Version Update 2/28/18 QoL + Sith Raid + Characters [MEGA]


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    Cridiron wrote: »
    Cridiron wrote: »
    If the other two of the sith trinity are marquee, Revn will be raid character.

    Raid reward is Trays, the videos announce it, but they just didn't have game play video of her yet.

    Don't remember hearing that, but I just watched one in a noisy environment.

    It was in the "Sion vs the Meta" video for sure, can't remember if they said it in the second one. It was near the beginning I believe.

    I watched the one titled Darth Sion, Visas Marr and Sith trooper rework.
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    you have to reinstall the app, works for me.
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    I updated on IOS and is working fine so far
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    It must be the new update by accident as I think the graphics are different with Rey and Kylo Ren facing off each other with light sabers. There's Starkiller base in the background, too. I thought it was Vader and Luke before, not that I paid a ton of attention.
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    Game keeps crashing on my IOS after the update. Just lost an arena battle to it.
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    Saigon_23 wrote: »
    150 times to sim galactic war??? You ARE joking, right?

    @Saigon_23 only 5-6 months work of work right there, not bad at all :smiley:
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    Updated but can not find any sim option in gw. I am lvl 85 and I most likely completed the 150 required wars a long time ago.
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    I oppose mod management, and I think there should be a 24-hour cooldown after removing a mod before you can put it on another toon. That would be a QoL boost for me.
  • MistahShowtime
    68 posts Member
    edited February 2018
    So, I don't see a squad button on the home screen after the update. If there isn't one in this update, then it's a failure in my eyes. Other similar games have had this feature since launch, yet here we are 2 1/2 years in still without. It's such a simple thing. It already took long enough to get squads in the game. Having to go into a battle to be able to create and edit squads is such a dumb, roundabout way of doing things when a simple button on the home screen could solve that. It also prevents people accidentally using a squad in battle when all they wanted to do was create or edit it.
  • TVF
    36746 posts Member
    The QoL update is Wednesday...
    I need a new message here.
  • YautjaMorph
    29 posts Member
    edited February 2018
    TVF wrote: »
    The QoL update is Wednesday...

    It's literally out right now. Just seems to be missing the GW sim.
    Edit: Multi-sim in ship challenges is also missing.
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    Love the artistic style and everything, great job to the artist...however, Kylo Ren never wore his mask while battling Jedi Training Rey. It was broken before they fought
  • Sewpot
    2010 posts Member
    Looks like he is wearing thigh high boots lol
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    Love the artistic style and everything, great job to the artist...however, Kylo Ren never wore his mask while battling Jedi Training Rey. It was broken before they fought

    tomayto - tomahto
  • Khorvog_Karbossa
    1000 posts Member
    edited February 2018
    Rojas wrote: »
    Love the artistic style and everything, great job to the artist...however, Kylo Ren never wore his mask while battling Jedi Training Rey. It was broken before they fought

    tomayto - tomahto

    thats what a normal person says. I'm just being way too nit picky
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    This is something that needs to be addressed. Why is it that with every major update in this game they have to change the sound effects?!?! Kylo's outlash sounds super muffled like someones drying a beach towel. EPs lightning sounds like someone left a fork in the microwave. Other characters like CLS use call to action or FOST uses his taunt is sounds like the entire ocean crashing up against the side of a cliff. At least the blast bug seems to be fixed. The blaster bug was any blaster using characters in play would share blaster sound effects. I really hope this is something that can be corrected.
  • Sewpot
    2010 posts Member
    I thought Rex’s blasters sounded different in the video. Guess I’m right
  • Sage020
    59 posts Member
    edited February 2018
    The client/version update is out. QOL doesn’t get pushed through until the 28th. Game version update will be needed for future updates. QOL update should be pushed through in game.
  • Mzee
    1777 posts Member
    The last flash screen had an A-wing in it, and the new one has a y-wing in it as well as Starkiller base. I don't take them seriously.
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    That could be a Jedi CLS in the background.
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    Well, it wasn’t broken when they fought at the end of the Force Awakens but he didn’t have it on then either, so...yeah, they goofed.
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    If there's anything to complain about it's that Jedi Luke has always been displayed prominently but isn't in the game. False advertising.
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    So here's my conundrum--I have my main on iOS and an alt on Android. If I link devices so I can play each on the other system will I lose one account? I'm reticent to device link until I know that this is a non-issue.
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    I was about to ask what the logic behind the default character sorting was, but as I was typing I figured it out! :)
    So this has now turned from a question into an fyi.
    Before, your characters/ships would be sorted from highest power - lowest power.
    Now, characters/ships show up Favorites, then highest - lowest power.
    #CloneHelmets4Life...VICTORY!!!! :smiley: "I don't like sand. It's coarse and rough and irritating and it gets everywhere." The more you tighten your grip, CG/EA, the more whales will slip through your fingers (and go F2P or quit).
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    That mask looks so bad without the hood. Ugh.

    And I'm not sure I like the composition either.
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    Yes, please we need clarification on how this works
  • Liath
    5140 posts Member
    I’d think you would have to lose one if you link it to the same ID. How else would it work?
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    If you try to link the iOS account to the Google Play your alt account is registered under, yes you will lose progress.
    But if you create a new Google Play account, you shouldn't have any issues.
    #CloneHelmets4Life...VICTORY!!!! :smiley: "I don't like sand. It's coarse and rough and irritating and it gets everywhere." The more you tighten your grip, CG/EA, the more whales will slip through your fingers (and go F2P or quit).
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    Update live !
    But where is the new raid ??...
  • TVF
    36746 posts Member
    Forget the raid, I want the March calendar so I know when the next Omega battles are.
    I need a new message here.
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