Game Content Philosophy [MEGA]


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    OP update:
    1. This will only affect Raid bosses, not other game areas.
    2. This will have some minimal effect on Pit and AAT raids, but will not be nearly significant.
    3. We will monitor the update afterwards and make sure design goals are being met.
    Development Manager for Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes
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    I’m curious what purpose it serves to nerf something that nobody, and I mean nobody at all, complained about. Sounds a lot to me like new toons will be introduced with a new mechanic, maybe it’ll be called, I don’t know, Reveal. Reveal will do exactly what Old expose did! But this time you have to pay!
  • Windar
    20 posts Member
    CG_RyDiggs wrote: »
    Shanara68 wrote: »
    CG_RyDiggs wrote: »
    Reminder, this thread is to discuss:

    Capital Games content philosophy, knowing some members of our community may not be aware of SWGOH being a living breathing growing game.

    I'm having a discussion here to clarify that point now, so it's clear going forward.

    Why is it that every time the player base gets a leg up, it gets ripped from us? Everytime!! Any advantage that we come up with is always taken away. Why should we even try? We meet success just to have that taken from us is insulting. I love this game and star wars, but, jeez. Can you guys just give us a break and let us enjoy what we accomplish? What about the bugs that benefit the raid bosses? Didn't hear anything about that. All I heard was you guys are doing to good, can't have that. Unbelieveable.

    I understand your frustration, but I hope you can understand the design intent of new content (like the Rancor and HAAT and DSTB). Fixing issues that 'trivialize' content has been and will be an ongoing action if we deem it in the best interest of the game overall. Sometimes... it's ok. Other times it's not. We have to consider the health of the game, and hope you can appreciate that consideration.

    Thank you for your feedback!

    Trivialize for who? Our guild has just now been able to beat the HAAT after many attempts. Just now. Trivializing is a perspective. Power guilds maybe, for us this was a mountain that we finally got and you decide to possible take that ability away due to a separate raid? Why not take TM management away from Rancor raid? That can be beat by what, 2 characters and not a full team? If the mechanics of the new raid do not work, remove the raid. Fix the raid. Make the raid difficulty based off guild GP. No reason to spread this across all raids.
    This is not a fix.
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    CG_RyDiggs wrote: »
    OP update:
    1. This will only affect Raid bosses, not other game areas.
    2. This will have some minimal effect on Pit and AAT raids, but will not be nearly significant.
    3. We will monitor the update afterwards and make sure design goals are being met.

    All you’re doing is repeating yourself and not addressing valid concerns being made.

  • OneWorldAway
    545 posts Member
    edited March 2018
  • Muaddib
    563 posts Member
    CG_RyDiggs wrote: »
    Reminder, this thread is to discuss:

    Capital Games content philosophy, knowing some members of our community may not be aware of SWGOH being a living breathing growing game.

    I'm having a discussion here to clarify that point now, so it's clear going forward.
    First... Bullhonkey.
    I do understand 'nerfing' the STH mechanic because that's not what you intended.
    But nerfing the expose mechanic in all raids (this will make HAAT incredibly hard for under 100mGP guilds again) is lame. Why have expose in the game then? You built it, live with it.
    Regarding the Zombie mechanic... again, LAME. I hate the NS's zombie mechanic in arena... it allows weak 80k teams to beat 110k teams. But this is the thing you built ON PURPOSE. You all have discussed that the character is supposed to represent the horde and that's what it's doing. Your solution to
    Now, when Darth Traya becomes Enraged she will dispel all positive status effects on her enemies and apply an undispellable, unresistable buff immunity as well.
    will affect WAY more than you've intended here. I understand it happens at Enrage when shizz hits the fan anyhow, but instead of applying a fix for 1 specific character, you've hit literally every toon with this. Again, you built a **** mechanic that people have taken advantage of. If you're going to nerf Zombie in raids, nerf it everywhere - it's a lame mechanic that doesn't fit with the spirit of the game.

    Finally... dude. We're clearly aware SWGOH is a "living breathing growing game." You don't need to be snide about that to your community. We're (once again) upset with changes you've made to the living breathing game and giving voice to our concerns. This isn't just moving the goalposts, this is taking many of your players and the novel strategies they've come up with out of the field of play entirely.
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    CG_RyDiggs wrote: »
    JeerCScaas wrote: »
    CG_RyDiggs wrote: »
    Zapdoszaps wrote: »
    Please don’t nerf expose. please


    This is not nerfing expose for other areas of the game.

    Thanks my first FAQ :)

    So, something which was working for a year, won't be anymore.
    Young guilds I've been taking care and instructing to farm resistance to succeed in HAAT ... hmm, how to say that, sorry guys, my bad, actually it doesn't work.

    1. Expose is not being removed only slightly reduced impact for Rancor and HAAT
    2. Both Raids have many options for managing.

    Let's not get too sensational or hyperbolic.


    This is perfect time to get hyperbolic. If you would actually play this game, you would realize getting stuff is hard. We don't all have the ability to program unlimited crystals and zetas into our accounts.
    A new player, who thinks Resistance will help them in the HAAT will spend MONTHS getting the gear, stars, and zetas ready. Your "slightly" reduced impact hurts. They can't just switch to one of "many options for managing".
    I'm at a loss for non-four-letter words. You talk about a "dedicated community", but almost every single action you take is slap in our face!
    #CloneHelmets4Life...VICTORY!!!! :smiley: "I don't like sand. It's coarse and rough and irritating and it gets everywhere." The more you tighten your grip, CG/EA, the more whales will slip through your fingers (and go F2P or quit).
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    CG_RyDiggs wrote: »
    provide innovative gameplay which encourages strategic thinking and “outside the meta” play.
    I didn't realize ST Han was meta

    Glad you fellas decided to make a more balanced edit to Traya in the raid, and the health pool, hope rewards get a buff too to remove challenge gear

    I hope our players remember, we ALWAYS try to do the best thing for the game. We have to think globally for the millions of players out there, and appreciate hearing we're aligning with players.


    Globally, at high enough levels to complete advanced raids, the millions(and millions) of players don’t need certain gears. Please play the game.

    Millions won't be playing for long.
    #CloneHelmets4Life...VICTORY!!!! :smiley: "I don't like sand. It's coarse and rough and irritating and it gets everywhere." The more you tighten your grip, CG/EA, the more whales will slip through your fingers (and go F2P or quit).
  • Gawejn
    1129 posts Member
    Very good changes, Nerf Rey, :)
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    This last couple of weeks have shown CG is completely lost on the Public Relations front.

    I hope Kozi gets back soon; at least she'd entertain us with memes.
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    @swgohfan29 @leef @Degs29 congrats on your nerf :)
    @Formerly_Randy looks like they took your advice
    Two Time Golden Poo Award Winner
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    CG_RyDiggs wrote: »
    Shanara68 wrote: »
    CG_RyDiggs wrote: »
    Reminder, this thread is to discuss:

    Capital Games content philosophy, knowing some members of our community may not be aware of SWGOH being a living breathing growing game.

    I'm having a discussion here to clarify that point now, so it's clear going forward.

    Why is it that every time the player base gets a leg up, it gets ripped from us? Everytime!! Any advantage that we come up with is always taken away. Why should we even try? We meet success just to have that taken from us is insulting. I love this game and star wars, but, jeez. Can you guys just give us a break and let us enjoy what we accomplish? What about the bugs that benefit the raid bosses? Didn't hear anything about that. All I heard was you guys are doing to good, can't have that. Unbelieveable.

    I understand your frustration, but I hope you can understand the design intent of new content (like the Rancor and HAAT and DSTB). Fixing issues that 'trivialize' content has been and will be an ongoing action if we deem it in the best interest of the game overall. Sometimes... it's ok. Other times it's not. We have to consider the health of the game, and hope you can appreciate that consideration.

    Thank you for your feedback!

    you know nothing of our frustration. you created a monstrosity of a raid with absurd mechanics that nerf practically every character in the game because you lack the competence to design a legitimate open, engaging, raid experience, so you force everyone down this linear path of false choices. all the characters we have grown to love, you put in a perverse game of whack-a-mole and make us watch them die (like who wants to be the mole in a game of whack-a-mole, are you serious?). you care nothing of star wars or this game. i'm in a top 15 guild and this is an insult to anyone who has supported you for years. you have not asked our opinions. you have not involved us in the process. you just bumble from one mistake to another creating a swath of destruction along the way.

    #CloneHelmets4Life...VICTORY!!!! :smiley: "I don't like sand. It's coarse and rough and irritating and it gets everywhere." The more you tighten your grip, CG/EA, the more whales will slip through your fingers (and go F2P or quit).
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    So the last few months we've seen massive player burnout and top tier players quitting the game over crap like this.... Do you guys really hate your jobs that much that you want more of us top end players to quit??? Great job guys keep it up!!! 3 shard mates just quit today and I know they were spending close to 1k a month.
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    CG_RyDiggs wrote: »
    provide innovative gameplay which encourages strategic thinking and “outside the meta” play.
    I didn't realize ST Han was meta

    Glad you fellas decided to make a more balanced edit to Traya in the raid, and the health pool, hope rewards get a buff too to remove challenge gear

    I hope our players remember, we ALWAYS try to do the best thing for the game. We have to think globally for the millions of players out there, and appreciate hearing we're aligning with players.


    I have one question that I would very much like an answer to. In light of these design philosophy changes and this quote in particular:

    "Teams that can perform infinite loops within the first week of release fall within this category of “undermining the design spirit”. We consider each incident of this nature individually to determine whether corrective actions are warranted. While we do have several processes in place to prevent these interactions from making it into the live game, they unfortunately can still happen. In order to protect the integrity of the design and the experience, we will continue to actively curate the Raids (and any other content) going forward."

    Will you be adjusting CLS's ability to solo an entire raid?

    It seems that him and rancor will fall into this category; with the potential of a few select teams ability to either solo phases or the ENTIRE raid of HAAT.

    I totally get unintended interactions (Looking at you STH) and trying to make content difficult and challenging. However, it appears that you are cherry picking what you want to address and what you do not. Instead of actually adhering to your stated philosophy. Not to mention design and mechanical oversight (strait up calling you out on the expose nerf). Expose has been in the game and functioned they way it has for quite some time. It has created situations where teams can solo phases in raids, it has been the go to for clearing tough GW nodes (zFinn anyone?). It is not a single solitary ability on a character that is old. No, it is fresh and currently relevant. Your content design failed and the player base is now being punished. While I am on this topic, can't a zFinn team create this "infinite loop" you speak of in player matches? Are we going to see Resistance changed due to your design philosophy? What about Magma trooper? Jeeze, any top end gamer worth their salt knows that % increase trump raw numbers every time.

    With these changes and the stacking tenacity on the raid bosses, we are resigned to just throwing damage numbers at the raid boss and praying it goes down. I don't see any fun or engaging game play there.

    Players complain about everything, it is our nature. Maybe I am right, maybe I am wrong about all of this. In any event, will you be adjusting CLS's ability to solo an entire raid?
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    Might be a good idea to listen devs. Look at destiny 2....
  • Mzee
    1777 posts Member
    I don't understand how things work.

    What happened to beta testing? All of this would have been picked up if there was beta testing. It took the community like 1 day to find out the Stormtrooper Han strategy. I also don't understand the nerf to expose. This was not something that slipped through the cracks. Resistance was by far the most powerful team in the HAAT raid, by a mile with clones a little behind, and nothing was ever done about that, except relasing bb8 and Jedi Training Rey to make them even MORE powerful in there. Now after a week of this new raid, you are announcing a nerf to it.

    Players spend money to build teams fast, and now there are unhappy players who invested in these teams or characters already to get a jump on the raid. All of this would have been prevented with a little beta testing.

    I just do not understand...
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    CG_RyDiggs wrote: »
    JeerCScaas wrote: »
    CG_RyDiggs wrote: »
    Zapdoszaps wrote: »
    Please don’t nerf expose. please


    This is not nerfing expose for other areas of the game.

    Thanks my first FAQ :)

    So, something which was working for a year, won't be anymore.
    Young guilds I've been taking care and instructing to farm resistance to succeed in HAAT ... hmm, how to say that, sorry guys, my bad, actually it doesn't work.

    1. Expose is not being removed only slightly reduced impact for Rancor and HAAT
    2. Both Raids have many options for managing.

    Let's not get too sensational or hyperbolic.


    @CG_RyDiggs Maybe you should be less condescending to the customers that pay your salary. In the alternative, find someone that’s capable of responding to those that are angry. It’s called customer service.
  • scuba
    14105 posts Member
    So you have nerfed just about the only debuff that you can reliable land in the raid???
    Next week is Deathmark also going to be nerfed?

    I mean is anything that is said going to change really believable? look at the disaster of TW after the "changes" were made and things we were told about the changes.
    Why don't you simply make all emenies immune to all debuffs and negative status effects and disable all unique abilities now so we can just turn this into a brute force raid so we have no sunrises down the road.
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    CaptainRex wrote: »
    innovative gameplay which encourages strategic thinking and “outside the meta” play
    @CG_RyDiggs The players did exactly that! So we should think strategically and outside the meta, but TOO strategically and outside the meta?
    I completely 100% understand you don't want the new raid on farm Day 1. But to tell the community you want them to develop new and exciting strategies, then punish them because their strategies were too effective is not only hypocritical, it's insulting!


    Players often amaze with new and innovative ways we don't modify all the time. We may have to agree to disagree that CG has to make calls when game design goals or game intentions are crossed.

    I do understand your frustration, and know we work to avoid it if and when we can. I appreciate you sharing!

    Development Manager for Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes
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    BinBetter wrote: »
    On whole, I have no issue with your policy and implementation.

    "We regularly evaluate, and update, the current state of any Raid. This regular evaluation can lead to changes such as tuning tweaks, adjustment of rewards, and bug fixes."

    Okay, so when was the last time anything was truly done to the Pit and AAT raids for rewards that would equate to 'regularly'? I know you'll say 'can lead' but that's far too easy an answer.

    I'm not saying get rid of the challenge gear, who cares if we have thousands.
    The issue is that the rewards are not equal to the effort, nor are they equal to the task of moderate development of the many toons (always increasing) in the game.
    I'm sure you have data on how many people just do 0 and collect there pittance.

    Please just add some more required gear and bump up the currency payouts; which seems to be inline with your policy just not your practice.
    Thank you.

    That’s exactly where these changes hit...on the (w)hole.

  • t0neg0d
    616 posts Member
    CG_RyDiggs wrote: »
    JeerCScaas wrote: »
    CG_RyDiggs wrote: »
    Zapdoszaps wrote: »
    Please don’t nerf expose. please


    This is not nerfing expose for other areas of the game.

    Thanks my first FAQ :)

    So, something which was working for a year, won't be anymore.
    Young guilds I've been taking care and instructing to farm resistance to succeed in HAAT ... hmm, how to say that, sorry guys, my bad, actually it doesn't work.

    1. Expose is not being removed only slightly reduced impact for Rancor and HAAT
    2. Both Raids have many options for managing.

    Let's not get too sensational or hyperbolic.



    For smaller guilds, it is our ONLY WAY to press through phase 2 of HAAT.

    You say you were "thinking globally for millions of players" & then say the above quote? Wow =/
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    CG_RyDiggs wrote: »
    CaptainRex wrote: »
    innovative gameplay which encourages strategic thinking and “outside the meta” play
    @CG_RyDiggs The players did exactly that! So we should think strategically and outside the meta, but TOO strategically and outside the meta?
    I completely 100% understand you don't want the new raid on farm Day 1. But to tell the community you want them to develop new and exciting strategies, then punish them because their strategies were too effective is not only hypocritical, it's insulting!


    Players often amaze with new and innovative ways we don't modify all the time. We may have to agree to disagree that CG has to make calls when game design goals or game intentions are crossed.

    I do understand your frustration, and know we work to avoid it if and when we can. I appreciate you sharing!


    Do you actually believe that? Lol. Crazy.
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    CG_RyDiggs wrote: »
    JeerCScaas wrote: »
    Are you seriously considering nerfing expose ? Is this a joke ?

    +1 on the challenge gear as rewards. ridiculous at this point.

    I totally agree with you on the challenging philosophy, but we deserve rewards accordingly to our commitment as well.

    Only for raid bosses.
    It will minimally impact previous bosses. It will significantly impact Sith Raid.

    Let's get the fix out and find out if it's really that impactful afterwards.

    We're always watching and listening ;)

    I find it really funny how you say "We are always watching and listening" and proceed to simply ignore the challenge gear thing.
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    vice wrote: »
    can i have my zeta on finn refunded?

    my wife zeta'd Finn last week, she has spent months working towards it and then gets f'd 1 week later.

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    As we have only 2 JTR teams, the majority have been farming for her since this raid came out now we don't need to bother. The poor drop rates on the vets are no incentive to continue. We will go back to farming other toons/gear that will help the guild much more in territory battles and wars.
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    Solid philosophy.
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    CG_RyDiggs wrote: »
    OP update:
    3. We will monitor the update afterwards and make sure design goals are being met.

    LOL, if your design goal is to waste players time and money then CG you're doing a bang up job!

  • scuba
    14105 posts Member
    CG_RyDiggs wrote: »
    CaptainRex wrote: »
    innovative gameplay which encourages strategic thinking and “outside the meta” play
    @CG_RyDiggs The players did exactly that! So we should think strategically and outside the meta, but TOO strategically and outside the meta?
    I completely 100% understand you don't want the new raid on farm Day 1. But to tell the community you want them to develop new and exciting strategies, then punish them because their strategies were too effective is not only hypocritical, it's insulting!


    Players often amaze with new and innovative ways we don't modify all the time. We may have to agree to disagree that CG has to make calls when game design goals or game intentions are crossed.

    I do understand your frustration, and know we work to avoid it if and when we can. I appreciate you sharing!


    But I mean really where is the limit tell us? we can come up with a team that does 10% damage is that ok? Or is only allowed to do that much if it has the latest and greatest characters? What are the guidelines you want the players to use when we "provide innovative gameplay which encourages strategic thinking and “outside the meta” play."
    I mean as I keep reading about the changes and mechanics of the raid I keep going back to CG wants this to be nothing but a brute force raid. Debuffs are rendered null, uniques are rendered null, buffs are rendered null that just leaves speed and damage (DPS).
  • fluffybumpkinsohn
    53 posts Member
    edited March 2018
    CG_RyDiggs wrote: »

    I understand your frustration, but I hope you can understand the design intent of new content (like the Rancor and HAAT and DSTB). Fixing issues that 'trivialize' content has been and will be an ongoing action if we deem it in the best interest of the game overall. Sometimes... it's ok. Other times it's not. We have to consider the health of the game, and hope you can appreciate that consideration.

    Thank you for your feedback!

    after all of this you decide you need to address the health of the game with regard to expose after numerous people in this thread said they built teams around Rez to be able to complete HAAT, when this whole issue started because of a mechanic that was not tested for STHan, not Rez!

  • ksomm5
    169 posts Member
    Rewards are a joke. Period. Not worth the effort having to put in. Might as well just auto any attempt.
This discussion has been closed.