Territory Battles: Imperial - difficulty feedback


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    @Boba_The_Fetter rule one of EA forums is never utter a truthful word about the devs or you get sent to jail.
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    Would like to get feedback but all my posts are being removed

  • Goober1_
    472 posts Member
    edited November 2017
    It is not impossible, a few people in my guild did all 3 missions phase 1 and 2.
    I'm not sure how but they did it, but I know it can be done
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    We are half a guild because leader and many others became inactive. We just started our guild over and were building nicely until this player limit started getting people antsy and started bailing. Thanks for your typical smug and rude comment when you don't know cituation. Typical in most of these forums.
  • Gawejn
    1129 posts Member
    Leave the guild all to new one. With new leader. Dont complain couse it wont give you what you want. You want to play find solution.
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    We did move. Thats my point. We started over and of course people like Goober1 and their "me big guild and no one else has right to form one cause we own game" attitude. Our guild was dying and we stuck together to form new one.
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    Had same issue and did a merge of a number of us with another guild. It is a pain when leader goes awol. Apparently if you submit help ticket they may be able to help or if not get an alt to open a new guild and have the active people move over.
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    I just believe they over did it with this one like a lot of my dark side teams are at the same level as my light side ones but I’m not even standing a chance on this one it doesn’t even start off easy like the other one it’s kinda ridiculous
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    You forgot they regenerate protection, gain stealth, foresight and retribution. ;-)
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    Muaddib wrote: »
    What an absolute disaster.
    Yes, it's difficult. Obviously too difficult these first few phases, but for a first time through it should have been tough. (again tho as has been widely reported... this is too difficult when gear 10+ 7* rocking teams can't clear 4/4 in phase 1)
    The nearly 50% less TP for CMs is crazy bugged obviously and will be fixed of course.
    The special ability is garbage.
    The Rebels have CRAZY abilities constantly clearing all debuffs and healing.
    This never should have launched on Thanksgiving.
    This obviously needed a beta like TW received.
    I'm over here just shocked at how badly this is going. I know we'll receive some consolation prize for struggling through this... but this is demoralizing people. You thought people got fed up and quit after LS TB, just wait...

    The word "demoralizing" is exactly what keeps coming up with my guilds. My main group has been together since nearly the beginning, and I've never heard so many of them say "This is the kind of thing that makes me want to quit completely." Light Side TB was already pushing people away due to the tediousness of it, but, most everyone in my group was prepared to stick it out and we were collectively making progress.

    It's one thing to say "Sorry we didn't test more" or "We acknowledge some mistakes", but these are incredibly serious missteps. More so than just an incidental bug here and there. It's becoming the point where people are saying they've had enough. That's alienating your most devoted player base (both P2P and F2P people, not just the whales), which takes it from a mistake to a full-blown catastrophe.

    I really do hope they pull this thing as soon as they can and go back to the drawing board. It needs a complete overhaul for all the reasons that Moaddib and others mentioned, and many more reasons to come I'm sure.

    Here's to hoping (yet again), that the devs take the complaints to heart and actually try creating something fun and enjoyable for the player base, and not leave it as another sloppy, lazy and poorly planned release. Would hate to see this be the thing that finally puts this game and its community to rest.
  • Semi
    133 posts Member
    edited November 2017
    Ok... I know it is just the first time we try it...
    I am not creating this thread to cry out loud for changes knowing CG already announce they might work on it.

    But hey. How pleasant IT was to watch zSidious zVader zPalpatine zSavage all gear11 being wiped badly without even killing 2 of Them.... In the 3rd zone xD

    Almost the same thing for the first order xP

    How did you do ,fellow swgoh'er ? =]
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    every enemy unit has mass dispell and full hp heal :dizzy:
  • leef
    13458 posts Member
    i did amazing in the fleet mission =D
    Save water, drink champagne!
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    Nightsisters are undefeated. That's probably coming to an end soon though. No Mt after this round.
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    But guys.... their intent is for you to feel a sense of pride and accomplishment as you QA their untested content.
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    I just had this happen as well. Was gonna start my own thread about it but I'm glad I'm not the only one? Lol Zeta Vader DOTs were cleansed on bottom territory, phase 3. Also, Nightsister Plagues were cleansed on a guildmate and he's pretty upset about it since he spent money on them. The whole TB seems way too OP.
  • Semi
    133 posts Member
    leef wrote: »
    i did amazing in the fleet mission =D

    Hahahaha ! At least the fleet one was exacly like the light Side une ;)
    ProximaB1_ wrote: »
    Nightsisters are undefeated. That's probably coming to an end soon though. No Mt after this round.

    Sadly they are not ready. But with talzin 85 no zeta gear 7 ...zombie 3 * ans daka gear 10 it nevers end.....
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    NS plague cleansed too lmfao
  • ProximaB1_
    1093 posts Member
    edited November 2017
    My zombie is 2* I put zavage in her place. He actually works well finishing off elites also ventress with her unique zeta dominates. If you can keep defeating characters with her aoe she just aoes over and over.
    Edited zavage instead if savage
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    Moved to appropriate subsection.
  • tRRRey
    2782 posts Member
    NS plague cleansed too lmfao

    They probably healed to full, it seems every rebel has some kind of healing ability
    https://swgoh.gg/u/trey 66/
    Make Zader Great Again!
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    My feedback is this Dark Side TB was poorly tested. Has alot of design issues and bugs and balance issues.

    I think they should cancel the current TB and give players compensation and fix up the issues that they mentioned
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    I think it is ridiculous to threaten players because of a bug that the devs themselves, instilled in the game. No one is using software or altering the game in any way, they are simply using the game that YOU put forth. Personally, I don't have anything to worry about as I haven't done it, but please, enough with the weak threats. Also, most players aren't checking these forums on the hour. So, if you REALLY want to do something CONSTRUCTIVE about this latest "shipped show" that you call Dark Side Territory Battles; how about you cancel the whole thing to fix everything that's wrong with it (you might want to think about making it fun also, because it isn't right now) and start a Light Side TB instead of threatening the player community for using the (broken) content YOU provided us.
    Oh, and by the way, how about TRYING AND TESTING it before launch?? Not sure if you could've caught the bug by testing it, but you for sure could've caught the ridiculous difficulty and the wrong amounts of points being awarded for battles.
  • JPBrunel
    821 posts Member
    edited November 2017
    So, when the game "cheats" it's ok then? I wonder if these Rebels (and the devs that created them) have read the Rules of Conduct?
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    Sounds like a bug....they can’t make changes while the TB is still going on though.
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    Yeah because the healing on the rebels side is atrocious which makes plague worthless. As Vader and thrawn go, bug most likely. Or some new obscure rule that seems to be the new norm now.
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    Not fun
  • ChrisSkywalker
    553 posts Member
    edited November 2017
    Just saw someone leave my guild over this fiasco. Think he had a mental breakdown... :(
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    i think it is the best to cancel this DS TB untill its done properly
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    I will still play it no matter how difficult it is.

    That said, I hope a 7*, g11, speed modded team (no matter what faction it is) will be able to complete all the waves in the first three slices at some point in the future.

    Right now, it cannot.
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