Reconciliation Plan!?


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    Just wanted to chime in on the rampant ignorance regarding banking errors.
    Just do a simple search:
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    yeaforme wrote: »
    Just wanted to chime in on the rampant ignorance regarding banking errors.
    Just do a simple search:

    Like we’re going to listen to the Lamestream Media. If Kyno or TVF don’t say it then it ain’t real news.
  • JerrickKharr87
    934 posts Member
    edited October 2019
    TVF wrote: »
    PedroGMT wrote: »
    God... I see so many people crying... I've been playing this game for the last 6 months... And honest to God... I'm having a blast.
    The game is well thought, engaging and entising.
    I've never played a game like this and with a beautiful art work.
    Can't you folks just enjoy the game? Bugs will happen always... That's life... It is always hard to make up to mistakes.
    So please folks cut the makers a slack... And start enjoying the game.
    Crying doesn't help... It only makes the gaming community ****.
    Remember... At the end of the day... This is just a game... For you to enjoy and spend time... and that the game is kindly supported by players that spend a lot of money... So that it can be free for the rest of us... Without pesty ads.
    Play on!

    You’ll understand one day young grasshopper. 6 months is not enough time in the game.

    2.5 years is though.

    Absolutely. Not sure what you’re trying to get at. I started the game in December 2016 I believe around the time Rogue One came out in theaters. My SWGOH profile wasn’t created until September 2017. So almost 3 years in the game. Yeah I’d say I’ve put in more than enough time to make an accurate assessment of the game? Not sure if you were trying to discredit me based on the length I’ve been in but 🤷🏼‍♂️.
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    Pille wrote: »
    Overall I think....250 crystals is a joke. They do not understand why the community is upset. 250 crystals was the compensation in the past when the server was down for some hours...but this was an epic desaster, an epic fail from cg and 250 for that? That is the real punch in our be honest...think about a reward which hurts...this is just „don’t cry baby, here is your ice “....shame on you guys, shame on you @CG

    Be thankful that they aren’t giving you Chewie shards as compensation. Just take the 250 crystals and move on.

    Yep....unfortunately most of the player base that has been loyal has been beaten into submission, forcing this line of thinking.

    "The he beatings will continue until morale improves!"
    "Thank you Master, may I have another?"
    In game name: Lucas Gregory FORMER PLAYER - - - -"Whale blah grump poooop." - Ouchie

    In game guild: TNR Uprising
    I beat the REAL T7 Yoda (not the nerfed one) and did so before mods were there to help
    *This space left intentionally blank*
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    Here’s 1 credit. Take it and be happy.
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    I'm kinda bummed. I couldn't sleep when the event came out. I did the dark side because it was fun, got shards. Struggled with light side until I remembered how to do it, got more shards.

    I 7* Malak, bought a vault to buy his gear to get him as high as I could. G12+4. He is in my arena team, and I was stoked to be on even ground with others in my shard. Then the next day they announced that it was a mistake and would be taking back my Malak.

    I immediately went to Google play and got a refund for the vault. No harm, no foul. It's shady of them to take him back, but I got my money back so I'm pretty much in the same situation I was in before I had insomnia.

    Still think Malak has been out long enough they could have let him get 7* by the masses, GAS is in GET store now to suck up our GET currency and slow our gearing progression. I know when Malak is 7*, I still won't be buying gear because I'll be hoarding it for GAS. And I'm still only spending GET2 on Negotiator.
  • Pjfp
    34 posts Member
    Kyno wrote: »
    Pjfp wrote: »
    Kyno @CG_TopHat in the case of crystals used to buy stun guns needed to g12 Malak? Are those refunded, or will I have 50 stun guns I would never have bought in the first place?

    From my understanding any gear will be returned.

    And the crystals? I wouldn't have spent 1300 crystals to buy 50 stun guns, unless it was for Malak. I prefer my crystals and farm the stun guns
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    skypse wrote: »
    Synaptic wrote: »
    Chewy88 wrote: »
    The 250 crystals is the problem too. It's a joke. 250 crystals compared to 150 malak shards.

    The make good needs to be at least as valuable as what they are taking away. Now obviously the 150 shards have different value to different players. For those that had 7 star malak, shard shop currency and a token 250 crystals is fine.

    But for those that needed all 150 malak shards, 150 malak shards is worth far more than 250 crystals. Specifically it's worth about 57k in get currency or almost 24 fully crafted stun guns or about 33,600 crystals. So to them 250 crystals when they are taking away the equilivant of 33k crystals is an insult. And feels a lot like theft.

    Now obviously you can't make everyone have individual make good so they likely would have to give somewhat equal make up rewards out. But any reconciliation that results in some players getting less than what they had if the devs did nothing, is crap.

    Thank you so much for a basis of the conversion. Basically by taking away the malek shards CG is stealing 213.88 US dollars.

    Yeah it varies by how many shards you needed. I only needed 70 so it is only about half that. But theft is theft regardless of the amount. And it should not be tolerated.

    If they take the malak shards, I'm done. I'll find another game to play and I sincerely hope thay all reasonable people will also.

    They are not stealing anything from you. You were never entitled to have those shards in the first place. They're taking back what you had no business getting, their error or not. This *is* a reasonable fix for a **** situation. Your expectation of getting to keep value equivalent to what you unintentionally ended up with is not.

    If your bank deposits 10k USD into your account by mistake and then take it back out to fix the mistake, are they stealing? What do you think happens if you spend that money before they can make the adjustment? You owe them 10k USD. Have fun arguing that they stole your money in court.

    That being said, 250 crystals in compensation is stingy as hell for this sort of mess. On that we can agree. Just don't pretend you're being victimized for having taken advantage of what was an obvious bug, intentional or not.

    I don't know where you dug that piece of information about the bank, but if something ends up in my account due to their fault, there is no law saying that I owe them for their mistake. I'll spend some of it on a banner saying "my bank is stupid" and they can't do anything about it.

    The important thing everyone should get their heads around is that there is absolutely no solution that brings "balance". People spent money, hoarded in-game currency (+gear), mods were upgraded to 6* etc... Yeah we'll get the mods back, but we can't use them until malak goes back to 7*,making them useless in essence.

    Plus, there's also the TW thing where a lot of people who didn't play the event will be at a disadvantage against those who did and who will have full zones of relic malak that are not supposed to be there.

    The game should be globally roll back to the state it was before the event went live. All of our accounts return to their initial state without anything being spent in vain, those who spent money can get it back through the appstore or the bank itself, and CG does not need to compensate anything, or maybe a little something for the TW (which due to the toll back would be canceled). Those who participated in the event have everything reverted and those who slept through the whole thing have nothing to worry about (and also don't get gems for no reason).

    Since they are unable to take responsibility for their mistake, they should at least reset everything to what they were 2 days ago. They said they have a "screenshot" of every account, so it's easy to be done. It's a win-win for everyone.

    Here's an idea for a reconciliation plan that will probably satisfy a majority of the player base and most importantly leave no one worse off than they are now.

    For players that had malak at 7 stars before this. You get 28.5k in get. (Only half since you did got extra rewards with your malak being 7 star sooner)

    Those with 6 star malaks before this get 16k in get.

    Those that had 5 star malak before and got malak shards from their event get to keep the shards.

    Those that didn't get to participate in the malak event butbmet the minimum requirements (whether they had malak or not get 500 crystals for each day they delayed the event and 150 clone wars chewie shards.

    The event is relaunched as soon as possible to let everyone have a chance to get the malak shards.

    They preferably make this the new normal for epic confrontations so that we know what to expect going forward. But if they don't do that they need to say so flat out and give us an idea what to expect.

    They also need to address the gear crunch in more detail. Specifically what and when they are going to do to open the spicket. Their recent actions have caused a lot of players to lose confidence in their intentions. This would go a long way to easing some concerns
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    From what I can see

    - I'm not getting my hour back (250 crystals is a joke)

    - I'm not getting my 1million credits I used to promote Malak

    - I'm not getting the gear I used to make the event to smoother I would not have used.

    - I'm not getting any 6dot mods downgraded back so I can use them for Malak

    - I'm not getting any refunds for money spent on gear to take Malak to g12. (I spent money for him to be g12 now, if I was going to wait six months to farm GET I would not have spent any, I could f2p farm it).

    If you think a bit of shard shop currency and less crystals than a single day number 1 arena payout makes up for this. You are seriously mistaken.

    Countless people are quitting, half my guild has pledged to go f2p if shards are removed (included some whales), people are getting refunds for last purchases from Credit card companies.

    If you want to resolve this.

    1. Make Malak a 7 star unlock.

    2. Using that snapshot you took - calculate how much to refund all players the GET they have spent on getting Malak to what they did and refund the entire GET spent.

    Then everyone is happy.

    Whales get GET for General Skywalker
    People keep 7* Malak
    GET crunch is resolved
    CG makes a load of money off people g13/relic 7 a tonne of Malaks/GAS

    I have also decided tgat I'm done with tgis game if they take away the malak shards.
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    Chewy88 wrote: »
    The 250 crystals is the problem too. It's a joke. 250 crystals compared to 150 malak shards.

    The make good needs to be at least as valuable as what they are taking away. Now obviously the 150 shards have different value to different players. For those that had 7 star malak, shard shop currency and a token 250 crystals is fine.

    But for those that needed all 150 malak shards, 150 malak shards is worth far more than 250 crystals. Specifically it's worth about 57k in get currency or almost 24 fully crafted stun guns or about 33,600 crystals. So to them 250 crystals when they are taking away the equilivant of 33k crystals is an insult. And feels a lot like theft.

    Now obviously you can't make everyone have individual make good so they likely would have to give somewhat equal make up rewards out. But any reconciliation that results in some players getting less than what they had if the devs did nothing, is crap.

    Thank you so much for a basis of the conversion. Basically by taking away the malek shards CG is stealing 213.88 US dollars.

    Yeah it varies by how many shards you needed. I only needed 70 so it is only about half that. But theft is theft regardless of the amount. And it should not be tolerated.
    If they take the malak shards, I'm done. I'll find another game to play and I sincerely hope thay all reasonable people will also.


    Maybe. Though the last solitaire app i had to play when there was no internet put a bunch of adds on my phone when I wasn't even playing so I had to get rid of it.
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    Chewy88 wrote: »
    Chewy88 wrote: »
    The 250 crystals is the problem too. It's a joke. 250 crystals compared to 150 malak shards.

    The make good needs to be at least as valuable as what they are taking away. Now obviously the 150 shards have different value to different players. For those that had 7 star malak, shard shop currency and a token 250 crystals is fine.

    But for those that needed all 150 malak shards, 150 malak shards is worth far more than 250 crystals. Specifically it's worth about 57k in get currency or almost 24 fully crafted stun guns or about 33,600 crystals. So to them 250 crystals when they are taking away the equilivant of 33k crystals is an insult. And feels a lot like theft.

    Now obviously you can't make everyone have individual make good so they likely would have to give somewhat equal make up rewards out. But any reconciliation that results in some players getting less than what they had if the devs did nothing, is crap.

    Thank you so much for a basis of the conversion. Basically by taking away the malek shards CG is stealing 213.88 US dollars.

    Yeah it varies by how many shards you needed. I only needed 70 so it is only about half that. But theft is theft regardless of the amount. And it should not be tolerated.

    If they take the malak shards, I'm done. I'll find another game to play and I sincerely hope thay all reasonable people will also.

    It actually doesn’t matter how many you needed it really comes down to how many you got. The people who did both sides would have 200+ in shards the ones that did it once would have 100+ in shards and those that didn’t would by CGs logic be owed 200$

    I don't consider the shard shop currency that I got for the rest of it to be materially valuable compared to the shards to finish malak. But you could add them to tge calculation.
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    Wait am I hearing this correctly? If you got the shards but didn't upgrade him you keep the shards but if you upgraded him you get all that take away??? Man this game really is just going down hill...
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    ZAP wrote: »
    skypse wrote: »
    Synaptic wrote: »
    Chewy88 wrote: »
    The 250 crystals is the problem too. It's a joke. 250 crystals compared to 150 malak shards.

    The make good needs to be at least as valuable as what they are taking away. Now obviously the 150 shards have different value to different players. For those that had 7 star malak, shard shop currency and a token 250 crystals is fine.

    But for those that needed all 150 malak shards, 150 malak shards is worth far more than 250 crystals. Specifically it's worth about 57k in get currency or almost 24 fully crafted stun guns or about 33,600 crystals. So to them 250 crystals when they are taking away the equilivant of 33k crystals is an insult. And feels a lot like theft.

    Now obviously you can't make everyone have individual make good so they likely would have to give somewhat equal make up rewards out. But any reconciliation that results in some players getting less than what they had if the devs did nothing, is crap.

    Thank you so much for a basis of the conversion. Basically by taking away the malek shards CG is stealing 213.88 US dollars.

    Yeah it varies by how many shards you needed. I only needed 70 so it is only about half that. But theft is theft regardless of the amount. And it should not be tolerated.

    If they take the malak shards, I'm done. I'll find another game to play and I sincerely hope thay all reasonable people will also.

    They are not stealing anything from you. You were never entitled to have those shards in the first place. They're taking back what you had no business getting, their error or not. This *is* a reasonable fix for a **** situation. Your expectation of getting to keep value equivalent to what you unintentionally ended up with is not.

    If your bank deposits 10k USD into your account by mistake and then take it back out to fix the mistake, are they stealing? What do you think happens if you spend that money before they can make the adjustment? You owe them 10k USD. Have fun arguing that they stole your money in court.

    That being said, 250 crystals in compensation is stingy as hell for this sort of mess. On that we can agree. Just don't pretend you're being victimized for having taken advantage of what was an obvious bug, intentional or not.

    I don't know where you dug that piece of information about the bank, but if something ends up in my account due to their fault, there is no law saying that I owe them for their mistake. I'll spend some of it on a banner saying "my bank is stupid" and they can't do anything about it.

    The important thing everyone should get their heads around is that there is absolutely no solution that brings "balance". People spent money, hoarded in-game currency (+gear), mods were upgraded to 6* etc... Yeah we'll get the mods back, but we can't use them until malak goes back to 7*,making them useless in essence.

    Plus, there's also the TW thing where a lot of people who didn't play the event will be at a disadvantage against those who did and who will have full zones of relic malak that are not supposed to be there.

    The game should be globally roll back to the state it was before the event went live. All of our accounts return to their initial state without anything being spent in vain, those who spent money can get it back through the appstore or the bank itself, and CG does not need to compensate anything, or maybe a little something for the TW (which due to the toll back would be canceled). Those who participated in the event have everything reverted and those who slept through the whole thing have nothing to worry about (and also don't get gems for no reason).

    Since they are unable to take responsibility for their mistake, they should at least reset everything to what they were 2 days ago. They said they have a "screenshot" of every account, so it's easy to be done. It's a win-win for everyone.

    Here's an idea for a reconciliation plan that will probably satisfy a majority of the player base and most importantly leave no one worse off than they are now.

    For players that had malak at 7 stars before this. You get 28.5k in get. (Only half since you did got extra rewards with your malak being 7 star sooner)

    Those with 6 star malaks before this get 16k in get.

    Those that had 5 star malak before and got malak shards from their event get to keep the shards.

    Those that didn't get to participate in the malak event butbmet the minimum requirements (whether they had malak or not get 500 crystals for each day they delayed the event and 150 clone wars chewie shards.

    The event is relaunched as soon as possible to let everyone have a chance to get the malak shards.

    They preferably make this the new normal for epic confrontations so that we know what to expect going forward. But if they don't do that they need to say so flat out and give us an idea what to expect.

    They also need to address the gear crunch in more detail. Specifically what and when they are going to do to open the spicket. Their recent actions have caused a lot of players to lose confidence in their intentions. This would go a long way to easing some concerns

    Why would players with 7* malak receive 28.5 GET? That makes zero sense to me.

    So you’re proposing that players with 7* malaks also get 1/3 of the way closer to 7* GA$?

    No thanks

    If you give them no get, they are unhappy because they feel shafted because they used get to get 7 star malak and others get it for free. I don't really agree with this because they got malak sooner and already got benefits. But half of what they spent feels like a fair compromise.
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    Luckyly only CG understand the big emotional breakdown that the coming of an army of malak 7 gave to whales. Can you only imagine those poor souls that would have to think about a strategy to win ?
    Thx CG for taking care of them by giving free shard shop currency.
    We, the poor f2p, are used to deal with difficult times, we dont need compensation for your mistake.
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    I'm really sorry for the money i've spent on this game. CG / EA doesnt deserve any.
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    ZAP wrote: »
    ZAP wrote: »
    skypse wrote: »
    Synaptic wrote: »
    Chewy88 wrote: »
    The 250 crystals is the problem too. It's a joke. 250 crystals compared to 150 malak shards.

    The make good needs to be at least as valuable as what they are taking away. Now obviously the 150 shards have different value to different players. For those that had 7 star malak, shard shop currency and a token 250 crystals is fine.

    But for those that needed all 150 malak shards, 150 malak shards is worth far more than 250 crystals. Specifically it's worth about 57k in get currency or almost 24 fully crafted stun guns or about 33,600 crystals. So to them 250 crystals when they are taking away the equilivant of 33k crystals is an insult. And feels a lot like theft.

    Now obviously you can't make everyone have individual make good so they likely would have to give somewhat equal make up rewards out. But any reconciliation that results in some players getting less than what they had if the devs did nothing, is crap.

    Thank you so much for a basis of the conversion. Basically by taking away the malek shards CG is stealing 213.88 US dollars.

    Yeah it varies by how many shards you needed. I only needed 70 so it is only about half that. But theft is theft regardless of the amount. And it should not be tolerated.

    If they take the malak shards, I'm done. I'll find another game to play and I sincerely hope thay all reasonable people will also.

    They are not stealing anything from you. You were never entitled to have those shards in the first place. They're taking back what you had no business getting, their error or not. This *is* a reasonable fix for a **** situation. Your expectation of getting to keep value equivalent to what you unintentionally ended up with is not.

    If your bank deposits 10k USD into your account by mistake and then take it back out to fix the mistake, are they stealing? What do you think happens if you spend that money before they can make the adjustment? You owe them 10k USD. Have fun arguing that they stole your money in court.

    That being said, 250 crystals in compensation is stingy as hell for this sort of mess. On that we can agree. Just don't pretend you're being victimized for having taken advantage of what was an obvious bug, intentional or not.

    I don't know where you dug that piece of information about the bank, but if something ends up in my account due to their fault, there is no law saying that I owe them for their mistake. I'll spend some of it on a banner saying "my bank is stupid" and they can't do anything about it.

    The important thing everyone should get their heads around is that there is absolutely no solution that brings "balance". People spent money, hoarded in-game currency (+gear), mods were upgraded to 6* etc... Yeah we'll get the mods back, but we can't use them until malak goes back to 7*,making them useless in essence.

    Plus, there's also the TW thing where a lot of people who didn't play the event will be at a disadvantage against those who did and who will have full zones of relic malak that are not supposed to be there.

    The game should be globally roll back to the state it was before the event went live. All of our accounts return to their initial state without anything being spent in vain, those who spent money can get it back through the appstore or the bank itself, and CG does not need to compensate anything, or maybe a little something for the TW (which due to the toll back would be canceled). Those who participated in the event have everything reverted and those who slept through the whole thing have nothing to worry about (and also don't get gems for no reason).

    Since they are unable to take responsibility for their mistake, they should at least reset everything to what they were 2 days ago. They said they have a "screenshot" of every account, so it's easy to be done. It's a win-win for everyone.

    Here's an idea for a reconciliation plan that will probably satisfy a majority of the player base and most importantly leave no one worse off than they are now.

    For players that had malak at 7 stars before this. You get 28.5k in get. (Only half since you did got extra rewards with your malak being 7 star sooner)

    Those with 6 star malaks before this get 16k in get.

    Those that had 5 star malak before and got malak shards from their event get to keep the shards.

    Those that didn't get to participate in the malak event butbmet the minimum requirements (whether they had malak or not get 500 crystals for each day they delayed the event and 150 clone wars chewie shards.

    The event is relaunched as soon as possible to let everyone have a chance to get the malak shards.

    They preferably make this the new normal for epic confrontations so that we know what to expect going forward. But if they don't do that they need to say so flat out and give us an idea what to expect.

    They also need to address the gear crunch in more detail. Specifically what and when they are going to do to open the spicket. Their recent actions have caused a lot of players to lose confidence in their intentions. This would go a long way to easing some concerns

    Why would players with 7* malak receive 28.5 GET? That makes zero sense to me.

    So you’re proposing that players with 7* malaks also get 1/3 of the way closer to 7* GA$?

    No thanks

    If you give them no get, they are unhappy because they feel shafted because they used get to get 7 star malak and others get it for free. I don't really agree with this because they got malak sooner and already got benefits. But half of what they spent feels like a fair compromise.


    All that 7* malak owners got for redoing the event again with the bug was 150 max shards, which turned into 2250 shard shop tokens.

    How is this in any way equivalent to 28.5k GET?

    Maybe I’m missing something, but I’m just not seeing the equivalency or reason for them getting GET in compensation.
    There is no reason for 5-6* Malak owners either to keep the shards, since they didn't buy 150 shards with GET like others did.
  • Options
    ZAP wrote: »
    ZAP wrote: »
    skypse wrote: »
    Synaptic wrote: »
    Chewy88 wrote: »
    The 250 crystals is the problem too. It's a joke. 250 crystals compared to 150 malak shards.

    The make good needs to be at least as valuable as what they are taking away. Now obviously the 150 shards have different value to different players. For those that had 7 star malak, shard shop currency and a token 250 crystals is fine.

    But for those that needed all 150 malak shards, 150 malak shards is worth far more than 250 crystals. Specifically it's worth about 57k in get currency or almost 24 fully crafted stun guns or about 33,600 crystals. So to them 250 crystals when they are taking away the equilivant of 33k crystals is an insult. And feels a lot like theft.

    Now obviously you can't make everyone have individual make good so they likely would have to give somewhat equal make up rewards out. But any reconciliation that results in some players getting less than what they had if the devs did nothing, is crap.

    Thank you so much for a basis of the conversion. Basically by taking away the malek shards CG is stealing 213.88 US dollars.

    Yeah it varies by how many shards you needed. I only needed 70 so it is only about half that. But theft is theft regardless of the amount. And it should not be tolerated.

    If they take the malak shards, I'm done. I'll find another game to play and I sincerely hope thay all reasonable people will also.

    They are not stealing anything from you. You were never entitled to have those shards in the first place. They're taking back what you had no business getting, their error or not. This *is* a reasonable fix for a **** situation. Your expectation of getting to keep value equivalent to what you unintentionally ended up with is not.

    If your bank deposits 10k USD into your account by mistake and then take it back out to fix the mistake, are they stealing? What do you think happens if you spend that money before they can make the adjustment? You owe them 10k USD. Have fun arguing that they stole your money in court.

    That being said, 250 crystals in compensation is stingy as hell for this sort of mess. On that we can agree. Just don't pretend you're being victimized for having taken advantage of what was an obvious bug, intentional or not.

    I don't know where you dug that piece of information about the bank, but if something ends up in my account due to their fault, there is no law saying that I owe them for their mistake. I'll spend some of it on a banner saying "my bank is stupid" and they can't do anything about it.

    The important thing everyone should get their heads around is that there is absolutely no solution that brings "balance". People spent money, hoarded in-game currency (+gear), mods were upgraded to 6* etc... Yeah we'll get the mods back, but we can't use them until malak goes back to 7*,making them useless in essence.

    Plus, there's also the TW thing where a lot of people who didn't play the event will be at a disadvantage against those who did and who will have full zones of relic malak that are not supposed to be there.

    The game should be globally roll back to the state it was before the event went live. All of our accounts return to their initial state without anything being spent in vain, those who spent money can get it back through the appstore or the bank itself, and CG does not need to compensate anything, or maybe a little something for the TW (which due to the toll back would be canceled). Those who participated in the event have everything reverted and those who slept through the whole thing have nothing to worry about (and also don't get gems for no reason).

    Since they are unable to take responsibility for their mistake, they should at least reset everything to what they were 2 days ago. They said they have a "screenshot" of every account, so it's easy to be done. It's a win-win for everyone.

    Here's an idea for a reconciliation plan that will probably satisfy a majority of the player base and most importantly leave no one worse off than they are now.

    For players that had malak at 7 stars before this. You get 28.5k in get. (Only half since you did got extra rewards with your malak being 7 star sooner)

    Those with 6 star malaks before this get 16k in get.

    Those that had 5 star malak before and got malak shards from their event get to keep the shards.

    Those that didn't get to participate in the malak event butbmet the minimum requirements (whether they had malak or not get 500 crystals for each day they delayed the event and 150 clone wars chewie shards.

    The event is relaunched as soon as possible to let everyone have a chance to get the malak shards.

    They preferably make this the new normal for epic confrontations so that we know what to expect going forward. But if they don't do that they need to say so flat out and give us an idea what to expect.

    They also need to address the gear crunch in more detail. Specifically what and when they are going to do to open the spicket. Their recent actions have caused a lot of players to lose confidence in their intentions. This would go a long way to easing some concerns

    Why would players with 7* malak receive 28.5 GET? That makes zero sense to me.

    So you’re proposing that players with 7* malaks also get 1/3 of the way closer to 7* GA$?

    No thanks

    If you give them no get, they are unhappy because they feel shafted because they used get to get 7 star malak and others get it for free. I don't really agree with this because they got malak sooner and already got benefits. But half of what they spent feels like a fair compromise.


    All that 7* malak owners got for redoing the event again with the bug was 150 max shards, which turned into 2250 shard shop tokens.

    How is this in any way equivalent to 28.5k GET?

    Maybe I’m missing something, but I’m just not seeing the equivalency or reason for them getting GET in compensation.

    Many of those with 7 star malaks are claiming it would be unfair to let players without malak 7 star, keep the shards since they spent 57k in get to get theirs to 7 star.

    Whether you agree they are right or not (i personally don't), they are likely the big spenders so cg has an interest in keeping them happy. Also giving out get helps alleviate the crunch they created by having malak and gas 5 star unlocks which is wildly unpopular among whales.

  • Ultra
    11553 posts Moderator
    Yep if you use malak shards to get to stun guns to crystals to $, it comes to 33.6k in crystals. That's about 2 vaults or about $200.

    Given that people routinely pay that much or more to finish characters it seems like a reasonable estimate. But if you use other gear it probably comes out similarly and certainly more than the $15 of value mentioned in the case above.

    So for this to not be theft, the replacement rewards needs to at least equal the amount they are taking away.
    This is his post from another thread

    He wants 33.6k in crystals or compensation and anything less is a slap in the face. And he won't settle for anything less. This demand is so ridiculous that I'm starting to think he's just sithposting this weekend
  • Options
    Ultra wrote: »
    Yep if you use malak shards to get to stun guns to crystals to $, it comes to 33.6k in crystals. That's about 2 vaults or about $200.

    Given that people routinely pay that much or more to finish characters it seems like a reasonable estimate. But if you use other gear it probably comes out similarly and certainly more than the $15 of value mentioned in the case above.

    So for this to not be theft, the replacement rewards needs to at least equal the amount they are taking away.
    This is his post from another thread

    He wants 33.6k in crystals or compensation and anything less is a slap in the face. And he won't settle for anything less. This demand is so ridiculous that I'm starting to think he's just sithposting this weekend

    I want to either keep the malak shards I earned or be compensated an equilivant amount of resources. The above post is simply the best guess to show what 70 malak shards is worth based on the end game economy.

    250 crystals is nowhere near equal to 70 malak shards.
  • Options
    Ultra wrote: »
    Yep if you use malak shards to get to stun guns to crystals to $, it comes to 33.6k in crystals. That's about 2 vaults or about $200.

    Given that people routinely pay that much or more to finish characters it seems like a reasonable estimate. But if you use other gear it probably comes out similarly and certainly more than the $15 of value mentioned in the case above.

    So for this to not be theft, the replacement rewards needs to at least equal the amount they are taking away.
    This is his post from another thread

    He wants 33.6k in crystals or compensation and anything less is a slap in the face. And he won't settle for anything less. This demand is so ridiculous that I'm starting to think he's just sithposting this weekend

    I want to either keep the malak shards I earned or be compensated an equilivant amount of resources. The above post is simply the best guess to show what 70 malak shards is worth based on the end game economy.

    250 crystals is nowhere near equal to 70 malak shards.
    So you think it's only fair to get two vaults for 10-15 minutes of 'work' (replaying the event shouldn't be branded that in the first place. If it was like the CLS journey with no replay, that would be a problem too), but wouldn't agree with a GET refund?

    Let the whales and the 882 F2P (no middle ground, right?) play around with 2250 shard shop currency but give you 3-4 months worth of TB rewards or 33.6k crystals to make you settle after the terrible experience of playing a few minutes?
  • Options
    Ultra wrote: »
    Yep if you use malak shards to get to stun guns to crystals to $, it comes to 33.6k in crystals. That's about 2 vaults or about $200.

    Given that people routinely pay that much or more to finish characters it seems like a reasonable estimate. But if you use other gear it probably comes out similarly and certainly more than the $15 of value mentioned in the case above.

    So for this to not be theft, the replacement rewards needs to at least equal the amount they are taking away.
    This is his post from another thread

    He wants 33.6k in crystals or compensation and anything less is a slap in the face. And he won't settle for anything less. This demand is so ridiculous that I'm starting to think he's just sithposting this weekend

    I want to either keep the malak shards I earned or be compensated an equilivant amount of resources. The above post is simply the best guess to show what 70 malak shards is worth based on the end game economy.

    250 crystals is nowhere near equal to 70 malak shards.
    So you think it's only fair to get two vaults for 10-15 minutes of 'work' (replaying the event shouldn't be branded that in the first place. If it was like the CLS journey with no replay, that would be a problem too), but wouldn't agree with a GET refund?

    Let the whales and the 882 F2P (no middle ground, right?) play around with 2250 shard shop currency but give you 3-4 months worth of TB rewards or 33.6k crystals to make you settle after the terrible experience of playing a few minutes?

    They offered what was effectively 2 vaults worth of crystals in the event. So yes that should be what players that played the event get.

    If they want to compensate those that already had a 6 or 7 star malak, that is fine as well. I even suggested that above as part of a reconciliation plan that would make most players happy.
  • Options
    Ultra wrote: »
    Yep if you use malak shards to get to stun guns to crystals to $, it comes to 33.6k in crystals. That's about 2 vaults or about $200.

    Given that people routinely pay that much or more to finish characters it seems like a reasonable estimate. But if you use other gear it probably comes out similarly and certainly more than the $15 of value mentioned in the case above.

    So for this to not be theft, the replacement rewards needs to at least equal the amount they are taking away.
    This is his post from another thread

    He wants 33.6k in crystals or compensation and anything less is a slap in the face. And he won't settle for anything less. This demand is so ridiculous that I'm starting to think he's just sithposting this weekend

    I want to either keep the malak shards I earned or be compensated an equilivant amount of resources. The above post is simply the best guess to show what 70 malak shards is worth based on the end game economy.

    250 crystals is nowhere near equal to 70 malak shards.
    So you think it's only fair to get two vaults for 10-15 minutes of 'work' (replaying the event shouldn't be branded that in the first place. If it was like the CLS journey with no replay, that would be a problem too), but wouldn't agree with a GET refund?

    Let the whales and the 882 F2P (no middle ground, right?) play around with 2250 shard shop currency but give you 3-4 months worth of TB rewards or 33.6k crystals to make you settle after the terrible experience of playing a few minutes?

    They offered what was effectively 2 vaults worth of crystals in the event. So yes that should be what players that played the event get.

    If they want to compensate those that already had a 6 or 7 star malak, that is fine as well. I even suggested that above as part of a reconciliation plan that would make most players happy.
    Well good luck on your quest. Since Malak shards were never on crystal sale, 57k GET is the closest estimate you can get. But I'm fairly certain that they made it clear it's not going to happen.
  • Options
    Ultra wrote: »
    Yep if you use malak shards to get to stun guns to crystals to $, it comes to 33.6k in crystals. That's about 2 vaults or about $200.

    Given that people routinely pay that much or more to finish characters it seems like a reasonable estimate. But if you use other gear it probably comes out similarly and certainly more than the $15 of value mentioned in the case above.

    So for this to not be theft, the replacement rewards needs to at least equal the amount they are taking away.
    This is his post from another thread

    He wants 33.6k in crystals or compensation and anything less is a slap in the face. And he won't settle for anything less. This demand is so ridiculous that I'm starting to think he's just sithposting this weekend

    I want to either keep the malak shards I earned or be compensated an equilivant amount of resources. The above post is simply the best guess to show what 70 malak shards is worth based on the end game economy.

    250 crystals is nowhere near equal to 70 malak shards.
    So you think it's only fair to get two vaults for 10-15 minutes of 'work' (replaying the event shouldn't be branded that in the first place. If it was like the CLS journey with no replay, that would be a problem too), but wouldn't agree with a GET refund?

    Let the whales and the 882 F2P (no middle ground, right?) play around with 2250 shard shop currency but give you 3-4 months worth of TB rewards or 33.6k crystals to make you settle after the terrible experience of playing a few minutes?

    They offered what was effectively 2 vaults worth of crystals in the event. So yes that should be what players that played the event get.

    If they want to compensate those that already had a 6 or 7 star malak, that is fine as well. I even suggested that above as part of a reconciliation plan that would make most players happy.
    Well good luck on your quest. Since Malak shards were never on crystal sale, 57k GET is the closest estimate you can get. But I'm fairly certain that they made it clear it's not going to happen.

    I'm ok with get, gear, keeping the malak shards, or crystals. Basically anything equilivant to what they offered in the event.

    I broke it down in crystals just to show how ridiculous 250 crystals is when tgey take away 150 malak shards.

    But if they can't see why players are not happy with their fix and say screw you players, we made the whales happy. Then I'll find other games to play.
  • Options
    skypse wrote: »
    Synaptic wrote: »
    Chewy88 wrote: »
    The 250 crystals is the problem too. It's a joke. 250 crystals compared to 150 malak shards.

    The make good needs to be at least as valuable as what they are taking away. Now obviously the 150 shards have different value to different players. For those that had 7 star malak, shard shop currency and a token 250 crystals is fine.

    But for those that needed all 150 malak shards, 150 malak shards is worth far more than 250 crystals. Specifically it's worth about 57k in get currency or almost 24 fully crafted stun guns or about 33,600 crystals. So to them 250 crystals when they are taking away the equilivant of 33k crystals is an insult. And feels a lot like theft.

    Now obviously you can't make everyone have individual make good so they likely would have to give somewhat equal make up rewards out. But any reconciliation that results in some players getting less than what they had if the devs did nothing, is crap.

    Thank you so much for a basis of the conversion. Basically by taking away the malek shards CG is stealing 213.88 US dollars.

    Yeah it varies by how many shards you needed. I only needed 70 so it is only about half that. But theft is theft regardless of the amount. And it should not be tolerated.

    If they take the malak shards, I'm done. I'll find another game to play and I sincerely hope thay all reasonable people will also.

    They are not stealing anything from you. You were never entitled to have those shards in the first place. They're taking back what you had no business getting, their error or not. This *is* a reasonable fix for a **** situation. Your expectation of getting to keep value equivalent to what you unintentionally ended up with is not.

    If your bank deposits 10k USD into your account by mistake and then take it back out to fix the mistake, are they stealing? What do you think happens if you spend that money before they can make the adjustment? You owe them 10k USD. Have fun arguing that they stole your money in court.

    That being said, 250 crystals in compensation is stingy as hell for this sort of mess. On that we can agree. Just don't pretend you're being victimized for having taken advantage of what was an obvious bug, intentional or not.

    I don't know where you dug that piece of information about the bank, but if something ends up in my account due to their fault, there is no law saying that I owe them for their mistake. I'll spend some of it on a banner saying "my bank is stupid" and they can't do anything about it.

    The important thing everyone should get their heads around is that there is absolutely no solution that brings "balance". People spent money, hoarded in-game currency (+gear), mods were upgraded to 6* etc... Yeah we'll get the mods back, but we can't use them until malak goes back to 7*,making them useless in essence.

    Plus, there's also the TW thing where a lot of people who didn't play the event will be at a disadvantage against those who did and who will have full zones of relic malak that are not supposed to be there.

    The game should be globally roll back to the state it was before the event went live. All of our accounts return to their initial state without anything being spent in vain, those who spent money can get it back through the appstore or the bank itself, and CG does not need to compensate anything, or maybe a little something for the TW (which due to the toll back would be canceled). Those who participated in the event have everything reverted and those who slept through the whole thing have nothing to worry about (and also don't get gems for no reason).

    Since they are unable to take responsibility for their mistake, they should at least reset everything to what they were 2 days ago. They said they have a "screenshot" of every account, so it's easy to be done. It's a win-win for everyone.

    Dude, they'll so take the money back. If anything extra from anyplace shows up in your account definitely don't spend it. I had a gas station take money off my card and then refund it twice accidentally. Two days later it came right back out. Because it wasn't mine.
  • Kyno
    32087 posts Moderator
    Kyno wrote: »
    In the end everyone gets 250 crystals.

    In the end everyone who has malak gets the 2k shard shop currency.

    Everyone who doesnt have malak, keeps anything they earned this run and gets another crack at it.

    How is that not fair?

    I want to apologize for my incorrect statement here. This should have read "everyone with a 7* malak".

    I apologize for any confusion this may have caused.
  • Kyno
    32087 posts Moderator
    I would also like to say, at the time I was questioning the fairness and it was a long day at the end of a long week IRL. I was not trying to be intentionally obtuse to the situation, but I was.

    I see what people are saying about the situation for people who had anywhere between 5* and less than 7*.

    This is not the best solution they could have come up with,unfortunately I fear it will not be addressed any further than this.
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