Territory Battles: Imperial - difficulty feedback


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    So they apparently don't playtest things before releasing them. Otherwise, they would have known it was too hard before they decided to drop it.
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    This event is so bad. Were 2 star star and 4 star toons actually used to test this event? This event needs to be canceled, because this is a waste of time to play
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    They said they messed up and made it harder then intended, but the can't fix it while it's going on. Just have to wait and see what the next one holds

    When did they say they made it harder than intended? I see where they said
    ...we are aware that the battles are extremely difficult, particularly in Phase 1 which is unaffected by Platoon Missions. While it was intended to be difficult, there are a number of factors that may be making it too hard...

    Sounds to me like the intent was to make it difficult. They never said they messed up. And although they did say that it may be too hard, they did not say it's harder than intended.

    This reminds me of the nAAT launch where they said it's supposed to be hard, but changed it based on player feedback.
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    What an absolute disaster.
    Yes, it's difficult. Obviously too difficult these first few phases, but for a first time through it should have been tough. (again tho as has been widely reported... this is too difficult when gear 10+ 7* rocking teams can't clear 4/4 in phase 1)
    The nearly 50% less TP for CMs is crazy bugged obviously and will be fixed of course.
    The special ability is garbage.
    The Rebels have CRAZY abilities constantly clearing all debuffs and healing.
    This never should have launched on Thanksgiving.
    This obviously needed a beta like TW received.
    I'm over here just shocked at how badly this is going. I know we'll receive some consolation prize for struggling through this... but this is demoralizing people. You thought people got fed up and quit after LS TB, just wait...

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    Thanks developers for starting to tear my guild apart with your 26 man requirement on territory battles.
  • Skittlesnacks1
    209 posts Member
    edited November 2017
    Muaddib wrote: »
    I know we'll receive some consolation prize for struggling through this...

    When the LS TB was bugged and battles were freezing they only gave us like 250 guild event tokens as an apology so don't get your hopes up too high.

    So, I wonder how many tokens we'll be losing by being thrown into this unfinished mess instead of doing the LS territory battles? We would have gotten 7100 tokens as a reward from LS. This time I imagine we'll be lucky to get 5000.

    I'm getting angrier by the minute with this game. They just have to find some way to suck the fun out of it. Constantly.

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    Have they acknowledged that it’s not giving out close to how many points it should per battle? Just got around 177,000 for completing 4/4 when it says I should get 329,000.
    How did the Empire actually manage to win this battle when the rebels are so overpowered?haha barely scraped through the 2* and 3* levels with G11 zeta characters, dread to think what the rest is going to be like.
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    I mean, if half of the guild is inactive, what's the point of staying in it?
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    Yeah, who wants to be in half a guild.
    Merge or disband
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    Ok folks, listening to you
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    Who are you? A representative of EA or a player?

    Plenty of threads already giving feedback without started another one
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    Well it's hard. My ambitions are limited to win one combat mission and 3/4 the others.

    Months of force farming Pao, Bodhy Rooks, Lobots and friends for the better good of my guild left my DS toons in the dust. Now it's biting me in the rear side but I knew it was coming when they announced DS BT.
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    Just a lot of bugs
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    It’s extremely difficult. I have “decent” DS toons but not OP like some of my guild mates have, however I wasn’t expecting in P1 to get absolutely annihilated; more like phase 3-4 tops before I get wrecked. That’s a little much.

    I mean, even in LS TB, when you’re battling with a MINIMUM REQUIREMENT of a 2* toon, even our DS heavy invested guild mates with low tier LS characters were able to complete it. This is out of hand.
  • Goober1_
    472 posts Member
    edited November 2017
    It's a little too easy. But lightside is even easier so can't complain, it's better than lightside overall
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    Before DS TB “My DS toons are unstoppable” after DS TB “My DS toons are worse than a stormtroopers aim”
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    Goober1_ wrote: »
    It's a little too easy. But lightside is even easier so can't complain, it's better than lightside overall


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    Too difficult and buggy so far.
    Empire has poor diversity comparing to rebels. And just a few DS toon has healing abilities. Not mentioning we put all our efforts in Lobots and Ko ...
    So, not fun.
  • Naw
    969 posts Member
    There's already a bunch of threads and the developers are aware, it's supposed to be readjusted for next ds tb

    According to whom? I am so tired of these "accidents." This is intentional. And it's old.

    Now we are jumping to the conclusion that any playtesting was completed. There is no way this was tested and approved for production based on that.

    Hint to devs, you can google for ”how to playtest a game”. Please go and read some of the articles.
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    Ok first off it is too hard, devs said as much.
    But you need to understand that DS is going the opposite way from LS.
    Where LS got harder maybe DS is going to easier?
    Not sure if that's true but it is true that very few people have Chaemera and very few people have a decent bounty hunter squad.
    We need more DS factions or at least toons to improve existing ones.
    IPD is a good start but where is Jango?
    Can we get Snoke as a sith/ fo?
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    Moved to the DS TB subsection.
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    Have they acknowledged that it’s not giving out close to how many points it should per battle? Just got around 177,000 for completing 4/4 when it says I should get 329,000.
    How did the Empire actually manage to win this battle when the rebels are so overpowered?haha barely scraped through the 2* and 3* levels with G11 zeta characters, dread to think what the rest is going to be like.

    Yes they have: https://forums.galaxy-of-heroes.starwars.ea.com/discussion/145258/dark-side-territory-battle-difficulty-and-points#latest
  • Versatti
    241 posts Member
    edited November 2017
    I agree, it’s pretty tough even with Zeta dark side toons. As mentioned by another poster, I’m all for having an ability for guild officers to choose light or dark TB.
    Post edited by Versatti on
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    Absolute dumpster fire and should have been shelved. I can go in depth later.
    Meanwhile, down on the farm....
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    Across the 4 major SW IP titles EA holds, how well would you say you have delivered on a fun entertainment experience and in the words of Anderson "provided value" to the consumer?
    His words, not mine, he said it is crucial in a microtransaction game to give value.
    I consider in 20yrs plus gaming this product in particular as the least value I have ever paid for.
    And no I'm not going to leave or desire to pay less, I JUST WANT VALUE!
    I don't know whether it is too late to save the Star Wars licence, if not, please try.
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    My empire team can 7* the R2D2 event, but can't beat a 2* mission? The difficulty level might need some tweaking.
  • starplatinum
    174 posts Member
    edited November 2017
    Humm, i've played and enjoyed this game since the begining and i was seriously looking forward a mode where the dark side would shine. Now i fell very angry too with this ds tb. It feels rushed and just overwhelming to maximize the frustration. Honestly, i do not expect much when they promise some kind of compensation. for the first time i feel i am losing hope and some interest...
    What a fiasco!
  • Ceodoc
    175 posts Member
    edited November 2017
    Love it!
    The way the Hoth Rebel Scout made my gear 12 Zader's helmet come off was awesome, I bet he had a great chat with his missus when he got home for thanks giving dinner.
    HRS's Wife: "Hi honey how was your day"?
    HRS: "Omg baby, you won't believe this, I blew Darth Vader up"!
    HRS's Wife: "What the Darth Vader"?
    HRS: "Yes the Darth Vader, not reduced price SWBF2 Vader, guess where?....Imperial Landing"!
    HRS's Wife: Darth Vader gear 12 and zeta at the Imperial landing...get outta here, have you been buying Star Cards again"!
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    Would like to get feedback but all my posts are being removed
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