Heroic Tank Takedown Guilds Recruiting Players


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    Empire Strikes Front is a guild who are looking for people who have the capability to do Heroic AAT Raids.

    We already do Heroic Rancor Raids where there is 24 hours where we do 0 damage. Then at 10pm UK time we are allowed to use 1 team only.

    We do not use Discord or any other type of chat sites but it would help if you were active in the guild chat.

    We would encourage members to spend 600 energy but it is not required.

    If you are going away for a couple of days you need to tell one of the guild officers so you are not kicked.

    All raids begin at 10pm UK time.

    If interested please message me or apply to join the guild.
  • zzhbkk
    43 posts Member
    Need 2 players to fill under 600 players that got the high heel. Rancors are 12p and 9pm Eastern rotating and HAAT is 8pm eastern. All have 24 hour zero damage registrations. The only other rule is do your 600 and it's enforced... we're a really fun group that's 1 of 4 HAAT guilds in an alliance. Just don't be whiny and you'll fit in great.

    Message me on Line: Line ID zzhbkk or Discord: zzhbkk#9591

    Chat is currently on Line but we are migrating to Discord within the next couple weeks.
  • havok99
    150 posts Member
    We With Lives – A 5 guild alliance

    Hello All,

    Tired of seeing General Kenobi in arena and GW and not being able to unlock him? Has your guild tried Haat and failed? Have you built up your teams, but the rest of your guild is not active or not willing to make that push to get Haat on farm? We have 3 Haat guilds and are looking for up to 2 players who can hold their own in Haat and the upcoming Territory Battles. The particular guild I am in requires 600 daily raid tix (we are also in the final stages of building a casual Haat guild that doesn't require 600 a day). With that we raid almost everyday. If this sounds good to you or if you have any questions, friend me on Discord Havok99#6590 and we can chat. We use Discord to coordinate attacks, share tips/info and much more. May the force be with you.
  • Aquilla
    75 posts Member
    We are Guardians of the northen lights. A europen based guild doing Haat or Rancor T7 almost every day and doing around 27k raid tickets each day. We are now looking for 2 more member to fill up our guild.

    We offer you a friendly, helpful and social guild and some easy earnd GK shard. (And Solo shard to).
    We want from u around 600. If u miss it we wont kick you. We also want you ready for Haat with atleast one good team.
    it will be great if u have a good arena team (top 100) for the upcomming events

    Raidtime is 18.30 GMT

    We have simple rules for raids and use Line for chatting.

    If you got any questions just ask.
    My line id is aquilla78
  • zzhbkk
    43 posts Member
    Recruiting for sister guild who just finished their first HAAT. Get in early. Need atleast 11 to fill out roster.

    Give us 600 tickets and we'll carry you to a GK.

    Line ID: zzhbkk
    Discord: zzhbkk#9591
  • WangSolo
    10 posts Member
    edited July 2017
    Post edited by WangSolo on
  • Tonius
    20 posts Member
    edited July 2017
    Deleted post
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    Mon Cala ... UK / Europe based HAAT guild.

    We are looking for a few good HAAT players to replace some of ours that are moving to our sister guild to help get them up to HAAT. This is not a temporary thing ... we are looking for long term committed 600 ticket a day players.

    We raid 6.30pm (hpit) and 7.30pm (haat) UK time. Both raids run a 24hr zero score rule before going FFA when announced by an officer.

    You will need to be fully HAAT ready and able to pull your own weight, preferably with a deep roster so that we are ready for Territory Wars when that arrives.

    If you think you have what it takes and want to be part of our family then please contact me on LINE at dirkbrightblade
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    Guild name: Grey Lights
    Raid types: HPIT and NAAT (We tried HAAT last week and made it to P4 and stalled at 68% left)
    Raid time: 8pm UK time aka 2Pm CT in the US
    Players lvl: mostly 85
    Raid rules: Rancor raid is 24hr no score post and after 24hrs it's ffa. TANK raid is the same 24 hr no score post.
    Daily raid tokens: 23-26K

    Our guild is currently looking to add some high lvl players to help us get over that last little hump to complete HAAT regularly. We are looking for 3-5 players who will be active and able to communicate. We don't have a 600 daily token rule we just ask that you contribute what you can and have fun doing it. My guild consists of a great group of people who enjoy the game and are very knowledgeable regarding the game. We use discord to discuss strategies and squads and just about everything else. If interested please contact me or if you have any questions....

    Discord ID: Sharkbait#0690
    Ally code: 547-275-598
    Player name: Sharkbait
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    Guild name: Ashes of Korriban (AoK)

    Time Zone: UK (tickets refresh 6:30pm BST, 1:30pm EST)

    Rules: 0 dmg window on both Heroic Rancor and Heroic AAT due to how easily both are killed. Windows open at 5pm and 5:30pm respectively (Midday & 12:30pm EST)

    Chat App: Slack (requires an email invite and has both my guilds in)

    I'm looking for TWO members who want guaranteed Kenobi shards, all I ask in 600 tickets a day. The guild ranked 52nd at the end of June, so we're one of the biggest guilds in the entire game featuring Twitch's #1 and #3 watched SWGOH streamers.
  • havok99
    150 posts Member
    We With Lives – A 5 guild alliance

    Hello All,

    Tired of seeing General Kenobi in arena and GW and not being able to unlock him? Has your guild tried Haat and failed? Have you built up your teams, but the rest of your guild is not active or not willing to make that push to get Haat on farm? We have 3 Haat guilds and are looking for 1 player who can hold their own in Haat and the upcoming Territory Battles. The particular guild I am in requires 600 daily raid tix (we are also in the final stages of building a casual Haat guild that doesn't require 600 a day). With that we raid almost everyday. If this sounds good to you or if you have any questions, friend me on Discord Havok99#6590 and we can chat. We use Discord to coordinate attacks, share tips/info and much more. May the force be with you.
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    Join Team Steroid!

    EU based.

    We're a social and mature guild and, completing hAAT for already 8 months!

    Read more and contact with Iwan#1441 or Amendera#3732 in Discord or PM me if you have the profile we're looking for.

    What we offer

    Guild reset time: 19.30h [Central EU: Paris, Berlin]

    Raids are launched always we have coins enough:
    • Heroic Rancor: launched at 10.00h [Paris, Berlin] and opened to do 0 damage during 12 hours. Post damage at 22.00h [Paris, Berlin]. Rules: 1 battle / player. To avoid the issue of the rankings decided by Player ID, we don't clear the raid, challenge is to get as close as possible and manage to escape or die before clear it.
    • Heroic AAT: launched at 10.00h [Paris, Berlin] and opened to do 0 damage until guild reset at 19.30h when everyone can post damage. No more rules.

    Daily guild activities: no min or max (no rules).

    What are we looking for

    Daily 600 is a must [you can let us know in case you're not sure cause of RL issues, holidays or whatever]

    Commitment: we won't turn the game the center of your life, but we're looking for people that improve and grow reasonably with the guild.

    Top 10 in Arena Rank: cause high arena rank demonstrates constancy.

    Discord (we don't use in-game chat) and https://swgoh.gg/ account (public profile).

    Contact Iwan#1441 or Amendera#3732 in Discord, or PM me.
    May the force be with you!
  • Dazhub
    135 posts Member
    TEAM EXPLICIT are looking for one (possibly two) daily active members to fill the slots in our active friendly guild.
    We are an international Guild, with members from all over the world.
    Reset Timezone: PST
    Heroic Rancor Raids : Tuesdays, Thursdays & Saturdays - We have a 24hr zero damage for this raid to allow everyone to tag.
    Heroic AAT Raids : Whenever we have the required tickets. Normally twice a week (No 24hr damage yet).
    Access to Discord is required, and it's **highly** encouraged that all members use it regularly.
    600/600 Tickets per day is a loose requirement. While we encourage all members to strive for this, we also know that people have their own lives screwing up their game time.
    To apply you should be :
    Level 85 player
    Swgoh.gg account (ideally)
    Have at least one full 7* HAAT team
    Be active daily
    Apply by sending a message or...
    BobaDaz - Ally code 833-937-933
    Pikey - Ally code 383-493-554
  • zhtd17
    948 posts Member
    Very active HAAT guild (29k) uk time zone, recruiting 1 HAAT ready member.
    Pm me here or on discord: zah#4141
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    Talk to the Han is looking for 1 candidate.

    We want one person to join a friendly guild. All we ask is that you strive to do your 600. We know life is more important but almost all of our players hit 600 each day and we expect the same of anyone.

    We have an active guild chat and work together as a team. Lots of us have played since the start

    If you want kenobi shards and want to engage with a guild then we are the guild for you.

    We are a worldwide guild and raid times are alternated to make sure everyone gets a shot. Both heroic pit and haat have a 24hr registration period.

    If you are interested please download line and add evilliberty
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    New Day Dawning (https://swgoh.gg/g/5846/new-day-dawning/) is an organised HAAT guild run by experienced players and has two open spaces...

    We're an international guild with no whales (as you can see from sorting by number of G11 toons) but very experienced members (see guild currency produced). Our guild is based on teamwork instead of relying on one or two whales to carry others. We do heroic pit and HAAT as often as possible and average around 27k raid tickets per day.

    PM me with any questions...
  • iAmRyC
    144 posts Member
    Force Is Strong Between Us (FISBU) Has An Opening

    Heroic Pit & HAAT! 12 hour registration period to ensure that all get rewards. 600 Tickets daily is a must. Guild reset is at 930p EDT. Pit & HAAT opens for all after reset (1030p Pit on Fridays).

    If you are a level 85 player with 4 teams of 7* gear 10 characters (or even 3 teams ready with a fourth very close), we would love to have you join us!

    Our members hail from all over the world and we do require members to use Line so that we can stay organized. In-game chat is inadequate for getting important messages to all fifty members, so we use Line to ensure that no one is left out.

    Actual new member testimonials:

    "I came from a guild with SO many rules and couldn't even finish the HAAT!!! Then I come here and it's like heaven's gates opened up!!!" - BKRM

    "I gotta say, I've only been in this guild a few days but already my game has improved." - Primolandia

    This is a very friendly, stable, cooperative group. We're committed to each other and have an active community!

    Contact me, Ydo at or Gucci on the Line App.

    Line ID: iAmRyC Ydomat or GucciFisbu


    My Ally code is 987-975-779.

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    The Empire is a growing collection of some of the most active, sociable, knowledgeable SWGOH gamers that together run three raiding teams under The Empire umbrella. Kashyyyk was a member of the Republic since its inception. However, as time passed and Kashyyyk's period in the Republic began to fade, it was time for a new power to rise to bring peace and stability to the galaxy and so, from the ashes of the Republic, the Empire was born. We are all about family, unity and working together to overcome any obstacle/new content the game can throw at us.

    Almost all members are level 85 and we're a mix of whales, dolphins, minnows, and FTP. Our members are primarily based in the US, and Ava and Nihilus, the Empire leaders, are in the eastern time zone.

    Kashyyyk, Mandalore, and Scarif raid times are consistently at 9:15pm, US eastern time.Hoth, our newest addition to the family is raiding at 4pm US Eastern.

    Key Questions:

    What is the most important thing to know about being in The Empire?

    We believe that communication is important from both the guild leadership and the guild members. We've set up a Charter for all prospective members with additional guild information, which is available to view here: >>> Empire Charter<<<. Our goal with the charter is to help set expectations and reduce confusion/uncertainty. Thus, we have information on the Imperial Community at large, raid times, daily ticket expectations, and more within our charter. We created a concise and user-friendly document as our mission, and as always, is to help others grow in a fun and welcoming environment. Also, we really like blowing up tanks and decapitating rancors. So check out the charter and let us know if you have questions or would like more information.
    Now what are the Empire’s requirements you ask? Pretty simple;

    * Have a minimum of 20+ gear 10/11 toons (5G10+ for Hoth)
    * Get your 600 daily raid tix so your guild can max raiding opportunities
    * Be on Discord
    * Be a positive influence in the community (and donate ~2 pieces of gear/day)
    * Have fun

    Feel free to contact our Imperial leaders through any of the below means:

    Visit us on Discord >>>HERE<<< and let us know!

    Ava - swgoh.gg; ally code: 493-184-528, discord: Ava Empire {Lead}#0319

    Nihilus - swgoh.gg; ally code: 813-945-673; discord: DarthNihilus Empire {Lead}#9608

    Lead Recruiter:
    Orestes - swgoh.gg; ally code: 625-891-196; discord: Orestes#8073
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    Death Star Alliance

    We're recruiting players who can get their 600 daily tickets and follow raid rules. No special roster needed, but some 7* toons to participate is needed for rewards. We use the Line app for chat, so you'll need to download it for raid times, but chatting is not necessary.

    If you're looking for a relaxed and cool family of guilds, that is us. We have 6 guilds, 5 are heroic and one is casual doing heroic Rancor and normal tank, so if 600 is a problem daily for the heroic guilds, we have a spot for you in our nAAT guild. If you're on extended vacation we'll move you there until you're back also, we have alts we can run to ensure we get our 600 if needed.

    Fun loving group, very helpful with strategies and donations, great atmosphere and no ****.

    If this is what you're wanting, send me a message on Line, search for chromecobra, and we'll get you in.

    All guild run pst raid times, but I'm on the east coast and well within my time to jump in. 4 of the guilds are in the top 50, with the OG Death Star with the VIP players a little more relaxed and the nAAT not making top 50. Diehard, dedicated and funny, it's how we roll.

    Look forward to having you join us.
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    372O to 1
    For over 6 months we have been farming the Heroic Tank Takedown with our great guild :) Currently, we have 1 spot open for a new member! We are a 'family' type guild, most of us have been together since guilds were introduced. We are looking for a reliable person, who contributes to the guild and does the 600/600.

    What We Offer *************************************
    - Maximum Raiding as we require 600 daily from all players (we track)
    - Over 80% of the guild has 30-50+ heroes at 7* (Rancor is a joke)
    - Heroic Tank Takedown on farm status (it's a joke as well)
    - We have an active and helpful chat on Line messenger
    To Join *************************************
    Message me below or post here and we'll get you in ASAP

    starwarsfanbroshizzle: 497-735-142 - Line ID: starwarsfanbro
    swgoh.gg profile: https://swgoh.gg/g/4884/372o-to-1/

    More info on how we 'roll below:
    Rancor raids are usually starting at 6 pm GMT/ 10 am PST/ 1 pm est with a 24h no damage period (we did a poll which time and raid rules are suiting the most members). Sinse it's harder to solo the Rancor, it's a free for all battle after the 24h cooldown. HAAT raids start at 7pm GMT/ 11 am PST / 2 pm EST. We wait 24h after launch before attacking p3 and p4, so all have a change to join the fight.

    Our first Heroic Tank Takedown on the 26th of December was completed within 24 hours without any outside help. I must say, it was pretty awesome!! Now the Heroic Tank Takedown is on farm status (2 to 3 times a week).

    We use line for communication (4 rooms: General, strategy, announcements, political). We want people to join the General & the announcements one.

    Other than the Rancor/HAAT raid rules and line, we only want ppl to do their 600/ daily (of course we understand that its maybe not always possible due to RL, but we appreciate an info when people expect to miss their contribution).

    There are no other fix rules, only common sense wished. That means try to help each other with tips/ tricks, working on the guilds goals (solo the Heroic Tank Takedown Raid xD) and not being unfriendly towards others.

    We have several officers to help our leader, and all of them have different strengths to completely each other. We try to grow stonger as a whole, helping each other out where we can.

    Decisions are made with surveys/ polls as much as possible. When there is short time to react, the leadership tries to find a solution that is best for the majority of the guild.

    Thanks for reading and hope to have you with us soon!
  • Vallon
    11 posts Member
    edited July 2017
    Position filled
    Post edited by Vallon on
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    Party Like It's IG-88 is seeking one member to replace a guildmate who left the game. We run hAAT every 3-4 days and Heroic Pit 3x a week on a set MWF schedule (with bonus raids on weekends when tickets permit it). We are more than capable on both raids, so we prefer those who get their 600 in and want to be part of a fun, social guild on Line. We also hope you take advantage of every raid and don't leave free gear and shards on the table! Friendly folks preferred over over-competitive snobs. With territory wars coming up, it doesn't hurt if you have a diverse collection either! Guild reset at 6:30 PM EDT.

    PM me here or add me on Line (LineID: zageemurak
    Come party with us!
  • evergoo
    175 posts Member
    Hello Galaxy of Heroes,

    My name is evergoo, one of the founders of TIE Alliance. We are a friendly and active community looking to help more players acquire General Kenobi, plan for metas, and enjoy the game.

    We have a community of 5 guilds: 3 HAATs, 1 Heroic Rancor, and 1 Casual. We promote players from within our alliance system, gear donation requests are filled almost daily, and we have very low player attrition. Our community is also very diverse: f2p to Krakken, parents and spouses, families and friends, and casual everyday to Arena #1 everyday.

    We are currently looking for active and communicative players who are ready for HAAT.

    We have over 240 members from all parts of the world! Most of us are veteran level 85 players, many have given over 1000 gear donations, and we know how to maximize efficiency for our guild (active chat rooms, Discord server, spreadsheets, strategy discussions, and teamwork). Despite our activeness, we also have lives outside the game (lots of dads/husbands, moms/wives, professionals, etc.) and respect each other's outside commitments. Any TIE Alliance member can attest that we are a supportive, friendly, and successful community. You honestly won't regret joining us. :)

    My Ally Code is 571-945-848. I am an Arena and Fleet rank top 2 daily, and love to help out members! Please send me a message via PM, Line (ID: evergoo), or Discord (evergoo#8548) if you are interested. Thank you for listening, and we look forward to your response. Take care! :)
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    We are a top 50 guild. We are very active. We have a fun group. We are easily completing the Heroic Tank raid every 3 days. We are EST time zone. We alternate 8:30am and 8:30pm raids. Very inclusive raid rules. No one gets left out. We have one spot to fill.

    Looking for someone that ranks top 50 in arena. Must have at least 12 gear 11 toons. 600 daily is expected. Joining our external chat is encouraged.

    Please reply with any questions. Post a link to your roster if you're interested please.
    My ally code: 468 417 625

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    We are looking for up to 5 members HAAT ready (particularly if you have P3 focused groups) for our clan. Just attempted HAAT and made it to 14.3 % remaining in P 3. That is the phase we need some good members to assist and we will start rolling HAAt. Please contact Ike #0358 on discord (guild chat app avail in App Store free) if interested in joining Dantooine Rebels!
  • tj5270
    177 posts Member

    SHATTERPOINT is currently recruiting some new blood to add to its already top tier membership. We are looking to fill 2 slots if possible with folks who are willing to have the line app and contribute the 600 energy so we can continue to get those raids in (T7 Rancor and HAAT). In anticipation of the upcoming territory wars, we are looking for the members who can meet the following:

    Level 85
    40 7* characters or close
    55% collection score or close

    Guild reset time is 9:30 PM EST

    You can message me here, or hit me up on line app (ID is the same as it is here). I am always quick to respond.

    Look forward to having you join the family.
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    I am in need of heroic ready players to join our heroic aat guilds.

    How do you know if your heroic, 2%each phase or 1 mill total damage.

    I have spots open in 4 of our 6 guilds, yes heroic tank is allready on farm.

    Now that you know I have kenobi shards and heroic rewards for you, here is what I need from you.

    Active player ( yet your 600 tickets a day)
    Discord ( it's a must that you are on our server)
    Follow raid rule ( no damage limits or lottery, all heroic raids are 0 damage for 24 hrs, then have at it)
    That's it those simple things and you can be apart of a group of heroic guilds.

    Contact me DarthSh3ll {JK}#5158 on discord
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    Guild name: Grey Lights
    Raid types: HPIT and NAAT (We tried HAAT last week and made it to P4 and stalled at 68% left)
    Raid time: 8pm UK time aka 2Pm CT in the US
    Players lvl: mostly 85
    Raid rules: Rancor raid is 24hr no score post and after 24hrs it's ffa. TANK raid is the same 24 hr no score post.
    Daily raid tokens: 23-26K

    Our guild is currently looking to add some high lvl players to help us get over that last little hump to complete HAAT regularly. We are looking for 3-5 players who will be active and able to communicate. We don't have a 600 daily token rule we just ask that you contribute what you can and have fun doing it. My guild consists of a great group of people who enjoy the game and are very knowledgeable regarding the game. We use discord to discuss strategies and squads and just about everything else. If interested please contact me or if you have any questions....

    Discord ID: Sharkbait#0690
    Ally code: 547-275-598
    Player name: Sharkbai
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    Guild "Dont BBL8" Looking for Two More Active Daily Players


    We Play As A Team We Win As A Team.

    Must Have Atleast 15 Gear 11 Characters.

    Looking For A Very Active Heroic Tank Raid And Ship Focused Individual With Well Balanced And Built Teams.

    Must Contribute At Top Levels and Earn 600 Guild Tickets Daily,Set A Good Example And Offer Advice.

    We are a English Speaking Guild with a PST Event Reset.

    Heroic Tank And Rancor Raids Start At 7:00PM PST

    Guild LineChat Required.
    All Members Registered On SWGOH.GG
    And A Great Group Of Friendly/Helpful People.

    To Apply

    PM Me Here

    Or Line Chat Sirwescot
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    Goonsquad is looking for 2+ strong phase 2/3 players!

    We raid at 7:00pm CDT
    Reset is at 7:30pm CDT
    We are English speaking

    We look for 600/600 and good proper manners and helpful in chat.

    Discord and Swgoh mandatory

    Pm on discord/ OnlyShad0w~{Goon - GGC}~Lead
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