Nute Nuances Megathread (All things Nute)


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    Broulan wrote: »
    Gamorrean wrote: »
    Omg calm down... We have only seen this setup for 1 day and you call for a nerf.

    Go have fun with your GK and let others have fun getting him.

    Indeed. Zody and Zylo are useful elsewhere (zody probably only for gw, but still) and Nute is literally invest in one char for one phase. Not to mention it's still somewhat rng dependent.

    Invest the that? Currencies of the arena, credits and a few omegas? This is called investment? The Nute may be in G1, and I saw the damage too high with the jawas on the g9.

    You think cool then the damage is based only on RNG, **** it mods, gear, and strategy? I Dont think it's fun
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    gatormatt wrote: »
    It's "nutini"

    Agreed, it's the best name considering the word "Utinni" literally means "WOW!" in Jawaese language. This naming scheme meshes perfectly with everything that is Star Wars.

    And Nutinni is the consensus amongst us whales. Everybody knows whales has more stock in this game. Therefore we dictate the names. All hail the whales! Here here! ;):D

    But seriously, anyone can name it whatever they want.

    That name has been rejected. Here here !!
    Dabro1974 wrote: »
    It's "nutini"

    Agreed, it's the best name considering the word "Utinni" literally means "WOW!" in Jawaese language. This naming scheme meshes perfectly with everything that is Star Wars.

    And Nutinni is the consensus amongst us whales. Everybody knows whales has more stock in this game. Therefore we dictate the names. All hail the whales! Here here! ;):D

    But seriously, anyone can name it whatever they want.

    Lol sadly I bet this dude believes this...they are pixels dude...and at the end of each raid all this money you spent gets you what exactly? Happy spending let's me play for free and read these outlandish statements.

    Know your place, boys! I am a God in this game. Henceforth, "Nutinni" has been granted Protection Up status.

    Your a God? I always thought you were a rah rah cheerleader who promotes everything new and lurks on every forum post either calling people whiners for voicing their opinions or praising how great you and the whales are.

    I have no idea why your even here trying to name something u had nothing to do with, seriously?

    If your so great in the game why you trying to take the glory for other people's ideas?

    Just because you have 2000 posts, 1923 posts calling people whiners doesn't mean u can name this and now u also claim to represent the whales wow someone's delusional lol

    Oh stop your incessant whining, Kitty! I'm not the one with Bars Up constantly on my name.

    I know you love stalking me here on the forums, but it's starting to get a bit creepy (Blades of Glory Hector like). I love you and all, so there's help if you want it - just reach out! I'm here for you, boo.
  • Skuddy
    137 posts Member
    I want to make a point of responding to this. Specifically because I don't have the combo and I average 2.5 million damage in haat. This is working as intended according to the wording of the skills involved. This isn't a case where something needs to be nerfed. This is one of those situations where someone figured out how game mechanics work, and manipulated them to give themselves an advantage.
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    Mfish wrote: »
    sL_Spinoza wrote: »
    Anyone can see that I have always been against NERFS, this case is different. Different Cuz the only investment that needs to be done is an Omega.

    It is very discouraging we invest in teams with 2 or more zetas, gear, and learn strategies to have a team with only 2 toons on the G10 or G9 with MODS that any one has doing 9M damage on auto.

    Ps: I Leave the applause for those who found the team

    Get over the fact that someone used their brain to compose a team instead of their wallet. And I say that as a p2p player.

    One person used the brain and deserves congratulations for that the rest will copy.
  • Bobby777
    614 posts Member
    LMAO nerf nute????? Well I never!!!!!!!!
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    So the consensus is nerf these 3 toons because 3 low level toons soloing a phase isn't good I get it...

    But we're gonna leave Zylo (1 toon 1 phase) alone right?

    Oh man where will they stop... Chaze in arena... Nooooooooooooooooo

    All these grumbling Nerfing Nerfed Nerfers
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    robertohui wrote: »
    I created a poll about this topic. Is interesting to see the figures.

    So the people have spoken. I disagree with the wording of the option but most people don't want him to be nerfed. Also, it's not an exploit because none of what you do with that squad is breaking existing gameplay mechanics. The leader ability was already there, as were the uniques and basic abilities.
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    robertohui wrote: »
    I created a poll about this topic. Is interesting to see the figures.

    So the people have spoken. I disagree with the wording of the option but most people don't want him to be nerfed. Also, it's not an exploit because none of what you do with that squad is breaking existing gameplay mechanics. The leader ability was already there, as were the uniques and basic abilities.

    I wouldn't be so sure if that...

    I tried to post a similar strategy several months ago but I was told several times that telling people to go into a battle with less that 5 toons is in fact an EXPLOIT because it encourages unintended behaviors and I'm surprised all this talk is allowed now.

    I wouldn't be surprised if they determine it's an exploit and anyone using this method is punished... I wouldn't do it I value my account.
  • robertohui
    82 posts Member
    edited May 2017
    JediGhost, if this is an exploit or not is another discussion and it is a debate here. I used the term just to explain the situation.
    The poll was created just to see the community answer in figures and doing so to help the community with what I can.
  • Mfish
    136 posts Member
    They haven't nerfed zylo, chirpatine, teebo, Jyn, or any other team that anyone has composed using to own the raids. Under this logic I guess they can nerf my droids because they can run for almost 3 million. I think they will leave it alone. Someone understood their toons and put together a good team. Good work Lugo. Devs, stop messing with toons when we used them how you designed them. Part of the fun is figuring this stuff out. Take it away and you take our fun. Thanks y'all. That's my 2 cents.
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    robertohui wrote: »
    I created a poll about this topic. Is interesting to see the figures.

    So the people have spoken. I disagree with the wording of the option but most people don't want him to be nerfed. Also, it's not an exploit because none of what you do with that squad is breaking existing gameplay mechanics. The leader ability was already there, as were the uniques and basic abilities.

    I wouldn't be so sure if that...

    I tried to post a similar strategy several months ago but I was told several times that telling people to go into a battle with less that 5 toons is in fact an EXPLOIT because it encourages unintended behaviors and I'm surprised all this talk is allowed now.

    I wouldn't be surprised if they determine it's an exploit and anyone using this method is punished... I wouldn't do it I value my account.

    So it's now an exploit to go into a fight with less than what you need? Even if that's whats been determined you still go into the fight with a full squad of 5, you just use the in game mechanic to pull out 2 toons that ou could use later. It's a heroic raid, some toons are required for multiple phases of the raid and retreating a toon like R2 and Dengar is a good tactic
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    robertohui wrote: »
    JediGhost, if this is an exploit or not is another discussion and it is a debate here. I used the term just to explain the situation.
    The poll was created just to see the community answer in figures.

    And that's fine, I'm agreeing with the results and using them in my argument, so thank you for the resource. I just didn't like the wording personally. The message still remains that more people don't want a nerf here, which is the main point.
  • Lugo
    417 posts Member
    Mfish wrote: »
    They haven't nerfed zylo, chirpatine, teebo, Jyn, or any other team that anyone has composed using to own the raids. Under this logic I guess they can nerf my droids because they can run for almost 3 million. I think they will leave it alone. Someone understood their toons and put together a good team. Good work Lugo. Devs, stop messing with toons when we used them how you designed them. Part of the fun is figuring this stuff out. Take it away and you take our fun. Thanks y'all. That's my 2 cents.

    Totaly agree
  • scuba
    14102 posts Member
    robertohui wrote: »
    I created a poll about this topic. Is interesting to see the figures.

    So the people have spoken. I disagree with the wording of the option but most people don't want him to be nerfed. Also, it's not an exploit because none of what you do with that squad is breaking existing gameplay mechanics. The leader ability was already there, as were the uniques and basic abilities.

    I wouldn't be so sure if that...

    I tried to post a similar strategy several months ago but I was told several times that telling people to go into a battle with less that 5 toons is in fact an EXPLOIT because it encourages unintended behaviors and I'm surprised all this talk is allowed now.

    I wouldn't be surprised if they determine it's an exploit and anyone using this method is punished... I wouldn't do it I value my account.

    This strategy would not have worked months ago, because Nute lead gave a max 30% tm gain on crit by stealthed character. The lead was changed to 50% on 4/25. That is what made this possible.

    As far as using less the 5 characters on a team. That has been happening for almost a year now, registering 0 damage for raid.
    Even the zeta Kylo trick is sending in only 1 character.
    If they didn't want that to happen they would force you to use 5 characters, yes they can prevent you from sending in a full squad it was set like that in some of the events.
  • Me2
    123 posts Member
    edited May 2017
    Ahwang826 wrote: »
    I don't think his friend soloed it but he named it anyways and made it "official". Just rubbed me the wrong way...seems like he's trying to take credit for it.

    You don't think he just might have been joking? Come on people lighten up!
  • scuba
    14102 posts Member
    Op small correction if you want any chance of this working it requires 2 omega abilities.
    60% chance of stealth is bad enough rng. Can't image what 45% would be like.
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    The term 'Lugo' is easier to type :)
    And we knew what what it means
  • Broulan
    374 posts Member
    Broulan wrote: »
    @JediGhost117 did you even realize that, when Zader lead was bugged in the raids, just 1 Empire and/or Sith were removing up to 80% TM off just 1 hit themselves? That was clearly NOT WAI. It now WAI.

    It seems as though he did not realize this... :p

    Because it didn't do that for at least 16 people that used Zader before and after the nerf.

    Whether you or your guild mates noticed or not, the developers confirmed this behavior. I don't know what else to tell you. Zader teams with appropriate comps and gear can still solo the raid...
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    Official name of this comp is "Nutinni" (if you don't get it google "Jawa Utinni", listen, and then you will remember). :)
    Bt_7274 wrote: »
    We should name it "lugo" not this dumb name,after all they created this

    Wonder if snakes gets mad when people keep calling it Lugo after he insists it's called what he wants to call it lol
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    Nerf Mol Eliza
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    Broulan wrote: »
    Broulan wrote: »
    @JediGhost117 did you even realize that, when Zader lead was bugged in the raids, just 1 Empire and/or Sith were removing up to 80% TM off just 1 hit themselves? That was clearly NOT WAI. It now WAI.

    It seems as though he did not realize this... :p

    Because it didn't do that for at least 16 people that used Zader before and after the nerf.

    Whether you or your guild mates noticed or not, the developers confirmed this behavior. I don't know what else to tell you. Zader teams with appropriate comps and gear can still solo the raid...

    Tell that to my maxed out Zader, maxed out QGJ, Rex, Jyn, and Bistan. None of them are able to do what they were advertised by Youtubers who the devs give early access to anymore.
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    Nerf Mol Eliza

    Like deleting them? Or are we talking about making the age limit lower
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    Sigh. The forums is like 1% of the playerbase. People have been using this strategy for weeks now. It shouldn't be named after the first person to post about it on the forums.
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    wasnt this team always available?
  • scuba
    14102 posts Member
    wasnt this team always available?

    No. Prior to release of R2 nute lead gave 30% tm to character that was stealthed and crit.
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    scuba wrote: »
    wasnt this team always available?

    No. Prior to release of R2 nute lead gave 30% tm to character that was stealthed and crit.

    I c, but no one has an issue with it when they buffed him right? Are they really going to nerf it? Doesn't seem right, I would think that the developers know what kind of syn and teams can be made when they put it out. Then again seems weird to have such an easy team for The raid. Maybe something other raid is coming soon
  • Broulan
    374 posts Member
    Broulan wrote: »
    Broulan wrote: »
    @JediGhost117 did you even realize that, when Zader lead was bugged in the raids, just 1 Empire and/or Sith were removing up to 80% TM off just 1 hit themselves? That was clearly NOT WAI. It now WAI.

    It seems as though he did not realize this... :p

    Because it didn't do that for at least 16 people that used Zader before and after the nerf.

    Whether you or your guild mates noticed or not, the developers confirmed this behavior. I don't know what else to tell you. Zader teams with appropriate comps and gear can still solo the raid...

    Tell that to my maxed out Zader, maxed out QGJ, Rex, Jyn, and Bistan. None of them are able to do what they were advertised by Youtubers who the devs give early access to anymore.

    Where's your Dengar or tfp for tenacity down? Either go for one of them or mod that squad for potency to make sure the tmr sticks... these squads and information on them is everywhere.
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    robertohui wrote: »
    I created a poll about this topic. Is interesting to see the figures.

    Only thing I disagree with is that it is not an Nute exploit. It's strategy within the framework the Dev's built for the HAAT.
    Do or Do not.

    DarthBarron (Kevin, aka KevWalker)
  • Bennehftw
    316 posts Member
    edited May 2017
    I'd say it's going to get nerfed fairly quickly. But I'd hope not. It sounds good for everyone, but it's not equal at all in strategy. It's simply using the bonuses of a raid to do better than before.

    I'd just limit infinite chains. It would apply to all raid bosses. It'd be the safest bet. A character chains more than 10-15 attacks in a row before the enemy can act, then the enemy gains 100% TM. This includes Zylo if he reaches 10-15 turns. Assisting characters don't count to the total. It would be any character hitting 10-15 times on their own before the boss attacks.

    Like how GG gains 100% TM for every 7 hits.
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