February speculation (MERGE)


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    A part of my inner Star Wars fan died after watching the pile of garbage that was TLJ. I think another piece is going to die when Rose's character ends up being flat out better than legendary characters like General Grievous and Mace Windu. I'd be far more excited to just get some reworks than Rose.

    This movie messed up my head and confused me like no other I recall. I agree - as a SW fan that it felt like a big kick in the head. As @Corey5068 has noted, I can't wait till they move past the OT characters...and in fact looking back I just wish now they'd have totally started over from the get go. Why they had to take a dump on the OT and minimize so many legendary characters I don't get. As a stand-along movie - if it were not SW - I actually liked it on its own. Enjoyed the unexpected twists and the Yoda scene was money, Luke's scene was great, the Kylo+RJT vs. Praes was super cool. So on impulse and leaving the show, I liked it overall and was supporting some of the risks taken in the movie, but the longer I thought about it I started to pick out more and more I didn't like. The reality hit me when I watched ANH at home with my 8 yo daughter - who's a huge SW fan - and watching that classic show actually made me a bit sad. Was unexpected and weird. I'm almost certainly going to skip the SOLO movie and my excitement for the 3rd part of this trilogy is nonexistent.

    This has me worried now about the Amazon LOTR show that's being worked on since JRRT's son has relinquished control ... they're going to drop a big deuce on the prior lore and not pay it any respect I fear. I think some writers feel that in order to make their own part of the story valid they have to push down what others before them have done.
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    Please make Snoke a Sith and First Order. The only and I repeat only good character in the movie. Disney has major issues. Rose is horrible. Please, please do not make a character for her. She is the most hated Star Wars Character in existence.

    The Dark Side needs major help and Snoke should be MORE POWERFUL then JTR. If you watch the movie he is! I mean you can't have Thrawn keep the Dark Side up all by himself.

    Kylo Ren and General Hux are ****. I mean Disney has messed up the story line so much I don't know how they repair it. They need a new villain that has a brain to run the First Order.
  • APX_919
    2468 posts Member
    Please make Snoke a Sith and First Order.

    Snoke is no Sith. The last Sith died with Vader and Palpatine. Snoke is an exceptionally powerful Dark Side user but not a Sith.
    "Everything is proceeding as I have foreseen...mostly"
  • Loney_Porcupine
    28 posts Member
    edited January 2018
    Snoke is a Sith, he says to Kylo Ren this is my apprentice. That is SITH TALK!

    Now Snoke is the last of the Sith, because Kylo Ren is a kitten. The Sith would be embarrassed by him. I do find it funny where Snoke is insulting Kylo in the movie. You did not see Darth Sidious insulting Dooku or Maul.
    Post edited by Ambassador on
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    Snoke is a Sith, he says to Kylo Ren this is my apprentice. That is SITH TALK!

    Now Snoke is the last of the Sith, because Kylo Ren is a ****. The Sith would be embarrassed by him. I do find it funny where Snoke is insulting Kylo in the movie. You did not see Darth Sidious insulting Dooku or Maul.

    Not all dark side users are Siths. Snoke is definitely not one of them.

    And Jar Jar is way more hated than Rose.
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    Snoke is a Sith, he says to Kylo Ren this is my apprentice. That is SITH TALK!

    Now Snoke is the last of the Sith, because Kylo Ren is a ****. The Sith would be embarrassed by him. I do find it funny where Snoke is insulting Kylo in the movie. You did not see Darth Sidious insulting Dooku or Maul.

    Being a trainee is sith talk? Now I know why people under going an apprenticeship get paid naff all.
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    I really don't get the Rose hate... I mean, how can anyone feel any emotion whatsoever for a character that did nothing? She may be the most forgettable SW character ever.
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    Snoke is a Sith, he says to Kylo Ren this is my apprentice. That is SITH TALK!

    Now Snoke is the last of the Sith, because Kylo Ren is a ****. The Sith would be embarrassed by him. I do find it funny where Snoke is insulting Kylo in the movie. You did not see Darth Sidious insulting Dooku or Maul.

    Not all dark side users are Siths. Snoke is definitely not one of them.

    Rian Johnson said in an interview Snoke was Plagius, but rather do an evil monologue of his back story for which Rey would say Who? Huh? what? I grew up on Jakku that all means nothing, he just had Ben outright kill him. It was also a way to thumb his nose at JJ for not rounding out his characters while developing Kylo further.
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    Snoke is a Sith, he says to Kylo Ren this is my apprentice. That is SITH TALK!

    Now Snoke is the last of the Sith, because Kylo Ren is a ****. The Sith would be embarrassed by him. I do find it funny where Snoke is insulting Kylo in the movie. You did not see Darth Sidious insulting Dooku or Maul.
    You are 100% wrong about that making him a Sith. Dooku took on Asajj Ventress and trained her. Yet she’s not a Sith. She is a dark Jedi.
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    Snoke is a Sith, he says to Kylo Ren this is my apprentice. That is SITH TALK!

    Now Snoke is the last of the Sith, because Kylo Ren is a ****. The Sith would be embarrassed by him. I do find it funny where Snoke is insulting Kylo in the movie. You did not see Darth Sidious insulting Dooku or Maul.

    Not all dark side users are Siths. Snoke is definitely not one of them.

    Rian Johnson said in an interview Snoke was Plagius, but rather do an evil monologue of his back story for which Rey would say Who? Huh? what? I grew up on Jakku that all means nothing, he just had Ben outright kill him. It was also a way to thumb his nose at JJ for not rounding out his characters while developing Kylo further.

    Funny how you mention that interview and yet fail to include the last part.

    Telling it himself in The Last Jedi would have felt like he was shoehorning information on the audience that would have become a distraction. “It would have stopped any of these scenes dead cold if he had stopped and given a 30-second speech about how he’s Darth Plagueis,” Johnson said. “It doesn’t matter to Rey. If he had done that, Rey would have blinked and said, ‘Who?’ And the scene would have gone on.”

    Before moving on himself, Johnson quickly added, “And I’m not saying he’s Darth Plagueis!”

  • Atlas1
    1713 posts Member
    Current rumor mill is Sith in February since it doesn’t look like we’re getting anything new/huge/significant other than marquee events in January.

    What Sith would everyone like to see? New characters or reworks?

    I’d love Darth Malak and Darth Revan, as well as Palp getting a zeta.
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    Sev74907 wrote: »
    Snoke is a Sith, he says to Kylo Ren this is my apprentice. That is SITH TALK!

    Now Snoke is the last of the Sith, because Kylo Ren is a ****. The Sith would be embarrassed by him. I do find it funny where Snoke is insulting Kylo in the movie. You did not see Darth Sidious insulting Dooku or Maul.

    Not all dark side users are Siths. Snoke is definitely not one of them.

    Rian Johnson said in an interview Snoke was Plagius, but rather do an evil monologue of his back story for which Rey would say Who? Huh? what? I grew up on Jakku that all means nothing, he just had Ben outright kill him. It was also a way to thumb his nose at JJ for not rounding out his characters while developing Kylo further.

    Funny how you mention that interview and yet fail to include the last part.

    It was not intentional. I read the original release on the Verge and that last part was not mentioned. Rian is also famous for lying about the characters and his intentions until the movie is released. He also said later maybe JJ will tackle Snoke in episode IX, for which the interviewer extrapolated Snoke as a Force Ghost.

    Guess we all have to rely on Disney paperbacks to get the full story on any character backstory now.
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    New here, first post. Really the one release I want and look forward too is when we'll get Return of The Jedi Luke Skywalker.
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    Shouldn't the title of this thread be "First big content release? When's Beta over?"
  • Atlas1
    1713 posts Member
    New here, first post. Really the one release I want and look forward too is when we'll get Return of The Jedi Luke Skywalker.

    @Dr_Valance23 probably the end of 2018, early 2019. We’ll get some more TLJ content first, presumably, then who knows during March/April, then Solo content May/June/July.
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    Enough with resistance toons, make the sith/Jedi great. The Jedi in this game have never been great, neither has the sith. The sith had a small moment then it was snuffed out. Balance it out already. Something has to give
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    Snoke is a Sith, he says to Kylo Ren this is my apprentice. That is SITH TALK!

    Now Snoke is the last of the Sith, because Kylo Ren is a ****. The Sith would be embarrassed by him. I do find it funny where Snoke is insulting Kylo in the movie. You did not see Darth Sidious insulting Dooku or Maul.

    Just stop.
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    Atlas1 wrote: »
    Current rumor mill is Sith in February since it doesn’t look like we’re getting anything new/huge/significant other than marquee events in January.

    What Sith would everyone like to see? New characters or reworks?

    I’d love Darth Malak and Darth Revan, as well as Palp getting a zeta.
    Atlas1 wrote: »
    Current rumor mill is Sith in February since it doesn’t look like we’re getting anything new/huge/significant other than marquee events in January.

    What Sith would everyone like to see? New characters or reworks?

    I’d love Darth Malak and Darth Revan, as well as Palp getting a zeta.

    I think Darth Bane would be a great option. You could make it a double toon event and bring in his apprentice also. Think about it the Sith Lord who brought about the “rule of 2” and he is considered canon
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    Atlas1 wrote: »
    Current rumor mill is Sith in February since it doesn’t look like we’re getting anything new/huge/significant other than marquee events in January.

    What Sith would everyone like to see? New characters or reworks?

    I’d love Darth Malak and Darth Revan, as well as Palp getting a zeta.
    Atlas1 wrote: »
    Current rumor mill is Sith in February since it doesn’t look like we’re getting anything new/huge/significant other than marquee events in January.

    What Sith would everyone like to see? New characters or reworks?

    I’d love Darth Malak and Darth Revan, as well as Palp getting a zeta.

    I think Darth Bane would be a great option. You could make it a double toon event and bring in his apprentice also. Think about it the Sith Lord who brought about the “rule of 2” and he is considered canon

    Darth bane with orbalisk armor. The only way to kill him is through force powers, lightning being the best and setting off massive dots on him due to the orbalisks dying. Game changer or what hahahaha.
  • DoomeyEyes
    264 posts Member
    edited January 2018
    Snoke is a Sith, he says to Kylo Ren this is my apprentice. That is SITH TALK!

    Now Snoke is the last of the Sith, because Kylo Ren is a kitten. The Sith would be embarrassed by him. I do find it funny where Snoke is insulting Kylo in the movie. You did not see Darth Sidious insulting Dooku or Maul.

    Sidious insult Dooku... No, no he didn't... he just told Anakin "kill him!" While Dooku was 10 feet away.
    Post edited by Kozispoon on
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    Whatever u do..please dont do marquee events..or atleast give others a chance to get toons to 7* sometime down the road.
    I am talking about KRU (still dont see him farmable)
    Also for toons, please bring qol and rework 1st before new toons.
    Thanks for all the hard work!
  • kalidor
    2121 posts Member
    edited January 2018
    I agree, we need a few QOL things fixed before another big content release. With mythics, rey, DS TB, and TW - all great stuff, btw - I'm slightly burnt out on new content. Things I'd like to see:
    • Improved squad selection screen (faction filter added, more columns for selecting units, smaller squad area). TW has made this an issue again, since I'm often mix/matching for my last few squads so the Squad Presets isn't much help.
    • Mod management
    • Save fleet presets. Annoying omission for TW.
    • Actually fix the ticket counter instead of providing a complex, per-player workaround
    • A way to ping guild members via chat which posts a notification (with cooldown, maybe 1/day)
    • GP filter in guild
    • Offense attempts and Successful defenses in TW stats
    • More heroes moved to Cantina, GW, Arena shipments
    • More upper-tier gear for sale via credits - like 3 cuffs or guns for 250k
    I like content too, but we've had so much of that recently that some housecleaning would be great. Oh, and buff up them Bounty Hunters too - most hit like wet noodles.

    Edit: somehow I missed Mod Management on my list. Don't even know how that happened.
    Post edited by kalidor on
    xSWCr - Nov '15 shard - swgoh.gg kalidor-m
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    It’s shocking how many people are convinced snoke is dead. There’s legitimate hints that he may not be.
    ex:snoke talking to kylo about killing his true enemy could apply to Rey or snoke himself, luke could force project (logical that snoke could too), at end kylo and Rey appeared to have a vision connection (after snoke dead, and if he created that bond how does it still exist?)

    Unfortunately we don’t know much about snoke, so not much of a kit can be made. I’d prefer to wait until 9 to see what happens. If he shows more powers then we can see. But we definitely need more DS toons. Everyone complaining about not enough DS before TLJ, then we get people not even wanting hux. We definitely need FO and Res. capital ships, and Hux is the only logical commander.
  • Monel
    2789 posts Member
    Cossin wrote: »
    Corey5068 wrote: »
    He is Leia Skywalkers son too. Makes him as much skywalker as Luke, who is half amadaila

    Doesn‘t change the fact that he‘s a Solo not a Skywalker. Just saying.

    Also, Leias last name was Organs. While she may have Skywalker her dead beat dad was never around and she was adopted. So in turn Ben has never been a Skywalker.
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    Atlas1 wrote: »
    All I can say is prepare to be unprepared. Whatever drops, it’ll require something few, if any, of us have. I figure a couple of marquis events as P2W fodder that will be required for the next big legendary.

    Good guess , here's mine
    Hux and praetorian guard = marquee
    Snoke =legendary and the above as well as Kylo , and snape and phasma will be needed
    BB9E will be legendary and need any resistance

    Palpatine zeta and Mace windu /kit fisto rework along with mythic emperors demise

    Well said. Though Snoke is likely a raid boss

    Snoke as a raid boss would be tons of fun. Fight your way through The Supremacy against FO Executioners and a Spear-wielding Phasma, then against Praetorians and Snoke.

    What would the rewards be though?

    Green gear and mk 4 stun guns, knowing CG
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    Snoke sith? Hope not - bored with it. I want to see new skillz. Snoke insults Kylo cause he is sensitive about his confidence issues. News flash: dark siders are not nice people. They teach like they would in a prison or death camp and expect you to cope differently. What would happen if you insulted Maul or Dooku? Nothing, pointless. That’s trainee nonsense. If they killed you at the time, others might infer they were sensitive. Really, They would just kill you when they had no more use for you or had the notion to because you’re making noise when you talk - not about what you’re saying.
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    Monel wrote: »
    Also, Leias last name was Organs. While she may have Skywalker her dead beat dad was never around and she was adopted. So in turn Ben has never been a Skywalker.

    Your argument makes no sense. You can’t change your base DNA just because you are adopted. Luke and Leia have Anakin and Padme’s DNA. Luke was raised by Owen and Bearu, it dose not make him a Lars anymore than Leia is an Organa. They each adopted the beliefs and values of those that raised them, but it does not lessen the Force powers they possess or could pass on to their children. Snoke says he chose Ben specifically to be the next Vader.

    Good luck in biology.
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    I don't care how bad the characters are in the movie or so, as long as they are added to the game and adds to the game. More characters and possible teams sounds like fun to me. You can't demand some characters and deny others. Most will come to the game at some point or another. Just give it some time.
  • NicWester
    8928 posts Member
    edited January 2018
    Xhonak wrote: »
    You can't demand some characters and deny others.

    Welcome to the forum--that's all people do around here!

    (I mean, you're not wrong. They are. But it doesn't stop anyone.)
    Ceterum censeo Patientia esse meliat.
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    Snoke as Plageius would be awesome...is he really dead (=? Did he survive yet again? Wouldn't that just tick some people off, finding out that Darth Crybaby Kylo isn't really the master he think he is. I am so uninterested in his character as developed by Rian Johnson that my greatest hope is he dies in the opening scenes of episode 9 and Hux turns out to be the real force user. Don't get me wrong...I will eventually build KRU but only because I have this thing about completing the collection.

    My only CG fear...legendary porgs. Still baffled (even though he is fun to play with) how bb8 gets a legendary event but chewie is just meh and C3PO is still MIA. Porgs might send me over the edge though. (=
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