[Dev Post] Matchmaking clarification post: 3/15


  • CyKoDRuMz
    7 posts Member
    edited March 2018
    Thanks @Nikarah

    The idea of matching guilds based on their best teams is like setting up a chess board and taking all the pawns from one player, and calling it even, just because their good pieces are identical. It's just plain incorrect.

    This x 1000
  • CyKoDRuMz
    7 posts Member
    edited March 2018
    Also, 500 crystals is supposed to make up for the missed zeta mats because we couldn't break through a wall of 20 jtr teams and 20 cls teams?

    We were outmatched by 20M gp on the last 5 (45M vs 65M) we managed to implement a different strategy and pull out a win on the last one...

    I appreciate the crystals and dedication to improve, but compensation commensurate with the inconvenience level would be more appreciated.
  • Kronen
    306 posts Member
    I sure hope the tweeks do something because my guild keeps getting matched against guild with double or triple our gp and gear 12 heros. At best we can muster 10 all gear 12 teams. But our opponents can field enough gear xii to completely fill both of the front territories and still have some left for hq.
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    We are 116kk now. Just got guild 129kk. It's better then our last opponent with 136kk but still not completely fair.
  • Youarenotmydad
    49 posts Member
    edited March 2018
    I don't know if i should laugh or cry about the matchmaking thing.
    the guild GP i now similar but the strongest member of our opponents has 1 million more power as our strongest member (3,7 mil, 106 x g12 toons - 2,6 mil, 30 x g12 toons)
    really awesome.... i will not invest my time in this "fair" TW
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    After this one I have to ask whether or not number of participants has a large enough role; we're 42 against 30. We'll see whether that means we're outmatched or having a cleansweep.
  • kampec
    16 posts Member
    Thanks the fix, we got the most powerful enemy ever, we will not play just push down one ugnauth/cup team everyone because of the reward. I'll not waste more time for something what is so pointless. Please fix it REALLY and forget that a 125M GP guild can build 34 team / region defense, we dont have enough toons for it!
  • Koyo
    73 posts Member
    edited March 2018
    We are a 73M gp guild. Last 2 TW were against a 94M and 96M gp. Both we had no chance. Thats like a 25% stronger guild.
    Now after the "fix" we ended up against a 90M gp guild....I dont think this fix really fixed anything. Dont get me wrong, i also wouldnt be happy going against a guild 20M gp smaller cause its just not fair.
    I understand how hard it can be to keep everyone happy, cause its like a balancing act. But man....its so discouraging when going up against a guild 25% larger. Specially 3 times in a row.
    Wish the algoritm did take total GP into account. That way guilds with great activity will be rewarded for being active atleast.

    Friendly regards
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    CG_RyDiggs wrote: »
    • Q: How does this affect upper tier guilds and deeper defensive squad requirements?
      A: Whether or not guilds are in the upper tier of matchmaking has nothing to do with their reward tier.
      There is a range of upper tiers in matchmaking that spans multiple uppper reward tiers that all qualify for the deeper defensive squad requirements.
      You could be in Reward Tier 2 or 3 and be in a TW that uses the deeper defensive squad requirements. It depends largely on your matchmaking calculation which is separate from reward tier.
    • Q: Does this mean our guild won't face higher reward tier guilds?
      A: No. Matchmaking does not consider reward tiers, only your guild's squads for the match making algorithm.
      Example: your guild is reward tier 4 and your matchmaking strength calculation is high, you could face a guild who is at reward tier 5 but low matchmaking strength.
      It's not common (for the vast majority of the game) but it can and likely will happen from time to time.
      Again, this is because Matchmaking strength does not consider Reward Tier at all.

    How is this fair? I understand if there is a difference of maybe +/- 1 reward tiers, but we should be matched to our reward tier as far as possible. From your explanation, there is the full possibility of a 100M guild being matched to a 130M guild, being forced to the deeper defense requirement and being given less zetas even if we win.

    This does not make any sense, and it seems like what i'm facing now. 44/50 members sign up and we need to put down 27 defenses per territory when it used to be 22 or 23 teams required.
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    Last time we matched against a guild with 28m gp more than us now it’s 16.how in the matchmaking guilds from different tier in the ladder or tier category can be matched with a guild in a different tier and also rewarded different rewards not based on the win or lose but tier?each tier has 1gp till 9,999,999gp difference right?it’s like the wealterweigh division in boxing could be matched with a heavyweight division we all know the outcome but if the wealterweight won he would be awarded less??just saying.
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    We counted the gear difference between us (82 Mio GP) and our current opponent (113 Mio GP): Difference is 109 Chars with gear XII, 346 Chars gear XI and 223 Chars gear X. and again, thats just the difference! And CG thinks that „secret matchmaking formula“ is working right?! We will only place a few teams for the reward, beside that we won’t participate. Waste of time. You broke the imo best game mode. Congrats CG
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    Noxfire wrote: »
    We counted the gear difference between us (82 Mio GP) and our current opponent (113 Mio GP): Difference is 109 Chars with gear XII, 346 Chars gear XI and 223 Chars gear X. and again, thats just the difference! And CG thinks that „secret matchmaking formula“ is working right?! We will only place a few teams for the reward, beside that we won’t participate. Waste of time. You broke the imo best game mode. Congrats CG

    To be more accurate:
    We are facing Guild The Ghost Origin
    I did the calculation using the SWGOH.GG site, where our oponent has 45 members registered.

    Guild - The Ghost Origin - Gear XII 333/ Gear XI 848/ Gear X 670
    Guild - Lone Starr Barff and Vespa - Gear XII 224/ Gear XI 502/ Gear X 447
    Difference - Gear XII 109/ Gear XI 346/ Gear X 223

    I was thinking if your Algoritthm is maybe counting people who join the TW, then leave it and rejoin again twice? Otherwise I can't see how you want us to match against such enemy, even if counting only top tier Chars and ignoring the waste...

    thanks for reviewing this
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    We are a 44 mil gp guild, and the opponent we are matched with is completely unbeatable in terms of gear levels and power per squad (about 10k power per squad difference across the board) compared to the best of what we have.
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    EA didn’t fix a thing in matching..they’ve ruined it
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    Whatever you guys did you made it worse. My guild can usually hang with our opponent. We sometimes win, sometimes lose. This past matchup we got BLOWN OUT. Never happened before. And the guild we got matched up with literally had an entire territory of Talzin teams. We have ONE person in our guild with a Talzin team, and we're supposed to go up against one that has nearly 20?

    It was broke, and somehow you made it worse. Thanks.
  • Notnukin
    83 posts Member
    edited March 2018
    This is what the new team requirements is leading too....so much fun. 130 million GP guild. Be proud devs at making this mode worthless.

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    Yeah, my 20M GP guild got blown out again. I think it only works for well balanced, loaded guilds. Very frustrating.
  • TheXBoarder
    152 posts Member
    edited March 2018
    I've heard from some of my guildmates and others in the game that guilds are intentionally lowering the mods on their characters when they sign up, then re-modding the characters back up once they start setup and have been matched. This lets them enter at a lower tier matchup so they get an easy win.

    Does your formula lock in mod enhancements to those characters? Because this seems to be a "loophole" in your calculation.
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    I've heard from some of my guildmates and others in the game that guilds are intentionally lowering the mods on their characters when they sign up, then re-modding the characters back up once they start setup and have been matched. This lets them enter at a lower tier matchup so they get an easy win.

    Does your formula lock in mod enhancements to those characters? Because this seems to be a "loophole" in your calculation.

    This is a falsification. Nobody is remodding like this. Mods are locked at player lock. Nothing you do to your characters after lock affects your character power level. Whoever told you this is making it up.

    Look at all these rumors.
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    This is an FYI for the Powers That Be to note what appears to be a continuing flaw in matchmaking. Note that this is not sour grapes or whining; barring an unlikely comeback, we're going to win this War despite the apparent dichotomy. Having seen their squads, however, I'm confident that strategy is the only reason we didn't get completely steamrolled.
    • Our guild has 101,000,000 GP. We had 41 participating members and an Active GP of 89,995,713.
    • Our opponent Guild is listed (in the in-game SWGoH Guild Search) has having 107,000,000 million GP.
    • We have no way of knowing for sure what their Territory War participating GP is, but I logged 47 unique opponent IDs throughout the War.
    • Based on averages (which I fully understand is not guaranteed accurate) this put 47 members of approx 100,500,000 GP value vs. 41 members of 90,000,000 GP value.
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    Our guild has 90 million of Galactic Power. The guild in front of us has more than 105 million of Galactic Power. I carefully count the number of participants in our guild and their. When their INDIVIDUAL GALACTIC POWER, let's talk about 2 minutes ! It's a **** joke of trouble.
  • vynn
    205 posts Member
    We were still matched up with a guild with 8m higher GP. They were in a higher rewards bracket as well, so 3 zetas for their win while as an underdog against a stronger guild we could have only earned 2 zetas with an unlikely win. Not happy.
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    I also think the whole matchmaking thing needs rework. The only fun with TW is if battles are evenly matched, in the last two battles we faced opponents with 10-20 mil GP more than us, resulting us clearing only 1 of their territory and them wiping us out totally.

    This can be now surprise, 20 mil GP difference is like 400k GP difference on average per player.
    So if you take a player with 3 mil GP and one with 2.6 and you make them face eachother squad for squad, who would you bet on winning (or even worse one at 1.4 mil and the other at 1 mil) ? Maybe the 2.6 mil guy can win 1-2 matches but otherwise will be bombarded back to the stoneage.

    Please make the matchmaking within as equal GP as possible, in that way within equal GP power you reward the players with the "smartest" rosters instead of penalizing them for having good teams by facing whale-rosters.

  • Jeric
    271 posts Member
    This is what comes of launching a game mode days after a beta test where the beta testers found out an exploit where they could access unlimited crystals. Any data from this environment was invalid from the onset, and more to that, it takes a bit longer to analyze the sample and apply the data to predicting the population.

    Also, just checked JSTOR. You realize that there are already templates that would produce a more accurate result available that were developed by academia? I'm assuming everyone on the dev team is well aquainted with Bradley-Terry model? It's still a foundation for most comparison modelling in game development today.

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    Your algorithm is not working. We are constantly matched up against guilds with 20-30 million higher GP than ours. Our guild, Edge of the Void, is at 95 million GP. The last four TW's, we were matched up against guilds ranging from 19 million - 30 million GP advantage. Not only that, the quality of the opposing guilds' squads have been way higher. This is not a new problem. In the 17 TW's we have participated in, our guild has been a GP underdog in 16/17. This simply isn't fair or fun, which is a shame, since if this was implemented correctly and fairly, it'd be my favorite game mode. I understand the idea of matching quality of squads rather than pure GP, but based on 17 runs, that concept is not working correctly. Why is it so hard to combine both ideas: match guilds of similar squad "values," but ensure that guilds fighting against each other are within 5% of active GP (as well as 5% of average GP)? It's a pretty simple fix, in my opinion.
  • Ohtay92
    399 posts Member
    Yeah this didn't work. My guild 76mil gp vs other guild of 89mil gp. Totally blown out of the water.
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    It's all good guys they have given up...the developers have broken every piece of the game...They don't listen unless you have over spent on the game. They said top guilds wanted more teams so the thousands of other guilds must want more teams...WRONG.
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    61m gp vs 85m gp that’s 10 of our highest gp members.
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    If this design was intended to lessen the one sided victories, it has not worked. At least not from what I have seen.

    Of the two TW opponents we have faced this go, one couldn’t pass our first line while we cleared them ha duly and the second was the opposite. Not anywhere close to a competitive fight, just a game where one side or the other is really out of their depth. Might as well just roll a die at the start and give rewards without the 48 hours of prep and wait, it would be a bit less frustrating that way.

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