I still can't believe we need g10-g11 for this!


  • Options
    B0untryHR7 wrote: »
    B0untryHR7 wrote: »
    Ton_Phanan wrote: »
    B0untryHR7 wrote: »
    Ton_Phanan wrote: »
    B0untryHR7 wrote: »
    Ton_Phanan wrote: »
    B0untryHR7 wrote: »
    Ton_Phanan wrote: »
    If you are so worried about raid rewards then maybe you should go merc for guilds that need someone to help them get through a pit or aat raid.

    Well who said I wanna leave my guild? The whole point of this thread is to complain about IPD dividing guilds and putting players in a tough possition with their guilds
    I have seen zero other complaints from guilds about how IPD has divided them. Im in an alliance of guilds where we have 100’s of member snd not once have i seen someone say that the IPD mission is divisive. If you don’t agree with your guilds goal of get IPD shards as soon as possible then you should change guilds. I had a problem with the way my last guild handled requirments and i left and came here to the forums and found my new guild.

    Don't you see what this is? It's so clear to me, this is a calculated move to create a segregation between p2p and f2p players in guilds.

    It first happened with TB, p2p players left their guilds to find stronger guilds. Once people realized that it wasn't worth the extra stress, the started going back to their own guilds. But then what happened? TW, which gives more zetas for higher GPs. Then p2p left their guilds once more to merge with more powerful ones.

    Then you have th F2P by high arena placement players and they couldn't get rid if those, so they engineered this IPD mission, making it hard enough that it required alot of gear and possibly a zeta to do. This way you get f2p out of the p2p guilds.

    This is all made to separate p2p and f2p players and end up rewarding them disproportionately. If the f2p decides to sacrifice arena for satisfying their guild they then end up losing on payouts which hurts them in the long run.

    It's a crazy theory but I wouldn't doubt it for a momment
    So what you are saying is they are systematically trying to force P2P to band together and not allow F2P players to join them? Once again i have not seen this in any of the guilds in my alliance. You don’t have to be P2P to do well in this game. Im not and guess what once i five star DT and give starck on more gear lvl im gonna be able to complete the IPD mission.

    Yes that's exactly what I mean, the game systematically tries to pair p2p together. Also congrats on the IPD squad but if I may ask, what did you sacrifice for it? What's your arena squad and where do you place?

    I said earlier i use empire team lead by zthrawn with veers snow storm and DT and before you say it i was already working on my empire toons for arena and the R2 event before DS TB. I also have a gear 8 5 star starck who is almost gear nine. As for arena i can usually take them to arena rank 700 or so if i try but i just overhault three of my toons mod sets recently so i still have yet to see how far they can go now.

    Wait, did I hear correctly? 700? Trying to get R2?

    Well I don't know where to begin. First of all you shouldn't worry so much about IPD missions, your priority should be focusing in getting under 200 rank in arena for starters.

    You are currently not receiving any crystals from arena and your arena character farm rate is too slow.

    Secondly, you shouldn't have zetad Thrawn's leadership, you just threw a month worth of progress in the trash. You need guidance, I'd be glad to help you. If you are interested message me your swgoh.gg account and I'll help you from there.

    Lastly let me say this as respectfully as I can, you should get a little more experience in the game before you hop into such poweful possitions. I'm not trying to discredit you in any way but there is a side of the game that you haven't still experienced.

    Seriously tho, this forum isn't the place to find advice and help, for someone your level. I'd try YouTube.

    I'm serious about giving you advice tho, hit me up if you want, I'll help you.

    Am I the only one that thinks this is bang out of order? After your post the other day about how more characters should be viable, I thought you would be more supportive of people playing how they want with characters they want.

    Nobody questions that the meta is the meta. Yeah you can play however you want but that doesn't mean that the way the game is designed now you need the op toons

    I find it funny that you are attacking his progress when he isn't complaining while you are complaining about the difficulty of a mission that you have trouble with.
  • Options
    Ton_Phanan wrote: »
    B0untryHR7 wrote: »
    Ton_Phanan wrote: »
    B0untryHR7 wrote: »
    Ton_Phanan wrote: »
    B0untryHR7 wrote: »
    Ton_Phanan wrote: »
    B0untryHR7 wrote: »
    Ton_Phanan wrote: »
    If you are so worried about raid rewards then maybe you should go merc for guilds that need someone to help them get through a pit or aat raid.

    Well who said I wanna leave my guild? The whole point of this thread is to complain about IPD dividing guilds and putting players in a tough possition with their guilds
    I have seen zero other complaints from guilds about how IPD has divided them. Im in an alliance of guilds where we have 100’s of member snd not once have i seen someone say that the IPD mission is divisive. If you don’t agree with your guilds goal of get IPD shards as soon as possible then you should change guilds. I had a problem with the way my last guild handled requirments and i left and came here to the forums and found my new guild.

    Don't you see what this is? It's so clear to me, this is a calculated move to create a segregation between p2p and f2p players in guilds.

    It first happened with TB, p2p players left their guilds to find stronger guilds. Once people realized that it wasn't worth the extra stress, the started going back to their own guilds. But then what happened? TW, which gives more zetas for higher GPs. Then p2p left their guilds once more to merge with more powerful ones.

    Then you have th F2P by high arena placement players and they couldn't get rid if those, so they engineered this IPD mission, making it hard enough that it required alot of gear and possibly a zeta to do. This way you get f2p out of the p2p guilds.

    This is all made to separate p2p and f2p players and end up rewarding them disproportionately. If the f2p decides to sacrifice arena for satisfying their guild they then end up losing on payouts which hurts them in the long run.

    It's a crazy theory but I wouldn't doubt it for a momment
    So what you are saying is they are systematically trying to force P2P to band together and not allow F2P players to join them? Once again i have not seen this in any of the guilds in my alliance. You don’t have to be P2P to do well in this game. Im not and guess what once i five star DT and give starck on more gear lvl im gonna be able to complete the IPD mission.

    Yes that's exactly what I mean, the game systematically tries to pair p2p together. Also congrats on the IPD squad but if I may ask, what did you sacrifice for it? What's your arena squad and where do you place?

    I said earlier i use empire team lead by zthrawn with veers snow storm and DT and before you say it i was already working on my empire toons for arena and the R2 event before DS TB. I also have a gear 8 5 star starck who is almost gear nine. As for arena i can usually take them to arena rank 700 or so if i try but i just overhault three of my toons mod sets recently so i still have yet to see how far they can go now.

    Wait, did I hear correctly? 700? Trying to get R2?

    Well I don't know where to begin. First of all you shouldn't worry so much about IPD missions, your priority should be focusing in getting under 200 rank in arena for starters.

    You are currently not receiving any crystals from arena and your arena character farm rate is too slow.

    Secondly, you shouldn't have zetad Thrawn's leadership, you just threw a month worth of progress in the trash. You need guidance, I'd be glad to help you. If you are interested message me your swgoh.gg account and I'll help you from there.

    Lastly let me say this as respectfully as I can, you should get a little more experience in the game before you hop into such poweful possitions. I'm not trying to discredit you in any way but there is a side of the game that you haven't still experienced.

    Seriously tho, this forum isn't the place to find advice and help, for someone your level. I'd try YouTube.

    I'm serious about giving you advice tho, hit me up if you want, I'll help you.

    Thrawns zeta was from the 2 year gift from the devs. I get 50 crystals from arena and i also get 15 shards from the arena store every 2 days and i have kanan and sthan already maxed out and leia only needs like 50 more shards to hit 7 stars. And i allso already have r2 at 5 stars i just didn’t have enough to get him past that point the last time he showed up but now i have my 5 7* empire toons. Oh and before you ask both old ben and luke are almost 7 stars and they are all gear 9 so CLS is in the bag for me. So yeah i think i’ll skip over your “Advice”

    Well buddy I guess if rank 700 makes you happy then I'll skip my advice.

    2 year gift or not it's still wasted resources, even Palpatine pre rework still had better leadrship than Thrawn, I guess it may help you a little if you run Chimaera, for the extra stats.

    Listen, I may sound like a snob but that's because I'm used to competitive environment, if you are fine with ranking at 700 then that's fine. I just got a little mindblown cause I hadn't seen anyone rank so low before. I was almost under the impression that those who rank there are probably inactive or something.

    Anyways, best of luck to you, if you wanna start hitting 200, maybe even 100, hit me up
  • Options
    B0untryHR7 wrote: »
    Ton_Phanan wrote: »
    B0untryHR7 wrote: »
    Ton_Phanan wrote: »
    B0untryHR7 wrote: »
    Ton_Phanan wrote: »
    B0untryHR7 wrote: »
    Ton_Phanan wrote: »
    B0untryHR7 wrote: »
    Ton_Phanan wrote: »
    If you are so worried about raid rewards then maybe you should go merc for guilds that need someone to help them get through a pit or aat raid.

    Well who said I wanna leave my guild? The whole point of this thread is to complain about IPD dividing guilds and putting players in a tough possition with their guilds
    I have seen zero other complaints from guilds about how IPD has divided them. Im in an alliance of guilds where we have 100’s of member snd not once have i seen someone say that the IPD mission is divisive. If you don’t agree with your guilds goal of get IPD shards as soon as possible then you should change guilds. I had a problem with the way my last guild handled requirments and i left and came here to the forums and found my new guild.

    Don't you see what this is? It's so clear to me, this is a calculated move to create a segregation between p2p and f2p players in guilds.

    It first happened with TB, p2p players left their guilds to find stronger guilds. Once people realized that it wasn't worth the extra stress, the started going back to their own guilds. But then what happened? TW, which gives more zetas for higher GPs. Then p2p left their guilds once more to merge with more powerful ones.

    Then you have th F2P by high arena placement players and they couldn't get rid if those, so they engineered this IPD mission, making it hard enough that it required alot of gear and possibly a zeta to do. This way you get f2p out of the p2p guilds.

    This is all made to separate p2p and f2p players and end up rewarding them disproportionately. If the f2p decides to sacrifice arena for satisfying their guild they then end up losing on payouts which hurts them in the long run.

    It's a crazy theory but I wouldn't doubt it for a momment
    So what you are saying is they are systematically trying to force P2P to band together and not allow F2P players to join them? Once again i have not seen this in any of the guilds in my alliance. You don’t have to be P2P to do well in this game. Im not and guess what once i five star DT and give starck on more gear lvl im gonna be able to complete the IPD mission.

    Yes that's exactly what I mean, the game systematically tries to pair p2p together. Also congrats on the IPD squad but if I may ask, what did you sacrifice for it? What's your arena squad and where do you place?

    I said earlier i use empire team lead by zthrawn with veers snow storm and DT and before you say it i was already working on my empire toons for arena and the R2 event before DS TB. I also have a gear 8 5 star starck who is almost gear nine. As for arena i can usually take them to arena rank 700 or so if i try but i just overhault three of my toons mod sets recently so i still have yet to see how far they can go now.

    Wait, did I hear correctly? 700? Trying to get R2?

    Well I don't know where to begin. First of all you shouldn't worry so much about IPD missions, your priority should be focusing in getting under 200 rank in arena for starters.

    You are currently not receiving any crystals from arena and your arena character farm rate is too slow.

    Secondly, you shouldn't have zetad Thrawn's leadership, you just threw a month worth of progress in the trash. You need guidance, I'd be glad to help you. If you are interested message me your swgoh.gg account and I'll help you from there.

    Lastly let me say this as respectfully as I can, you should get a little more experience in the game before you hop into such poweful possitions. I'm not trying to discredit you in any way but there is a side of the game that you haven't still experienced.

    Seriously tho, this forum isn't the place to find advice and help, for someone your level. I'd try YouTube.

    I'm serious about giving you advice tho, hit me up if you want, I'll help you.

    Thrawns zeta was from the 2 year gift from the devs. I get 50 crystals from arena and i also get 15 shards from the arena store every 2 days and i have kanan and sthan already maxed out and leia only needs like 50 more shards to hit 7 stars. And i allso already have r2 at 5 stars i just didn’t have enough to get him past that point the last time he showed up but now i have my 5 7* empire toons. Oh and before you ask both old ben and luke are almost 7 stars and they are all gear 9 so CLS is in the bag for me. So yeah i think i’ll skip over your “Advice”

    Well buddy I guess if rank 700 makes you happy then I'll skip my advice.

    2 year gift or not it's still wasted resources, even Palpatine pre rework still had better leadrship than Thrawn, I guess it may help you a little if you run Chimaera, for the extra stats.

    Listen, I may sound like a snob but that's because I'm used to competitive environment, if you are fine with ranking at 700 then that's fine. I just got a little mindblown cause I hadn't seen anyone rank so low before. I was almost under the impression that those who rank there are probably inactive or something.

    Anyways, best of luck to you, if you wanna start hitting 200, maybe even 100, hit me up

    Maybe just stop before you dig a deeper hole.

    Or if you want a shovel, hit me up.
  • Options
    leef wrote: »
    B0untryHR7 wrote: »
    leef wrote: »
    B0untryHR7 wrote: »
    leef wrote: »
    it's a blessing in disguise (for some)
    g11 zeta veers troopers get 4/4 in each phase relatively easy.

    Yeah and if you already have a team that solos P4?

    i've got multiple teams capable of solo-ing phase 4, regardless of wich phase 4 you're referring to.
    What i meant was 4/4 on a combat mission in each phase of DS TB.

    Let me ask you a question, doesn't it seem odd to you that the tie pilot isn't an imperial trooper?
    No, but you're asking the wrong guy. I'm not a sw fan, so i couldn't tell you why veers is an imperial trooper, but tarkin in only empire. Honestly, no clue.
    It's not odd to me because storm, shore. death, snow and magma their names all end in "trooper". haven't thought twice about it.

    Well maybe it's not a coincidence that Veers is and Tarkin isn't, or TFP for that matter. Perhaps if I had a wild imagination i would assume it's bacause tarkin is easy farm and eveyone has him. He would pribably make IPD mission top easy. Same for TFP.

    Veers tho is basically a hard node farm and most people had to farm him.
  • Options
    B0untryHR7 wrote: »
    Ton_Phanan wrote: »
    B0untryHR7 wrote: »
    Ton_Phanan wrote: »
    B0untryHR7 wrote: »
    Ton_Phanan wrote: »
    B0untryHR7 wrote: »
    Ton_Phanan wrote: »
    B0untryHR7 wrote: »
    Ton_Phanan wrote: »
    If you are so worried about raid rewards then maybe you should go merc for guilds that need someone to help them get through a pit or aat raid.

    Well who said I wanna leave my guild? The whole point of this thread is to complain about IPD dividing guilds and putting players in a tough possition with their guilds
    I have seen zero other complaints from guilds about how IPD has divided them. Im in an alliance of guilds where we have 100’s of member snd not once have i seen someone say that the IPD mission is divisive. If you don’t agree with your guilds goal of get IPD shards as soon as possible then you should change guilds. I had a problem with the way my last guild handled requirments and i left and came here to the forums and found my new guild.

    Don't you see what this is? It's so clear to me, this is a calculated move to create a segregation between p2p and f2p players in guilds.

    It first happened with TB, p2p players left their guilds to find stronger guilds. Once people realized that it wasn't worth the extra stress, the started going back to their own guilds. But then what happened? TW, which gives more zetas for higher GPs. Then p2p left their guilds once more to merge with more powerful ones.

    Then you have th F2P by high arena placement players and they couldn't get rid if those, so they engineered this IPD mission, making it hard enough that it required alot of gear and possibly a zeta to do. This way you get f2p out of the p2p guilds.

    This is all made to separate p2p and f2p players and end up rewarding them disproportionately. If the f2p decides to sacrifice arena for satisfying their guild they then end up losing on payouts which hurts them in the long run.

    It's a crazy theory but I wouldn't doubt it for a momment
    So what you are saying is they are systematically trying to force P2P to band together and not allow F2P players to join them? Once again i have not seen this in any of the guilds in my alliance. You don’t have to be P2P to do well in this game. Im not and guess what once i five star DT and give starck on more gear lvl im gonna be able to complete the IPD mission.

    Yes that's exactly what I mean, the game systematically tries to pair p2p together. Also congrats on the IPD squad but if I may ask, what did you sacrifice for it? What's your arena squad and where do you place?

    I said earlier i use empire team lead by zthrawn with veers snow storm and DT and before you say it i was already working on my empire toons for arena and the R2 event before DS TB. I also have a gear 8 5 star starck who is almost gear nine. As for arena i can usually take them to arena rank 700 or so if i try but i just overhault three of my toons mod sets recently so i still have yet to see how far they can go now.

    Wait, did I hear correctly? 700? Trying to get R2?

    Well I don't know where to begin. First of all you shouldn't worry so much about IPD missions, your priority should be focusing in getting under 200 rank in arena for starters.

    You are currently not receiving any crystals from arena and your arena character farm rate is too slow.

    Secondly, you shouldn't have zetad Thrawn's leadership, you just threw a month worth of progress in the trash. You need guidance, I'd be glad to help you. If you are interested message me your swgoh.gg account and I'll help you from there.

    Lastly let me say this as respectfully as I can, you should get a little more experience in the game before you hop into such poweful possitions. I'm not trying to discredit you in any way but there is a side of the game that you haven't still experienced.

    Seriously tho, this forum isn't the place to find advice and help, for someone your level. I'd try YouTube.

    I'm serious about giving you advice tho, hit me up if you want, I'll help you.

    Thrawns zeta was from the 2 year gift from the devs. I get 50 crystals from arena and i also get 15 shards from the arena store every 2 days and i have kanan and sthan already maxed out and leia only needs like 50 more shards to hit 7 stars. And i allso already have r2 at 5 stars i just didn’t have enough to get him past that point the last time he showed up but now i have my 5 7* empire toons. Oh and before you ask both old ben and luke are almost 7 stars and they are all gear 9 so CLS is in the bag for me. So yeah i think i’ll skip over your “Advice”

    Well buddy I guess if rank 700 makes you happy then I'll skip my advice.

    2 year gift or not it's still wasted resources, even Palpatine pre rework still had better leadrship than Thrawn, I guess it may help you a little if you run Chimaera, for the extra stats.

    Listen, I may sound like a snob but that's because I'm used to competitive environment, if you are fine with ranking at 700 then that's fine. I just got a little mindblown cause I hadn't seen anyone rank so low before. I was almost under the impression that those who rank there are probably inactive or something.

    Anyways, best of luck to you, if you wanna start hitting 200, maybe even 100, hit me up

    Maybe just stop before you dig a deeper hole.

    Or if you want a shovel, hit me up.

    Why? I'm just stating facts bro, didn't do anything wrong
  • leef
    13458 posts Member
    B0untryHR7 wrote: »

    Well buddy I guess if rank 700 makes you happy then I'll skip my advice.

    2 year gift or not it's still wasted resources, even Palpatine pre rework still had better leadrship than Thrawn,

    he should definately skip your advice because this is just plain wrong. pre palpatine rework thrawn was the best empire lead and probably 2nd best DS lead (behind talzin).
    Save water, drink champagne!
  • Options
    There are 2 divisions of the imperial military the fleet and the army. Trooper is a term used for the army or ground forces which would include AT-AT commanders such as Stark and Veers. Tarkin and tie pilot would belong to the fleet branch. Krennic is a bit of a wildcard but would fit into a science or intelligence division
  • Options
    B0untryHR7 wrote: »
    Ton_Phanan wrote: »
    B0untryHR7 wrote: »
    Ton_Phanan wrote: »
    B0untryHR7 wrote: »
    Ton_Phanan wrote: »
    B0untryHR7 wrote: »
    Ton_Phanan wrote: »
    B0untryHR7 wrote: »
    Ton_Phanan wrote: »
    If you are so worried about raid rewards then maybe you should go merc for guilds that need someone to help them get through a pit or aat raid.

    Well who said I wanna leave my guild? The whole point of this thread is to complain about IPD dividing guilds and putting players in a tough possition with their guilds
    I have seen zero other complaints from guilds about how IPD has divided them. Im in an alliance of guilds where we have 100’s of member snd not once have i seen someone say that the IPD mission is divisive. If you don’t agree with your guilds goal of get IPD shards as soon as possible then you should change guilds. I had a problem with the way my last guild handled requirments and i left and came here to the forums and found my new guild.

    Don't you see what this is? It's so clear to me, this is a calculated move to create a segregation between p2p and f2p players in guilds.

    It first happened with TB, p2p players left their guilds to find stronger guilds. Once people realized that it wasn't worth the extra stress, the started going back to their own guilds. But then what happened? TW, which gives more zetas for higher GPs. Then p2p left their guilds once more to merge with more powerful ones.

    Then you have th F2P by high arena placement players and they couldn't get rid if those, so they engineered this IPD mission, making it hard enough that it required alot of gear and possibly a zeta to do. This way you get f2p out of the p2p guilds.

    This is all made to separate p2p and f2p players and end up rewarding them disproportionately. If the f2p decides to sacrifice arena for satisfying their guild they then end up losing on payouts which hurts them in the long run.

    It's a crazy theory but I wouldn't doubt it for a momment
    So what you are saying is they are systematically trying to force P2P to band together and not allow F2P players to join them? Once again i have not seen this in any of the guilds in my alliance. You don’t have to be P2P to do well in this game. Im not and guess what once i five star DT and give starck on more gear lvl im gonna be able to complete the IPD mission.

    Yes that's exactly what I mean, the game systematically tries to pair p2p together. Also congrats on the IPD squad but if I may ask, what did you sacrifice for it? What's your arena squad and where do you place?

    I said earlier i use empire team lead by zthrawn with veers snow storm and DT and before you say it i was already working on my empire toons for arena and the R2 event before DS TB. I also have a gear 8 5 star starck who is almost gear nine. As for arena i can usually take them to arena rank 700 or so if i try but i just overhault three of my toons mod sets recently so i still have yet to see how far they can go now.

    Wait, did I hear correctly? 700? Trying to get R2?

    Well I don't know where to begin. First of all you shouldn't worry so much about IPD missions, your priority should be focusing in getting under 200 rank in arena for starters.

    You are currently not receiving any crystals from arena and your arena character farm rate is too slow.

    Secondly, you shouldn't have zetad Thrawn's leadership, you just threw a month worth of progress in the trash. You need guidance, I'd be glad to help you. If you are interested message me your swgoh.gg account and I'll help you from there.

    Lastly let me say this as respectfully as I can, you should get a little more experience in the game before you hop into such poweful possitions. I'm not trying to discredit you in any way but there is a side of the game that you haven't still experienced.

    Seriously tho, this forum isn't the place to find advice and help, for someone your level. I'd try YouTube.

    I'm serious about giving you advice tho, hit me up if you want, I'll help you.

    Thrawns zeta was from the 2 year gift from the devs. I get 50 crystals from arena and i also get 15 shards from the arena store every 2 days and i have kanan and sthan already maxed out and leia only needs like 50 more shards to hit 7 stars. And i allso already have r2 at 5 stars i just didn’t have enough to get him past that point the last time he showed up but now i have my 5 7* empire toons. Oh and before you ask both old ben and luke are almost 7 stars and they are all gear 9 so CLS is in the bag for me. So yeah i think i’ll skip over your “Advice”

    Well buddy I guess if rank 700 makes you happy then I'll skip my advice.

    2 year gift or not it's still wasted resources, even Palpatine pre rework still had better leadrship than Thrawn, I guess it may help you a little if you run Chimaera, for the extra stats.

    Listen, I may sound like a snob but that's because I'm used to competitive environment, if you are fine with ranking at 700 then that's fine. I just got a little mindblown cause I hadn't seen anyone rank so low before. I was almost under the impression that those who rank there are probably inactive or something.

    Anyways, best of luck to you, if you wanna start hitting 200, maybe even 100, hit me up

    Thats funny because at the time i didn’t see a single emperor lead at the top of arena but i did see thrawn leads competing with all the CLS teams. And also there are more aspects to this game than arena and thats why i zetad thrawns lead.
  • Options
    leef wrote: »
    B0untryHR7 wrote: »

    Well buddy I guess if rank 700 makes you happy then I'll skip my advice.

    2 year gift or not it's still wasted resources, even Palpatine pre rework still had better leadrship than Thrawn,

    he should definately skip your advice because this is just plain wrong. pre palpatine rework thrawn was the best empire lead and probably 2nd best DS lead (behind talzin).

    Uhh ok, if that's what you think, I mean I actually saw a guy trying to do it once in the top 50. Thrawn lead, Shoretrooper, Stormtrooper but then he added Nihilus and Zarriss. I wonder why. Perhaps because Zarriss was the whole point, not empire toons. Zarriss to keep the tanks alive long enough for nihilus to do his thing.

    I guess if that's what you mean. I'm sure he would have more success with kenobi lead altogether, cause I stopped seeing that team very soon.

    I mean who are you kidding man, Palpatine lead was better, Vader lead was better, even Tarkin lead was probably better at the time. Also the AI doesn't know how to play it and it used to be easy to trick it as the AI used cleanse when it shouldn't and that messed them up.
  • Options
    Ton_Phanan wrote: »
    B0untryHR7 wrote: »
    Ton_Phanan wrote: »
    B0untryHR7 wrote: »
    Ton_Phanan wrote: »
    B0untryHR7 wrote: »
    Ton_Phanan wrote: »
    B0untryHR7 wrote: »
    Ton_Phanan wrote: »
    B0untryHR7 wrote: »
    Ton_Phanan wrote: »
    If you are so worried about raid rewards then maybe you should go merc for guilds that need someone to help them get through a pit or aat raid.

    Well who said I wanna leave my guild? The whole point of this thread is to complain about IPD dividing guilds and putting players in a tough possition with their guilds
    I have seen zero other complaints from guilds about how IPD has divided them. Im in an alliance of guilds where we have 100’s of member snd not once have i seen someone say that the IPD mission is divisive. If you don’t agree with your guilds goal of get IPD shards as soon as possible then you should change guilds. I had a problem with the way my last guild handled requirments and i left and came here to the forums and found my new guild.

    Don't you see what this is? It's so clear to me, this is a calculated move to create a segregation between p2p and f2p players in guilds.

    It first happened with TB, p2p players left their guilds to find stronger guilds. Once people realized that it wasn't worth the extra stress, the started going back to their own guilds. But then what happened? TW, which gives more zetas for higher GPs. Then p2p left their guilds once more to merge with more powerful ones.

    Then you have th F2P by high arena placement players and they couldn't get rid if those, so they engineered this IPD mission, making it hard enough that it required alot of gear and possibly a zeta to do. This way you get f2p out of the p2p guilds.

    This is all made to separate p2p and f2p players and end up rewarding them disproportionately. If the f2p decides to sacrifice arena for satisfying their guild they then end up losing on payouts which hurts them in the long run.

    It's a crazy theory but I wouldn't doubt it for a momment
    So what you are saying is they are systematically trying to force P2P to band together and not allow F2P players to join them? Once again i have not seen this in any of the guilds in my alliance. You don’t have to be P2P to do well in this game. Im not and guess what once i five star DT and give starck on more gear lvl im gonna be able to complete the IPD mission.

    Yes that's exactly what I mean, the game systematically tries to pair p2p together. Also congrats on the IPD squad but if I may ask, what did you sacrifice for it? What's your arena squad and where do you place?

    I said earlier i use empire team lead by zthrawn with veers snow storm and DT and before you say it i was already working on my empire toons for arena and the R2 event before DS TB. I also have a gear 8 5 star starck who is almost gear nine. As for arena i can usually take them to arena rank 700 or so if i try but i just overhault three of my toons mod sets recently so i still have yet to see how far they can go now.

    Wait, did I hear correctly? 700? Trying to get R2?

    Well I don't know where to begin. First of all you shouldn't worry so much about IPD missions, your priority should be focusing in getting under 200 rank in arena for starters.

    You are currently not receiving any crystals from arena and your arena character farm rate is too slow.

    Secondly, you shouldn't have zetad Thrawn's leadership, you just threw a month worth of progress in the trash. You need guidance, I'd be glad to help you. If you are interested message me your swgoh.gg account and I'll help you from there.

    Lastly let me say this as respectfully as I can, you should get a little more experience in the game before you hop into such poweful possitions. I'm not trying to discredit you in any way but there is a side of the game that you haven't still experienced.

    Seriously tho, this forum isn't the place to find advice and help, for someone your level. I'd try YouTube.

    I'm serious about giving you advice tho, hit me up if you want, I'll help you.

    Thrawns zeta was from the 2 year gift from the devs. I get 50 crystals from arena and i also get 15 shards from the arena store every 2 days and i have kanan and sthan already maxed out and leia only needs like 50 more shards to hit 7 stars. And i allso already have r2 at 5 stars i just didn’t have enough to get him past that point the last time he showed up but now i have my 5 7* empire toons. Oh and before you ask both old ben and luke are almost 7 stars and they are all gear 9 so CLS is in the bag for me. So yeah i think i’ll skip over your “Advice”

    Well buddy I guess if rank 700 makes you happy then I'll skip my advice.

    2 year gift or not it's still wasted resources, even Palpatine pre rework still had better leadrship than Thrawn, I guess it may help you a little if you run Chimaera, for the extra stats.

    Listen, I may sound like a snob but that's because I'm used to competitive environment, if you are fine with ranking at 700 then that's fine. I just got a little mindblown cause I hadn't seen anyone rank so low before. I was almost under the impression that those who rank there are probably inactive or something.

    Anyways, best of luck to you, if you wanna start hitting 200, maybe even 100, hit me up

    Thats funny because at the time i didn’t see a single emperor lead at the top of arena but i did see thrawn leads competing with all the CLS teams. And also there are more aspects to this game than arena and thats why i zetad thrawns lead.

    Expect those teams lasted for maybe a few weeks and that was because those who had them where whales running g12 Deathtrooper and Krennic before they were easier to farm and they had way superior mods than everyone else.
  • Options
    Darthpedro wrote: »
    There are 2 divisions of the imperial military the fleet and the army. Trooper is a term used for the army or ground forces which would include AT-AT commanders such as Stark and Veers. Tarkin and tie pilot would belong to the fleet branch. Krennic is a bit of a wildcard but would fit into a science or intelligence division

    Ok, but Veers is an admiral, not a trooper.
  • Options
    B0untryHR7 wrote: »
    Darthpedro wrote: »
    There are 2 divisions of the imperial military the fleet and the army. Trooper is a term used for the army or ground forces which would include AT-AT commanders such as Stark and Veers. Tarkin and tie pilot would belong to the fleet branch. Krennic is a bit of a wildcard but would fit into a science or intelligence division

    Ok, but Veers is an admiral, not a trooper.

    Nope sorry bud he's a general and general much like colonel is a ground forces rank try again though
  • Options
    Darthpedro wrote: »
    B0untryHR7 wrote: »
    Darthpedro wrote: »
    There are 2 divisions of the imperial military the fleet and the army. Trooper is a term used for the army or ground forces which would include AT-AT commanders such as Stark and Veers. Tarkin and tie pilot would belong to the fleet branch. Krennic is a bit of a wildcard but would fit into a science or intelligence division

    Ok, but Veers is an admiral, not a trooper.

    Nope sorry bud he's a general and general much like colonel is a ground forces rank try again though

    With that logic, Vader should be an imperial trooper too. I mean he even got on the ground and fought the rebels on Hoth
  • Darthpedro
    1175 posts Member
    edited February 2018
    B0untryHR7 wrote: »
    Darthpedro wrote: »
    B0untryHR7 wrote: »
    Darthpedro wrote: »
    There are 2 divisions of the imperial military the fleet and the army. Trooper is a term used for the army or ground forces which would include AT-AT commanders such as Stark and Veers. Tarkin and tie pilot would belong to the fleet branch. Krennic is a bit of a wildcard but would fit into a science or intelligence division

    Ok, but Veers is an admiral, not a trooper.

    Nope sorry bud he's a general and general much like colonel is a ground forces rank try again though

    With that logic, Vader should be an imperial trooper too. I mean he even got on the ground and fought the rebels on Hoth

    Vader was not trained in the military and had no official rank he was just Palpatine lackey and led forces at his whim he also piloted a tie fighter and commanded a star destroyer so defies categorization
  • Options
    B0untryHR7 wrote: »
    Ton_Phanan wrote: »
    B0untryHR7 wrote: »
    Ton_Phanan wrote: »
    B0untryHR7 wrote: »
    Ton_Phanan wrote: »
    B0untryHR7 wrote: »
    Ton_Phanan wrote: »
    B0untryHR7 wrote: »
    Ton_Phanan wrote: »
    B0untryHR7 wrote: »
    Ton_Phanan wrote: »
    If you are so worried about raid rewards then maybe you should go merc for guilds that need someone to help them get through a pit or aat raid.

    Well who said I wanna leave my guild? The whole point of this thread is to complain about IPD dividing guilds and putting players in a tough possition with their guilds
    I have seen zero other complaints from guilds about how IPD has divided them. Im in an alliance of guilds where we have 100’s of member snd not once have i seen someone say that the IPD mission is divisive. If you don’t agree with your guilds goal of get IPD shards as soon as possible then you should change guilds. I had a problem with the way my last guild handled requirments and i left and came here to the forums and found my new guild.

    Don't you see what this is? It's so clear to me, this is a calculated move to create a segregation between p2p and f2p players in guilds.

    It first happened with TB, p2p players left their guilds to find stronger guilds. Once people realized that it wasn't worth the extra stress, the started going back to their own guilds. But then what happened? TW, which gives more zetas for higher GPs. Then p2p left their guilds once more to merge with more powerful ones.

    Then you have th F2P by high arena placement players and they couldn't get rid if those, so they engineered this IPD mission, making it hard enough that it required alot of gear and possibly a zeta to do. This way you get f2p out of the p2p guilds.

    This is all made to separate p2p and f2p players and end up rewarding them disproportionately. If the f2p decides to sacrifice arena for satisfying their guild they then end up losing on payouts which hurts them in the long run.

    It's a crazy theory but I wouldn't doubt it for a momment
    So what you are saying is they are systematically trying to force P2P to band together and not allow F2P players to join them? Once again i have not seen this in any of the guilds in my alliance. You don’t have to be P2P to do well in this game. Im not and guess what once i five star DT and give starck on more gear lvl im gonna be able to complete the IPD mission.

    Yes that's exactly what I mean, the game systematically tries to pair p2p together. Also congrats on the IPD squad but if I may ask, what did you sacrifice for it? What's your arena squad and where do you place?

    I said earlier i use empire team lead by zthrawn with veers snow storm and DT and before you say it i was already working on my empire toons for arena and the R2 event before DS TB. I also have a gear 8 5 star starck who is almost gear nine. As for arena i can usually take them to arena rank 700 or so if i try but i just overhault three of my toons mod sets recently so i still have yet to see how far they can go now.

    Wait, did I hear correctly? 700? Trying to get R2?

    Well I don't know where to begin. First of all you shouldn't worry so much about IPD missions, your priority should be focusing in getting under 200 rank in arena for starters.

    You are currently not receiving any crystals from arena and your arena character farm rate is too slow.

    Secondly, you shouldn't have zetad Thrawn's leadership, you just threw a month worth of progress in the trash. You need guidance, I'd be glad to help you. If you are interested message me your swgoh.gg account and I'll help you from there.

    Lastly let me say this as respectfully as I can, you should get a little more experience in the game before you hop into such poweful possitions. I'm not trying to discredit you in any way but there is a side of the game that you haven't still experienced.

    Seriously tho, this forum isn't the place to find advice and help, for someone your level. I'd try YouTube.

    I'm serious about giving you advice tho, hit me up if you want, I'll help you.

    Thrawns zeta was from the 2 year gift from the devs. I get 50 crystals from arena and i also get 15 shards from the arena store every 2 days and i have kanan and sthan already maxed out and leia only needs like 50 more shards to hit 7 stars. And i allso already have r2 at 5 stars i just didn’t have enough to get him past that point the last time he showed up but now i have my 5 7* empire toons. Oh and before you ask both old ben and luke are almost 7 stars and they are all gear 9 so CLS is in the bag for me. So yeah i think i’ll skip over your “Advice”

    Well buddy I guess if rank 700 makes you happy then I'll skip my advice.

    2 year gift or not it's still wasted resources, even Palpatine pre rework still had better leadrship than Thrawn, I guess it may help you a little if you run Chimaera, for the extra stats.

    Listen, I may sound like a snob but that's because I'm used to competitive environment, if you are fine with ranking at 700 then that's fine. I just got a little mindblown cause I hadn't seen anyone rank so low before. I was almost under the impression that those who rank there are probably inactive or something.

    Anyways, best of luck to you, if you wanna start hitting 200, maybe even 100, hit me up

    Thats funny because at the time i didn’t see a single emperor lead at the top of arena but i did see thrawn leads competing with all the CLS teams. And also there are more aspects to this game than arena and thats why i zetad thrawns lead.

    Expect those teams lasted for maybe a few weeks and that was because those who had them where whales running g12 Deathtrooper and Krennic before they were easier to farm and they had way superior mods than everyone else.

    No they lasted in the top ten until JTR came along and he was knocked into the 20’s.
  • Options
    Ton_Phanan wrote: »
    B0untryHR7 wrote: »
    Ton_Phanan wrote: »
    B0untryHR7 wrote: »
    Ton_Phanan wrote: »
    B0untryHR7 wrote: »
    Ton_Phanan wrote: »
    B0untryHR7 wrote: »
    Ton_Phanan wrote: »
    B0untryHR7 wrote: »
    Ton_Phanan wrote: »
    B0untryHR7 wrote: »
    Ton_Phanan wrote: »
    If you are so worried about raid rewards then maybe you should go merc for guilds that need someone to help them get through a pit or aat raid.

    Well who said I wanna leave my guild? The whole point of this thread is to complain about IPD dividing guilds and putting players in a tough possition with their guilds
    I have seen zero other complaints from guilds about how IPD has divided them. Im in an alliance of guilds where we have 100’s of member snd not once have i seen someone say that the IPD mission is divisive. If you don’t agree with your guilds goal of get IPD shards as soon as possible then you should change guilds. I had a problem with the way my last guild handled requirments and i left and came here to the forums and found my new guild.

    Don't you see what this is? It's so clear to me, this is a calculated move to create a segregation between p2p and f2p players in guilds.

    It first happened with TB, p2p players left their guilds to find stronger guilds. Once people realized that it wasn't worth the extra stress, the started going back to their own guilds. But then what happened? TW, which gives more zetas for higher GPs. Then p2p left their guilds once more to merge with more powerful ones.

    Then you have th F2P by high arena placement players and they couldn't get rid if those, so they engineered this IPD mission, making it hard enough that it required alot of gear and possibly a zeta to do. This way you get f2p out of the p2p guilds.

    This is all made to separate p2p and f2p players and end up rewarding them disproportionately. If the f2p decides to sacrifice arena for satisfying their guild they then end up losing on payouts which hurts them in the long run.

    It's a crazy theory but I wouldn't doubt it for a momment
    So what you are saying is they are systematically trying to force P2P to band together and not allow F2P players to join them? Once again i have not seen this in any of the guilds in my alliance. You don’t have to be P2P to do well in this game. Im not and guess what once i five star DT and give starck on more gear lvl im gonna be able to complete the IPD mission.

    Yes that's exactly what I mean, the game systematically tries to pair p2p together. Also congrats on the IPD squad but if I may ask, what did you sacrifice for it? What's your arena squad and where do you place?

    I said earlier i use empire team lead by zthrawn with veers snow storm and DT and before you say it i was already working on my empire toons for arena and the R2 event before DS TB. I also have a gear 8 5 star starck who is almost gear nine. As for arena i can usually take them to arena rank 700 or so if i try but i just overhault three of my toons mod sets recently so i still have yet to see how far they can go now.

    Wait, did I hear correctly? 700? Trying to get R2?

    Well I don't know where to begin. First of all you shouldn't worry so much about IPD missions, your priority should be focusing in getting under 200 rank in arena for starters.

    You are currently not receiving any crystals from arena and your arena character farm rate is too slow.

    Secondly, you shouldn't have zetad Thrawn's leadership, you just threw a month worth of progress in the trash. You need guidance, I'd be glad to help you. If you are interested message me your swgoh.gg account and I'll help you from there.

    Lastly let me say this as respectfully as I can, you should get a little more experience in the game before you hop into such poweful possitions. I'm not trying to discredit you in any way but there is a side of the game that you haven't still experienced.

    Seriously tho, this forum isn't the place to find advice and help, for someone your level. I'd try YouTube.

    I'm serious about giving you advice tho, hit me up if you want, I'll help you.

    Thrawns zeta was from the 2 year gift from the devs. I get 50 crystals from arena and i also get 15 shards from the arena store every 2 days and i have kanan and sthan already maxed out and leia only needs like 50 more shards to hit 7 stars. And i allso already have r2 at 5 stars i just didn’t have enough to get him past that point the last time he showed up but now i have my 5 7* empire toons. Oh and before you ask both old ben and luke are almost 7 stars and they are all gear 9 so CLS is in the bag for me. So yeah i think i’ll skip over your “Advice”

    Well buddy I guess if rank 700 makes you happy then I'll skip my advice.

    2 year gift or not it's still wasted resources, even Palpatine pre rework still had better leadrship than Thrawn, I guess it may help you a little if you run Chimaera, for the extra stats.

    Listen, I may sound like a snob but that's because I'm used to competitive environment, if you are fine with ranking at 700 then that's fine. I just got a little mindblown cause I hadn't seen anyone rank so low before. I was almost under the impression that those who rank there are probably inactive or something.

    Anyways, best of luck to you, if you wanna start hitting 200, maybe even 100, hit me up

    Thats funny because at the time i didn’t see a single emperor lead at the top of arena but i did see thrawn leads competing with all the CLS teams. And also there are more aspects to this game than arena and thats why i zetad thrawns lead.

    Expect those teams lasted for maybe a few weeks and that was because those who had them where whales running g12 Deathtrooper and Krennic before they were easier to farm and they had way superior mods than everyone else.

    No they lasted in the top ten until JTR came along and he was knocked into the 20’s.

    Sorry, idk which 20s you mean, the only dark side team i had in my shard after JTR was nightsisters. No matter how you try to spin this, Thrawn lead was never worth a zeta, especially for a newer player who doesn't even have basic characters. Maybe worth trying for a player who has more zetas than they can use and they want thw extra stats on the Chimaera.
  • Options
    Darthpedro wrote: »
    B0untryHR7 wrote: »
    Darthpedro wrote: »
    B0untryHR7 wrote: »
    Darthpedro wrote: »
    There are 2 divisions of the imperial military the fleet and the army. Trooper is a term used for the army or ground forces which would include AT-AT commanders such as Stark and Veers. Tarkin and tie pilot would belong to the fleet branch. Krennic is a bit of a wildcard but would fit into a science or intelligence division

    Ok, but Veers is an admiral, not a trooper.

    Nope sorry bud he's a general and general much like colonel is a ground forces rank try again though

    With that logic, Vader should be an imperial trooper too. I mean he even got on the ground and fought the rebels on Hoth

    Vader was not trained in the military and had no official rank he was just Palpatine lackey and led forces at his whim he also piloted a tie fighter and commanded a star destroyer so defies categorization

    Yeah yeah yeah, you are cherry picking now, my point is that Imp troopers is a strange faction that serves one purpose and that is to push the IPD mission and make people waste gear
  • Waqui
    8802 posts Member
    B0untryHR7 wrote: »
    Huatimus wrote: »
    Get Thrawn? You're talking about TB right? Please show me how your G8 Penix completes LS TB on P6.

    Ohh that's what you are talking about. Well phoenix is no longer in p6, i think it's rogue one. Regardless of what it is, it's still not right, I agree, but that only ADDS to my arguement. It's only an additional squad we have to worry about.

    1. Of course he's talking TB — just like you are.
    2. Phoenix are required in phase 5. I hardly believe, you will manage 6/6 in that mission with g8 Phoenix.
    3. Huatimus has a point.
  • Options
    B0untryHR7 wrote: »
    Darthpedro wrote: »
    B0untryHR7 wrote: »
    Darthpedro wrote: »
    B0untryHR7 wrote: »
    Darthpedro wrote: »
    There are 2 divisions of the imperial military the fleet and the army. Trooper is a term used for the army or ground forces which would include AT-AT commanders such as Stark and Veers. Tarkin and tie pilot would belong to the fleet branch. Krennic is a bit of a wildcard but would fit into a science or intelligence division

    Ok, but Veers is an admiral, not a trooper.

    Nope sorry bud he's a general and general much like colonel is a ground forces rank try again though

    With that logic, Vader should be an imperial trooper too. I mean he even got on the ground and fought the rebels on Hoth

    Vader was not trained in the military and had no official rank he was just Palpatine lackey and led forces at his whim he also piloted a tie fighter and commanded a star destroyer so defies categorization

    Yeah yeah yeah, you are cherry picking now, my point is that Imp troopers is a strange faction that serves one purpose and that is to push the IPD mission and make people waste gear

    Sigh, I see you have reverted to trolling again, sad, thought you might actually have been looking for honest information regarding troopers . Should have known better.
  • ChickenFett139
    1484 posts Member
    edited February 2018
    Darthpedro wrote: »
    Tarkin and tie pilot would belong to the fleet branch. Krennic is a bit of a wildcard but would fit into a science or intelligence division

    Tarkin is a Grand Moff. He is in charge of all 20 Moffs who govern star systems. The governors of those systems answer to the Moff council. It is purely a political rank. He does have say in how to deploy his resources within a system and works with both the Imperial Navy and Imperial Army.

    Vader is a special case. He actually commanded the 501st Stormtrooper regiment as seen in Revenge of the Sith. Vader does not command a Star Destroyer, that job belonged to Captain Piett until he was promoted to Admiral. Until his death, Piett commanded Vader’s fleet. Anakin is very hands on during the Clone Wars, the Jedi Purge and the hunt for the Rebels. He is always shown out front with his Troopers. He is the Emperor’s enforcer. Mas Amida has more power than Vader as the Grand Visar of the Senate.
  • Options
    Well this topic was uhh interesting read. First thing i want to say is that DS TB is here for a 3 months now, so there is no surprise if your guild expect you to have troopers ready by now. When DS TB first came my guild got 1 shard, only one person had troopers good enough. This TB we got 30 shards, so 15 people managed to get them strong enough, we expect about 10 more people to be ready for next one. Thing is, that nobody had to force people to farm them, everybody is working on them at their own speed, usually as side project while working on their arena or different teams as well. They are great for whole DS TB, they will be decent squad for TW, especialy to beat the bloody nightsisters and of course DT and Shore have one of the best ships in the game.

    I did the mission with 7* G11 zVeers, G9 snow, 6* G10 DT and Shore, G8 Starck.I had pretty garbage mods on them. It was bit closer than i would like, but once i get my troopers bit stronger or better modded it will be quite easy.

    You say they have only one purpose and that IPD mission, but thats no different from rogue one, bounty hunters, FO that is only needed for BB8 and there is so many other factions that are not needed for anything. If you dont want to farm them that is your own choice and if the guild gonna kick you because of it, well too bad. They are fully F2P factions, except Shore they are all easy to farm, DT and Shore are only 2 fairly hard to gear up, but if you dont want to spend guild currency or energy to farm gear and gonna wait if raid will drop what you want, you will never have them ready.
  • Options
    B0untryHR7 wrote: »
    Darthpedro wrote: »
    B0untryHR7 wrote: »
    Darthpedro wrote: »
    B0untryHR7 wrote: »
    Darthpedro wrote: »
    There are 2 divisions of the imperial military the fleet and the army. Trooper is a term used for the army or ground forces which would include AT-AT commanders such as Stark and Veers. Tarkin and tie pilot would belong to the fleet branch. Krennic is a bit of a wildcard but would fit into a science or intelligence division

    Ok, but Veers is an admiral, not a trooper.

    Nope sorry bud he's a general and general much like colonel is a ground forces rank try again though

    With that logic, Vader should be an imperial trooper too. I mean he even got on the ground and fought the rebels on Hoth

    Vader was not trained in the military and had no official rank he was just Palpatine lackey and led forces at his whim he also piloted a tie fighter and commanded a star destroyer so defies categorization

    Yeah yeah yeah, you are cherry picking now, my point is that Imp troopers is a strange faction that serves one purpose and that is to push the IPD mission and make people waste gear

    Sigh, I see you have reverted to trolling again, sad, thought you might actually have been looking for honest information regarding troopers . Should have known better.

    Dude i know they can be a decent faction you have to have the gear for them. I'm not saving it, I just don't have it. And I am not willing to spend a zeta on them either. I am already saving zetas for Rey and BB8 so no matter how glorious they are in your eyes, if they can't land me top 20 in arena them I won't spend a single zeta on them
  • Options
    B0untryHR7 wrote: »
    B0untryHR7 wrote: »
    Darthpedro wrote: »
    B0untryHR7 wrote: »
    Darthpedro wrote: »
    B0untryHR7 wrote: »
    Darthpedro wrote: »
    There are 2 divisions of the imperial military the fleet and the army. Trooper is a term used for the army or ground forces which would include AT-AT commanders such as Stark and Veers. Tarkin and tie pilot would belong to the fleet branch. Krennic is a bit of a wildcard but would fit into a science or intelligence division

    Ok, but Veers is an admiral, not a trooper.

    Nope sorry bud he's a general and general much like colonel is a ground forces rank try again though

    With that logic, Vader should be an imperial trooper too. I mean he even got on the ground and fought the rebels on Hoth

    Vader was not trained in the military and had no official rank he was just Palpatine lackey and led forces at his whim he also piloted a tie fighter and commanded a star destroyer so defies categorization

    Yeah yeah yeah, you are cherry picking now, my point is that Imp troopers is a strange faction that serves one purpose and that is to push the IPD mission and make people waste gear

    Sigh, I see you have reverted to trolling again, sad, thought you might actually have been looking for honest information regarding troopers . Should have known better.

    Dude i know they can be a decent faction you have to have the gear for them. I'm not saving it, I just don't have it. And I am not willing to spend a zeta on them either. I am already saving zetas for Rey and BB8 so no matter how glorious they are in your eyes, if they can't land me top 20 in arena them I won't spend a single zeta on them

    So blah blah blah I don't wanna put the work in so it's too hard is the theme of this thread
  • Options
    B0untryHR7 wrote: »
    B0untryHR7 wrote: »
    Darthpedro wrote: »
    B0untryHR7 wrote: »
    Darthpedro wrote: »
    B0untryHR7 wrote: »
    Darthpedro wrote: »
    There are 2 divisions of the imperial military the fleet and the army. Trooper is a term used for the army or ground forces which would include AT-AT commanders such as Stark and Veers. Tarkin and tie pilot would belong to the fleet branch. Krennic is a bit of a wildcard but would fit into a science or intelligence division

    Ok, but Veers is an admiral, not a trooper.

    Nope sorry bud he's a general and general much like colonel is a ground forces rank try again though

    With that logic, Vader should be an imperial trooper too. I mean he even got on the ground and fought the rebels on Hoth

    Vader was not trained in the military and had no official rank he was just Palpatine lackey and led forces at his whim he also piloted a tie fighter and commanded a star destroyer so defies categorization

    Yeah yeah yeah, you are cherry picking now, my point is that Imp troopers is a strange faction that serves one purpose and that is to push the IPD mission and make people waste gear

    Sigh, I see you have reverted to trolling again, sad, thought you might actually have been looking for honest information regarding troopers . Should have known better.

    Dude i know they can be a decent faction you have to have the gear for them. I'm not saving it, I just don't have it. And I am not willing to spend a zeta on them either. I am already saving zetas for Rey and BB8 so no matter how glorious they are in your eyes, if they can't land me top 20 in arena them I won't spend a single zeta on them

    Might as well close this thread, your simply complaining to hear yourself speak at this point. You have made it abundantly clear that you have no desire to actually field a squad that is capable of the mission, never mind is a 4/4 squad for other combats. As such, crying because you want it made easier so you do not have to build the squad, is . , well . . .rather sad and childish.
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    Yeah thread should just be closed
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    Waqui wrote: »
    B0untryHR7 wrote: »
    Huatimus wrote: »
    Get Thrawn? You're talking about TB right? Please show me how your G8 Penix completes LS TB on P6.

    Ohh that's what you are talking about. Well phoenix is no longer in p6, i think it's rogue one. Regardless of what it is, it's still not right, I agree, but that only ADDS to my arguement. It's only an additional squad we have to worry about.

    1. Of course he's talking TB — just like you are.
    2. Phoenix are required in phase 5. I hardly believe, you will manage 6/6 in that mission with g8 Phoenix.
    3. Huatimus has a point.

    Sorry my bad, they're required in P5 but my point still stands. We are being forced to farm many teams so why are you only taking issue with Imperial Troopers?
  • leef
    13458 posts Member
    B0untryHR7 wrote: »
    leef wrote: »
    B0untryHR7 wrote: »

    Well buddy I guess if rank 700 makes you happy then I'll skip my advice.

    2 year gift or not it's still wasted resources, even Palpatine pre rework still had better leadrship than Thrawn,

    he should definately skip your advice because this is just plain wrong. pre palpatine rework thrawn was the best empire lead and probably 2nd best DS lead (behind talzin).

    Uhh ok, if that's what you think, I mean I actually saw a guy trying to do it once in the top 50. Thrawn lead, Shoretrooper, Stormtrooper but then he added Nihilus and Zarriss. I wonder why. Perhaps because Zarriss was the whole point, not empire toons. Zarriss to keep the tanks alive long enough for nihilus to do his thing.

    I guess if that's what you mean. I'm sure he would have more success with kenobi lead altogether, cause I stopped seeing that team very soon.

    I mean who are you kidding man, Palpatine lead was better, Vader lead was better, even Tarkin lead was probably better at the time. Also the AI doesn't know how to play it and it used to be easy to trick it as the AI used cleanse when it shouldn't and that messed them up.

    There's no other way to say this, you're just wrong.
    Also, what kind of argument do you use? You're only proving thrawn lead was actually viable in your top50 without mentioning that the other DS leads (besides talzin) were more common or anything like that.
    So yea... i don't know what you're talking about and i'm reasonably sure you don't know what you're talking about either ;)
    Save water, drink champagne!
  • jedilord
    338 posts Member
    edited February 2018
    B0untryHR7 wrote: »
    jedilord wrote: »
    B0untryHR7 wrote: »
    Ton_Phanan wrote: »
    B0untryHR7 wrote: »
    RacerDejak wrote: »
    If u play less than 1 year, be patient ur time will come. DS TB content is for players with broad chars hmm

    I mean I'm all for patience but my guild doesn't think the same way lol

    Then you should get a diffurent guild. Go the tge guild recruitment section on the forums here and start looking. It seems like to me you guild really wants to get those IPD shards which makes sense because IPD is a really great toon.

    Well, and you don't see anything wrong with having to leave your guild cause you are out of gear?

    no not because you are out of gear, because you don´t want to do things that are necassary for the whole guild. you are getting so much from a guild: rancor, haat, tb, tw, info, strategy, gear pieces and many more

    so when your guild is asking you to master the ipd battle in tb and you don´t want to farm g10-g11 for the imperial troopers than put a zeta on veers
    if you don´t want to give veers that zeta, than you should reconsider if you still want to be in a guild at all

    You think TB will do it with 10-12 random salvages of which half I don't nees? TW with 3-5 of the same kind of salvages?

    You think requesting gear will do it when you have 5 people asking for the same piece? And lets not talk about raids, if you don't have BB8 you need to pray that those who have him won't occupy top 10. And rancor, trust me we have over 20 soloers so getting top 3 is like flipping a coin 5 times and getting it right all 5. Like today I finished 20th and the one before I finished 22nd. And no worries you still have a 5% chance to get a full piece. Except if you are in that 5% chance there is another 20% to get the one u need so maybe 1 in 100. But no, no full pieces for me, just 20 salvages of gear i don't need and 12 of another piece I do need. And that's basically 80% of my rancors.

    so then you have given yourself the answer... you only have to accept it: you don´t need a guild and now you should leave it immediately and never ever join a guild again^^

    if you had reconsider it wrong, and your guild give you after all more than that, it´s your honorable duty to serve your guildmembers with g10-11 troopers or with a zeta on veers!

    it is the same when you join the "volunteer firefighter" you can join or leave them voluntarily, between them there is only duty
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    B0untryHR7 wrote: »
    B0untryHR7 wrote: »
    Darthpedro wrote: »
    B0untryHR7 wrote: »
    Darthpedro wrote: »
    B0untryHR7 wrote: »
    Darthpedro wrote: »
    There are 2 divisions of the imperial military the fleet and the army. Trooper is a term used for the army or ground forces which would include AT-AT commanders such as Stark and Veers. Tarkin and tie pilot would belong to the fleet branch. Krennic is a bit of a wildcard but would fit into a science or intelligence division

    Ok, but Veers is an admiral, not a trooper.

    Nope sorry bud he's a general and general much like colonel is a ground forces rank try again though

    With that logic, Vader should be an imperial trooper too. I mean he even got on the ground and fought the rebels on Hoth

    Vader was not trained in the military and had no official rank he was just Palpatine lackey and led forces at his whim he also piloted a tie fighter and commanded a star destroyer so defies categorization

    Yeah yeah yeah, you are cherry picking now, my point is that Imp troopers is a strange faction that serves one purpose and that is to push the IPD mission and make people waste gear

    Sigh, I see you have reverted to trolling again, sad, thought you might actually have been looking for honest information regarding troopers . Should have known better.

    Dude i know they can be a decent faction you have to have the gear for them. I'm not saving it, I just don't have it. And I am not willing to spend a zeta on them either. I am already saving zetas for Rey and BB8 so no matter how glorious they are in your eyes, if they can't land me top 20 in arena them I won't spend a single zeta on them

    A PVP player complaining about PVE too hard because he dont want to spent resources on PVE toons.
  • TVF
    36642 posts Member
    I only have skimmed this thread but it looks as entertaining as I expected.
    I need a new message here. https://discord.gg/AmStGTH
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