Game Update 6/28/2017 MegaThread

1435 posts Moderator
edited July 2017
I got all the warm fuzzies regarding the Update Notes for 6/28/2017!

Chief Chirpa is the Daily Log-in Character for July! Though, if memory serves, Ewoks rarely travel alone…

Well, perhaps it’s more short than enormous, but short help is better than no help at all!

So many of our Holotable Heroes confronted the ominous rise of the Empire that culminated in an epic battle With Grand Admiral Thrawn in our latest Legendary Event. Thrawn is a crafty and challenging opponent, and will no doubt make his return at some point in the future. For now, in celebration of his retreat, please enjoy double drop nodes in the following locations below! Originally, we intended to fire things off today, but in an effort to ensure ultimate celebratory-ness, this will run from 6/29 through 6/30!
  • Cantina
  • Light side Dark side Battles
  • Galactic War
  • Mod Battles

Rejoice! The Phoenix Squadron's ship Ghost and Phantom II are now available in various locations!
  • Dark Side Hard 9-C
  • Dark Side Hard 9-D
Both ships can also be found in Fleet Shipments. Additionally, these Blueprints can also be found in the Shard Shop.

We're so close to the end of the month- we know you're chomping at the bit and so are we! Further details await us.

Wicked Sith Queen with the Pink Saber
Post edited by Kozispoon on


  • Options
    Wicket update!?!?!
  • Options
    Yay Ewoks!
  • ExarTheKun
    2668 posts Member
  • Engels
    90 posts Member
    thanks for the double drops at 2am and i used all my 3x refill buys before.
  • Options
    While I'm happy about the log in toon, really you take out Sabine from the shard shop two days before the flash events end? Can you at least make her a guaranteed shipment for the next two days then?
  • Kyno
    32087 posts Moderator
    Love the heads up. keep up the great off to plan 2 days of double drop farming!
  • RJ__Brando
    1500 posts Moderator
  • KP67s
    42 posts Member
    So I guess Kylo's ship and TIE Reaper just don't exist anymore. I see you CG. I see you.
  • Options
    Just a wee bit irritating that I have no more refreshes left, I get a client update, and I can't take advantage of one day of double drops...
  • ExarTheKun
    2668 posts Member
    Crystals my friend. Always keep a small stockpile.
  • zep
    5 posts Member
    Why do you keep starting double drop days halfway through the first day?
  • Azza
    245 posts Member
    KP67s wrote: »
    So I guess Kylo's ship and TIE Reaper just don't exist anymore. I see you CG. I see you.

    Dark side, non rebel ship. Who cares!
  • Options
    Ewoks? AWESOME!! :smiley:
    This is a signature.
  • Mzee
    1777 posts Member
    edited June 2017
    How in the world are Phoenix ships farmable, but not Kylo Ren's command shuttle, and Tie Reaper. EA, please explain this. We already have a much easier time with light side, so you make more light ships available that were released months after some dark side ones. I would love to hear your explanation on this.
  • Tactyou
    756 posts Member
    Personally, I would rather see free 500 crystals... but that's me
  • ExarTheKun
    2668 posts Member
    Tactyou wrote: »
    Personally, I would rather see free 500 crystals... but that's me

    Over double drops? Blasphemy!
  • Mále
    24 posts Member
    A notification that you will be doing double drops 4 hours after daily refresh would be nice, so we hadn't burned all our energy and refreshes already. Would it possible to adjust the double drop event to take time zones into consideration like you do with other events? Hardly fair that some won't get an equal opportunity at this.
  • Options
    Ewoks Yay I guess? I wanted a separatist faction pass. Guess it's easier to work on 4 than a whole lot of bad characters "cough Grevious cough"
  • Pyrefly
    1254 posts Member
    I'm calling it first: Endor raid later this year!
    /mildsarcasm profile: Pyrefly -- Check out my Galactic Power Tables and my TB Phase Info Tables !!
  • scuba
    14148 posts Member
    RJ__Brando wrote: »

    As part of the Defenders of Endor Guild... I approve this update!!!!
  • Options
    At least it's the only Ewok I don't have seven stars yet.
  • Options
    Mzee wrote: »
    How in the world are Phoenix ships farmable, but not Kylo Ren's command shuttle, and Tie Reaper. EA, please explain this. We already have a much easier time with light side, so you make more light ships available that were released months after some dark side ones. I would love to hear your explanation on this.

    This is a fair question> some of those ships are very cool, and many of us want to play dark side ships and those things are hard locked behind the paywall of random luck.
  • Kyno
    32087 posts Moderator
    Pyrefly wrote: »
    I'm calling it first: Endor raid later this year!

    There was that post with Kozi making note of a Walker raid......hhhmmmm.... you may be onto something
  • Any
    428 posts Member
    I always request EWOK have FACTION PASS as they are legend and end the war.

    Anyway,if they are new META, are you ready to adapt to change to use them.

    What do you think they will OP as new META?
  • ExarTheKun
    2668 posts Member
    Oh god. Ewoks will be viable in two Heroic raids. Nerf please!
  • Options
    they really know how to annoy people, right? same here... I even finished gw already :neutral:
  • Options
    I saw on the inbox message something about missing assets and fixing it. This is the first I'm hearing of it. What are the assets? Why are they missing? How are they being fixed?
  • scuba
    14148 posts Member
    Any wrote: »
    I always request EWOK have FACTION PASS as they are legend and end the war.

    Anyway,if they are new META, are you ready to adapt to change to use them.

    What do you think they will OP as new META?

  • Bon_El
    435 posts Member
    Seriously....... Ewoks?..... Y'all need your "man" cards revoked. Double drops = awesome. But Ewoks?...... My honest comment would get a DM from @Vampire_X ;) Which isn't ALL horrible.
    ~ There is a great disturbance in the forum. ~
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