TW Issues 3/4/18 {Merged}


  • leef
    13458 posts Member
    My 74M GP guild was just matched with 114M GP guild. I realize it’s based on active GP ...

    How do you know it's based on active GP at all? Who told you this? I think this is an assumption, and it might be a bad one. If you remove this assumption, your whole sandbagging theory falls apart.

    it is based on active GP, just not only on active GP. Other factors weigh in apparantly, i'm too lazy to find a dev post about this.
    Regardless of all that, benching players in order to match "weaker" guilds works. If you can get a higher average GP than your opponent you're usually the favourite for the win.
    Save water, drink champagne!
  • Kyno
    32087 posts Moderator
    leef wrote: »
    My 74M GP guild was just matched with 114M GP guild. I realize it’s based on active GP ...

    How do you know it's based on active GP at all? Who told you this? I think this is an assumption, and it might be a bad one. If you remove this assumption, your whole sandbagging theory falls apart.

    it is based on active GP, just not only on active GP. Other factors weigh in apparantly, i'm too lazy to find a dev post about this.
    Regardless of all that, benching players in order to match "weaker" guilds works. If you can get a higher average GP than your opponent you're usually the favourite for the win.

    I got you (and it's pinned at the top of the TW section)
    My 74M GP guild was just matched with 114M GP guild. I realize it’s based on active GP ...

    How do you know it's based on active GP at all? Who told you this? I think this is an assumption, and it might be a bad one. If you remove this assumption, your whole sandbagging theory falls apart.


    Matchmaking is based on a variety of factors including the GP of units that can participate

    Units that can participate are active GP.
  • Kyno
    32087 posts Moderator
    edited March 2018
    There was an issue this round that we are being told is being looked into.

    This may not have anything to do with the actions of the other guild at all.
  • Antares
    686 posts Member
    I know I am late to the party, but I thought the recent changes of increasing the defensive teams was only for the top guilds? We have 110mil GP and if we make into any statistics it's well above top 500 among all guilds.

    Now, please tell me, why the 44 registered members or my guild have to set 27 defensive teams per field? It was already hard to fill all the spots before with decent def teams, but now it's just horrible! Please revert back to the old TW format (keep the new point distribution if you want, I don't care about that). Thank you!

  • Kyno
    32087 posts Moderator
    I know we are seeing matching issues that we don't know if they are WAI, but this may be not WAI too. I don't know.

    I think part of the goal was to make full clears not a thing. Even for the higher end guilds a full clear will take a lot more effort with the defensive balance.
  • Options
    Agreed. My guild has won 10 TW in a row. We've beaten guilds much stronger than us as we've had a great strategy. With these new rules we're getting our butts kicked so far. The guild we're facing has us beat by 25M Gp, which wasn't a problem in the past. Now with the new rules it's about who has the bigger roster rather than who has the better strategy.
    Revert it back to the way it was. TW is becoming overly complicated & no longer fun
  • Antares
    686 posts Member
    edited March 2018
    It's fine if they want to make it more interesting/challenging for the top tier, but we are certainly not at that level. In our entire TW history, we had one full clear I think (at the very beginning) and with the recent strategy (meta walls in front), we are happy to clear out a couple of fields.

    I hope you are pointing in the right direction and it's not WAI for mid-level guilds...
  • Kyno
    32087 posts Moderator
    Antares wrote: »
    It's fine if they want to make it more interesting/challenging for the top tier, but we are certainly not at that level. In our entire TW history, we had one full clear I think (at the very beginning) and with the recent strategy (meta walls in front), we are happy to clear out a couple of fields.

    I hope you are pointing in the right direction and it's not WAI for mid-level guilds...

    Yes, I think the line where the increase happens may not be WAI, since that seems to be the same as the matching issue. It seems like they opened up the brackets too much. We will have to wait and see, but this has been flagged.
  • TVF
    36716 posts Member
    Not only does our opponent have 30m more GP, they also have a time machine!
    I need a new message here.
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    My 74M GP guild was just matched with 114M GP guild. I realize it’s based on active GP ...

    How do you know it's based on active GP at all? Who told you this? I think this is an assumption, and it might be a bad one. If you remove this assumption, your whole sandbagging theory falls apart.

    I could be wrong but thought that was communicated when TW first dropped. Thought that was why the prep phase. Either way, their average GP is almost 1M higher than ours. Not remotely a fair fight. I think 2nd place awards in their GP range are as good or better than 1st place in our. Maybe trying to boost W/?

    The in-game description says very little about matchmaking other than character upgrades after Player Lock will not carry into the battles so that matchmaking will be "fair." That's all it says. There is nothing in there about guild GP.

    According to in-game text, the only part of TW that is GP-dependent is the reward tier, which is based on your own guild GP and has nothing to do with the opposing guild GP. The sandbagging argument is based on the faulty assumption that guilds get matched according to these tiers. These GP mismatch complaints tell us that matching does not follow these tiers, so the assumption is faulty, and we must conclude sandbagging, if it exists, provides no real advantage.

    There was a lot of discussion during and after the TW beta about how using only guild GP was not a sufficient measure of strength and could potentially result in heavily lopsided matches. The devs mentioned at that time (and since) that there were other factors in the matching process.

    If anything, I think that these mismatches in total guild GP are proof positive that there are other factors at play in the matching algorithm. GP gaps of this size would suggest that matches depend only loosely on GP.

    For the record, I do think GP plays a role. How exactly it works has not been divined.

    Kyno wrote: »
    leef wrote: »
    My 74M GP guild was just matched with 114M GP guild. I realize it’s based on active GP ...

    How do you know it's based on active GP at all? Who told you this? I think this is an assumption, and it might be a bad one. If you remove this assumption, your whole sandbagging theory falls apart.

    it is based on active GP, just not only on active GP. Other factors weigh in apparantly, i'm too lazy to find a dev post about this.
    Regardless of all that, benching players in order to match "weaker" guilds works. If you can get a higher average GP than your opponent you're usually the favourite for the win.

    I got you (and it's pinned at the top of the TW section)
    My 74M GP guild was just matched with 114M GP guild. I realize it’s based on active GP ...

    How do you know it's based on active GP at all? Who told you this? I think this is an assumption, and it might be a bad one. If you remove this assumption, your whole sandbagging theory falls apart.


    Matchmaking is based on a variety of factors including the GP of units that can participate

    Units that can participate are active GP.

    Thanks for the reminder @Kyno . We have been told other things in the past about how the game works that turned out to be not quite right, such as how old GW difficulty was somehow scaled based on squad power levels (which was never really properly explained), but we were able to squeeze out a working theory based on game-play. From the players' experience, what we know now is that a guild's active GP is far from the deciding factor in matchmaking, and in some cases appears to have no real influence at all.
  • Antares
    686 posts Member
    edited March 2018
    Well, I hope you are right and a fix is coming for the next TW starting tomorrow (or the day after tomorrow?)
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    Shrug. The whole point is moot. It's fixed so that the players who are ahead (ie: whales) get further ahead as a reward for paying cash out. And the Players who are behind (ie: mostly F2P) fall further behind to push them to buy things. It's not rocket science. The entire game is built this way, so if it's a problem for you, you should just quit while you're still relatively sane.
    This you have to understand. There's only one way to hurt a man who's lost everything. Give him back something broken..” -Thomas Covenant the Unbeliever
  • Vampire_X
    1435 posts Moderator
    Rydiggs and the team as Kyno already put out there are reviewing the Current TW issues presented (Matchmaking, Def Squads per Zone, and their Tier of the guilds of those other 2)

    Currently as the attack phase is going on, nothing will effect the current games in progress and hopefully we will have more information tonight (PST) time but this is a no promise time as giving a date/time will only lead to frustration if not meet, but the team is aware of the complaints and the amount of changes that are in this version.

    I know the rage and hate can be strong driving forces, and venting negative feedback is not a bad thing - just keep the comments civil and not personal and no bashing comments.

    I’m hoping more info to come shortly, but it will come as soon as available that much I can assure everyone of.
    Wicked Sith Queen with the Pink Saber
  • Options
    Kyno wrote: »
    I think part of the goal was to make full clears not a thing. Even for the higher end guilds a full clear will take a lot more effort with the defensive balance.

    @Kyno Well, that's nice and all, but at only 2 hours and 23 mins into this TW, our overpowered opponents are well on their way to what appears to be a very easy full clear, and we have yet to even be close to clearing a territory. In fact, very few of our teams even made it past one defense. It appears that this is absolutely a broken mechanic. Not to mention how terrible the reward split is for this particular match-up. Having our FIRST place reward be the same as their SECOND place reward is very demoralizing, especially considering the likelihood of a win on their part. "Opened up brackets" is an understatement by a long-shot.
  • Kyno
    32087 posts Moderator
    Kyno wrote: »
    I think part of the goal was to make full clears not a thing. Even for the higher end guilds a full clear will take a lot more effort with the defensive balance.

    Kyno Well, that's nice and all, but at only 2 hours and 23 mins into this TW, our overpowered opponents are well on their way to what appears to be a very easy full clear, and we have yet to even be close to clearing a territory. In fact, very few of our teams even made it past one defense. It appears that this is absolutely a broken mechanic. Not to mention how terrible the reward split is for this particular match-up. Having our FIRST place reward be the same as their SECOND place reward is very demoralizing, especially considering the likelihood of a win on their part. "Opened up brackets" is an understatement by a long-shot.

    Rome was not burned down in a day, things take time.
  • Vampire_X
    1435 posts Moderator
    Wicked Sith Queen with the Pink Saber
  • Options
    Rome was pretty much burned in a day. A couple times...took far longer to rebuild it.
  • Vampire_X
    1435 posts Moderator
    Rome was pretty much burned in a day. A couple times...took far longer to rebuild it.
    On the holo tables we have advanced fire suppression system equipped!

    Small Update: Still pending messaging, no ETA just yet
    Wicked Sith Queen with the Pink Saber
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    I'm sure it's "SOON"
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    Not to mention the number of defensive squads required. They stated they would be increasing it for the top tier guilds, but we're not top near and at 48/50 members and need to set 28 squads per zone. Excuse me?
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    Glad to see they can find time to nerf the one workable strategy for the new raid that doesn’t require Jedi Training Rey, but can’t find time to address the cluster that Territory Wars has become....

    The silence is deafening.
  • MerciLesMing
    13 posts Member
    edited March 2018
    Meanwhile, like Rome, we are on our way to being burned in a day...7 hours and ten minutes in. I'd say that 40 million difference is shining through.

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    Dudeeeeeeeee, same here. 50/50 vs. 50/50 (we contact with on of them), 24M more PG than us. That **** it's crazy. Besides, the 30 defensive teams per territory killed us on offense. There' is no chance to win, we're really angry, they don't give a **** about this game mode.

    PD: If we win, we will get two zetas. If they lose, they will get two zetas. AT LEAST THE REWARD MUST BE BASED IN THE GUILD WITH +ACTIVE GP.
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    Just got in touch with the other guild and they are at 50/50. So 24 mil GP difference.
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    We have the same issue this war

    We have come across a guild that has 2 lines of full GK/Zarris defence walls.. We dont have a single 7* GK within the guild.. They also have JTR in their rosters, we dont have a single JTR in the guild. Then there is the NS teams, but in fairness this is the one area we do have 3 or 4

    They have less players 44 to our 46 but their teams by far outplay ours and we cant even get past a second territory.

    There is something very wrong with this matchmaking.
  • Options
    Here's some more data to evaluate: 120MM vs. 143MM is a different ball game. Guilds at these respective levels have practically nothing in common except the number of members.
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    This is what a 29 million vs 51 million GP Territory Wars looks like:

    No surprise at the outcome.
    WhoVille Sheriff - Ally Code: 244-425-158 -
    Discord: WhoVille Sheriff#3439

    Guild Collaboration Founder: Just Sithed Myself
  • BlackMarco
    20 posts Member
    edited March 2018
    Thanks to the devs for this defeat. Second time we're standing against a Guild from a tier above. In the other we won, the difference was great, but not like this time. 30M was too much for us.


  • Hellios
    43 posts Member
    I think some Chewbacca shards are due!
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