The Apple Vs. Android exclusive offers comments and questions *** MEGATHREAD***


    2761 posts Member
    Nikoms565 wrote: »
    sL_Spinoza wrote: »
    1.3k reply (more incoguinit number erase replys)

    0 devs answer

    They posted what was going on in the Developers Notes yesterday. Why do they have to answer here too??

    Not really. They only told part of the story with the packs, with no mention of the event as if to sweep it under the rug.
    ☮ Consular ☮ American Rebel Rebel Force (Endor) JedhaYavin IV
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    I don't think it's right. I know I'm bummed seeing all my guild mates have "unlocked K-2SO" and I can't get it.
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    Time to step up to the plate, own it, and let us all get on with playing.
  • Azza
    245 posts Member
    IJL_DR wrote: »
    Time to step up to the plate, own it, and let us all get on with playing.

    Stop reading this part of the forum and let people state there own opinions
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    Meecham wrote: »
    Whats the logic behind giving people using android a free pack "worth" 1499 and iOS get nothing?

    Personally, all Apple users should be on a different server. And all Android should be on a different server.

    The logic is each OS can do offers and promotions to get people to buy their products.

    Currently Google is promoting the game and trying to get people to buy their new device and say check out this awesome starwars game. etc.

    Samsung does the same thing. They have this games pack and they try to get people to buy their devices by saying there are awesome games.

    The console war does this all the time with their exclusive preorders and exclusive dlcs. Consumers feel rewarded for their supported device.

    The problem here is CG and EA mixing the 2 different player bases into the same server. Because of this it creates unfair advantages for those who got the better deal between the devices when competing in arenas and tournaments and guild leaderboards for raids.

    Apple got Wedge. Android got screwed with Biggs.

    Apple got Ewok Apps for Earth event. Android got this Escape from Jedha event.

    These events aren't a big deal if the player base were mixed together.

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    Azza wrote: »
    IJL_DR wrote: »
    Time to step up to the plate, own it, and let us all get on with playing.

    Stop reading this part of the forum and let people state there own opinions

    LOL what are you even talking about?? I'm referring to EA and the mess created here over the last few days. I'm iOS - I got nothing. It would be nice to hear a real explanation and let us all move on.
  • Jouh
    64 posts Member
    edited December 2016
    I am sure this is a calculated move by EA and they anticipated the backlash beforehand. It is sad they accept such sponsorship from Google and alienated the other half of the player base. This is a competitive game with arena and tournaments. Such move affects the competitiveness of the game.

    Successful game don't do such things and is sad EA have a track record of destroying franchises.
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    Kind of funny title for this thread, lol. Should re-title it nothing vs something. Lol
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    I am on iOS and I am waiting until I see what happens after the 10 day exclusivity period. If at that point we get nothing then I am done spending what I spend on the game. If we get equal rewards then I am ok with it.

    It's funny how people on the forum expect everyone to have patience when something like this happens. In any other business, if something like this happened, social media would be out with the pitchforks and torches. But here we are expected to accept it and move along quietly.
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    I have iOS and am a little frustrated that this happened. I do expect that iOS will get something to make up for this. If not, oh well it's nothing worth dreading on. Everyone just keep your heads up and hope EA helps us iOS users out too.
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    I've given more than enough money to be VIP multiple times over, shouldn't this qualify me to sponsor myself for the exclusive?

    I think if they do exclusives, VIP's should qualify regardless of OS.
    Ally Code 299-731-212
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    lol did someone really say ios gets more? Androids got a free 1500 crystal pack, shore trooper shards. while ios did get wedge shards, androids users got DOUBLE the amount of biggs shards. So that more than made up for that. Hell when you start now on android you even get ig 86. Soy ou also get an exclusive character now.. Face it ea ALWAYS gives more to android users, lmao android users quitting because ios gets more stuff. You must be off your meds.
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    Anyone tried to compile correctly exclusive events or free goodies so far from both devices?

    • Samsung data pack (IG-86, 500 crystals, credits, 10 vader shards)
    • free char phasma
    • droids fight back event (4-6 tiers, reward droid & je shards. got rerun for both devices as well months later)
    • days of spring pack (14 day free pack contain droids shards & credits)
    • anniversary pack (biggs & his ship shards)
    • rogue one pack (stp & srp shards and some currency)
    • K2SO event & up to 3 free packs

    • free char poe dameron
    • Apps for earth event (ewok event, 2 tiers simillar to military might & packs that is not for free)
    • free *2 lando via twitter promo (redeemed through itunes code or something)
    • anniversary pack (wedge & his ship shards)

    Feel free to add what i missed.
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    Courier wrote: »
    Anyone tried to compile correctly exclusive events or free goodies so far from both devices?

    • Samsung data pack (IG-86, 500 crystals, credits, 10 vader shards)
    • free char phasma
    • droids fight back event (4-6 tiers, reward droid & je shards. got rerun for both devices as well months later)
    • days of spring pack (14 day free pack contain droids shards & credits)
    • anniversary pack (biggs & his ship shards)
    • rogue one pack (stp & srp shards and some currency)
    • K2SO event & up to 3 free packs

    • free char poe dameron
    • Apps for earth event (ewok event, 2 tiers simillar to military might & packs that is not for free)
    • free *2 lando via twitter promo (redeemed through itunes code or something)
    • anniversary pack (wedge & his ship shards)

    Feel free to add what i missed.

    That free Lando lasted about 6 hours if I recall
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    you sir, @Sticare_Courts_0073 are a good man

    I hope we can catch on another topic the near future. :smile:
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    Courier wrote: »
    Anyone tried to compile correctly exclusive events or free goodies so far from both devices?

    • Samsung data pack (IG-86, 500 crystals, credits, 10 vader shards)
    • free char phasma
    • droids fight back event (4-6 tiers, reward droid & je shards. got rerun for both devices as well months later)
    • days of spring pack (14 day free pack contain droids shards & credits)
    • anniversary pack (biggs & his ship shards)
    • rogue one pack (stp & srp shards and some currency)
    • K2SO event & up to 3 free packs

    • free char poe dameron
    • Apps for earth event (ewok event, 2 tiers simillar to military might & packs that is not for free)
    • free *2 lando via twitter promo (redeemed through itunes code or something)
    • anniversary pack (wedge & his ship shards)

    Feel free to add what i missed.
    You should probably add the information, about which of these freebies was free for all and which were USA-exclusive! ;)
    Left by design.
    The fixed payout times are the worst part of this game and makes it absolutely family-unfriendly.
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    Achilles wrote: »
    Courier wrote: »
    Anyone tried to compile correctly exclusive events or free goodies so far from both devices?

    • Samsung data pack (IG-86, 500 crystals, credits, 10 vader shards)
    • free char phasma
    • droids fight back event (4-6 tiers, reward droid & je shards. got rerun for both devices as well months later)
    • days of spring pack (14 day free pack contain droids shards & credits)
    • anniversary pack (biggs & his ship shards)
    • rogue one pack (stp & srp shards and some currency)
    • K2SO event & up to 3 free packs

    • free char poe dameron
    • Apps for earth event (ewok event, 2 tiers simillar to military might & packs that is not for free)
    • free *2 lando via twitter promo (redeemed through itunes code or something)
    • anniversary pack (wedge & his ship shards)

    Feel free to add what i missed.
    You should probably add the information, about which of these freebies was free for all and which were USA-exclusive! ;)

    You know what? Youre right :D. I can only remember free poe/phasma shards for celebrating tfa release on bluray. That was region limited right? Not sure for usa or eu only.

    And no one forget the free chewie shards for all. We still missing number 1 and 2 inbox message for that tho.
  • Olga
    1333 posts Member
    So glad I'm an android user, by the end of this event I will have a max level 7* K2SO with G11 and all abilities omega'd. He's gonna be such a beast too.
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    If you read the marketing speak carefully, its a 'exclusive limited time access', so the rest of us Apple users will get access to him, the question is whether we get the packs and event, or whether they just stick it on a cantina node and say there you go..

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    Put me in the "Disgruntled iOS Player" column, please. Now that I'm here, does an EA rep drive to my house and spit directly into my face or do they just mail me a jar of spit for me to apply myself?
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    I just cant believe its a whole 7* character that android users get, this is over and above any other exclusive they've provided. Most exclusives are just mediocre rewards, but to decide to give out a full 7* character, and then decide to only give it to android, so IOS has to battle a 7* character on their arena server that they cant get, thats just a crazy unfair competitive advantage, this goes way further than just an exclusive when it gives one OS a huge unrecoverable advantage over the other OS
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    ...give us poor pathetic iOS users the option to buy K2SO.
    He is the cutest droid.

    Please guys do it. It's Christmas.
    Give us this gift.
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    lol ios
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    Im never gonna use my f2p time on his shards when he gets to IOS..
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    ...give us poor pathetic iOS users the option to buy K2SO.

    Give us this gift.

    Yep I could see EA taking the deal if Google paid the $200 price tag that a user would pay for an exclusive character, (and a rebel character weeks before a rebel only event that unlocks one of the best characters in the game).

    I doubt Google paid that much, probably pennies per player. Give the entire community a chance to buy it for the same price that Google paid per player.
  • Versatti
    241 posts Member
    edited December 2016
    For such a silly move and as an IOS user I'm boycotting buying crystals throughout December in celebration of Rogue One's release.
  • Maegor
    1217 posts Member
    l2edLeader wrote: »
    ...give us poor pathetic iOS users the option to buy K2SO.

    Give us this gift.

    Yep I could see EA taking the deal if Google paid the $200 price tag that a user would pay for an exclusive character, (and a rebel character weeks before a rebel only event that unlocks one of the best characters in the game).

    I doubt Google paid that much, probably pennies per player. Give the entire community a chance to buy it for the same price that Google paid per player.

    Google paid EA for exclusive content across all their games. Not just this one. So likely the pennies per player you said.
  • Nev
    88 posts Member
    It's very nice that this has been made into a lovely megathread.

    Is it possible we could have some sort of response please?
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    I wonder how many comments this thread really had?
  • Lrrr
    172 posts Member
    Seems pretty crappy to me. One thing to give a 3* character to users another to give a 7* character to users free. Plus it's a brand new character.

    Not gonna change the phone I use or anything, but my decrease my spend rate, if I start seeing K2SO in arena and my rank is lowered because of it.
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