Revan and the falcon have destroyed diversity


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    Like Palpatine, CLS, Rey and Traya before him. They are called cycles and they're their current policy
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    No diversities?

    Drop. Your. Ranks.

    Once the most effective theory crafted everyone use it, so every teams looks the same, that's called meta.
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    Phoenixeon wrote: »
    No diversities?

    Drop. Your. Ranks.

    Once the most effective theory crafted everyone use it, so every teams looks the same, that's called meta.

    Yes but meta, normally doesn’t consist of one team composition that beats everything. Furthermore, the meta has never consisted of 80% of players having the exact same team.

    That’s call an unhealthy meta.
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    I agree that the game needs more diversity in both arenas. In addition KOTOR is way to dominant. This game needs more diversity not just in multiple factions being able to beat each other but also in drawing meta or near meta teams from different aspects of the Star Wars universe. KOTOR has been the dominant meta for nearly a third of the games existence. Great for KOTOR fans, but for those of us who are fans of the movies its not so great.
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    I agree that the game needs more diversity in both arenas. In addition KOTOR is way to dominant. This game needs more diversity not just in multiple factions being able to beat each other but also in drawing meta or near meta teams from different aspects of the Star Wars universe. KOTOR has been the dominant meta for nearly a third of the games existence. Great for KOTOR fans, but for those of us who are fans of the movies its not so great.

    Agreed, this game has always had a problem balacing the power of characters with their respective position in Star Wars cannon.

    The Jedi Council is a classic example. These were supposed to be some of the most powerful characters in the Star Wars universe and in this game they’re useless. Eg Mace Windu.

    Mostly this is caused by power creep. The Galatic Republic Jedi are older characters and over time became less and less useful. In some cases they just have this painfully wrong.

    The failed Grevious rework is a prime example. A niche faction (KOTOR) being far more powerful than something that is part of the core franchise (especially when newly reworked) is frustrating.

    I love KOTOR but there needs to be some consideration to the main star wars universe.
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    Phoenixeon wrote: »
    No diversities?

    Drop. Your. Ranks.

    Once the most effective theory crafted everyone use it, so every teams looks the same, that's called meta.

    Yes but meta, normally doesn’t consist of one team composition that beats everything. Furthermore, the meta has never consisted of 80% of players having the exact same team.

    That’s call an unhealthy meta.

    In this game it does most of the time. And not 80% of the players have Revan (far from it). The only difference is, as Liath said earlier, in every meta there are people with the meta team and people without. The people without are not using the meta because they can’t, not because « rock paper scissors ». The meta wasn’t more diverse before Revan. It was Traya Traya Traya. Then below Traya, people without Traya.
    Now it’s exactly the same. Revan, then below Revan the people without Revan. The only difference is the number of people with Revan now compared to Traya before.
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    I agree that the game needs more diversity in both arenas. In addition KOTOR is way to dominant. This game needs more diversity not just in multiple factions being able to beat each other but also in drawing meta or near meta teams from different aspects of the Star Wars universe. KOTOR has been the dominant meta for nearly a third of the games existence. Great for KOTOR fans, but for those of us who are fans of the movies its not so great.

    Agreed, this game has always had a problem balacing the power of characters with their respective position in Star Wars cannon.

    The Jedi Council is a classic example. These were supposed to be some of the most powerful characters in the Star Wars universe and in this game they’re useless. Eg Mace Windu.

    Mostly this is caused by power creep. The Galatic Republic Jedi are older characters and over time became less and less useful. In some cases they just have this painfully wrong.

    The failed Grevious rework is a prime example. A niche faction (KOTOR) being far more powerful than something that is part of the core franchise (especially when newly reworked) is frustrating.

    I love KOTOR but there needs to be some consideration to the main star wars universe.

    You gotta get your story straight. Are you looking for lore power consistency or are you looking for a disney canon popularity metric? Though it's also evident lorewise powerful characters are a priority on reworks. For examples cup/ugnaught/jawas and other no name characters will never be made as useful as the named ones but more will be used in a complementary light (if they ever get a rework at all).

    I look for neither, can't care less about how an imaginary gaming table in SW universe is consistent with the lore of that whole universe. I just want many exciting teams with interesting synergies to play with and diverse paper/rock/scissor relations.
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    It keeps reminding me of an old Simpsons episode where Bart and Lisa are going to play rock-paper-scissors to decide something.

    You hear Lisa thinking, poor old Bart, he always goes with rock, he's so easy to beat. And then you hear Bart thinking, good old rock, nothing beats that. And of course they play, she uses paper, he loses.

    Except here, it's bizarro world. Nothing does beat Rock (the current meta, whatever it is). Unless you want to count mirror matches and coin tosses.
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    ZoeyMara wrote: »
    My shard has a pretty good diversity with Revan teams, Emp teams , CLS , and NS , of course there is a lot of revans cause its the shinny new toy , but currently on my shard the top two teams are NS and EMP go figure and thats with full up gear 12 revan teams below them.

    I don’t believe you. Would love to see a screen grab of this.
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    Kmyre wrote: »
    While I agree that arenas are quite stale, I cannot accept arguments as valid that state they were able to get #1 in fleet before falcon consistently. If you were and you didn’t unlock falcon, it imply means that you managed your resources (400 crystals per day buys you a lot of things) incorrectly. An extended period of success in fleet arena should have more than set you up to unlock or even 7* the new millennium falcon.

    The Revan meta is extremely boring, I concur.

    I’m not saying that the falcon is unfarmable I’m pretty close to ready. And I was never #1

    But, without the falcon I feel I’m completely unable to compete with any team that has it.

    I have Anakin and TFP to try and inflict buff immunity to clear HT quickly but it never works.

    The falcon chews through my defense almost immediately.


    How’s your ITF and Poe?

    My tie fighter is good but hound always seems to shrug off the buff immunity.

    Poe I haven’t geared or finished his ship so not too good. I hear he’s a decent replacement so might throw him in.

    Assuming my itf crits I can kill millenium falcon 4 seconds into the fight

    Edited to avoid confusion. - EA_Cian

    For those complaining about the falcon, this. If you can’t do this, then the problem isn’t the falcon, it’s that you haven’t diversified your OWN roster. It’s not rational to complain about the falcon crushing diversity of you don’t want to invest in any of the viable alternatives which have been tried and tested by many others and can be easily found on the forums.

    But I have the tie fighter. The pilot is only g10 but he doesn’t make a dent currently.

    What am I doing wrong?

    You need to know your opponents. If they bring sun fac as reinforcement then you need to use itf, poe and ht starting lineup. You can’t beat a good falcon squad that has g12 pilots with a g10 pilot. If they don’t use sun fac you can run HT, silencer and gauntlet.

    With poe and itf you need itf to go first. He crits and clears protection from han, next up is poe for the kill shot. Take 4 seconds. Han is dead second turn. (Problem is itf should crit over 54% and it’s more like 25 for me anyways). On this lineup my usually bench is phantom 2, Anakin, XB and Vader. Depends on how the fight goes but usually phantom comes in first.

    The second lineup where you know they don’t run sun fac as first reinforcement for sure is silencer, gauntlet and ht. You stun Biggs first move with silencer. They’ll breach you. Eventually you’ll cleanse the breach with gauntlet and bring in cassian for the double shot with silencer to kill falcon.

    I’m guessing you aren’t doing anything wrong, per se, just don’t have the pilots and ships/abilities maxed specific to these lineups

    I’m sorry, but relying on a 50-50 coin toss at the start of the fight is not a strategy...

    Revan and Falcon are too OP. Simple as that.
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    Just imagine what it’s gonna take to dethrone Revan with the next meta? Can anyone imagine the 20 paragraphs of abilities buffs/debuffs we gonna have to read to get a full understanding of how the team will work? I miss the days when the game was simple.
    The toons being released today need a manual to fully understand.

    If I’m not was Chase that started the power creep. From that point on this game moved from checkers to chess....which can be fun, but at this point the game is getting ridiculous. It’s been past the point of no return. Every meta from here on out is gonna be stronger and more complicated.
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    JohnAran wrote: »
    Phoenixeon wrote: »
    No diversities?

    Drop. Your. Ranks.

    Once the most effective theory crafted everyone use it, so every teams looks the same, that's called meta.

    Yes but meta, normally doesn’t consist of one team composition that beats everything. Furthermore, the meta has never consisted of 80% of players having the exact same team.

    That’s call an unhealthy meta.

    In this game it does most of the time. And not 80% of the players have Revan (far from it). The only difference is, as Liath said earlier, in every meta there are people with the meta team and people without. The people without are not using the meta because they can’t, not because « rock paper scissors ». The meta wasn’t more diverse before Revan. It was Traya Traya Traya. Then below Traya, people without Traya.
    Now it’s exactly the same. Revan, then below Revan the people without Revan. The only difference is the number of people with Revan now compared to Traya before.

    Even when Traya was the meta, it was not the case that 80% of players in the top 100 had the EXACT same team.
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    Just imagine what it’s gonna take to dethrone Revan with the next meta? Can anyone imagine the 20 paragraphs of abilities buffs/debuffs we gonna have to read to get a full understanding of how the team will work? I miss the days when the game was simple.
    The toons being released today need a manual to fully understand.

    It wouldn't be the height of finesse, but all they'd have to do would be to make Darth Revan, Malak, whoever have a leader ability that nullifies Jedi-opponent specials.

    That would take down the Revan teams lickety-split, but as long as they didn't make Revan/Malak the next overly-complex, unbeatable must-have whalebait, it would also reestablish some diversity, because one or more non-Jedi teams would probably be able to take down Darth, and those non-Jedi would be beatable by Jedi Revan, etc.

    Rock/paper/scissors thus reestablished.
  • Phoenixeon
    1843 posts Member
    edited February 2019
    JohnAran wrote: »
    Phoenixeon wrote: »
    No diversities?

    Drop. Your. Ranks.

    Once the most effective theory crafted everyone use it, so every teams looks the same, that's called meta.

    Yes but meta, normally doesn’t consist of one team composition that beats everything. Furthermore, the meta has never consisted of 80% of players having the exact same team.

    That’s call an unhealthy meta.
    In this game it does most of the time. And not 80% of the players have Revan (far from it). The only difference is, as Liath said earlier, in every meta there are people with the meta team and people without. The people without are not using the meta because they can’t, not because « rock paper scissors ». The meta wasn’t more diverse before Revan. It was Traya Traya Traya. Then below Traya, people without Traya.
    Now it’s exactly the same. Revan, then below Revan the people without Revan. The only difference is the number of people with Revan now compared to Traya before.
    Even when Traya was the meta, it was not the case that 80% of players in the top 100 had the EXACT same team.

    Sith trio with soldier and palp is no difference than sith trio with soldier and thrawn. They are sith trios at the end.

    So how about revan team? Because other jedi sucks, ppl dont have many chars to choose from.
  • Nauros
    5429 posts Member
    DocDoom wrote: »
    Just imagine what it’s gonna take to dethrone Revan with the next meta? Can anyone imagine the 20 paragraphs of abilities buffs/debuffs we gonna have to read to get a full understanding of how the team will work? I miss the days when the game was simple.
    The toons being released today need a manual to fully understand.

    It wouldn't be the height of finesse, but all they'd have to do would be to make Darth Revan, Malak, whoever have a leader ability that nullifies Jedi-opponent specials.

    That would take down the Revan teams lickety-split, but as long as they didn't make Revan/Malak the next overly-complex, unbeatable must-have whalebait, it would also reestablish some diversity, because one or more non-Jedi teams would probably be able to take down Darth, and those non-Jedi would be beatable by Jedi Revan, etc.

    Rock/paper/scissors thus reestablished.

    Or just heavily punish healing. Just off the top of my head, reduce enemy max health whenever they get healed or reduce enemy to 1hp when first healed to 100% as a "mirror" to Savior, and I'm sure there are a lot more ways to punish heals. That would be great against Revan while being less potent against other teams.
  • Gawejn
    1131 posts Member
    I use Geos in Fleet, so there is no Way to beat Falcon. Top 20 is closed for me. In sauad Arena I have NS team, used to be top 20,than 50 now beetwen 50-100. So many Revan, Yes I can beat most of them but I am first to target. So drop is all the Time. I have very good mods like 20+ on all of them, so I can climb again but it is boring. All the Time the same team
  • Dk_rek
    3299 posts Member
    JohnAran wrote: »
    Phoenixeon wrote: »
    No diversities?

    Drop. Your. Ranks.

    Once the most effective theory crafted everyone use it, so every teams looks the same, that's called meta.

    Yes but meta, normally doesn’t consist of one team composition that beats everything. Furthermore, the meta has never consisted of 80% of players having the exact same team.

    That’s call an unhealthy meta.

    In this game it does most of the time. And not 80% of the players have Revan (far from it). The only difference is, as Liath said earlier, in every meta there are people with the meta team and people without. The people without are not using the meta because they can’t, not because « rock paper scissors ». The meta wasn’t more diverse before Revan. It was Traya Traya Traya. Then below Traya, people without Traya.
    Now it’s exactly the same. Revan, then below Revan the people without Revan. The only difference is the number of people with Revan now compared to Traya before.

    Even when Traya was the meta, it was not the case that 80% of players in the top 100 had the EXACT same team.

    Except for ppl using chewie, ezra, hoda or whoever else on their revan team just like some used vader, SIT, thrawn or whoever else so the exact dont float... its the same at traya was
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    I see threads like this and always wonder when the OP has been for the last 3 years.

    Im wondering where youve been. Every past meta youll generally see different leads and comps once you get outside the top 15-20. Ive never seen this many people running the same squad in the top 100 at any point in the game

    You answered your own question. I bolded it for you. I have never been outside of that range. And on my specific shard, the main meta squad has made up almost all of the top 50 multiple times during this game.
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    Whilst I agree in general terms with the OP; I would like to say that the Falcon, unlike Revan, can be beaten with other teams. You need some pretty specific tools to do it reliably but it can be done. I'm still making it to first everyday in my fleet shard with Tarkin, TIE Scilencer, HT and Ghost as my starting line up. I just subbed out one of my reinforcements for another ship and it works again ;) I will also say, however, it's not fun to fight against the most ridiculously broken ship ever released.
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    poodletron wrote: »
    Whilst I agree in general terms with the OP; I would like to say that the Falcon, unlike Revan, can be beaten with other teams. You need some pretty specific tools to do it reliably but it can be done. I'm still making it to first everyday in my fleet shard with Tarkin, TIE Scilencer, HT and Ghost as my starting line up. I just subbed out one of my reinforcements for another ship and it works again ;) I will also say, however, it's not fun to fight against the most ridiculously broken ship ever released.

    Except you know, Revan can be beaten by other teams. It's just none of those teams are going to hold on defense as good as a Revan.
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    In my opinion this is the worse thing you can do to a game. They designed a character only to beat every other character out there. Revan has no own face, he has no own playstyle and he has no own soul. His whole kit is only a counter-here counter-there counter-everything dreadfulness. I hope, they will never do this again.

    Please learn from your mistakes and give us balanced characters. It hurts, that a single character makes a whole roster worthless, if you were not able to unlock this character by yourself.

    Make mods matter again and don´t allow every **** climbing high ranks by unlocking only one stupid character.

    Thank you.
  • Nauros
    5429 posts Member
    In my opinion this is the worse thing you can do to a game. They designed a character only to beat every other character out there. Revan has no own face, he has no own playstyle and he has no own soul. His whole kit is only a counter-here counter-there counter-everything dreadfulness. I hope, they will never do this again.

    Please learn from your mistakes and give us balanced characters. It hurts, that a single character makes a whole roster worthless, if you were not able to unlock this character by yourself.

    Make mods matter again and don´t allow every **** climbing high ranks by unlocking only one stupid character.

    Thank you.

    While I agree about Revan being horrible for arena, mods now actually matter more than ever. When everyone and their cat runs the same team, everything is determined by mods.
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    I see threads like this and always wonder when the OP has been for the last 3 years.

    Im wondering where youve been. Every past meta youll generally see different leads and comps once you get outside the top 15-20. Ive never seen this many people running the same squad in the top 100 at any point in the game

    You answered your own question. I bolded it for you. I have never been outside of that range. And on my specific shard, the main meta squad has made up almost all of the top 50 multiple times during this game.

    Im so glad to know youve never left the top 15. You must be so proud

    Anyways, previous meta teams could always be beat by other comps, some of which could be different. People just never run them in the top 15-20 because being different gets you targeted. Revan is too OP to allow that diversity
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    This game is a **** cash grab. EA is never going to stop **** over the players. There will never be balance. Why? Because they make tons of cash off you **** that have to have the new "meta" as soon as it comes out! Stop giving these **** your money and maybe EA will stop their ****!
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    There's counters to both Revan and Falcon! I change my squads up all the time and my win rate is close to the same. I can beat Falcon easily by using Cassian reinforcement then a DPS attack and falcons gone and the rebels crumble easily. Revan can be beaten by Traya with Badstilla as well as Strong CLS/C3 squad. When CLS came around the 2nd time 50/50 in arena every day, JTR came second time 50/50 in arena. The patterns been set for a long time now and won't change. DS Revan will come out soon and 2nd time around arena will be 50/50 of DS Revan. And ships well it's the same all the time due to a lack of ships especially Capital ships so until they actually care about releasing ships at a regular pace fleet will always be boring! Nothing has changed but yet these threads keep coming by the hundreds whining about the way the game has always been especially ever since mods were released. In a few weeks a new meta will be released since majority has Revan now and a little diversity will be back for a cpl months then back to a singular meta for a cpl months when he comes around a 2nd time and so on and so on.
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    Just imagine what it’s gonna take to dethrone Revan with the next meta? Can anyone imagine the 20 paragraphs of abilities buffs/debuffs we gonna have to read to get a full understanding of how the team will work? I miss the days when the game was simple.
    The toons being released today need a manual to fully understand.

    If I’m not was Chase that started the power creep. From that point on this game moved from checkers to chess....which can be fun, but at this point the game is getting ridiculous. It’s been past the point of no return. Every meta from here on out is gonna be stronger and more complicated.

    Not really, If Grevious had a leadership that was only the enemy couldn't attack out of turn or even more simple of just no assists it would easily stomp Revan and get crushed by Traya who gets crushed by Revan. Rock Paper Scissors is possible even with ridiculous power creep.

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