The Apple Vs. Android exclusive offers comments and questions *** MEGATHREAD***


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    Vallik wrote: »
    ogre2005 wrote: »
    EA has the obligation to ensure the game is fair to all players.

    Seriously? This is a pay to win there is no fair

    Only money...

    Google coughed it up apple didnt

    Exactly the same a those who poneyd up and got baze

    Fair? Depends who u ask

    Sigh. It's amazing how some of you are determined not to get it.

    Whether it's pay to win or not - and I don't think it is, really - is immaterial. We're not talking about the fairness of the mechanics. We're talking about opportunity. If it's pay to win, then anyone who plays can make the choice to sink money into the game, unless they just don't have it. But that's beyond EA's control. But fact is, purchasable rewards are their to be purchased by EVERYONE, regardless of platform.

    So for those who "ponied up" and got Baze, that's not unfair at all because EVERYONE was OFFERED the same chance. The majority can't do it, of course, but the offer was there for every single player.

    Now, along comes this mess. Google pays EA to give away an unprecedented reward by giving Android players a 7* exclusive toon. This toon has a Rebel tag, meaning every Android player has an excellent chance of getting a new 7* character for the upcoming EP event. You also got a varying amount of gems and credits.

    The difference here is painfully obvious; not everyone had the same opportunity. EA allowed a ridiculously powerful reward and event to be handed out to only one player base, while completely, 100% ignoring the other. That's never happened. Not like this. Oh, I remember when Apple players got a few Ewok shards once, but that's inconsequential. The same Ewok character we got shards for appeared in the game to farm shortly after.

    In this case you guys are getting an exclusive 7* toon. No way in hell is that right or fair. I mean, would you Android users be saying "oh, well, Apple spent money and Android didn't" if Apple gave away, say, a free 7* Bossk? You know, a new toon you can't get anywhere else? Do you honestly expect anyone to think you wouldn't be unhappy about that? And hey, you'd be right to be. As I said, this isn't about a gift. It's about allowing a 3rd party to unbalance the game. It was a bad decision for the players, and EA shouldn't have done it. Period.
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    An older article from last year but this pretty much sums up the future of gaming. I guess next time I get a phone I will get a google phone and spend twice as much time playing the same game to unlock everything and take part in all exclusive content no matter what platform it's on.

    I think it's about time I step away from gaming again and get back to life and the real things that matter.
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    A few things. I agree with @J0K3R we are not children. Well some of us. This will even out. K2s0 isn't even that great and requires his counterpart to shine. I feel that Apple will get the counterpart and then we all will have to farm the opposite.

    This is a freaking game. I'm not in the top 200 on my shard cuz it's old as balls and has tons of whales. This means that they all get exclusive content I have yet to unlock (shore trooper, chirrut, vader's tie). By the entitled opinions of many on the forum, this isnt fair and I should have them all.
  • J0K3R
    2286 posts Member
    Jashmyster wrote: »
    An older article from last year but this pretty much sums up the future of gaming. I guess next time I get a phone I will get a google phone and spend twice as much time playing the same game to unlock everything and take part in all exclusive content no matter what platform it's on.

    I think it's about time I step away from gaming again and get back to life and the real things that matter.

    Nice article
    May the force be with you. It shall free you.
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    You guys all need to get over yourselves. Google has promotions to reward its players, and promote spending. They just release 3 packs to android users. First is free, the next 2 are based on spending. You don't have to be a genius to realize they are trying to promote spending in google play. Google has always been a good company that rewards its customers.

    But seriously, life isn't fair, anywhere. 2 people can work at the same place and do the same job yet the company pays them different salaries.

    Do you throw a fit like this if Mcdonalds sends coupons to half of your town for a free meal? Do you cry and complain that it isn't fair that you didn't get it. Maybe they wanted to get people from that half of town to come in and eat, where as people on your side of town already eat there more often.

    Promotions and free things are ALWAYS for selected groups. ALWAYS. If you go to a Ballgame, only the first 10K people get a Tshirt. Do you cry about that? If Google offered a 3* toon to the first 10K people that claimed it, would you cry about that still?

    You guys crying about this are the same guys that want a participation award for logging in.

    I still can't get over that you Apple guys thought that the Wedge/Biggs give was fair. It's wasn't but, you didn't hear us all crying about it then.
  • StarSon
    7539 posts Member
    I still can't get over that you Apple guys thought that the Wedge/Biggs give was fair. It's wasn't but, you didn't hear us all crying about it then.

    It was fair, for almost the entirety of the game's population, with the exception being those players that aren't high enough level to reach Wedge's cantina node. It was just as fair as Android getting Poe while iOS got Phasma, because there was a 1:1 correlation.

    The problem here is that this game is not cross platform. If I am somehow swayed by all of these Google promotions, I still can't do anything about it because I would lose my entire year of playing, and my hundreds of dollars spent.

    As I have argued before, I am not against either platform giving an advantage because it usually evens out, and it has never been a big deal before. But this time one platform was given, potentially, a free 7* character. Unless that character goes to GW after this, that's at least a month's worth of farming; longer if he goes to cantina shipments or hard nodes. This is the first time any promotion has given anything worth raising a stink about, and all we hear from the studio is "yeah, that's right." Complete and utter heckin bull hockey.
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    I'm disappointed so many people are okay with this.

    Android users are complaining about Wedge/Biggs and then laughing at apple users at the same time.

    Is this really what we want? Does everyone want for apple users to get some uber exclusive a few months from now that leaves Android users wetting themselves in rage? And then Android users get an exclusive. Back and forth?

    That is not healthy for the community. It's not right.

    Android users, you got your toys. Maybe it's time to take a step back and say, hey, let's keep the game equal for all players.

    This was a bad move. It doesn't make me want to own an android, use Google, watch Rogue One, or really play this game.
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    HobaFett wrote: »
    The thing that bugs me most about this is that for the first time in a while it actually looks like fun and well created content. Anyone who's played this game long enough knows it's all about the chase, getting the carrot is usually anti climatic.

    Personally I'm in a place I imagine lots of people are, stuck in limbo waiting for my guild to become heroic AAT ready (no I'm not bailing), putting in low scores on rancor raids to help others get Han Solo faster, not really enjoying ships so doing the minimum to get by, hating this new tournament obsession and really missing the old style events like palp/Yoda/Rebel assault etc.

    Keep the droid shards, give me the fun content!

    This is really the only legitimate complaint that iOS users have in this situation. Any of the other complaints are either unsubstantiated hypothesis (i.e. "k2 gives advantages") or simply flat out incorrect. Any suggestions that there aren't Apple exclusive events is also wrong - several jump to mind : Poe, Ewoks, Lando Wedge, etc.

    But the game play/new content argument I wholeheartedly understand and agree with.
    In game name: Lucas Gregory FORMER PLAYER - - - -"Whale blah grump poooop." - Ouchie

    In game guild: TNR Uprising
    I beat the REAL T7 Yoda (not the nerfed one) and did so before mods were there to help
    *This space left intentionally blank*
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    Baruch wrote: »
    Palinmaz wrote: »
    I'm disappointed so many people are okay with this.

    Android users are complaining about Wedge/Biggs and then laughing at apple users at the same time.

    Is this really what we want? Does everyone want for apple users to get some uber exclusive a few months from now that leaves Android users wetting themselves in rage? And then Android users get an exclusive. Back and forth?

    That is not healthy for the community. It's not right.

    Android users, you got your toys. Maybe it's time to take a step back and say, hey, let's keep the game equal for all players.

    This was a bad move. It doesn't make me want to own an android, use Google, watch Rogue One, or really play this game.


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    Palinmaz wrote: »
    I'm disappointed so many people are okay with this.

    Android users are complaining about Wedge/Biggs and then laughing at apple users at the same time.

    Is this really what we want? Does everyone want for apple users to get some uber exclusive a few months from now that leaves Android users wetting themselves in rage? And then Android users get an exclusive. Back and forth?

    That is not healthy for the community. It's not right.

    Android users, you got your toys. Maybe it's time to take a step back and say, hey, let's keep the game equal for all players.

    This was a bad move. It doesn't make me want to own an android, use Google, watch Rogue One, or really play this game.

    This is what is going on in ios users heart.... + 1 million
    where is darth jar jar?
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    IOS users need to get a grip. It's a single average toon that will be gathering dust right next to a bunch of other toons that nobody uses in a month. Google decided to give their customers a gift, big deal. It isn't like we were given a ship.
  • StarSon
    7539 posts Member
    RegnadKcin wrote: »
    IOS users need to get a grip. It's a single average toon that will be gathering dust right next to a bunch of other toons that nobody uses in a month. Google decided to give their customers a gift, big deal. It isn't like we were given a ship.

    Except it's not just a toon that will be gathering dust. It is a 7* character, along with the resources to level it from 1 to 85.
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    Seriously? Whining that you get a free toon and have to spend time on it. I get a free toon, I'm android. My only complaint is not fair to my fellow apple players.
    Finally an android user who understands
    where is darth jar jar?
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    I can think of a number of toons that aren't particularly useful even when at 7* and level 85 (I'm looking at you, Barriss Offee, Luke Skywalker, Eeth Koth, Resistance Trooper, etc.). This isn't some magic droid of death, it's just an average toon.
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    J0K3R wrote: »
    Watch the name-calling . Do not insult each other .

    First, we are not EA's children, as some examples used might suggest. I happen to have two children . Sometimes one child gets a gift and not the other . A couple weeks ago one of them got a few gifts in a row from us. Was mostly due to the fact that the items we've been looking for for a long time just all happened to be on sale for a very good deal. While we don't have a chart of how many gifts each child has gotten since they were born I am pretty confident that it's about even.

    We are not EA's children. I feel it's been pretty back-and-forth on the promotions . We are not EA's children

    The analogy is very arguable. We are not talking about children's but customers and product here. Do your childrens pay you money for your fathership? I guess not. Do you have a EULA agreement and a commercial relationship with your family? I guess not.
    EA is responsible for the commercial choices they make and the way they treat their customers with fairness or discrimination. I have a long experience of the game industry and I have lived from the inside similar choices on cross platform games released on PS4, XBox or Nintendo consoles with exclusive characters on each machine. What happened here has nothing to do with this kind of promotion.
    EA/CG made a design choice from the start to create a cross platform mobile game with an account system that is OS dependant and thus not mobile at all. They also made the choice that each platform players will be mixed up in a competitive MMO type of content on shared servers. There would be no issues with platform specific content being released if each OS users were not mixed up.
    Also keep in mind that many people do have both iOS and Android devices. But because of the OS specific account decision from EA, a good Google customer who created his account on an iPad can't even get rewarded for his faithful custom and vice versa.
  • Mullato
    2582 posts Member
    The more I think about it, the more it just doesn't settle right.

    Ok us android guys getting a free "Droid" toon from a promotional offer is completely understandable. Because eventually everyone will have access to said toon. We are just getting early access.


    When we get an entire week of unique content in the events section. That's directly created only for us while the ios guys get left out in the dark is complete bull.

    They could of at the very least replicated the event, but made the shards drop a different toon. It could be any toon, but I think bistan would of been perfect (out of the toons we have now) since we already have him unlocked, and the events would take him to 7*. Just something for the ios guys to play so they don't feel left out.

    So forget what I said earlier. Keep complaining, I will complain with you guys. Bump this incoherent dev teams decision to forget half of thier player base. If they are creating something for you guys, or atleast thinking about it, then by all means they need to come forth and say it now. Before they lose all the possible credibility they even had left.

    That's all.
  • StarSon
    7539 posts Member
    Mullato wrote: »
    The more I think about it, the more it just doesn't settle right.

    Ok us android guys getting a free "Droid" toon from a promotional offer is completely understandable. Because eventually everyone will have access to said toon. We are just getting early access.


    When we get an entire week of unique content in the events section. That's directly created only for us while the ios guys get left out in the dark is complete bull.

    They could of at the very least replicated the event, but made the shards drop a different toon. It could be any toon, but I think bistan would of been perfect (out of the toons we have now) since we already have him unlocked, and the events would take him to 7*. Just something for the ios guys to play so they don't feel left out.

    So forget what I said earlier. Keep complaining, I will complain with you guys. Bump this incoherent dev teams decision to forget half of thier player base. If they are creating something for you guys, or atleast thinking about it, then by all means they need to come forth and say it now. Before they lose all the possible credibility they even had left.

    That's all.

    The problem with that is that it would make people happy, and the devs can't have that.
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    I don't really think it would make people happy. Then you just would have Android users angry that they can't get Bistan. And to people saying it won't effect the money they make that isn't true. I am only one person but I will never spend another dime on any EA/CG game again. If I am the only one so be it but I will speak with my wallet.
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    The dev team didn't "forget half of their player base". Google paid EA/CG to produce this promotion for loyal Google Play customers. It's ridiculous to expect Google to pay EA for loyal App Store customers.
  • Mullato
    2582 posts Member
    RegnadKcin wrote: »
    The dev team didn't "forget half of their player base". Google paid EA/CG to produce this promotion for loyal Google Play customers. It's ridiculous to expect Google to pay EA for loyal App Store customers.

    Yessir they did. Google paid for the promotion of the NEW DROID toon. They could of easily created an event for other users. That's like saying the only reason we get a palp and Yoda event is because apple and Google paid for both of us to get it. No, the dev team created them because they wanted to. Just like they could of created an event this time for ios, because they wanted to.
  • StarSon
    7539 posts Member
    I don't really think it would make people happy. Then you just would have Android users angry that they can't get Bistan. And to people saying it won't effect the money they make that isn't true. I am only one person but I will never spend another dime on any EA/CG game again. If I am the only one so be it but I will speak with my wallet.

    Then don't do Bistan, who is exclusive at the moment. Give some other rebel. SRP has been out a while. Or pick someone from the Empire that isn't Shoretrooper. Not hard to give the other half something to do without stepping on the first half's toes. But we know they would never do this, because it was suggested in March when they did the droid thing and April when they did the Ewok thing.

    Face it, the dev studio does not care what you think, or how you feel, because they make money no matter how mad they make us.
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    StarSon wrote: »
    RegnadKcin wrote: »
    IOS users need to get a grip. It's a single average toon that will be gathering dust right next to a bunch of other toons that nobody uses in a month. Google decided to give their customers a gift, big deal. It isn't like we were given a ship.

    Except it's not just a toon that will be gathering dust. It is a 7* character, along with the resources to level it from 1 to 85.

    News flash: Gear >>>>>>>>>>>> stars/level. But you've been a member on the forums for almost a year, so you know that. Which makes me wonder why you even mention it.
    In game name: Lucas Gregory FORMER PLAYER - - - -"Whale blah grump poooop." - Ouchie

    In game guild: TNR Uprising
    I beat the REAL T7 Yoda (not the nerfed one) and did so before mods were there to help
    *This space left intentionally blank*
  • J0K3R
    2286 posts Member
    edited December 2016
    DarthGozu wrote: »
    J0K3R wrote: »
    Watch the name-calling . Do not insult each other .

    First, we are not EA's children, as some examples used might suggest. I happen to have two children . Sometimes one child gets a gift and not the other . A couple weeks ago one of them got a few gifts in a row from us. Was mostly due to the fact that the items we've been looking for for a long time just all happened to be on sale for a very good deal. While we don't have a chart of how many gifts each child has gotten since they were born I am pretty confident that it's about even.

    We are not EA's children. I feel it's been pretty back-and-forth on the promotions . We are not EA's children

    The analogy is very arguable. We are not talking about children's but customers and product here. Do your childrens pay you money for your fathership? I guess not. Do you have a EULA agreement and a commercial relationship with your family? I guess not.
    EA is responsible for the commercial choices they make and the way they treat their customers with fairness or discrimination. I have a long experience of the game industry and I have lived from the inside similar choices on cross platform games released on PS4, XBox or Nintendo consoles with exclusive characters on each machine. What happened here has nothing to do with this kind of promotion.
    EA/CG made a design choice from the start to create a cross platform mobile game with an account system that is OS dependant and thus not mobile at all. They also made the choice that each platform players will be mixed up in a competitive MMO type of content on shared servers. There would be no issues with platform specific content being released if each OS users were not mixed up.
    Also keep in mind that many people do have both iOS and Android devices. But because of the OS specific account decision from EA, a good Google customer who created his account on an iPad can't even get rewarded for his faithful custom and vice versa.

    My whole point. Did u read other posts that my comment referenced? People were using children/family as an argument. My point was that it's not a family. And a side point, even in family dynamics there isnt always simultaneous equal treatment for various reasons.

    Another user posted this link:
    May the force be with you. It shall free you.
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    I know that is why I only speak for myself. Me not spending is the only thing I can do about this.
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    Mullato wrote: »
    RegnadKcin wrote: »
    The dev team didn't "forget half of their player base". Google paid EA/CG to produce this promotion for loyal Google Play customers. It's ridiculous to expect Google to pay EA for loyal App Store customers.

    Yessir they did. Google paid for the promotion of the NEW DROID toon. They could of easily created an event for other users. That's like saying the only reason we get a palp and Yoda event is because apple and Google paid for both of us to get it. No, the dev team created them because they wanted to. Just like they could of created an event this time for ios, because they wanted to.

    Actually, no, they didn't. Google paid for this promotion. Apple did not pay for a similar promotion. Google is a business, not a charity. They aren't likely to create a contract for an exclusive promotion without making it, you know, exclusive.
  • Mullato
    2582 posts Member
    RegnadKcin wrote: »
    Mullato wrote: »
    RegnadKcin wrote: »
    The dev team didn't "forget half of their player base". Google paid EA/CG to produce this promotion for loyal Google Play customers. It's ridiculous to expect Google to pay EA for loyal App Store customers.

    Yessir they did. Google paid for the promotion of the NEW DROID toon. They could of easily created an event for other users. That's like saying the only reason we get a palp and Yoda event is because apple and Google paid for both of us to get it. No, the dev team created them because they wanted to. Just like they could of created an event this time for ios, because they wanted to.

    Actually, no, they didn't. Google paid for this promotion. Apple did not pay for a similar promotion. Google is a business, not a charity. They aren't likely to create a contract for an exclusive promotion without making it, you know, exclusive.

    I'm saying the dev team could of created content for the other users THEMSELVES. Android users could still get the advantage by having a brand new exclusive toon, but they could of changed the reward shards to ios users for another toon we already have in the game. You know to make it fair and give all players a shot at getting a toon to 7* and playing an event besides a tourney.

    Also bistan is f2p farmable via fleet shipments.
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    Do iOS and Android players play in same arena/tournament groups? If not then the unfair advantage is kinda moot, it just boils down to platform-specific content, which isn't new at all.
    <-- iOS player
  • Mullato
    2582 posts Member
    RegnadKcin wrote: »
    Mullato wrote: »
    RegnadKcin wrote: »
    Mullato wrote: »
    RegnadKcin wrote: »
    The dev team didn't "forget half of their player base". Google paid EA/CG to produce this promotion for loyal Google Play customers. It's ridiculous to expect Google to pay EA for loyal App Store customers.

    Yessir they did. Google paid for the promotion of the NEW DROID toon. They could of easily created an event for other users. That's like saying the only reason we get a palp and Yoda event is because apple and Google paid for both of us to get it. No, the dev team created them because they wanted to. Just like they could of created an event this time for ios, because they wanted to.

    Actually, no, they didn't. Google paid for this promotion. Apple did not pay for a similar promotion. Google is a business, not a charity. They aren't likely to create a contract for an exclusive promotion without making it, you know, exclusive.

    I'm saying the dev team could of created content for the other users THEMSELVES. Android users could still get the advantage by having a brand new exclusive toon, but they could of changed the reward shards to ios users for another toon we already have in the game. You know to make it fair and give all players a shot at getting a toon to 7* and playing an event besides a tourney.

    Also bistan is f2p farmable via fleet shipments.

    You think the devs just sit around all day twiddling their thumbs? Are you not aware of all the changes recently, like ships? Adding a character plus the event is not a trivial development effort. I'd rather they worked on fixing bugs than throwing a bone to the people Apple didn't care about.

    Maybe that's how you feel, but at the same time I bet you are playing through our new event each day just like I am. Meanwhile the other guys have to sit on the bench and watch.

    I've always been someone who doesn't like to see people be left out. Maybe you are not the same, but I guess that's where we differ.
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    remeber what alot of ios player got afew months ago?

    7star Vader
    xxxxxxx crystal and credit
    7 star General Greivous

    i know it was a glitch but you guy cant complain about a single character!

    alot of ios player never been cut!
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This discussion has been closed.