Adaptive F2P Guide


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    What do you think about my squad against Zaul?

    Rex L
  • Raw
    559 posts Member
    heldmacm wrote: »
    I have not been farming Chaze, as last time I checked this thread, I don't believe they were mentioned as characters to shoot for as F2P players; I certainly could be wrong about that.
    I didn't mention it. But with Chirrut in fleet store, 4'000 crystals for a 3* Baze seem affordable now for those who saved some crystals or have a good rank, and a reasonable investment.
    heldmacm wrote: »
    I am at Light Side battle 9-B (Shoretrooper), and Baze would be next, but I'm unable to even 1* 9-B at the present time (this is almost assuredly where my undergear limitation comes in).
    Your Wedge lead and an ally's Jyn or Lando lead might help.
    heldmacm wrote: »
    One of my higher ranked guildmates had suggested running an Empire team around Zader, TFP, EP (I'll have him at 7* tomorrow, and Vader at 7* should also happen very soon), Boba and one of Sun Fac/Shoretrooper/Baze (Sun Fan is the only one of those I have, as mentioned above). Does that sound like good advice, or has the Zader-led squad mostly been lapped by stronger options (Rex, Zaul, Nihlus teams, etc) in arena?

    With EP you can win on offense, but you need ShT/Chaze to protect him on defense. Sun Fac's taunt comes late and so the opponent can easily kill him before. The suggested team would be very squishy. Vader lead counts for 4% of #1 teams so thats quite low.
    Rex lead is more versatile and worked fine for me. I gave my first zeta to Kylo, a very good char under Rex lead, but also under other leads.
    I don't suggest Zaul teams. They work fine for those with a Zavage and a very fast SA. But these are expensive teams to farm, and highly rng fights.
    DN should really be focussed, as a leader or team member.
    So my suggestion is:
    Farm Rex, gear DN, buy Baze shards with crystals (50), gear chirrut. Farm Kylo in cantina.
    Gear Boba and EP.

    Don't invest in Vader and TFP, they are okay like this as pilots but more gear should not have priority.
    Don't invest in any other chars.

  • Raw
    559 posts Member
    "Don't invest in any other chars." well you can invest in Wiggs ofc as long as you play them for sure.
  • Raw
    559 posts Member
    What do you think about my squad against Zaul?

    Rex L

    As long as you have no DN? A Zavage can be un-killable, maybe with a lucky execute but DN ist certainly good.
  • heldmacm
    12 posts Member
    Raw wrote: »
    heldmacm wrote: »
    I have not been farming Chaze, as last time I checked this thread, I don't believe they were mentioned as characters to shoot for as F2P players; I certainly could be wrong about that.
    I didn't mention it. But with Chirrut in fleet store, 4'000 crystals for a 3* Baze seem affordable now for those who saved some crystals or have a good rank, and a reasonable investment.
    heldmacm wrote: »
    I am at Light Side battle 9-B (Shoretrooper), and Baze would be next, but I'm unable to even 1* 9-B at the present time (this is almost assuredly where my undergear limitation comes in).
    Your Wedge lead and an ally's Jyn or Lando lead might help.
    heldmacm wrote: »
    One of my higher ranked guildmates had suggested running an Empire team around Zader, TFP, EP (I'll have him at 7* tomorrow, and Vader at 7* should also happen very soon), Boba and one of Sun Fac/Shoretrooper/Baze (Sun Fan is the only one of those I have, as mentioned above). Does that sound like good advice, or has the Zader-led squad mostly been lapped by stronger options (Rex, Zaul, Nihlus teams, etc) in arena?

    With EP you can win on offense, but you need ShT/Chaze to protect him on defense. Sun Fac's taunt comes late and so the opponent can easily kill him before. The suggested team would be very squishy. Vader lead counts for 4% of #1 teams so thats quite low.
    Rex lead is more versatile and worked fine for me. I gave my first zeta to Kylo, a very good char under Rex lead, but also under other leads.
    I don't suggest Zaul teams. They work fine for those with a Zavage and a very fast SA. But these are expensive teams to farm, and highly rng fights.
    DN should really be focussed, as a leader or team member.
    So my suggestion is:
    Farm Rex, gear DN, buy Baze shards with crystals (50), gear chirrut. Farm Kylo in cantina.
    Gear Boba and EP.

    Don't invest in Vader and TFP, they are okay like this as pilots but more gear should not have priority.
    Don't invest in any other chars.

    Thanks! I appreciate the helpful advice.
  • Lekrom1982
    343 posts Member
    edited May 2017
    Something to add for those opting to run the Lando/STHan option for early and midgame.
    On my 2nd acc I am keeping 25-50 at L67 with the squad below (was top10 until the whales bumped me out with full R1 or Maul/Nihilus teams). I am able to beat almost any Rogue1 or Chaze-variety team that's near my level or even 2-3 levels up on offense, using the Boba-execute strategy and spamming Lando aoe crits.

    Lando lead (high speed to attack often, as well as crit chance before unique stacking at 40%)
    Boba (high speed, usually goes first to ability block)
    STHan (high speed, taunts after Boba did ability block)
    Qui-gon Jinn (high speed, I use his dispel on Baze ASAP to grant whole team offense up)
    Vader (high speed, tanky, usually lasts until the end and takes out K2SO or Baze with culling blade after Chirrut is gone)

    It's not your conventional rebels team but it is working well for me. I do drop on defense because we all know the AI cannot for the love of the game decide when to properly use Vader and Boba's one-hit tricks to execute key enemies.

    Here's my strategy for beating the Rogue1 early game meta - cause they do have loads of synergy and you can lose easily when using your specials at the wrong time:

    1. Do not ability block immediately with Boba. Most often they have tenacity up. Rather attach Chirrut, hoping for a double-tap on his basic, to work down his protection. This is important to execute him later.
    2. Taunt with Han. Now your team will gain lots of TM as the R1 team works on Han. He usually dies mid-round.
    3. You've attached Chirrut, so Baze is taunting. Use QGJ to dispel his taunt-retribution, granting whole team offense up. By this time, if the opponent has decent mods, Jyn has gone and applied some debuffs to some of my team.
    4. Work at them with single attacks and QGJ assist attack. Usually you can only attack K2SO or Baze, both counter so doesn't matter, I prefer to work down Baze protection.
    5. Only use Vader's force choke when tenacity up has passed and team is susceptible. Otherwise use his basic to ability block. Use Lando aoe 2-3 times (you hope he crits!)
    6. Once Chirrut has enough green and/or red dots over his head, execute with Boba.
    7. From there, they really do drop like flies. I usually take out Jyn second before she can revive Chirrut. From here I can let Vader take them apart with force choke and culling blade, and Boba has his specials cooled down by now for a 2nd tap. I've won against full R1 teams even if they take out Lando early.

    Hope this helps some of the other folks who are grafting at LvL 55-70...
  • Krrigar
    10 posts Member
    edited May 2017
    Weachsy wrote: »
    Nice work!

    I will post my list once I finished 50 tries (am at 38 now)

    Thanks, and will be interesting to see your list. My rerolling project became a whole lot more interesting with the 500 crystal gift from CG due to some server trouble. Since you float about 200 crystals after the initial chromium pack, each of my 125 accounts now had an extra 700 crystals to play with; meaning I was able to open 2 additional packs on each account, and these packs didn't have a restricted hero pool like the first one.

    So after opening 250(!) chromium packs, I was able to get these heroes from the top 8 list:

    Chirrut on one account, and DN on another.

    Must admit that I was a bit surprised by the extremely poor return of resources, I had expected to get at least a Wedge. So the conclusion would be this: Never, ever spend crystals on Chromium packs, it's a terrible investment. Not that I mind for this project, since all the crystals were free, but still. Also makes me a bit curious how much whales actually spend when you see someone with a crazy line-up, it must easily push a thousand dollars.

    Anyway, which account would you focus on when they start with the following heroes?
    • Chirrut / Ackbar
    • Darth Nihilus / Lobot
    • Stormtrooper Han / Qui-gon Jinn
    9 posts Member
    edited May 2017
    Krrigar wrote: »
    Anyway, which account would you focus on when they start with the following heroes?
    • Chirrut / Ackbar
    • Darth Nihilus / Lobot
    • Stormtrooper Han / Qui-gon Jinn

    Pretty sure it should either be Chirrut or DN. DN is more stand-alone, whereas Chirrut will require you to farm Baze via shipments. I would say DN is the better choice here (but I also hate Chaze with a passion so my opinion is biased haha).
  • Krrigar
    10 posts Member
    NPVIRR wrote: »
    I would say DN is the better choice here
    I tend to agree, it feels like DN will be able to help out a lot more in the early/mid game compared to Chirrut.

    Starting arena team will then be: Lando (L), Boba, DN, JC, and Chewie (swap with StH as soon as possible).

    Do you think DN will perform better than Biggs in the lineup? I guess it doesn't really matter, since I will farm Biggs anyway so will be able to test with both.
    9 posts Member
    Krrigar wrote: »
    NPVIRR wrote: »
    I would say DN is the better choice here
    I tend to agree, it feels like DN will be able to help out a lot more in the early/mid game compared to Chirrut.

    Starting arena team will then be: Lando (L), Boba, DN, JC, and Chewie (swap with StH as soon as possible).

    Do you think DN will perform better than Biggs in the lineup? I guess it doesn't really matter, since I will farm Biggs anyway so will be able to test with both.

    I might be guessing, but JC will be obsolete in that lineup. Replace him as soon as you can.
  • MaTucci
    73 posts Member
    Raw wrote: »
    NPVIRR wrote: »
    Raw, when and how did you decide to run double tank? I understand that you used SF for that purpose. Is SF viable in terms of being on defence, or reliable to counter the buff-heavy Chaze squads on attack?

    Also, what is your top 10 looking like? Your lineup is rather interesting and I bet many more would like to know more.

    That double tank was an idea of a user in this thread. Unfortunately the search function is not very helpful (or how do you reduce your searches to this thread only?), so I don't know when. I think it was about lvl 75.

    SF is not very good on defense but ppl hate to fight against him because it often removes their Baze's buff. It is reliable if he is not frozen/stunned. But somewhat RNG (50% chance to counter).

    My current top 10:
    1. Wiggs Lando STH K2
    2. me: Rex Kylo DN EP Boba (no tank at all, stayed #2 the whole day)
    3. Wiggs Chaze Jyn
    4. zQGJ zYoda GK JKA Ahsoka
    5. Wiggs Chaze RG
    6. Rex Chaze DN EP (lvl 84, new to the top ten)
    7. EP TFP ShT Boba DT
    8. Jyn Cassian Chaze Zylo
    9. Rex Chaze Boba DN
    10. Rex Chaze Boba DN (new to top ten)

    A guy who was #2 the last day dropped to #44 within one day (Zaul Savage team).

    Wow. My top10 is only Zauls, the whole day... And I'm from a newer shards than yours, can't really understand why my shard is that way and yours is this way, maybe because I started near Christmas and that's why it's full of whales...
  • Apotheosis
    159 posts Member
    edited May 2017
    Krrigar wrote: »
    My rerolling project became a whole lot more interesting with the 500 crystal gift from CG due to some server trouble. Since you float about 200 crystals after the initial chromium pack, each of my 125 accounts now had an extra 700 crystals to play with; meaning I was able to open 2 additional packs on each account, and these packs didn't have a restricted hero pool like the first one.

    You deserve some type of SWGOH community recognition award for this epic feat of meta-gaming.

    Also, I'd recommend the DN account, and add Dooku to your farm list. Dooku under a DN lead is the bane of many popular arena comps, including the one recommended in this guide, well into level 70+.
  • Zalastro
    69 posts Member
    I agree with the DN account. Chirrut might be tempting, but you can get him easier than DN and if you don't spend you won't have crystals to buy Baze early and Chirrut alone is not that good.
  • Huatimus
    3669 posts Member
    edited May 2017
    @Krrigar Sorry I did not see this thread earlier, could have saved you a lot of work. I've done a good 200 rerolls at least and never seen Wedge.
    Secondly, you do not need a new email to reroll if you are on Android. That would take a lot of time and effort. What you do is create a guest account, and just change device id if that account is trash. That will give you a brand new guest account. Once you have found a good guest account, you can then proceed to bind it to an email.
    Lastly, I would advice Lando as a starting character, or if you're pulling a second chromium, then Baze or Wedge as the 2nd chromium pull.

    BTW, since you have 125 accounts, you can put them to good use by using the lousier accounts to "test" the numbers on the Leaderboard before you join in with the intended good account.
  • pnhuy
    92 posts Member
    About zeta challenge, I luckily get 3* with lev 80.

    I attacked Wedge first, and continued decrease health of Wedge and 2 JC.

    With lucky target locks, I kept My Biggs ship survived until My Slave 1 killed all Wedge, 2 JC with his AoE skill and that's all.

    I kept Ahsoka's Shut Down skill for taunt ship.

    Some informations for anyone who needs:

    Power 9.991 Lv68 Executrix 5*, Tarkin 5* lv70 gear6.5

    Power 16.732 Lv80 JC Starfighter 5*, JC 7* lv76 gear8.5

    Power 14.769 Lv80 Biggs's X-wing 5*, Biggs 7* lv80 gear10

    Power 14.629 Lv80 Slave 1 5*, Boba 7* lv80 gear10

    Power 13.636 Lv80 Ahsoka Starfighter 5*, Ahsoka 7* lv76 gear8.3

    Power 11.988 Lv80 Imperial TIE Fighter 5*, TFP 5* lv78 gear7.5
  • Krrigar
    10 posts Member
    Thanks for the feedback guys, I'll stick with the DN account and see how it works out. I'll hoard up for a while at level 27 just to make sure I get an extra edge.
    NPVIRR wrote: »
    I might be guessing, but JC will be obsolete in that lineup. Replace him as soon as you can.
    @NPVIRR Who would you replace him with? Biggs when I get access to GW at 40?
    Huatimus wrote: »
    @Krrigar Sorry I did not see this thread earlier, could have saved you a lot of work.

    Secondly, you do not need a new email to reroll if you are on Android.

    Lastly, I would advice Lando as a starting character, or if you're pulling a second chromium, then Baze or Wedge as the 2nd chromium pull.

    BTW, since you have 125 accounts, you can put them to good use by using the lousier accounts to "test" the numbers on the Leaderboard before you join in with the intended good account.
    @Huatimus Hehe yeah, didn't see that reply of yours before I started rerolling, confirming what I found as well. It did work out well though, since all of my accounts got the extra 500 "apology" gems from CG, letting me open more packs.

    I'm on iOS, but luckily I have access to an email forwarding service where I can easily create many temporary unique addresses that forwards to my one mail account, so no need to create entirely new accounts.

    Due to the 500 extra gems from GC I was able to do a second and third pull on all of my 125 accounts, and I would have loved to have gotten a Wedge; but after opening 250 chromium packs the best one I got was DN, so I'm sticking with that for now.

    And using my other accounts as "scouts" was indeed my plan as my main account hoards at level 27, but really appreciate the tip!

  • CitrusLemon
    68 posts Member
    edited May 2017
    Raw wrote: »
    What do you think about my squad against Zaul?

    Rex L

    As long as you have no DN? A Zavage can be un-killable, maybe with a lucky execute but DN ist certainly good.

    Who should I replace for DN? STH? Idk I just dont feel like to use DN, maybe because my Chaze aren't geared yet.

    And who can outspeed Zaul? Rex / Chirrut / DN? I aim to get tenacity up first or lower their cooldown first.

    thank you as always for your reply Raw!
  • Krrigar
    10 posts Member
    Apotheosis wrote: »
    Also, I'd recommend the DN account, and add Dooku to your farm list.
    @Apotheosis Thanks for the tip! Will definitely add him to my list
  • Weachsy
    21 posts Member
    Krrigar wrote: »
    Weachsy wrote: »
    Nice work!

    I will post my list once I finished 50 tries (am at 38 now)

    Thanks, and will be interesting to see your list. My rerolling project became a whole lot more interesting with the 500 crystal gift from CG due to some server trouble. Since you float about 200 crystals after the initial chromium pack, each of my 125 accounts now had an extra 700 crystals to play with; meaning I was able to open 2 additional packs on each account, and these packs didn't have a restricted hero pool like the first one.


    Hi Krrigar,

    I am still at 38 but nevertheless here is my list (Had no more time, but I will definately continue.

    Aayla Secura 2
    chief chirpa 3
    clone seargent 1
    eeth koth 2
    ewok scout 2
    finn 3
    hoth rebel soldier 3
    jedi knight guard 1
    kit fisto 2
    klon serg 1
    lando 1
    lobot 2
    mace windu 1
    Old Ben 2
    plo koon 2
    qui gon jin 1
    resistance troop 3
    rex 1
    sth 2
    ugnaught 1
    total 38

    I also wont buy any more chromiums since I only pulled 3 extra chars out of 38. (and very bad ones...)

    Now is a good time for new tests since you can open the first two chomiums after finishing the first threemissions.(due to the crystals gift).
    Do you really get 700 crystals as a gift? I only get 500.

    Since I only have an Iphone, I need to create more apple ids ;)
  • Krrigar
    10 posts Member
    edited May 2017
    Weachsy wrote: »
    Now is a good time for new tests since you can open the first two chomiums after finishing the first threemissions.(due to the crystals gift).
    Oh, I didn't realize that new accounts get the free 500 crystals as well, I thought it was only existing accounts. This might mean I'll do a few more rerolls... Just when I thought I was out, they pull me back in!

    As for the number of crystals, you need 1050 to open 3 packs. You get 200 for signing up and 500 for their server troubles, and then another 200 if you connect the account to facebook (You can use the same facebook account for all SWGoH accounts); that puts you at 900. If you then play through all of the first day's daily quests, you get to 1040. The second day's sign-in bonus puts you past 1050.

    I'm not going to do pull 3 on these new accounts though, since you can open the 2 first ones nearly straight away, saving a lot of time.

    Really want that Stormtrooper Han / Wedge start now.
  • Options
    Given that the cost of unlocking Baze and DN from shipments with crystals is identical, which would serve better into the later game (given that it takes time to star up chirrut from Fleet shipments only)?
  • Options
    At the moment both are great and both will stay at least good. I regarding whom will be better, nobody can tell because it depends a lot of the toons to be released.
  • Options

    I reached 78 today, and I think it's time to plan my team for the last levels.
    I followed this guide during my leveling, and my arena team is currently Lando (L), Wiggs, Wedge, Boba, STH. Wiggs and Wedge are G9, and the others are G8. I am a F2P player, so I have to think carefully when it is time to spend a furnace mk6 (I need around 10-15 days to get one).

    I need your help to know if it is worthy to gear my team, or if it would be smarter to change a toon or two. I am farming Jyn since she is available in the guild store, and I was thinking about starting to farm Chirrut and/or Baze.
    I know the current meta is around Zaul and Rex, so maybe it would be a good idea to start to farm them right now ?

    As you can see, I'm kind of lost, and and advice would be appreciated !
  • Options
    Krrigar wrote: »
    Apotheosis wrote: »
    Also, I'd recommend the DN account, and add Dooku to your farm list.
    @Apotheosis Thanks for the tip! Will definitely add him to my list

    @Krrigar An old post from this thread suggested a tactic that might be of interest to you. Instead of playing up to 27 and hoarding there, play up to level 8, unlock Cantina, and then use your daily cantina energy allotment to farm GS and/or Lando. The XP from that will slowly bump you up towards 27, where you can then sit and hoard.

    This tactic would get you out of the gate at level 28 with one or both of those characters already packing 3+ stars, PLUS the hoarded cantina energy you would have otherwise normally accumulated anyway.

    Since you have a hundred accounts to use as expendable test subjects, maybe try it on a throwaway account to see whether this is a viable approach, or not.

    p.s. Might be a good idea to sit at lv 26, not 27. More than few people have reported accidentally clicking on a daily achievement whilst harvesting free energy, and bumping themselves up to lv 28 prematurely.
  • Apotheosis
    159 posts Member
    edited May 2017
    Kulliwa wrote: »
    I reached 78 today, and I think it's time to plan my team for the last levels.

    Here's one possible transition plan for moving into the endgame. It takes the standard team recommended in Raw's guide, and assumes an eventual target of Rex Chaze DN GK. The first few steps are based on info in this discussion thread. The last couple of steps are pure speculation on my part.

    Italics = Character to be removed. Bold = New character added.
    1. Wedge Biggs Lando Boba STH
    2. Wedge Biggs Boba STH Sun Fac
    3. Rex Wedge Biggs Boba SF
    4. Rex Wedge Biggs Kylo SF
    5. Rex Wedge Biggs Chirrut Baze
    6. Rex Kylo DN Chirrut Baze
    7. Rex GK DN Chirrut Baze

    Random notes and rationale for the above, for people interested in reading more. I freely admit that I probably don't know what I'm talking about, the further down the list we go. I'm simply reiterating things that other people have said in the forums, in Youtube videos, etc. Comments and counter-opinions are welcome!
    1. Lando needs a lot of critical damage to stay competitive, and a single CD triangle (31.5%) isn't enough, especially as opponents move into G9 and beyond. So he's the first to go. Fans of Lando willing to unlock the 5* CD challenge and farm a CD set, can probably keep him in action.
    2. SF should be modded with protection arrow, triangle, circle, and cross, with +protection secondaries. SF doesn't need much speed, just enough to take over taunting duties when STH dies. This team works by walling off Wedge and Biggs, dispelling enemy taunts, and then deleting enemy dps toons with the wiggs combo. Omega Boba's ability block and fire that at the enemy dispeller.
    3. Rex needs lots of tenacity so he remains unaffected by opening-round ability blocks and stuns. He then pops his cleanse, freeing the team of all disabling effects and providing three turns of debuff-free combat. SF should be better geared now than in the previous step. Keep his taunt working as long as possible by using Boba to ability block the enemy's dispeller.
    4. We lose Boba's ability block and execute, but gain Kylo's stun and healing immunity. First zeta goes to Kylo. All toons should be very well geared, with health+protection pools that are able to absorb the enemy's alpha strike.
    5. After a very long farm process, F2P Chaze finally arrives. Both are reportedly 4* viable, if well geared.
    6. The Wiggs duo finally retires after a long and glorious service. Enemy health+protection totals are now well able to absorb their combo hit, and the longer battles begin to favor Nihilus' siege-breaking annihilate ability.
    7. GK, hurrah. Hopefully the meta hasn't totally shifted during the six month process to get to this point. Nihilus leads, with their crit-less teams, might be a good counter to this finished team.

  • Raw
    559 posts Member
    @Apotheosis very nice posting!
    Wiggs Lando might still be good against zQGJ Yoda Aayla JKA GK teams, still testing.
    Against Nihilus lead I also need to find the best strategy. Kylo's healing immunity is definitely a valuable asset here. Maybe also EP's shock.
  • Raw
    559 posts Member
    I would like to add that Boba SF is not a good synergy because SF removes the buffs so the execute is rather weak. Nevertheless I also used this because the ability block.
  • Raw
    559 posts Member
    Raw wrote: »
    What do you think about my squad against Zaul?

    Rex L

    As long as you have no DN? A Zavage can be un-killable, maybe with a lucky execute but DN ist certainly good.

    Who should I replace for DN? STH? Idk I just dont feel like to use DN, maybe because my Chaze aren't geared yet.

    And who can outspeed Zaul? Rex / Chirrut / DN? I aim to get tenacity up first or lower their cooldown first.

    thank you as always for your reply Raw!

    If your r2 applies the smoke, who should be visible? You need a tank for it. So if you run r2 under Rex lead you would skip Boba I assume.

    If Rex can't outspeed Zaul you need high tenacity on him, he can then go second. Just needs to survive the first attacks.
  • Options
    Hey @Raw
    I am just starting. Is Aayla a good char to start with that will help with arenas at 28 if I follow your guide?
  • Options
    Raw wrote: »
    Raw wrote: »
    What do you think about my squad against Zaul?

    Rex L

    As long as you have no DN? A Zavage can be un-killable, maybe with a lucky execute but DN ist certainly good.

    Who should I replace for DN? STH? Idk I just dont feel like to use DN, maybe because my Chaze aren't geared yet.

    And who can outspeed Zaul? Rex / Chirrut / DN? I aim to get tenacity up first or lower their cooldown first.

    thank you as always for your reply Raw!

    If your r2 applies the smoke, who should be visible? You need a tank for it. So if you run r2 under Rex lead you would skip Boba I assume.

    If Rex can't outspeed Zaul you need high tenacity on him, he can then go second. Just needs to survive the first attacks.
    Raw wrote: »
    Raw wrote: »
    What do you think about my squad against Zaul?

    Rex L

    As long as you have no DN? A Zavage can be un-killable, maybe with a lucky execute but DN ist certainly good.

    Who should I replace for DN? STH? Idk I just dont feel like to use DN, maybe because my Chaze aren't geared yet.

    And who can outspeed Zaul? Rex / Chirrut / DN? I aim to get tenacity up first or lower their cooldown first.

    thank you as always for your reply Raw!

    If your r2 applies the smoke, who should be visible? You need a tank for it. So if you run r2 under Rex lead you would skip Boba I assume.

    If Rex can't outspeed Zaul you need high tenacity on him, he can then go second. Just needs to survive the first attacks.

    Zylo will be the one that visible, assume he have counter buff or can deal massive damage with outrage by having advantage for 2 turns. What do you think?

    Are you sure high tenacity is the answer? The community didn't suggest tenacity mod set for Rex, they said it's useless, you can't win against EP stun, maul daze etc, it's all about RNG.
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