The Apple Vs. Android exclusive offers comments and questions *** MEGATHREAD***


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    I noticed something while reading K-2SO apparently he will have help from Cassian Andor so maybe they will give Apple users Cassian Andor while giving Android users K-2SO.
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    Nikoms565 wrote: »
    Darax_ren wrote: »
    It's really disappointing how much Android users are beating up on IOS users when they'd feel exactly the same if it was them missing out.

    They have...and they did. Do a search for "Poe for Apple" or "Ewok Earth Day event" (i.e. Apple only), or "iOS Free Lando shards" or the more recent "Wedge Apple exclusive" - those are just off the top of my head. I'm sure other Android users could come up with an even more exhaustive list.

    Oh and if you "weren't around for those" - guess what? They still happened. And will. Platform exclusive events are pretty common in this game - and have been. Not sure why all of the sudden the iOS Entitlement Force is out to scream about this one in particular.

    this is not the same kind of event! And please shut up with those lando shards! almost no one got them! me included -.-

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    That would be cool - but that rumor started from a fake SWGOH Facebook page.
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    I can't get over how you apple guys are so upset.

    So let me get this straight.
    You drive a chevy, I drive a Ford.
    The only Tire provider starts giving tires out to Ford owners for being loyal paying customers, paid for by Ford.
    Who's fault is it that Chevy owners aren't getting free tires? Not the tire provider.

    you have an Iphone, I have an android
    CG gives out a reward to android users paid for by Google.
    Who's fault is it that Apple owners aren;t getting free stuff? Not CG/EA, unless you ask all these apple users who seem to think it's EA/CGs fault.

    This is a simple matter of Google promoting to their user base. Maybe in an effort to get you guys off your elitist Iphones. I saw at least a dozen posts of guys trying to see if they can switch to android. Promotion success! They are also promoting spending through google play. Thus the spending packs. Promotions are to get people to spend money. Success!

    You guys that are all **** about this need to talk to Apple and ask them why you didn't get any promotions this time. This has nothing to do with Android, Google or CG, it has to do with Apple. At least cry to the right source.


    Awesomely put!
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    For those with a short attention span, I'll keep this brief. Google paid for the promotion... Google is working to expand their market share. Apple thanks they have their users by the short and curlies, so they don't bother paying for a promotion.

    If you want to blame EA/CG for taking Google's money, then fine... but they are not treating players differently... Google is treating users better than Apple treats their users.
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    If so then why is the "event" not active? The new movie comes out in a week... If this was true then it would be avalible now for Apple users...
    "You don't want to sell me death sticks... You want to go home and rethink your life. "
    Obi-Wan Kenobi
  • Winstar
    2429 posts Member
    edited December 2016
    tomates302 wrote: »
    its like a poker game which ur opponent start with an ace in his hand would u keep spending money ?

    Yes and every time, if the stakes is getting a swgoh exclusive.
  • Winstar
    2429 posts Member
    edited December 2016
    DoomeyEyes wrote: »
    For those with a short attention span, I'll keep this brief. Google paid for the promotion... Google is working to expand their market share. Apple thanks they have their users by the short and curlies, so they don't bother paying for a promotion.

    If you want to blame EA/CG for taking Google's money, then fine... but they are not treating players differently... Google is treating users better than Apple treats their users.

    The downside and punishment is having and owning a phone that isn't an iPhone. You can keep your K2S0
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    USAmazing wrote: »
    If so then why is the "event" not active? The new movie comes out in a week... If this was true then it would be avalible now for Apple users...


    And this rumor got debunked yesterday, nice try though!
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    So when fifa decides that players with nike shoes can play for an extra 10 minutes, while adidas players have to sit on the bench, that is just a normal promotional action by nike?

    This is a middle finger to a large part of the player base. A company with some morals would not sell its paying customers' service for a 'promotion'.

    I'm not hyped about this, i don't really care. But don't label it as normal business. That would be offensive to legit business owners. It's just a sign of utter contempt for their customers. That 's all there is to say about this.
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    The feeling from the majority of the members in my guild is that there shouldn't be any exclusives period (and many of them are Android users) Keep it the same for everyone regardless of the system you are playing on. In regards to Brandon's comment, I was not aware those rewards were for IOS users only. Had I know I would have voiced a similar complaint (even though I would have been the beneficiary). The point being, there is no need to make the game different depending upon your operating system. Doing so only alienates those left out IMO.
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    A more accurate comparison in this situation would be: You're playing in a basketball team in the finals against another basketball team. All the rules of the game are identical with one small exceptions. The other teams sponsors paid FIBA some money to promote their team so they are starting the game of with a 30 point lead.
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    I can't get over how you apple guys are so upset.

    So let me get this straight.
    You drive a chevy, I drive a Ford.
    The only Tire provider starts giving tires out to Ford owners for being loyal paying customers, paid for by Ford.
    Who's fault is it that Chevy owners aren't getting free tires? Not the tire provider.

    you have an Iphone, I have an android
    CG gives out a reward to android users paid for by Google.
    Who's fault is it that Apple owners aren;t getting free stuff? Not CG/EA, unless you ask all these apple users who seem to think it's EA/CGs fault.

    This is a simple matter of Google promoting to their user base. Maybe in an effort to get you guys off your elitist Iphones. I saw at least a dozen posts of guys trying to see if they can switch to android. Promotion success! They are also promoting spending through google play. Thus the spending packs. Promotions are to get people to spend money. Success!

    You guys that are all **** about this need to talk to Apple and ask them why you didn't get any promotions this time. This has nothing to do with Android, Google or CG, it has to do with Apple. At least cry to the right source.

    Bad analogy. It's like you drive a ford and I drive a Chevy to our boxing match and when we get there the organizers give you a knife to use (sponsored by ford) and I get nothing. Why does the car(device) matter? Maybe good for new users but it shows a lack of respect to long time players who have invested in their product.
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    Weird, I remember tons of android users complaining a few days ago of how apple got wedge and android only biggs. Now this time it's apple users complaining.
    And who knows if there won't be an iOS exclusive Rogue One something later during this month.
    And hey, iOS players are cashing more than android users, let us poor google users get a slice of the pie too :blush:
    2761 posts Member
    I am beginning to think that the thread in feedback now titled "iOS users get the shaft" is right. Conveniently hidden in an obscure area of feedback.
    ☮ Consular ☮ American Rebel Rebel Force (Endor) JedhaYavin IV
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    Broxxor wrote: »
    That would be cool - but that rumor started from a fake SWGOH Facebook page.

    I had thought the same thing from the text alone of K-2SO's ability. Never saw that facebook page. There can be more than 1 source of an idea.

    But unfortunately it's looking grim for iOS users.
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    Google is good but android phones are Dooku
  • Xioborg
    405 posts Member
    edited December 2016
    I faced a Zeta Jedi team and I run Baze, he started with 100% TM from the forsight buffs and just aoe debuffed the team, hitting them for 25%+damage in the process. I didn't notice being hit harder than usual. Aalya and Fisto were a bit annoying but they always were. They've now stopped running Jedi and reverted to full Bounty Hunters which is a very fine team to face and chatting to them they wish they'd Zeta'd Boba..

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    hey so i have qui gon and mace atm and soon to have luminara, whose leader ability is it best to use a low level im only 42 on second account and qui gon and mace are new to me
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    I say Apple gets first crack at R2. They debuted him in July!
    #CloneHelmets4Life...VICTORY!!!! :smiley: "I don't like sand. It's coarse and rough and irritating and it gets everywhere." The more you tighten your grip, CG/EA, the more whales will slip through your fingers (and go F2P or quit).
  • tRRRey
    2782 posts Member
    Xioborg wrote: »
    I faced a Zeta Jedi team and I run Baze, he started with 100% TM from the forsight buffs and just aoe debuffed the team, hitting them for 25%+damage in the process. I didn't notice being hit harder than usual. Aalya and Fisto were a bit annoying but they always were. They've now stopped running Jedi and reverted to full Bounty Hunters which is a very fine team to face and chatting to them they wish they'd Zeta'd Boba..

    Fisto isn't close to arena viable.. Was he running Kenobi in that squad? That's the only way to make QGJ Zeta work 66/
    Make Zader Great Again!
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    I like luminara better, her leader ability also gives health. Mace is pretty awful he is being used/upgraded because he is a fleet commander otherwise not that great.
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    It's not happening. Stop trying to justify this.
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    If there were no credit heist this week (and there's only 1 day left) after Android users got millions of free credits while Apple users got zilch, EA/CG would only be adding insult to injury. I've been refraining from drawing negative judgments about their treatment of the IOS player base, but this would leave absolutely no doubt.
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    Qui Gon is pretty good his leadership ability gives speed which is the best stat to increase. Qui Gon also has his harmonious assault ability that gets an ally to attack like geonosian soldier.
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    It's already been datamined that Cassian will be a future tourney reward.
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    Luminara is the easiest to farm so will be easiest to 7 star in the shortest amount of time. Her shards are available in galactic war, light and dark side locations .
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    don't worry. Research shows apple product owners have more money (Disposable income), just buy a couple credit packs to drown your sorrows.
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    I don't know about that, those two topics are kind of unrelated and like you said there is still one day left
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    the idea of this event is really relly great but please let something like this be on both android and IOS next time!
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