Reconciliation Plan!?


  • Kyno
    32087 posts Moderator
    ZAP wrote: »
    Kyno wrote: »
    I would also like to say, at the time I was questioning the fairness and it was a long day at the end of a long week IRL. I was not trying to be intentionally obtuse to the situation, but I was.

    I see what people are saying about the situation for people who had anywhere between 5* and less than 7*.

    This is not the best solution they could have come up with,unfortunately I fear it will not be addressed any further than this.

    You actually said you had spoken to the devs and they told you this. There have been many, such as Ultra, who have been telling people that you got this information directly from the devs after their announcement.

    So you’re saying now that you didn’t really speak to the devs about this?

    This is the post that I responded too about that and with that statement
    Perro wrote: »
    Kyno wrote: »
    In the end everyone gets 250 crystals.

    In the end everyone who has malak gets the 2k shard shop currency.

    Everyone who doesnt have malak, keeps anything they earned this run and gets another crack at it.

    How is that not fair?

    No they dont

    Post was pretty clear. They are rolling malak back to the state he was in to start of event. Stop feeding false info Kyno

    This pertained to malaks being rolled back when a player had completed the event for the first time.

    We spoke to the dev about this, and this was the only question where I referenced that conversation.
  • Kyno
    32087 posts Moderator
    ZAP wrote: »
    Ultra wrote: »
    Kyno is saying that the devs told him that 5*/6* owners will also be getting 2250 SSc after their announcement post

    This is overlooked because CG said the opposite and never updated to clarify

    This is what I’m talking about Kyno.

    It’s not just Ultra that thought this is what you said. If you go back and read this thread from the beginning, you’ll see that many people thought you said the devs told you that players that had 5/6* star malaks at time of event would also get 2250 shard shop currency.

    I see that, as I said I'm sorry for any confusion, but that is not what I said. There are 2 points that are joined together, but are from separate posts.

    I meant to say 7* malak, and I said malak. This comment was made before I even had a response about first time rewards, if I remember correctly.

    You can also see a post not that long after, where I explained it better, not that it makes up for the original mistake.
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    I for one think it's incredibly bad behavior of CG to take back anything people have earned in the game. It's not the players' faults that this happened; it's completely CG's fault. I already had Malak 50 shards away from 7*, so it doesn't affect me too much personally, but it still really upsets me that they're going to take away Malak shards, and sometimes entire characters (for those that only completed, say, the dark side part the first time around) from players.

    Imagine you do work for an employer, they pay you, and then you go out and spend the money. Then they come back and say, "sorry, we've decided we didn't mean to pay you that much for your work". Ummm, no, that's not acceptable.

    One of my guildmates suggested, and I agree... CG should turn this into a positive by letting everyone keep their Malak shards and make this the norm going forward: these events should always reward character shards. There's still a serious gear crunch in this game, and that would help players a little bit towards that end. CG will still make loads of money either way. Also, right after unlocks, for players that need the GET1 for gear, they can sacrifice a lower level toon for a while until the event rolls around next time. Hardcore players will still spend their GET1 on the toon shards.

    I'm seriously considering calling it quits over this if CG follows through with their threat on Tuesday.
  • TVF
    36717 posts Member
    TVF wrote: »
    PedroGMT wrote: »
    God... I see so many people crying... I've been playing this game for the last 6 months... And honest to God... I'm having a blast.
    The game is well thought, engaging and entising.
    I've never played a game like this and with a beautiful art work.
    Can't you folks just enjoy the game? Bugs will happen always... That's life... It is always hard to make up to mistakes.
    So please folks cut the makers a slack... And start enjoying the game.
    Crying doesn't help... It only makes the gaming community ****.
    Remember... At the end of the day... This is just a game... For you to enjoy and spend time... and that the game is kindly supported by players that spend a lot of money... So that it can be free for the rest of us... Without pesty ads.
    Play on!

    You’ll understand one day young grasshopper. 6 months is not enough time in the game.

    2.5 years is though.

    Absolutely. Not sure what you’re trying to get at. I started the game in December 2016 I believe around the time Rogue One came out in theaters. My SWGOH profile wasn’t created until September 2017. So almost 3 years in the game. Yeah I’d say I’ve put in more than enough time to make an accurate assessment of the game? Not sure if you were trying to discredit me based on the length I’ve been in but 🤷🏼‍♂️.

    You sure lept to some wild assumptions there.

    Original poster was told they aren't allowed to have an opinion because they have only been playing 6 months. I share that opinion and I've been playing 2.5 years.

    I need a new message here.
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    BeWary wrote: »
    I for one think it's incredibly bad behavior of CG to take back anything people have earned in the game. It's not the players' faults that this happened; it's completely CG's fault. I already had Malak 50 shards away from 7*, so it doesn't affect me too much personally, but it still really upsets me that they're going to take away Malak shards, and sometimes entire characters (for those that only completed, say, the dark side part the first time around) from players.

    Imagine you do work for an employer, they pay you, and then you go out and spend the money. Then they come back and say, "sorry, we've decided we didn't mean to pay you that much for your work". Ummm, no, that's not acceptable.

    One of my guildmates suggested, and I agree... CG should turn this into a positive by letting everyone keep their Malak shards and make this the norm going forward: these events should always reward character shards. There's still a serious gear crunch in this game, and that would help players a little bit towards that end. CG will still make loads of money either way. Also, right after unlocks, for players that need the GET1 for gear, they can sacrifice a lower level toon for a while until the event rolls around next time. Hardcore players will still spend their GET1 on the toon shards.

    I'm seriously considering calling it quits over this if CG follows through with their threat on Tuesday.

    If you have learned anything from the past, you should know that CG doesn't care about players' feelings when it comes to make up for their mistakes. In fact, it's already very generous of them to give away 2250 SSC. They could have given you much less, like 3 CWC shards, or 1 credit. Their ToS basically says by playing this game, you have to abide their rules and accept whatever they put out.
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    I laugh at those that want to be compensated for their time and effort on the event. You are wasting a hell of a lot more time and effort here whining about it.
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    skypse wrote: »
    CLS wrote: »
    skypse wrote: »
    Synaptic wrote: »
    Chewy88 wrote: »
    The 250 crystals is the problem too. It's a joke. 250 crystals compared to 150 malak shards.

    The make good needs to be at least as valuable as what they are taking away. Now obviously the 150 shards have different value to different players. For those that had 7 star malak, shard shop currency and a token 250 crystals is fine.

    But for those that needed all 150 malak shards, 150 malak shards is worth far more than 250 crystals. Specifically it's worth about 57k in get currency or almost 24 fully crafted stun guns or about 33,600 crystals. So to them 250 crystals when they are taking away the equilivant of 33k crystals is an insult. And feels a lot like theft.

    Now obviously you can't make everyone have individual make good so they likely would have to give somewhat equal make up rewards out. But any reconciliation that results in some players getting less than what they had if the devs did nothing, is crap.

    Thank you so much for a basis of the conversion. Basically by taking away the malek shards CG is stealing 213.88 US dollars.

    Yeah it varies by how many shards you needed. I only needed 70 so it is only about half that. But theft is theft regardless of the amount. And it should not be tolerated.

    If they take the malak shards, I'm done. I'll find another game to play and I sincerely hope thay all reasonable people will also.

    They are not stealing anything from you. You were never entitled to have those shards in the first place. They're taking back what you had no business getting, their error or not. This *is* a reasonable fix for a **** situation. Your expectation of getting to keep value equivalent to what you unintentionally ended up with is not.

    If your bank deposits 10k USD into your account by mistake and then take it back out to fix the mistake, are they stealing? What do you think happens if you spend that money before they can make the adjustment? You owe them 10k USD. Have fun arguing that they stole your money in court.

    That being said, 250 crystals in compensation is stingy as hell for this sort of mess. On that we can agree. Just don't pretend you're being victimized for having taken advantage of what was an obvious bug, intentional or not.

    I don't know where you dug that piece of information about the bank, but if something ends up in my account due to their fault, there is no law saying that I owe them for their mistake. I'll spend some of it on a banner saying "my bank is stupid" and they can't do anything about it.

    The important thing everyone should get their heads around is that there is absolutely no solution that brings "balance". People spent money, hoarded in-game currency (+gear), mods were upgraded to 6* etc... Yeah we'll get the mods back, but we can't use them until malak goes back to 7*,making them useless in essence.

    Plus, there's also the TW thing where a lot of people who didn't play the event will be at a disadvantage against those who did and who will have full zones of relic malak that are not supposed to be there.

    The game should be globally roll back to the state it was before the event went live. All of our accounts return to their initial state without anything being spent in vain, those who spent money can get it back through the appstore or the bank itself, and CG does not need to compensate anything, or maybe a little something for the TW (which due to the toll back would be canceled). Those who participated in the event have everything reverted and those who slept through the whole thing have nothing to worry about (and also don't get gems for no reason).

    Since they are unable to take responsibility for their mistake, they should at least reset everything to what they were 2 days ago. They said they have a "screenshot" of every account, so it's easy to be done. It's a win-win for everyone.

    Actually if a bank deposits money in your bank account that doesn’t belong to you and you spend that money you will be charged with a crime. How about you get familiar with the laws before you speak.

    No you won't. *MAYBE* it depends on your country? Idk. You are not responsible for the bank's mistake. If you are in a country where the law holds you responsible for such mistakes made by others, I highly suggest that you move out of it asap. In general though, you are not responsible for other people's mistake as long as you are not their guardian, supervisor, or any other kind of legal authority, bound by documents of both parties agreeing to that relationship.

    Lol, name a country that allows people to keep money placed into their account due to bank errors, and I'll be able to name you a country without any banks.

    Furthermore, since you rapidly pivoted to the "responsibility and ethics" of the situation in order to deflect from how wrong you are, there are no laws compelling EA to let you keep characters, ships, shards, or currency that you acquired in the game due to a bug or unintended mechanic. In fact, EA is probably within their legal right to do whatever they're planning on doing, because they're going to make sure that whatever they do is supported by the TOS that we all agreed to when we first started playing the game. If you disagree with what they do, your only option, literally, is to quit playing.

    If you spent real world currency, specifically for the purpose of gearing characters in order to beat the event, or if you spent real world currency in order to gear Malak once you unlocked him, you probably *could* request a refund for all monies spent from the time the event was started until the time it was yanked, but that's about it.

    I understand people's frustration with the event, but the reaction to this is reaching teenage levels of overwrought angst.
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    I personally think because players got the shards and went and paid to get the gear and move up in the arena, why not just give everyone a 5* malak. I mean we didn't mess up, if I wpuldve thought to play the event I would've gotten the shards to get my 6* malak up to 7* and would've bought the gear to push 13 then relic him, so why not give a free malak out. Just leave it as is, people got lucky on a glitch and went nuts. But at the same time I'm not spending 100s of dollars on this game I just play and enjoy as a game should be.
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    I don't know why anyone is surprised by the crappy reaction from CG. They suck, we've always known they suck.

    Most of us play this game because of our love for Star Wars and the communities we created. CG craps all over that. They know people will keep spending.

    As for me, haven't dropped a dime since Sion. I'm content with being 3 to 6 months behind.
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    skypse wrote: »
    Most probably we have all "agreed" to the ToS of the app and most probably there's a cute paragraph saying pretty much that CG can do whatever they want, however they want. If we bring "legal" into that, we're screwed so let's not. This is a matter of ethics and responsibility. The provider of a service screwed up the service based on what their intentions were, and they punish the customers/users of the base.

    Furthermore, since you rapidly pivoted to the "responsibility and ethics" of the situation in order to deflect from how wrong you are, there are no laws compelling EA to let you keep characters, ships, shards, or currency that you acquired in the game due to a bug or unintended mechanic. In fact, EA is probably within their legal right to do whatever they're planning on doing, because they're going to make sure that whatever they do is supported by the TOS that we all agreed to when we first started playing the game. If you disagree with what they do, your only option, literally, is to quit playing.

    Did you just decide to paraphrase what I wrote about the ToS and the legal coverage they have and use it as an argument against me? Get out of the cave man... What they do is unethical because they refuse to take responsibility of their actions and they burden the players instead. I never said the decision about malak was illegal.

    If you spent real world currency, specifically for the purpose of gearing characters in order to beat the event, or if you spent real world currency in order to gear Malak once you unlocked him, you probably *could* request a refund for all monies spent from the time the event was started until the time it was yanked, but that's about it.

    Could is the wrong tense. You can. Especially whatever was purchased in the last week. Bypass ea and go straight to gp/iTunes. You'll get it.
  • DJT1
    70 posts Member
    skypse wrote: »
    Synaptic wrote: »
    Chewy88 wrote: »
    The 250 crystals is the problem too. It's a joke. 250 crystals compared to 150 malak shards.

    The make good needs to be at least as valuable as what they are taking away. Now obviously the 150 shards have different value to different players. For those that had 7 star malak, shard shop currency and a token 250 crystals is fine.

    But for those that needed all 150 malak shards, 150 malak shards is worth far more than 250 crystals. Specifically it's worth about 57k in get currency or almost 24 fully crafted stun guns or about 33,600 crystals. So to them 250 crystals when they are taking away the equilivant of 33k crystals is an insult. And feels a lot like theft.

    Now obviously you can't make everyone have individual make good so they likely would have to give somewhat equal make up rewards out. But any reconciliation that results in some players getting less than what they had if the devs did nothing, is crap.

    Thank you so much for a basis of the conversion. Basically by taking away the malek shards CG is stealing 213.88 US dollars.

    Yeah it varies by how many shards you needed. I only needed 70 so it is only about half that. But theft is theft regardless of the amount. And it should not be tolerated.

    If they take the malak shards, I'm done. I'll find another game to play and I sincerely hope thay all reasonable people will also.

    They are not stealing anything from you. You were never entitled to have those shards in the first place. They're taking back what you had no business getting, their error or not. This *is* a reasonable fix for a **** situation. Your expectation of getting to keep value equivalent to what you unintentionally ended up with is not.

    If your bank deposits 10k USD into your account by mistake and then take it back out to fix the mistake, are they stealing? What do you think happens if you spend that money before they can make the adjustment? You owe them 10k USD. Have fun arguing that they stole your money in court.

    That being said, 250 crystals in compensation is stingy as hell for this sort of mess. On that we can agree. Just don't pretend you're being victimized for having taken advantage of what was an obvious bug, intentional or not.

    I don't know where you dug that piece of information about the bank, but if something ends up in my account due to their fault, there is no law saying that I owe them for their mistake. I'll spend some of it on a banner saying "my bank is stupid" and they can't do anything about it.

    The important thing everyone should get their heads around is that there is absolutely no solution that brings "balance". People spent money, hoarded in-game currency (+gear), mods were upgraded to 6* etc... Yeah we'll get the mods back, but we can't use them until malak goes back to 7*,making them useless in essence.

    Plus, there's also the TW thing where a lot of people who didn't play the event will be at a disadvantage against those who did and who will have full zones of relic malak that are not supposed to be there.

    The game should be globally roll back to the state it was before the event went live. All of our accounts return to their initial state without anything being spent in vain, those who spent money can get it back through the appstore or the bank itself, and CG does not need to compensate anything, or maybe a little something for the TW (which due to the toll back would be canceled). Those who participated in the event have everything reverted and those who slept through the whole thing have nothing to worry about (and also don't get gems for no reason).

    Since they are unable to take responsibility for their mistake, they should at least reset everything to what they were 2 days ago. They said they have a "screenshot" of every account, so it's easy to be done. It's a win-win for everyone.

    Yes there is lol. They will most likely catch it eventually and you are legally obligated to pay it back. Look it up.

    Not sure of original poster’s jurisdiction but in Australia there is established law that it is not your money and if you do spend it then you can be sued
  • AliO
    22 posts Member
    Kyno wrote: »
    I would also like to say, at the time I was questioning the fairness and it was a long day at the end of a long week IRL. I was not trying to be intentionally obtuse to the situation, but I was.

    I see what people are saying about the situation for people who had anywhere between 5* and less than 7*.

    This is not the best solution they could have come up with,unfortunately I fear it will not be addressed any further than this.

    Which is a joke. CG should not ignore the customer complaints but rather address them. They did this with relics until they sent a survey they refuse to leak results to a couple of weeks ago. They've done it in the past and continue to do it. Heck, where are we with the update on cheating? A fair solution where all players are rewarded equally is what should be released. Instead they deflect blame, say that players used the exploit (Which was edited to bug) and took nearly half a day to address it, then more hours to remove it.

    The burden of blame falls completely on those providing the product. I saw a metaphor for a bank. Imagine a bank inadvertantly deposited $150 in your account, then took it away 4 days later due to a bug and charged you an overdraft fee for spending it...I'd be willing to say that you wouldn't be banking with them for very much longer.
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    I think a lot of the frustration is with the arbitrariness of the compensation plan.

    If my bank makes an error that affects 1000 customers, they don't give $2 to every single bank customer as compensation; they work with each affected customer to make things right on a case-by-case basis.

    Why is someone who can't even access the Malak event getting the same compensation as someone who re-modded their roster and spend hours replaying the event over and over only to see it vanish before finishing it?

    It's a lazy plan to fix a problem caused by lazy programming. I think it's perfectly reasonable as a customer to be dissatisfied with lazy service.
  • Cave_Dweller
    3 posts Member
    edited October 2019
    skypse wrote: »

    Did you just decide to paraphrase what I wrote about the ToS and the legal coverage they have and use it as an argument against me? Get out of the cave man... What they do is unethical because they refuse to take responsibility of their actions and they burden the players instead. I never said the decision about malak was illegal.

    Yes, I did, because you don't have a leg to stand on, either way. You have a warped concept of "ethics and responsibility." You're essentially saying "finders keepers" and claiming that your right to what you've received from the event is justified because someone made a mistake and you were able to leverage it for gain. Then, when the mistake is discovered, an apology is made, and a plan for rolling back unintended changes *while also allowing for compensation* is communicated, you claim that the party that made the mistake is unethical and irresponsible.

    That's the moral reasoning of a *child.*
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    BeralCator wrote: »
    I think a lot of the frustration is with the arbitrariness of the compensation plan.

    If my bank makes an error that affects 1000 customers, they don't give $2 to every single bank customer as compensation; they work with each affected customer to make things right on a case-by-case basis.

    Why is someone who can't even access the Malak event getting the same compensation as someone who re-modded their roster and spend hours replaying the event over and over only to see it vanish before finishing it?

    It's a lazy plan to fix a problem caused by lazy programming. I think it's perfectly reasonable as a customer to be dissatisfied with lazy service.

    Um...have you read about the Experian Data Breach?

    Companies do what's most economical under the law. Expecting EA to address potentially hundreds of thousands of individual cases and give them personalized attention is ludicrous.
  • TVF
    36717 posts Member
    TVF wrote: »
    TVF wrote: »
    PedroGMT wrote: »
    God... I see so many people crying... I've been playing this game for the last 6 months... And honest to God... I'm having a blast.
    The game is well thought, engaging and entising.
    I've never played a game like this and with a beautiful art work.
    Can't you folks just enjoy the game? Bugs will happen always... That's life... It is always hard to make up to mistakes.
    So please folks cut the makers a slack... And start enjoying the game.
    Crying doesn't help... It only makes the gaming community ****.
    Remember... At the end of the day... This is just a game... For you to enjoy and spend time... and that the game is kindly supported by players that spend a lot of money... So that it can be free for the rest of us... Without pesty ads.
    Play on!

    You’ll understand one day young grasshopper. 6 months is not enough time in the game.

    2.5 years is though.

    Absolutely. Not sure what you’re trying to get at. I started the game in December 2016 I believe around the time Rogue One came out in theaters. My SWGOH profile wasn’t created until September 2017. So almost 3 years in the game. Yeah I’d say I’ve put in more than enough time to make an accurate assessment of the game? Not sure if you were trying to discredit me based on the length I’ve been in but 🤷🏼‍♂️.

    You sure lept to some wild assumptions there.

    Original poster was told they aren't allowed to have an opinion because they have only been playing 6 months. I share that opinion and I've been playing 2.5 years.

    I need a new message here.
  • Options
    TVF wrote: »
    TVF wrote: »
    TVF wrote: »
    PedroGMT wrote: »
    God... I see so many people crying... I've been playing this game for the last 6 months... And honest to God... I'm having a blast.
    The game is well thought, engaging and entising.
    I've never played a game like this and with a beautiful art work.
    Can't you folks just enjoy the game? Bugs will happen always... That's life... It is always hard to make up to mistakes.
    So please folks cut the makers a slack... And start enjoying the game.
    Crying doesn't help... It only makes the gaming community ****.
    Remember... At the end of the day... This is just a game... For you to enjoy and spend time... and that the game is kindly supported by players that spend a lot of money... So that it can be free for the rest of us... Without pesty ads.
    Play on!

    You’ll understand one day young grasshopper. 6 months is not enough time in the game.

    2.5 years is though.

    Absolutely. Not sure what you’re trying to get at. I started the game in December 2016 I believe around the time Rogue One came out in theaters. My SWGOH profile wasn’t created until September 2017. So almost 3 years in the game. Yeah I’d say I’ve put in more than enough time to make an accurate assessment of the game? Not sure if you were trying to discredit me based on the length I’ve been in but 🤷🏼‍♂️.

    You sure lept to some wild assumptions there.

    Original poster was told they aren't allowed to have an opinion because they have only been playing 6 months. I share that opinion and I've been playing 2.5 years.

    I’m not sure anyone said they weren’t allowed to have an opinion. I think most of us are jealous this guy is young in the game and enjoys it 🤷🏼‍♂️
  • Liath
    5140 posts Member
    TVF wrote: »
    TVF wrote: »
    TVF wrote: »
    PedroGMT wrote: »
    God... I see so many people crying... I've been playing this game for the last 6 months... And honest to God... I'm having a blast.
    The game is well thought, engaging and entising.
    I've never played a game like this and with a beautiful art work.
    Can't you folks just enjoy the game? Bugs will happen always... That's life... It is always hard to make up to mistakes.
    So please folks cut the makers a slack... And start enjoying the game.
    Crying doesn't help... It only makes the gaming community ****.
    Remember... At the end of the day... This is just a game... For you to enjoy and spend time... and that the game is kindly supported by players that spend a lot of money... So that it can be free for the rest of us... Without pesty ads.
    Play on!

    You’ll understand one day young grasshopper. 6 months is not enough time in the game.

    2.5 years is though.

    Absolutely. Not sure what you’re trying to get at. I started the game in December 2016 I believe around the time Rogue One came out in theaters. My SWGOH profile wasn’t created until September 2017. So almost 3 years in the game. Yeah I’d say I’ve put in more than enough time to make an accurate assessment of the game? Not sure if you were trying to discredit me based on the length I’ve been in but 🤷🏼‍♂️.

    You sure lept to some wild assumptions there.

    Original poster was told they aren't allowed to have an opinion because they have only been playing 6 months. I share that opinion and I've been playing 2.5 years.

    I’m not sure anyone said they weren’t allowed to have an opinion. I think most of us are jealous this guy is young in the game and enjoys it 🤷🏼‍♂️

    Lol. You said don’t expect TVF to reply after he had already replied.
  • TVF
    36717 posts Member
    Liath wrote: »
    TVF wrote: »
    TVF wrote: »
    TVF wrote: »
    PedroGMT wrote: »
    God... I see so many people crying... I've been playing this game for the last 6 months... And honest to God... I'm having a blast.
    The game is well thought, engaging and entising.
    I've never played a game like this and with a beautiful art work.
    Can't you folks just enjoy the game? Bugs will happen always... That's life... It is always hard to make up to mistakes.
    So please folks cut the makers a slack... And start enjoying the game.
    Crying doesn't help... It only makes the gaming community ****.
    Remember... At the end of the day... This is just a game... For you to enjoy and spend time... and that the game is kindly supported by players that spend a lot of money... So that it can be free for the rest of us... Without pesty ads.
    Play on!

    You’ll understand one day young grasshopper. 6 months is not enough time in the game.

    2.5 years is though.

    Absolutely. Not sure what you’re trying to get at. I started the game in December 2016 I believe around the time Rogue One came out in theaters. My SWGOH profile wasn’t created until September 2017. So almost 3 years in the game. Yeah I’d say I’ve put in more than enough time to make an accurate assessment of the game? Not sure if you were trying to discredit me based on the length I’ve been in but 🤷🏼‍♂️.

    You sure lept to some wild assumptions there.

    Original poster was told they aren't allowed to have an opinion because they have only been playing 6 months. I share that opinion and I've been playing 2.5 years.

    I’m not sure anyone said they weren’t allowed to have an opinion. I think most of us are jealous this guy is young in the game and enjoys it 🤷🏼‍♂️

    Lol. You said don’t expect TVF to reply after he had already replied.

    I think you quoted the wrong person though.
    I need a new message here.
  • FilthyJawa
    96 posts Member
    edited October 2019
    I lost out on unlocking Malak because they decided to rescind the event right in the middle of my run and it reset on me before I could get awarded... this doesn't solve my "problem" either >:( First world problem, I know, but still, that crap was more stress than it should be
  • Nikoms565
    14242 posts Member
    edited October 2019
    Kyno wrote: »
    Kyno wrote: »
    In the end everyone gets 250 crystals.

    In the end everyone who has malak gets the 2k shard shop currency.

    Everyone who doesnt have malak, keeps anything they earned this run and gets another crack at it.

    How is that not fair?

    I want to apologize for my incorrect statement here. This should have read "everyone with a 7* malak".

    I apologize for any confusion this may have caused.

    @Kyno So I (and others that thought non-7* Malak owners were getting screwed) was correct then? So people with 7* Malak who did nothing get 2250 SSC for doing nothing, while people with 5* and 6* Malak who did nothing get....nothing??

    That's CG's idea of fair? Seriously?
    In game name: Lucas Gregory FORMER PLAYER - - - -"Whale blah grump poooop." - Ouchie

    In game guild: TNR Uprising
    I beat the REAL T7 Yoda (not the nerfed one) and did so before mods were there to help
    *This space left intentionally blank*
  • Options
    BeralCator wrote: »
    I think a lot of the frustration is with the arbitrariness of the compensation plan.

    If my bank makes an error that affects 1000 customers, they don't give $2 to every single bank customer as compensation; they work with each affected customer to make things right on a case-by-case basis.

    Why is someone who can't even access the Malak event getting the same compensation as someone who re-modded their roster and spend hours replaying the event over and over only to see it vanish before finishing it?

    It's a lazy plan to fix a problem caused by lazy programming. I think it's perfectly reasonable as a customer to be dissatisfied with lazy service.

    Um...have you read about the Experian Data Breach?

    Companies do what's most economical under the law. Expecting EA to address potentially hundreds of thousands of individual cases and give them personalized attention is ludicrous.

    I don't remember customers being very satisfied with the resolutions from various data breaches either.

    Just because a company does the absolute bare minimum as required by law doesn't make it a good or satisfying solution. It also doesn't invalidate the feelings of the user base and it doesn't make the solution any less lazy or arbitrary. It just means I (maybe) can't litigate and will have to express my displeasure by leaving poor reviews or ceasing to be a customer.

    It's pretty clear CG has a competence problem (as evidenced by monthly show-stopping bugs) and a customer service problem (constant dumpster fires on this forum and Reddit, as well as Kafka-esque tech support). I sometimes wonder if SWGoH is actually the Stanford Prison Experiment of mobile gaming, and if someone is gathering data on precisely how abusive and unresponsive a company can be before people quit en masse.
  • Lio
    1003 posts Member
    BeralCator wrote: »
    BeralCator wrote: »
    I think a lot of the frustration is with the arbitrariness of the compensation plan.

    If my bank makes an error that affects 1000 customers, they don't give $2 to every single bank customer as compensation; they work with each affected customer to make things right on a case-by-case basis.

    Why is someone who can't even access the Malak event getting the same compensation as someone who re-modded their roster and spend hours replaying the event over and over only to see it vanish before finishing it?

    It's a lazy plan to fix a problem caused by lazy programming. I think it's perfectly reasonable as a customer to be dissatisfied with lazy service.

    Um...have you read about the Experian Data Breach?

    Companies do what's most economical under the law. Expecting EA to address potentially hundreds of thousands of individual cases and give them personalized attention is ludicrous.

    I don't remember customers being very satisfied with the resolutions from various data breaches either.

    Just because a company does the absolute bare minimum as required by law doesn't make it a good or satisfying solution. It also doesn't invalidate the feelings of the user base and it doesn't make the solution any less lazy or arbitrary. It just means I (maybe) can't litigate and will have to express my displeasure by leaving poor reviews or ceasing to be a customer.

    It's pretty clear CG has a competence problem (as evidenced by monthly show-stopping bugs) and a customer service problem (constant dumpster fires on this forum and Reddit, as well as Kafka-esque tech support). I sometimes wonder if SWGoH is actually the Stanford Prison Experiment of mobile gaming, and if someone is gathering data on precisely how abusive and unresponsive a company can be before people quit en masse.

    "Hmm.. I have a bad take to share. But how can I make it sound smart? Maybe I'll work in Kafka and Stanford Prison Experiment. That should do the trick"
  • Lio
    1003 posts Member
    Nikoms565 wrote: »
    Kyno wrote: »
    Kyno wrote: »
    In the end everyone gets 250 crystals.

    In the end everyone who has malak gets the 2k shard shop currency.

    Everyone who doesnt have malak, keeps anything they earned this run and gets another crack at it.

    How is that not fair?

    I want to apologize for my incorrect statement here. This should have read "everyone with a 7* malak".

    I apologize for any confusion this may have caused.

    @Kyno So I (and others that thought non-7* Malak owners were getting screwed) was correct then? So people with 7* Malak who did nothing get 2250 SSC for doing nothing, while people with 5* and 6* Malak who did nothing get....nothing??

    That's CG's idea of fair? Seriously?

    I don't understand the reasoning behind this decision and would be curious to know more. I'm not upset about it (I'm in the you-get-nothing camp), especially since shard shop currency isn't too difficult to get, but I don't get why they decided this.
  • Options
    Lio wrote: »
    BeralCator wrote: »
    BeralCator wrote: »
    I think a lot of the frustration is with the arbitrariness of the compensation plan.

    If my bank makes an error that affects 1000 customers, they don't give $2 to every single bank customer as compensation; they work with each affected customer to make things right on a case-by-case basis.

    Why is someone who can't even access the Malak event getting the same compensation as someone who re-modded their roster and spend hours replaying the event over and over only to see it vanish before finishing it?

    It's a lazy plan to fix a problem caused by lazy programming. I think it's perfectly reasonable as a customer to be dissatisfied with lazy service.

    Um...have you read about the Experian Data Breach?

    Companies do what's most economical under the law. Expecting EA to address potentially hundreds of thousands of individual cases and give them personalized attention is ludicrous.

    I don't remember customers being very satisfied with the resolutions from various data breaches either.

    Just because a company does the absolute bare minimum as required by law doesn't make it a good or satisfying solution. It also doesn't invalidate the feelings of the user base and it doesn't make the solution any less lazy or arbitrary. It just means I (maybe) can't litigate and will have to express my displeasure by leaving poor reviews or ceasing to be a customer.

    It's pretty clear CG has a competence problem (as evidenced by monthly show-stopping bugs) and a customer service problem (constant dumpster fires on this forum and Reddit, as well as Kafka-esque tech support). I sometimes wonder if SWGoH is actually the Stanford Prison Experiment of mobile gaming, and if someone is gathering data on precisely how abusive and unresponsive a company can be before people quit en masse.

    "Hmm.. I have a bad take to share. But how can I make it sound smart? Maybe I'll work in Kafka and Stanford Prison Experiment. That should do the trick"

    I spent 7 years getting a PhD. I'll wave it around as I please. :wink:

    Are you going to make a counter-argument that CG has great customer service and a bug-free product? Or that the reconciliation plan is an earnest effort to connect with the customer base and address their concerns?

    There's a ton of hyperbole in this thread and hand-wringing over nonsense, but most of the ire and ill will has been honestly earned.
  • TVF
    36717 posts Member
    Lio wrote: »
    Nikoms565 wrote: »
    Kyno wrote: »
    Kyno wrote: »
    In the end everyone gets 250 crystals.

    In the end everyone who has malak gets the 2k shard shop currency.

    Everyone who doesnt have malak, keeps anything they earned this run and gets another crack at it.

    How is that not fair?

    I want to apologize for my incorrect statement here. This should have read "everyone with a 7* malak".

    I apologize for any confusion this may have caused.

    @Kyno So I (and others that thought non-7* Malak owners were getting screwed) was correct then? So people with 7* Malak who did nothing get 2250 SSC for doing nothing, while people with 5* and 6* Malak who did nothing get....nothing??

    That's CG's idea of fair? Seriously?

    I don't understand the reasoning behind this decision and would be curious to know more. I'm not upset about it (I'm in the you-get-nothing camp), especially since shard shop currency isn't too difficult to get, but I don't get why they decided this.

    Only someone with a 7* IG-86 would claim it isn't too difficult to get.
    I need a new message here.
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