Heroic Tank Takedown Guilds Recruiting Players


  • Roux
    90 posts Member
    A space has opened up on Nightangel uk a UK- Euro Time zone part of the Malevolent Maurauders Alliance.
    Running HAAT and t7 rancor, we are looking for someone level 85,600 tickets a day and atleast one HAAT ready squad.
    Discord is a must.
    Guild rules can be found at tiny.cc/rule
    PM me with interest..thank you
  • Dankly
    32 posts Member
    Secular Union [TNR] US EST timezone guild has 3 open spots - Secular Union is part of a guild alliance in The New Rebellion. All guilds are active and organized on Discord.

    Preferred members with:
    1. Phase 2 teams in the form of either droids, Zader, clones, or FO is a must.
    2. Minimum of 3 teams of 5 @ g10 or better. (Jedi/Rebel/Clones/Empire/FO/droids/etc)
    3. All members must get their 600 and be on discord.
    1. Rancor - 24 hours limit and 500k damage limit
    2. HAAT -Phase 1 Zylo, P2 - F/O, Clones/Zader/Droids, P3 - Everything, P4 - Rebels/Clones/Zader, etc

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    Hi All,

    Thanks for stopping by! I'm an officer of STR0NTIUM D0GS. We are a friendly bunch who regularly complete T7 Rancor and HAAT. We are looking for 1 more level 85 person as we had a guild member quit.

    We are primarily U.K. players (as our reset time is 7:30pm BST) but accept members from all over. We have several U.S. players (myself included).

    Our only rules for being in the guild is to:
    1) Stay Active
    2) Help each other out
    3) Have fun
    4) Complete 600 daily raid tickets
    5) Join our LINE chat

    For raids we hold to a 24 hour registration period and then for The Pit it's 1 attack per player. For HAAT it's 24 hour reg period and then FFA.

    If you'd like to join a good guild that has fun and helps each other out please message me.

    My LINE ID is sev74907. You can also look up my ally code: 147-495-444

    Come get those Kenobi shards!
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    The Last Schwartz

    Come get your Kenobi shards!!

    We're a group of 6 Heroic Tank guilds and The Last Schwartz is our latest addition. We are currently recruiting 1 members to help with ticket production so we can start running hAATs asap for our newer members that have previously been unable to complete Heroic Tanks.

    Requirements (no exceptions):

    600 tickets daily

    Guild reset is at 7:30pm EDT.

    Rancor opens for 0 damage period at 7:30pm EDT and commits at 4pm EDT.
    HAAT tank opens for P1 and P2 at 1pm EDT on Day 1. P3 and P4 open up Day 2.

    Please contact me on Discord if interested: jimmybone#4358

    Have your swgoh.gg profile or ally code ready.

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    PVP ELITE needs one more player! Not casual, 600/600 required. Top 100 arena position and a top 10 ambition. We are a top 50 guild and we do Heroic Rancor and Heroic Tank. To join us, send a LINE message to Fernando, LINE id 12353111637
    For more information about us, please click the picture!

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    looking for a new guildie who wants to be a part of SLM (scruffy looking maulrats) We complete Heroic Rancor & HAAT. You don't need to be superstars, just guildless, a daily contributor, and (preferably) have teams for heroic tank. Why us? We are not a guild of stuck up whale bums. Nope. We all share our strategies using discord app, joke around, just be a light hearted clan of people across the world who randomly post pics of their legs. So why join some communist guild just to be ordered around stressing out all the time? Nope, not when you can join SLM where you will quickly find out fun comes first. Sure we have some raid rules to make it fair for everyone, nothing commy at all. So if you are level 85 and fit our description and want to join us, here's how:

    To join our team:
    - Message me on discord: moonraker#6207
    -ally code: 899-378-718

    Currently 1 spot open
    3:00 est raid times
  • Ugluk199
    295 posts Member
    Knights of Mandaløre is currently looking for active players level 85 who will contribute 500 energy minimim a day. We do 3 Heroic Pit / 2 HAAT a week and are a very relaxed and fun guild with no insane rules (raid start time's 7:30 PM Est). We're looking for HAAT ready players with solid rosters and have a discord channel where you can request additional information. New members are required to join through our recruitment channel.

    We hope to hear from you soon.

    Discord: https://discord.gg/5FHQKRc
    My ally code : 838-881-555
    Leader's ally code : 771-995-699

    We also have a swgoh.gg page : https://swgoh.gg/g/18769/knights-of-mandalore/
  • PublicEnemySWGOH
    133 posts Member
    edited June 2017
    HAAT guild searching for one player.
    We only requiere that you have a 7* toon to get your rewards , a LINE ID, and do your 600

    find me on LINE at 54300539x
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    Descendants of Darkness is recruiting 5 players for an active and well communicating team. We're running 3 heroic pit raids per week. 24 hour no damage rule to allow all players to register and receive rewards. Pit raids are launched Mondays and Wednesdays at 3pm eastern standard time and Fridays at 9am eastern standard time. Full attack begins 24 hours after launch.

    We had a first run at HAAT, but were not ready. We are getting close and all players are serious about progression. We are Building to our next try on the 8th July. We have an active leadership team. Our hope is for all members/officers to contribute equally so that it doesn't feel like a second job. Many of us have children and demanding jobs, so we understand the need for real life to come first. But we do ask that you be active, that you communicate via Discord (which is a requirement), and that you focus on progressing towards HAAT.

    I know many are looking for HAAT ready teams, but I promise, you will not find a better group of players. We're casual, friendly, mature, and engaged. We've learned from our mistakes and don't tolerate divisive and immature behavior. You must be productive (actively contribute to the team), positive (actively seek to lift the team up), principled (respect and treat others the way you wish to be treated), proactive (think, question, and act to improve).

    If this sounds like something you would like to be a part of, please send a friend request so that we may evaluate your roster. We prefer players that are either HAAT ready or at least very close. You also must be removed from any current guild in order to receive invites.

    Guild Leadership:

    Mr. Krinkle - 985-581-642

    Exodus - 746-215-529

    Latigoso - 539-696-884
  • Radium
    79 posts Member

    The bums looking for 1 to 3 more heroic aat READY players. Preferably 10+ gs10s
    (My profile for comparison: https://swgoh.gg/u/usafradium/ )

    600 daily. Raids at 730pm us eastern. Heroic aat on farm. 24 hr 0 dmg phase all raids.

    Hit me up.

    Line AtcRadium
    Discord radium#9957

    One spot open now, more can be made
  • ShootFirstHan
    66 posts Member
    edited June 2017
    Post edited by ShootFirstHan on
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    Not going to go super far in depth here. We are an haat guild and we have one spot open. Message me here or in line. Username:coolmcdrew
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    New Day Dawning (https://swgoh.gg/g/5846/new-day-dawning/) is an organised HAAT guild run by experienced players and is looking to replace a couple of inactives.

    We're an international guild with no whales (as you can see from sorting by number of G11 toons) but very experienced members (see guild currency produced). Our guild is based on teamwork instead of relying on one or two whales to carry others. We do heroic pit and HAAT as often as possible and average around 28k raid tickets per day.

    PM me with any questions...
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    Good afternoon,

    Ackbars Assassins is looking to add 4-5 active players who are ready to tackle Heroic Tank Raid. We are a fun and relaxed guild with a mix of hardcore and less hardcore players. We currently run heroic Rancor 2.5 times a week with a 24 hour zero damage phase and when free for all happens Raid is completed in about 20 minutes.

    We currently are destroying normal Tank Raid in less than 12 hours and are just finalizing teams for Heroic Tank which we hope to take down starting in July. We would love to add some additional strong players who want to share the experience of taking down a heroic tank for the first time!

    We ask everyone to post at least 500 raid tickets a day but understand that life happens sometimes.

    We use Line chat app to discuss game with separate chats set up on a number of topics.

    We set our raids based on Eastern Standard time with majority of players in Canada and the U.S.

    We are interested on taking on small groups of players if you want to join with a couple other people.

    If interested please private message me or message me in Line App at michaelrahl.


  • Smokeyekoms
    533 posts Member
    edited June 2017
    Post edited by Smokeyekoms on
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    JJBagger wrote: »
    Top guild running Heroic AAT. North American Refugees is recruiting! One of the first 25 guilds to complete HAAT!

    We are a very strong top to bottom guild with many whales and dolphins looking for younger whales/dolphins to join our ranks. We hit our 30k daily and very little rules other than doing 600. See for yourself:


    We run heroic Raids every day basically between the two raids. Zero log 24 hours then Zerg on Rancor Raid 10pm eastern and Tank is 24 hour zero log and zerg at 9pm.
    All communication happens on discord. We are very organized. Discord is a must and do not apply if you don't download discord.
    You need to be an active player get your 600 coins. Ideally we are looking for younger whale/dolphin to join our top guild.
    Contact us on discord (If you PM me on the forums I may not get right away) be ready to send your swgoh.gg link
    (Case sensitive)
    @SnakesOnAPlane is now the Leader of NAR
    Message us for more details

    WOOT WOOT! NAR is top 100.

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    Guild "Dont BBL8" Looking for Two More Active Daily Players


    We Play As A Team We Win As A Team.
    Must Have Atleast 10 Gear 11 Characters.

    Looking For Very Active Heroic Tank Raid And Ship Focused Individuals​.

    Must Contribute At Top Levels and Earn 600 Guild Tickets Daily,Set A Good Example And Offer Advice.

    We are a English Speaking Guild with a PST Event Reset.

    Heroic Tank And Rancor Raids Start At 7:00PM PST

    Guild LineChat Required.
    Registered SWGOH.GG
    And A Great Group Of Friendly/Helpful People.

    To Apply

    PM Me Here

    Or Line Chat Sirwescot
  • Jade_Ren
    147 posts Member
    Anakins Younglings, HAAT guild lf 1, currently 49/50.

    We kill Haat easily don't need to have the best roster, just be active and contribute 600 a day.

    We usel Line, it is required, just message me jade_ren or waggs06 (on LINE), preferably with your swgoh profile, and come join the party! All guild rules are on Line. We raid at noon pst on weekdays and 6pm pst weekends. Fun guild with a few guys from all over the world.

    Happy Hunting
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    Audigy is recruiting. We need 4 serious players who enjoys the game. We are a international guild and raid with different times.
    • 600 coins daily
    • 24h 0 damage phase
    • 3 Heroic Rancor / week
    • 2 AAT Heroric AAT / week
    • Discord for communication

    We are looking for players with well developed rosters as well as new & competitive players. Beating HAAT is for us no problem.

    If you are interested friend sinnerman#4586 on Discord
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    looking for a new guildie who wants to be a part of SLM (scruffy looking maulrats) We complete Heroic Rancor & HAAT. You don't need to be superstars, just guildless, a daily contributor, and (preferably) have teams for heroic tank. Why us? We are not a guild of stuck up whale bums. Nope. We all share our strategies using discord app, joke around, just be a light hearted clan of people across the world who randomly post pics of their legs. So why join some communist guild just to be ordered around stressing out all the time? Nope, not when you can join SLM where you will quickly find out fun comes first. Sure we have some raid rules to make it fair for everyone, nothing commy at all. So if you are level 85 and fit our description and want to join us, here's how:

    To join our team:
    - Message me on discord: moonraker#6207
    -ally code: 899-378-718

    Currently 1 spot open
    3:00 est raid times
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    Millennium Fukkatsu completed its second heroic tank and we are looking to fill our few vacant spots with active, heroic tank ready members... Right now we complete heroic with help from 2-3 friends from another guild, but with strong additions to our roster should be completing it all on our own.

    We do 3 Rancor and 2 tank raids a week. Our website can be found at: https://sites.google.com/site/swgohfukkatsu/home

    We ask that you check donations daily to donate whenever you can, check daily guild activities and contribute to them & try and produce 600 raid tickets a day.

    Our guild time is set to GMT +3, but we have people from all over the world in the guild and are an english speaking guild....

    We totally underestimated our power and started doing Rancor T7 late, and as such everyone is still farming Han Solo from it. As we can finish up Rancor raid pretty fast, we use first day for registration (to ensure everyone gets rewards) & have rotating raid start times to give people a good chance to catch and play the raid...

    Our Rancor Raid Schedule:
    6 pm EST / 1 pm GMT +3
    12 pm EST / 7 pm GMT +3
    6 am ET / 1 am GMT +3
    11:30 pm EST/ 5:30 am GMT +3

    Raids are declared whenever we have the necessary tickets for them, at the start time that is next in line :)

    Rancor Raid Rules:
    1) First 24 hours is the registration period: hit the raid with one toon only and aim at the guard to score 0, but damage up to 10k is tolerated.

    2) 2nd day: Free for all except those who already have Han at 7* (recommended you try to catch the raid in the beginning as it now ends in like half an hour).

    3) 2nd day: If you already have Han Solo at 7* please only farm the rancor raid by sending in just on toon on day 2 to do max damage you can... Once rest of the guild has Han Solo at 7* too, we wont need this rule anymore.

    3) Damage cap: We ask everyone to stop hitting the raid once they reach 1 mil damage. If you take 3 teams to reach 1 mil damage, that is fine, free to do it. If you have one super team that does 2 mil in a round, also fine. But after that you are expected to stop hitting the raid. This is to prolong the raid so others can also get to play.

    We use Line for general chit chat, tips, strategy and have a separate T7 raid discussion/preparation room too (especially useful for Heroic Tank preparation)... It isn't mandatory but recommended. Those who don't use Line are expected to pay good attention to the game chat and we also post rules and strategy on the website.. Worst comes to worst, can contact me from here :)... My line id is trojanas. Send me a message and I'll add you to the rooms...

    My ally code is: 898 889 991

    Come check us out!

    We also have a sister guild named Cantina Fukkatsu that is running Heroic Rancor, Normal Tank. If not yet ready for heroic, please feel free to join Cantina.. Can contact Always0blivious or Starkiller1717 on Line for further info.
  • dmc97
    39 posts Member
    LWOTI is open for one or two more daily players. Laid back group with HAAT on easy farm. If you want to unlock Kenobi while having a robust group of veterans around to help you progress faster then shoot me a PM. We use discord for chat and alternate raid times at 2 and 10 pm Eastern.

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    Hello, I am trying to contact your member tucciim. Please ask him to contact me on Line. Line id obiwankeoki. I am in his ship shard. Thank you
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    Order 66 has one opening in a highly competitive guild. We are in the top 10 of all guilds for average arena scores and roster sizes. Very laid back atmosphere, Line, 600, and raid rules are the only requirements for members. PM me if you're interested.

    Thanks, Order 66
  • KingKen
    362 posts Member
    Requiem is recruiting!
    • Seeking active and competitive players, who are willing to work as a team, win prizes and have fun together.
    • We were ranked #24 in the first raid leaderboard.
    • HAAT launched every 3 days at 1500 GMT (1000 EST).
    • Rancor launched every 2 days at 1600 GMT (1100 EST).
    • Guild activities reset at 1830 GMT (1330 EST).
    • Here's a link to our website for additional information: https://requiem-swgoh.github.io/

    Minimum Requirements:
    • Level 85
    • Be active (>3500 weekly gbc's)
    • 36+ 7* characters
    • Collection score of >50% on swgoh.gg
    • Check 'discord' regularly for communication purposes
    • Be nice to guild mates

    Please add me on discord if interested (KingKen#9088).
    Requiem Leader
  • Niemsco
    104 posts Member
    Hello all,

    House Salaktori is looking for new recruits!

    We are a fun guild but very competitive, many of us have been together for a long time, even in the beta period. Looking for one player to step in and complete the team. We raid 10pm est, and never miss 30k

    PM at niemsco on LINE if you are interested

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    *ahem* Sorry you had to see that, but now you see just how much we need YOU!!
    We're a scraggly bunch of rogues, scoundrels, and "alternative heroes", running the spectrum of power between God-level and Virgin-Mary-in-my-grilled-cheese-level.

    Obviously we need help finally cracking Heroic AAT raids (who doesn't). We're thinking of trying a strategy of actually aiming before shooting this time, but we're open to suggestions.
    So being higher level is nice, but it's more important you be active, have fun, and shower at least once a year.

    Our reset is at 5:30 US Pacific time, but we take warriors from all across the globe, so long as they're not Dutch...

    PM me if you're interested, or check out our rootin' tootin' fresh and frootin' LINE chat room, my name is danosaur55
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    1 space available in HAAT guild - The Ghost Ones

    The Ghost Ones are recruiting to fill 1 space in our HAAT guild. We are an experienced HAAT guild with most members having unlocked GK already.

    Guild is based in PST but has majority European players in addition to US

    HAAT runs at 7pm UTC. 1 squad per player, each phase called out by officers in game and Line.

    Rancor runs on a rotation of 3 start times 7.15pm, 3.15am, 11.15am (all UTC times) to accommodate all timezones. 24 hr zero tap period in effect.

    Looking for level 85 players who contribute their daily raid tickets, is active and is HAAT ready.

    Contact me on Line for more info
    ID: mantisrapture
  • CorranHornR09
    114 posts Member
    edited June 2017
    Post edited by CorranHornR09 on
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    We have three open spots in our HAAT guild. We have expanded to doing two HAAT guilds, and have a few open spots.

    Only two rules really, be active (by way of energy, 600..but really just try your best, not going to boot you like some guilds if you miss a hitting the mark every once and a while, hey..its a game, real life comes first),

    Get on line so we can communicate raid times and rules and be part of our little community. No really worried about a larger rooster, if your not heroic tank ready, its ok, we will kill it anyway and you get kenobi shards and a chance to grow with us over time.

    If interested, let me know.
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