[Mega] An Ancient Journey of Redemption


  • Germi
    553 posts Member
    edited October 2018
    mesa176750 wrote: »
    Germi wrote: »
    This is exactly like a marquee event, the only difference is that you can’t unlock him at less than 7*.
    We can cal it Ancient journey or whatever but in reality Jedi Revan is a marquee toon. Instead of buying his pack after release you buy the 5 toons pack to get him.

    The other différence is that you have to pay before the release of the toon and his kit so we can call it a Blind Marquee lol. However it seems that his price is a little bit lower than previous marquee toons ... well more the same price.

    Funny, I didnt know that other marquee events came back after release. Also I didn't know that other marquee characters never went F2P farmable. This is an Ancient journey and if you want him this first time around you have to drop between 150-400 to get him.

    Marquee events don’t need to come back as they are released F2P after a certain amount of time. Also you can unlock the toon at 3* ... you can try him and wait for some testing and then decide to go for him.
    Price : 200 to 400

    Super Marquee toon won’t be farmable but will become F2P when everybody will have the OR toons at 7*. The difference is that the first time if you pay for the super marquee you are not able to try him or wait for the reviews. Also you don’t know when the event will be back.
    Price : 200 to 400

    Two types of release ... same price ... same marquee concept (you have to pay to have him the first time around).
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    This is not a Marquee.
    Ceterum censeo Patientia esse meliat.
  • Germi
    553 posts Member
    NicWester wrote: »
    This is not a Marquee.

    You are right. This is a SUPER marquee lol.
  • No_Try
    4051 posts Member
    Germi wrote: »
    NicWester wrote: »
    This is not a Marquee.

    You are right. This is a SUPER marquee lol.

    And where did you get that idea?
  • Zaxm
    48 posts Member
    No_Try wrote: »
    Germi wrote: »
    NicWester wrote: »
    This is not a Marquee.

    You are right. This is a SUPER marquee lol.

    And where did you get that idea?

    From the price tag
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  • Gorem
    1190 posts Member
    edited October 2018
    Vendi1983 wrote: »

    One day, I wonder if people ever will do this or learn this....

    Cause I'm quite a troll myself, and getting replies means I win <3

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    this is as designed, and you can expect this once or twice a year. The lights staying on aren't free.
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    ...eh, let me know when we’re getting Starkiller
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    I'm with you.... Lol
  • Jeric
    271 posts Member
    edited October 2018
    this is as designed, and you can expect this once or twice a year. The lights staying on aren't free.

    Agreed. Let’s support their modest needs.


  • Jeric
    271 posts Member
    edited October 2018

    I spend. I prepared. Still may not make it. It isn’t about FTP vs PTW. It’s the level of poor customer service, misinformation, and lying to all the customers paying and otherwise.

    I couldn’t have gotten this far without dropping a little something something into their coffers. At this point extending the date is a bad idea. So is making it longer. Double drops would go a long way to helping those who did financially support the game and are still on the outside looking in, but I doubt they will do even that.

  • Jarvind
    3932 posts Member
    Revan? Revanrevan. REVAN. REEEEEEVAN. reVAnREVaNreeeeeeee
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    I’ve been farming all five of the old republic characters ever since they’ve become available. I’ve been refreshing each of the hard nodes at least once a day for each character, and have been buying three cantina energy refreshes a day. I am still no where near having them all at 7*. Big Z isn’t even 5* yet. Just getting to where i’ve Gotten them has cost tons of crystals. Far more than I get from arena and fleet, so i’ve dropped quite a bit of money on this, and there’s no way i’ll Unlock him. Each event should at least be possible for F2P players if they get lucky with RNG and happen to predict what will be needed. This is ridiculous. And i’m Someone who usually defends CG. I sang your praises over the NS nerf while most of the community was ready to riot. With me being this upset, i’ve got to imagine it gets much worse.
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    Rebmes wrote: »
    I'm returning to the game for Revan xD

    Good luck, captain K. Hope you fare better than I do with this awful farm ;-)
  • Germi
    553 posts Member
    Vendi1983 wrote: »

    So because I have my own idea and think this Revan is a super marquee then I am a troll ?
    Very elegant sir !
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    Today is Oct 15. Revan is suppose to launch in 3 days and still no kit :(
  • Zaxm
    48 posts Member
    marauder wrote: »
    Today is Oct 15. Revan is suppose to launch in 3 days and still no kit :(

    I'm sure they will reveal the kit one day before the event starts. And he will be good but not a traya meta killer. That is the only reason they haven't revealed it yet. Keep the spenders hoping that he will be the next meta to squeeze every last dollar that they can.
  • dad2my3
    1561 posts Member
    I wasn’t expecting a kit reveal over the weekend. Maybe Monday or Tuesday. Maybe Wednesday. They just said it would happen before the start of he event on Thursday.
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    marauder wrote: »
    Today is Oct 15. Revan is suppose to launch in 3 days and still no kit :(

    Maybe today is the day
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    Kit revealed after you've unlocked Revan at 7 stars and bumped up to G12!
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    OldBoy wrote: »
    Kit revealed after you've unlocked Revan at 7 stars and bumped up to G12!

    And if the storyline allows you to play as him in each phase the walkthrough NPC just says, “Eh, I got nothing. You’ll figure it out.”

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    Here is one reason why the Revan launch is OK...
    All five characters are easy-ish farms. I know they take awhile but they are accessible.
    Any new-ish player who has those nodes unlocked (DS 7) can get the Revan requirements, and G9 is also attainable. These new-ish players have an opportunity to leap ahead in relevancy once Revan is attained. They can theoretically stand shoulder to shoulder with the ReyJT, Traya, Chewbaccca, Thrawn squads of 3 year players.
    Revan is ladder that they can use to leap frog a lot of teams, even if they have to wait for the second instance of the event.
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    Pulsipher wrote: »
    Here is one reason why the Revan launch is OK...
    All five characters are easy-ish farms. I know they take awhile but they are accessible.
    Any new-ish player who has those nodes unlocked (DS 7) can get the Revan requirements, and G9 is also attainable. These new-ish players have an opportunity to leap ahead in relevancy once Revan is attained. They can theoretically stand shoulder to shoulder with the ReyJT, Traya, Chewbaccca, Thrawn squads of 3 year players.
    Revan is ladder that they can use to leap frog a lot of teams, even if they have to wait for the second instance of the event.

    No one knows how good of a character Revan is, nor what toons he is good with. So, any leap frogging for new players will only happen if he is amazing with the likes of JC, Lumi, Barriss etc :smile: More seriously though, big big FAIL from EA/CG on not having the kit ready to show when a character is announced. They will make a ton of money of Raven however, so for them it does not matter at all looks like
  • AleSahnDroh_1979
    950 posts Member
    edited October 2018
    This Revan thing begins to seem a sort of social experiment.....
    Revan was announced (we all know how and the requirements...) and immediately the players populations was split in 2 subgroups:
    - subgroup A: "it's impossibile for me, I decide to ignore Revan or farm the 5 old republic characters with my time, no panic, I will reach the goal another time.."
    - subgroup B: "I decide to compulsively spend an insane amount of money because I must have Revan, I must have success in arena, have 100% of the characters, etc...".
    The thing that makes me think is:
    Yes, ok, we are sure that Revan will have a god kit, will destroy the meta, the raids, TW.... yes, but....
    How can we ignore that, to date, all this people is spending hundreds/thousands of euro/dollars on blind!?
    No kit revealed to date, but the process is just in action.
    Buying a mistery box... on blind, gambling that it will be the greatest, and paying veeeeery much....
    The power of suggestion, like for advertising, electoral promises...
    Mankind is strange...
    Post edited by AleSahnDroh_1979 on
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    @CG_SBCrumb when do you Show Revans kit???
  • Ultra
    11614 posts Moderator
    @CG_SBCrumb when do you Show Revans kit???
    Revan has no kit. He's just a collectible trophy wife.

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    Pulsipher wrote: »
    Here is one reason why the Revan launch is OK...
    All five characters are easy-ish farms. I know they take awhile but they are accessible.
    Any new-ish player who has those nodes unlocked (DS 7) can get the Revan requirements, and G9 is also attainable. These new-ish players have an opportunity to leap ahead in relevancy once Revan is attained. They can theoretically stand shoulder to shoulder with the ReyJT, Traya, Chewbaccca, Thrawn squads of 3 year players.
    Revan is ladder that they can use to leap frog a lot of teams, even if they have to wait for the second instance of the event.

    Yes but what about the people who have been playing since the start a lot of them are raging. I never paid paid for this game got cls 1st time got rey the 3rd time cause she returned very fast after the 1st time. I don't mind waiting cause I messed up. For revan I farmed the OR but am now where near getting them all to 7. I just feel bad for the people who got the marquee pack and the new packs cause even if I got one of both not a hope.
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    Are there plans on releasing information on Revan and his event today?
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    Grimstoned wrote: »
    Are there plans on releasing information on Revan and his event today?

    Need to give it some time. They are on West Coast time.
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