Forums [Mega] Rollback of Friday’s Bonds of Weakness Change


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    Bixler wrote: »
    Why is it that even when the devs make a sincere post in a manner in which we always want them to, that still 1/3 of the people here still knock them?

    I am with the other 2/3 in commending you on a genuine post and fix. This doesnt happen much and its very refrefreshing. Thank you tophat

    Because 1/3 of us are not going to walk past a dollar to pick up a penny. Just because once in a blue moon they get it right dosnt mean we should forget the dozens of times they didn't. Infinite probability states if you roll the dice enough times soon or latter you'll get snake eyes.
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    This is great but I have no faith in developing any characters right now with end game level gear. You have broken my trust too many times. I hope you have learned to not push changes right before the weekend too. Now let’s talk about compensation for perhaps any guilds that were suddenly unable to complete a raid or a player put up less points cost them in game activity over the weekend or today so far. I was one shard short of unlocking Traya. I don’t appreciate that, at all. Yes, I’m bitter.
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    CG_TopHat wrote: »
    Cstone812 wrote: »
    Thanks. Still really confused on whoever decided to roll this out at the end of the week with no warning or anything.

    I made the call. Per the above, my general rule is to try to swiftly deal with infinite loop teams as fast as possible. Moved too fast this time.

    Congrats you have a leadership trait that is extremely rare these days, admitting you bad a bad decision. This gives me some glimmer of hope for this game.
  • Madpup
    279 posts Member
    edited July 2018
    Bixler wrote: »
    Why is it that even when the devs make a sincere post in a manner in which we always want them to, that still 1/3 of the people here still knock them?

    I am with the other 2/3 in commending you on a genuine post and fix. This doesnt happen much and its very refrefreshing. Thank you tophat

    Because I've seen this same show at least 6 times since the new year. Its a repeating process that never ends, an infinite loop if you will. I was where you were, saying I forgive you guys, thank you for the well written apology, back in like March when their CM went bonkers on the forum. Then I did the same thing when they screwed up STR rewards and somehow made them worse for EVERYONE and they had to revert that update. Then they promised to revisit those raid rewards and that NEVER happened for tiers 1-6. That just a topic they avoid like the plague now even though they said they would revisit it in May.

    So basically I'm tired of being lied to. I view these apologies as a lie because they have shown me to this point they don't really mean whatever they are saying. They have shown they are not going to learn from their mistake and this is very likely to be repeated in the very near future.
  • RJ__Brando
    1500 posts Moderator
    CG_TopHat wrote: »
    Monel wrote: »
    CG_TopHat wrote: »
    MeshmeZ wrote: »
    thank you for admitting you were wrong. hopefully you figure out a way to fix the Traya auto problem without hurting other teams.

    That's the hope. We're already investigating some other leads, but we're just trying to get the rollback taken care of today. I'll let the community know when we've got something more solid in place.

    Now, where is Revan? :)


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    Nice , Tahnk s , my NS was very sad and i very love these girls ❤️❤️❤️
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    Bixler wrote: »
    Why is it that even when the devs make a sincere post in a manner in which we always want them to, that still 1/3 of the people here still knock them?

    I am with the other 2/3 in commending you on a genuine post and fix. This doesnt happen much and its very refrefreshing. Thank you tophat

    Because 1/3 of us are not going to walk past a dollar to pick up a penny. Just because once in a blue moon they get it right dosnt mean we should forget the dozens of times they didn't. Infinite probability states if you roll the dice enough times soon or latter you'll get snake eyes.

    But when they do get it right we should give them credit for it. If all you do is moan and complain even when the devs admit their mistake, they will be less inclined to do so in the future.
  • Spang
    286 posts Member
    CG_TopHat wrote: »
    Cstone812 wrote: »
    Thanks. Still really confused on whoever decided to roll this out at the end of the week with no warning or anything.

    I made the call. Per the above, my general rule is to try to swiftly deal with infinite loop teams as fast as possible. Moved too fast this time.

    Thanks for your clear and responsible explanation, and also for implementing the only reasonable hotfix currently available, that is reverting changes. Even if that latter one hurts the raid mechanics by admitting that Qi'ra is also capable of utilizing this exploit. Though I'm quite sure there is not much more 7* Qi'ra than 7* Traya.

    Awesome communication in overall. Nicely done.
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    CG_TopHat wrote: »
    MeshmeZ wrote: »
    thank you for admitting you were wrong. hopefully you figure out a way to fix the Traya auto problem without hurting other teams.

    That's the hope. We're already investigating some other leads, but we're just trying to get the rollback taken care of today. I'll let the community know when we've got something more solid in place.

    Code is inherently evil. Almost as bad as cut and paste, combined, well.. I shudder to think. One question, will milk be made available to us? No? Bother..

    If we can't laugh in times like these, is it still a game?
  • Iy4oy4s
    2942 posts Member
    BinBetter wrote: »
    Thank you, this is a good decision.

    With August upon us, hopefully we will get the promised updates to raid rewards (non HSTR, all the others).

    First off, admitting a mistake is a good thing, thanks! Can you PLEASE answer this question about the non-HSTR rewards??? Pretty please?!?!?
  • Madpup
    279 posts Member
    Trey 66 wrote: »
    Bixler wrote: »
    Why is it that even when the devs make a sincere post in a manner in which we always want them to, that still 1/3 of the people here still knock them?

    I am with the other 2/3 in commending you on a genuine post and fix. This doesnt happen much and its very refrefreshing. Thank you tophat

    Because 1/3 of us are not going to walk past a dollar to pick up a penny. Just because once in a blue moon they get it right dosnt mean we should forget the dozens of times they didn't. Infinite probability states if you roll the dice enough times soon or latter you'll get snake eyes.

    But when they do get it right we should give them credit for it. If all you do is moan and complain even when the devs admit their mistake, they will be less inclined to do so in the future.

    They will be less likely to screw up in the future if people stopped giving them such a long leash. They have shown that they shouldn't be given trust out right and that what they say should be taken with a grain of salt. Again, good for them for doing the right thing, but I'm not going to pretend like this doesn't happen every month.
  • Xxxx
    3 posts Member
    edited July 2018
    @CG_TopHat Why don’t y’all leave the nightsisters alone. The problem steams from Traya. Even though you need to have her at 7 stars to work. It really doesn’t work with 6 or less. So instead of messing with a whole faction fix her.
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    CG_TopHat wrote: »
    Cstone812 wrote: »
    Thanks. Still really confused on whoever decided to roll this out at the end of the week with no warning or anything.

    I made the call. Per the above, my general rule is to try to swiftly deal with infinite loop teams as fast as possible. Moved too fast this time.

    Thanks for no nonsense hands up approach Top Hat .. keep this up you might become a Topman
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    RJ__Brando wrote: »
    CG_TopHat wrote: »
    Monel wrote: »
    CG_TopHat wrote: »
    MeshmeZ wrote: »
    thank you for admitting you were wrong. hopefully you figure out a way to fix the Traya auto problem without hurting other teams.

    That's the hope. We're already investigating some other leads, but we're just trying to get the rollback taken care of today. I'll let the community know when we've got something more solid in place.

    Now, where is Revan? :)



    How peculiar.
  • Fahrius
    620 posts Member
    what if after, lets say 100 stacks of bonds, the "this damage can't defeat enemies" disappear? - Discord - Fahrius#1194
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    CG_TopHat wrote: »
    RJ__Brando wrote: »
    CG_TopHat wrote: »
    Monel wrote: »
    CG_TopHat wrote: »
    MeshmeZ wrote: »
    thank you for admitting you were wrong. hopefully you figure out a way to fix the Traya auto problem without hurting other teams.

    That's the hope. We're already investigating some other leads, but we're just trying to get the rollback taken care of today. I'll let the community know when we've got something more solid in place.

    Now, where is Revan? :)



    How peculiar.

    Indeed, it's almost like they didn't want us to see that.. tricksy..
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    Well done CG_TopHat, I applaud you for admitting the mistake, being honest about it and fixing it. I am looking forward to the zombie fix as well (G12 Zombie owner).

    Now, Revan is cool and all, but have you heard about Darth Malgus ;-)
  • Options
    CG_TopHat wrote: »
    Cstone812 wrote: »
    Thanks. Still really confused on whoever decided to roll this out at the end of the week with no warning or anything.

    I made the call. Per the above, my general rule is to try to swiftly deal with infinite loop teams as fast as possible. Moved too fast this time.

    Thank you, and major props, for taking responsibility. Helps chip away at that barrier of distrust that built up this weekend.
    #CloneHelmets4Life...VICTORY!!!! :smiley: "I don't like sand. It's coarse and rough and irritating and it gets everywhere." The more you tighten your grip, CG/EA, the more whales will slip through your fingers (and go F2P or quit).
  • Options
    Trey 66 wrote: »
    Bixler wrote: »
    Why is it that even when the devs make a sincere post in a manner in which we always want them to, that still 1/3 of the people here still knock them?

    I am with the other 2/3 in commending you on a genuine post and fix. This doesnt happen much and its very refrefreshing. Thank you tophat

    Because 1/3 of us are not going to walk past a dollar to pick up a penny. Just because once in a blue moon they get it right dosnt mean we should forget the dozens of times they didn't. Infinite probability states if you roll the dice enough times soon or latter you'll get snake eyes.

    But when they do get it right we should give them credit for it. If all you do is moan and complain even when the devs admit their mistake, they will be less inclined to do so in the future.

    If you want to give them a pat on the back for something they should have done all along be my guest. Ill save my praise for when they establish a positive pattern, I just don't want to see it go back to "business as usual" and think they're off the hook because someone gives them kudos. Im very glad @CG_TopHat admitted to his mistake, but I need to see it consistently to offer and sincere praise.

    Im not usually this negative, but I have to call it as I see it.
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    Thank you @CG_TopHat for communicating with us and making multiple comments. Please keep communicating with the community.
  • Ploosh
    565 posts Member
    @CG_TopHat wow, just want to say I’m super impressed by your humility and honestly in this decision. Imo, the infinite loop should definitely go away, but not by nerfing the NSs from their proven effectiveness that works within the mechanics, and really only affects 1/12th of the raid.

    From a guild who has 3 successful heroic runs under their belts, and from a ftp player who has invested heavily in NSs in order to help his guild complete the raid, thank you very, very much.
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    I thought just banning people from using their Traya's in the raid would be an easy fix
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    Well, this is a pleasant surprise. You listened to the community and realized the changes you made weren't the right ones. Thanks for that.
  • Iy4oy4s
    2942 posts Member
    edited July 2018
    Well, since you are here reading these comments,might as well asked about these here:

    1. We need a new way to get toons...Marquees are stale and boring. I have suggested a toon be release into bronzium packs only, daily shards of some toon when you complete all the day's activities (like MSF), a desperately needed new legendary toon. We need something fresh. We have what, 20 some marquees lately?
    2. multi-pull bronziums....or better gear for a more expensive cost...something.
    3. Revamp the challenges...add a tier or feature better gear, or give us the sell back tool ( I really don't care if people sell back the wrong gear on accident, they should be more careful. I accidentally put a zeta on someone, but I'm not complaining about it, it was my fault, I've bought mk4 stun guns thinking they were mk5, but again, my fault.)
    4. Communications.....period
    5. A road ahead that covers more than that last one.
    6. Toons added to the shops. I know you have said that you will never add toons again, but I, and the entire player base implore you to reconsider. It's really annoying having to skip shops knowing there is nothing new in them.
    7. Add an achievement for getting all the stars in Cantina, and LS/DS table.
    8. Damage counter IN the raids, so we can see how much damage we are doing to help us determine if its a good run.
    9. Have ship energy count toward our 600. This would help lower end guilds that are struggling to find people.
    10. Let us Officers see who hasn't joined a TW. It's really annoying having to use the process of elimination.
    11. Remove the little red 1 once guild reset happens in the guild activities section.
    12. Require less Death Trooper like toons in Platoons and more Mob enforcers. The last TB, we have 11 death troopers required and 1 mob enforcer.
    13. Let the game-changers in on some of the decision makings. Maybe their insight, since they interact with the player base, would provide some benefit. Just spitballing here.
    14. Nerf your nerfs!

    Thats all I can think of right now, but Im sure I missed a few. Would be really cool if you answered these...just sayin.
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    I'm sure some will complain, but I for one appreciate the detailed explanation. It's hard when mistakes are made. Sometimes harder to admit them. Thanks for your efforts.
  • Mzee
    1777 posts Member
    edited July 2018
    " but it would be the wrong thing for the game, and we are, like you, first and foremost fans of this game – so I am asking for your faith that, even though we may make the wrong decisions from time to time, if they really are wrong, we will correct it."

    Except for the feedback threads of the rewards, and sith raid mechanics.
  • Anavel_Gato
    371 posts Member
    edited July 2018
    This could be a step in the right direction.

    But the theory crafting players out there strongly disagree with your dev teams' assessment that Asajj is the actual "core" of the blame. It was clearly Darth Traya as the core piece of the infinite loop and until somebody can replicate a Qi'ra loop I cannot accept this explanation. Few at this point believes the dev teams rigorously test the changes being made anymore. I think the community realizes there are 71 billion potential squad combos out there, but this is a situation involving a common team, a common TW toon, and the actual Raid toon herself. It seems very surprising to not have caught this potential sooner, especially after Bonds created the Stormtrooper Han loop. There is too much of a track record of mode-breaking bugs from emergency fixes at this point.

    This could be a step in the right direction.

    But it still disregards numerous well respected theory crafters strongly suggesting the dev team just change how Isolate works in the raid (a la Thrawn and Fracture) or Acolyte's basic attack functions (double hit in 1 attack, instead of 2 attacks to limit TM and heals). Either of those should be enough to break the infinite loop potential and not negatively impact functionality of any other factions including NS, one of the best for the current end-game raid. It is downright upsetting that y'all are still threatening to nerf the most unique faction in the game and it is hard to trust you. Even though you have now apologized for the rash decision to buff Bonds of Weakness mechanic (bug or no bug, it was a bad call), you guys are "doubling down" on nerfing Nightsisters despite trying to construe the opposite notion.

    This could be a step in the right direction.

    But there is yet another contradiction in keeping Nightsister nerfs on the table despite planning to rollback the raid adjustments. Not only are you saying zombie is still going to be changed (ie nerfed), now Asajj is clearly in your sights. Reddit has dredged up and disseminated the development teams own words about the zombie from January when it was clearly accepted as a strategy and there has been really no acknowledgement of what changed since then. Many feel that you are trying force a progression slowdown. This is what the changes would do for most guilds. .

    This could be a step in the right direction.

    If you drop any and all plans on adjusting/nerfing the Nightsisters. If you don't, we are left with an ongoing issue that feels very arbitrary and contradictory to your development teams' own previous decisions. Then there is the notion that this has been 'under consideration for months' yet just comes out now. This all stinks!

    Changing Bonds of Weakness back does nothing to fight these deeper and more important issues to the health of the game and the player base.

    Respectfully signing off.

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    So the question now is clearly we need the loop gone noone qould argue against now it's what do we do instead. Cant do much with traya as other toons could have health steal up, dont wanna alter asaji that would kill a key lore and leader. Honestly seems like acolyte has been center of a few issues now perhaps change how she's interacts with raid bosses and I think a few forum people have great suggestions how .
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