GW difficulty increases dramatically at level 60


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    When none of your hits land, and your team never resists or crits (which is odd, I have high crit rate in all other modes), it becomes impossible.

    I often see 4-5 consecutive dodges and higher than 50% crit on their side.

    My only decent toon is a 5* ventress and a 4* geonosian. Also use 3* counsular (been wasting so much energy trying to farm for 4* but didnt get ANY shards in the last 2 days).
    Other than that I got a 4* Talia and 4* chewy I sometimes replace with a 4* initiate.
    All gear lvl V (except Geonosian and initiate, gear lvl VI).

    All lvl 51 (my max).
    Zero chance.

    If you're lower geared, starred and leveled, seems to me you dodge less and enemy crits more.
    If you're only decent toon is Ventress, than don´t expect to finish on a daily base (yet)
    If you're farming consular and have 2 days without a shard (considering you have 1 node at lvl 51), that means 6 total attempts. That happens, nothing weird.
    Gear level V? That indeed holds you down.
    Ofcourse you have zero chance. When I started I didn't finish GW for an entire month. I never thought it was imbalanced, I always thought just freaking wait till I'm 60 myself! and it worked: 51 consecutive wins, 1 loss on sunday and counting wins again.

    Doesn't help that they target my healer for 95% of their attacks, and completely ignore my high health toons when they're not taunting....

    Well ye, that's what a human player would do as well. Means AI is getting better (and they should). Yes it's frustrating but you can't expect to finish after such short playtime.

    439-259-888 I have a bad habit of editing my typo's after posting
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    Archimeus wrote: »
    I have recently been using the retreat option a lot and I have noticed that if you retreat and go in to the battle and do the same things you were before the AI will do the exact same things again and the outcome will be the same.
    See my post around page 22 that explains what's going on here and how to use it to your advantage.
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    Algren wrote: »
    Your gw difficulty is (according to devs) your HIGHEST EVER arena rank, and power of top10 heroes (i think).
    Please provide a link to this dev quote, because AFAICT this is ****. 2 days ago I scored my best ever Arena rank, finishing in the top 40, and today had a relatively easy GW run, finishing with only 1 dead hero.

    I have been consistently in the top 50-100 on my board since first unlocking GW 3 weeks ago, and I've had runs ranging from cake walk to impossible. It seams pretty obvious from the many posts here that match making sometimes completely ignores power difference, which is a bigger problem the farther you are from level cap. Particularly when you consider gear and ability caps in the mid 50s level range.

    In response to people that see these threads as "whining"... people report these issues because they want the game to be challenging NOT impossible. Devs wont address a problem unless people report it.

    Why this is a valid problem... f2p games like this survive based on their ability to entice people to buy in app items. If the game is perceived as stupidly arbitrary, players are more likely to feel there's little point in spending a few bucks on something that makes no real difference.

    For example, I'm totally f2p at the moment. I enjoy the extra challenge of trying to compete without the bonuses, however there are a couple heroes I have considered purchasing because farming them from scratch would seriously handicap my ability to compete for several days. But with how ridiculous rng is in this game (both in GW and Arena) I'm not going to do that because I'm not sure I'll even be playing a month from now.
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    And don't tell me its not impossible. Lol.
    If you had what I have and faced what I faced, you wouldn't have any more of a chance than I do.

    Last attempt: 2 KOs before I can even move. (Enemy crit 100% of the time).
    Changed my line-up, try again, 1 KO, 1 near-death, 2 stunned. All before I can move.

    Tell me again how that's fair? Lol.
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    I noticed that Galactic war keeps getting harder, I never seem to get any further even though I have way higher level characters and twice the amount of characters I had.

    I'm level 57 right now, and I'm making it to the same point I did at about level 40-50. Any thoughts on this, or has anyone else noticed this.

    I really want to beat Galactic wars all the way through, seems impossible.
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    just keep at it, level 55-65 is pretty tough for galactic wars, but once you get to level 70 it becomes a lot easier
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    just keep at it, level 55-65 is pretty tough for galactic wars, but once you get to level 70 it becomes a lot easier

    Awesome thanks for the reply, glad to hear theres some light at the end of the tunnel lol. Sounds like everything becomes fairly easy at level 70, can't wait!
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    my advice is to not stress too much about GW at the level you are at, do your best to get as far as you can, maybe retreat a few times here and there if you get bad RNG, but dont retreat like 300 times and spend 4 hours on it per day, its not worth it and saps all the fun out of it, better just to do your best, get what you can and try again the next day, but take solace in the fact that it will get easier as you get to level 70 and raise up 5-8 reliable toons (healers make things a lot easier in GW)

    also something else I just realized but actualy makes a huge difference, if you are coming up on a hard battle, if you have crappy toons that are low level, throw them in because the AI uses their specials all the time before their regular attacks, so once their specials are all on cooldown and your sacrificial team is down, bring in your heavy guns and slaughter them, works every time ;)
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    my advice is to not stress too much about GW at the level you are at, do your best to get as far as you can, maybe retreat a few times here and there if you get bad RNG, but dont retreat like 300 times and spend 4 hours on it per day, its not worth it and saps all the fun out of it, better just to do your best, get what you can and try again the next day, but take solace in the fact that it will get easier as you get to level 70 and raise up 5-8 reliable toons (healers make things a lot easier in GW)

    also something else I just realized but actualy makes a huge difference, if you are coming up on a hard battle, if you have crappy toons that are low level, throw them in because the AI uses their specials all the time before their regular attacks, so once their specials are all on cooldown and your sacrificial team is down, bring in your heavy guns and slaughter them, works every time ;)

    Thanks a lot for the advice, I actually had no idea you could even retreat! I just tried using your technique and it worked great, let the low levels take the special attacks and come in with the heavy guns thats awesome!
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    battlezone wrote: »
    my advice is to not stress too much about GW at the level you are at, do your best to get as far as you can, maybe retreat a few times here and there if you get bad RNG, but dont retreat like 300 times and spend 4 hours on it per day, its not worth it and saps all the fun out of it, better just to do your best, get what you can and try again the next day, but take solace in the fact that it will get easier as you get to level 70 and raise up 5-8 reliable toons (healers make things a lot easier in GW)

    also something else I just realized but actualy makes a huge difference, if you are coming up on a hard battle, if you have crappy toons that are low level, throw them in because the AI uses their specials all the time before their regular attacks, so once their specials are all on cooldown and your sacrificial team is down, bring in your heavy guns and slaughter them, works every time ;)

    Thanks a lot for the advice, I actually had no idea you could even retreat! I just tried using your technique and it worked great, let the low levels take the special attacks and come in with the heavy guns thats awesome!

    awesome! see even low level "pawns" have their uses, sacrificing themselves is pretty much it :p

    the retreat works good, another thing to try is a different "kill order" so if you start a battle and try to kill sidious first for example, and that doesnt work well, retreat and try killing someone else first, if you get the right kill order it can make the difference between none of your team dying or 3-4 of them dying, lots of little things like that which make GW fun

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    Yes it does. GW use to be one of my favorite dailys. I would get frustrated losing. Now I accepted the fact that I won't beat it. Make it to the 7th nod and call it a day. If you are lucky.... You might beat it

    Side note... I went a week or more without beating it..then I beat it twice in a row last week
    But its a no pass for me today lol
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    skarroo11 wrote: »

    Well no chance at all.. 10 level higher opponents? Seriously?

    I started seeing full 70 teams as soon as I hit 58. So technically 12 levels. I'll agree that it's a temporary frustration, but it's not as though you can exactly breeze through those last 12 levels. 2-3 days per level at this point.
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    Just curious here, not slingin any mud, but anyone else notice GW being more difficult post update? I am lvl 67 f2p and I have been able to coasted through GW every day with the same 5 toons. This is definitely not the case today. I ran into 5 guys at lvl 70 with 6-7*s and all in purple gear in like the 4th battle. I am up to the 8th battle now but it's getting crazy hard.

    Honestly I'm not complaining. I see tons of threads about GW difficulty (which I have never experi need) so I don't expect any sympathy here. Honestly I am enjoying the challenge for once. Just wondering if anyone else noticed this today, or its just me.

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    Yeah I had something similar today, 5th battle in was all purple gear 6-7*s, then coasted til the last three battles which were the same as my 5th.
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    Welcome to the world of hurt. :smiley: it has been like that for me since the last update. I think it may have something to do with what your player level is and what your toons being used level is but that's just a guess based on the fact that GW got harder as my level got higher but that also coincided with the last update so I'm not sure.
  • Abyss
    1651 posts Member
    JoshG wrote: »
    Just curious here, not slingin any mud, but anyone else notice GW being more difficult post update? I am lvl 67 f2p and I have been able to coasted through GW every day with the same 5 toons. This is definitely not the case today. I ran into 5 guys at lvl 70 with 6-7*s and all in purple gear in like the 4th battle. I am up to the 8th battle now but it's getting crazy hard.

    Honestly I'm not complaining. I see tons of threads about GW difficulty (which I have never experi need) so I don't expect any sympathy here. Honestly I am enjoying the challenge for once. Just wondering if anyone else noticed this today, or its just me.


    I hope its much harder, i dont even have anything too special and find it way too easy tbh
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    Holy **** this 9th battle is nasty. Phasma(L), Daka, Lumi, Kylo and Sid. All 7* Lvl 70 and gear 8. This might get ugly...
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    I won 30ish in a row, but now all of the sudden, the furthest I've been in days is the 9th battle. Something seems to have changed.
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    It seems like it to me. Im lvl 69 and havnt gotten past the 9th battle
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    Another factor us that Health Steal is working, so enemies with that stat are now that much harder to kill.
  • Finn
    111 posts Member
    edited February 2016
    Been hardest for last 2 days I mean I am still at battle 5 and facing 3 toon 7* and one each 5-4* all purple gear and even with my top 5 can't win if I droped my sacrifice toons now what I will do with battle 8-9 I don't want to finish it everyday but at least not lossing 2 days is raw
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    They said it would be harder post update.
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    I understand that your rank in arena has a factor on how difficult GW is. I'm in the top 100, only have two 7* toons among my few 4*'s, and have never made it to the last battle in GW. I'd get more rewards if I just quit playing the arena for a few days until my rank plummets.
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    Such a common question that it is already a stickied post
    Roger roger
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    Well I finished it. BARELY. At the end the only toons I had left in my entire roster was Sid/Lumi/Luke. I had to retreat over and over to get the RNG to fall right and I sent multiple suicide squads. No idea if this is update related, but I did enjoy the challenge!
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    I'm level 62 with 1 6-star and 2 5-stars. My ninth battle was full 69s with 6-7 stars. I threw 32 characters at them and never killed a one. There's a difference between challenging and flat out impossible...
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    In the same boat , I know it's supposed to be hard but what the ¥£€€>< I'm going on my 50 something attempts and early on I came close but that was it ! It's ridiculous
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    Yep, today is been way harder than usual, and wasn't easy for me to begin with, I don't complete it every day.
    6th nod, full lvl 70, 7* all G8, while my A team comp is two 7* and three 5*, all G7 lvl 63. I've retreating for the past hour and don't get to kill one opposing toon without losing 2-3 mine. I mean, come on! This is only the 6th nod!
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    I have never completed 1 GW , absolutely sux !
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