The Apple Vs. Android exclusive offers comments and questions *** MEGATHREAD***


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    I have no issue with the idea of exclusive events, but my problem is that this is the first time there has been any real advantage. Examples:

    TFA release: one system got Poe and one Phasma, both of which were made farmable right after
    Days of Spring (Android): Not a big deal. A few credits, a few shards of easily obtainable toons. Biggest beef with the users was the lack of content for the other platform, not really the rewards.
    Earth Day (Apple): Same as Days of Spring, but with Ewoks, Not terribly great rewards. Allowed iOS users to buy packs for Ewoks. Again, easily farmable characters, not much in the way of resources. Biggest complaint was content not reward.
    Lando Twitter (Apple): This was quickly shut down, and only gave a 2* Lando, and he was easily farmable and considered not good at the time. NBD.
    Samsung Pack (Samsung): Crystals. So what?
    Ships (not exclusive): Just like with TFA, each platform got a different reward. 1:1 correlation of easily farmable toons and their ships. You can argue that one is better, but both sides were given essentially equivalent rewards.
    Rogue One Pack (Android): 10 Shoretrooper and 10 SRP shards, some resources. Both platforms could purchase, but Android got one for free. Big whoop.

    So now we get to our current situation. To date, the cumulative rewards has never been higher than 1500 crystals worth, and that was only once. The K-2SO event gives up to 1k crystals, 1M credits, and a minimum of 2500 crystals worth of shards (50) for a character that is completely unfarmable if you are not on Android. To exacerbate the issue, CG is also giving Android players playable content that iOS cannot access at all, that will end up rewarding players that can beat all tiers with a free 7* exclusive character. 340 shards. Valued at a base of 50 crystals per shard is 17000 crystals.

    Total that all up, and each Android player is getting about $150 worth of stuff, all because they happen to use an Android. Which brings us to the ultimate crux of the situation. There is no feasible way to switch platforms. I have seen that Android cares more about their customers than Apple does, at least when it comes to their app ecosystem. But to switch, I would lose a year's worth of progress, and somewhere between $300 and $400. As such, giving one system (whether Android or Apple) a reward of this magnitude is unacceptable, and proves beyond a shadow of a doubt that the development studio cares not a lick about its customers, especially since we will continue to pay them.
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    This is an awful way to treat your players. If you want to give freebies to players based on their operating system, then put us on separate servers.

    I'd be gutted if you did that because it would break up my guild, but that's just basic courtesy if you don't want players to feel like they are disadvantaged and second rate. As it stands, I'm forced to log in and see all my guild mates getting free characters that I will later have to earn the hard way.

    But all of this is obvious, anyone could have foreseen that this would happen. So without further communication, I can't help but feel that someone at CG/EA took a calculated decision that the damage was worth it to get the money. I don't want to think that, but what else can I think?

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    Joy another tourny to get the toon you want/really need to make the free toon really worthwhile
  • Winstar
    2429 posts Member
    edited December 2016
    My entitled bum is angry! give me give me give me freebie


    I wanted a free K2S0 and own a iphone at the same time but all i got was a turkey.
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    A lot of Android players are being dismissive of IOS players or trying to justify this decision, which is easy to do when you're not affected!
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    Who cares, they have to use phones that explode. Give em a break.
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    DarthLucaz wrote: »
    So, I've been watching the forums blow up over this android exclusive event, and since most users are spreading misinformation and false news, in the spirit of 2016 sadly, I decided to brreak my month long silence and try to explain why Android got this event, and us ios users didn't and why it is justifyable.

    First and foremost: if you recall when Android first came out there was a bit of controversy over them using the term "droid". Why, you ask? Well the fact is, Lucasarts owns the word droid. What does that have to do with this event in our favorite star wars game in the last ten years? Everything. Everytime you see a commercial for a droid, you are witnessing an exchange of currency. Royalties if you will. It may be as small as $0.01, but every single android user has contributed to this game by way of a Lucasarts trademark. [you can tell your wives who give you grief over this game that they contribute too ;)]. So it goes without saying that google owes something back, for hiding royalties in your phone bill. Hence the three tiered reward packs. The free one for royalty payers, the other two for bigger spenders.
    Many forum users have pointed out that google paid and apple didnt. Well thats a simplistic view and usually the poster is a troll, but its not far from the truth.

    The anger, from users, though is not over the exclusivity persay, it is over the character itself. Had it been a character that was more generic, say deathtrooper, it wouldve been completely moot. But, of course, EA said use the droid. CG did not make this decision so lashing out at them or a forum moderator is inappropriate, call and complain to EA if you want something done. The Droid is probably the most desired character of all Rogue One characters. I personally want Krennic more, especially after reading Catalyst, but for most users this is the rebel we wanted most across both platforms. Sadly ios users feel snubbed. But this relationship between android and lucasarts existed already. In the same way EA got picked up for this game and battlefront 3 for producing class A star wars titles in the past, androids relationship with Lucasarts was pre-established and since every droid owner pays money to star wars every bill, that community is owed.

    Conclusion: it was disappointing seeing 3/4 of my guild get the new toon for free while I twiddled my thumbs, but we all know its only a matter of time before us ios guys get him too. Android will ALWAYS have better exclusive events than IOS. It is the nature of the beast. My only warning is DO NOT do this with R2D2, who shouldve been released by now.

    Very well written, been reading through all this rage post, and iOS users should be
    So the datamine shows they are releasing 2 packs with the Uwing Ship.

    IOS users get ship blueprints and Bistan Shards(Not farmable)
    Android users get ship blueprints and Scarriff Rebel Pathfinder shards(easy farm)

    Once again, giving Apple the exclusive. But I am sure you guys will still find a reason to cry about it being unfair.

    Useless ship shards, not full ship vs 7star rebel droid ......want to trade? Yea I didn't think so

    I would trade you, I rather have Bistan than this droid.
    Nikoms565 wrote: »
    Darax_ren wrote: »
    It's really disappointing how much Android users are beating up on IOS users when they'd feel exactly the same if it was them missing out.

    They have...and they did. Do a search for "Poe for Apple" or "Ewok Earth Day event" (i.e. Apple only), or "iOS Free Lando shards" or the more recent "Wedge Apple exclusive" - those are just off the top of my head. I'm sure other Android users could come up with an even more exhaustive list.

    Oh and if you "weren't around for those" - guess what? They still happened. And will. Platform exclusive events are pretty common in this game - and have been. Not sure why all of the sudden the iOS Entitlement Force is out to scream about this one in particular.

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    Nikoms565 wrote: »
    Darax_ren wrote: »
    It's really disappointing how much Android users are beating up on IOS users when they'd feel exactly the same if it was them missing out.

    They have...and they did. Do a search for "Poe for Apple" or "Ewok Earth Day event" (i.e. Apple only), or "iOS Free Lando shards" or the more recent "Wedge Apple exclusive" - those are just off the top of my head. I'm sure other Android users could come up with an even more exhaustive list.

    Oh and if you "weren't around for those" - guess what? They still happened. And will. Platform exclusive events are pretty common in this game - and have been. Not sure why all of the sudden the iOS Entitlement Force is out to scream about this one in particular.

    This is what is most frustrating to me.

    Earth day had packs available to purchase that supported wwf. Android devices did receive an droid event that apple didnt have access to. Let's just call that equitable.

    Lando was a twitter special not a device deal. This is equitable.

    Poe and phasma is a contentious debate. iOS says it was fair because the resource amount were the same and distributed evenly. This issue was brought up again with the wedge and Biggs giveaways. Same resources and they were distributed evenly to the players. The prizes were unbiased as no one but the developers had the say in who gets what. It's equitable because it's the players who attached a value to the players not the developers.

    This particular giveaway is upsetting due to the amount of rewards given out. If apple users received a full 330 shards of Poe and android players didn't get anything, I would say then those arguments do have legs upon which to stand. As it is, we have two different issues: one part of the player base getting nothing at all while the other gets a full toon and then there is the give always aren't fair due to attached player values. Let's focus on the former as that is what caused the fire.

    In This case, apple players are upset because arguably half the player base will have access to an entire 7* toon, as of now, not available any other way. The other Half of players were not given an entire toon regardless of how powerfrul the in-game mechanics are. It's empathy that is lost. It becomes a finger pointing and bickering.
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    Aknf2001 wrote: »
    You're the guys who got a big boost on Wedge and got the first Ewok event. Android got two free packs, one of which was for Samsung Galaxy S7's only

    at least wedge is already farmable. rekt
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    Who cares, they have to use phones that explode. Give em a break.


    Android will go extinct by August 2017
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    420 wrote: »
    Monsterstl wrote: »
    crzydroid wrote: »
    Apple users got a free Wedge.

    And android users got a free shoretrooper/scarif rebel pathfinder shards

    Android user here... never got free shards of those toons. Only got a crystal purchasable card

    then you got a glitch or something.
  • R5D4sMotivator
    204 posts Member
    edited December 2016
    On his own he is a garbage toon, they actually have to spend 1.85+ mil credits on him to star him anyway, then buy / farm the gear. If they get 1.5 mil credits from an event then most will use it towards that, so they're not getting any advantage credit-wise really. If you have iOS, like me, you just got spared that whole mess. Thank you CG for sparing me. If I see Ko2bs whatever he is in the arena, he can have fun beating on my baze like the rest of the toons on my shard.

    Keep it all in perspective, yeah, they got a "free" 7* toon, that is "worth" 330 shards, but then again, nighstister initiate cost 330 shards too.

    Plus, knowing these devils like I do, they'll release the other one that matches with him to iOS in 3 days, then they'll make both farmable in Galactic War in a week.
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    Just make the game cross platform so i can play on my iphone and android tablet.

    But since that isnt happening itd be nice to get something for the iOS users who support the game and not pick sides.
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    Nebulous wrote: »
    Nikoms565 wrote: »
    Darax_ren wrote: »
    It's really disappointing how much Android users are beating up on IOS users when they'd feel exactly the same if it was them missing out.

    They have...and they did. Do a search for "Poe for Apple" or "Ewok Earth Day event" (i.e. Apple only), or "iOS Free Lando shards" or the more recent "Wedge Apple exclusive" - those are just off the top of my head. I'm sure other Android users could come up with an even more exhaustive list.

    Oh and if you "weren't around for those" - guess what? They still happened. And will. Platform exclusive events are pretty common in this game - and have been. Not sure why all of the sudden the iOS Entitlement Force is out to scream about this one in particular.

    This is what is most frustrating to me.

    Earth day had packs available to purchase that supported wwf. Android devices did receive an droid event that apple didnt have access to. Let's just call that equitable.

    Lando was a twitter special not a device deal. This is equitable.

    Poe and phasma is a contentious debate. iOS says it was fair because the resource amount were the same and distributed evenly. This issue was brought up again with the wedge and Biggs giveaways. Same resources and they were distributed evenly to the players. The prizes were unbiased as no one but the developers had the say in who gets what. It's equitable because it's the players who attached a value to the players not the developers.

    This particular giveaway is upsetting due to the amount of rewards given out. If apple users received a full 330 shards of Poe and android players didn't get anything, I would say then those arguments do have legs upon which to stand. As it is, we have two different issues: one part of the player base getting nothing at all while the other gets a full toon and then there is the give always aren't fair due to attached player values. Let's focus on the former as that is what caused the fire.

    In This case, apple players are upset because arguably half the player base will have access to an entire 7* toon, as of now, not available any other way. The other Half of players were not given an entire toon regardless of how powerfrul the in-game mechanics are. It's empathy that is lost. It becomes a finger pointing and bickering.

    Very well articulated point.

    As I've said countless times now to noobs comparing this to past events, there is no promotion in the history of the game that was this unfair and one-sided. It doesn't matter how our perception of each toon that we got for free is. Nothing before gave a FULL 7* toon for FREE. Not to mention you can't farm K2 anywhere else in the game.

    Anyone claiming that 'iOS got an advantage before so it's ok now' because of some meaningless, farmable character shards, has no idea how much value a full 7* toon holds, and how half of the players are getting screwed only because they own a different 3rd party device.
    FN 2187, Mighty Chlorians (spelt with a lowercase l not a capital I): Heroic AAT Guide, The Gear Grind
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    Darax_ren wrote: »
    A lot of Android players are being dismissive of IOS players or trying to justify this decision, which is easy to do when you're not affected!

    No - a lot of Android users are suggesting that this time they are not affected. Every time there is a platform-specific event or freebie, the other side screams, yells, posts, threatens to quit, etc.

    This just happens to be iOS users' turn to whine. Enjoy the spotlight.
    In game name: Lucas Gregory FORMER PLAYER - - - -"Whale blah grump poooop." - Ouchie

    In game guild: TNR Uprising
    I beat the REAL T7 Yoda (not the nerfed one) and did so before mods were there to help
    *This space left intentionally blank*
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    Here's what I like about this release:

    -We get to have a levelled version of the toon as an ally to assess playablity.
    -Shards are paired with credits
    -We have the ability to use crystals to gain more shards if we like the character.
    -Battles are long, but not overly so.

    Nice work on this release CG!
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    Troll post? I'm sure it's a good event, but only half the playerbase gave access to it, so that immediately discredits any plundits the event receives.
    FN 2187, Mighty Chlorians (spelt with a lowercase l not a capital I): Heroic AAT Guide, The Gear Grind
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    Aknf2001 wrote: »
    You're the guys who got a big boost on Wedge and got the first Ewok event. Android got two free packs, one of which was for Samsung Galaxy S7's only

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    Agreed one of the best event in term of progression
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    Oh, it's the event AND the cards? I thought the event was for everyone and the cards were android exclusive.

    Either way, if they release toons more often like this in the future it would be a great improvement to the game. *without the only half the players getting it thing.
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    It's definitely the best event so far. Coming from and Android Player, I think the developers should make the event available to both OS.
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    Hanburger wrote: »
    Oh, it's the event AND the cards? I thought the event was for everyone and the cards were android exclusive.

    Either way, if they release toons more often like this in the future it would be a great improvement to the game. *without the only half the players getting it thing.

    Yes, both are exclusive. But from what I've heard about the event, it does sound like a good format for future toons, and sounds far better than mindless tourney auctions.
    FN 2187, Mighty Chlorians (spelt with a lowercase l not a capital I): Heroic AAT Guide, The Gear Grind
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    What's so great about the event? It's just another thing I have to Auto.
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    Are the majority of people getting the FREE rewards? They are in my guild at least. At this point it feels like I'm being punished more than others are receiving awards. It's just so massive of a giveaway with nothing on the other side. Congrats to you guys receiving the rewards, but don't hate on the people who feel cheated in all this. What did you do to get this, nothing. Probably most android owners are kids under there parents plan anyway(sorry, starting to get impatient). It's just a phone. If Google wants to add bonus rewards on top of what EA offers that seems more reasonable. iOS should at least get an event to pay for something. Or Chewy shards?

    @EA I would like to know, honestly does a player benefit in your game by having an Android device over iOS? Clearly in this case it does, but I mean is this a partnership between EA and Android that users will continue to benefit from in the future?
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    Posts like this are just making the situation worse for those of us who can't play.
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    Aknf2001 wrote: »
    You're the guys who got a big boost on Wedge and got the first Ewok event. Android got two free packs, one of which was for Samsung Galaxy S7's only

    benacrow wrote: »
    Nebulous wrote: »
    Nikoms565 wrote: »
    Darax_ren wrote: »
    It's really disappointing how much Android users are beating up on IOS users when they'd feel exactly the same if it was them missing out.

    They have...and they did. Do a search for "Poe for Apple" or "Ewok Earth Day event" (i.e. Apple only), or "iOS Free Lando shards" or the more recent "Wedge Apple exclusive" - those are just off the top of my head. I'm sure other Android users could come up with an even more exhaustive list.

    Oh and if you "weren't around for those" - guess what? They still happened. And will. Platform exclusive events are pretty common in this game - and have been. Not sure why all of the sudden the iOS Entitlement Force is out to scream about this one in particular.

    This is what is most frustrating to me.

    Earth day had packs available to purchase that supported wwf. Android devices did receive an droid event that apple didnt have access to. Let's just call that equitable.

    Lando was a twitter special not a device deal. This is equitable.

    Poe and phasma is a contentious debate. iOS says it was fair because the resource amount were the same and distributed evenly. This issue was brought up again with the wedge and Biggs giveaways. Same resources and they were distributed evenly to the players. The prizes were unbiased as no one but the developers had the say in who gets what. It's equitable because it's the players who attached a value to the players not the developers.

    This particular giveaway is upsetting due to the amount of rewards given out. If apple users received a full 330 shards of Poe and android players didn't get anything, I would say then those arguments do have legs upon which to stand. As it is, we have two different issues: one part of the player base getting nothing at all while the other gets a full toon and then there is the give always aren't fair due to attached player values. Let's focus on the former as that is what caused the fire.

    In This case, apple players are upset because arguably half the player base will have access to an entire 7* toon, as of now, not available any other way. The other Half of players were not given an entire toon regardless of how powerfrul the in-game mechanics are. It's empathy that is lost. It becomes a finger pointing and bickering.

    Very well articulated point.

    As I've said countless times now to noobs comparing this to past events, there is no promotion in the history of the game that was this unfair and one-sided. It doesn't matter how our perception of each toon that we got for free is. Nothing before gave a FULL 7* toon for FREE. Not to mention you can't farm K2 anywhere else in the game.

    Anyone claiming that 'iOS got an advantage before so it's ok now' because of some meaningless, farmable character shards, has no idea how much value a full 7* toon holds, and how half of the players are getting screwed only because they own a different 3rd party device.

    FN 2187, Mighty Chlorians (spelt with a lowercase l not a capital I): Heroic AAT Guide, The Gear Grind
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    DarthLucaz wrote: »
    So, I've been watching the forums blow up over this android exclusive event, and since most users are spreading misinformation and false news, in the spirit of 2016 sadly, I decided to brreak my month long silence and try to explain why Android got this event, and us ios users didn't and why it is justifyable.

    First and foremost: if you recall when Android first came out there was a bit of controversy over them using the term "droid". Why, you ask? Well the fact is, Lucasarts owns the word droid. What does that have to do with this event in our favorite star wars game in the last ten years? Everything. Everytime you see a commercial for a droid, you are witnessing an exchange of currency. Royalties if you will. It may be as small as $0.01, but every single android user has contributed to this game by way of a Lucasarts trademark. [you can tell your wives who give you grief over this game that they contribute too ;)]. So it goes without saying that google owes something back, for hiding royalties in your phone bill. Hence the three tiered reward packs. The free one for royalty payers, the other two for bigger spenders.
    Many forum users have pointed out that google paid and apple didnt. Well thats a simplistic view and usually the poster is a troll, but its not far from the truth.

    The anger, from users, though is not over the exclusivity persay, it is over the character itself. Had it been a character that was more generic, say deathtrooper, it wouldve been completely moot. But, of course, EA said use the droid. CG did not make this decision so lashing out at them or a forum moderator is inappropriate, call and complain to EA if you want something done. The Droid is probably the most desired character of all Rogue One characters. I personally want Krennic more, especially after reading Catalyst, but for most users this is the rebel we wanted most across both platforms. Sadly ios users feel snubbed. But this relationship between android and lucasarts existed already. In the same way EA got picked up for this game and battlefront 3 for producing class A star wars titles in the past, androids relationship with Lucasarts was pre-established and since every droid owner pays money to star wars every bill, that community is owed.

    Conclusion: it was disappointing seeing 3/4 of my guild get the new toon for free while I twiddled my thumbs, but we all know its only a matter of time before us ios guys get him too. Android will ALWAYS have better exclusive events than IOS. It is the nature of the beast. My only warning is DO NOT do this with R2D2, who shouldve been released by now.

    Thought wow, this is a fascinating story so googled it. I was wondering HOW could they have royalties from "android" when they owned "droid". It just didn't make any sense at all. In 1 min I learned

    -Yes Lucas Arts owns the term "droid" which was coined by a makeup artist

    -Yes a company had to pay Lucas Arts to use the term "droid", Verizon when they launched the Motorola Droid phones

    -The word droid was just a shortened form of android which means "likeness of man" from Greek. Gynoid is "likeness of woman".

    -"Android" has been around for at least ----150---- years

    So no, the argument and information you presented is wrong and false. In some ways I miss the days before google, people could just make up stories in bars and have a raucous debate about it but now everyone whips out google and debunks stories in seconds.

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    1.3k reply (more incoguinit number erase replys)

    0 devs answer

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    sL_Spinoza wrote: »
    1.3k reply (more incoguinit number erase replys)

    0 devs answer

    They posted what was going on in the Developers Notes yesterday. Why do they have to answer here too??
    In game name: Lucas Gregory FORMER PLAYER - - - -"Whale blah grump poooop." - Ouchie

    In game guild: TNR Uprising
    I beat the REAL T7 Yoda (not the nerfed one) and did so before mods were there to help
    *This space left intentionally blank*
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This discussion has been closed.