Revan and the falcon have destroyed diversity


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    I see threads like this and always wonder when the OP has been for the last 3 years.

    Im wondering where youve been. Every past meta youll generally see different leads and comps once you get outside the top 15-20. Ive never seen this many people running the same squad in the top 100 at any point in the game
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    Zinke7 wrote: »
    There was quite a large diversity after first coming of Revan. There is no diversity now due how easily he is obtainable. So it comes down that some of you are complaining that game is not enough P2W and if that is the case than L2P.

    Easily obtainable?

    5 characters required to unlock him and none of them from any stores.

    Yeah. Super easy.

    Yes he is, I got him on the second time he showed up. If you can't get legendary characters on second run.. You probably need a better plan at managing your priorities.
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    Why does Revan get the hate? He was made this way to kill Traya. If anything, Traya has too much in her kit that a character like Revan was inevitable in order to defeat her and her leadership. Now how do we kill Revan? Even more kit and synergy (looking at the walls of texts in the combination of CLS, Chewbacca, and C3PO) then we need even more walls of texts and then and then and then. Eventually we’ll get to abilities that deny leadership skills and uniques. I’m willing to bet someone this year will 1HKO a character on their first turn. I’m surprised droideka doesn’t taunt and apply speed down on itself while immune to damage. It’s going to get so much worse from this point on.
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    DocDoom wrote: »
    I was just thinking this morning, how nice it was of CG to go in completely the opposite direction of diversity. Used to be I would make a point of using all five attempts in each arena to get the highest rank I possibly could. Now all I have to do is recover whatever ground I lost overnight until I get to the point where there is a wall of unbeatable Revan or Falcon teams, and I'm done for the day.

    Diminishes the amount of time I spend on this game, and frees me up to do other things instead. Way to go CG! Slowly but surely you will wean people off of your own product.

    This is true.
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    My shard has a pretty good diversity with Revan teams, Emp teams , CLS , and NS , of course there is a lot of revans cause its the shinny new toy , but currently on my shard the top two teams are NS and EMP go figure and thats with full up gear 12 revan teams below them.
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    Grievous would be a good counter if he had capital ship
  • Devian
    674 posts Member
    edited February 2019
    It's not like they destroyed diversity. It's just that there are no other teams to compete with them on offense or defense. Other then Revans, every team is lacking in smth.
    And all those teams are strictly factions...
    I wish Rex would get zeta and hp increase, we'd see more interesting teams
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    Dk_rek wrote: »
    qkjerome wrote: »
    Revan is ridiculous, 48 / 50 of my shard run it, I agree with you this kind of character design is killing the game. The falcon on the other end can be beaten with other comps (except kraken ones) and my shard’s top 20 is very varied with no identical comp

    But 1 common. Denominator in all the home 1 teams. There is a OT Falcon. And without one of your own. Youre sniping at a 1 in 20 chance rng win.

    No common D is HT falcon is wortless without HT

    Or 3 percent running bistan falcon not problem HT is

    If I'm reading your post correctly, has been farmable for so long there is not a single competitor who doesn't have it
    2.falcon-ht squads are super easy to beat without ht and using bistan instead, I always go for ht squads and most of the time auto it after the initial moves.
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    Virtually all of the top 50 in ranked are now the same carbon copy revan teams.

    Same with ships, you either have the falcon or you don’t, there’s no in between.

    Can we have some balacing patches or new hard counter teams so we can get back towards a rock / paper / scissor mentally.

    I farmed hard for Revan and have him fully geared but the mirror matches are already stale.

    I’ll have the falcon next time but right now there’s no point even trying to beat a falcon squad. I’m dead before I’ve called my second reinforcement.

    Bring balance to the force... I mean game.

    Before that it was all Traya, excluding the brief window where we had 3PO, which was nice.
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    xGriiMErZ wrote: »
    Geos can destroy falcon, revan, revan can go do one, everyone should make a pact and just run treya

    I still run Traya.
    I loathe Revan and refuse to run him, I'm down to 80ish in arena but don't care.
    I'd rather run a team I have fun with than be bored shitless with a mirror match.
    Was really hoping Grevious would be a match for Revan but CG bottled it from all the Revan backlash of "I farmed hard for him, sunk get a and zeta in to him, he's legendary"
    He's not even a Lucasarts creation.
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    Kmyre wrote: »
    While I agree that arenas are quite stale, I cannot accept arguments as valid that state they were able to get #1 in fleet before falcon consistently. If you were and you didn’t unlock falcon, it imply means that you managed your resources (400 crystals per day buys you a lot of things) incorrectly. An extended period of success in fleet arena should have more than set you up to unlock or even 7* the new millennium falcon.

    The Revan meta is extremely boring, I concur.

    I’m not saying that the falcon is unfarmable I’m pretty close to ready. And I was never #1

    But, without the falcon I feel I’m completely unable to compete with any team that has it.

    I have Anakin and TFP to try and inflict buff immunity to clear HT quickly but it never works.

    The falcon chews through my defense almost immediately.


    How’s your ITF and Poe?

    My tie fighter is good but hound always seems to shrug off the buff immunity.

    Poe I haven’t geared or finished his ship so not too good. I hear he’s a decent replacement so might throw him in.

    Assuming my itf crits I can kill millenium falcon 4 seconds into the fight

    Edited to avoid confusion. - EA_Cian

    For those complaining about the falcon, this. If you can’t do this, then the problem isn’t the falcon, it’s that you haven’t diversified your OWN roster. It’s not rational to complain about the falcon crushing diversity of you don’t want to invest in any of the viable alternatives which have been tried and tested by many others and can be easily found on the forums.
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    Kmyre wrote: »
    While I agree that arenas are quite stale, I cannot accept arguments as valid that state they were able to get #1 in fleet before falcon consistently. If you were and you didn’t unlock falcon, it imply means that you managed your resources (400 crystals per day buys you a lot of things) incorrectly. An extended period of success in fleet arena should have more than set you up to unlock or even 7* the new millennium falcon.

    The Revan meta is extremely boring, I concur.

    I’m not saying that the falcon is unfarmable I’m pretty close to ready. And I was never #1

    But, without the falcon I feel I’m completely unable to compete with any team that has it.

    I have Anakin and TFP to try and inflict buff immunity to clear HT quickly but it never works.

    The falcon chews through my defense almost immediately.


    How’s your ITF and Poe?

    My tie fighter is good but hound always seems to shrug off the buff immunity.

    Poe I haven’t geared or finished his ship so not too good. I hear he’s a decent replacement so might throw him in.

    Assuming my itf crits I can kill millenium falcon 4 seconds into the fight

    Edited to avoid confusion. - EA_Cian

    For those complaining about the falcon, this. If you can’t do this, then the problem isn’t the falcon, it’s that you haven’t diversified your OWN roster. It’s not rational to complain about the falcon crushing diversity of you don’t want to invest in any of the viable alternatives which have been tried and tested by many others and can be easily found on the forums.

    But I have the tie fighter. The pilot is only g10 but he doesn’t make a dent currently.

    What am I doing wrong?
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    Revan has destroyed many shard chats there’s that positive
  • No_Try
    4051 posts Member
    ALS2021 wrote: »
    Revan has destroyed many shard chats there’s that positive

    How so? Not a mere thing happened in me, not upon the first release or the second. Throughout this period it was more or less us occupating the top 20.
  • DeWannaWonga
    122 posts Member
    edited February 2019
    Kmyre wrote: »
    While I agree that arenas are quite stale, I cannot accept arguments as valid that state they were able to get #1 in fleet before falcon consistently. If you were and you didn’t unlock falcon, it imply means that you managed your resources (400 crystals per day buys you a lot of things) incorrectly. An extended period of success in fleet arena should have more than set you up to unlock or even 7* the new millennium falcon.

    The Revan meta is extremely boring, I concur.

    I’m not saying that the falcon is unfarmable I’m pretty close to ready. And I was never #1

    But, without the falcon I feel I’m completely unable to compete with any team that has it.

    I have Anakin and TFP to try and inflict buff immunity to clear HT quickly but it never works.

    The falcon chews through my defense almost immediately.


    How’s your ITF and Poe?

    My tie fighter is good but hound always seems to shrug off the buff immunity.

    Poe I haven’t geared or finished his ship so not too good. I hear he’s a decent replacement so might throw him in.

    Assuming my itf crits I can kill millenium falcon 4 seconds into the fight

    Edited to avoid confusion. - EA_Cian

    For those complaining about the falcon, this. If you can’t do this, then the problem isn’t the falcon, it’s that you haven’t diversified your OWN roster. It’s not rational to complain about the falcon crushing diversity of you don’t want to invest in any of the viable alternatives which have been tried and tested by many others and can be easily found on the forums.

    But I have the tie fighter. The pilot is only g10 but he doesn’t make a dent currently.

    What am I doing wrong?

    You need to know your opponents. If they bring sun fac as reinforcement then you need to use itf, poe and ht starting lineup. You can’t beat a good falcon squad that has g12 pilots with a g10 pilot. If they don’t use sun fac you can run HT, silencer and gauntlet.

    With poe and itf you need itf to go first. He crits and clears protection from han, next up is poe for the kill shot. Take 4 seconds. Han is dead second turn. (Problem is itf should crit over 54% and it’s more like 25 for me anyways). On this lineup my usually bench is phantom 2, Anakin, XB and Vader. Depends on how the fight goes but usually phantom comes in first.

    The second lineup where you know they don’t run sun fac as first reinforcement for sure is silencer, gauntlet and ht. You stun Biggs first move with silencer. They’ll breach you. Eventually you’ll cleanse the breach with gauntlet and bring in cassian for the double shot with silencer to kill falcon.

    I’m guessing you aren’t doing anything wrong, per se, just don’t have the pilots and ships/abilities maxed specific to these lineups

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    One answer to both these problems. Thrawn. :p
  • ShaggyB
    2390 posts Member
    edited February 2019
    One answer to both these problems. Thrawn. :p

    Thrawn, bossk and really good powered starting line can beat falcon.

    Two guys in my shard can beat my falcon and i can beat them right back... but point is its doable
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    Anyone checked meta report today? Revan sits higher than any other meta that came before him.

    Could have sworn the devs said something about more diversity in the past.

    Money>Diversity it looks like.
  • Dhuriya24
    77 posts Member
    edited February 2019
    Anyone checked meta report today? Revan sits higher than any other meta that came before him.

    Could have sworn the devs said something about more diversity in the past.

    Money>Diversity it looks like.

    Psst...Revan has also managed to gain even more of the meta pie in the past few days despite a new reworked faction. And yes, No other meta was like this. The only other meta that I found that someone recorded was the CLS meta who was dominating 62% of Rank #1 leaders but it was still a creative meta.

    During the same time only 39% of the rank 1-100 leaders had CLS as lead and regardless of CLS being a popular character at that time, people were just throwing CLS in with Empire/Sith, Jedi, many combinations of rebels, and the most popular CLS/Thrawn/GK/Han/R2 comp, so you were not facing the same team over and over again.

    And now were here with Revan and his newly gained 87% of ranks 1-10 and ONE TEAM composition representing 69% of the meta. If your in the top 50 your most literally attacking the same team 150 times a month if you use up all of your attempts every day.
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    Falcon and revan ruined everything on a level higher than any other meta before them, booooo
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    Falcon destroyed the meta more than Revan imo. Revan can still be reliably countered with JTR/CLS (both with C3PO) or Traya. Falcon can't be reliably countered AT ALL. Yes, you can use ITF and Poe to kill off the Falcon before the enemy, but it's just a stupid cointoss. Even with maxed pilots: if your ships don't crit and fail to kill the Falcon before the opponent gets a turn, it's game over, unless the enemy's pilots are all gear 8/9. Same with the Geo counter to Falcon. You can only win if rng is 100% in your favor, which is almost never.
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    On my shard which is September '16 places 1-48 Revan 49 Traya and 50 CLS now that's what I call diversity!
  • Dk_rek
    3299 posts Member
    edited February 2019
    Nothing destroyed diversity in ships other than having anything to use any of them on... 2 years its a joke NOTHInG

    TB is amazing 3,4,5,6 (sarcasm)can be beat with one ship...... GA you have meta or dont, TW no one cares..... you have a bi monthly smugglers run thats it..... whats the point of farming or spending THERE IS NOTHInG TO do with em
  • Dk_rek
    3299 posts Member
    ScotBott wrote: »
    Falcon and revan ruined everything on a level higher than any other meta before them, booooo

    Except darth revan and the god sith ship thats coming will just be 50/50 at this point the heck with arena we need ship content at least we can use other toon teams somewhere ships is a joke right now
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    I dont have falcon... usually end top 10, currently 2 on my shard. Thrawn, Vader, anakin, HT. Reinforce with 5s hope to make it to biggs and thrawn special.
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    Oh and Revan sucks. I run NS and hope to stay in top 200.
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    It’s one of the most lopsided metas ever. On top of that, it can take some time getting through the wall of buffs, taunts and revives. I’d love to see some more diversity and was hoping GG would balance it out a bit. But clearly that’s not the case
  • Dk_rek
    3299 posts Member
    REvan yes, falcon no. a nicely timed geno spy will annihilate Falcon is one hit

    50/50 on where taunt goes not my thing still good strat till they fix it
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