

  • Qeltar
    4326 posts Member
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    Enance wrote: »
    I don't know where to go to rant about Count Dooku but seriously ****!!!! He has a stun on his basic attack, stun on his second ability 100% counter, gets three attacks in a row more often than not. To top it off I've had to fight him five times in a row today in Galactic Wars barely skimming by with near death toons every round. Now I'm currently fighting a gear lvl 8, lvl 62, 4 star that is simply wrecking my team time after time while I'm level 58 all gear lvl 7+. Screamed and cursed at my tablet an unhealthy amount over it and I think 4 of five teams had Phasma as leader which makes him more of a nightmare!!!! Speaking of Phasma the AI have probably more like a 60% chance to get an extra attack than the intended 14, 16, 18, 20 which also makes me extremely frustrated. Back to Dooku, a four star should not be getting critical hits of 3600. I can go on and on about his bull crap because I've fought him at least 30 times today but I'm done.

    LOLOL so sorry but this is too funny

  • Dario
    326 posts Member
    I always take out dooku first cuz he winds me up.
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    TJShaw wrote: »
    Order of kill-healers>low health dps>dooku/whatever's left
    I go for the high attack characters first and hope for a heal block from my Sid, but otherwise that's where I put Dooku, too. At the level I play at he's just not that big of a threat unless he's adding damage to what their other attackers are doing. By the time I get to Dooku I have the game under control and might even have a heal left. So he's actually more damaging to attack first.

  • Cleaner
    192 posts Member
    edited January 2016
    Generally Dooku is a good first target to kill first because he has zero defenses and if you let him survive until the end of a match his damage will add up due to A) more chances for multiple hits B ) getting stunned and C) not being able to use your AOE.

    Whereas trying to kill Sidious or Luminara first with their high evasion can cost you a match easily. Sidious of course is a double edged blade if you rely on healing, but that's another story.

    Kill Dooku ASAP. Hit him with your high healthy characters and take him down like now.
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    I hit Dooku with my stuns or highest damage attackers early on. Normally I take out any glass cannons first, FOTP maul QGJ or Geo soldier. Then dooku, then sid. Of course if I have a stun character I'll often try to get an early stin and burn him down while he's stunned aND can't counter
  • Qeltar
    4326 posts Member
    edited January 2016
    The single best way to kill Dooku is a secondary stun from Daka. Attack someone else. If you get lucky and he gets stunned (and stays stunned, he is fast) then switch everyone over to him until he is gone.
    This is also the best way to kill Fives (and why Fives is somewhat useless on defense).
    Quit 7/14/16. Best of luck to all of you.
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    Cleaner wrote: »
    Generally Dooku is a good first target to kill first because he has zero defenses and if you let him survive until the end of a match his damage will add up due to A) more chances for multiple hits B ) getting stunned and C) not being able to use your AOE.

    Whereas trying to kill Sidious or Luminara first with their high evasion can cost you a match easily. Sidious of course is a double edged blade if you rely on healing, but that's another story.

    Kill Dooku ASAP. Hit him with your high healthy characters and take him down like now.
    I think it will depend on your team and the meta of the level at which you're playing. For me that means that attacking him first gives a better chance of one of my toons dying before I can pull off a heal. His damage from counters combined with damage from their other attackers will add up too quick. If I leave him he may do more damage overall, but it will be spread out over a longer time so it's easier to deal with. Getting one more turn, especially with a character that can manipulate the turn meter in some way, can totally change a match.

    At a higher level of play reducing the amount of damage you take overall is a much bigger deal because there is no "later" part of a match.

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    Bloodydmg wrote: »
    His counter really does some damage along side bonus attacks . I usually save him for last but around them my team is drained and sometimes he just destroys my team at then end .

    It seems like dooku is making a comeback in PVP. I just finished a match where my L63 7* lumi went head to head with a dooku, both with full energy. He attacked, I healed (seemingly unnecessarily as health was full before the attack). He attacked 5 times in a row, Stunning me 4 TIMES! I got one strike in before I was killed. That's what happens when you leave dooku for last. Once he is starred up he is going to be a nightmare. I'm only guessing this was a 5*. To answer the question, I now take out the healers or megaDPS, then I go for dooku. Spreading the damage across all of your characters is the best way.
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    garublador wrote: »
    TJShaw wrote: »
    Order of kill-healers>low health dps>dooku/whatever's left
    I go for the high attack characters first and hope for a heal block from my Sid, but otherwise that's where I put Dooku, too. At the level I play at he's just not that big of a threat unless he's adding damage to what their other attackers are doing. By the time I get to Dooku I have the game under control and might even have a heal left. So he's actually more damaging to attack first.

    Same here. The low health DPS should go down easily before their healer has a chance to heal them.
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    He's so op, I demand CG to need him now before the game's broken..... JK

    I actually got a curious issue with using him and counter-er in general.

    Why would they not counter after dodge? I mean, "dude, you were trying to kill me but I dodge that so we're cool" ****. Not to mention that dooku's leader skill increase dodge that means his two skills get in each other ways.
  • Zen
    126 posts Member
    Can somebody tell me where the cantina battle to farm dooku is?
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    First you need to get to lvl 69 (Cantina stage 6). From there its the last node on the table.
  • Zen
    126 posts Member
    Thanks.I've like 12 levels to go :/ Decided to jump on the dooku bandwagon finally. Keep getting slaughtered in Gw and sometimes arena...
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    Our Dooku bandwagon costs $5.
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    Our Dooku bandwagon costs $5.

    That was once in a lifetime.

    I got it too. Took me two days of playing this game to decide to pull the trigger though. I had to test the game out and felt I liked it.

    Dooku will be end game hero. He is without a doubt the best hero I ever used. Sidious is second and I would say everyone is a 3rd or lower. But that is my own opinion. I don't even consider Poe to be top 5. He is amazing good, but not a must have in the meta of the game. Phasma, I believe is also top 3 material.

    I'm sorry if I offend anyone, but I just feel Dooku is great. Not anything that needs fix, but perfect specimen of game design. Another great game design is QGJ. just a fantastic hero. I don't have, but I look at his skills and it amazes me. Also Ima and Lumi ... Very well made heroes.

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    Our Dooku bandwagon costs $5.

    That was once in a lifetime.

    I got it too. Took me two days of playing this game to decide to pull the trigger though. I had to test the game out and felt I liked it.

    Dooku will be end game hero. He is without a doubt the best hero I ever used. Sidious is second and I would say everyone is a 3rd or lower. But that is my own opinion. I don't even consider Poe to be top 5. He is amazing good, but not a must have in the meta of the game. Phasma, I believe is also top 3 material.

    I'm sorry if I offend anyone, but I just feel Dooku is great. Not anything that needs fix, but perfect specimen of game design. Another great game design is QGJ. just a fantastic hero. I don't have, but I look at his skills and it amazes me. Also Ima and Lumi ... Very well made heroes.

    Dooku is a great hero for sure. I was about to throw my phone when his basic bugged. Thankfully a fix is coming today.
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    Where did you hear the fix is coming?
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    Dooku's counter shouldn't be able to do more damage than a quality character can on the initial hit as long as it is 100% counter. I say this as a user of Dooku who often chuckles at how ridiculous the counter is when I get attacked so it's not just a complaint when facing him.

    Just seems silly that a character could attack Dooku, do some damage, he counters, multi strikes and gets more damage than the initial hit (especially if he gets one or two critical blows on the counter) and also often gains turn meter and then gets to attack again.

    It really became apparent how ridiculous his counter is when I used my 7 star max geared level 64 Sid on Dooku and got something like 2.2k damage and the 5 star level 64 Dooku countered and did 5k in damage since he got two criticals. No counter should be able to take out over half your character's health.

    I think either his counter should only be a max of one hit or the chance percentage should be lowered from 100%.
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    At a point where I'm considering who to axe in my team to put dooku in, and wondered about how well his leader ability did his job.

    If I'm not mistaken it's 9(10?) % increase to evasion and then the offense up when an ally evades.

    My question: does anyone running dooku as lead really notice the evasion actually go up? How often does this really proc? Enough to be useful?
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    Evasion is hot stuff.

    I'd recommend it. Lumi is also very evasive.

    Nothing more frustrating than trying to hit an opponent and missing X5.

  • Triqui
    2790 posts Member
    Once I have enough chars star'ed up, I plan to do an evasion team. Including also Rey and foresight
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    Evasion just seems too RNGish to me, let's take Sid for example. 35% evasion against Jedi, yet sometimes it feels like its -35% as even Barriss lands a hit...
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    That's almost exactly my concern. It makes me nervous to invest in something that is so fundamentally RNGish rather than a boring but tried and true sidious or phasma
  • Triqui
    2790 posts Member
    Anraeth wrote: »
    Evasion just seems too RNGish to me, let's take Sid for example. 35% evasion against Jedi, yet sometimes it feels like its -35% as even Barriss lands a hit...

    That's what is cool about foresight :)
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    Evasion is a top tier leadership ability to have. 2 of the top three people on my server use him as their leader, with me being the third. I run Sid as my leader most of the time and will switch in Lumi to snipe one of those players as they run Dooku (lead), Poe, Han, Rey and GS. I generally have fits trying to win with Sid against that team, but with Lumi, I win most of the battles.
    Team iNstinct --
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    remember that if you put Dooku as leader, he counters his own passive.
    i mean, i'd like to use a healer and use more of dooku, letting them atcking him AND HIT, and he counter atc, sometimes bonus atc, and sometimes up turn-meter. i believe its better to use different abi leader+dooku passive allways when dooku atcked, then using dooku leader and lose some atcks when dooku getting hit.

    Just rememebr, that dooku isnt a tank after all. and whenever i see a dooku, most of the time i can oneshot him (rey's tripleatc(WHAT? 4* removing 7* dooku? yes its stupid....... -.-) / IG-86 special[OK he 7* and abuse crits and call some1 else so its "logical"])
    SOOOOO in high lvls perhaps its better to make him evasive. and perhaps you better use other toon :)
  • reizse
    1447 posts Member
    i place top 5-10 daily. don't use kylo at all...ever (51/100 to 7*, 5/6 slots gear 8).
    dooku is 17/85, 5/6 slots gear 8, but i use him everywhere. should i finish off kylo for completion or start on dooku? i'll unlock his cantina node in 2 days and kylo will probably be at 71/100 at that point.

    ...i don't know why i even bothered to build up kylo and gear him if i don't use him, but that's another question for later haha
    mighty chlorians
  • reizse
    1447 posts Member
    for reference, my teams are:
    arena - phasma 7*/g8, foo 5*/g8, dooku 5*/g8, sthan 7*/g8, lumi 7*/g8. i think i would replace lumi with kylo, but his retribution buff competes with han's less synergy there. plus lumi's regen is nice to keep han topped off.
    gw - lumi 7*/g8, dooku 7*/g8, jc 7*/g8, lumi 7*/g8, daka 5*/g8. no room for kylo here as i comfortably complete gw every day (50/50 achievement today) with these same 5 every day
    mighty chlorians
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    I am building towards your Arena team.

    May I know how good does FOO work with ST Han?

    And would it be better to replace your Lumi with a Geo?

    Phasma (L), FOO, ST Han, Geo and Dooku
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