Heroic Tank Takedown Guilds Recruiting Players


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    The Empire is preparing for new content now across our multiple haat guilds. Is your guild doing the same? If not, then send me a pm to chat about great options to elevate your game.

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    Bantha Herders United
    Any time zone
    24 hour attack hold on Rancor.

    We are 3-5 high level players away from being able to complete the HAAT raid. Mostly, we're lacking in toons for ph 1 & 3. So anyone out there with Chirpatine teams or any blessed souls with Thrawn teams please come join us. We're a pretty easy going guild that had been together for a while and we're looking to take the next step.
  • rpeach72
    76 posts Member
    edited July 2017
    found a guild
    Post edited by rpeach72 on
  • ShootFirstHan
    66 posts Member
    edited July 2017
    Our first development guild now has hAAT on farm with no help from the mains. The second guild is improving and we are now focusing all our resources on getting them to be self sufficient so the mains won't need to help them complete hAAT. All our guilds ALWAYS complete hAAT.

    We are looking for players who are working on their hAAT teams and want to run them now and earn GK shards now. You don't have to be hAAT ready but should be working on your hAAT teams. We are not looking for people who just want to zero the raid. You should have one P2 or P3 ALREADY farmed to seven stars. The team does need to be maximum level or any particular gear level but you should be working on making it better and ready to run it in hAAT now.

    We have TWO openings.

    The guild with openings generally starts hAAT around 8:30pm EDT.
    Want General Kenobi and Han shards but not strong enough to join a heroic guild? Then these are the guilds for you.

    Galactic Navy and BinksSchoolForTheGifted are sister guilds. Both guilds easily complete hAAT.


    Together we formed two new padawan development guilds called Bad GN and Binks Navy Smuggles Wookies. We have a couple spots available in these guilds

    The new guilds share a common discord channel so everyone can communicate and we can help you to improve your teams.

    The difference between our developmental guilds and typical hAAT guild feeders is we will move some powerful players into the new guild which will allows the new guilds to complete hAAT.

    We are looking for community oriented active gamers. You don't have to have an amazing roster or be hAAT ready. Completing hAAt is not an issue for us. We want to find someone who fits in with our group and hopefully plays this game with us for a long time. We are looking for people who want to run as many heroic raids as possible and help our guild grow even stronger. You can be a whale, dolphin or F2P. The important this is you are active, community oriented, a team first player, are working on your hAAT teams and want to get better.

    We'll help you with suggestions, resources and allow you to ally with members who have gear 11 level 85 fully maxed characters. You can ally with our members and use our characters to help you complete hard light, dark and neutral battles.

    Here are the basics:

    ** Discord ** is mandatory. That is where we do the vast majority of our communicating. You'll also find Raid times, rules and helpful guides-- We've got a channel for just about anything. Most important is to check the Announcement channel and our raid channels during heroic raids.

    ** Activity ** The bulk of our guild logs in multiple times a day and they max their energy. We require 600 raid tickets daily. The more raids, the more we progress. We do understand if you're vacationing, having personal issues, etc. Just give us a heads up! If you've ever been in a guild that does not track activity, you know how frustrating that can be. We're on top of it.

    ** Culture ** We're promoting a tight knit community or family type atmosphere. We love to have fun and joke around. We're always open to feedback, questions or concerns and will do what's best for the guild as a whole. We are really proud of our guilds and feel like its a second family.

    You can contact me via PM on this board, on discord HanShotFirst #6596 or line HanShotFirst.

    Post edited by ShootFirstHan on
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    The Empire is a growing collection of some of the most active, sociable, knowledgeable SWGOH gamers that together run three raiding teams under The Empire umbrella. Kashyyyk was a member of the Republic since its inception. However, as time passed and Kashyyyk's period in the Republic began to fade, it was time for a new power to rise to bring peace and stability to the galaxy and so, from the ashes of the Republic, the Empire was born. We are all about family, unity and working together to overcome any obstacle/new content the game can throw at us.Almost all members are level 85 and we're a mix of whales, dolphins, minnows, and FTP. Our members are primarily based in the US, and Ava and Nihilus, the Empire leaders, are in the eastern time zone.

    Kashyyyk, Mandalore, and Scarif raid times are consistently at 9:15pm, US eastern time.

    Key Questions:

    What is the most important thing to know about being in The Empire?

    We believe that communication is important from both the guild leadership and the guild members. We've set up a Charter for all prospective members with additional guild information, which is available to view here: >>> Empire Charter<<<. Our goal with the charter is to help set expectations and reduce confusion/uncertainty. Thus, we have information on the Imperial Community at large, raid times, daily ticket expectations, and more within our charter. We created a concise and user-friendly document as our mission, and as always, is to help others grow in a fun and welcoming environment. Also, we really like blowing up tanks and decapitating rancors. So check out the charter and let us know if you have questions or would like more information.
    Now what are the Empire’s requirements you ask? Pretty simple;

    * Have a minimum of 18+ gear 10/11 toons
    * Get your 600 daily raid tix so your guild can max raiding opportunities
    * Be on Discord
    * Be a positive influence in the community (and donate ~2 pieces of gear/day)
    * Have fun

    Feel free to contact our Imperial leaders through any of the below means:

    Visit us on Discord >>>HERE<<< and let us know!

    Ava - swgoh.gg; ally code: 493-184-528, discord: Ava Empire {Lead}#0319

    Nihilus - swgoh.gg; ally code: 813-945-673; discord: DarthNihilus Empire {Lead}#9608

    Lead Recruiter:
    Orestes - swgoh.gg; ally code: 625-891-196; discord: Orestes#8073
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    Knights of the mobile republic is a guild created few months ago from a merge of two mature guilds with the goal to clear HAAT. We have succeed on our second attempt after merge and since then the haat is safely on farm status.
    We need to replace few inactive people so if you want to have a shot at kenobi shards and have a decent shot at top 10/20 message me with some details and I will throw you an invite.

    Some basic details:
    reset time: 7:30 pacyfic (2.30 GMT)

    Raid times - we have members all over the world so we run a schedule to accommodate different time zones.
    10am Pacific/6pm GMT,
    5pm Pacific/2am GMT and
    12am Pacific/8 am GMT

    For communication we use discord.

    We require you to provide us with 600 daily tickets and that you stick to the rules we put in place to avoid finishing raids too fast. We have haat on farm, but it would be nice for the future content if your rooster included at least few haat ready teams.
    Message me for more details of interested.
    discord id: yossarin#0013
    lineid: yossarin77
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    I am looking to fill spots in our 5 guilds. 3 of the 5 guilds are heroic. Not close to heroic or hopeing to do heroic. We allready farm kenobi shards. I'm looking to free up some of our heavy hitters to move on to our next guild to get them into heroic.

    If you can put up solid numbers in haat I need you.

    What we are is a group of players that bonded together to form a community. Guilds come second players come first to us. Our goal is to get everyone who joins us into heroic aat.

    What we ask from you in return
    600 tickets a day ( life comes first we know)
    Be an active player ( join our discord server talk interact with other members)
    And follow our raid rules ( if raids last less than 24 hr we follow a 0 damage for 24 then have at it)

    That's it
    Message me with your swgoh.gg account on discord at @DarthSh3ll {Knites Recruiter}#5158

    Any questions I can't answer I will point you to the correct officer in our guild
  • Di3ard
    8 posts Member
    edited July 2017
    Thank you for all the interest. Found a new guild.
    Post edited by Di3ard on
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    Hello! I am Harry from Rule of Fifty, an independent UK guild and we are looking for a 2 player to join our ranks.
    Raid Times: 8pm UTC+1 (Both heroic and Rancor)
    Raid Rules: With the rancor raid we have a "24hr" no attack rule, then we kill the beast at 8:20 PM the next day. There are punishments in place for rule breakers.
    We are currently farming Heroic AAT and have been for a few months now.
    We are looking for a player that will, most importantly, contribute 600 energy a day,is level 85, has about 40+ 7* toons with 20+ G11/G10 characters, top 100 average arena rank amongst other things.
    We are getting prepared for the upcomming new guild content, so our new player demands may seem steep, but it's necessary we maintain the strength of our guild.
    We are an extremely friendly guild that help each other with discussions and donations. We have been together since the inception of guilds and we have some fiercely loyal members who i am extremely proud to have in my guild. We have mostly players from the UK and Europe but we do welcome players from around the world, as long as the times work with you.
    We use line to communicate, so line is mandatory. It is where we chat, share tips, discuss strategy and send important messages.
    If you would like more information or to join our guild add me on line (Line ID: harrykanda) and i can add you. Or PM me.
    Thanks for reading, i hope you consider us, May the force be with you
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    Order 66 is Recruiting!
    Order 66: This is the Comp Guild in the O-66 family of guilds https://swgoh.gg/g/260/order-66/

    Description: We are a very active top ranked guild. One of only a handful of guilds to actually complete HAAT when it was launched. And we will be ready for anything and everything that CG can throw at us. We are Highly organized and competitive. We do Heroic AAT & Rancor raids. We're made up of some of the best players from around the world.
    Our guild's reset time is 6:30pm PDT / 5:30pm PST ( GMT/UTC -7/8)
    We ask that you have Line to communicate and to see schedules as they rotate times, do your 600 daily tickets and be active in the game. We are in the process of moving to Discord.
    • Must have an account on swgoh.gg
    • Have an account on LINE (for now) and Discord (for near future)
    • 25-30 7* G11 characters minimum with a collection score over 50
    • Top 50 minimum ranking in arena consistently.
    If this sounds like a good fit contact me on LINE or Discord:
    LINE ID: lord_wolfe
    Discord: L0RD W0LFE 66 #2537
    Check out my swgoh.gg profile DISCORD = L0RD W0LFE#2537 LINE ID = lord_wolfe
    "Give yourself to the Dark Side. It is the only way you can save your friends." - Lord Vader

  • Moonraker
    155 posts Member
    looking for a new guildie who wants to be a part of SLM (scruffy looking maulrats) We complete Heroic Rancor & HAAT. You don't need to be superstars, just guildless, a daily contributor, and (preferably) have teams for heroic tank. Why us? We are not a guild of stuck up whale bums. Nope. We all share our strategies using discord app, joke around, just be a light hearted clan of people across the world who randomly post pics of their legs. So why join some communist guild just to be ordered around stressing out all the time? Nope, not when you can join SLM where you will quickly find out fun comes first. Sure we have some raid rules to make it fair for everyone, nothing commy at all. So if you are level 85 and fit our description and want to join us, here's how:

    To join our team:
    - Message me on discord: moonraker#6207
    -ally code: 899-378-718

    Currently 1 spot open
    3:00 est raid times
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    New Day Dawning (https://swgoh.gg/g/5846/new-day-dawning/) is an organised HAAT guild run by experienced players and has two open spaces...

    We're an international guild with no whales (as you can see from sorting by number of G11 toons) but very experienced members (see guild currency produced). Our guild is based on teamwork instead of relying on one or two whales to carry others. We do heroic pit and HAAT as often as possible and average around 28k raid tickets per day.

    PM me with any questions...
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    Lebanon HAAT guild looking for members with solid rosters, able to contribute in phases 2 and/or 3.
    Currently we are at 47/50.

    Requirements are 600 daily and discord app.

    Rules are:
    Rancor: 24h 0dmg then FFA
    HAAT: Select people on phases 1 and 2, then FFA

    Guild Reset 3:30PM GMT
    Raid Times
    Rancor: 6PM GMT
    HAAT: Twice per week, at guild reset whenever tickets are available.

    DM me on discord with Ally Code/swgoh.gg prople if interesed to check your roster.
    Discord ID: mad_monkey#2025
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    Death Star

    We're almost full after the bad merge we had, need a few more to fill in for tickets, and preferably a team or 2 for HAAT. We easily clear it, but have brought in enough smaller rosters for tickets, we're taking in more who can help finish each phase quicker.

    600 tickets is pretty mandatory, it's what we use to raid. We need these, every guild does. Other than this and making sure you do not hit phases of the raids early, that's our rules. Relax, have fun and collect your shards in a relaxed atmosphere.

    Line is needed as we post raid times there, and chat is much better than the in game chat.

    Add me on Line (chromecobra) and we'll get you in.

    If you're looking for an even more relaxed that's not doing HAAT, we can help there too.

    What are you waiting for? Kenobi won't come to you by himself.
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    Rogueseers, an easy going Heroic Rancor and Heroic AAT guild is looking for four players.

    Raids are on a 6hr rotation start timers with first 24hours no damage. This is to provide equal start times for members of different regions.

    Raid rotation timings are GMT 0 at 0100, 0700, 1300, 1900

    Only requirements are

    600 tickets daily

    20 HAAT raid ready characters (provide swgoh profile)

    6 7starred ships and level 85

    Shoot me a message here or on Line if you are interested.

    Line ID: gowmega and krwind

    Guild info: https://swgoh.gg/g/8435/rogueseers/
  • Kelthuzad
    343 posts Member
    edited July 2017
    DeathStarDesigners is recruiting

    - 7 HAAT guilds | different time zones
    - a few open spots
    - 24hr 0 dmg for all raids

    - we expect 600 contribution, but real life always comes first

    - contact me via Discord: Kelthuzad#5528

    - or say hello on our Discord server and post your swgoh.gg profile, please: https://discord.gg/RH6QyTC

    DeathStarDesigners Guild Info

    A) DeathStarVentDesigners - UK based (London, UTC+0), raids always rotating by +6 hours (if possible) - PIT: 4:30, 10:30, 16:30, 22:30 UTC - HAAT: 6:00, 12:00, 18:00, 24:00 UTC

    B)DeathStarPortDesigners - EDT based (New York, UTC-4), raids always rotating by +6 hours (if possible) - PIT/HAAT: 5:30 am ET, 11:30 am ET, 5:30 pm ET, 11:30 pm ET

    C) Scruffy Looking Nerf Herder - PDT based (Los Angeles, UTC-7) - PIT/HAAAT: 7:30/17:00 PDT (00:30/10:00 UTC)

    D) DeathStarRebelWranglers - AEST based (Sydney, UTC+10) - PIT: 21:00 - HAAT: 19:00

    E) DeathStarDarkKnights - MDT based (Edmonton, UTC-6) - PIT: a) Weekdays 20:00 MDT, b) Weekend rotation 1:00, 7:00, 13:00, 19:00 - HAAT 7:00 or 19:00 MDT

    F) DeathStarReactorDesigners - UK based (London, UTC+0) - PIT: 14:00 / 22:30 - HAAT: 14:00 / 22:30

    G) Sandwadians - MDT based (Edmonton, UTC-6) - PIT: 12:00, 16:00, 20:00 - HAAT: 12:00
    Post edited by Kelthuzad on
    Alliance Leader and Leader of DeathStarVentDesigners - Discord App: Kelthuzad#5528

    DeathStarVentDesigners | DeathStarPortDesigners | DeathStarDelinquents | DeathStarRebelWranglers | DeathStarDarkKnights | DeathStarReactorDesigners | DeathStarGermanOrder | DeathStarHumanResources | Aussie Battlers | Terra
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    I'm in.

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    * TheRebelion *
    HAAT guild
    1 open spot

    We are looking for players who are team minded and want to grow with us . Key is to have fun and stay active . We use line chat to communicate and share new game info , it's a huge help and we'd like all members to join . We are looking for players level 80-85 with at least 1 squad that is HAAT ready preferably for P2 , P3 or P4 . But most importantly we ask each player to be active daily and do your 600 daily raid tickets also communicate either on our line chat or game chat and follow raid rules . We do T7 pit raids every other day at guild rest 8:30 pm est with a 18hr 0 damage rule . HAAT Raid are at least twice a week at guild reset 8:30 pm est with a 15.5 hr 0 damage rule , we use 1 squad on P1,P2 and p4 and 2 squads on P3 , if your interested contact me.
    PM me or get me on line chat .. line id
    Ally code
  • Pyrimis
    269 posts Member
    "Wookies Always Win!" is looking for 1-2 players to join our HAAT team.

    A few things about us:

    -US-based, raid times rotating between 9 and 10pm ET start

    -Heroic Rancor is on farm (complete in ~10 minutes after 24 hour no damage period)

    -Started farming HAAT a month or so ago

    -Very active, friendly guild (28K tickets/day) - but we also our raids so we do them 5-6 times per week

    You would be a great fit if:

    -You are an active, friendly player - 600 tickets is the goal so we can all farm more gear and shards!

    -Have HAAT-ready teams

    -Willing to use Discord. We have an active server with members sharing information and helping each other

    We are looking to further strengthen our guild by replacing some of our more inactive members, and we would love for you to join us!

    If interested - PM here or find me on Discord (Pyrimis#8522) if interested.

    Thanks and look forward to hearing from you!
  • Moonraker
    155 posts Member
    looking for a new guildie who wants to be a part of SLM (scruffy looking maulrats) We complete Heroic Rancor & HAAT. You don't need to be superstars, just guildless, a daily contributor, and (preferably) have teams for heroic tank. Why us? We are not a guild of stuck up whale bums. Nope. We all share our strategies using discord app, joke around, just be a light hearted clan of people across the world who randomly post pics of their legs. So why join some communist guild just to be ordered around stressing out all the time? Nope, not when you can join SLM where you will quickly find out fun comes first. Sure we have some raid rules to make it fair for everyone, nothing commy at all. So if you are level 85 and fit our description and want to join us, here's how:

    To join our team:
    - Message me on discord: moonraker#6207
    -ally code: 899-378-718

    Currently 1 spot open
    3:00 est raid times
  • Goober1_
    472 posts Member
    We are doing a power shift in haat guild to make room for 2nd haat and give members better chance at top 10 spots.
    Currently 3 spots open.
    Haat rules are one hit on phase one ffa on rest on raid.
    Use entire roster
    Once we get more power than needed excess power can go to other haat so less competition for top spots.
    Ally code 333978216
    Line id thepain40
    thepain #9538
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    Get GK shards
    Hi guys, Heroic Tank EU guild recruiting. Also have available spots in a Heroic US (EST) Guild.
    Both guilds can already do heroic tank.

    For EU guild (only 4 spots) you dont need to be heroic ready roster wise but must have a heroic attitude ;) all we ask is that you get your 600 tickets a day.

    US Guild (2 spots available now with more spots to be opened up in next week) seeking strong rosters in prep for upcoming territories game mode. 600 tickets a day level 85 minimum.

    Two great groups and a very good opportunity for players to progress and prepare for whatever the Devs throw at us.

    Discord is required, no ifs no buts no coconuts

    Contact us on Discord


    Emperor Ovaltine#2584 for EU Guild (Return of the Bredi)

    nelcon#8590 for US Guild (Outcast Rebels)
  • Kaboom
    11 posts Member
    Rancorus Rancors is a casual guild looking for HAAT ready members who try to hit 600/600 daily but is not required. LINE is the app used to communicate, HAAT currently is on farm pm for more info if interested!
  • Mef1428
    144 posts Member
    edited July 2017
    Are you looking to provide peace and security to the galaxy? Galactic Security wants you! We are an H AAT T7 farm guild looking for new, active members who are interested in getting those Kenobi shards and preparing for the new Territory Battles. We are also affiliated with a N AAT/T7 guild, so if you're not quite ready for Heroics you are more than welcome to prep there.

    If you want to raid Heroics and are willing to grow and progress, we would be glad to bring you in. We do have a 500 ticket per day minimum (600 preferred) but we have no problem with people taking vacations or brief time off (as long as they give us a heads up).

    Our chat is always helpful, and we offer tips and advice on how to maximize your game enjoyment. We use Discord for game discussion and raid scheduling/coordination; it is mandatory to ensure all members follow fairness rules, and we have a special channel for applicants.

    Our time zone is EDT (GMT-4), with reset at 930pm EST. Most of our members are US, but we have members from around the world.

    If this sounds right for you, please send me a pm. You can also shoot me an Ally request at 879-417-165.

    Good hunting and enjoy your Summer!
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    -Discord Mandatory
    -600 Energy required daily
    -9pm easter raid times

    We've recently stepped up to completing HAAT raids within a day and are looking to fill about 10 spots to replace some alternates we use for gear donations to get ready for the new content dropping. If you wanna earn some kenobi shards and can hit your 2% per phase, send me a message!
  • Strax
    6 posts Member
    KøR Reservoir Dogs:

    We are running haat raids twice a week and are looking for a haat ready player to fill our ranks. We're looking for 600 tickets a day, preferably someone who can stay in our top 10 (avg 2 million) and Line is manditory.

    We run raids on an 8am/pm est rotation.

    Line ID: KøR Eodred
    Line ID: Strax1191

    Ally Codes:

    Dredd Oracle: 287-429-947
    Strax: 993 626 496
  • Maegor
    1217 posts Member
    HogtownHeroes are recruiting!

    We are a heroic AAT and rancor guild and are looking for players that will be ready for Territory Battles.

    We are US based. We start rancors at 9:00 PM EST and run 3-4 per week. For rancor, we have a 0-damage policy for 24 hours, and then we start a true FFA after an officer gives the go signal. We do not allow preloading damage for the rancor. Kills occur on either Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and/or Saturdays.

    We run HAAT 2-3x week and have a 0-damage for the first 24 hours policy for it. Kills occur on either Monday, Thursday and/or Saturdays.

    We maintain a Discord server that is mandatory for all members.

    If you are ready to collecting your GK shards, please send me a message on here or on Discord at Maegor#0568.

    Thank you,

  • SirWescott
    692 posts Member
    edited July 2017
    Guild "Dont BBL8" Looking for Two More Active Daily Players


    We Play As A Team We Win As A Team.

    Must Have Atleast 15 Gear 11 Characters.

    Looking For A Very Active Heroic Tank Raid And Ship Focused Individual With Well Balanced And Built Teams.

    Must Contribute At Top Levels and Earn 600 Guild Tickets Daily,Set A Good Example And Offer Advice.

    We are a English Speaking Guild with a PST Event Reset.

    Heroic Tank And Rancor Raids Start At 7:00PM PST

    Guild LineChat Required.
    All Members Registered On SWGOH.GG
    And A Great Group Of Friendly/Helpful People.

    To Apply

    PM Me Here

    Or Line Chat Sirwescot
  • BobaDontFett
    2 posts Member
    edited July 2017
    I am no longer looking for a guild. Thank you to all the guilds who sent me messages and/or invitations.
    Post edited by BobaDontFett on
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    Outcast Heroes are looking for 5 strong Haat ready players. Preferably UK/Euro players. We use the line app to communicate.

    Contact me via line if interested. archer23890
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