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    Dooku needs neither a nerf nor a buff, he's fine just as he is.
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    Ah good ole dooku, the best 5 dollars spent thus far. Of all the dark side characters to offer for the starter pack they foolishly picked dooku. I think in hindsight they wouldnt have picked him. He's not OP, not even close. His original problem was that a hard to farm character was everywhere before teams could reliably deal with him. At his peak a 4 star dooku teamed with a bariss was GG in dec. slowly teams built up and learned to burst him down. With most players leaving him at 4 star he became a joke. He's time cometh again. His node is being unlocked daily by more and more players. You think today he was annoying//op, just wait till all the dooku at 6-7 stars. QGJ will be dookued. Add phasma all will be dookued.
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    Lol, yes Dooku slaps you more than once but he hits like a wet noodle
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    OMG OMG OMG Dooku is too strong he went 4 times in one turn (actually I'm too dumb to realize it's actually a counter turn and then a real turn) and he MUST BE NERFED I DEMAND IT.

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    I hate nerfs. I honestly do, but it makes no sense that a lvl 4 count Dooku teamed with other characters that have counter attacks should be able to demolish a normal team of of 7 and 5 stared Characters. I have mixed and matched my teams with every possible combination. Every single time I fight against a team with Phasma, Dooku and Fives I have 0 chance of winning at all much less even winning with a single character left standing and that's with having stunners on my team. It makes no freaking sense that Dooku should be attacking 4 freaking times to the point of my team not even having a chance from the get go.I know people are gonna be mad at this post probably because they use Dooku in their team setup but oh well it is what it is and counter attack along with Count Dooku needs to be NERFED. At least lower the percentage rate.

    It sounds like you need an new attack strategy. I've encounter similar teams and they are nothing compared to others that kill 1 plus person a round. No need to go into what they consist of, there is an ongoing thread about it.

    Do not attack counter characters first. Counter counter's with your own counters ;) . Attack counters when their hp is low. Seriously retool your attack strategy. Aoe attacks do not work well with against those teams you mention.

    Bye Forums.
  • Nerfherder17
    2094 posts Member
    edited January 2016
    Attack counters when their hp is low.

    Any idea how unbelievably mentally deficient this statement is?
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    Stop talking about how weak he is when just about every team runs him. You know he isn't weak and he takes away a lot from other teams. People say don't attack him lol. Well no AOEs then. And he hits plenty hard when he crits and has Sidious as leader. When he pulls off one of those counter double attacks then attacks you again and gets another bonus it just gets ridiculous.

    No toon should have 100% chance at a counter or bonus attack as much as he does, thrown in his stun crap and that's ****.
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    Honestly, Dooku isn't that tough. Even if you use AoE's, just sit on them and time your big hitter to single-attack him once; follow up with a heal, then stun or Call-Assist into him. There's many ways to handle Dooku unless your roster is extremely limited. Which, if it is, it is understandable that he'd be an issue.
  • J7000
    2059 posts Member
    I like to hit Doodu with Geo Soldier with offense up. Sit down!
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    Lol. I like to save Dooku for a big hit too. Nice Rey 4-slap with the Poggle, Princess boost. Where did he go?
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    Dooku is fine. He has his moments but usually ends up being a butterfly dancing around instead of a stinging like a bee.
  • Abyss
    1651 posts Member
    Mako482 wrote: »
    Stop talking about how weak he is when just about every team runs him. You know he isn't weak and he takes away a lot from other teams. People say don't attack him lol. Well no AOEs then. And he hits plenty hard when he crits and has Sidious as leader. When he pulls off one of those counter double attacks then attacks you again and gets another bonus it just gets ridiculous.

    No toon should have 100% chance at a counter or bonus attack as much as he does, thrown in his stun crap and that's ****.

    Lots of ppl (like me) use him cause its the best option we have
    ~that does not make him good lol~
    Lots of ppl use him cause hes great on offense and adds a versatile dynamic
    ~that does not make him good on defence when the AI has control~
    he counters 100% cause his hits are too weak to be noticed if he didnt get 2
    ~that makes him "viable" not good~
    Lots of ppl use him cause hes unique and fun
    ~that dont make him good~
    (Notice the trend yet???)

    Rather then continue to point out how weak he is let me point out his strong points..........
    1) high health
    ~wait no, hes squishy
    2) crits alot
    ~wait no he doesnt
    3) hits hard
    ~wait no he doesnt
    4) awesome stun
    ~wait no, while the lightning is super cool, its unreliable with the exception of jedi

    Pretty sure the point has well been made. Here is dooku's REAL upsides (yes he has his uses)
    1) great aginst jedi
    2) he can run wild if healed and if ppl atk him w/AOE's
    3) early to mid game he is a GOD
    4) hes super fast an can gain turn meter
    5) great on offence
    6) He's alot of fun to use

    Dooku is a unique toon and was gotten VERY cheap and ppl heavily relied on him (i know i did) while lvl'n up. At endgame, he is not that reliable and is definatly a liability on defence. Alot of us have stuck with him for various reasons (best option for me and fun) but understand that lots of folks having/using a toon does NOT mean they are that good, it means they are that common ;)
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    I hate nerfs. I honestly do, but it makes no sense that a lvl 4 count Dooku teamed with other characters that have counter attacks should be able to demolish a normal team of of 7 and 5 stared Characters. I have mixed and matched my teams with every possible combination. Every single time I fight against a team with Phasma, Dooku and Fives I have 0 chance of winning at all much less even winning with a single character left standing and that's with having stunners on my team. It makes no freaking sense that Dooku should be attacking 4 freaking times to the point of my team not even having a chance from the get go.I know people are gonna be mad at this post probably because they use Dooku in their team setup but oh well it is what it is and counter attack along with Count Dooku needs to be NERFED. At least lower the percentage rate.

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    Your problem is your not running Ugnaught he is a Dooku killer. All the top 20 teams run him.
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    I seriously want to go one day with out seeing some rant begging for a nerf that hasn't been thought out. "Oh no I got beat, it's not fair, nerf anyone I don't have"

    Seriously though, Dooku even started up is a serious opponent but not anywhere close to as hard to beat as Poe, Rey, or like 10 other heroes. He's not even my first target in arena or GW.
  • J7000
    2059 posts Member
    Lol. I like to save Dooku for a big hit too. Nice Rey 4-slap with the Poggle, Princess boost. Where did he go?

    Lol, where did he go? It's magic
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    I need some help. I am about to unlock Dooku and would like to use him but my team is full and have no clue who to remove.
    Phasma Lead
    Geno soldier

    at the present im thinking of replacing 5's
  • auburn2eugene
    69 posts Member
    edited January 2016
    Honestly, if you can't get him into purple gear, i would just hold back on replacing anyone. He is pretty weak at 3 star with low gear. Mine is still 3 star soon 4, with purple gear, and he still goes out pretty quickly without healing
  • JediMindTricks
    1077 posts Member
    edited January 2016
    Someone posted pics of a level 66 GW...Dooku was in 5 of the 12 pics. No surprise there. Bottom line is the multiple counter attacks make a world of difference even if he hits as a "wet noodle" as people may say. All those hits add up very fast to the point that when I've faced him in the past some of my characters were left in the red health wise. I understand the mechanics enough in this game to know when and when not to use Aoe abilities to avoid counter attacks as best as I can. But there is no denying that using Dooku mixed with other counter attack and call assist characters passives and abilities is why so many people are using him. I'm not saying he should be nerfed to the point where he is rendered useless but rather he should be nerfed to a given percentage counter attack chance say 20-35% or so. Cause at the moment he counter attacks 100% of the time and double counter attacks as well.

    It's no wonder why so many people use him in their line up.
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    I haven't had a lot of issues with dooku. I usually save him for last. Although today I had 6 people left and dooku was the boss of the mission. This old fart countered EVERY attack including bonus ally attacks. He matched my every attack with a counter. I had no idea his counter was 100% chance because when I borrow one it isn't that nice lol.
  • RU486
    1686 posts Member
    When you gear him 5's is the only one I'd take out
  • Randall
    1001 posts Member
    Hes isnt top tier...he is weak...I just dont understand why you noobs hate him so much. He needs a buff in damage he hits so weak.
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    dooku is top 3.

    hands down
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    So much divided opinion I can't work out whether to keep farming mine or not
    He's been a staple since I got him in a chromium pack, now 4* lvl 60 gear VII, nearly got him to 5* off the hard nodes
    Stop there and find someone better for end game or keep going?
  • Abyss
    1651 posts Member
    I see my rant has been moved here. My statement stays and also adding that if Count Dooku has Phasmas leader power he is unstoppable. He will attack 3 times before your one. PLEASE NERF DOOKU.

    My gosh, you are in for a rude awakening once you bump into toons that are actually strong. I feel for you if you think dooku even strong much less OP smh, much to learn you have
  • Abyss
    1651 posts Member
    W0NDERWA11 wrote: »
    So much divided opinion I can't work out whether to keep farming mine or not
    He's been a staple since I got him in a chromium pack, now 4* lvl 60 gear VII, nearly got him to 5* off the hard nodes
    Stop there and find someone better for end game or keep going?

    Its not opinion, thats the issue. Its proven fact dooku is a scrub overall in comparrison to many many other strong toons.

    At low-mid game he is a god bug beyond that he is mediocre at best. Hes far too easy to beat. Dooku needs a buff far more then a nerf but i go on record as saying hes well balanced.

    He has strengths an weaknesses just like any other toon. If i need to explain i will but the bottom line is, if you think hes OP then you fit one if the following criteria
    A) at a stage in the game where you dont understand him or how he works
    B) simply dont have a good roster an therefore cant deal with a unique toon like him yet
    C) have no clue what your doing
    D) are low level
    E) are seeing him succeede due to synergy and not his own abilities (phasma leader, 5's in team, kylo in team, etc etc)

    Bottom line is hes far from OP. Hes alot of fun an good on offence but one day you all who think hes OP will realise hes one if the toons you are hopeing your opponet uses cause hes that easy to beat. Its almost an "auto win"
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    ajmiller wrote: »
    Definitely. You may see a bunch of people saying he's overrated and all but from experience, he's worth it

    Those are people with 7* Dooku that don't want him nerfed.
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    Randall wrote: »
    Hes isnt top tier...he is weak...I just dont understand why you noobs hate him so much. He needs a buff in damage he hits so weak.

    I would bet my left arm he is in your 1st string lineup. Nice try. He will be nerfed.
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    Ig86 assist with poggle buff equals dead Dooku.
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    I farmed dooku until 4* but i gave up pushing him to 7*. Now i am farming Bariss instead in hard batlles
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