

  • Randall
    1001 posts Member
    edited January 2016
    Mako482 wrote: »
    Randall wrote: »
    Hes isnt top tier...he is weak...I just dont understand why you noobs hate him so much. He needs a buff in damage he hits so weak.

    I would bet my left arm he is in your 1st string lineup. Nice try. He will be nerfed.

    Keep your left arm, he is in because I bought him and farmed him from the start, combined with bad cantina farming early on and I actually dont much much of a choice my other other higher (5+) stars are JC, Han, Daka, and Talia. But once I get GS to 5* Dooku in benched.
  • Qeltar
    4326 posts Member
    Just unlocked his node this moment. To quote Dooku himself: "I've been looking forward to this..." :)
    (Yes, I realize that doesn't end well for him. It's still a great line.) :)
    Quit 7/14/16. Best of luck to all of you.
  • Options
    Dooku is now farmable on cantina
  • AdamW
    692 posts Member
    Idk Ive been farming him since day 1. Hes 20 away from 6* now and its really random if he preforms well. Sometimes he will get off a double stun and counter attack 2 times landing a double crit. Then sometimes he gets 1 shot or only does 1.6k damage for his turn. He is suppose to be a high damage character, but that high damage only comes from his double attack and counter attacks.

    lets say he attacks 2 times for 1.6k damage and you attack him and he attacks 2 times for his counter. You will probobly freak out and think WHY IS HE GOING SO MUCH?? But really 4×1.6k= 6400 which is STILL LOWER than other power houses like 86,rey,fotp,gs. And those 4 attacks might not even be on the same character it will be dispursed among the whole team as he counters.

    So in all, I think hes pretty balanced. I would even go so far as to say he should have a damage buff. Solid well designed character with synergies in his own compositon.
  • Qeltar
    4326 posts Member
    edited January 2016
    You don't use Dooku for damage. You use him for three things:
    - His stun special.
    - His counterattack, which is free damage.
    - His ability to endless tie up Jedi, especially with every team having Lumi on it.
    An added fourth benefit is psychological. Opponents focus on him or worry about him, he just generally forces changes in strategy. He throws people off their games too, gets them distracted, forces mistakes.
    Sure, against a massive damage team he will just die, but that's true of half the chars in the game right now.
    Really, even for just his anti-Jedi abilities he's worth a slot. Wait until everyone has a 7* Jinn...
    Quit 7/14/16. Best of luck to all of you.
  • Options
    Abyss wrote: »
    W0NDERWA11 wrote: »
    So much divided opinion I can't work out whether to keep farming mine or not
    He's been a staple since I got him in a chromium pack, now 4* lvl 60 gear VII, nearly got him to 5* off the hard nodes
    Stop there and find someone better for end game or keep going?

    Its not opinion, thats the issue. Its proven fact dooku is a scrub overall in comparrison to many many other strong toons.

    At low-mid game he is a god bug beyond that he is mediocre at best. Hes far too easy to beat. Dooku needs a buff far more then a nerf but i go on record as saying hes well balanced.

    He has strengths an weaknesses just like any other toon. If i need to explain i will but the bottom line is, if you think hes OP then you fit one if the following criteria
    A) at a stage in the game where you dont understand him or how he works
    B) simply dont have a good roster an therefore cant deal with a unique toon like him yet
    C) have no clue what your doing
    D) are low level
    E) are seeing him succeede due to synergy and not his own abilities (phasma leader, 5's in team, kylo in team, etc etc)

    Bottom line is hes far from OP. Hes alot of fun an good on offence but one day you all who think hes OP will realise hes one if the toons you are hopeing your opponet uses cause hes that easy to beat. Its almost an "auto win"

    Yeah I haven't been shouting for a nerf or a buff. I'm just curious. No need for your alphabetical insults.
  • Abyss
    1651 posts Member
    Qeltar wrote: »
    You don't use Dooku for damage. You use him for three things:
    - His stun special.
    - His counterattack, which is free damage.
    - His ability to endless tie up Jedi, especially with every team having Lumi on it.
    An added fourth benefit is psychological. Opponents focus on him or worry about him, he just generally forces changes in strategy. He throws people off their games too, gets them distracted, forces mistakes.
    Sure, against a massive damage team he will just die, but that's true of half the chars in the game right now.
    Really, even for just his anti-Jedi abilities he's worth a slot. Wait until everyone has a 7* Jinn...

    Haha agreed
  • Abyss
    1651 posts Member
    W0NDERWA11 wrote: »
    Abyss wrote: »
    W0NDERWA11 wrote: »
    So much divided opinion I can't work out whether to keep farming mine or not
    He's been a staple since I got him in a chromium pack, now 4* lvl 60 gear VII, nearly got him to 5* off the hard nodes
    Stop there and find someone better for end game or keep going?

    Its not opinion, thats the issue. Its proven fact dooku is a scrub overall in comparrison to many many other strong toons.

    At low-mid game he is a god but beyond that he is mediocre at best. Hes far too easy to beat. Dooku needs a buff far more then a nerf but i go on record as saying hes well balanced.

    He has strengths an weaknesses just like any other toon. If i need to explain i will but the bottom line is, if you think hes OP then you fit one if the following criteria
    A) at a stage in the game where you dont understand him or how he works
    B) simply dont have a good roster an therefore cant deal with a unique toon like him yet
    C) have no clue what your doing
    D) are low level
    E) are seeing him succeede due to synergy and not his own abilities (phasma leader, 5's in team, kylo in team, etc etc)

    Bottom line is hes far from OP. Hes alot of fun an good on offence but one day you all who think hes OP will realise hes one if the toons you are hopeing your opponet uses cause hes that easy to beat. Its almost an "auto win"

    Yeah I haven't been shouting for a nerf or a buff. I'm just curious. No need for your alphabetical insults.

    Insults? Not insulting anyone. If your insulted/offended by the reasons (not insults) i listed that ppl cry about him then which one fits you and i will try to help?
  • Options
    I like my Dooku because he's fun, but he's nowhere near OP. The people in this thread complaining about him can't have faced very many hard matches in GW or Arena. Try facing Poe combined with a Leia or Tie Pilot (or both), and of course Rey and GS and QGJ and ObiWan and... I could probably list 20 characters that gives me more headache when in the opposing team than Dooku does. If they have Dooku it's more like "Great, one squishy one at least". So on defence he's horrible, on offence alright. But no, nowhere close to OP.
  • Options
    W0NDERWA11 wrote: »
    So much divided opinion I can't work out whether to keep farming mine or not
    He's been a staple since I got him in a chromium pack, now 4* lvl 60 gear VII, nearly got him to 5* off the hard nodes
    Stop there and find someone better for end game or keep going?

    I say keep going, i may replace dooku with kylo when dooku reaches 6star. Will work great with phasma.
  • Dario
    326 posts Member
    .. He hits over 2.5k with crit, mulpiply that by 2,3,4 plus stuns he is very good I don't know why people say oh he's useless and does no damage which is a lie .
  • Options
    Abyss wrote: »
    W0NDERWA11 wrote: »
    Abyss wrote: »
    W0NDERWA11 wrote: »
    So much divided opinion I can't work out whether to keep farming mine or not
    He's been a staple since I got him in a chromium pack, now 4* lvl 60 gear VII, nearly got him to 5* off the hard nodes
    Stop there and find someone better for end game or keep going?

    Its not opinion, thats the issue. Its proven fact dooku is a scrub overall in comparrison to many many other strong toons.

    At low-mid game he is a god but beyond that he is mediocre at best. Hes far too easy to beat. Dooku needs a buff far more then a nerf but i go on record as saying hes well balanced.

    He has strengths an weaknesses just like any other toon. If i need to explain i will but the bottom line is, if you think hes OP then you fit one if the following criteria
    A) at a stage in the game where you dont understand him or how he works
    B) simply dont have a good roster an therefore cant deal with a unique toon like him yet
    C) have no clue what your doing
    D) are low level
    E) are seeing him succeede due to synergy and not his own abilities (phasma leader, 5's in team, kylo in team, etc etc)

    Bottom line is hes far from OP. Hes alot of fun an good on offence but one day you all who think hes OP will realise hes one if the toons you are hopeing your opponet uses cause hes that easy to beat. Its almost an "auto win"

    Yeah I haven't been shouting for a nerf or a buff. I'm just curious. No need for your alphabetical insults.

    Insults? Not insulting anyone. If your insulted/offended by the reasons (not insults) i listed that ppl cry about him then which one fits you and i will try to help?

    If you think dooku is good you have no clue what you're doing?
  • Triqui
    2790 posts Member
    edited January 2016
    W0NDERWA11 wrote: »
    So much divided opinion I can't work out whether to keep farming mine or not
    He's been a staple since I got him in a chromium pack, now 4* lvl 60 gear VII, nearly got him to 5* off the hard nodes
    Stop there and find someone better for end game or keep going?

    He's good, because he is fast and have stun. That allow for a lot nof versstility. He is a harraser, annoying people with counterattacks and stuns. But his damage is low (he is a Support unit, not an attack unit) and he need a lot of RNG to deal significative damage. He IS nice. But he's not the kind of char that 1 shot dudes, like Rey-FOTP-Leia-QGJ. And he doesn't singlehandedly win battles you have no chance to win otherwise as Poe/Poggle do.
  • Abyss
    1651 posts Member
    W0NDERWA11 wrote: »
    Abyss wrote: »
    W0NDERWA11 wrote: »
    Abyss wrote: »
    W0NDERWA11 wrote: »
    So much divided opinion I can't work out whether to keep farming mine or not
    He's been a staple since I got him in a chromium pack, now 4* lvl 60 gear VII, nearly got him to 5* off the hard nodes
    Stop there and find someone better for end game or keep going?

    Its not opinion, thats the issue. Its proven fact dooku is a scrub overall in comparrison to many many other strong toons.

    At low-mid game he is a god but beyond that he is mediocre at best. Hes far too easy to beat. Dooku needs a buff far more then a nerf but i go on record as saying hes well balanced.

    He has strengths an weaknesses just like any other toon. If i need to explain i will but the bottom line is, if you think hes OP then you fit one if the following criteria
    A) at a stage in the game where you dont understand him or how he works
    B) simply dont have a good roster an therefore cant deal with a unique toon like him yet
    C) have no clue what your doing
    D) are low level
    E) are seeing him succeede due to synergy and not his own abilities (phasma leader, 5's in team, kylo in team, etc etc)

    Bottom line is hes far from OP. Hes alot of fun an good on offence but one day you all who think hes OP will realise hes one if the toons you are hopeing your opponet uses cause hes that easy to beat. Its almost an "auto win"

    Yeah I haven't been shouting for a nerf or a buff. I'm just curious. No need for your alphabetical insults.

    Insults? Not insulting anyone. If your insulted/offended by the reasons (not insults) i listed that ppl cry about him then which one fits you and i will try to help?

    If you think dooku is good you have no clue what you're doing?

    Yes thats one possible criteria i listed. If you read carefully, i say that you (meaning anyone) meets one or more of the criteria. Im not insulting anyone. Not knowing what your doing is not an insult, being low lvl is not an insult, not understanding is not an insult. Lol none of the criteria is insulting nor is it even directed at anyone. Just a list of possible causes to have trouble aginst such a weak/easy to beat toon. Thats why if you continue reading, i go further and offer to explain if needed to help ppl understand his strengths, weaknesses, uses, etc.

    Hes not overly terrible but he is mediocre at best. Hes average, run of the mill, normal, whatever descriptive you choose that describes average.
    I will go as far to say hes prob one of the best balanced toons there is.
    For everything he does well, there is something else he does not so well.
    He has his uses for sure and versatility and for some, there is some strategy needed to beat him but thats the point of the game. Struggling aginst a toon and saying hes OP does not make it true (especially when its wuite the opposite). Most who struggle fit one or more of the criteria i listed and there are ways to fix it or help with it (thats why i offered).
  • Options
    If Dooku is so under powered then why do more squads have him when running with Phasma as a leader? Because you know that call-assists plus his counter attacks also his double counter attacks can
    leave the team that your facing with red health from the get go. Add Sid in your line up like most of you do and good luck trying to heal while being immune to heals. Even if Dooku is underpowered like people are saying those multiple counter attacks add up and the damage total is more than the first initial attack from the opposing team.

    Today I faced a team with plasma,Kyle and Dooku. I saved Dooku for last and it was a 5 star Dooku vs my 7 star Sid. As I would hit him once he would hit me twice. Every single time one on one he hit me twice. My one hit to his double counter attacks. His counter attacks should not be a freaking 100% and one on one his double attacks were also a freaking 100%.

    He needs a nerf and from the looks of all these Dooku posts a nerf he will most probably get. Especially teamed with other counter attack and call assist teams. He should not be able to do 100% multiple attacks.
  • Qeltar
    4326 posts Member
    edited January 2016
    He needs a nerf and from the looks of all these Dooku posts a nerf he will most probably get. Especially teamed with other counter attack and call assist teams. He should not be able to do 100% multiple attacks.

    People have been screaming for Dooku to be nerfed literally since the first week the game launched. It's possible it will happen, but he's really not OP. You just have to learn how to deal with him. A few thoughts:
    1. Stuns are his bane. If you stun him when his turn meter is low, you can burn him down and he will just sit and watch. But because he's fast, you don't get many free shots until the stun wears off.
    2. Never save him for last in GW. It's okay in Arena.
    3. Hit him with guys who hit hard. He'll counter, but he's taking way less than he's getting. Teams with high DPS characters can 2-shot him pretty easily.
    4. Watch their healers. Don't try to burn him down until you are sure he won't get healed back up.
    5. Hit him with multiple characters to spread his counters around. Sid is perfect to give him a whack since he gets a self-heal with every death. Hit him with tanks and others that can shrug off his damage.
    6. Avoid hitting him with Jedi (obvious).
    7. Debuff him.
    Quit 7/14/16. Best of luck to all of you.
  • JurassicNick16
    14 posts Member
    edited January 2016
    Like most middle of the road characters, Dooku works really well with certain teams. He's the one 4 star I run in a team of 7 star phasma, lumi, and sid, and a 6 star kylo. I don't have a great rank (200 ish arena), but I like him more than JC because he is an annoying character to play against. I still have a fair number of lumi/jc/Bariss (pick 2 of 3) players on my server, so I know I will be a pest to them. That's all I want from my Dooku though. He's a pest that assists my heavy hitters in downing opponents, but he's weak on his own.
  • Options
    I have a mostly Jedi team. The only thing that makes me nervous when facing dooku are his stuns. Other than that he's more of an annoyance than anything. He hits weak and has no health, I can almost always knock him out I'm two blows
  • Abyss
    1651 posts Member
    If Dooku is so under powered then why do more squads have him when running with Phasma as a leader? Because you know that call-assists plus his counter attacks also his double counter attacks can
    leave the team that your facing with red health from the get go. Add Sid in your line up like most of you do and good luck trying to heal while being immune to heals. Even if Dooku is underpowered like people are saying those multiple counter attacks add up and the damage total is more than the first initial attack from the opposing team.

    Today I faced a team with plasma,Kyle and Dooku. I saved Dooku for last and it was a 5 star Dooku vs my 7 star Sid. As I would hit him once he would hit me twice. Every single time one on one he hit me twice. My one hit to his double counter attacks. His counter attacks should not be a freaking 100% and one on one his double attacks were also a freaking 100%.

    He needs a nerf and from the looks of all these Dooku posts a nerf he will most probably get. Especially teamed with other counter attack and call assist teams. He should not be able to do 100% multiple attacks.

    To answer the question, you see lots of dooku teams because he is synergetic with kylo and phasma and 555's and all 3 are easy to obtain.
    The synergy is whats causing the issue NOT the individual toon.
    I have commented on birtually each "omg nerf dooku" post and ALL i have seen ignore facts and info needed to form a proper opinion. There are things needed to know about the ppl complaining that are not known or once known, prove their not founded in good info to warrant a nerf.
    1) what lvl is the player complaining?
    -we need to know because in low to mid game dooku is a monster but toward endgame, his viability as a top unit falls off dramatically
    -if the player low to mid then their call for a nerf is invalid due to them not having seen what hes like at endgame meaning their opinion is based on oartial info
    2) what team was dooku being used in?
    -we need to know this to help determine if it was good synergy causing the root issue. Dooku truly is not al that great but in a phasma led team of counter attaiers he can be quite annoying and quite useful
    -if dooku was in a synergetic team then the call for a nerf was invalid due to synergy being the issue not the toon.
    3) what team was the "complainer" using?
    -we need to know this because if the team is subpar or not equipped to handle him or simply a team dooku is built to take out then you will have issues

    Im sure there is more we ideally need to know like lvl, star ratings, gear, etc of both complainer and opponet but you see that the point is, for a nerf to be warranted, the info presented must be complete and justify it and it needs to come from a place of experience and from ppl with deep enough rosters to attempt to handle him. A place where the player is endgame for sure so that they have seen him at his best and worse and seen him in all facets of the game at dif lvl's etc.

    Its irresponsible to call for a nerf without all needed info on a toon that is very gear/lvl sensitive. Some start out as trash an become gods while others like Dooku start out as gods and dont scale well and become balanced and mid tier at endgame.
  • Options
    Id say to not bother farming him until his cantina node. You could spend hundreds or even thousands of energy and get the same amount of shards you'll get in two days farming him in the cantina. Spend your energy on gear and then farm him in the cantina.
  • Abyss
    1651 posts Member
    Id say to not bother farming him until his cantina node. You could spend hundreds or even thousands of energy and get the same amount of shards you'll get in two days farming him in the cantina. Spend your energy on gear and then farm him in the cantina.

  • Options
    ajmiller wrote: »
    Definitely. You may see a bunch of people saying he's overrated and all but from experience, he's worth it

    I don't know how the hyeck he is overrated.
  • Options
    Abyss wrote: »
    E) are seeing him succeede due to synergy and not his own abilities (phasma leader, 5's in team, kylo in team, etc etc)

    Bottom line is hes far from OP. Hes alot of fun an good on offence but one day you all who think hes OP will realise hes one if the toons you are hopeing your opponet uses cause hes that easy to beat. Its almost an "auto win"
    If his awesomeness stems from synergy, I don't see how that makes him not awesome. I see him paired with many Sid+Poe teams, usually Daka and Lumi too or Kylo, Phasma led in the top 50. I see lots of stunning from Dooku, double-assisted ally crits.... My history with Dooku is his total damage output when synergized properly is top 5 characters.

    With that said, I special attack him with my IG86 and he is usually gone after that.
  • Abyss
    1651 posts Member
    edited January 2016
    ajmiller wrote: »
    Definitely. You may see a bunch of people saying he's overrated and all but from experience, he's worth it

    I don't know how the hyeck he is overrated.

    Its because low-mid game he is an absolute god. If.................
    you dont know any better
    have not reached endgame
    have not expanded your roster
    have not figured out how easy he is to beat
    then yea, hes the best there is lol

    Once you start to remedy any of the aformentioned things then you quickly wise up and understand he has his strengths an weaknesses like any other balanced toon
  • Options
    Abyss wrote: »
    Dooku is a cool toon and fun to use.

    Its not that hes overrated, its that ppl who dont yet know how he works or how to beat him cry that hes OP (which hes far from it).

    He is very squishy which is why hes a liability in your arena team (i use him in arena lol).

    Hes fun/effective when you control him BUT when the AI controls him hes a joke. Just save him for last, its an easy kill

    Exactly. If used right though he is awesome on an Arena team. The team I built is lower power, but each toon builds off each other. It survives round 1 because it is fast and can dictate moves, and come round 2 where the speed rating is more numerical than RNG luck each builds off the last. Dooku is key to this.
  • Abyss
    1651 posts Member
    Abyss wrote: »
    Dooku is a cool toon and fun to use.

    Its not that hes overrated, its that ppl who dont yet know how he works or how to beat him cry that hes OP (which hes far from it).

    He is very squishy which is why hes a liability in your arena team (i use him in arena lol).

    Hes fun/effective when you control him BUT when the AI controls him hes a joke. Just save him for last, its an easy kill

    Exactly. If used right though he is awesome on an Arena team. The team I built is lower power, but each toon builds off each other. It survives round 1 because it is fast and can dictate moves, and come round 2 where the speed rating is more numerical than RNG luck each builds off the last. Dooku is key to this.

    Yup, its all about synergy and whats fun to you. His lighnting is too cool an animation to not use him plus my options are limited as far as synergy so i stick by him even tho hes a massive liability on defence.
  • Options
    I honestly don't think he's overpowered for the reasons mentioned repeatedly above. His attack is weak and he's too easy to kill. He's great against jedi, but you don't run into many jedi heavy teams.

    I bought him in the $4.99 starter pack and have leveled him to 6* which took a lot of work since most of his leveling was before he was added to cantina battles. He was a staple early on, but now it absolutely KILLS me that he doesn't make the cut for my arena team...not ever...because he just doesn't bring enough to the table.

    I'll probably finish out 7* eventually just because I do like the character, but I have my doubts that he'll ever make it back into my team
  • Lianara
    740 posts Member
    edited January 2016
    I thought he was OP when I was just starting ... I dreaded seeing him in Arena matches, and had no hope to win those fights. Then a lucky bronzium dropped a 3* Dooku on me. He is now 4* and 3 shards away from 5 ( will stop there and wait for cantina node) and is still part of the core team. I am also no longer afraid to see him as an opponent, because having him around not only showed me his strengths, but also his weaknesses. I think he is the most fun toon in the game though he no longer turns the tide of battle for me like he used to.
    What I do when facing him is wait for enemy healers to blow their Heals by attacking other enemies. Once that's done, I pop Luminara's heal and go whack Dooku. The heal will work two more rounds and will counteract Dookus damage, even if Lumi is stunned. He really doesn't last long.
    What will probably give me nightmares is a 7* Dooku...
    Ally Code: 253-747-318
  • Qeltar
    4326 posts Member
    edited January 2016
    Abyss wrote: »
    To answer the question, you see lots of dooku teams because he is synergetic with kylo and phasma and 555's and all 3 are easy to obtain.
    The synergy is whats causing the issue NOT the individual toon.
    Phasma, yes; 5s, maybe a bit; Kylo, not really.
    Counter-attacker teams are a thing, but putting a bunch of counter-attackers on a team doesn't necessarily create much synergy. They are doing similar things but independently. Having both Kylo and Dooku run over and whack Sid after he AoEs is fun, but the two are not improving each other by being there. You've just used two slots for counter-attackers. Fives has an assist but he can call anyone, and he's really slow so it's not going to matter that much.
    Phasma has synergy with Dooku but no more than anyone else, and less than First Order characters.
    Dooku doesn't really have a lot of synergies, and I say that as someone who has used him extensively in Arena and GW since day one. He has strengths and weaknesses, and fits some teams better than others. There aren't a lot of characters that specifically make him shine, though, like how Poggle does droids or Phasma does First Order.
    What Dooku does have is a strong anti-Jedi focus. This is also why he is another char that is much better on offense than defense. He can literally keep an enemy Lumi tied up an entire match so all she can do is take a few basic attacks at best (how I use him in Arena). He can also be used to get rid of an enemy Sid before he heal-blocks anyone (how I use him in GW). Once Sid is gone in GW, Dooku goes to work on all the Jedi healers. He's enormously useful, a top 5 in GW easily. Off the top of my head, I'd say only Barriss, Lumi, Sid and Daka are of comparable utility.
    Quit 7/14/16. Best of luck to all of you.
  • Randall
    1001 posts Member
    edited January 2016
    Qeltar wrote: »

    Phasma has synergy with Dooku but no more than anyone else, and less than First Order characters.

    Well...Dooku can get turn meter and does 15% more damage when he attacks outside his turn, so I would argue he has more synergy with Phasma than any non FO hero.

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