LS Geo TB is insane!! [MERGE]


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    Yea, I'll be going F2P myself after this nonsense.
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    There were a lot of complaints about light side TB in my guild at first. Now no one even wants to talk about it. No one thinks anything will be done, so just ignore it because it adds nothing to the game. New content drops and it sucks. Thanks for nothing CG.
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    To all the people complaining about the new TB... I have to say you are 100% correct. In my mind the point of playing a game is to derive some sort of enjoyment out of the process, from that perspective, the new TB is unplayable. This content is about as fun as self-flagellation.
  • Polinski08
    88 posts Member
    edited December 2019
    This is NOT new content. @CG_SBCrumb all you guys did was take an old car, give it a paint job and drop a supercharged engine into it.

    Your company needs to be more transparent. If you tell your consumers what the future holds, are you scared they will leave? If so, ask yourself this question, Just because you can, should you be doing this?

    A good company tells its consumers a clear and concise message. Players will stay if you tell us, higher gear is coming, levels, relics, mods etc. We dont need to know the time exactly but an estimate. Explain how giving rewards hurts your companies bottom line?

    Crystal's is how your company makes money. Full g13 and r7 teams are not making 4/4. That is a problem. I have an extremely focused g13 and high relic team. In the 4 years I have played this game, I have spent in excess of 100k. I dont mind spending if I am getting something worth my money. What I dont want is to spend for a losing cause. If I have a maxed toon with nothing left to add or buy and it is still losing in p1, what is the point?

    @CG_SBCrumb so what is the goal of Capital Games? You do realize that your job is to provide a product to your consumers? If you do things like this and the entire past year, you will keep losing consumers. This move has the top players in an uproar. If they start quitting or stop spending, will you all then listen? What will happen to you if your consumers all leave? You are unemployed sir. Do you or anyone at CG even have a business degree? Your company clearly has a bad business model and doesnt know how to run an effective business.

    Bad form Capital Games, bad form.
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    I went back and listened to Galactic War Report's recent interview with Crumb and Erik and heard something kind of interesting. I think there are two ways to interpret the following quote, but the below is something CG_Erik said when talking about content:

    "It's not necessarily fun to play the same event over and over and over again, when the challenge isn't changing - there isn't something about the puzzle that's changing. Just moving back the difficulty level, isn't, you know that's not a sustainable method that we can use; that becomes not very fun before too long."

    I don't know how to take the part that is italicized. Is "moving back the difficulty" referring to making something easier or harder? If it means releasing easy stuff then yea, we will blow through it and be clamoring for more "new" content soon after. If it relates to making "new" content harder and harder, it's ironic that they recognized that isn't a great way to go, yet they release something like LSTB anyway.

    Anyway, I just thought it was interesting to hear their thought process here, take it for what it's worth. Hoping a tweak of some sort is coming soon because the current state of LSTB is not enjoyable.
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    Time for some communication from CG about this major **** up...
    Only reason most of us are playing is addiction... but with such a slap in the face it will get many of us of the addiction hook.
  • Dk_rek
    3299 posts Member
    StarDog89 wrote: »
    I went back and listened to Galactic War Report's recent interview with Crumb and Erik and heard something kind of interesting. I think there are two ways to interpret the following quote, but the below is something CG_Erik said when talking about content:

    "It's not necessarily fun to play the same event over and over and over again, when the challenge isn't changing - there isn't something about the puzzle that's changing. Just moving back the difficulty level, isn't, you know that's not a sustainable method that we can use; that becomes not very fun before too long."

    I don't know how to take the part that is italicized. Is "moving back the difficulty" referring to making something easier or harder? If it means releasing easy stuff then yea, we will blow through it and be clamoring for more "new" content soon after. If it relates to making "new" content harder and harder, it's ironic that they recognized that isn't a great way to go, yet they release something like LSTB anyway.

    Anyway, I just thought it was interesting to hear their thought process here, take it for what it's worth. Hoping a tweak of some sort is coming soon because the current state of LSTB is not enjoyable.

    Dahmer, manson, bundy etc ppl tried to infer what they were thinking
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    There’s nothing fun about these new TBs.

    Gearing up characters most of us don’t care about isn’t fun.

    Geo TB is a chore. Most of the time I just set the battle to auto and by the time it’s all over I’ll get 54-57 wins in DSTB.

    This light side I couldn’t even beat a single wave. A character that is g12-13 with relics should be able to do something other than dying so quickly.

    Whoever makes these decisions in CGs isn’t smart!

    I geared up Geos only to see the Sith Trio get over 60 points in Grand Arena.....I don’t see myself making gear and relics in some stupid crappy clone characters that I care nothing about.

    Others wanna do it? Fine.....but I’m not!
  • Blackbeardpepe
    1481 posts Member
    edited December 2019
    I'm modded to fight drevans, but yikes that's bad.

    Edit: I'm having more fun watching the forums burn up than playing the game. What's going on?
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    Calm down, this happened for DS hoth tb before and they will dial back down the difficulty.

    That's really not an excuse. The fact they repeated the same mistake is further proof that they don't care about us or that they are greedy cash grabbers.
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    Looooki wrote: »
    Not this time bro @No_Try... This time I disagree with u... Not when the desire for new content is so high... And where the hype of it all is...

    This is the end game for Galatic Republic for now... And it ended as if order 66 is against all players

    No this is not. This is Phase 1. There are 4. And they will get harder each phase.

    You think "this" is endgame. It is not. Phase 4 is, and you won't be doing it now, or anytime soon.

    Because......... there is a level increase coming. A relic ability coming. We are NOT in the endgame stage to do it. We don't have the tools.

    They are putting this out there, knowing we can't complete.

    In fact, if you look at the math, no guild could actually compete ships right now as it stands. You'd need a 6 mil avg per ship from all 50 guild members. We don't have that amount yet.

    And since I can't see phase 4, I'm guessing we don't have the requirements now.

    So - I'm going to guess but I'd say 90% of guilds that started this would switch to hoth if they knew how "difficult" it would be tuned.
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    Well, there is a bright side here. DS Geo fights take a fairly long time to complete. LS Geo takes almost no effort at all - you just deploy randomly and wait six days for your reward.
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    Polinski08 wrote: »
    This is NOT new content. @CG_SBCrumb all you guys did was take an old car, give it a paint job and drop a supercharged engine into it.

    Your company needs to be more transparent. If you tell your consumers what the future holds, are you scared they will leave? If so, ask yourself this question, Just because you can, should you be doing this?

    A good company tells its consumers a clear and concise message. Players will stay if you tell us, higher gear is coming, levels, relics, mods etc. We dont need to know the time exactly but an estimate. Explain how giving rewards hurts your companies bottom line?

    Crystal's is how your company makes money. Full g13 and r7 teams are not making 4/4. That is a problem. I have an extremely focused g13 and high relic team. In the 4 years I have played this game, I have spent in excess of 100k. I dont mind spending if I am getting something worth my money. What I dont want is to spend for a losing cause. If I have a maxed toon with nothing left to add or buy and it is still losing in p1, what is the point?

    @CG_SBCrumb so what is the goal of Capital Games? You do realize that your job is to provide a product to your consumers? If you do things like this and the entire past year, you will keep losing consumers. This move has the top players in an uproar. If they start quitting or stop spending, will you all then listen? What will happen to you if your consumers all leave? You are unemployed sir. Do you or anyone at CG even have a business degree? Your company clearly has a bad business model and doesnt know how to run an effective business.

    Bad form Capital Games, bad form.

    Whales talk and talk but it doesnt seem like they realize that they can just stop spending money if they dont like way CG is going since that is really what they care about.
  • Looooki
    1045 posts Member
    RawdSW wrote: »
    Well, there is a bright side here. DS Geo fights take a fairly long time to complete. LS Geo takes almost no effort at all - you just deploy randomly and wait six days for your reward.

    Now that is positive thinking. I like u bro ❤️❤️ even though it hurts getting my **** kicked... At least it would be over fast...
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    Dear EA,

    It’s obvious your going to be raising the level cap and releasing T6 mods by the next LSTB. My question is... why not just do this before the release of this content? This content is obviously not tuned for the current character maxes as evidenced by Phase 1 performances of full r7 squads achieving between 1-3 waves (with 3 being rare and normally reserved for GAS). This kind of move reminds me of the one or two professors I had back in college that took pride in failing the majority of their students by giving tests on material that was contained neither in the materials nor in their lectures. I’m sure they thought it made them seem even more intelligent when in actuality it just meant they were really, really bad at their primary job.

    Frustration increases spending.
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    If their intention is to tease us with impossibility and then come later and raise our cap to compensate then it just proves they have no interest in the game itself or it's fan base. I can't think of ANY long standing game that works this backward. You release a new raid and a road map to achieve that raid AT THE SAME TIME. That way your players are aware of what they must do to get there. You don't go and add mirror content and make that content impossible for mirrored players. If you are planning to introduce a new level cap, do it when you introduce NEW content.
  • Kyno
    32087 posts Moderator
    TAureliusC wrote: »
    SithAmer wrote: »
    TAureliusC wrote: »
    Kyno wrote: »
    Dk_rek wrote: »
    Kyno wrote: »
    Joegetta wrote: »
    @CG_SBCrumb I have one question and you don't have to elaborate or explain anything. A simple yes or no will do. Could you please answer. Is this LSTB working as intended?

    100%, yes this is WAI.

    Lol lets hear it from the MANAGER or is he on leave

    Clown world

    I actually heard this from Tophat.

    Take it or leave it, but it is the answer.

    Do you tell your clients to take it or leave it the same way you just told us?! I would say change your tone or else you have no business doing client facing work, anywhere.

    Thank you

    Just to clarify, I think Kyno does not work for CG.

    I know kyno doesn’t “work” for CG/EA, but kyno represents them as a volunteer to “moderate” their forum. Not getting paid to do something doesn’t change the relationship between kyno and CG/EA. I have CG_SBCrumb about kyno’s attitude already, but I’m not expecting a reply anytime soon.


    I can assure you with 100% certainty that the "tone" or "attitude" that you perceived from my comments was placed there by you. I said that with a laugh and a smile.

    I have no authority to ask people to believe what I say, to me this statement was made with a light heart, because that's the type of person I am. I see you seem to think I meant that with some slight or attitude, but my tone (or better, the tone you hear in your head) is not placed there by me.
  • 3pourr2
    1927 posts Member
    edited December 2019
    Austin9370 wrote: »
    Austin9370 wrote: »
    Drim wrote: »
    We would have picked Hoth if we would have known that it’s in possible to participate..A bunch of us we’re looking forward to our at least 5700 GET1 for G$ shards..

    Do you not recall when CG blocks off content as it's not intended for everyone, there are cries of "let us choose", "it's a slap in the face to not let us try".

    You’re trolling every thread regarding this. Choosing is fine as long as we know what to expect; I’m 5.2m gp in an end-game guild and we will be surprised to get about 5 stars. Obviously if they came out and said “your relic teams will struggle to even clear 4/4 on p1” as opposed to “150m gp guilds is the minimum”, we may have chose differently.

    Counter opinion ≠ trolling. This impacts one TB. There are plenty of people having success. Leverage this into next TB and the complaints about difficulty are moot.

    So how does this power creep effect difficulty of all other game modes? Won’t all existing content be so easy it will just need simmed? I seriously doubt they will rework the entire game because of power creep they brought.
  • ShaggyB
    2390 posts Member
    Phase 2 of special mission.

    Now the other missions 0/4 complete wipeouts
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    Cmon everyone .. it’s the holiday season! Where’s your spirit of GIVING (to greedy CG)? They only gross about 13 million off this game per month.. The devs need to give each one of their family members their own house and sports car for Christmas! How do you expect them to do that unless they use YOUR MONEY to go from “filthy rich” to “ridiculous rich”? Cmon guys! JUST BUY THEIR CRAP! I’M SURE IT WILL ONLY COST AROUND $3000-$4000 TO GET WHERE YOU NEED TO BE. Can’t afford it? LEARN TO PRIORITIZE AND MANAGE YOUR REAL LIFE RESOURCES! Actually, I feel like the devs really deserve our gratitude. I’m going to go to the bank and take out a loan and just GIFT THEM $10,000 ... just for being the wonderful, thoughtful people they are.
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    3pourr2 wrote: »
    Austin9370 wrote: »
    Austin9370 wrote: »
    Drim wrote: »
    We would have picked Hoth if we would have known that it’s in possible to participate..A bunch of us we’re looking forward to our at least 5700 GET1 for G$ shards..

    Do you not recall when CG blocks off content as it's not intended for everyone, there are cries of "let us choose", "it's a slap in the face to not let us try".

    You’re trolling every thread regarding this. Choosing is fine as long as we know what to expect; I’m 5.2m gp in an end-game guild and we will be surprised to get about 5 stars. Obviously if they came out and said “your relic teams will struggle to even clear 4/4 on p1” as opposed to “150m gp guilds is the minimum”, we may have chose differently.

    Counter opinion ≠ trolling. This impacts one TB. There are plenty of people having success. Leverage this into next TB and the complaints about difficulty are moot.

    So how does this power creep effect difficulty of all other game modes? Won’t all existing content be so easy it will just need simmed? I seriously doubt they will rework the entire game because of power creep they brought.

    I've thought the same thing. If they release a way to get full stars on this LS TB, the only things left will be PVP and the LS TB.

    I.E. this next goalpost seems too far out.
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    So someone did the math on reddit:


    Apparently you need perfect missions and an average of about 12m GP (roughly double the highest GP in the game currently) to get perfect stars on this TB. Which is impossible - for a looooooooooooooooong time to come. For any guild.

    I get the thought process behind making something that is end game for people to work towards and aspire to, but you guys overshot the target here a bit, don't you think?

    You've basically made an unplayable game mode where people who try it suffer with lesser rewards because the bar is set so much further away than it should be.
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    when people are happy that they cleared 1 or 2 waves of a 4 wave encounter - that's a telling sign that you made the difficulty a bit too high.
  • Fixer
    150 posts Member
    Kyno wrote: »
    Fixer wrote: »
    Btw Kyno I understand you pretty much have nothing to do with decisions I just hope you understand that you have been helping for free a bad cause lol

    I'm not here to support " a cause", I love the game.

    Anyone thinking its us vs them, is pouring energy into the wrong thing and in a negative way. We all want the same thing, which is a positive experience and a fun SW game that we can play.

    Love a game that is a mobile game... ok, want a positive experience and a fun SW game? Erm, I can see the fun in nostalgia and collection and progression in a game since its what everyone wants in real life but if we are real with ourselves it's fake. It's a game, it can be fun because it appeals to nostalgia but there's a hundred different ways to do that. Not to mention a bunch of different games that can actually be fun without fake progression in your face, that makes it seems like your getting there but nah actually although your gear 13 and your damage is doubled you can double it again with (insert new tech here) which doesn't give a linear progression that has a goal in mind just a clear gap to leap to remain anywhere near close to a goal.

    The fact you can love the monetization of fun and nostalgia and loving being able to play a SW game means you by default support the cause/method of mobile game design. So do I occasionally. The difference is that you also help them in much larger ways when they deserve no such help. People who get into this business model know they are preying on weak spenders who gamble and who have addiction and don't tell me you don't know that's how it is because it is that way and there's no denying it. It is "Us vs Them" it's that way from the outset when they make a freemium game to entice and desire big spends on digital goods. You compare this to a comic or a book or an online comic of star wars or a game from a fair bunch of years ago they never used the brand so insensetively and monetized their form of fun past attempting to cover expenses to commitment of time and make a small profit in relative terms to make it worthwhile.
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