up. If you are active, we'll help you out.

    We are open to individuals or taking on a group from another guild. Please note, we've been consistently adding teams so group space is getting limited. DM me with any questions. If you want to join our guild you can also send me an ally invite and I'll add you.

    Ally Code is 518-268-399
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    Bears with Sabers has a confirmed kill of the Heroic Tank Raid is actively recruiting 3 quality players who are Heroic Tank Raid ready.

    What does that mean?
    P1: Jedi Squad
    P2: Droid/Clone Squad
    P3: Empire/Chirpatine
    P4: Rebels

    If you can pull those squads together, with an emphasis on P2 & 3, then let us know.


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    Heroic AAT contributors wanted. Resplendent Whispers is the guild name.

    You are:

    A daily player, ideally with a solid 7 star squad for each phase of Heroic AAT, g9+. A sense of humor helps too.

    Who we are-
    We are an original guild (49/50) looking for 1 new member who plays regularly (and wants to raid regularly) to put us over the top to finish AAT Heroic. Lots of F2P with a handful of spenders. We've retained many of our original members since guilds began, which speaks to how solid and respectful our group is. There is no requirement to join an outside messaging service, but we do communicate via guild chat and have a FB group for those who are interested.

    Heroic Rancor every other day, 2pmPST/5pmEST. 24 hr registration, 1 attack, 1mil dmg cap. We like for everyone to get a chance at rewards. Many of us have Solo, so there's rarely a same top 3 each time. We roll Normal AAT as soon as we get the coins, but 1 team per phase gets us through in around 24 hours. We're about to do another Heroic AAT.

    How do I join/ask ?s?
    PM me with your ally code is fastest, so I can see your awesome roster. I will respond and invite you! (Provided your best character isn't a G9 Talia. Zing!)
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    Heroic raiding guild KHAL is recruiting a few members. Kinda Have A Life! Very chill and casual guild with an equal amount of passion for the game. Plain and simple:
    PST based that has members worldwide
    Require 600 daily coins
    Discord chat
    2+ heroic metas (droids/chirpatine etc)

    Message me here or send a message to me on Discord @Gridan#1970
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    Ally code-943-116-354
    game id-FearBoner5
    Player level-70
    Level 7*-5
    Level 6*-2
    Level 5*-5
    Squad Arena between 15-22 finished 11th today
    Fleet Arena between 4-10 finished 4th today
    Central time zone
    New to the game, but I spend a good amount of money so I catch up and on fast.
    Looking for guild
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    Destroy all who oppose and Master Jedi Knights are a team guild looking for level 85 players.
    Master Jedi Knights runs heroic Pit raid and regular AAT, DAWO runs heroic pit and heroic AAT. Raid schedule is Pit raid Monday's at 11 am EST, Wednesday 9 PM EST, and Saturday 5 PM EST, also there is a 12 hour 0 damage rule on Pit. AAT is run Wednesday 6 PM EST and Saturday 2 PM EST. Both guilds maintain the same raid schedule. The top players for MJK are given the option on Every other Tuesday to move up to DAWO. Line is mandatory as well is daily 600 energy contributions. We are a fun group with lively conversations who openly share information for the betterment of all members of both guilds, both guilds communicate with a common line chat. For more information please feel free to message me here or on line, my line ID is jimsegrest
  • Smokeyekoms
    533 posts Member
    edited January 2017
    Post edited by Smokeyekoms on
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    "Too Old For This Sith" is looking to fill 3-6 open roster spots.

    Quick info about the Guild: Heroic Rancor x3 a week. We're moving on to Heroic Tank this Sunday since we're obliterating Normal mode. Raid times will be somewhere around 6pm EST.

    Also we're pretty lax in terms of daily requirements. If you play the game regularly and enjoy a Guild full of players quoting movies, you'll do fine.

    If you can contribute to the Heroic Tank and are looking to get into a Guild about to farm Gen Ken, we'd love to have ya!

    (We are GMT -05:00.)

    Ally Code: 312-212-822
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    We are a Heroic guild top 200, we just opened up a second guild, if you are Heroic ready contact me for more info, we will aslo take small group, but average of group should be Heroic ready

    Line id: nightmare102030
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    Guild "Dont BBL8" Looking for Two More Active Daily Players

    We Play As A Team We Win As A Team.
    Must Have Atleast 7 Gear 11 Characters.We Now Have Two Spots Open For Very Active Heroic Tank Raid Focused Individuals.

    Must Contribute At Top Levels and Earn 600 Guild Tickets Daily,Set A Good Example And Offer Advice.

    We are a English Speaking Guild with a PST Event Reset.
    Heroic Rancor Raids Start At 6:00PM PST
    Heroic Tank Raid Starts At 7:00PM PST
    Guild LineChat.
    Registered SWGOH.GG
    And A Great Group Of Friendly/Helpful People.

    To Apply

    PM Me Here

    Or Line Chat "Sirwescot"
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    Guild Portugal Wars Reborn à procura de membros para AAT, Junta-te a Nós!!!
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    U.K. Based player looking for a HEROIC AAT guild. I use Line app and can download another chat app if it helps.

    I get my 600 tickets religiously per day and am quite active and like to chat in guild.

    Roster includes 50 X 7*s though I'm still waiting on credits to level them up to 85 have about 25-30 85s geared.

    I'm looking for a guild that has ALREADY completed AAT (my apologies but have been lied to too many times when people say "we are close" and end up being months away) and would like to start farming GK myself.

    PM me if interested.
  • Arakasi
    2 posts Member
    edited January 2017
    European player (GMT+1) looking for a guild who is already doing heroic AAT.

    I currently have 40+ 7* characters (https://swgoh.gg/u/arakasi/collection/), I am active (600 tickets/day), but do not have any chat app yet (though I could get one).

    My ally code is 887-633-236.
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    "Too Old For This Sith" is looking to fill 2 open roster spots.

    Quick info about the Guild: Heroic Rancor x3 a week. We're moving on to Heroic Tank this Sunday since we're obliterating Normal mode. Raid times will be somewhere around 6pm EST.

    Also we're pretty lax in terms of daily requirements. If you play the game regularly and enjoy a Guild full of players quoting movies, you'll do fine.

    If you can contribute to the Heroic Tank and are looking to get into a Guild about to farm Gen Ken, we'd love to have ya!

    (We are GMT -05:00.)

    Ally Code: 312-212-822
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    We have a spot open!

    Nerf Herder Elite Force (NHEF) is currently accepting members for top 20 guild! (Completed AAT t7!)

    We have completed 23 AAT t7s at this time, everyone has at least 138/145 Kenobi shards or unlocked.

    No doubt we have the firepower! - https://swgoh.gg/g/4644/nerf-herder-elite-force/
    but we can use one more one more heavy-hitter

    Our top 20 elite guild is looking for one heavy-hitter, P2P player, level 85, min of 40 7* chars, daily players, top 50 in Arena, with AAT t7 raid ready teams (i.e. max'ed Droids, Jawas, etc...) Details/requirements in the first post at the link below. We run Rancor t7s every other day. AAT t7 every 3 days. No special chat app required. It's a really great group of people, we share a lot of information, we have very few rules, and everyone has a chance to earn Kenobi and Han Solo shards. We're always at 50 members and only replace when needed, usually related to not making the 600 daily energy requirements and daily guild activities. Many of us started in Nov/Dec and have been together for a long time. We discuss all high-level aspects of the game, mods, Arena, raid strategy. Our goal is for both the player and our guild to be happy with moving to our guild. We're looking for players who are going to be with us for the long haul. Our guild thread has over 5,900 views! The requirements are high, but we have an amazing group of players and have a lot of fun as well. It's definitely an opportunity to play with some of the best players in the game and take part in something bigger. Send me your ally code or you can ally me below, just let me know if your game name is different. I'd be happy to answer any questions.


    Guild leader: musashi
    Ally Code: 935-752-382
  • Munson
    3 posts Member
    edited January 2017
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    House Clegane - LF Players for 2nd Heroic AAT Tank Team

    We are a guild of fun, friendly, but also passionate and dedicated players looking for active players to fill our 2nd raid team. Currently, we are 2 guild working together, killing 2-3 heroic tanks per week.

    We don't require you to be a hard core player, dedicated players are more than enough. If you are looking for a supportive and friendly guild and if you are Heroic Tank ready (or almost ready), please get in touch with us :smile: (send me a PM). Looking forward to meet you.

    - Drogan Draconite, representative of House Clegane and KotNR
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    Guardians Of The Northen Lights are looking for a few new members.
    We are EU-based.
    Atm we are doing AAT normal and need a few more members to start doing T7. We have no problems clearing P1 and P3 and want to add a few good player so help us do P2 easier so we have power left for P4.

    We are a social, friendly and helpful guild with a lot of active players and simpel rules.
    Raidtime is 20.00 Cet.

    Is u are intrested or have any questions Contact me or my guildie here or on lineapp.
    Lineid aquilla78 or Flammekastar
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    Death Star is doing heroic att raid Wednesday I have a few spots open message me on line my line id is Wong5464
  • llllDivinellll
    1 posts Member
    edited January 2017
    Look for active players to start doing the Heroic Tank raid.

    We use the discord app for messaging and to chat.

    Guild is LordsOfTheDarkside.

    If you would like to join add me as a ally. My ally code is- 239-749-947
    Post edited by llllDivinellll on
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    Knights of the Dark Force solicita miembros para hacer heróico, acabamos de hacer nuestro primer heróico tenemos 5 vacantes y por ese motivo nos ayudaron dos miembros de un gremio externo, por lo que cubriendo las vacantes seguiremos con el heróico
    Gremio completamente latino
    Horario de pegada nocturno de México

    Requisito uso de discord aportar sus 600 diarios y buenos personajes tenemos buen ambiente si te interesa manda privado

    Knights of the Dark Force asks members to become heroic, we have just made our first heroic we have 5 vacancies and that is why we were helped by two members of an external guild, so covering vacancies will continue with the heroic
    Fully Latino Guild
    Mexico night-time schedule

    Requirement discord use bring your 600 daily and good characters we have good atmosphere if you are interested send private
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    The Malavolent Marauders is looking to recruit 2 member who are heroic AAT ready. We lost a couple of members last week so need replacements to get us ready again. We do T7 rancor 3-4 times a week at alternating times with 12 hours 0 damage and tank. 2-3 times a week. We use discord to chat and plan raids and just general help and advice. If you want to know more about us or would like to join message me on here or check out our site, it has links to our discord and facebook as well as more info on all our guilds. It's at www.malavolentmarauders.com.
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    January 2017 >> A new guild that treats everyone like friends would like to have you grow with us. Feel free to just play or join chats about life, dogs, movies, travel, cars, music, guns, bourbon, game of thrones, Star Wars of course, anything. We have parents whose kids love Star Wars just as much as they do. We have a DJ, a coach, an Inn owner, a soon to be college student, mechanics, musicians, people from all over the US. We use the Line app to communicate.

    Currently most everyone (30/50) is L85 with strong squads and are hoping to find L80+ players to share the growth and fun as we do heroic Pit raids and normal tank raids. Once we are a bit closer to a full squad, heroic tank raids will be done too. We're looking for a handful of individuals or a small group of friends to join and get settled in before we grow again.

    Members manage very busy lives and use this game to just have fun, but understand their daily contributions are important to the guild and continually do their best. Perfection isn't expected but participation is. We try to keep rules to a bare minimum.

    Any questions, please PM me or join our Line app to ask questions and get to know the fun guildmates. Join the guild (GoingRogue) if you like, take a look at everyone's squads, see if it's for you. Ally code is 933-921-496. Add me as an ally and I'll invite you to the guild. My roster is probably middle of the pack. Line app ID: PuPu Platter
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    "Guardians of Order" needs 1 person, and we are a guild really close to beating HAAT (haven't tried in about a week and are really close, and a P1/P2 team will most likely push it over to completion). Heroic Rancor raid starts at 8 PM GMT, and Tank raid starts at 7:30 GMT. If you do want to join us, I would prefer you to get on Line Chat, as that is where we will post notes on changes and also just talk about strategies/real life stuff and just have the most fun with the game! Thank you for your time, and Cheers!
    If you need anymore information or any questions, please hit me up, and I will respond ASAP!
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    I am interested in joining your guild my line ID is azazel6221
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