QGJ doesn't fix the Poe Problem. W2G~


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    Nonemo wrote: »
    At no point has there been any guarantees made that the characters in Chromium would stay exclusive to Chromium. This is something you made up in your own mind. You just assumed this was the case.

    And now you make arguments to enforce this fantasy of yours, even if it means keeping thousands of players away from a cool and powerful toon.

    I got the word exclusive from reading the newsletter and the forum update post

    I assume u understand the meaning of the word used in exclusive content/ rights etc

    Nevertheless I agree that a move like this is eventual and would benefit almost everyone

    But the timing is very bad and sneaky if people spend thousands to star him up during the past week

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    What if there reasoning is the possibility that this was done with the anticipation that the speed leader uses will now work on turn 1 in arena like they do in every other mode. That is another way to help neutralize Poe without a nerf. I agree that the damage output is too high regardless, but I am hopeful that the speed leadership is changed to throw in a new shift.
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    Qui gon will even out the Poe meta because he's another direct counter to Poe.

    Why are people STILL saying this? lol
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    The contradictions are strong in this one, back to a more fun chat in Line. GL at forum and @davida8546
    I see your point and even understand it (bought barriss and got nerfed 2 weeks after), so I more or less felt the same way.
    Still it's not the end of the world and it didn't affect the way I enjoy this game for 1 bit. That might also be because I really don't care about PvAI much. Game doesn't evolve around PvAI (Arena) sololy so I don't get all these complaints.
    We have no idea how many people play on our node/server. We have no idea how many servers there are and being #1 for a day doesn't give any credits or DKP towards other players. I.o.w. no electronic status will be given so what's the problem anyway?
    I'm not directing this towards you but more in general.
    439-259-888 I have a bad habit of editing my typo's after posting
  • Qeltar
    4326 posts Member
    Naecabon wrote: »
    Why are people STILL saying this? lol

    Because that's what it looks like superficially, and because it's true to a limited extent, just not to the extent they think it is.
    My question to you is: why are you so convinced that "Jinn for the masses" was CG's attempt to deal with Poe even though it's pretty obvious we are about to receive a major update that will bring many changes?
    Quit 7/14/16. Best of luck to all of you.
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    What about the Sid problem or the Dooku problem or the lumi evading 6 times in a row problem why is it ok for theses characters to be OP but not Poe is it bcoz 90% of the game have them coz I don't get it I beat Poe teams 10 times a day but Dooku is my hardest enemy followed by Sid and Lumi so why ain't u crying to Nerf them let tell u why it's bcoz u already have them so u won't shitee on ur own doorstep
  • Rheen
    269 posts Member
    As it is, the developers have sent a strong message.

    Don't spend.

    We will burn you.

    Message received.
    Guide to Beating Galactic War from Team Instinct
    TeamInstinct.net -- Community Site and Home to Team Instinct
  • Ilza
    67 posts Member
    Qeltar wrote: »
    Naecabon wrote: »
    Why are people STILL saying this? lol

    Because that's what it looks like superficially, and because it's true to a limited extent, just not to the extent they think it is.
    My question to you is: why are you so convinced that "Jinn for the masses" was CG's attempt to deal with Poe even though it's pretty obvious we are about to receive a major update that will bring many changes?

    So CG had to do a quick patch to deal with the Dooku bug. Why include this one character change among whats likely to be a bunch of others coming in the big patch?

    It seems too unlikely that this one character that can deal with taunt gets chosen out of ~10 chromium only choices randomly. Especially when there should be others that have a larger following lore-wise (for example Darth Maul).

    The only reason I can think of is that the cantina shipments is such slow farm that they wanted this balance change to take effect faster than what it would have done if it was included in the big patch, but that seems like something of a longshot.
  • Qeltar
    4326 posts Member
    edited January 2016
    I'm not saying that this can't be part of the response to Poe. I'm just saying that there's no reason to believe this is the only response to Poe.
    It was something they could do quickly and easily, which wouldn't require a lot of extra testing and introduce new bugs. The larger changes are riskier and take more time to get right. So it's just something in the short run.
    Of course it's all speculation.
    Quit 7/14/16. Best of luck to all of you.
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    Emily wrote: »
    Elyndria wrote: »
    The salt flows freely.

    The true problem is what hides behind him. o:)

    LOL my new favorite quote.

    It's no wonder Jesse doesn't like this guy lol. They give you information in advance and he complains. They make available a chromium character and it's a conspiracy. It's like 5 people on this forum that make it the garbage dump it is. Hard to find the good content when all people do is cry.

  • Ilza
    67 posts Member
    edited January 2016
    Qeltar wrote: »
    I'm not saying that this can't be part of the response to Poe. I'm just saying that there's no reason to believe this is the only response to Poe.
    It was something they could do quickly and easily, which wouldn't require a lot of extra testing and introduce new bugs. The larger changes are riskier and take more time to get right. So it's just something in the short run.
    Of course it's all speculation.

    If they introduced QGJ in the arena, GW or cantina missions I would have agreed with you, as it is it will take too much time to actually be a reasonable response.
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    Qeltar wrote: »
    Naecabon wrote: »
    Why are people STILL saying this? lol

    Because that's what it looks like superficially, and because it's true to a limited extent, just not to the extent they think it is.
    My question to you is: why are you so convinced that "Jinn for the masses" was CG's attempt to deal with Poe even though it's pretty obvious we are about to receive a major update that will bring many changes?

    For exactly that reason, we're getting an update that will bring many changes and there's absolutely no reason or excuse why they would do this so abruptly and by itself. It could have just been a part of that patch.
  • Qeltar
    4326 posts Member
    Bread and circuses.
    Quit 7/14/16. Best of luck to all of you.
  • Syth_Hunter
    414 posts Member
    edited January 2016
    To the OP. I bet Christmas must really suck for you, or does everyone tell you what you are receiving before hand.

    If foresight you lack, then more rants we must endure, I'm sure.
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    I 'll tell you one thing . Developers do not care about your fictional problems with a Poe. QGJ was transferred free of charge , because this is company policy . In the future, every donat-hero will be transferred . But the game will be added new donat-heroes . It's all well aware .
    But you , P2W, crying without stopping here .
    Your **** burn , hard. From what is unworthy to play QGJ.
    You - pesky whiners . Shame.
  • Qeltar
    4326 posts Member
    Knock off the flaming. @Naecabon is one of the best contributors on the forum, and if he's unhappy with something he has every right to express it.
    Quit 7/14/16. Best of luck to all of you.
  • SlyGambit
    1246 posts Member
    edited January 2016
    Naecabon wrote: »
    Qui gon will even out the Poe meta because he's another direct counter to Poe.

    Why are people STILL saying this? lol

    Because it's true?

    Teams with QGC against Poe teams can win if Poe goes first. QGC removes Poes taunt, gets offense up, and effectively opens up the game.

    And since the level 70 upgrade it's a straight counter because Qui Gon always goes after Poe unles enemy Poe gets countered by a friendly Poe to reduce his turn meter. How you think it isn't is beyond me. But I've only played about 100 matches involving Poe vs. QGJ at the top of my leaderboard so I'm sure I'm in for an education. Like any counter it isn't 100% effective but it is absolutely a valid counter and a much more reliable one than a Dooku stun.


    Level 60 - QGJ makes first overall move -> Poe goes second overall - > Poe team usually wins
    Level 70 - Poe goes first overall -> QGJ goes third or fourth (usually at least one toon jumps him from Poes turn reduction) -> QGJ team wins about 1/2 the time.
    Level 70 - Friendly Poe goes first overall -> QGJ goes second overall -> Enemy Poe goes third/fourth/whenever sometimes enemy Poe team can pull off a victory but its incredibly rare.

    Any team without either QGJ or their own Poe will lose at least 2/3 of the time if the opposing Poe goes first.

    Not to mention having QGJ reduces the need for Poggle and make FOTP much more powerful when he gets his RNG to pull him for the assist.
  • CronozNL
    2869 posts Member
    edited January 2016
    @SlyGambit Your TL;DR is longer than the initial message, unacceptable as @murton09 would say (copyrighted).
    But seriously you are right. I rarely win a match vs Poe, QGJ, FotP, Geo/Leia and Phasma. If I win it's because FotP or Leia didn't get the bonus attack but instead Phasma or Poe get it.

    It's no fun that after 10 seconds of battle you can already tell if you win or lose.
    QGJ is not a direct counter to this unless you want to rely on more RNG. So yeah there is no problem with the release of QGJ.
    Neacabon sure has his right to complain but it's becoming a dragged out discussion with opinion based nonsense:

    "For exactly that reason, we're getting an update that will bring many changes and there's absolutely no reason or excuse why they would do this so abruptly and by itself. It could have just been a part of that patch. "

    Thanks for that opinion, we know how you feel.
    439-259-888 I have a bad habit of editing my typo's after posting
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    To the OP. I bet Christmas must really suck for you, or does everyone tell you what you are receiving before hand.

    If foresight you lack, then more rants we must endure, I'm sure.

    Does this actually have anything to do with my post?

    Admit it, you didn't read it. You know you didn't.
  • Options
    I 'll tell you one thing . Developers do not care about your fictional problems with a Poe. QGJ was transferred free of charge , because this is company policy . In the future, every donat-hero will be transferred . But the game will be added new donat-heroes . It's all well aware .
    But you , P2W, crying without stopping here .
    Your **** burn , hard. From what is unworthy to play QGJ.
    You - pesky whiners . Shame.

    This one's a gem.
  • SlyGambit
    1246 posts Member
    edited January 2016
    CronozNL wrote: »
    @SlyGambit Your TL;DR is longer than the initial message, unacceptable as @murton09 would say (copyrighted).

    Yeah. I know. Forum sins of the verbose. :)
    CronozNL wrote: »
    It's no fun that after 10 seconds of battle you can already tell if you win or lose.


    Which is going to be true with Poe or without Poe. Usually the first moves of the game dictate the result which is the _real_ frustration anyone has with PvP. Poe is just a very obvious symptom but just like you can't cure a cold by blowing your nose you can't cure PvP by wiping Poe off the map. If Poe was gone and first move in the game was a GS assist and he chooses FOTP or he chooses Poggle that will have as much of an impact as the current Poepocalypse.

    The entire PvP needs replaced (or at least different PvP modes need to be introduced).
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    Neacabon sure has his right to complain but it's becoming a dragged out discussion with opinion based nonsense:

    Are we really going down so low as to say opinions aren't the catalyst for conversation now? We've really reached the lowest of the low?
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    Rheen wrote: »
    As it is, the developers have sent a strong message.

    Don't spend.

    We will burn you.

    Message received.

    Agreed. There is also another name for it "bait and switch"

    "You like the game? You paid for parts of it? Awesome...now we'll change it to screw you."

    In game name: Lucas Gregory FORMER PLAYER - - - -"Whale blah grump poooop." - Ouchie

    In game guild: TNR Uprising
    I beat the REAL T7 Yoda (not the nerfed one) and did so before mods were there to help
    *This space left intentionally blank*
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    What if this is totally unrelated and there's already Poe / FOTP / GS / Jinn team counters out there? What if Jinn's release is only being speculated by people as an answer to Poe because Poe really isn't a problem to CG? I had some very good success yesterday fighting Poe / Jinn / GS / FOTP teams with no Poe / Jinn / GS or FOTP...I'm going to confirm some more today and check a few more team configurations (see how it performs with different 5th members - I need to test with Phasma as lead) and I'll report fully hopefully today and a team by team breakdown, but I'm confident enough at this point having tested variations over time since Poe 143 that it is a good Poe / Jinn / FOTP / GS counter in general. It's not a speed team either.

    You fought against a dumb AI and had good RNG.
    @davida8546 ...that's what I'm saying man - I countered him last night with GS / FOTP / Jinn as teammates. Vs. two different squads that had different 5th members I won 7/8. I need to test more vs. other configurations (Phasma lead as the 5th), but I'm saying...those 4 guys are counterable. I have screen shots, but want to test vs. a few other common compositions.

    The team I used had no Poe, Jinn, FOTP, or GS on it.

    JINN is not the answer.

    5555's , Dooku, Windu, Lumi, and Phasma could do it.

    I've done it.
    SlyGambit wrote: »
    Naecabon wrote: »
    Qui gon will even out the Poe meta because he's another direct counter to Poe.

    Why are people STILL saying this? lol

    Because it's true?

    Teams with QGC against Poe teams can win if Poe goes first. QGC removes Poes taunt, gets offense up, and effectively opens up the game.

    And since the level 70 upgrade it's a straight counter because Qui Gon always goes after Poe unles enemy Poe gets countered by a friendly Poe to reduce his turn meter. How you think it isn't is beyond me. But I've only played about 100 matches involving Poe vs. QGJ at the top of my leaderboard so I'm sure I'm in for an education. Like any counter it isn't 100% effective but it is absolutely a valid counter and a much more reliable one than a Dooku stun.


    Level 60 - QGJ makes first overall move -> Poe goes second overall - > Poe team usually wins
    Level 70 - Poe goes first overall -> QGJ goes third or fourth (usually at least one toon jumps him from Poes turn reduction) -> QGJ team wins about 1/2 the time.
    Level 70 - Friendly Poe goes first overall -> QGJ goes second overall -> Enemy Poe goes third/fourth/whenever sometimes enemy Poe team can pull off a victory but its incredibly rare.

    Any team without either QGJ or their own Poe will lose at least 2/3 of the time if the opposing Poe goes first.

    Not to mention having QGJ reduces the need for Poggle and make FOTP much more powerful when he gets his RNG to pull him for the assist.

    your TL:DR is much longer than the original part.
  • CronozNL
    2869 posts Member
    edited January 2016
    If you want to force certain ideas by saying they had no excuse to do this or do that, than yes since you already went down this road (I actually read through the wall of text) why not continue?

    Don't tell me it's not since you have a goal with this topic and you know this will be read by devs.
    Now as an objective person it really comes off like you wanna be compensated or talk some guilt into them (hoping they give in to your suggestions).
    We already started to go down this road when you clicked Create Topic.

    If you can't reflect on your own ranting but just counter everything with another question, be my guest and keep doing this. I can tell you one thing, at this point you wasted whatever credibility you had (not with forumposters but sure by devs). As someone who is working at a customer service, we tag people that complain and whine on a daily base to stop communication with them. Some people can't be reasoned with..

    Same as you go nuts in a store and complain with other customers in place, you will be removed from store. Don't pretend like it's justified just because you sank in money and thought it would last forever.
    I'm sure you aren't that naive as I can see you have enough intelligence to figure this out yourself. Don't have to be captain hindsight to saw this coming.
    439-259-888 I have a bad habit of editing my typo's after posting
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    Did I actually suggest anything or ask for anything in my post?

    Did I even for a second make it seem like I care if they respond to my post / this issue?

    I made a statement and that was that. I'm not looking for a hand out or a big change. In this case, a "change" would be them communicating more, so I guess yeah sure... if they feel like doing that they can do that. If they don't, we all lose? How is this targeting me specifically. What can they possibly do that they don't do already?
  • Triqui
    2790 posts Member
    pay2win wrote: »
    This is a great decision. Adding a Chromium only character every so often to F2P will keep them around. It's not like they aren't going to release a new OP character soon for the big spenders.

    It's a great business decision overall. Still do not affect Poe at all, and those who think it does, don't understand the problem.

    Change Poe's skill to "at 143 speed, enemy lose 25% turn meter so your whole team act first, and stun 1 random enemy, with no chance to resist. If QGJ is present, then it's not random, stun him." Do you think it's balanced?
  • Naecabon
    1243 posts Member
    edited January 2016
    If you can't reflect on your own ranting but just counter everything with another question, be my guest and keep doing this.

    Why do I need to reflect on my own post? I enjoy commenting on the absurd replies my posts get more than the post itself half of the time. A lot of them completely miss the point and make straw man responses, some make accusatory statements that don't even fit the nature of the post (P2W CRYING! ...what? how does me being p2w or f2p have anything to do with my stance on the issue I wrote about..) and a bunch try to fan the flames of the p2w / f2p arguments.

    Look, you guys don't get it. I don't give a crap. QGJ being f2p isn't bothering me at all. It's the nature of the move and the backwards logic of sneaking this out as a Poe fix without even communicating that either that's bothering me.


    See, look. I have three 7* QGJs just hanging out in my pocket right now. I was buying packs with him out of the way a loooong time ago. Stop making this about p2w/f2p.
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    Artas wrote: »
    Well, soon we will hear the voice coming up "devs, please nerf QGJ" :)

    you won't believe the number of people that will. Literally when people realize 75% more dmg from ally assist, they'll start the qq'ing.
  • Krey
    341 posts Member
    edited January 2016
    While I do not consider myself biased by the amount of money I have/have not spent, I am a light spender with around $100 spent since launch. This is just and FYI so you know how my viewpoint might be influenced in spite of whether I think is has been or not.

    1. Putting Qui-Gon in the catena shard shop was a good thing. Putting any character shard in any shard shop is good as far as I am concerned because it gives people more options and this game desperately needs verity at the moment.
    2. This does not fix the Poe problem, especially since the real problem is about more than just Poe. He just exasperates the problem to the point where it gets dumb.
    3. My biggest problem was the complete lack of notification that SOME kind of update was coming and that there would be a short outage between 5:50 and 6:00 pm CST. You do not have to tell me what the update is all about, but if there is an interruption of service coming I would like to know about it a couple days in advance so that I can prepare for it. While a 10 minute outage is not much, if I am getting kicked out of a battle I have spent one of my daily battles on/spent energy on/(or worse) paid crystals for..that is just not right. It is not right and it is easily avoided with a little bit of planning, the time it takes to post in the Announcements section, and consideration for your customers.

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